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Fair to put the old new year under the pillow. Divination for the old new year for love and the future. How to guess for old new year

Old New Year - A favorable period for gadas and magical rituals. On the night of January 13-14, celestial forces help people and answer exciting questions.

Fortune telling on the narrowed

On the old new year, young unmarried girls are guessing on the narrowed. They are trying to find out the wedding date, the name or image of the future groom. To higher power They answered the exciting question, sincerely believe in the power of magic.

Mirror corridor. The fortune telling is carried out in an empty dark room. Take two large mirrors Same size and two candles. Place the mirrors against each other and place the lit candles so that the mirror corridor is turned out. After that, look at the end of the corridor. It will appear narrowed.

Fortune telling on bread and scissors.Before bedtime, put the bread and scissors under the pillow and come down to see in a dream of the narrowed. A dreaming man will be a fiance.

Fortune telling on stockings. On the eve of the old new year, buy new stockings. Before beding in bed, put the stocking on one leg and say: "Daissed-rude, come to undress me." A man who will shoot in a dream stocking will become her husband.

Wooden bridge. On the night of January 13-14, put a deep bowl with water under the bed and put on it wooden stick.. Lying in bed, say: "Daughty-dressed, come, through the bridge of me to translate." With whom in a dream you will go through the bridge - he will become her husband.

Rite with matches. Take matchbox And install on the sides of the match. One of them personifies the gadget girl, and the second is her beloved. Then set fire to the match. If the heads of the rooted matches are addressed to each other, then the pair awaits a happy collaborative future. Otherwise, the beloved will break up.

Fortune telling on threads. The fortune telling is held in the company of girls. Take the same length on the thread and at the same time flow them. Whose thread of the dog is faster than everyone - the first among the girlfriends will marry. Who has a thread of the fruit to half or get out at the beginning - that will remain lonely.

Dusting in the name of the groom. On the night of the old New Year, go out into the street and ask the first man's name from the first man. The heard name will belong to the bridegroom.

Fortune telling for the future

To guess for future events on the old new year is better than January 13 after sunset. At that time magic power possess the greatest power. Cut rites and rituals with positive setting. Good signs Fate will help to instill faith and strength. Bad should not be given values.

Fortune-up on beans. Put a croup in the beans in the bank. Focus on the question, the answer to which there may be the words "yes" or "no". Then get your left hand from the can. Handful of cereals and count the number of grains. An even number means a positive answer, and an odd is negative.

Prediction on the shade. For fortune telling, a saucer, matches, a sheet of paper and a candle. Combinate the sheet and put it on the saucer. Candle placing so that the shade of paper fell on the wall. Google leaf and look at the shadow wall from it. The interpretation of the seen painting depends on the imagination of the gadget.

Fortune telling on egg. Prepare a glass of S. hot water and fresh egg. Make a small hole in the egg and pour its contents into a glass. In the image of the resulting figure, predict the future. Ring foreshadows romantic relationship And the ambulance, the dome of the temple - a wedding, an airplane, a ship or a car - a move or a long journey.

Fortune telling on dumplings. Comic divination for festive table For family members and guests. A traditional dish At the generous evening (January 13) - dumplings. Put inside them small subjects. Lollipop symbolizes a happy and carefree life, a coin - wealth, a thread - a long road, a button - new clothes, the pea of \u200b\u200bthe bitter pepper - adventure. Depending on the surprise, it is to predict the events of the coming year.

Fortune telling for desires

For the old new year, people make desires and guess their execution. To dreams come true, sincerely believe in a miracle and the magic of the holiday.

Foreign with a candle. Take a deep bowl and fill it up to half clean water. At the edges of the bowl, place the paper sheets with written on them cherished desires. In the middle of the bowl, lower the burning in walnut shell Or pinch a tree candle. The desire on the leaves, which will be scorched first, will be in the new year.

Flame prediction. Concentrate on a desire and burn a white candle. Then watch the flame for 15 minutes. If it is quiet and calm, then conceived will be. Flashing fire or crackling testifies to failure.

