Repairs Design Furniture

What can be easily made of wood. Tree crafts - interesting decorations, toys and possible types of crafts (75 photos). Organizer for shoes from the old tree

Purified crafts from different materials - This is an excellent opportunity for the creative development of the personality, the upbringing of aesthetic taste and, of course, is a reason for pride. If you wish, you can create a lot useful items For interior decoration. Consider how to make crafts from wood with your own hands with drawings.

Original ideas of experienced masters

For a long time, wood has been and remains the most widely used material in the construction and finishing of the premises. Many of us after repair in the house or apartment there are pieces of bars of various thicknesses, trimming plywood or laminate and other so-called construction garbage. But all this can be used. For example, how most of us spend your free time?

It's time to part with your four-legged sofa, turn off the TV and show fantasy, blow away the dust from abandoned tools, rebuild the bores stored in the storage room, and to do, in the end, something useful or beautiful, feeling yourself with the Creator and the artist. So what can be made of wood? If you still have not visited creative ideasWe offer to warm up to use our:

  • You can make a frame for a picture or embroidery from cropping laminate and braid residues.
  • Wooden box - perfect option For storage of all trivia, jewelry or jewelry.
  • Try your son new exciting desktop game called pinball. By the way, this is a good reason to hold time along with your son.

  • Make a chair from one boards with a minimum of tools. And his name is relevant - minimalist.

  • From the well-known pallet or pallet, you can create a real suspended masterpiece. No, not a bridge, of course, but a chair in the form of a swing is something that was so lacked on your summer cottage.

Go to K. practical embodiment Our fantasies. Let's start with the younger generation. We offer to make a gift for the kitchen for mom. It will be a stand in the form of fish under your favorite mother's mug.

Necessary materials:

  • a piece of plywood size not less than 10 * 10 cm;
  • wooden rails 0.5 * 1 * 15 cm - 3 pcs.;
  • hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • a hammer;
  • small nails.

Process description:

If you increase the size of the blanks, then you can make a stand for a frying pan or pan. As you can see, it is quite simple to create homemade crafts made of wood with your own hands, especially according to the drawings.

Mastery Organizer for country interior

Now make a craft from a tree with your own hands for giving. This product will help clean up your writing desk And it will decorate the interior in the cozy corner at the cottage, where you can write a bestseller with quiet summer evenings. We present the organizer for stationery from the remains of DVP.

Necessary materials:

  • dVP residues with a thickness of 0.65 cm;
  • wooden strips of walnut in 1 cm thick;
  • brass screws - 5 pcs.;
  • brass hooks - 3 pcs.;
  • pVA glue;
  • small nails;
  • white wood paint;
  • varnish, polyrolol;
  • tool processing tool.

Process description:

Find material for creativity is not so difficult. Purchase areas and utility premises Often are littered with boards, timber, branches, logs. What prevents us from, then we will help. Showing fantasy, trimming turns into works landscape design.

How to make a craft from a tree

Make a decor for giving may each. When creating products from wood, you must first:

  1. Draw a drawing.
  2. Calculate the number of necessary materials.
  3. Prepare the necessary tools.
  4. Polish outdoor design details emery paper.
  5. Process all elements by antiseptic from rotting according to the instructions.
  6. Collect the product.
  7. Decorate: paint or attach additional decor.

Wood products on open air quickly lose decorativeness, so they need to be treated with antiseptic or paint

Crafts from timber, lining and boards

From wood create a lot of interesting things. High-quality boards And the bar is a rarity and better not to cut them, but to do something large-scale, for example, bench.


  • twenty board 160 cm long - 7 pcs., 60 cm long - 3 pcs.;
  • bar 50x50 60 cm long - 4 pcs.;
  • nails or screws;
  • studs for the foundation.


  • sandpaper;
  • hammer or screwdriver, drill.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Fill the foundation for the legs. Wait for solutions to the solution.
  2. Take 2 segments of the bar, put on the foundation and secure the hairpin on the foundation stone, drilled in it holes.
  3. On the back side of the future bench to the ends of the bar of the clock 2 vertical stands backs.
  4. Place on the bar perpendicular to 2 boards on the edge, secure.

