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Annunciation: Signs for happy and rich life

At the beginning of Spring, Archangel Gabriel brought the Mary miraculous news about the Savior's Savior soon. The word "Annunciation" means good, then-there is very good, joyful news. It was supposed to be that for what Mary and was born from their elderly parents. Holy Scripture says that immaculate conception could occur only with the consent of Mary itself, and only due to its deep faith and purity of spiritual.

And Catholics this holiday is honored on the Merry Christmas of the Virgin.

Orthodox marks it on April 7, and Catholics and Protestants - March 25. This is one of the most important Christian holidays, the date of it is fixed.

Customs on the Annunciation

According to the ancient beliefs, on this day, the Virgin creates fields and Niva wild herbs and wildflowers. And it was unable to work on this day, even the braids turn the girls did not have the right - so as not to remain unmarried.

Even the beasts should not do anything. They tell the legend that the cuckoo was dismissed this rule, the beginning of the nest. And just that it did not succeed, she forever lost the ability to create a family. So lining your eggs to other nests.

On the Annunciation Blessed Virgin Mary 2016 People on custom will begin to hold rites to help purify evil. For example, fured out winter clothes. Wash on this day, only melt water was adequately.

Spring was raised - in the fields where snow was no longer there, or it remained very little, the fire was bred, sang the spring. The youth bit fires, through which he jumped up - to burn sins to burn in the winter.

Until today, the custom has been preserved to give freedom to birds - they were produced from cells. On the eve of the birds caught them especially in order to release the next day, even if they could not sell.

Signs for the Annunciation.

It was strictly forbidden to put new clothes to the Annunciation - she will then come into disrepair in the near future - it will be bullied, it will be painted that it is impossible to wash or disappear.

The hostess on this day was split salt in a frying pan and prayed over her about the health of their loved ones. It is believed that after this salt you can add to the dishes of patients, which contributes to the speedy recovery.

In the past, it was impossible to do anything with her hair - even combing them. Otherwise it was possible to confuse your fate and the good intentions of the angels for the whole year.

This day was considered the final arrival of spring - Nature was completely waking up, ice-growing began to wait for the rivers - no longer had to wait.

Nothing can be gone for the Annunciation, otherwise you will give family well-being. But give debts - a good sign and for the one who gives, and for whom they give. If you have a similar problem, try to resolve it when there is an appeal in 2016.

Carefully watched what the Annunciation will fall on on what day the week is to accidentally not start a new thing, because it will not bring good luck anyway. But if a child is born on the same day of the week - he was considered a lucky way - in some places, and in others it was read for the initially disappearance man.

On this day, all houseworks are prohibited: cleaning, needlework, cooking.

The girls for preserving the family and beloved needed during the day until midnight forty time to say the beloved spouse. Seventh April and during all Thursdays you should not begin new things. On this day it is recommended to visit the temple.

Note people and weather - in the past it was important.

They noticed that good weather on this day talks about fire hazardous, thunderstorm. If the rainy is summer, most likely will be arid.

Note - on the Annunciation and on Easter the weather is the same.

Holiday attributes

Its main attributes are: Lily - as a symbol of purity, sublime mental thoughts Mary, its indispensability.

Shining - Mary at the time of the meeting with Archangel was engaged in needlework, preparing special clothes, which was going to wear later. In some traditions, it replaces the "Book of the Prophet Isaiah".

Palm branch with which Gabriel descended to Mary.

Light of Light - for which the Holy Spirit descends.
... Annunciation to Archangel Gabriel: "CE, Slave of the Lord, Budi Mi in the verb of yours." The image is permeated with the fellow light of the heavenly humility of the Blessed Virgin.

Other celebrations of Annunciation.

In some other traditions, the holiday is noted a little differently. There are those in which, although they will celebrate the Annunciation in 2016, his date will be completely different. For example, in some Protestant Adventist currents, it is celebrated in last week December.

And in the East Syrian rite, the Annunciation celebrates six weeks in a row - four weeks before the Nativity of Christ, and two after him.

Annunciation is a big Christian holiday.