Fortune telling on leaves. In the evening on the eve of the old new year, put an even amount of paper leaflets under the pillow. Half of them litter the cross, and leave the rest clean. Imagine your desire in the details before bedtime. In the morning, you get one piece of leaf from under the pillow. If he is marked with a cross, then the desire will be fulfilled in the near future.

On the night of January 14, the new year in the old style is celebrated in Russia. January 13, on the eve of this holiday, unmarried girls are guessing on the narrowed, trying to predict themselves family life with a loved man.

Fortune telling on the narrowed

Our ancestors used vintage fortune telling On the old new year on the narrowed to find out what will be the relationship with the chosen one, how will the mother-in-law and spouse, etc. will be called.

On the maps on the king

For a burning on a beloved on the old New Year, they use the deck of playing cards. The girl should make a guess who of the men familiar to her symbolizes every king in the deck. The cards are tausitis several times, and then pull one by one, calling the feelings that may experience melded to the girl, for example, love, hatred, indifference. You can also specify the future that the girl is waiting for the girl with mandes. You need to pull cards until all four kings appear.

On a glass of water

There are several options for fortune telling on the old new year on a glass of water, for example:

  1. For dinner, the girl should eat a salty product. Despite the strong thirst, it is impossible to drink a salt dish. Before you go to bed, you need to put a glass with water before your bed and say:

    "Dailed, rude, come (name) to water the key".

    If in the coming year, the girl will find his love, she will dream of a man who will bring her a glass of water.

  2. It is necessary to light the candle (you can not church). To the left of the candle put a glass glass with water. There should be no faces on the glass, drawings, etc. Then the girl should mentally formulate that she wants to see (will the wedding will be held, rich or poor will be a spouse). Then you need to watch the glass for a long time and carefully. We used this method assure that if you look at time, you can see the answer to your question.

On the mirror

On the table opposite each other put 2 mirrors, which may be the same in size. It is permissible that one mirror is a little more than the other. Nearby put a burning church candle. The girl should remove all the decorations and native Cross, dissolve hair and, sowing in front of the mirrors, say:

"Dailed, show! Durable, appear! "

Then you need to start pepper in the mirror corridor, in which the image of the narrowed appears. If you want to stop session or see something scary, say:

Mirror fortune telling for Christmas, baptism, on the eve of the New Year on the old and new style is not recommended by impressionable and nervous people. In addition, according to popular beliefThrough the mirror corridor you can let in your house evil spirits.

With the help of matches and rings

The fortune telling on the narrowed is carried out before bedtime. It is necessary to take a new box of matches, of which there are "well" (matches are spread around each other in several layers). At the bottom of the "Well" put gold wedding ring. The accessory that was used on the wedding in the church is suitable. Unwanted rings divorced or early widowed women.

"Well" can be placed or near your bed, or under it. Before you go to bed, you need to say:

"My messenger, molded, the fate of the named, K (name) come, take a ring from the well, to the crown (name) is motive."

If during the current year the girl will meet the narrowed, she should dreamed future husband. If the dream was not remembered or in a dream did not appear the man, waiting for the proposals of the hands and hearts this year is not worth it.

On the video, another divination option:

On leaves

For fortune telling under the old New Year on the future husband, you must prepare the same paper sheets. One side of the leaf should be painted in red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue or purple. You can use a colored paper set. The sheets are laid out on the table, turn the color side down and stirred. Then you need to pull out the sheet and find out your fate in color:

  1. Red. This year there is a passionate novel.
  2. Orange. The man you are interested in (interest) will treat you as a friend.
  3. Yellow. Expect an opponent's appearance.
  4. Green. This year you will have a persistent and generous fan that will be indifferent to you.
  5. Blue. Relationships with your loved one will ruin. Will you be able to return the former feelings, depends only on you.
  6. Blue. This color foreshadows parting with your loved ones, regardless of whether you will make efforts to reunite or not.
  7. Purple. This year you are waiting for marriage.

The name is narrowed

The easiest and fun way to find out the name of the future groom is considered a survey of passersby on the street. The girl should approach the first counter-man and ask him to name the name. To find out how to call the mother-in-law, it is necessary to contact the first counter woman.

