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Dream become rich. As ordinary people have achieved success and became rich

The famous conductor Valery Gergiev is a millionaire. Director of the Hermitage Mikhail Piotrovsky - Millionaire. Mostly lovely artist Oleg Tabakov - a millionaire ... It is unlikely that they are going to profession, thought about how to get rich. The money "attracted" to success in the profession and demand in the viewer.

Mrs. Fortune's role in all these cases, we think is also huge. The mass of talented people in their own deeds of peasants and stirred in obscurity and practical poverty. What is missing a person to change the situation? How are money and psychology related? What is the secret of rich and successful people? Is everything in luck or a man himself blacksmithing his happiness?

"Carries someone who is lucky." We increase the likelihood of success

Hope for one luck only - it's like playing a lifetime in a casino: you can stay without the last shirt. We will repeat, the role of fortune no one has canceled, but if you do not create situations in your own hands, in which we may be lucky, then the probability of luck strives for absolute zero. The case is in the elementary law of probability: to find a treasure, you need to look for it, and not wait when he himself turns out to be on the threshold: it will not be. Not lucky for the first time, in the second, in the third - lucky in the tenth. In the end, instead of the treasure there is something else, but also very valuable.

Asking history with the store, turn to the story with the search. If you look for - be sure to find. If there was no, at first, anyone will come true, just to start earning. And starting it, you can search for more suitable options. The main thing is only to be able to "process" failures, and more simply - to maintain the presence of the spirit. It is the presence of the spirit - the most important quality of any successful person. Failures and failures happen to all, but some get up and walk on, while others drop out of the game.

Successful people create situations in which the likelihood of good luck is increased. They are not afraid to risk, take responsibility, do not lie to think about their moves in advance, as a good chess player thinks over combinations and strategy of the future game as a whole.

A wealthy man himself created his wealth. He did not wait for mercies from nature, society, from the state or the universe. If you earn little, it will not change anything until you start changing the situation. Very perhaps, you will have to learn something to get an additional income. For example, the same exchange trading for Forex. Competent traders earn perfectly, checked on personal experience. Maybe this is your chance too? ..

Great power act

The secret of successful people is that they do actions. With a big letter, a deed is such an action that should change the situation in the root, and involves other people in his orbit, material resources, as well as ideas. The usual example of the deed is "to start a new life." Let's say, change profession and place of residence. "Under the lying stone, the water does not flow," our ancestors spoke, and were absolutely right.

Often an act in itself is very simple and does not even require strong energy costs. And the effect of it is truly huge when everything turns over, and the alignment of the forces on the "battlefield" varies strikingly.

Here we repeat that the probability of failure must be considered. It is the fear of failure that often blocks a person's desire to make actions. First: psychologically prepared for the worst option. Second: on this worst option "to raise straws". Third: prepared for the worst, hope for the best.

Technology Action reminds training and conducting combat. A good officer always remembers the possibility of failure of operations and loss of personnel. But a good officer is preparing for battle so that, ideally, to keep all people and equipment, calculates the defense and retreat options.

So, Peter the first at the base of St. Petersburg decided to build a universal fortress for defense from the enemy at that time. The fact is that the city was laid in very dangerous placeAnd the Swedish attack was very likely. As a result, Petropavlovka has never participated in hostilities, but in the case of aggression, the enemy would not be very short.

Life is the first russian emperor It can be considered a sample of how to make actions, to defeat enemies and seek success.

Price of success

We will be realistic: just so can not learn to "attract money." It's all mysticism, and there are no magnets capable of enriching the owner. Whether richness is fame, success is the result of tremendous and hard work. Moreover, the opinion of others, especially relatives, who may not understand and not take many of our solutions are powerful on us.

Making a step towards success, we must get out of the comfort zone! Everything will no longer be calm evenings on the sofa by watching the TV, there will be no many hours of "meetings" in social networks. There will be a lot of work and mastering new knowledge ... to this you need to be ready, otherwise it is not worth starting.

Rich, famous and powerful people have such quality as the ability to "substitute the face of the wind." When the rest are hiding in the thrum of the ship, they take the helm in their hands, not evading the hurricane, but look straight into the eyes of danger. And the danger is inferior under the view of a strong man.