Garden shop - excellent use for the remaining wood after construction

5. Separate 3 short boards across them. Top to put the seat board.

6. Collect a back.

For the strength of the bench to the backrest racks diagonally, it is better to attach an additional bar

The simplified version of the bench is constructed from the bar and void building blocks.

For strength to blocks, fastening the back to the seat, the hairpin or fittings are clogged

From the remains of lining, timber, boards build elements of landscape design, such as decorative wells. Embodiments - set, but the correct sequence of work is one:

  1. First, the root of the well is created to which the racks are attached.
  2. Between them at the selected height, the skiing bar is installed.
  3. Then the rafters are attached on top of the racks to which the roof is installed: the lining or board.

The roof of the well can be additionally covered roofing material - Tiled

If the materials for the construction of the well have to arrive, take the board - the cheapest option.

Sometimes B. decorative Wells Place kashpo for flowers

From cropping mask stylish porridge and tubs.

To make kashpo, carbon on the frame from the bar

Gallery: Bar and Lining in the Garden

Best application of clipping lining - bird feeder
To attract birds to the garden, make a birdhouse
Useful thing From the remnants of the lining - the kashpo mailbox will last longer, if you paint it, create a scene of different heights to compile interesting compositions
For the house in the style of Provence, kashpo in bright colors from the rest of the bar are collecting compact flower beds make a round well harder than square
Garden shops will be useful in each garden
From the resulting color of the bar, it turns out unusual benches for an antique thick bar ideal for the design of garden furniture from cropping a unique decor, for example, a cart

Master class on creating a well - video

Crafts from Brön, Churbachkov and Finev

The smaller the wood is treated, the more organic it looks in the garden. Solved along massive logs are often used to create benches. For the stability of the seating on logs that serve as legs, hollow out or cut down the recesses of the appropriate size. Then fixes nails.

Just like a bench, make a garden table

To create a man from birch chumbachkov, make it with the help of nails.

For bent elbows and crankshap churbachki poured at an angle

At the sight of a log with a bitch in my memory, a well-known fabulous character was coming.

Step-by-step Instructions for the manufacture of Pinocchio:

1. Select a chumbach with a bitch resembling his nose, saw it in half.

For the manufacture of Pinocchio will suit any breed of trees

2. Find suitable branches and hands on the form and size, pump up unnecessary.

If Pinocchio will sit, pick curved branches for legs

3. Speak them with nails to the Churbak, who serves to the body.

Adjust your hands and screwdriver

4. Attaching the limbs, we have Pinocchio on the selected surface.

Torso from the chumbach better to attach to the support, for example, to the panya

5. Optionally, add the part on the figure. On the head we draw or glue your eyes out of sleep branches.

If there is no glue, the sleeps are nailing: the hat will be a pupil

6. From the wire form a blank for the key. Measure foil.

For the manufacture of the key, you can take the usual food foil

7. Wrap a wire foil and get the key.

It is better to find yellow foil, because Pinocchio's key was gold

8. We dress on the feet of the shoes from the boxes from cheese, and on the head - the cap from the sleeve from the old clothes.

Purpose of Pinocchio in the garden - open the door in happiness

Gallery: Products from Breus and Churbachkov

At the entrance to the house it is appropriate to position the rack for bicycles from the logs of the Grandflower and hares from Birch Churbachkov can be the highlight of the garden. Funny couple from Churbachkov on a shop will not let the boring of the inhabitants of the house lovers of exotic logs cut out the Eastukan in African style. Burn "Noseged" Churbachki, of which cute crafts come out of the wooden figures, you can make a comical composition
Exactly sawed chumbas - Excellent dacha stools Extend the internal logs of a chisel's logs to get kashpo for flowers
For recreation on the street Try to make an armchair from birch logs in a skewer season Nobody will refuse a comfortable chair from a log very stylishly looks like furniture from the old bridge bridge from Breus - one of the best decorations Garden for joy to children make a toy train from a brown table and two chairs from Churbachkov - the highest pilot in working with a tree so that the table from the logo does not fall asleep, it is fixed by the rope or belt the stool from a chumbage is defined and covered with varnish

Master class on drinking shop from logs - video

Crafts from Svilov

Beautiful wood looks on a cut. The easiest decor of Svilov - Owl. Details are connected by nails or glue.