According to Scripture on this day, Archangel Gabriel announced the Virgin Mary, that she would give birth to the Savior of the world.

Many traditions and customs existed for Annunciation:

Everyone is honored with joy, biting and nature.

It is said that the sun is 3 times a year playing Christmas, Annunciation and Easter.

According to the belief, even Angels are celebrated in heaven, and sinners stop tormented in hell.

On this day, it is not necessary to start the work, any work was banned. Even the maiden on the Annunciation of Kos did not turn. Cuckoo without a nest remained, because Tried him to twist.

The people were believed how to spend the Annunciation, and the whole year will pass.

By tradition, the Annunciation is considered the day of the opening of the Earth, the awakening of nature from the winter sleep.

Therefore, it was accepted to make cleaning rites: jumped through the fire, the straw bed burned out, washed with melt water to remove all the hands, fured the winter clothes.

To protect the cattle from predators, the Annunciation was noisy, called the bubbles, rumbled the pelvis. It was believed that for what distance the sound would spread - there will be a forest on that and the beast.

Snakes and rodents were scared, burning garbage from the garden.

There was a custom to put in a tub with the water icon of the Annunciation and pray her about the crop. And the pieces of the Annunciation of Annunciation were buried at the corners of the field and took with them to North.

Water, illuminated on the Annunciation, could raise the patient on the feet, was considered healing.

In some places, the birdworms were released on the will of the birds.

Signs for Annunciation:

Annunciation ash retains for cabbage and other garden plants when they deteriorate, they sprinkle their ash.

Annunciation - birds on the will of his rebel.

Annunciation is the largest holiday from God.

Annunciation without swallows - Cold Spring.

In the Annunciation of Frost - under the bush of oats.

Bucket in Annunciation - to fires.

Spring before the Annunciation or the week does not take, or rearranged the week.

Spring winning winter.

They come out of the holes and raccoons, from drunk stumps - hedgehogs, from a pouch - forest ants.

If the twist is cold - wait for forty frosts in the morning.

If the day of the Annunciation wind, frost and fog - to the crown year.

If the wind, frost and fog - to the crown year.

If the chicken animation or goose demolish the egg, the freak or cripple is sitting out of the latter.

If the unnecessary sky is cloudless and the sun is bright - to be a thunderstorm.

If the Annunciation is a red day, then the year there will be a formidable and fireman.

If the night is warm, then spring will be friendly.

If the snow lies on the roofs, then in the field he is lying to Egoria.

The winter path collapses a week before the Annunciation or a week later.

What is the Annunciation, Such is the Holy Easter.

What is the Annunciation will spend, that is the whole year.

If there is a snow on the roofs in the Annunciation, it will be still on Egorya in the field.

If the night is warm, the spring will be friendly.

Cuckoo without a nest for what they fought on the Annunciation.

Wet Annunciation - Mushroom Summer.

On the Annunciation Spring Winter overlap.

On the Annunciation of Thunderstorm - to the warm summer and crop of nuts.

The bunch of the bird nest does not live, the girl's braids do not break.

On the Annunciation of Rain - Rye will be born.

For Annunciation and on Easter sinners in hell do not suffer.

For the Annunciation of Frost - harvest on the freight.

There are no innoching on the harsh yarn (prohibition of work).

Annunciation burn the winter bed (straw) and move to bed in a crate.

On the Annunciation Sunny Day - Wheat is crushed: if the stars are not enough in the sky, there will be little eggs.

On the Annunciation is a good fish catch.

Layout smoke clothes from winter.

The first mushrooms grow on a hillow - for the summer rains, settled in the hollow - to land.

For the Annunciation of Lights in Hisbas, all night is not extinguished - it is better to eat flax, otherwise Lightning will grow everything.

Under the smoke is not sitting (i.e. do not prepare hot and go to sleep in Song, in a crate).

Cover is not summer, the Annunciation is not winter.

With the Annunciation of Fire do not blow (the day arrived, in the morning and in the evening light).

Third Spring Meeting.

Gypsy on the Annunciation of the fur coat cream (sells).

In the Annunciation, you need between the Sautrena and Linner (somewhere at 12 o'clock) to drive into the broom of the chickens from the pole. Will be good.