By date of birth

You can guess for the narrowed by the date of birth. Options:

  1. Fold the dates of your birth. Then put together the numbers of the coming year. Both results should also be folded (it should be an unambiguous number). For example, you were born on 5.12.1995, and you are guessing for 2018. As a result of the addition, a figure is obtained 7. This is an odd number. Meet your loved one or get married this year you can not.
  2. You were born on 5.12.1995, and a favorite person - 05/11/1998. Fold the numbers of the date of your birth and the person you love. An even number indicates that you can create a harmonious pair. An odd suggests that you better part. IN this example In addition, the results of the two calculations are obtained 12. The result of addition 1 and 2-3. From further relationships with a person born 05/11/1998, it is worth abandoning.

Divination on marriage and character narrowed

Do not perceive fortune telling seriously. Them should be considered as good way Have fun in a circle of friends.

On the character of the narrowed

On the evening of January 13, you can pay marriage to find out the nature of the future spouse. Unmarried girl chooses a house and eats under the windows. By what heard in the house can be judged on the nature of the future spouse, for example:

  1. Songs and laughter - spouse will be cheerful. However, if the house is a feast, it is possible that the girl will become an alcoholic spouse.
  2. Quarrel - the husband will be grumpy.
  3. Silence in the house - a marriage with a quiet and kind person.

Who will marry the first year in the new year

The fortune telling is carried out in the circle of unmarried girlfriends. It is necessary to take a new white thread coil. The girls cut a thread of the same length, and then simultaneously ignite them. A girl who has a thread eating earlier than girlfriends, in the new year married. If the threads are burned at the same time, in the near future none of those present will become his wife.

What will be the future spouse and family life

Predict how future husband will look like, you can with male hair. It is necessary to take a few hair from the brunette, a blond, saten, red and gray and laughing them in converters. To get a prediction of incubation in the family, you should take a small coin (5, 10 or 50 kopecks), a bill of 50 or 100 rubles. and bills worth 1000 or 5000 rubles. Money is unfolded according to the same bags. You can wrap the coin and paper bills.

Envelopes with hair and bags with money are put under the pillow on the night of January 14. In the morning, the girl should rawly pull out 1 converter and 1 pouch. Thus, unmarried can find out whether her husband will be a brunette, blond, saten or red. If the hair is gray, the spouse will be much older. Pouch with trifle points to poverty. Bills 50 and 100 rubles. Provide medium wealth without luxury. Covers 1000 and 5000 rubles. We predict family life in wealth.

Fortune telling on love

To find out if a man love you in the coming year, take a handful of seeds from the bag (package) and spread them on the table with couples. If each seed has a couple, this year you will not part with the beloved. Single will meet a loved one. If 1 seed left without a pair, it foreshadows parting. Women who have not yet met the narrowed, divination for love foreshadows loneliness this year. Instead of seeds, you can use beans or peas.

How many mirrors exist, so much they attribute magic properties. And of course, a subject with such a reputation simply cannot but be used in a variety of predictions and rites. Divination with their help is easy to execute, but very effective and at the same time unsafe. A description of some predictions with a mirror is always accompanied by caution. But the temptation to see his future satellite of life (and it is such an opportunity to provide mirrors) is so great that many women are solved on such rituals.

Fortune telling with mirrors on the narrowed on the old new year or in any other suitable time They are held at midnight, in a dark room, one on one with an overwhelming world. Previously, girls closed in the baths and guess naked. It is allowed to carry out a procedure and with dim lighting, but complete silence and loneliness are unshakable conditions.

The main tool of fortune telling on the narrowed - two mirrors. They may be the same in magnitude, and may differ in two or three times. You will also need two candles - they are put in the candlesticks whose role can be performed or glasses. Typically put mirrors opposite each other on the table, on the sides of one of them placed candles. Sit down from behind smaller on the size of the mirror. Alternatively, you can get up with a mirror in your hands in front of a mirror hanging on the wall.

Regardless of the type of mirrors and the subtleties of their alignment, the essence of one: they form a kind of corridor, the tunnel into the parallel world. During manipulations with them, the girl should say: "Durable-rude, show me in the mirror" or "squeezed, come to me dinner." Now it remains to be patient and peer into a mirror corridor, in which after some time it will begin to fill evil spirits. If you woofer is not afraid, the otherworldly will demonstrate to her the appearance of the narrowed. It is quite concrete: you can see the hair color, growth, shape, clothes, features.