Owl's eyes just make bottle caps

Original colors for flowers are obtained from spins glued in the form of a vase.

High swill porridge placed on the lawn

Another a good option - shelf. In the center of each heat drill drill holes, then they dress on a wooden pin. So that the shelves are not slipped, the screw is screwed under each.

On the shelves from sleeps put pots with flowers

Cute decoration for doors - wreath. Wooden circles are glued to the ring from plywood.

Beautifully look wreaths from different breeds trees

On the New Year coniferous trees In the garden, decorate the toys from the sleeps.

If you cover the sleep with impregnation on a tree, the bad weather is not terrible

Hole for suspensions is drilled by a drill.

The mouth and bugs of the snowman are made of leatherette, eyes - from spinach seeds

Gallery: Application of sleeps in the country

The benches made of sleeps are located somewhere in the shadow or at the porch, a rough chair of the sleeve is a ruling thing thickness of the old tree is suitable for creating a table top of a table of sleep - perfect solution For the veranda or gazebos, any flowers look great in the porridge from sleep Interesting solution - finishing outdoor or inland walls at home with sleep cutting out a plywood outline for the Christmas tree, leave the bottom of the spike for fastening to the stand Beautiful decor For the country door - a decorative heart of Spelov to get a candlestick, drill the middle of the sleeve and wipe it over her chisel to polish beautiful sleep and use as a stand under the spike plates - suitable material For Christmas decorations

Master Class on Wall Decorating Smoke - Video

Koryagi and branches in the garden

Any wood - material for creativity. From thin twigs lay the board with a greeting.

Decor on a welcoming board is fixed with glue

From thick - Mastery Unique Garden Furniture.

Stylish chair will last longer, if you remove the barks of the bark

Squares of an interesting form will give the garden a picturesque look, if you simply arrange them among the plants.

Do not pass by beautiful Korgia - this is a big rarity.

And with the help of glue and screws from wood make up various figures of animals. But first, from the branches, remove the bark and brighten them.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Soak the material in a solution of calcined soda: 2 glasses on 7 liters hot water. Put the cargo on top.
  2. After 3 days, remove the bark with a metal brush.
  3. Then immerse the branches for 2 days into the bleach solution: 1 cup on 7 liters of water.
  4. Dry in the sun 3 days.
  5. Collect fine-grained emery paper.

Select the material for the preparation of figures - a long, but exciting occupation

Gallery: crafts from corping and branches

Wreath of bleached branches will decorate the door or the wicket set under the tree a vicious mushroom from Korjig and the branches to create a Christmas tree, on the iron pin, drilled in the middle of the branches from Korigi is better to make large figures from curved branches and corporates create fancy coats under the pots before installing the seat on the bench Carefully grind
From small sprigs, you can make any decoration on the door. Funny pig from Korjigi looks great on a green lawn Lamp of branches - exquisite decoration for a gazebo or veranda

Master class on the manufacture of bird feeders from branches - video

Weaving from Waway

Coastal thickets near the site - Klondike. There are mined branches of willows for crafts. Plentry are made according to a simple scheme: pegs are clogged, then bars are skipped between them.

Willow, Oshin, Osin - the best branches for weaving

Cute decor - wicker baskets in which flowers are planted.

Baskets on the flower beds give the plot of rustic flavor

From durable branches, you can connect the frame of any animal, and then shake it with a vine.

Unusual Vine Decor - Sea Turtle

But the most interesting creation is living tree. Sliced \u200b\u200bpants will be intertwined and rooted. All kidneys on the trunk are blinding, except for the top.

The rooted branches are turned into a new tree resembling palm

Gallery: Vine products in the garden

For a solemn event, an arch from the vine is installed. The hut on the couch legs is not only a decoration, but also feeder for birds beds-box are ideal for growing greenery. Any flower bed, fenced with a shoulder, changes the appearance of the chair from the vine. Transform a seating area from a vine backrests for benches Contemporary garden decor - balls from the vine reaching mastery in weaving, you can create a figure of a girl naughty piglets from the vine like children hare from the vine enchants at first sight

People decorated with their own hands from ancient times. Initially, the craftsmen were used for this herriad of nature, then learned to make items from metal, and in the development era chemical industry Much appeared synthetic materialswhich successfully apply in modern design.