Annunciation is sometimes stored for a whole year, in case who gets sick in the family to heal it.

Harness salt in the furnace and stored ash to sprinkle the garden, from harm and illness. The ash, taken from thought about the Annunciation, has the power in the treatment of damage.

Do not give a debt. One who gave an honored from the house, gave peace and health.

In the Annunciation it is better not to pay special attention to the hairstyle, there will be a hair climb. It is said: the bird's nest does not live, the maiden's maiden is not weave.

Who in the Annunciation from the morning to midnight will call her husband forty times "cute", the whole year has her husband's favorite.

The day on which the celebration of the Annunciation is considered unsuccessful for the plowing and sowing, but the next day behind him is extremely favorable for agricultural work.

In the old days they spoke: "How the Annunciation will spend, and the whole year will pass".

Work on the Annunciation is a great sin.

For the Annunciation You can not wear new clothes.

Remember that the holy water takes on the Annunciation must be preserved. It helps in the treatment of many diseases.

The guard, who saves in the mountain and retains in need:

Read under the Annunciation.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Without wrist, but with a cross under a crystal bridge
Sleeps, sits, but everything hears and raises
Old saint with a gray beard, barefoot.
He sees and prevents
In all sorting cases, it helps me:
From hunger and cold, from sword and fire,
From an irreconcilable sorcerer
From old age and premature old age
From all people with volost, honest and dishonest,
From the trunks of the terrible court.
Under the bridge, the crystal saint gray sits,
Sleeps, but everything hears and beats.
Who touches me, that his staff will drop.
Who will wake himself with a lacaround, he will destroy himself.
Keys, castles mounted,
My words secret and witchcraft.
More than once and not two close, my words,
Nine castles, nine keys.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

In this article, consider the options that there are signs for an honorary for a happy and rich life. Of course, you need to understand that such signs, from the part, are precisely superstitions and with church, the religious life has nothing to do. But, on the other hand, it should be noted that the signs of the people for many centuries were formed. So, many believe that they need at least to listen to them, but as a maximum - to trust.

On freedom

As you know, God decided to send her son to Earth is not just like that. Jesus Christ appeared on Earth in order to clear humanity from sins and give a chance to further life. So, the main admission associated with freedom (from sins, in particular, but not only) is the release of birds on the equity.

The release of birds on the will is an important religious gesture that is symbolic with the fact that humanity understands that, thanks to the coming of Jesus Christ in our world, it got freedom.

For good luck

What else can be noted signs for an honorary and rich life and not only? Of course, a lot will accept due to the fact that this year will be a person to accompany the luck or not. In the villages they said that on April 7, the birds do not buy nests, and the girls should not weave braids. In our reality, this can be transformed into the fact that it is best on the day of the Annunciation not to go to the hairdresser, it is regardless of gender.

There is a legend associated with this custom. Only the cuckoo decided to disobey the commandments and began to weave his nest into the Annunciation. For this, the Lord strictly punished the bird in that today she cannot take care of his offspring, and is forced to put eggs into nests to other birds. So, in order not to repeat the fate of the cuckoo and do not turn away from ourselves, all the manipulation with hair is better to postpone other days.

To attract luck, the young people gathered into the analunion in the villages in the villages, wandered the fire and jumped through the fire. People believed that this action eliminates a person from sins, sinful thoughts, damage and evil eye, lost health.

More older people in such fun did not participate, but they had their own chances and rituals for good luck. Suppose they collected the last snow, melted him in the hut and washed with this water. It was believed that such water returns youth and strengthens health.

About love, well-being

We are considering following the signs for an Annunciation for a happy and rich life. Now goes to married couples, which in no case cannot be shed. So that love always lived in their home, you need to call each other "Favorite" during the honors. And this word for festive day There should be at least four tens of times.

Again, in a pair, there was no disagreement, on this holiday it is impossible to touch each other by the hair. They said that so you can confuse the paths of human destiny and release happiness from the house, which will be lost on these paths-tracks and can no longer find the way back.