On the bear without a gun do not go

To go out into the sea, you need at least at least a boat. To wind the bear, you must first buy a gun and cartridges (and learn how to shoot). Of course, you can hope for good luck and what happens to frighten the beast with a stick ...

A successful person is always in advance and planning to prepare for the project, collects resources, and only if they are available in the game. One of frequent reasons The failure of many good undertakings is insufficient training.

You can not immediately collect significant resources to start a serious project. Do you have ideas, have attractive goals? Right now make a plan, where to take and what resources need to implement them? Start with small. Is it possible to lay the first stone in the foundation of success right now? Start!

In our work, we are guided by the principle of the famous British businessman and billionaire Richard Branson: "To hell with everything, try and do!" Branson is the owner of the Virgin Multidisciplinary Corporation, which only does it: even cosmic flights. Richard has even his own island, and all this he has achieved himself. Branson was born in an ordinary lawyer, and fate assumed him a quiet and typical life of the British lawyer. Branson refused this fate, and his ultra-low life can only be envied.

The rich are those who know how to count money. If you can't say how much this moment You have money in your pocket, come true and learn to count everything before a penny. Money does not appear on magic wand. Since you do not consider money, it means that you think the sinful thing that they fall into your wallet from the sky. Such a position is good only in one case: if you are the son of the oligarch, and dad always "warms up" by any amount, whatever you wanted. But in this case, the present is a rich man - it is a dad-oligarch, and not his son who, in essence, spends someone else's money.

Finance control is the most important management function. The accounting of a good venture from morning to night is working on the report, in which the mosquito of the nose is not pumped. Personal finances do not differ from corporate (unless quantitatively). A person who is not able to manage his own money is not able to manage in his life nothing. Conversely, if someone comes well with personal money, he will be able to if he wants to become a wealthy person (and most likely that is also).

What the first thought comes to mind when suddenly you get a significant amount (or expect to receive it). Does it talk about winning successfully refined earnings or award at work? Yes, quite right, we think: "I will finally buy myself ..." Next to the equation, you can substitute anything, from a new smartphone to jewelry or car. Nether shopping, of course, are allowed, it is impossible to refuse themselves in pleasure. But the grain of the problem is that part of people are subject to natural spending that make constantly. Thus, having received a significant amount, a person quickly gets rid of it, as if she "burns hands", instead of investing in liquid assets.

Of course, good appliances, Modern computer, fashionable clothes should take place to be. But a person competently managing money, buys all this planned when he understands that he will not "run out of the money." By the way, many truly rich people (at least in Europe and the USA) are modest, do not be forgotten to attend sales, acquiring clothes and other things at discounted prices.

This was, for example, a brilliant manager, the famous Managing Corporation Ford, and then Chrysler's Lido Anthony Yakokka. He is known for the whole world with his book "Career Manager", which we recommend reading everyone who wants to learn how to manage finance and our own life in general.

Forget about problems! No, really forget about problems, since there is no such concept. At least, for someone who thinks as a successful person. For a successful person in life there are no problems, but there are tasks. Do you feel the difference? Everything is very simple: it is necessary to refer comprehensive and thoroughly to many cases, not to give feelings of top over the mind. The problem is a task loaded negative emotions - Psychologists consider, and it is quite right.

What are the difference between drivers who have many years of trouble-free experience? First of all, tranquility behind the wheel and unhurried control style. The basis of their philosophy is the famous "three d", that is, "give a fool of the road." Let him fly to meet the accident. In principle, you can find out well to know very quickly: enough to see how it drives the car in difficult road conditions. And right, life is often compared with the road. For a successful person, his path is a winding multibone freeway filled with a variety of cars. Here you need to be able to calmly maneuver to get to the goal with healthy and mentally balanced.

Be healthy!

Rich people think about their own health. In the history there were exceptions, but, as a rule, to nurture capital, you need good health: Physical and psychological. Do not neglect the prophylactic surveys from good doctors, let yourself have a full physical activity, fully flash, find time for a full-fledged rest, as well as hobbies, rational leisure.