Of course, it is stupid to refuse amenities that appeared with the development of industry and new technologies in the production of furniture, decor items, but so you want to revive the house, create with natural materials A special atmosphere of comfort and peace in any room! And the best of the materials for this was all times and the Majesty tree remains and remains.

Real masters create great carved panels, exclusive furniture From woody array, amazing paintings in the style of Marquetry. To implement the most bold ideas in the interior, skill, artistic taste, special tools, knowledge and skills. But anyone can do uncomplicated decorations with their own hands.

Beautiful wood decor

The easiest way to use a tree is to abandon plastic Ram., put wooden doors, get furniture from whole array. This material has the ability to breathe. Wooden Rama The windows will allow maintaining a pleasant atmosphere in the room.

Furniture headset natural wood It is able to give any apartment a feeling of goodness, wealth, to speak on an independent decoration of the house. True, not everyone can afford such a luxury. However, even several items are able to change the appearance. modern apartment. Very profitable look at any interior:

    coffee table, to finish the surface of which the technique of Marquetry or Spike varientities is applied;

    armchair swept from a solid massif;

    wooden stands for home plants;

    open shelves.

Design decoration tree

Contemporary wood decor do it yourself

Decor's idea with do-it-yourself

Therefore, if there is no opportunity to furnish your housing by expensive furniture, it is enough to purchase one or two products, or decorate already existing furniture, applying decorative tree For interior, do it yourself.

As for the doors - then the options are many. In order to isolate the room, you can install:

    Solid doors made of natural boards;

    Set from the rails of the canvas;

    Doors with glazing;

    Sliding doors;

    Doors - "Shirma" in a common room, folding "accordion".

The last two options allow you to significantly save space. small premises. You can make such doors with your own hands, or order an experienced master.

Decorating with wood with your own hands

Beautiful wood decor

Tree in the interior do it yourself: advantages

Since wood is one of the natural materials, it has a lot of advantages for making various items do it yourself:

    Environmental Safety. You can use in the interior of any room without prejudice to health. In addition, people beliefsWood is capable of healing - for example, the dies from Osin remove inflammation, and oak - give the strength to a weakened organism.

    Practically free: she is lying on us literally under their feet - they will go squirts, dried bumps of trees, which can be found in the nearest sheet. Dachini most often burned waste, which appeared as a result of cleaning and thinning the garden. And you can not burn all these rusties, and you can perform beautiful accessories from them that can add individuality in your interior, put it with your own soul.

    The ability to create decor from wood with your own hands. Nature is unique, and you will not find two absolutely identical branches. Therefore, working with natural Material, you create unique things every time, which will give your home your special style and attractiveness. In addition, there will be a reason to boast before friends with its fantasy and skillful hands.

Design decoration tree

Contemporary wood decor do it yourself

Decor's idea with do-it-yourself

Decorations for the house of wood cuts

Anyone who knows how to keep the hammer in the hands and other simple tools, cutting the tree with their own hands for the interior to get the appropriate material. Wood can be cleaned in advance from the bark, or leave the original form - everything depends on what kinds of wood you have and where are you going to stick wooden dies.

Here are just a few ideas where ordinary weighs of the tree will be useful in the interior:

    decoration of walls slices of logs;

    production of furniture;

    decor of individual furniture items with wooden dies of various diameters.

Decorating with wood with your own hands

Beautiful wood decor

Decor of wood do it yourself for walls

If you decide to apply a tree to decorate the walls, you can do it in two ways:

    covered with wooden dies the surface of one or all walls in the room;

    select a separate segment of the wall and arrange it as a panel.

First option will suit Not for each room - it will fit better in the interior of the veranda, corridors stylized under the country kitchen or homemade bath. But for decorating a separate section of the wall you can show all your fantasy. It can be:

    Apron for kitchen or panel over working area. Beautiful sleeves It turns out from different rocks of the tree - apple, pears, plums, cherries, walnut, ash, where everyone has its own unique color. You will remain well polling the surface of the dies and cover the bright web with a protective layer of colorless varnish.