These are the challenges for the Annunciation associated with freedom and health, with wealth, luck and weather, it is worth noting first. Let it folk signsBut in Russia they were formed in centuries, which means, somewhere in each taking hidden truth and you can find a common sense.

On April 7, every year, all Orthodox Christians expect one of the two-month holidays - the Annunciation of the Most Holy Virgin. Judging by the name of the church celebration, you can guess that we are talking about the good news. It was on this day that an angel came to the Virgin Mary, and reported that she would give birth to Jesus Christ.

The meaning of this holiday in the Christian religion is huge. This indicates the fact that despite Great post, On this day, Orthodox allow themselves more than usual. Also, the reverence of this holiday says that this day must be freed from work and spend it quietly and calmly, rejoicing about Christ.

Although many Christian holidays fall out for different days, the Annunciation does not apply to such. Every year this holiday is celebrated on April 7th. Depending on what day of the week this holiday fell - with this day there will be much connected this year.

According to the priests on this day, it is imperative to devote all his time to spiritual enlightenment, reading the Bible and singing Psalms. At the same time, no thoughts, work and fumes should not distract.

✨ Annunciation in folk tradition

In the Slavic folk calendar, the Annunciation is perceived as the start date of spring. Eastern Slavs wide spread We received ideas about the annual cycle of the Earth, in particular, that, starting with late autumn, the Earth is "closed" before the Annunciation, she "sleeps" and t. Clause, in connection with which it is impossible to touch it before the Annunciation: dig, digging, puffing in the ground, plow and sow. The "Sleep" of the Earth in the period from the Exaltation before the Annunciation is understood sometimes and as a state of "pregnancy" of the Earth, when it is hidden, the fact that at a certain point, with its "awakening," comes out. To the fact that the sleeping in the ground during the winter and comes out only for the Annunciation, attribute to the reptiles, insects, roots of plants, etc., as well as rain moisture, so a violation of the ban to touch the Earth to her "discovery" is fraught with summer drought.

The completion of the "Sleep" period of the Earth for the Annunciation is described in folklore beliefs: its "awakening, discovery, latter, revival" and the like, conjugate time with its blessing by God. Following this, snakes, frogs, insects appear on the allege on Earth, awaken bees in the hives and beasts in the forest. The "Opening" of the Earth entails permission to process: Begins Pahokot and North.

The Slavic peoples with the Annunciation tied the arrival of birds from a distant country called "Iri" or "Exit". In Belarus, on this day, children met storks. Mothers baked them with pellets in the form of a paw of a stork, children endured cakes into the courtyard, threw and clicked Aist (Buxla "):" Bushel, Bushel, give me a cop! ". In Russia, the Annunciation was released on the will, "so that they sang into the glory of God" and brought happiness to the one who freed them.

Sometimes, at the same time with singing, the bonfires were singing - in this way "the winter" or "Greet Spring" fell ". Annunciation bonfires were considered protection against diseases, evil and unclean power. Russians burned straw beds, old lapties, jumped through the fire and fured out clothes. Serbs to protect cattle from epidemics, scottle between two fires drove into the appeal; On the eve of the Annunciation, the old fire was extinguished in the foci and mined a new, "alive" friction.

Magic rituals, fortune telling, health predictions, happiness, good luck, wealth, harvest, weather, etc. are confined to the Annunciation. P . We cared that this day be healthy, full, well dressed, to have money with me, because it will be all year. The Eastern Slavs in one Annunciation worker baked a penny, and to whom such a prosfora was delivered, he was considered happy and lucky, he was entrusted to start seating or other works. Slices of prosphoras put in the seeds, buried at the corners of the field from the hail and drought, put in the first sheaf, in the slan, so that the mice do not eat grain; The prosfora took with them when sowing, tied to the seeder, were used to treat fever.

Our wise ancestors believed that the earth sleeps under the snow, fly to the Iri's soul of the ancestors, all the extinces sleeping under the snow and can not be laid down the land, until everyone wake up, it is impossible to break this law for the day before the day awakening the land. On April 1, wakes up a house, and followed by him. It was customary to celebrate this day with impositions of his assistant - milk, pies, sweets, porridge.