These tips were repeated in business literature thousands of times, but they still persistently neglect, paying off diseases for success. It must be remembered that the main goal, not the process, and achieved goal It would be good to have time to enjoy. Think of health.

What if health is not very, and psychological problems Do you interfere with something to change in life? Getting rid of problems, even gradual - this is your first little Step On the way to personal success. There will always be resources to make a key television that will cause an avalanche for further effective actions. The most microscopic possibility created by us contains the "genes" of future huge prospects.

To live a full-fledged life and be able to enjoy various benefits, you need to have money. To deny this fact is meaningless, it is better to take such a state of affairs and learn to use this knowledge for your own good. Wanting to figure out how to become richer, to start standing with your own thoughts and worldview.

In the desire to get rich there is nothing wrong, because every person is striving for the best. People want to live in prosperity without refusing to themselves in pleasant trifles and having sufficient number money.

Why does a person live for?

There are three main motivations that encourage people to life:

  • Satisfying body needs.
  • Satisfying the minds of mind.
  • Satisfying the needs of the soul.

Everyone chooses himself, what is the reason for it is more important and closer. But it will be very difficult to develop harmoniously if you ignore any of these motivations. All aspirations must be implemented, otherwise regular dissatisfaction with life will splash into depression.

To understand how to become richer, you need to think as a secured person thinks. It is necessary to change psychology. A person should more often represent how much money he has and how he spends them. It is very important not to just think about it, but also believe that wealth is already. Then emotions will be sincere, and the subconscious will begin to issue ideas, how to get rich. It must be remembered that thoughts are material, so with desires need to be extremely careful.

Any negative emotions against money can lead to poverty and poverty. A person cannot be rich if he misunderstood and does not respect the money.

When to start rich?

The answer to this question is unequivocal - right now. To monitor income and expenses, it is advisable to keep records of money. Every day you need to try to reduce costs and increase revenues. To do this, it is necessary to consider which expenses are mandatory, and from what can be refused. So that the profit was constant, to invest better in assets.

What is assets?

People often think: how rich became rich? Finance specialists argue that there is no secret here, just not every person knows what assets are, and knows how to manage finance. Speaking simple languageAssets are something that brings profit, for example, the delivery of an object for rent or temporary use.

But in order for the assets to put money in the owner's pocket, they must be controlled. The advantage is that time is needed much less than the usual working day. Therefore, it is possible to spend free hours at your discretion.

What is liabilities?

Thinking on how to become rich, it is necessary to clearly understand what liabilities are. These include everything that regularly "pulls" money. It can be accounts, debt obligations, home and car service. Money also belongs to liabilities, because when inflation, they depreciate. Thus, the passive is what requires any cost.

Therefore, to understand how to become richer, you need to accumulate assets and reduce liabilities. Then revenues will exceed the costs, which will allow you to have a certain capital. If competently approach the matter, you can make money work on yourself.

Bad assets

If a person wants to become secured, it will be useful for him to figure out what bad assets are. These include all those objects whose service costs exceed income from them. In this case, it is necessary to search for ways to solve the problem, for example, to find a place where rent will be less, and the yield from the object is greater. If the assets are completely unprofitable, it is better to get rid of them.

Those projects that have not yet entered the level of self-sufficiency are also considered bad assets. If they do not bring at least a minimum income after a while, you should not spend strength on them. It is enough that a certain experience is obtained, which is necessarily useful in the future.

Good liabilities

To sort out how to become successful and rich, you need to be able to consider money and make financial forecasts. Without knowledge of assets and liabilities, this is almost impossible. Although liabilities and require costs, there is a concept as a good passive. Such can be considered in the case when the costs of it less profit, which he brings. But it is worth remembering that the liabilities should be so much that the assets allow them to contain.

Working out a plan, how to become richer, it is necessary to clearly assimilate the main rule: you need to acquire those things that bring money, and try to avoid those whose use entails additional costs. It is not so important which assets will be purchased, it is important that they bring income without the direct participation of the owner.

How to find a way to wealth?