If the future husband look greatly, it is fraught with the most adverse consequences. It is believed that he, and in fact - an unclean force, can leave the mirror and cause harm, for example, to strangle or pull along with him in the castorical. Therefore, it is necessary, satisfying curiosity, a smaller mirror is quickly covered in advance with a pure handkerchief or white flap, and the most important thing is to pronounce "Chur me!", Forcing the narrowed to disappear. It is precisely that what devastants are delayed to pronounce this important phrase or ignore it at all, and consequences are related, due to which the fortune telling on the mirrors is considered one of the most frighteners.

You can see in the mirror with a different way. Need to sit down at the mirror and right hand Combat hair, while holding an apple in my left hand. In the process of combing hair, you need to look at your reflection in the mirror, the space above the right shoulder is exactly there the appearance of the future spouse.

Finally, chat with unclean power can and more secure and gentle nervous system way. It is necessary to write a question in the mirror on the mirror or wish and put it under the pillow. Sleep will definitely give some kind of symbolic information. You can also put the mirror next to you (for example, on bedside table), cover it with a clean piece of paper, next to put a pencil. After that, you can hope that the messengers will come at night dark forces And leave a note. It is recommended to burn immediately after reading, without showing anyone.

Old New Year, which is celebrated on the night of January 13-14 - special, mystical time. It is believed that this night comes best time For gadas. How to find out your destinies, the name of the narrowed or date of the upcoming wedding - read in the material.

Why are you guessing for the old new year

The period of the shield (from 7 to 19 January) has long been considered special, people believed that these days fate could open their secrets and secrets. I learned about the future on fortunate and different folk signs. Unmarried girl On the night, you wondered not only to your future, but also on the narrowed.

In the period of the shield, you can learn not only the name of your narrowed, but also the color of his hair, character or shape. As well as the wedding date, the number of children, a successful or unsuccessful marriage.

The people were believed that it was fortune-day on the night of January 13-14 - the most truthful. I even existed such a saying: "Everything that the maiden is fussing to Vasily, everything will come true, and what will come true - it will not pass."

Fortune telling on the shield - the most accurate and true

Folk traditions of divination are forgotten by losing their shape and content. However, so far on the night of January 14, many girls want to look into their future, as our great-grandmothers once did. If you also want to repay this mystical night - read in the material about how it can be done at home.

How to prepare for fortunate on the old new year

Before you fortunate, you need to tune in to a serious way, dissolve your hair, unleash all the nodes that are on clothes (belts, belts, decorative elements), remove bracelets and rings and accurately formulate the question that interests you.

How to guess for old new year

If you are guessing the future husband, then it should be done not in family house. At this point in the house there should be a man.

It is said that every fortune telling on the old new year it was necessary to do, not doubting his truthfulness, only then it will certainly come true.

Division with payment

Before bedtime, the girl puts a comb with the words "narrowed, rich, come and make me hair." If in a dream he sees how the man combs her hair, then it is married to her this year that a man who dreamed.

Fortune telling on the old new year with a comb

Future for the future with cups

For divination, you need several cups (as many people who are guessing). In the cups there are ring, coin, bread, sugar, onions, salt, in one cup are poured some water. FROM closed eyesEach of those who are guessing, in turn, chooses a cup.

Future predictions are as follows: Ring - to the wedding; coin - to wealth; bread - to sufficiency; sugar - to merry; Onions - to tears; Salt - unfortunately, and a cup with water - to life without special changes.

Candle marriage fortune telling

You need a bowl with water, halves from shell walnutin quantity equal number Those who guess, and as many small candles or their pieces. Candles need to insert in shells, light them and swim in a bowl.

Fortune telling for old new year with candles

The girl, whose candle burns the first, the first will marry. Accordingly, the girl who has the candle burns the latter, and marry will be released. If someone has drowned with fire with fire, that girl is not married to that girl.