And after the Earth wake up behind the spirits. The day of the Annunciation has always been special, during the day, when it can say goodbye much, in the afternoon, when it was necessary to start again because the nature woke up young and updated, the eternal wheel of life from the very beginning.

✨ Traditions and customs on the Annunciation

Traditions of Annunciation In Russia, this holiday was considered the feast of freedom and calm. He was not celebrated by the feast, on the contrary, people were indulging in prayers and thought. Sometimes on the feast baked bird figures in the form of larks.

According to legends, one of the strictest prohibitions on this day was to knitting, sewing and weaving. This tradition is related to the fact that our ancestors believed that the threads are the fate of people who can be confused and attract the parting, quarrels and stretch into the house.

For the Annunciation there were special importance to birds. With them and tied the rite of issuing to the freedom of birds, often pigeons. For this there were special catches, which then sold birds to implement the rite. There was a belief that the pigeons will report the news of good deeds Human angels, who subsequently reward him for it.

On the night of April 6, April 7, it was used to "warm spring" before, so at this time a holiday was arranged with fires where garbage burned, old shoes, straw and rags. The last time I was called spring, drove dances and sang songs.

As it was already mentioned, it is impossible to work on this day, but it was possible to sanctify seeds and crop seedlings. After all, according to legend, God himself opens the sky to bless the Earth on a good harvest.

One of the most interesting traditions On this day, the billet of the Annunciation Salt. This was done in order to use it in case of any disease. All family members took the pinch of salt and placed her in the bag, which the hostess subsequently calcined on fire.

If during the entire year this salt was not needed, then it was burned to the Annunciation, believing that all misfortunes and misfortune disappear. Also came with consecrated water And the prosphora, which the hostess kept all year.

Separately, it is worth noting that many Orthodox Christians have tried to acquire as much as possible as possible, but if they did not succeed, then bought themselves. Then it was arranged festive dinnerWhere the hostess crushed this consecrated loaf and gave all family members, some part of the woman was preserved to add crumbs to livestock feeds.

Also, many believed that if this day is very noise, rumble with pelvis, call the tambourins, then this will scare away the predatory animals and retain their domestic cattle.

✨ Signs for Annunciation

The Day of Annunciation, perceived as one of the most important seasonal borders, after which spring begins, in many places was considered a very "dangerous" day. On this day, a strict ban on any work and even household actions were observed. As the Russian proverb says: "There is no nest on an annunciation of the bird, but the maiden braid does not break."

Why don't do much - this is due to many signs. For example, if on this day you plant seedlings, it will not go. In addition, this applies not only to the feast of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, but also to the day of the week, which this holiday fell. And the next day after the holiday - on the contrary, very successful. On the eve of the holiday, many sick peas. It is exactly the same thing is considered to be favorable sowing.

  • Look at the weather. If it is snowing on the naughty on the roofs of the houses, it will lie until May 6 - Iron. If this day is frosty, then a few more matinees will be cold. If warm - then many frosts are waiting ahead.
  • If you do not see in the holiday of swallows, the spring will be cold.
  • If the day before the celebration you see the dark sky and the stars do not see, then the chickens will be bad. If on the street the sun - then wait good harvest Wheat. It is rainy - good year For fishing, and autumn will be a good mushroom season. Thunderstorm foreshadows a warm summer and a good harvest of nuts. And frost - crop cucumbers.
  • If you want the whole year you have been successful, have a good health, a happy family, then be sure to go to church and eat a consecrated prosfora. Her many bake for everyone in the family or buy, and then crumble and eat. Also, the crumbs are mixed with the seeds of the best harvest and gave eating a cattle and birds. Often they do even for bees, just mixed with honey.
  • Since the Annunciation falls on Friday, the whole year is better not to start a new case on this day, because it will not be successful.
  • Many peasants carefully watched the weather on this day. If it was raining for the Annunciation, then they were preparing for a good crop of rye, if the thunderstorm, they believed that the nuts would hope this year.
  • The fishermen hoped that on this day there would be rainy weather, as they believed that the whole year would be a good catch.
  • On this day, many families tried not to quarrel and live in peace and tranquility, as they believed that the year would pass as they would have an adoption.
  • For thiefs existed their belief. If on this day it turns out something to steal, then the next year will be successfully and in prosperity.
  • If they did not appear in the appeal of the swallows, then everything was preparing for a cold winter.
  • If the day before and on the day of the holiday was bought new clothes, then in no case it was impossible to try it on this day, otherwise, according to accept, it will quickly deteriorate and break.
  • In no case do not take into debt to the Annunciation of the Most Holy Mother of God and do nothing from home. Otherwise, you give your health, well-being and peace.
  • Annunciation should not go to the hairdresser, and it is also not recommended to do anything with hair.
  • On this day, it is good to guess, ask - the sky is open.
  • On this day, the frying pan overthrhes the salt with a prayer - it is added to food from different diseases. You can make a bonfire and jump through it (for cleaning the energy).
  • In the spring, wash the decorations, talismans, runes.