    In the interior of the children's room are appropriate beautiful panels From wooden sleeves, made in the form of stylized butterflies, colors or a whole fabulous landscape.

    For the decor of the walls of the spacious corridor, we can take wooden squigs found in the forest and nature. If you do some of them, leaving one side untouched, then on one of the walls will appear in color flowers, each of which will be unique in its natural beauty.

Design decoration tree

Contemporary wood decor do it yourself

Decor's idea with do-it-yourself

Transform furniture

To arrange the interior of the tree with your own hands, you can use the already existing items old furniture. Decorated with dies of different breeds of a tree, she will acquire a second life and perfectly fit into the interior.

The main rule that should be observed - all work should be carried out without a rush, very carefully to get the desired effect:

    Pick up the branches of the desired wood rocks of a small diameter;

    Well dry them, remove the bore, if necessary;

    Cut the dice of the same thickness using a jigsaw or a grinder;

    Collect the surface of the sleeves with sandpaper on both sides;

    Prepare furniture you are going to transform: Clean it from old paint., varnish, align the surfaces with grinding;

    Clepping the heel glue for wood - carpentry or pva.

    Let them dry, then cover the surface treated with colorless varnish.

So you can decorate the chest of drawers, old cabinet, table and other furniture items.

Decorating with wood with your own hands

Beautiful wood decor

Decor items

In addition to the already listed techniques, you can make other items of wood decor with your own hands. It looks original in the interior of the cabinet amateur photo or small pictures placed in a frame made from thin twigs. It is easy to cut into 3-4 thin branches, a little more than the size of the photo, and link them around the perimeter in the places of compounds with ordinary harness or twine.

By the same principle you can make a stand from pencils:

    Cut U. plastic bottle or tin cans The top, so that the cup is, where you can add pencils.

    Cut thin branches so that their length is slightly larger than the height of the obtained glass;

    Stick them with adhesive pistol And reinforce with a few twine or twine twists.

Design decoration tree

Contemporary wood decor do it yourself

Decor's idea with do-it-yourself

Showing a little fantasy and smelting, you can make a stand for a phone using twigs, a plastic bottle or a tin jar from under the juice. And if you work a little, you can, using suitable solid spears, hollow out the docking station for the iPhone or the original candlestick.

Spike suitable diameter You can use for manufacture with your own hands:

    original coats under cups in the form of topographic symbols;

    from the bottle unusual shape the original vessel, saving her surface with wooden dies;

    stands under the hot, the basis for which can serve plywood sheet Any shape.

Decorating with wood with your own hands

Beautiful wood decor

Wine bottle wooden spil, You can use as a basis for the lamp in Eco interior. It is suitable for shameter from the usual cotton rope, which needs to be wounded on the already ready metallic, or made of wooden rod framework.

We have offered you only a few ideas of wood jewelry with your own hands for the interior. There are still many options how to perform with your own hands. wooden decorations And beautiful accessories using other gifts of nature. It all depends on the overall design, your fantasy and present materials.

Video: Decor of wood do it yourself

Garden plot - suitable place to show the designer's talent. Follow the strict canons when the landscape is not necessarily. An excellent addition to well-kept flower beds will be original crafts From wood for giving. They differ in difficulty, so each wizard will find a sample, which is able to perform with your own hands.

Varieties of country crafts

Design options cottage plot Tree crafts set. In the manufacture of the most simple samples, children and grandchildren attract the fascinating process. Complex copies will require skills to work with wood and painstaking labor. All variety wooden crafts For giving conditionally divide into groups:

  • Hemp and logs that serve as the basis for landing flowers at the cottage.
  • Spiles, boards and tree columns, activated in a flower bed fence.
  • Funny figs from plywood or all sorts of combinations of logs and branches.
  • Homemade utensils from the branches or tree bark.
  • Complex monumental figures that will become an accent area when designing a dacha landscape.
  • Various decorative furniture from logs and branches: tables, chairs, armchairs and shops.
  • The spectacular paths laid out of the spons of the tree.

In addition to the decorative role, the crafts from the tree successfully cope with the practical function. The most popular option is the design of the flower bed and the manufacture of garden furniture.