To understand why people become rich, you do not need to have some special qualities. It is necessary to read books on the success and wealth, biographies of successful and secured people. Thus, thinking will develop and the ability to find new ways to sufficiency.

It is not worthwhile to spend time by coming down by a television or computer. It is more expedient to spend leisure with benefit, making various deposits into the future. They do not have to be material, gaining knowledge can also be a good investment in best lifeIf the experience gained and skills to apply. It is important to develop thinking correctly and set goals.


Think about wealth and indulgen dreams need constantly, believing in achieving the goal and experiencing positive emotions. It is impossible to allow any doubt, it is necessary to live as if the money is already in the wallet. You need to draw yourself an ideal picture, and then systematically implement your own dreams. It is necessary to appreciate the money and not be afraid of them, otherwise success is unlikely to come.

In order for the subconscious to work correctly, you need to represent more often how money will be spent, what prospects are open. Money makes it possible to get everything that was not before.

Tell me who is your friend ...

Wanting to become secured, you do not need to communicate with people who like to be poor. It is necessary to surround yourself with successful people and learn from them to achieve high results. But do not copy all their actions, because there are practically no identical ways to wealth. It is necessary to study the methods of working rich people, analyze how they solve problems and go out of crisis situations.

Fighting laziness

The lazy person is unlikely to understand how to become rich in Russia. Fear and reluctance to act pull to poverty. To become provided, it is necessary to get rid of fear and learn to leave the comfort zone. It is necessary to do it every day, overcoming barriers and not lowering hands. Then the success does not make himself wait, and wealth will come.

Do not copy the problem!

To move forward and understand how rich became rich, you need to stop smoking the problems. All difficulties need to be solved immediately as soon as they arise. If a person wants to be secured and live in prosperity, he needs to not be afraid to make decisions in short time. When problems accumulate, it becomes more difficult to return to carefree life.

Make a business!

If a person is tired of working as a company, he should open his business. When money is constantly lacking, it is advisable to organize your own business right now. It is better to choose those directions that can be realized without initial capital. Options can be quite a lot, such as the provision of any services. So that the income was stable and led to wealth, he must be passive. Business needs to build in such a way that he brings profit without the permanent participation of the owner. Its thoughts are appropriate to file in the form of a business plan, which contains all the necessary calculations.

Can a woman be rich?

The right attitude plays a very big role, because a man attracts something to himself what he thinks about. Thinking on how to become a rich woman, it is necessary to concentrate on the possibilities, and not on obstacles. If a person thinks, just as he argues a poor thing, even a million state falling on his head, he will easily deteriorate and return to the need. Many wealthy people achieve everything themselves, from scratch. It is necessary to live so that the confidence is that a woman is worthy of wealth, never Gasla. Then the fate will believe in this and will begin to present gifts.

Provided people assure that there is no secret in how to become rich. The advice they give is to be reduced to the fact that you need to not feel the poor.

Who to take an example?

One of the most richest people Karlos is considered Slim Elu. His condition exceeds 73 billion dollars. He achieved success using his talents and ability to negotiate. Thanks to powerful business grip Carlos became the owner of the largest mobile operator in America. At the beginning of his way, he privatized a small company, and then carried out reconstruction. When there was a drop in currency, the businessman managed to create a good condition.

Bill Gates owns 67 billion dollars. As a child, he was a shy boy, and no one expected such success from him. But such a project, like Microsoft, brought him billions. Now he has the opportunity to make a profit and engage in charity.

"Features of thinking of rich"

Initially, you should decide who you consider a rich person, and what should be called wealth. Despite the primitiveness of these issues, the answers will be very different.

Someone considers wealth to have worthy housing, a car about the ability to spend vacation at a foreign resort. For someone, capital in the amount of several million dollars is insufficient.

According to the writer and millionaire Robert Kiyosaki, wealth is measured by time, during which a person can maintain a comfortable way of life without working. Kiyosaki is an active supporter of the formation of assets from which you can get passive income (percentage of capital).

It turns out that wealth is not measured by money, and time, since all people need a different amount of money, but the lifetime is limited and not advisable to spend it on what does not bring pleasure. Most people have an unloved job all the time, and it is important to engage in a loved one, because it is possible to understand how to become rich and free from external circumstances.