Salt prepared on the day of Annunciation, on belief, possessed a special healing force.
The custom of the ritual use of salt is very ancient, which has come down from Praslava, when for any salt, recognized the opportunity to scare the malicious forces, protect a person.

On the same day, you can prepare an Annunciation salt (applied in the same cases as Thursday). To do this, salt (at least 4 kg) pour into a bag of cotton fabric and before sunrise, in the morning dawn, bake it in the oven for ten minutes.

She was considered a universal medicine. During the evil eye and various illnesses, the peasants took her inside, they were tried with a solution, and the bread was given to the sacriferous cattle or the whisper was given to the whisper.

This salt can then be used throughout the year: saline it with food, clean with its help with its help, take off the evil eye and damage, etc., with the Blagoveshchensk salt, bake buns that help cure the child from the evil eye. Child should give such buns on an empty stomach in the morning dawn for three, seven or fourteen days - depending on the stream of the evil eye.

It is believed that this day opens the sky, people are descended by grace and they get the opportunity to cleanse from sins.

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary has long been considered a difficult day. Quarrels, scandals, all kinds of misunderstandings are not uncommon on this day, so it is necessary for anything to try to keep themselves in their hands and do not give in to emotions. Otherwise, the troubles are forgiven to you.

Magic rituals conducts magical rituals to attract good luck, happiness, health, wealth and good harvest. If this day be healthy, full, well dressed and have money with you, then the whole year, you will also be safely and lucky.

1. Buy prosphoras for the Annunciation, in one of the prosumen, stick a penny. Then go around all the households and let them choose the prosfora. The one who will get a prosfora with a coin will be happy all year, all his undertakings will be successful, everything that will not think - will definitely succeed, and all year will be accompanied by luck and success.
2. Annunciation of the prosfora needs to be dried and confused. The resulting crumbs mix with seeds, before sowing such a mixture guarantees a good harvest.

"Where to put, there and sit,
Wind not sweat
Rains do not flush
And do not spoil enemies.
Mother cheese earth, mother of the Most Holy Church.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

3. Not anything to give anything on this day.

"Loose to sleep, on me a cross seal, on the sides of the angels - keepers, save my soul from the evening to midnight, from midnight to morning. Amen".

5. If on this day before washing to file alms, then the whole year in the house will be wealth.
6. Harness salt in the furnace and store ash to sprinkle the garden from pests. The ash has power to treat damage.
7. It is desirable not to be taken on this day, hair will climb.
8. If this day is 40 times to call her husband "Mile", the whole year has a husband's beloved.
9. Collect herb in the church, and stored for an icon for happiness, health and well-being
10. For arrived in the Annunciation, please sprinkle your store conspired by water before the first buyer goes.

"Blagovest announced a miracle.
Blagovest people in the temple leads
And my conspiracy to my shop will call.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and in the eyelids. Amen."

11. Buy sugar, for the god of the test (for Easter).
12. For good luck, buy honey for the congestion, spread them right palm And closer to her left. Immediately distinguish your palms and see how it is difficult to do, tell me:

"As a naked melting,
Hand sticks to hand
So that both luck to me, (name), Lipla.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen."