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How and how to clean sewer pipes in a private house - methods and methods from an experienced master. How to clean the sewage in a private house? How to Clean the sewer

If you cleared all the pipes in the house, you can breathe easily? Not at all. It seems that everything seems to be cleaned - and sinking from shells, toilets and works in the bathroom. However, water can slowly disappear or simply stammer.

What to do in this situation? The problem is in blocking, which can be in sewer pipes, sun bed or elevator.

As a rule, the plug is installed either in one of these elements, or directly in the tube.

If water is from any plumbing and does not think to leave, the sewer tube is probably clogged. If water supplies the water supply system too slowly, it is likely that clogging is close to the drainage hose.

Coating scheme in the house.

  1. Fan.
  2. Sewer canal.
  3. Kitchen.
  4. Bathroom.
  5. Blocking at this point blocks the separation from the toilet and washbasin.
  6. Washer.
  7. Locking at this point prevents leakage from the sink.
  8. Obstacles prevent drainage of all water containers on the upper floors.
  9. Solar roof for solar cleaning.
  10. The locking unit blocks the drain for the whole house.

Basic methods for cleaning household collectors

Let's look at key methods that will make wastewater.

Chemical cleaning

How to clean the sewer system?

Various chemicals are commonly used for this purpose. However, they do not always succeed. For example, if there is a delay of several months or years, then the chemical effect will simply mix rough dirt, but will not eliminate it.

This will make the water stagn in a while.

Simple recipe for wastewater treatment. You need to bake juice (0.5 glasses), wine vinegar (1 cup), boiling water (1 liter).

The use of chemical cleaners should be very careful because it is a strong alkali. If he gets on the skin or does not give God the eyes, immediately wash them out and immediately consult a doctor.

Of course, such a shot should not be allowed to children.

Punching water

Another simple way to clean the sewer tube is to keep water under pressure. Usually you can do this with a garden hose that connects with hydrant. If the diameter of the sewer tubes is sufficiently small, this method can be successful.

Removal of sewage water.

The method is very effective.

Tale of the magic cable and bokeh or on how to clean the sewage in a private house

However, never use it after using chemical breakfast agents. Because if water under pressure does not face a plug, it will come out, all saturated chemistry.

Before blowing under pressure, hang the hose with a cloth and firmly insert it into the hose.

Even diluted alkali can cause great damage, so be careful.

Cleaning channels wire

Wires, spirals or cables are often used for punching sewage.

The wire used manually must have a length of up to 10 meters.

By the way, there are special automatic devices that use spiral cleaning pipes.

Later we will describe them in the same article.

To prevent blocking when closing, you must remove the plug out of the hole you want to clean, and insert the wire into it.

Remove the plug out of the cleaning hole and use the wire. Bend it in different directions until the blocking is interrupted. Then delete the second cork and try to break the block on the other side. Close the screws, open the water and make sure that you can cope with blocking.

The cleaning of the hole is usually a short tube that is directed up and ends with a plug.

If the lock is not in the door, the cord must be pressed to clean the outside. To clean the hose with water, close all the plugs.

  1. Unscrew the plug, be careful - the air in the tube can squeeze it.
  2. Clean the lock in the trunk sewer tube from the trap.
  3. If there is a sealing unit or sewer pipe, remove the cork with the cleaning holes, close the curtain stopper and secure the high pressure hose piston.
  4. Bung.
  5. Litter.
  6. In the sewer system at home.
  7. Total sewage sewage.
  8. Line.
  9. Plutovinec.
  10. Sewage deck.
  11. Cleaning holes.
  12. Riser.
  13. Tube.
  14. Plutovinec.

When blocking is in the deck, you must use a common shutter to access it.

Adjust along the rope to the purified opening nearby. After cleaning, open the hole and the water supply into the sewer.

Spring wire for cleaning small dawn in the sewer system at home.

Often there are several cleaning branches in the sewer system.

As a rule, they are located in the basement or concrete ceilings between the floor.

At the bottom of the riser, the hole is cleaned, which is ideal for removing the dawns in the sewer system.

Unscrew the plug and use the wire or cable. In addition, you can also use a large amount of water from the pipe as an option.

  1. Riser.
  2. Litter.
  3. Sewer tube.
  4. Cleaning holes.
  5. A pen.
  6. Line.
  7. Plutovinec.
  8. Instead of a stream, you can use a pipe with water.

Often with these bridges for cleaning access to sewage, which comes out of the house.

Such holes are usually located somewhere between the collector or the village and the system of pipelines of the house.

In the house, the cleansing pump is usually located at the bottom of the rising.

Remove the crane crane. Be careful - water that accumulates in the crane will flow out of the hole. It is advisable to wait until all the water that is scored due to the clogging of the system will end.

Blockade punishable with wire or rope

Now you can work with wire and insert it into the hole.

The coupling looks like a soft and flexible mass that will not allow you to return the wire.

When you come across resistance, continue to turn the wire and put it forward. In this case, you should not press the wire only on the lock - pull it to yourself, turn and move forward until you achieve success.

Sometimes the blockade is easily pulled out of the pipe, especially if it is a soft object as a fabric.

If you can't get into the obstacle, try to change it accordingly to the wire.

Spring wire kit for professional cleaning blocks.

When the blockade is cleaned, screw the drain plug into place, then rinse the pipe with water.

You can do it, for example, with running water in the toilet or just with a garden hose.

Wire for manual cleaning.

An example of using a cleaning cable with a manual nozzle.

Often the fork of transparent hole is very distorted. Take WD40 or ordinary carving oil and correctly process the threaded socket.

Then take the key and cancel it. Sometimes a small hose may be provided to the key, which allows to increase the length of the lever and, therefore, forces.

You do not need to prove your heroic power, otherwise you can move the fastener of the pipe itself.

The easiest way to unscrew the plug is to trim it with ordinary bit, then click on the chisel inserted into the removal with a hammer and unscrew the plug.

Another option for cleaning the ventilation or sewage system is to use the roof wire, as shown in the diagram below.

To clean the ventilation and drainage lifting channels, you can use a wire or rope, which is driven directly from the roof of the house.

  1. Insert the cable into the sewer.
  2. Fan.
  3. Ceiling ceiling.
  4. Sewer canal.
  5. Drainage channel sewage.
  6. Litter.
  7. Intermediate floors.
  8. Expansion to several plumbing plants.
  9. To the sewer and cleansing chute.
  10. Probable blockade.

After cleaning the tube again, rinse the entire system with a garden hose from the ceiling.

Be sure to check that the water is made of washbasin or toilet. If so, then the blockade is still installed and water must be disabled. Use the wire or cable again and try as if test tubes.

In a particularly hopeless situation, a piece of pipe is removed to remove the lock.

Unfortunately, sometimes there is no other way to get rid of it. In such a situation, a piece of pipe is cut to get a dirt or any object. Then there is no need to rebuild the pipe section - it is better to make additional cleaning on this site.

Video on the use of hydrodynamic technology for cleaning sewer pipes

Internal wastewater clogged worse than ever before.

It is not surprising that while concentrated detergents containing paved substances, as well as fats that constantly accumulate on the walls of the pipe, then fall on the ground again and clog the throat and completely block the pipe.

Video sewage overview

Learn how to use a specific camcorder for the seismic lock analysis and take the necessary steps to remove it.

Wire and rubbing

As a rule, closing operations begin to use the simplest means.

Elemental of them - Vanutuz, the correct use of which is described in the relevant article. If it does not help, in a bag or so-called toilet wire with a handle enters a screw that allows you to destroy strongly scored tubes.

If, however, the wastewater is so clogged, it is so important that these methods do not help get into the well and a special nozzle with a wire for wastewater treatment.

Looks like it.

Cleaning the drainage tube with a wire drill.

This method allows you to fully clean the mechanical locks.

By the way, in fact it is a manual cleaning, which has a special drill for drilling. Thus, you can manually work with it, but the effectiveness will be, of course, much lower.

Use a wired drill.

The offense has no options.

Electricity without drilling

Here, such a model equipped with an electric motor ensures the same method that is described above, but without the need for drilling. Made of compressed aluminum, this tool is equipped with an inner drum, which is wound with the cable.

The reversible engine with ball bearings provides different speed of rotation. The maximum cable length is 25 meters, which is enough to drain almost all sewer systems.

Electric cable with blades

If the roots of the trees penetrate the channel, the described methods are not applicable. The method shown in the diagram below will help solve the problem. We are talking about the power cable. This is the most powerful, highly efficient and uncompromising tool, available only for the home owner.

Electricated sewage in action.

It is enough to buy this kit once and easily remove even the most terrible and impermeable blockade in the house or cottage.

To clean wastewater from the roots of trees, the blade cable and an electric motor that will turn off all malfunctions.

When the device is turned on, connect the cable to the hose. When the cable breaks, fill the water in the system and move the cable in front of it to get rid of the locks.

  1. The blades that change the position are tightly adjacent to the walls of the pipe.
  2. Sharp blades cut out an obstacle.
  3. The drainage curve is above ground level.
  4. Litter.
  5. Land.
  6. Outdoor wall at home.
  7. Blade strings.
  8. In urban channels.
  9. Sewage deck.
  10. Sewer canal.
  11. Cable gasket on the steering wheel.
  12. Electric drive
  13. Cable.
  14. Cleaning.

Electric cable with blades for complete wastewater treatment at home from any clogging and dirt.

Machine for professional cleaning wire with electric motor.

The model in its functions is similar to the model shown above.

The cable of the electric drive allows you to get rid of even the strongest cork, since the blades may ultimately cut all obstacles.

However, this problem often arises due to the fact that young trees are planted near the sewer pipe, which is strictly not recommended.

Signs of clogging
Methods of preventing and eliminating slaves

Sewerage is one of the best inventions of humanity, which allows you to get rid of wastewater and liquid waste without collecting them and without removing them from home. However, for this convenience it is necessary to pay: random dumps in graduation pipes that impede the normal functioning of the system.

We describe the cleaning of sewer pipes in a private house below.

Signs of clogging

Evidence that the time of cleaning sewer pipes in a private house:

Usually in the summer and in the fall, frequent steres with hacking in private houses are blocked, since during this period the water consumption is most importantly due to the preparation of empty parts by winter.

And when washing mushrooms, fruits and vegetables, a large amount of dirt and ruins fall directly into the drainage system.

Therefore, at any time and at any other time it is necessary to have different means and devices for cleaning pipes in a private house.


The awareness of the causes of traffic jams in the channel allows not only to reduce the likelihood and frequency of this event, but also choose the most appropriate means for cleaning sewer pipes in a private house.

In particular, the reasons for the formation of dawns depend on the material in the production of the pipe.

Cast iron pipes

Such products are used in most old houses in which communication elements have not changed.

The casting material has many advantages, and especially this material is durable and has characteristics of noise preventing, which allows you to most effectively clean the channels.

However, the lack is extremely important: the alloy is subject to corrosion. As a result of the gradual destruction of iron on the inner surface of the pipe and so roughly, irregularities are formed even more, which are deposited during the operation of fat, garbage and other alien inclusions, redirects water.

After a while, the amount of precipitation becomes critical and stops.

Very difficult cleaning of such products and the fact that it is impossible to accurately determine where the plug was formed.

Most often he is a commander who thinks how to clean the sewer pipes in a private house, paying attention to the following gas pipelines:

  • part of the message between discharges in the kitchen and bathroom;
  • Interval, including the length of the pipe from the toilet to the elevator.

Plastic pipes

The inner surface of macromolecular tube connections is very smooth, the accumulation of lubrication in it is difficult, but it is still the owner of the sewer system, from time to time looking in a private sewer workshop.

In most cases, pipes in plastic pipes (as a rule, the material of their manufacture - polypropylene or polyethylene) is due to errors in the installation of the pipeline.

What is the cleaning of wastewater in a private house

In particular, homeowners sometimes ignore the need to comply with the plumbing pipe on one pipe.

Blocks of the main ingredients

Regardless of the materials used for the production of pipes, the most important reason for the formation of congestion and search traffic, such as sewing sewer pipes in a private house, is home fat.

During a container washing or after leakage of wastewater in the sink due to its viscosity, it is saved and held inside the pipe. In a fat layer dirt, dirt, sand, hair and other particles begin to pollute, which leads to the formation of a plug without proper cleaning.

Methods of preventing and eliminating slaves

Cleaning the tube is not always inevitable, sometimes it can be prevented from behind the plugs or it can be delay as possible as possible.

How to deal with fatty dams

The above mentioned that the main cause of fat blocking; Therefore, you can prevent future blocking in the sewer system or reduce its number.

This result can be achieved by installing a lubricant (or lubricant trap), a grease separator.

The devices are divided into industrial and domestic and consist of two compartments:

  1. In the first part, liquid waste is filtered and mechanical impurities are removed;
  2. In the second case, fats are separated, and then the treated waste falls into the sewer system.

The installation of the separator occurs under the sink, and it is not difficult.

Fast way to get rid of traffic jams

If there are still clogging in the pipes before cleaning the sewer pipe by expensive tools, you can try two simple and efficient folk methods.

In any case, you must first close the crane and wipe dry dish, and then:

  1. The first method is carefully and slowly pour boiling water into the drainage hole.

    If the water in the pipe disappears with increasing speed, the measure must continue until the speed reaches a normal level.

  2. Another way is to prepare something in advance for connecting the sink, fill half a glass of soda into the tube, then add the same amount of vinegar and quick disconnect screw; After some time, remove the fork, you must put a hose with hot water.

Using household chemicals

Before using any product offered on the market, protect the skin and respiratory system with protective gloves, respirator and glasses.

In addition, fresh air should get into the room.

The tool for cleaning the pipes is divided into acid and alkaline and does not mix them during use. It is also not recommended to simultaneously use two different substances.

Among the most popular songs:

  • "KRTICA";
  • "Pothan";
  • "Sanford"
  • "Mr. Muskul";
  • Domestos.

Each of these substances has instructions for use, but in general, the procedure is as follows:

  1. The required amount of substance is poured into the drainage tube or closed.
  2. Add about 0.5 liters of hot water, sometimes clog the hole.
  3. Give the ingredient to stand for about 15 minutes, then rinse the contour by some bucket with water.

Sometimes the chemical method does not give the expected result; In this situation, you need to know how to pierce wastewater in a private house in other ways (also read "How to break the hose in the kitchen - select the optimal cleaning method").

Mechanical method

In this case, the pipes are filled with boiling water and purified by their typical displacement of the ventilation hole. If the result is not satisfactory for the first time, you can repeat the action until it is fully cleaned. Also read: "How to clean the print stop - methods and cleaning rules."

Hydrodynamic method

To clean these methods in a pipe under pressure supplied by a stream of water water.

Depending on the existing equipment, you can use a mini-liner of the machine (for products with a diameter of 50-300 mm), various pumps or professional cleaning devices with nozzles of different sizes. Also, read: "How to telecase sewer pipes, diagnostic rules".

Using cable

Plumbing cable is a vitain wire.

To properly use it, remove the sink siphon and hold the wire with one hand for a special ring or loop intended for inserting the free end to the hose.

After the movements rotate, the cable moves forward along the communication element, periodically cleaning and cleaning the dirt.

At the end of the tube process, rinse with hot water.