Try to answer questions:

  1. Why does someone get rich, and someone does not have?
  2. Why someone is forced to work in dinner and nostano, but can not get rid of poverty, and someone with ease earns on comfortable life, has time for hobbies and active rest?
  3. Why do you go to one people yourself, and others do not get out of debts?

In every great condition, only the share of good luck and it is attracted in a certain way of thinking.

There is no guarantee that changing the attitude towards wealth, the person will become a millionaire. But the right approach will be the starting point and will allow steps in the right direction.

All benefits offering information about the methods of achieving financial success are recommended to start with fundamental changes in the method of thinking. It's complicated. And launch the transformation in the practical plane and change the stereotypes of the behavior is even more difficult. But the difference between the perception of the world of rich and the poor is, and it is she prim than.

13 main differences

  1. Provided people are sure that they themselves make their fate. Poor believe that their life form circumstances, and too rarely try to influence the current.
  2. Rich work to multiply their capital. Poor - to provide the necessary minimum.
  3. And the rich and poor dream, but the first actively act for the incarnation of their plans.
  4. Rich are open for bold ideas and are looking for opportunities. Poor looped on failures and problems.
  5. Rich is looking for acquaintances with more successful people and learn from them. Poor with envy is observed from the side and prefer to communicate with the people of "their" circle.
  6. Rich if they envy others to successes, then with admiration, they are looking for opportunities to also use this experience. Poor persistently seek flaws in someone else's success.
  7. Rich extremely self-confident and love to boast of their successes.
  8. Rich are not panic, if difficulties are overtaken, and take active measures to solve problems.
  9. The rich are confident that their income depend on efforts and knowledge, the poor consider the worked hours.
  10. Rich with ease change strategy, techniques and even the scope of activity. Poor see the futility of the path, but continue to sail downstream. They are more comfortable to complain about the injustice of the world.
  11. Successful people do not stop comprehending new knowledge and develop. Poor lane learn and often believe that they know enough or talk about their inability to learning.
  12. Successful businessmenHaving achieved tasks, draw new landmarks and continue development.
  13. Rich extremely rarely perceive money emotionally. They think rationally. Businessmen see them as a tool for the incarnation of their dreams.

"The main principles of wealth"

Each wealthy person has its own secret to achieving success. But numerous studies have proven that all rich is intuitively choose typical behaviors. They do not rely on generally accepted opinions and very often use non-trivial techniques.

Where most sees obstacles and losses, successful people find new opportunities and won.

Typical habits of the rich

They always know what they will do today. Do not even work, you plan a day and clearly distribute time.
- rarely indulge in idle entertainment. TV is used to receive news. If you read, developing books.
- Possess the ability to surrender to work and are engaged in your loved business.
- surround yourself positive, creative people and successful businessmen.
- Watching health and appearance.
- more trust yourself and do not hope in a blind case.

The most important habit with which the acquisitions should begin the path to success - appreciate your work. It does not matter what you do, love your business.

The creative approach is important, but it is also impossible to do without active actions and the clear goal.

Do not confonse economy with miserness and greed. Learn to give. Successful companies and rich spend great money for charity. Generosity is another common feature of millionaires.

"7 stages on the way from poverty to prosperity"

These tips will help make a powerful jerk in practice and achieve a cardinal improvement in welfare in the foreseeable future.

1. Allow yourself to be rich and form a clear goal

Come up and spend a beautiful ritual and allow yourself to become rich. It is extreme important moment. You refuse poverty and change your life dramatically.

From now on, every step will be subordinated to the main goal. Do not think that turn into a soulless eye. On the contrary, your life will play new paints, it will appear in it and creativity. You will start developing and improving in relations with surrounding, finance and marketing, because without these components it is impossible to achieve prosperity.

You will not have time for complaints, finding justification and causes of failure. From now on, you rely only on own forces And learn about errors. Your well-being depends only on one person.

You will constantly look for opportunities to speed up achievement. It will definitely begin to move towards you, throwing successful features.