Crafts from plywood

The design of the cottage is limited only by the fantasy of the wizard. Plywood is a fairly simple material for work, so actively involved when decorating the site. One of the available ways to make the landscape with your own hands is brighter is the installation of original figures. Most often there are fabulous characters, cute little animals and birds.

The order of registration consists of three stages:

  • the image is applied to the plywood sheet;
  • the shape of the tree is cut out with a junk;
  • the craft is covered with paint designed for external work;
  • the finished product is installed at the cottage in the recreation area or other prominent place.

Compatible beauty with practicality can crafts in the form of kashpo. Will the stand for colors from the tree of a primitive form or take the original outlines, depends solely on the skill of the owner of the cottage. But even a simple box will acquire decorativeness if you decorate it with fiction.

Tip! In addition to standard staining or lacquer coating, the porridge from the tree is punctured or decorated with a hen rope.

The next options for practical crafts for summer cottages are bird feeders, a birdhouse or a mailbox. Examples original ideas Presented in the photo:

The basis of creativity - stumps and logs

It is not necessary to rush to clean the old stump from the cottage. If he occupies profitable position, It can become an original art object. The most popular idea with the conversion of tree residues in the flowerbed. The main steps of the process:

  • Chisel with the hammer will become helpers to remove the trunk from the middle of the stump.
  • The outer part is cleared of the crust.
  • Tree is treated protective compositions From insects and fungus, open lacquer. Excellent characteristics have a varnish designed to handle yachts. The coating is stable before frost and high humidity.
  • The deepening is filled with fertile soil.
  • To prevent the soil moistening, the holes for the flow of excess water drill in the tree.
  • Sit down unpretentious plants. Habitual practice for giving - petunia or ivy.

Dacha landscape will be transformed if the craft is made of stump to decorate with her hands into the image of a forest character with eyes and mouth.

For similar technology with a non-stamp, the basis for the flower bags are cutting logs.

Lena different sizes - Excellent base for all sorts of crafts in the form of decorative figures.

Comment! The decorativeness of birch in this plan wins in front of other wood species.

Funny little men, donkeys will give the landscape of giving a unique charm. The main thing is to take care of the winning position of the crafts, consider the original composition and do not forget about small details. The photo collage will help in creating their own craft from a tree for a cottage or garden with their own hands.

Wooden sleeve functionality

Spiles of wood provide a wide field for creativity on the decoration of the cottage sections. Methods of use set, we give examples of simple and popular crafts:

Tip! Extend the service life of the workflow of the crafts will help the preliminary treatment of Spilov Olifa. Insect protection and moisture impact will not be superfluous.

Sometimes color pebbles fall asleep between tree fragments small sizes. Through time, the spears will darken and acquire a solid look of the ancient path in the country.

We use bark and branches

House of summer cottages from wood are also able to decorate. There will be more branches or bark trees. The masters do it with their own hands with the help of branches:

  • frames for chandeliers or wall lamps;
  • hangers;
  • photo frames;
  • separate elements Furniture (backs, legs)

The originality is characterized by an exercise for giving in the form of hangers. Production procedure does not represent difficulties:

  • For crafts, you will need branches of the same size.
  • The tree is purified from the bark or leave the original form, but must be treated with impregnation or varnish.
  • The frame for the hanger in the cottage is collected from four boards, its height is equal to the size of the branches.
  • In the absence of intense loads of the tree branch, you can fix on the basis of glue. When placing heavy things, it is better to bore individual elements with nails. Work on a practical handicraft is over, it remains to hang it on the cotton wall.

Beresta was actively used in everyday life. Now the cauldron in the form of a basket or Tues will become the exclusive dacket decor. In the presence of the required skill, from individual parts of the wood craftsmen do it yourself mask mugs, paintings, baskets and other household trivia for giving.

Monumental creativity

Experienced wood processing masters are under force more complex crafts.

Decorative figures

Non-trivial daches decoration will be the figure, squeezed out of the tree. For the forest monster it is important to choose a trunk with branches of the original configuration, the rest is the fantasy of Cleells. The fabulous bogatyr needs a larger diligence, but the landscape of giving with such a defender will not leave anyone indifferent.