Chemistry for cesspools and toilets, choose preparations

1.Assortment of chemistry for cesspools
2. Application of biopreparations for cesspools
3. Chemical preparations for cesspools

Behind the sewer systems in a private house requires constant care, otherwise the cesspool can score.

If a similar problem arose, you should not use the first submitted means to solve it. Not one year in many foreign countries for septula cleaning, live bacteria use, intended for the processing of waste, and chemicals for cleaning cesspools.

Assortment of chemistry for cesspools

Biopreparations for cesspools are funds consisting of organic microorganisms, which actively react with organic waste (more details: "Biopreparations for cesspools - choose cleaning tools correctly").

Such drugs for sewage sealing tanks have a complex of living bacteria, processing feces, and useful enzymes.

They differ in sensitivity to such connections as:

  • aldehydes;
  • alkali;
  • phenols;
  • acids;
  • chlorides.

Bioactivators convert uncleanness into a mass, which is safe for people and the surrounding nature.

From waste, high-quality organic fertilizer is obtained, which can be used, for example, to care for the garden.

Chemical preparations for cesspools and biopreparations were widely used for wastewater treatment, which are formed in the process of household human resources.

Application of biopreparations for cesspools

Biopreparations for street toilets can be used when the air temperature ranges from 4 to 30 degrees of heat.

In the cold season, chemicals are used for cesspools, but many of them are capable of significant harm to the environment. Therefore, in recent years, many homeowners and subsidiaries prefer the strains of living bacteria, if the temperature regime allows (read: "The means for cleaning cesspools and toilets, choose the most efficient").

Apply bioactivators for street toilets, septicists and pits in order to decompose waste - human activity results (read: "Septic for toilet - device variants").

They effectively solve the problem of waste disposal and maintaining ecological equilibrium.

Biological means allow:

  • prevent the reproduction of pathogenic organisms;
  • fight unpleasant odors;
  • prevent the formation of poisonous evaporation and gases.

They do not irritate the mucous covers of human organs and the skin of the hands.

From biological preparations for cesspools, the doctor has proven itself well, the doctor's doctor, packaging with which is available in the photo.

It is a potent and very effective mixture consisting of 6 species of bacteria strains specifically designed to dispose of sewage and waste that is not subjected to biodiversity (read also: "The tool for sewers - how and the better to clean").

These microorganisms are able to dispose of detergents, fats, phenols, etc. The use of this tool allows to reduce the number of challenges of the association equipment, eliminate the stench and increase the degree of disposal of solid particles in the drains.

Such biopreparations as Dr. Robik possess the following advantages:

  • environmental Safety;
  • durability to household chemicals;
  • the destruction of unpleasant odors;
  • effective processing of various organic, feces, paper, fats;
  • absolute security for people, plants and animals;
  • the need for assessing services is reduced.

When biological preparations and chemistry are used for toilets and cesspools, the contents of the package are diluted in water, poured into a bucket, and poured into a sump or means from the package are poured into the toilet and wash off several times.

Bioactivators are divided into biopos and biopreparations.

The first of these is non-toxic compositions consisting of enzymes and microorganisms, significantly accelerating the decomposition of sewage drain.

The use of bioactivators increases the speed of natural purification. Due to this, organic substances in drains fall on gas, water and precipitate. Il accumulates not so quickly, and the septic tank will have to be cleaned no more than 3 times during the year.
Bioactivators are also produced in the form of granules.

If they have the shape of the tablets, they are placed in the toilet and chemical falls into the cesspool, being in an active condition. Today, many manufacturers work on expanding the scope of their use in terms of primary purification. Bioochemical allows you to penetrate into the layers of fibers and as a result, a complex organody is converted into simple compounds that form a mineral precipitate.

How to clean the sewer at home

These deposits in time are populated by alive bacteria. At the outlet, water and carbon dioxide is obtained.

Today, scientists managed to realize such an idea as the cultivation of microorganisms capable of processing naturally wastewater.

There are also fluids for cesspools, for example, Vaist Trit biological preparation.

It is safe from an ecological point of view complex, which contains 6 anaerobic crops of bacteria that quickly recycled feces and household waste in cesspools and in all types of septic.

This drug also eliminates the stench.

This liquid:

  • fully cleans the drainage system laid to the drain pit;
  • destroys bad smell;
  • cleans toilets and septic tiles located on the street;
  • reduces stock volume and waste in cesspools.

Septic is an individual sewage treatment plant designed to clean household and economic drains coming from private households where there is no central sewage.

In the process of functioning in sewer septic structures, a method of gravitational settling and biocoction using biological products is used.

Septic tanks have daily performance in the amount of 2 -12 MI. Waste fluids are about three days in it, and at this time the drop-down precipitate is compacted and simultaneously exposed to aerobic decomposition. This sewage treatment plant has a hermetic case, which consists of three cameras.

Sewing water falls into septicity.

Chemical preparations for cesspools

Currently, not only bio drugs are widely used for cleaning yams, but also chemistry for a cesspool toilet. Recent means are produced mainly in powdered state. They perfectly purify wastewater and produce waste disposal in composts and toilets, freeing the sewer pipes from fat deposits.

Cleaning of cesspool of chemistry has several advantages, since chemicals:

  • have the ability to function efficiently at any temperature;
  • do not fear aggressive impurities, hard water.

In the same time:

  • their use is negatively reflected in the state of the environment and the sewer system as a whole;
  • metal elements used in the arrangement of sewage treatment structures are destroyed.

For cleaning unclean, such chemistry is used for cesspools:

  • formaldehyde is the cheapest chemical agent for household and economic waste.

    Another 5-10 years ago, it was widely used everywhere. But then it was proved that this tool is very toxic and has a high degree of carcinogenicity. To date, formaldehyde was removed from production;

  • nitrate oxidants - are nothing more than nitrogen fertilizers. They are used to clean out street toilets and cesspool sewer. They are environmentally safe and consist of surface-active substances that dilute organic drains and waste.

    Nitrate oxidizers have an increased detergent, and their effectiveness does not reflect the presence of detergents in the waste liquid;

  • ammonium compounds are considered excellent disinfectants processing feces. They are also effective in part decomposition of waste. This chemistry for cesspool eliminates unpleasant odors and speeds up the decomposition of waste into components.

    But ammonium compounds are worse working in the presence of detergents and ineffective in aggressive environments. It is important that the moment that the effect on the environment of ammonium compounds is not thoroughly studied. If they are engaged for a cesspool, it is necessary to be extremely careful when cleaning it. It is desirable to merge these waste into specially equipped ditches, and the best services will be best useful.

It is necessary to know that none of the modern chemicals is capable of turning feces into compost.

How and how to clean the sewer pipes in a private house - methods and methods from an experienced master

Cleaning sewage in a private house

Many owners of cottages occasionally face problems in the wastewater. The first disturbing signs of impending trouble can be to reduce the capacity of engineering communications.

Often there are unpleasant odors, testifying to the appearance of sludge deposits. Sometimes in the early stages can help clean the sewage in private house on their own. Standard vanatoux and some proportion of perseverance and hard work can sometimes work wonders. Unfortunately, it is often necessary only to interfere with professionals with an appropriate knowledge base equipped with relevant equipment.

Technological features

It must be said right away that the finished action plan appears only after assessing the situation in place.

Tens of nuances are taken into account. Experts evaluate the design features of the system, the diameter of the pipes and the slopes that allow you to identify the real state of affairs. The following information will help to understand how breaks around the house or cottage, carried out by experts, occurs:

  • To understand the current situation, the causes of the occurrence of the interface will help video evidence.
  • A chemical method suggests the use of special means is extremely rarely.
  • Until now, justifies itself a time-tested mechanical method at which the cable is used.

    This workflow in many cases is automated, allows not only to eliminate the current problem, but also prevent its appearance in the near future.