2. Find the teacher

Typical errors can be avoided. Take advantage of the experience and knowledge of those who have already achieved success. It is not necessary to become a shadow of one of the rich people or blindly copying recommendations. Look for any reason to replenish your knowledge and get acquainted with those who achieved success in a certain area. These people willingly share their secrets with young entrepreneurs. Any experience of communication with the rich will be useful.

3. Generate the habits of rich people

We wrote about them above. Make up on the basis of 13 points plan and follow him literally. Do not allow the refund of the habits of the poor, constantly control yourself.

Example. Stop spending time for useless entertainment and replace them with self-development. Invest time reading books in your own specialty, learn literature on self-development from the best business researchers and success coaches. Learn to communicate correctly, develop financial literacy.

No matter how old you are, and where you live. Thanks to the Internet, everyone has access to knowledge. The ability to comprehend new information depends only on the desire. Immediately use everything that has learned.

4. Change the lifestyle and environment dramatically.

Start communicate with those who are richer and more successful than you. Stop complain and generally mention bad luck and problems. Expand the circle of dating. From some, especially close people, it is very difficult to remove. If they do not support you and pull back, say goodbye without the slightest regrets.

5. Financial literacy - your all

Stray finance books hard. First it will be difficult, but gradually you will figure it out in all terms and concepts. This arch is important.

Make a personal financial plan. It will become a capital acquisition strategy, but should be based on a complete assessment of the current situation.

Contact your financial consultant. All millionaires have such consultants who are thoroughly dealing in the financial sector and give delivel tips. Steadily stick to the plan and do not let yourself make impulsive spending. Each saved and invested penny will bring in the future stable income. Do not forget about it.

Would spend more than you earn? Or change the situation, or get ready for bankruptcy. Debts, especially with high percentages - evil. Credits for business development should be taken extremely careful, conducting a thorough analysis of the prospects.

Bear painstaking and the most detailed accounting of expenditures and income. Make up and analyze the statistics of the financial position for different time segments. Eliminate everything that brings unjustified costs.

6. Invest

Even minimal accumulations should be investing. You can invest in own projects Or look for profitable options on the side. Advance with reliable experts and examine everything you can invest.

7. Keep calm

Do not hurry and do not use questionable ways to enrich. Adventures will lead to the collapse. It is a temptation to spend the first major profits, many many are somewhat. Passion is appropriate in work, but money like a cold calculation.

"4 Verified schemes for achieving financial freedom"

Create Passive Income Sources

Passive income is successfully nested capital, which are multiplied without your active participation:

Bank deposits;
dividends from buying securities;
rental of real estate;
Building a network in distribution activities;
referrals on Internet resources.

Several sources of passive income allow you to quit work at any time and continue a comfortable life.

Create your own business

Large financial investments are not necessary for all activities. Very many successful businesses were created with minimal capital or at all without money. More important to have a claimed product or service. Each has unique knowledge or skills. There is some kind of talent or a bold business idea and you. If it is impossible to find an investor, start from a minimum and gradually expand.

Become an intermediary

If your talent is the ability to communicate, offer intermediary services. You do not invest anything and do not sell, but with each transaction you receive income in the amount of a certain percentage. Many people do not have time to search for services, goods need to help the mediator during complex negotiations. This is a very popular service on which you can make big money, not investing anything. But in this matter, impeccable reputation and the ability to perform these promises are extremely important.

Create a business online

Own site will definitely bring the income if you invest in it. It is not necessary to spend big money for creating and promoting. Educational materials mass. Suggest a popular topics or content, which is close and interesting to you. After working a little, you will receive your visitors and you can receive passive income on advertising and other methods of monetization.

On the Internet there are plenty of opportunities for additional earnings. Not even possessing special knowledge or skills, you can get some income. Constantly improving or mastering new professions, in demand in the network, you can significantly increase your profits and quit work.

Products and services presented on the Internet receive a huge audience. The number of potential customers increases incredibly. It is very likely that the online store will bring significantly big profitthan a shopping point in the city center.

Each of us probably thought or dreamed of becoming rich and successful person from scratch. I would like to earn more, improve your life, see the world ... Such desires always remain relevant, but not everyone is embodied in reality. In today's article, we will consider several ways to get rich or at least improve the financial situation. All that is required of you is not to be lazy and use them in practice, then your dream will come true.

1. Anyone can become rich

Many are inventing silly excuses for themselves: they say, there is not enough time, means, opportunities, connections, etc. This is only a reason to make their lives and self officer at the same level. Any of us can become rich, despite the situation in which at the moment. The main thing is to have a desire and act in this direction.

2. Put the financial goal

Before becoming a rich and successful person from scratch, determine how long it is precisely the means you need and for what. This understanding is of great importance. When there is a clear goal, the human brain begins to look for ways to achieve it, motivation and inspiration appears.

But if you write some amount on a sheet (for example, $ 20,000 for the purchase of a car or $ 60,000 on new apartment) And earn it, it will not become rich. Yes, you acquire what you dreamed about, but after that there will be no money.Therefore, the goal should be such that the tools constantly worked to increase your income monthly, and appeared different sources Earn money. Only with this approach you can get rich.

3. Make a list by which ways you can earn money

Suppose, at the moment you have no money at all, or you want to increase your income. We will reflect how you can earn today or tomorrow. Write down possible options. It is possible that the first answer will be "in no way". This is not the case, any of us knows how to do something useful. Perhaps you own any hobby that can be used for additional earnings, or remember some other ways. Try to show fantasy and record the maximum number of ways, how to earn in the coming days, it is very important.

For example, there are many opportunities to earn a lot on the Internet. In 2014, I decided to invest in the Internet with $ 200 on the wallet, and with the help multiplied this money ten times.

4. Start earmarked

The paragraph above you made a list of ways of earnings. Now choose from it the most suitable (or liked) you options and deal with their incarnation. What for? First, your income will increase, and you at least partially be able to solve current material problems (if any). Secondly, it has a big psychological significance. You will believe in yourself, making sure that money can be earned as you like, if you want to want it.

5. Invest

"If you think, how to become a rich and successful person from scratch, then why not engage in investing?" Most people respond to this question predictably: because there is no funds. They are waiting for a lot of money, and will then invest them. This is the root of the wrong approach.

First, investment is just a way to earn and quickly achieve your goal to get rich. Secondly, it is possible to start investing with a very small amount of $ 10-20. You will gain valuable experience, because if you can do from 10 dollars 100, then $ 1000 will easily turn $ 10,000. Therefore, you need to start just with small amounts, so you will reduce the risk of losing a lot of money in your own ignorance. If you have at least some amount of money, start looking for ways to attach it with maximum profit.

Yes, investing risky business. But it is better unstable wealth than stable poverty :) I advise you to get acquainted with the material ""

6. Surrive yourself with rich people

We can right now perform one simple experiment. Choose a person from your environment: a friend, a neighbor, a colleague, etc. Find out what his monthly income and compare with your own. You will find that the numbers are very similar.

This suggests that income strongly depends on your circle of communication. Instead of conversations with the poor Vasya, which all the time complains of life, sitting on the sofa and dreaming of millions, better support contact with a rich Sasha, which generates new ways to make money.

7. Enter the accounting of income and expenses

Even in the sad situation, when you are completely in debt, be sure to describe the current numbers financial position. Fix the monthly profits, write, what amount you have at the moment, how much and what they spend.

Already within 5-6 weeks you will make a lot of interesting discoveries. For example, you may find that more than seven thousand spent on alcohol, although these funds could have come to you additional profits. And more: eif you spend as much as you earn, it is unlikely that you can become a rich man. Part of the funds must be investing, only such an approach will help multiply capital.

8. Familiarize yourself with the essence of the success of rich people

There are many stories about people in the network who were previously poor and also thought about how to become a rich and successful person from scratch. Now they are millionaires, and made their condition themselves. Such stories motivate well. Listening to the stories of successful people, you yourself begin to reflect and act differently, therefore, and the result will be different.

Probably most people on the planet would like to become rich and successful, but in reality wealth and success gets not many.
How to become a rich and successful person - A question that does not give rest to many for centuries. (Why do you need money?)