Tree carving is another labor-intensive process of registration for the cottage. Neat figures of birds or animals - the main theme of creativity.

Picture on a tree

A tree can serve as a cloth for artist's creativity. Crafts in the form of a picture - another option for the design of the dacha landscape. The main steps to create a decor:

  • Part of the trunk is cleaned of the crust.
  • The polished surface is impregnated with a primer intended for the treatment of wooden surfaces.
  • To create your own hands, the paintings use acrylic or oil paints.
  • After a complete drying of the picture, the craft is opened with varnish.

Mills and hut

Dacha landscape exquisitely decorate the handwriter in the shape of a mill, well or hut. Objects are collected according to the scrup. The main stages of the process of registration Mini mills are as follows:

  • The planks of the same size, which serve as the basis of the crafts in the form of a mill are prepared.
  • First, the first two planks are fixed in parallel to each other.
  • Perpendicular to them put two more planks from the tree.
  • Interchange elements are bonded different ways. You can use glue, nails or stripped parts on metal pins.
  • After the construction of the walls, go to the decoration of the roof.

Crafts for giving can differ significantly in size. It all depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe plot, the presence of the material and the skills of the wizard handle.


Dacha is often designated sadovaya furniture From wood. This can be a separate simple shop or complex composition, supplemented with funny figures.

Speecually at the cottage is looking for whole ensembles of furniture from the table with chairs or benches. The function of the legs typically perform the sleeves. For the seat of the benches involve boards or sawd logs.

Comment! The considerable weight of the furniture from the logs makes it difficult to move it on the cottage site, so you should choose the best place to install a weight craft.

Rustic style fans will have to make an idea with furniture for giving, where curved branches of the tree are actively involved for registration. The picturesque picture will not leave indifferent guests of the cottages.

Production of furniture for the cottage from wood is represented by various technologies:

  • In some cases, the bark is deleted completely, other masters are cleaned only by crafts designed for the seat.
  • The table top is made up of solid logs, sleep, boards, or decorated with durable glass.
  • The function of the legs perform logs or branches.
  • The color of the tree leaves natural or coated with a verse to give a certain shade.

Photos examples interesting crafts Furniture are presented below:

Finally, we will give a few more tips for the design for the cottage of crafts from a tree:

Crafts from wood that can spectacularly decorate the cottage section, many. When choosing a sample, it is worth considering its own abilities and the presence of free time. The rest is at the discretion of the wizard. Successes in creative endeavors!

And at our gates a miracle tree grows ... And the tree is found in every home in the form of furniture, doors, windows and other items that facilitate life to a person. Our review will tell about the most unusual use of wood in the interior design.

Wooden whale organiser. In the head - some pencils, in the teeth mobile phone, the tail is trying to keep notebooks.

Slim Timber decided to pour fans of environmentally friendly raw materials with a wallet from a tree. Despite the solid texture, the wallet looks organically and perfectly copes with its task.

This is not just a wooden sink, but the most spectacular model of natural wood, which only exists.

Mario. Just Mario.

Glasses in a wooden frame. Probably slightly slide from the nose. But it is only guesses.

Wooden chair from MillWorks. Pretty spacious and stylish.

Handmade calendar from natural wood. Justday only scores are.

Wall hooks. Naturally, from wood.

Wedding ring from wooden insert. It is strange that the wood was treated only part of the ring. Although everything is explained. Imagine the face of the bride, which instead of the expected diamonds saw in the hands of a beloved ring of wood? And here at least some amount of noble metal.

Wooden coffee table. All as in the past century. From modern trends only glass countertop.

Space from ash. Will look good as in the garden country houseAnd in the hallway of the ordinary apartment.

Wooden keyboard from Engrain.

Cheating for iPhone.

Not far from the case and MP3 player made of wood. It looks unusual, it sounds canceled.

It's amazing how this manufacturers risked to create a wooden shower, given the property of the wood to spill from moisture. Nevertheless, eyewitnesses argue that wooden soul From Terra Marique is not afraid of no water.

Canoeing from wood is quite familiar. Although in the 21st century you can meet this vehicle on the river.