  • Special attention deserves hydrodynamic clearance, which has proven its effectiveness in practice. With its help you can fight with particularly complex, launched clouds.

Simple prevention

Always use protective nets that prevent the penetration of large particles of food waste, garbage in the pipes.

If there is such an opportunity, set the dispenser in the kitchen. Periodically apply gentle agents that can remove at least part of the accumulated plaque. If the trouble happened, the emergency challenge remains the only reasonable way out. Call the dispatcher, describe in detail the current situation. The more details you specify, the better the exit brigade will be prepared. The cost of the service depends on the time spent, the level of complexity of the work and location of the cottage.

Do not forget that the best way of prevention than the competent gasket of engineering communications during the construction of your own house has not yet come up. Try to keep building standards and tolerances when erecting your housing.

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Experience more than 5 years

Our advantages

  • We work in Moscow and the Moscow region!
  • We have available prices in Moscow and the Moscow region!
  • Work of any complexity!
  • We use only certified equipment from Rothenberger, Preus, Ridgid, Rioned.
  • We work on cash and non-cash payments
  • I am pleased to provide free consultation by phone, around the clock
  • We are professionals in their case (all our specialists have tolerance of SRO)
  • Warranty and quality
  • Individual approach to each client
  • We will not cover the object until we make sure that the elimination of blockages in the pipes carried out perfectly and the sewer system will function without interruptions.

Each person at least once in his life came across such an unpleasant phenomenon as a sewage block, which not only delays water in the sink, but also causes an unpleasant odor. Unfortunately, few know how to clear the sewage cable. But this method can help you out when the chemical agents and canafuz are completely ineffective.

In order to understand how to clean the sewage with a cable and, in what cases it is relevant to apply it, it is necessary to consider existing types of blockages. Total class three types:

  • Operating blockage. The most common type that is formed as a result of the natural damping of pipes. Along with water in the sewer, various small garbage often penetrates: hair, food residues, fat and so on. Finding inside, they become the cause of the formation of deposits, which further contributes to failures in the sewer system. This type of blockage can be eliminated by cable;
  • Mechanical blockage. This species is most often due to human actions that violate the rules for the operation of the sewage. An extraneous object thrown into the toilet stains in a pipe, preventing the movement of wastewater. With a mechanical storage, it is appropriate to use a plumbing cable, but if the subject is rather large and dense, the equipment is unlikely to solve the problem. The exit is only the parsing of the pipeline;
  • Technological blockage. This type arises as a result of the wear of the system or, if when mounting the pipeline, errors were initially made. You can resort to helping the cable. But as long as the sewage system is reinstalled, taking into account all technical requirements, the problem will be repeated.

The sanitary cable copes perfectly even with complex types of blockage and, maybe ineffective only in a situation where a large foreign object becomes the cause of water obstruction.

Varieties of plumbing cables

Bring out the instructions on how to correctly clean the sewage cable, it is already necessary to have at least an initial idea that this equipment represents. Currently there are three main types.

Such a cable is made of galvanized steel metal. Simple words, it is a dense long wire, protected outside the shell. The diameter of the cable cable is 6 mm, and its length reaches five meters, which is absolutely enough to clean the sewage.

Due to its flexibility, but at the same time high level of strength, this device easily passes through the pipe, rich all available angles and joints. The cable tip is often dissolved in order to get the shape of the "brushes". Such an effect allows you to remove a plot from the pipe consisting of lumps of hair and wool.

The disadvantage of the cable view can be called its excessive softness, which prevents the cleaning of particularly complex blockages. This cable can be used for self-cleaning of pipes in an apartment or house. For the outdoor sewage of the buildings, it is not suitable.

Spring-scaling cable

This species is also used to clean the sewage at home. The device is a wolf wire, the diameter of which is usually 9 mm. The length varies from two to five meters.

The flexibility property allows the cable to quickly and easily move on sewage without the concern of its deformation. But at the same time, a large zoom can not be in force. Another disadvantage of this species can be called the difficulty of care for him, because in the central cavity, the dirt accumulates in the central cavity.

Spring cable

Such a cable is professional equipment capable of helping not only home types of pipes, but also a city sewage system. Due to its structure, this adaptation can cope even with the most complex types of blockage. You can find the cables of two diameters: 13.5 mm or 16 mm. And its length can reach 60 meters.

Depending on the structure, the spring cable has two modifications:

  1. With a rotating core;
  2. With a rigid core.

If the first type is convenient due to its greater flexibility, the second is used in cases where the blockage requires a device with special strength and increased punching ability.

A distinctive feature of the spring cable is the presence of his handle. She acts as a tensioner. In addition to the handle, the equipment can be additionally equipped with various kinds of nozzles. The view of the nozzle directly depends on the nature of the blockage and the configuration of the pipes.

How to clean the sewage plumbing cable

Those people who first think about how to clean the sewer at home with a cable, you can hurry to calm down, because this work does not require greater experience and can be easily done if you approach it with full responsibility.

Before starting work on cleaning, it's worth a couple of preparatory steps:

  • Inspect the cable for mechanical damage;
  • Make sure the strength of the attachment of the handle in the cable;
  • If the work will use nozzles, it is also necessary to assess their condition.

Such simple preparatory operations will minimize the risk of cable breakage at the time of sanitary work, which may further complicate the situation.

In order to effectively eliminate the existing blockage and not to damage the pipes, it is necessary to perform the work sequentially, according to the following steps:

  1. Splind the cable and start entering it into the hole of the sewer pipe. It is necessary to do it carefully and slowly in order to accidentally damage the plastic pipes;
  2. Pushing the cable until it reaches the seat location. At this moment it costs a little pulling equipment back and try to push it forward again. If this time the cable was freely passed further, it means that the barrier was not a blockage at all, but perhaps the junction between the pipes;
  3. If the zoom was still discovered, starting to perform progressively rotational movements. Due to such actions, the cable destroys the integrity of the blockage, separating it into small particles that can easily go through the pipes. It is advisable at this stage to pour hot water into the pipe in order to softening the blockage and facilitate its removal. As can be seen, the assistant in this case will be, as if it is impossible;
  4. If the zoom due to its nature is not pushing forward, it can be removed out with a special hook on a hook;
  5. As soon as the blockage was removed, carefully remove the cable and put the jet of boiling water into the pipe. You can start with a small pressure, gradually increasing it.

As can be seen, the use of a plumbing cable does not constitute a great difficulty. But besides this, there are several tips that will be useful in the question of how to clean the sewage cable in an apartment or house:

  • During the passage of the sewer tube, it is worth it from time to time to pull it out for the purpose of purification from the nanileous dust and dirt;
  • Rotational cable movements during operation should always be performed only in one direction;
  • If the plot is quite complex and requires a physical force on the cable, it is recommended clockwise. This reduces the likelihood of deforming equipment with strong presses;
  • Make sure that the sewage cleaning work was effectively carried out, you can see the resulting funnel during water drain.

Taking into account these tips, you can quickly and efficiently get rid of the crowding, without resorting to the services of professional plumbers.

Since the cable is not disposable equipment, it is worth familiar with how to properly carry out its storage. After use, the equipment must be thoroughly rinsed in hot water. It is appropriate to use detergents. Clean cable should be dried, wind and remove in a dry place for storage.

With proper care, the plumbing cable will be reset in difficult situations for a long time. Moreover, such a cable can be used to clean ventilation and chimneys. It is only necessary to purchase a suitable nozzle.

Sewer pipes can clog in almost every home. Sometimes it is not difficult to get rid of such trouble. But there are cases when the problem is global and requires a more difficult approach to its solution.

Most often, the zoom arises suddenly, but its appearance has several characteristic features, for example, the speed of water plum or the pipe occurs in an unpleasant odor.

Constantly to cause plumbers to clean the sewer system quite considerably, therefore everyone should know how to remove breaks in the pipes at home. This will be discussed further in the article.

The main tasks when the location is detected are the speedy determination of its occurrence and subsequent liquidation.

First you need to find out if there is a drain in other similar nodes associated with the sewer. It can be:

  • toilet;
  • sink;
  • bath.

If the recruited water does not leave, it will be quite difficult to solve such a problem, since it is associated with a clogging of a riser located on the first floor of an apartment building.

To eliminate such trouble, it is necessary to urgently call the worker of the Jeep or try to cope with this according to the technology that will be described below.

When the drain is not possible in one node, cleaning is carried out locally.

Mechanical methods for removing a blockage

To get rid of the trash cork, sometimes it is enough to use affordable means. If they do not help, you need to seek help from specialists.


In almost every home, it is necessary to have this simple plumbing tool that is a rubber bowl planted on a wooden handle.

Clearing sewage using this device is performed according to the following scheme:

If there is a small overflow, the hole is required to close the plug. Otherwise, the system will not be able to create the desired pressure.

Santechnic cable

When the plot of the pipe is caused by large household waste or a fat traffic jam, the vehicle may not cope with such a problem. A more efficient way is the use of a plumbing cable intended for such work.

This device is made of flexible steel wire with a cross section of 3-4 mm. At the end of the cable attached a handle. Today, such a device can be purchased in any specialized store engaged in selling similar equipment.

Application technique

  1. Open access to sewage, deleting siphon.
  2. The end of the device to enter into the pipe.
  3. Start rotating the instrument handle, slowly pushing the wire itself inside the cylindrical product.
  4. Periodically get a cable, considering the dirt and garbage from it.
  5. The procedure is repeated several times.

After removing the blockage, the sewage system must be rinsed with plenty of boiling water.

Chemical cleaning

To date, the chemical industry offers a wide range of various means designed to eliminate sewerage. Many of the compositions have already managed to prove their effectiveness, including:

Industry produces chemicals in the form:

  • powders;
  • gels;
  • liquid compositions.

All of them have about the same action aimed at dissolving deposits or debris. It is very convenient to use such chemicals: it is enough to pour a powder or pour gel into the sewer pipe, wait a while, then rinse the cylindrical product with a jet of hot water.

Before applying such a composition, you must read the instructions. Some chemicals are not intended for all sewer pipes. Their aggressive properties are able to destroy the coating of products, especially plastic.

Hydrodynamic cleaning

A hydrodynamic blow belongs to the potential removal method. To do this, the hose is inserted into the system, having a metal tip and several nozzles. Through them, under high pressure, the water dried through the walls of the pipe is supplied.

To carry out such work, it is necessary to have a pump capable of creating a 190 MPa pressure.

The nozzle begins to move under the influence of the reactive thrust created by the jets directed directly in the opposite direction. The closed sewage breaks through the nozzle. Due to the powerful flow of water, all sediments are removed.

The use of the hydrodynamic method is absolutely safe. They can clean any pipes, while the result is always only positive.

For such a hydrodynamic method of cleaning sewer pipes, a special device must have a special device. Such equipment is available in the following several modifications that differ in their dimensions:

  1. Manual. Work similarly to a household pump equipped with a hose.
  2. Petrol.These are powerful plants that remove blocks in sewage pipes of large diameters.
  3. Drum. Can only work from the electrical network, used to clean any system designed to remove waste.

Home Method

The main reason for clogging sewer pipes is considered a large accumulation of fat remaining on the walls of the product. With such deposits, boiling water copes well. Before using more stringent measures, it is recommended to simply wash the hot water system.

In addition, with fat, you can try to cope with the help of one folk agent. This will require vinegar and soda. Before you start cleaning the sewer similar composition, you need to make a special felt plug to close the drain.

First, the soda glass is falling asleep into the hole, then the same amount of vinegar is added. After that, the drain closes the plug. In the pipes begins a stormy reaction, there is a splitting on the walls of fatty sediments.

The same effect has lemon acid, perfectly replacing vinegar. This substance also actively interacts with soda and splits the accumulated fat. After cleaning, the sewage is washed with hot water.

Additional ways using soda

Halfpaths of salt mixed with half a glass of soda. The solution is poured into the hole of the sink and is left there for 10 hours. This method is recommended to use at night to prevent drain water.

Boiling water is poured into the hole of the sink with the addition of soda in proportion 3: 1. Cleaning the sewage products at home involves the use of vanza.

Deleting a blockage in cast iron and plastic pipes

It is known that the sewage, made of plastic, is rarely clogged. The inner surface of the products is made absolutely smooth, because on their walls almost never postponed fat. The only minus of the plastic system is the presence of bends and turns.

You can clean this sewage system with the help of modern chemicals presented in stores in a wide range.

Mechanical cleaning requires a great accuracy from an employee to accidentally damage the pipeline.

Get rid of blockages that appeared in cast-iron sewage, modern chemicals are not worthBecause they can cause leaks in places of compounds. It is better to use a mechanical way, such as a cable, vehicle or spiral.

It is important to know that blockages can cause not only fat. They are also formed due to solid particles sedated on the walls of the pipeline for a long time. The accumulation of waste is observed mainly due to improper laying of sewage cylindrical structures, when the corresponding slope is not withstanding.

It is impossible to get rid of chemicals from solid residues. To do this, you will need a mechanical cable or a special spiral machine.

Types of blockages and their differences


In the appearance of this type of trash cork, only fat is guilty. It is he who closes the smooth inner surface of the pipe. A fatty film is formed, which attracts any waste to themselves, accidentally falling into the cylindrical product through the draining.


The owner of the apartment itself becomes the culprit of such a blockage in most cases. The most frequent example is toilet paper that does not always have time to decompose. Over time, begins to form a blockage. From it you can get rid only with the help of special substances, actively corrupt paper.

Near siphon

This device is a kind of filter that does not pass into the room of unpleasant odors outgoing from sewage pipes. Over time, this element is clogged with fat and completely closed.

Cleaning the siphon should not cause special difficulties. It needs to be carefully unscrewed and rinse with a jet of hot water. To obtain a larger effect in the liquid, you can add a detergent, for example, Fairi. As a result, the mud accumulated in the siphon will be completely removed.


If the new apartment constantly arises a problem with the drain of water, and all the methods you apply to you do not give a positive result, in this case we are talking about technogenic cloud. It is impossible to eliminate, since the cause of such a phenomenon is considered an error made when creating a sewer system project. Today, such a problem is found quite often.


To avoid the appearance of blockages, the following preventive measures must be observed:

  1. Avoid getting into a drain hole of foreign objects that can overlap the free movement of water flow.
  2. Do not neglect the periodic cleaning of the siphon.
  3. Close the drain holes with special grease lattices. These devices block fat and other particles into the sewage system.
  4. Periodically, clean the drain hole with boiling water with the addition of a small amount of soda.
  5. If possible, install plastic sewers. The blockages will appear much less often, and their removal will not be much difficult.

Work should be started with the simplest method, and only when it is not possible to solve the problem, you can use more powerful means.

Not every homeowner knows how to clear the sewer pipe at home from a cloth. Not everyone knows how to make the specified work quickly and efficiently, especially if it had to face this problem for the first time. Any sewage problems are stress for the owners, the more stable congestion, because right?

We will help you with the solution of this task. In the following article describes in detail the methods for determining the location of traffic jams and in practice, ways to get rid of it. To the help of independent plumbers, photos and video recordings for cleaning pipes using pipes are given.

If you find that the water merges badly and there is an unpleasant smell, then the resulting blockage is to blame. The smaller the problem is, it is easier and easier to get rid of it. Therefore, to begin with, it is necessary to determine the cause of the trash cork.

# 1 problem - accumulated fat

Fat-settling on the walls of the pipes is caused by the majority (about 70%) of traffic jams. Most often, such a block appears in the kitchen: the sink, draining from the dishwasher - the most problematic zones.

Such accumulations are formed slowly: their inner layer is jelly-like, and the external, adjacent to the pipes, more shot down. They are formed, except fat, food particles, threads, etc.

The most frequent cause of the closed sewage is fat, which settles on the walls of the pipes after washing the dishes. Enough to shine a flashlight, and you can see the seat location

Problem # 2 - Heavy Waste

Heavy particles in weight provoke the emergence of technogenic blockages. From the total number of reasons, they constitute no more than 10% and appear most often in apartment buildings.

Heavyly believes: sand, garbage from repair, poorly washed solutions, toilet filler for animals, hygiene products, rags, wipes, toilet paper and newspapers entering the sewer through the toilet.

In addition, the mechanical tube in the pipes can "organize" organic waste - vegetable cleaning, onion husk, particles of products. Often, children's toys can be reasons for breaks - elements of Lego, beerts and any small items, accidentally falling into the sewer.

Scored siphon Often is the key cause of blockages, both in the kitchen and in the toilet. It needs to be asked about once every 2-3 months.

Problem # 3 - Hard items

Damage to the pipe can form a plug due to the fall into the system of solid particles of different sizes. For example, a piece of wood, plastic that can get stuck somewhere in the middle of the pipe.

There will be a different garbage and fat on this item. They will provoke the growth of a big traffic jam, which is not so easy to break. In a private house, the cause can be the deformation of a pipe adjacent to the main sewage, or the external pressure of a large item.

Problem # 4 - Unprofessional Mounting

Unprofessional installation of sewer pipes in an apartment or house can create large problems in the form of frequently repeated blockages.

Folk remedies for quick cleaning

Try to pour 2-3 liters in the sink, if the problem is only in the stuck slicer of soap. To quickly clean more complex blockages, but not compressed fat or dirt, you can use different soda-based mixtures. Before using such a mixture, you will pre-clean the surface surface and wipe it dry.

Soda and salt. A dry mixture of salt and soda should be filled into the drain (1 \\ 2 glasses) and leave at least 10 hours, and better - for the whole night.

Soda and vinegar. Mix half a cup of vinegar and as much soda, the resulting mixture should be carefully pouring into the drain, block it with a plug and leave at least 40 minutes, a maximum of several hours.

When the vinegar hill - immediately close the plug. If you can't achieve maximum tightness, the result will be zero. After cleaning in this way, it will necessarily with a large number of hot water.

Soda and boiling water. 1 cup of soda Dilute in 3 cups of steep boiling water and pour the drain hole with such a solution.

Called soda. 150 g of food soda need 15 minutes to warm on the cast iron frying pan. Then cool and dilute with cold water, pour the resulting stock mixture. After 2 hours, rinse with boiling water.

Blend of soda and vinegar. This is the perfect gentle prophylactic agent that does not hurt the pipe. The disadvantage is only the fact that to achieve the result you need a great consumption and compliance with the ideal conditions.

Also, the usual washing powder copes with small blocks. Push up 2-3 dimensional spoons or 1 cup of powder in stock and let the hot water for 5 minutes, and you can simply pour 2 buckets of hot water. If nothing helped, then use the purchased tools.

High-speed chemicals

If you need a quick result - use. There are a large range of stores on store shelves, which can be cleaned by sewage in the house . Such drugs can be: acidic and alkaline, dry or in granules, gels and liquids.

Carefully examine the instructions before buying, because various means are used for different types of pipes and blocks. Pay attention to the manufacturer's recommendations - if it is a means for prevention or only against fat traffic jams, then do not use it in other cases. Otherwise, you risk damaged or spoil the sewer or plumbing at all.

Get rid of fatty blockages in the kitchen will help with pitching, and acidic substances are used for garbage jams in the bathroom. After all, here the cause of the clogged sewage is, as a rule, are soap or hair.

What you would not have chosen, be sure to follow the precautions: use gloves, do not lean over the drain when you fall asleep the drug. Never use acidic and alkaline tools at the same time.

Here are some of the most purchased drugs to combat different types of traffic jams:

  • Mole And its variations - turbo or professional, gel or past. A universal tool that is perfect for both prevention and to eliminate the blocks that have appeared. You can pour or fall asleep overnight, leaving an open window.
  • Tyret Turbo- According to customer reviews, it best copes with fatty traffic jams in the kitchen. It has a caustic smell.
  • Domasetos.- This "universal soldier" is familiar with each mistress. It can be left overnight. It is suitable for all pipes and shells, in addition to traffic jams, kills microbes and raids.
  • Mister Muscle- Universal drug, copes with any traffic jams. Its active substances act quickly enough - about 1-2 hours, although experts recommend pouring overnight. There is no smell and dangerous vapor.
  • Buggy Pothan- Powerful chemical agent that will cope even with forged corks. It is necessary to use it as much as possible due to an active reaction and caustic odor: pour on an extended hand in a glove, unscrew your head, put on the mask. If you have allergies, then such a drug is better not to apply.

When using any of the described means, they certainly arma rubber gloves and, if possible, a protective mask. Also should not worry the drug in excess of the specified time, because it only hurts pipes.

After working with any chemistry, be sure to ventilate the room. If, after using such drugs, the water still does not leave, then use plumbing agents.

Overview of technical methods

If neither the people's methods nor chemicals helped to cope with traffic jams in the sewage, then the technical methods remain. These funds include plumbing tools that will help to cope with the clouds of any complexity.

METHOD №1 - We use vanatoux

This simple device consists of a rubber bowl and a wooden handle. If two sinks are installed, then you must simultaneously apply two vents. When there is no second vehicle, then the other drain is tightly close with a damp cloth.

To cleanse, install the vehicle so that it completely covers the drain, pour some water into the sink. Then you should vigorously move the handle up / down, at least 10-15. After that, water must merge with a characteristic sound. If this has not happened, then repeat your actions.

Vantuz can not be used on mounted washbasins - they will not withstand pressure, in addition, the device will not break the long-time pressed blockage. About how to delete, you will learn from the article recommended.

Vanatuz is suitable for cleansing the toilet from fecal plugs, as well as for cleaner pipes in the bathroom, but in cases with old traffic jams it is inffective

Please note that after such a cleaning, the pipes must be filled with cable or chemical agents and rinse with a large amount of warm water.

Method number 2 - clean siphon

The standard bottle siphon has a diameter of 30-45 mm - than it is less, the faster it is clogged. The removable part, which in shape resembles a bowl, is easy to unscrew.

Before cleaning the siphon, substitute the pelvis with water under the sink, dress gloves. Then, carefully unscrew it, a special cable or wire delete everything too much. Wash siphon, dry and screw into place. Check your job: you should pour water into the sink and if it quickly leaves, there is no longer a cloud.

From the cleaner of the siphon, it should be started with the storage facilities in the kitchen. If after that the plug remained, then use other additional methods

If you have a siphon of another kind, for example, tube, corrugated or triple, then go to the next method.

METHOD №3 - Take a plumbing cable

If you have plastic pipes installed, then anyone should be used as carefully.

In other cases, proceed by such instructions:

  1. Substitute a pelvis or bucket under the sink.
  2. Separately type water into any container - for cleaning the cable.
  3. Then unlock the siphon. Rinse and clean it.
  4. Grasp the cable handle, if not, then make it from the curved ring.
  5. Insert the end of the device inside the pipe. Then start slowly rotating it, waking deep into it - for this you should rotate the handle. Do it most carefully so as not to damage the pipe.
  6. With a certain periodicity, take it and clean it from contaminants in a predetermined container. If you stick to the seal, then this is a jam.
  7. Tighten the clean and dry siphon. Check all the details.
  8. Rinse the boiling water pipe.

Such simple repetitive actions will help to cope even with compressive stamps.

If the cable is not, then as an alternative, you can use a thick wire, forming a hook at its end.

With the help of a plumbing cable, any blockage can be printed. The main thing to act neatly and do not pierce the dirt on the pipe, and get it and throw it into trash

Sometimes the cable can be constructed from metal hangers: with the help of a tool, for example, bustard, you need to trim its ends so that the hook is to remove dirt.

Method number 4 - resort to hydrodynamics

This is the most effective way for "hard" cases. It uses only professionals. For example, to work with solid plugs in the middle of the pipe, to cleanse the sewage in private houses or the main sewage. Hydrodynamic professional instrument is used to read pipes with a diameter of 5 to 150 mm.

Cleaning is performed due to a tube with several types of water spraying under high pressure - up to 200 atmospheres. It is used both hot water and cold.

Hydrodynamic cleansing should be entrusted to professionals. With it, the main sewage, old cast iron pipes and sewage canalization in a private cottage

What of the technical methods of combating sewer garbage to use, solve only you. If the zago of the longtime or pipe is very old, then use the "All-B-1" method.

Method number 5 - solve the problem drastically

The universal or precast method will help in the struggle even with the most "harmful" blockage. The method consists of several steps.

If the first in did not help, then proceed to the next, and so on, while there is no trace from the plug:

  • preparation - Swing water, remove the remains of food and garbage, dry stock;
  • push out soda with boiling water in dry stock;
  • use the vehicle, then the cable;
  • fill overnight with a chemical agent, for example, Mr. Muscul or Mole;
  • pour a large amount of boiling water in stock, approximately 1 bucket or open a crane for several minutes.

This method almost certainly will save you from the boring problem.

How to secure sewer from blockages?

Below we give a few tips that in the future will help to avoid the formation of garbage traffic jams:

  1. Once in 2-3 months do light cleaning of pipes by folk remedies or daily at the end of the day, let the pipes of boiling water.
  2. Before washing dishes, remove the remains of food from the plates, wipe the excess fat, and throw it into the garbage.
  3. Do not learn hygiene products, wet and paper napkins, feline filler, sand, inorganic waste.
  4. Never clean the shoes in the sink. Try to remove the dirt over the garbage bucket.
  5. After washing the floors and very contaminated surfaces, pour water into the toilet, but not in the sink.
  6. In the toilet, place a bucket for paper, do not save water for washing, do not throw technical and construction trash in the toilease - glue, sand, cement, as well as large organic waste. To clean the toilet bowl, use special means from the tax.

Pay your attention to technical means that protect pipes from trash plugs.

A garbage truck or waste chopper is an expensive modern device that will extend the service life of the pipes and save your time. In addition, she will save you from problems with the clouds

Special meshes should be installed on each Stock: Kitchen sink, shower, bath. They will delay organic waste, partially fat, hair, sand, threads and other small items.

To prevent fat-feeding formation, use a special device :. The device is produced for industrial and domestic use and consists of two sections. Principle of operation: Streams passing through the filter system in the first container are cleaned of large garbage. In the second, special filters clean the water from fat.

To grind organic waste under the sink set. It is mounted under the sink, connected to sewage and connect to the network. The device can work instead of a siphon. The outlet is recommended not to be placed under the sink to insure it from wetting.

Compact chipsoruk will cope with all waste, ranging from vegetable trimming, bones, ending with birds from the bird, fish. Do not throw your hair into her, pieces of fabric, wool, otherwise the device just breaks.

All described technical devices - meshes, grease trap, chipper, after use should be carefully soaked and kept clean.

Obviously, the sewage system is an important element to ensure the normal functioning of any residential premises. It should be understood that it is a rather complex system for removing wastewater. At the same time, the occurrence of blockage in the bathroom, the soul or in the kitchen occurs even with the right use of plumbing and brings significant inconvenience.

Clean the sewer is independently possible, and there are many methods using various tools. Often, the emergence of such a problem is easier to prevent than subsequently deal with its elimination. In order to understand what to do if the pipe was hammered and how to remove the zoom with their own hands, you need to explore the following techniques and rules.

The man in the house is the key to success in the fight against the clouds

It is important to know the reasons for the sewer

To eliminate the problem and clean the sewer, it is important to find out the causes of the appearance of blockages. Over time, fat deposits accumulate on the internal surfaces of the pipeline network. Fragments of waste, formed lumps increase in size, reducing wastewater permeability. With the critical development of this process, the lumen of the pipe is completely overlapped with a mud plug, a mustor occurs in it.

The cause of frequent blockages may be too small or too much angle of tilt pipes, exposed during system arrangement.

In this case, the problem solving will be a complete replacement of the pipeline network. Full information about what should be the slopes in the sewer system should be in the article to score the sewer may also also have large foreign objects that have fallen into the system through the drain hole.

It matters the material from which the pipes are made: cast iron clogged more often than plastic. Frequent cause of blocks are lumps of hair, quickly crying mud sediments, so it is desirable to prevent them in contact.

We start with the definition of the location of "traffic jams"

How to break the pipe if she clogged? Before starting cleaning sewer pipes, you need to determine the location of the "traffic jam". This will greatly facilitate the performance of work. Most often bends of the pipeline network in siphons of sanitary devices and on segments of their connection with drain riser.

It is possible to determine the approximate location of the zero in the sewage network yourself. For this purpose, the functioning of the plum in various household plumbing devices is checked. For example, if water from the bathroom and toilet goes normally, and it does not leave the sink in the kitchen, the blockage was formed on the segment of connecting the sink to the drain.

Using Vanatouz, do not forget to overlap the safety hole in the sink

The situation is worse if the water does not leave all household plumbing devices, the reason in this case is to clog the total riser of an apartment building. In such a situation, it will not be possible to clean the sewage system, you will have to call the plunthrnik team, and the sooner the better, since fecal waters will begin to buy apartments.

Methods for cleaning sewage in private house with their own hands

Before starting manipulation of cleaning sewage, you should carefully disassemble the siphons of sanitary devices and rinse them with running water. It is also very often clogged with the bends of their pipes. Siphons purified from contamination are installed in place and checked in action.

If these manipulations have not led to success, and water from sanitary equipment does not leave, depending on the complexity of the problem, professional or household methods of sewage cleaning are used. At the same time use a variety of, sometimes unexpected funds and tools.

The first assistant is Vanutuz

Vanutuz is a comfortable and universal tool that must be made in the household. It is a handle with a rubber tip in the form of a suction cup. You should choose the most inexpensive tool at the cost, the length of the handle, the pressure of the pressure being created, the application in the design of the pressure gauge (there are such models!) Do not decisive effect on the efficiency of use in living conditions.

In the kitchen sink, it is also necessary to overlap the drain hole on the table top

The action of the vehicle is based on the formation of the hydraulic man, that is, on a sharp increase in pressure on one side of the obstacle. To do this, the suction cup of the rubber bowl of the tool is pressed against the drain neck and several sharp presses on the handle are performed. As a result of the increase in pressure, the saddle is removed, and the pipe is cleaned.

Can help the dense hose

Instead of vanza, you can use a dense hose. It works effectively when hot water is applied with high pressure. One end of the sleeve is put on the crane with hot water, the other is descended to the cleaned hole on the cleaned hole on possible greater depth.

Turning on hot water, you make reciprocating movements to the end of the hose facing the blockage of the pipe. The combination of the head of hot water and the squeezing effects allow you to destroy the resulting obstacle and restore the passability of the sewer system.

Classic genre - use of the cable

The classic method is the use of a plumbing cable. It is applied if the block is located far in the cavity of the pipe, or the obstacle is so tightly compressed that it is not amenable to the influence of a vestion or a hose with hot water.

Turning the cable, do not forget to use the rag for neat work

In the simplest version of the execution, this tool is a segment of steel twisted wire, one end of which is dissolved in the form of steel fibers or bent the crochet, and on the other there is a handle that allows you to give the system to rotational motion.

Complicating and reducing design elements (like a wool drum and rotation gear) do not have a practical value for use in domestic conditions.

Work, the essence of which is to extract the obstacle to crochet or pushing it into a wider highway, it is convenient to perform together with the assistant. One person monitors the tension of the instrument and directs the cable, and the other - gives the tool the rotational movement.

As soon as the end of the cable reaches a blockage and starts to destroy it, you need to pull the wire several times, trying to pull the lump of the mud. Then the water should be opened and continue the actions described above to complete recovery of the sewer pipe.

Dirty cable from the sewage is best placed in a bucket

When performing this, not a sterile operation, better stock bucket with clean water and rag. Rubber gloves will also not interfere. When removing a long cable from the system it is better to rub it right away or lowering in a bucket, winding the ring.

Advanced technology - electric cable

Rotation of wire with the help of muscular power leads to the cost of physical forces. To facilitate the execution of work on cleaning sewage, the plumbing cable is equipped with an electric drive. It is easiest to do this with a drill or a screwdriver, setting the speed of rotation of the devices to small rev.. Professional plumbers use to work power tools and various nozzles to remove blockage of pipes of various types.

Rechargeable screwdriver with a special nozzle simplifies the cleaning of sewage

You can clean the pipe with a vacuum cleaner, but carefully

Clean the sewer pipes at home can be using an ordinary vacuum cleaner. It will take a model in the design of which is provided by the function of reverse air purge. It is necessary to act, observing caution, as the combination of water and electricity is potentially dangerous.

The vacuum cleaner hose connected to the reverse air supply channel is wrapped to seal with rags and is sent to the cleaned hole. When the unit is turned on, a powerful air flow is formed, which pumps pressure in the pipeline system and breaks through the reinforcement in it.

After the operation is completed, do not forget to turn off the vacuum cleaner first, and then remove the hose. Otherwise, it is possible to irrigate the toilet products all around, without forgetting to themselves.

Application of the hydrodynamic machine

The most efficient cleaning of sewage pipes is achieved using a hydrodynamic machine. This unit submits to the place of education of blockage directed water jet, under high pressure destructive obstacles.

Professional equipment for elimination of blockages is at plumbing

Nozzles in the form of rotating nozzles are qualitatively cleaned by the inner surface of the pipeline network from all the contaminants existing there. Wastewater's passability in the sewer system is completely restored. Professional plumbers work on this equipment, and its operation requires special knowledge and skills. In this case, you will show enough autonomy if you invite plumbers by phone.

The effectiveness of chemical

The most "lazy" method of cleaning is the use of chemicals. This method is used if other ways to restore the system's performance do not want to apply at all, or they have not led to success. It is important to choose chemical reagents so much so that they do not harm the materials from which the sewer pipes are made. The range of such funds in the trading network is pretty wide, so it is possible to try a few of them.

Small product of possible chemicals to eliminate blockages

The active ingredients are alkaline and acid components that effectively decompose almost any contamination. It is necessary to work in protective glasses and gloves, the respiratory tract from the effects of harmful vapors is protected by a respirator. Professionals do not advise to apply chemicals to clean the sewage too often.

In many situations, special illusions in the effectiveness of "chemistry" should not be eaten. However, in the case of its use to dissolve fatty sediments in the sewage system in the kitchen or in the bathroom sink, the experience can be quite successful.

The use of folk "chemistry"

The people use their chemicals in the form of boiling water, salt, soda, lemon and so on. They are good because they are easy to use and do not require a hike to the store behind the factory composition, as there are available in each farm. The procedure for cleaning sewage is as follows:

  • table vinegar and soda are harvested in the same proportions, but not more than a glass;
  • in the purified pipe, the soda is first falling asleep, then vinegar is added;
  • the drain hole is cleaned;
  • there is approximately three hours;
  • purified pipe is washed with hot water.

A set for cleaning this type is in every family

Effective folk remedy for removing pollution is the use of citrus. The juice of several large lemons is extruded in a clogged pipe. Of course, when carrying out this manipulation, one should not allow bones into the purified cavity. Waving about sixty minutes, pour boiling water into the drain hole, removing the remnants of contaminants.

Often, the ordinary cooking salt helps. Mixed in equal proportions with water, it is poured into the drain hole and left overnight. In the morning the system is thoroughly washed.

Nuances of cleaning of plastic sewer pipes

In the process of cleaning plastic sewer pipes there are their nuances. The blockages in them are formed significantly less frequently, in the places of bends. Made from modern plastic pipeline networks have a smooth and smooth inner surface.

To prevent its damage, mechanical cleaning methods are not recommended. The best effect is given specially selected chemical compositions that do not have an aggressive impact on polymers.

Features of draining cleaning in the bathroom

A feature of the cleaning of the clutch of the bath is that this plumbing device is equipped with a safety drain hole. It must be procured, for example, palm, if the cleaning is carried out by creating overpressure.

Voro in the bathroom is impossible to eliminate if you do not close the safety drain hole

Further applies to VATUZ or the chemical method of cleaning. If the listed funds do not help, you need to disconnect the siphon under the bathroom and rinse it. In the case when this measure did not led to the desired result, you will have to disconnect the drain and use the cable for cleaning the discharge pipe.

After disassembling and assembling the system, do not forget to check it on tightness. Probably, if the sealing elements gave shrinkage and harded, they will have to be replaced.

Sometimes it is possible to remove contamination with the hero for washing the dishes, putting it on a long handle and leaking into the scored drain hole. By sending any item into a sewage hole, do not forget that it must be removed back. That is, the size of the tool must provide its free movement in the pipe, and the item itself must be securely fixed.

How to wash siphon sinks in the kitchen and in the bathroom

Mounted in the bathroom and in the kitchen the siphons must be periodically rinsed. Over time, sediments are located on their inner walls, which are the reason for the occurrence of an unpleasant smell in an apartment or a private house. Preventive cleaning can be performed without dismantling the siphon, and the procedure for the implementation of this procedure is as follows:

  • on the planted rag under the sink, a tank for collecting dirty water is installed;
  • at the bottom of the siphon, a plastic cover is unscrewed;
  • after draining the dirty water, all parts are cleaned of garbage;
  • from the inner surfaces of the siphon, all sediments are carefully removed;
  • washing the lid is installed in place;
  • opening the crane, check the tightness of the connections.

Rinse siphon under the sink is very simple

The frequency of performing these works depends on the intensity of the use of plumbing devices. It is recommended to wash the siphon every and a half years of the shell operation in the kitchen. If you follow this rule, the question of how to clean the blockage in the sink in the kitchen, simply will not arise.

Delicacy of work with the toilet

A clogged toilet can significantly make it difficult to accommodate in an apartment or a private house of a whole family. Wastewater is not removed into the drainage, and when washed, they rise in a plumbing device in a bowl, threatening overflow. The occurrence of the stencil smell and floating in the water feces do not leave anyone indifferent, besides, in order to simply use the need, the households have to be knocked to neighbors. It is clear that the cleaning of the toilet is a task that requires immediate resolution.

The waterproofing of the toilet bowl has a sharp inflection, so that to solve the problem of the problem, the hose or cable will be difficult, especially since the metal wire can damage the expensive plumbing device. Most convenient in this case, use the vanatoux, as described above.

Well, if the blockage in the toilet can be defeated with the help of a can

If the mentioned tool does not help, the only way to clean is to dismantle the toilet with disconnecting it from the receiving pipe. In this case, direct access to all elements of the sewage system appears, and you can quickly remove its blockage, including using the cable.