And maybe there is some kind of difference between questions: how to become a rich man and how to become a successful person... can success and wealth - absolutely different concepts, and on the agenda of life the general, more abstract question - how to become happy ???

Today, dear site visitors, you will learn how to become a rich and successful person In life ... And is it possible to generally an ordinary citizen ...

How to become a rich man

Before understanding how to become a rich man, try to determine for yourself what is wealth in your understanding ... Everyone can be different ...
What does it mean for you to be rich? Have a lot of money? Live on the fat of the land? Have power? To be free? Happy? May be something else..?

Imagine that you have become a rich man ... Fantasize a little ... How do you imagine a rich life? What do you feel and feel in this imaginary rich life? Are you happy?

And who do you personally know from the rich people who are happy with all their wealth and do not have those emotional and psychological problems inherent in rich, or even poor? There are such? Are they really happy?

Actually, be a rich person - it means to feel, feel like this; It means to think, think in a rich, behave ..., and even see and hear, perceive the world as rich ..., and not just have material wealth.

If any poor man give a bag of money, it does not mean that he will suddenly become rich, because With his "poor" thinking and looks for life, he most likely widespread this money, and returns to a broken trough.

Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the saying: "Money for money", or "rich robes, and poor people are poor" - this is natural, it is possible to say a natural pattern.

And to become a rich manMost not necessarily win the lottery, get the inheritance or rob the bank - to become rich, you need to change your worldview: your inner beliefs and thinking; Your views on life ... Your inner essence ...

And then when you change your inner world, You, almost like a magic wand, start rich, and you can become a truly rich man, of course, within reason, and within its real, and not fictional needs and opportunities ... And this is not a mysticism, not miracles - it is Natural reality ...

For example, if a person was born in rich family, then he has a machine, in the process of upbringing and primary socialization, "rich" is a "rich" worldview, and a successful, successful scenario of life. But if you are not lucky, and you were born in the poor family, then the most likely that you will have a "poor" worldview, and you will never be rich.

But for this you need time ... And many want it all right away, and it is desirable, without doing anything ... But "in a prominent class ..." Only in fairy tales and in computer Gamesand in reality will have to work hard ...

How to become a successful person

So, the person who was born rich - it is easier for him ... And the one who is poor, but really wants to become rich, must first find out how to become a successful personbecause he will have to achieve success to himself, changing its worldview and becoming rich ...

Firstwhat you need to remember to become a successful person - This is what in nature there is no freebies ... just like that, without doing anything, but only dreaming, you will not become successful and rich - the subconscious expectation of freebies is the path to poverty ... and not to success and wealth ...

SecondIt is very important for a person who decided to become successful - this is what successful people communicate with successful .., and poor - with the poor, i.e. If your situation is "poor people", with the corresponding worldview and thinking, then to change your thinking and learn from a new worldview, you need to change your dating circle ...

Thirdwhat you will need to become a successful person in life - this is the development of some personal qualities: adequate self-esteem, self-confidence and decisiveness, with elements of thoughtful risk ... If these qualities you have weak are not a problem, they can be trained, for example, using self-hypnosis or psychotraining ... Also, with the help of these training techniques, you can make yourself install on Success and wealth ...

FourthWhat you need to become a successful person is to learn to fully structure your time (to manage your time), as well as, to put and perform long-term and intermediate goals, i.e. It is necessary to build real strategic and tactical plans ... (all successful people - the time is properly structured).

Fifth, very important ... to become a very successful person in life - this is a motivation ... you need to constantly motivate yourself, especially at first, so that the attenuation of your desire and activity does not happen when becoming successful and rich ...
Also, to prevent passivity and laziness, it is necessary to learn how to deal with stress and negative emotions, increase tolerance (tolerance) to frustration, because Small "bugs" and failures, errors and miscalculations can be returned to you back ... especially on initial stage future success and path to wealth ...

And the last, especially for those who want to quickly and do not change their worldview, and with him, and the scenario of life, i.e. For those who wish to take advantage of psychoanalyst professionals, and become a successful and rich man ...