Fortune telling for the future husband

Another very popular fortune telling on the old new year is the search for the groom under the pillow. To do this, you need to put paper sheets under the pillow with written on them. male name. In the morning, get one of the leaves. The name on it will be the name of your narrowed.

You can also at midnight you need to go outside and ask the name from the first oncoming. They believe that what name you will be called - and will call your future husband.

Fortune telling for the nature of the future husband

On the night of January 13-14 before going to bed, girls need to put under the pillow playing cards With the image of kings. In the morning, without looking, it is worth pulling out one card. What a king of the girl will get, so the husband will be: the peak king is old and jealous, the trephic king is a military, the king of worms is young and rich, and the bubbn king is desirable.

Fortune telling for old new year with cards

Fortune telling

To this fortunate, girls will have to prepare in advance - buy stockings. Before bedtime, one leg needs to wear a new stocking and lie down in bed. At the same time, the girl should be signed: "Dailed, rich, come with me to remove shoes." A man who in a dream will remove the stocking - will be a future husband.

Fortune telling on thread

Insert three threads in three needles: black, white and red. Let anyone carefully attack them to your clothes from the back. Not knowing, in what order the needles are located, pull one thread. Red thread means the rapid marriage and the birth of a kid, white - loneliness, and the black - marriage of happiness will not bring you, you need to pay attention to career growth.

Fortune telling for old new year on thread

Fortune telling at the wedding

For the old new year at midnight, the girls-girlfriends overlook the courtyard and, tie to each other with a handkerchief of his eyes, rotate several times around themselves, and then pushed the girl in the back. If she goes in the direction of the gate, it will soon marry. If you go to the porch, then sit in the girls for another year.

Fortune telling on dumplings

Hostess, preparing dumplings with potatoes, some of them put together with the usual Surprise stuffing: coins, rings, nuts. The divination itself occurs directly during dish eating. Who will fall out - that is waiting.

Coin or some grains - to wealth, thread - to the road, salt - to tears, sugar - to good and secured life, ring - to marriage, walnut - the presence of two cavaliers, pepper - a new worker, the cherry bone - to replenish in Family.

Fortune telling for old new year with dumplings

Fortune telling on the croup

In a circle, you need to place a saucer with a variety of cereals: buckwheat, millet, rice, semolina, oatmeal, barley, and pour water in a separate saucer. Girls in turn spin in the center of the circle a raw egg And they look, in which direction it will ride.

If the groom will be rich in buckwheat, it will be a blond, to the rice, will be married to the groom, the groom will be from the north, to the barley - the groom will be a military. Water means that the girl is waiting for the journey. If the egg is spinning in place, it means that the girl will not marry this year.

Fortune telling at wish

Before bedtime, on January 13, write 12 desires on individual pieces of paper, take carefully and put under the pillow. In the morning, waking up, pull 3 of them - they will be performed in the new year.

Fortune telling for old new year at will

The celebration of the Old New Year falls on the winter shints, which are celebrated from Christmas Eve and Baptism. The people were believed that at this time the extinction could take a little and stalk, which is why there were a few days in the go of different kind Fun, including fortune telling.

Among the girls walked Mol Polva, that fortune-telling on the old New Year, the night from January 13-14, the most faithful.

"KP in Ukraine" prepared a selection of the simplest and truthful gadasSuppose to girls to brighten a generous evening and just have fun.

Fortune telling for old new year before bed

Fortune telling on kings

On the night of January 13-14, before going to bed, girls need to put playing cards under the pillow with the image of the kings. In the morning, without looking, it is worth pulling out one card. What a king of the girl will get, so the husband will be: the peak king is old and jealous, the trephic king is a military, the king of worms is young and rich, and the tambourine is desirable.

Divination on bread and scissors

According to reference, if before bedtime to the old new year, put bread and scissors under the pillow, the girl will certainly dream of her narrowed.

Fair for a love dream

Before beding a gadget girl, it is necessary to eat anything salty and in no case can not be powered by water. Looking at bedtime, you need to speak: "Daissed, rude, come to me and drink me"! According to the reference, who will come to send you, you will marry you.

Fortune telling

To this fortunate, girls will have to prepare in advance - buy stockings. Before bedtime, one leg needs to wear a new stocking and lie down in bed. At the same time, the girl must be sentenced: "Durable, rich, come to sort me." Muck, which in a dream will remove with a gadget girl stocking - will be her husband.

Fortune telling on love

Under the bed you need to put a small bowl with water, and put a small wooden wand on it and say before bedtime: "Durable, come through the bridge to translate." Who in a dream through the bridge will translate - it will be married.

Fortune telling on the narrowed

Fortune telling on mirrors

This fortune telling is not suitable for each, but rather lovers to ripped nerves. In the people, it is considered one of the most dangerous.

For divination, two mirrors are taken (quite large and if possible equal to the quantity), they are installed opposite each other and illuminated by two candles. It is best to keep one mirror opposite the highlighted wall mirror, so that a long corridor, illuminated by lights. From the room you need to remove all animals and outsiders. If it is very scary, you can leave a couple of modest specimens, however, they should not make no sound, not to look into the mirror and not approach to gadget.

At the end of the corridor formed between two mirrors and should appear narrowed. True, sometimes to look for a very long time, and you can see not only narrowed, but also any evil ...

Divination for the character of the groom and marriage

And a bowl or saucer folds different items that gadget girls should be drawn without looking. The main condition - items should clearly display the character line or quality of life.

For example, sugar - sweet life, good fitness of the groom, ring - marriage, glass - fun life, golden ring - Wealth.

Fortune telling on matches

For this divination, you must prepare a matchbox and several matches in advance.

Boxes are installed on the sides: one is a gadget girl, the other is the man who likes. Matches set on fire and wait until they completely store. If the heads are addressed to each other - it means the guy and the girl will be together.

Fortune telling on dumplings

One of the most traditional fortunes on the old new year.

The hostess of the house inviting guests, prepares dumplings with potatoes, and some puts the filling in the form of small surprises. The essence of fortune telling is that no one knows what he will fall, and it is precisely that the dumplings are determined that a person is waiting next year.

For example:

  • Lollipop - life next year will be sweet;
  • Paper bills - you are waiting for big money;
  • Thread - to a long road or travel;
  • Dragee type candies - family replenishment;
  • Black pepper pea - denotes life with a peppercorn;
  • Buttons - a lot of interesting new things.

The fortune telling on the water will prompt the character of the groom. Photo: Sotsset.

Simple fortune telling

Fortune telling

In order to find out the name of the future husband, the girl is enough to go out and ask for the first oncoming man to call his name.

Divination on the ring

Gadget girls in turn ride on the floor of the ring. If it rides the door, the girl will soon marry.

Fortune telling on egg

You need to prepare fresh egg in advance. It makes a small hole and carefully pour the contents into a glass with water. After some time, the protein will come, by what form he will take and judge the future.

For example, if the church will be seen in the figure - to be wedding, the ring is the engagement. Machine, ship or aircraft - to travel, business trip, ambulance.

Divination by book

In advance, it is necessary to prepare a book with a suitable content. Without revealing the book, the girls make the page number and string from above or below. Then reveal the book on the desired page and read the necessary lines. Depending on the fact that the gadget girl worries most and interpret the selected paragraph.

Fortune telling at wish

Food at the grains

This fortune-telling is one of the simplest: any cereal is poured into the bank, the question is asked, after which there is a handful of cereals from the tank with an left hand, and grains are recalculated.

An even number symbolizes a positive response to the assigned question, and an odd is negative, respectively.

Fortune telling on water

Two identical glasses are preparing. One of them is filled with water. Fucking the desire, a gadget girl begins to overflow the liquid from one glass to another. Puts it several times. After that, it is necessary to look at the surface where the glasses were stood. If there are no more than two or three drops on it, the desire will come true. If the drops are more - an embodiment of it is difficult.

Divination by shadows

It is necessary to prepare a saucer or flat plate, a sheet of pure paper, a candle and matches. A sheet of paper needs to squeeze and put on a plate, carefully set up a lump. When the sheet is completely burns, it is necessary with the help of a candle to make it reflected on the wall. After that, it is time to connect all your fantasy - considering the shadows, you can learn about your future.