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Saty fortune telling on the old new year. Vintage fortune telling for old new year

A long-time fortune telling on the old new year was considered the most truthful and sure way of at least one eye to look into the future and find out his destiny in the near future. The night from January 13-14 is a special magical time associated with a lot of rituals, fortunenesses and traditions that make the celebration of the old New Year truly mystical and mysterious.

The roots of the rite of divination go to the distant past, to the pagan deities. Now, despite technical and scientific progress, people still believe in fortune telling, go to fortune tellakam, psychics and hold various rites to learn about the coming.

Some rules that should be adhered to fortune telling for old new year 2017 It was truly true:

  • during divination in the house (or in the room) there should be no cats, no dogs, no liveliest, because pets can interfere with the spirits to answer your questions;
  • it is best to start divination after sunset on January 13;
  • candles used at fortune-money (if the rite requires) should not be bought in the store, but in the temple, then no evil spirits will be able to prevent or harm you.

Popular fortune telling

Below we collected the most popular methods for you, I would try to predict your fate in this magical night. It is worth reading the explanations carefully and recommendations for each fortune investment, which would be the most truthful and correct.

Fortune telling on egg

On the evening of January 13, a fresh chicken egg should be prepared, make a hole in it and carefully pour the contents into a transparent glass with water. After some time, the eggs of the egg will come and in the form, which he will take, can be judged by the coming.

For example, if it seems to you that you see the Church, then this is a clear sign that in the near future you will have widden; If the ring is the engagement; If you see the car or ship - travel and so on.

Food at the grains

The simplest is a casual divination at the grains. In a small jar, you need to pour any cereal. It is mentally necessary to formulate the question of interest to you, to which you can answer "yes" or "no" and with your left hand to get a handful of cereals from the bank.

Fortune telling on the book

The most common fortune telling on the old New Year is a fortune telling on the book. You need to take a book (best of all containing spiritual text, but any artistic literature is suitable), mentally ask a question and sharply open on any page.

Read the first rows from above and from below will help you find an answer to your question.


At all times, the unmarried girls and their moms were guessing for a rapid marriage with a nut shell. In the container with water, two shells from walnut should be lowered. If the shells come together - you can soon wait on the vestment of the matchmaker.

Fortune telling at wax

For this divination you need to take the wax candle. It is also necessary to prepare a water container (the mounted snow is best). The wax candle should be melt into separate dishes and already molten wax pour into cold water (it is necessary to pour strictly into the center).

According to the frozen figure, with the help of imagination, you can judge your future.

Fortune telling with a mirror

Mirrors in the process of divination are given a large role in Russian folklore. Divination with a mirror can be carried out as unmarried girls and unmarried guys. Exactly at midnight on the night of January 13-14, it is necessary to light three wax candles in front of the mirror, sit in front of the reflective canvase and quietly pronounce about the following: "Durable, show."

Fortune telling with glasses

Very interesting and, as many confirm, the truthful type of fortune telling is fortune-telling in glasses. In order to learn your destiny, you need to take four glasses and fill them with water or mounted snow half. One glass should be put salt, in the other - sugar, in the third - ring, and in the fourth cup you do not need to add anything. Next, one gadget girl should turn to another.

While the first girl is standing back and, what can I say, frankly worries, the second girl in turn shows the finger on one glass, then on the other, while the gadget girl does not stop her. Then, from the chosen blind cup, you need to try water: if the water is salted - there will be sadness and sadness, if sweet - joy and fun, if fresh - year will be usual, if the ring in the glass - the girl will marry soon.

Fortune telling

The most interesting and. On the night of January 13-14, the girls are cheerful to the street and stop the random passers-by, asking them the name. It is believed that the first-heard male name and will wear her future husband. According to many women, this divination is extremely truthful.

Fortune telling with shoe

The fortune telling is also widely known in the artistic literature, the most popular in the last century. To play with fate and try to find out your future, at night on the old new year you should go to the threshold of the house and, well swinging, throw the shoe as far as possible.

Then you need to see where the boot sock indicates and you will find out which side you can wait for the narrowed.

Fortune telling at wish

It follows from January 13th. To find out whether the cherished desire will come true, you need to take two glasses and freeze to fill one of them with water. Fucking the desire, you should pour water from one glass several times, to another.

Now you need to carefully examine the surface on which the ritual was performed: if there are a few drops of water - the desire will come true with a high probability, if the spilled water is more - the exercise of the desire to be a big question.

Divination by shadows

A little mystical and terrible fortune telling is a fortune telling on the fate of the shadows from the fire. In order to spend this rite, you need to take a wax candle, a sheet of paper and a flat plate. Paper should be hung and put on a plate, light the candle and from the candle to set chasing the paper.

While the flame will burn, you need to look carefully on the walls, examining the shadows. By turning on the fantasy, you can consider concrete silhouettes and get some considerations at the expense of your future.

Video Rubric

  • Book
  • Glass with water
  • Black cat
  • Paper snowflake
  • Bulb
  • Leafles with desires
  • Coins
  • Method number 1. Stranger
  • Method number 2. Glowing windows
  • Modern fortune telling
  • Fortune telling for the old new year for the fulfillment of desires

    Each of us on the eve of the New Year holidays dreams of a miracle, because I want the wishes to be performed, and the fairy tale has become a Jaw. There are many different fortunes on the execution of the most cherished desire. The chosen rite should be held on the night from January 13-14 in full silence.

    Let's consider the most effective fortune telling at a desire:

    Golden ring

    Prepare an opaque bowl with clear water and ring. Speak your cherished desire and throw the ring into the water. Calculate the number of water circles. An even number will mean that the desired will certainly come true, odd - no.

    Take a glass or jar and fill out to the top of Rice. Put the palm of the right hand on the neck of the tank and make a desire (you can ask a question that can only be "yes" or "no"). After you get a small handful of cereals and count the number of grains. An even number - the desired to be this year, an odd amount will mean a negative answer.


    At midnight, make a desire and open your favorite book with eyes closed. Pick your finger to one of the lines. Open your eyes and read. The chosen blind sentence will have to give you to understand, a desire will come true or not.

    Glass with water

    Fill one glass to top of clean water, and leave the second blank. At 12 Night, commend your desire and over the table over the table from one glass to another. The dry surface of the table will mean the design of the dream. If there is a pouring a lot of water - your desire will not be fulfilled this year.

    Black cat

    If there is a black cat in the house, the rite can be carried out in this way: take the animal to the next room, and by guessing the question or desire, call it to yourself. If the Pitomian cross the threshold of your room with the left leg - the dream will come true, right - no. And if the cat does not come at all - then the fulfillment of cherished desire will be completely dependent on you.

    Paper snowflake

    On the evening of January 13, make a snowflake from paper and write your desire on it small letters. Put under the pillow and with the onset of the night and throw away from the balcony (or from the window). At the same time, while the snowflake flies to the ground, it is necessary to say his dream 3 times with a whisper.


    Prepare three bulbs in the peel (the heads must be approximately the same) and 3 glasses filled to half with water. On the night of January 13-14, write on every bulb at one desire and place each head into a glass with water. Everything, now you just need to wait. That bully who will sprout first and tell you how desire will come true. Important! For this fortune telling, a spoiled and bothering onions will not fit.

    Leafles with desires

    In the evening, January 13, prepare 12 small pieces of white paper. On each piece before bed, write different desires and put them under the pillow. In the morning to the touch, get any piece of paper and read what it is written on it. This is the desire that will come true in the coming year.


    Take 13 coins and sweep them in your hands, while saying your desire. Throw them so that they fell on one surface. Consider the number of eagles and grills. If more Orlov - celebrate success.

    The most important thing should be remembered that at the time of his desire, you need to believe in a miracle and the power of magic, as well as as much as possible to represent that in the coming year your dream came true.

    Fortune telling for the observation of the street

    If you want to spend fortune telling in a circle of friends, then it is not necessary to sit at home. You can go out and hold the rite in the fresh air. There are several interesting ways to find out a desire or not.

    Method number 1. Stranger

    Go outside after midnight and walk down the street. At the same time, you should have two coins in your pocket - one silver, other copper color. As soon as you see a person unfamiliar to you on the horizon, think about your dream and, approaching the stranger, ask him to choose one of the coins. Silver will mean a positive result. If a copper coin is selected - the desire for this year will not be fulfilled.

    Method number 2. Glowing windows

    If you live in the city, then go to the street at midnight, turn your back to your home and make a desire. Turn the face and count the amount of luminous windows. An even number - the odd - will not come true. You can also walk with friends through the night city, at any time close your eyes and make a desire. Collect around the axis of the axis a couple of times, and count the windows at home opposite.

    Method number 3. Fingerprint in a snowdrift

    At midnight you need to go into the courtyard, find the territory on which the snow remained untouched by people. To lie back and leave the body imprint, while making your desire. On the morning of January 14, you should come to this place and see what happened to this pattern. If nature and people do not touch the nature and people, it means you can rejoice, because this year the desire will come true. If someone comes or contours of the body imprint blur winds - it is worth waiting for next year.

    Modern fortune telling

    There are a couple of modern fortunes that can be spent on the eve of the holiday. It is not difficult to spend them, and it will be necessary very little time.

    1. Elevator. Let's go to the platform and make a desire. Wait until someone causes an elevator. If it stops on your floor or above - the desired will come true, below - no.

    2. Mobile phone. Think about the desired and wait for the call. If a man calls, the dream will turn, if the woman is not worth wanting to wait this year.

    3. Chocolate. During the festive table, fill the glass with champagne. Throw a chocolate cube in 1 minute to midnight and think about desire. If sweetness is poured - it means that you will come true and you need to quickly drink content if the chocolate remains on the surface - the answer is negative.
    Choose the right time for the rite and stick to all the rules, and of course, believe in your dream.

    Radiating relatives and close to gifts and drink champagne, fun sparkling from a variety of New Year's lights.

    This is a fabulous day when I want to believe in a miracle and feel your children. Let in our lives there will be more magic, and then the world will become kinder, and all our desires will be fulfilled!

    What is an old new year, why this holiday still exists in which countries is it still relevant?

    On January 24, 1918, in Soviet Russia, the Council of People's Commissar decided to catch up with the progressive world and move from the Archaic Julian calendar to Gregorian. On the same day, the corresponding decree was formulated and accepted. Two days later - January 26 - he signed Lenin.

    Go to the Gregorian calendar Bolsheviks tried back since November 1917, but could not agree on the form of the transition. Discussions were reduced to two projects. According to the first one, it was supposed to go to a new calendar for 13 years, discing every year to 24 hours. The second project, for which Lenin was performed, assumed a simultaneous transition, which eventually happened.

    - In order to establish in Russia the same in almost all cultural peoples of the calculus of time, the Council of People's Commissars decides to introduce a new calendar in civilian use after January. Because of this first day after January 31 of this year, it's not the 1st of February, and the 14th of February, the second day to count the 15th and so on, - it was said in the decree text.

    And on the night of January 13-14, 1919, the Soviet citizens appeared an additional reason for drinking, because they have already noted a new year in a new style, and the old style was still used by the church and was not completely forgotten.

    Thus, traditions celebrate the old new year for almost 100 years.

    In Ukraine, Belarus on this day celebrate a generous evening, which includes celebrations, festivities and fortune telling. The generous evening on January 13 is very similar to Christmas Eve before Christmas. However, dishes are already cooking no longer: on the table there must be sausages, meat, fat, pies, dumplings, pancakes.
    Behind the festive dinner should collect the whole family. Ask for each other forgiveness and wish happiness and prosperity in the new year.

    In addition, the old new year is also celebrated in countries that were part of Yugoslavia. This is especially actively done in Serbia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as in Montenegro, where the church uses the Julian calendar.

    Finally, celebrate the old new year and in North Africa. Do this Berbers. True, for them, unlike Europeans, this is the most real new year, because the Berber calendar, in fact, is not very competent track from Julian. Holiday they celebrate January 12th.

    Fortune telling for old new year

    Old New Year is a special, mystical time. It is believed that it is on the night of January 13-14 January, the best time for gadas is coming.
    Despite the fact that the Orthodox Church categorically does not approve of various rites to guess the future, to which people resort to the shints, nevertheless, fortune telling remains beloved Russian fun.

    Start for famous soda fortunes gave Christmas holiday, but you can guess until January 19 - baptism.
    In the segment between January 8 and 18, it was customary to ask the names of rapid passers-by in the hope of find out the name of the future chosen one, throw a shoe in darkness and watch who will raise him, guess what awaits us, on the coffee grounds or in the outlines of the burned paper.
    Of course, all this is just entertainment for people who gathered the company to think about. But at one of the most faithful and mysterious fortunes, which is known in Russia, to try to see the narrowed-dressed in the mirror - a few are solved.

    For popular beliefs, on the night of January 13-24, all the prohibitions are removed, mysterious forces rushed to the ground. Some - to harm people, others - to help.
    Vasiliev evening was specially recognized - January 13, when the result turns out to be highly accurate, even the prophetic. No less successfully in despondency and January 18 - the Epiphany Christmas Eve.

    In the old days of the girl, going to pay, tune in serious way. They mentally got off from the real world and turned to supernatural forces.
    They put two mirrors: one - big, the other is smaller, facing one to another face. Between the mirrors placed two candles and looked through the top of a smaller mirror. A long corridor was obtained, a little snapped with a darker and depth.
    In this deep part it is necessary to rush, and after a while you start to see various items for which the future is determined.
    By the way, it is better to guess in a non-residential room or in the attic.
    At the beginning of the divination it is necessary to say: "Daughty-rude! Two me, dressed! " .
    It is said that sooner or later a person designed to you fate appears in the mirror.

    By the way, there is a more mystical, in my opinion, the option of this fortune telling. It is necessary in absolute darkness opposite the mirror with the candle in the midnight.
    An important condition - no one should be in the room!

    It is necessary to carefully look into the reflective surface. Somewhere in 5 minutes she will swell. Then the glass will reflect the narrowed, or rather, the devil adopted it.
    The girl should begin to figure out that he disappears, uttering "Chur me!" Otherwise, evil spirits are materialized.

    Preparation for fortification:

    Need to tune in to a serious way;
    - dissolve the hair;
    - unleash all the nodes that are on clothes (belts, belts, decorative elements);
    - remove bracelets and rings;
    - mentally surgery from the real world;
    - To define the question.

    On the night of the 13th on January 14th, we have another chance to make something that did not have time for the new year, or say the main words close and expensive people.
    The old new year is the day when you need to spend old thoughts, old mood and open your heart for a new one, for something coming and upcoming!

    Let the year be easy, but bright! Pleasant, but not empty!

    Happy holiday!

    It has long been believed - fortune telling to the old new year help determine what will happen in the next 12 months. In addition, the New Year's Eve is the right time to make a bright and sincere desire. You can not doubt it will come true.

    How to make a desire on the night of January 14?

    "I wish a lot - not see anything," says wisdom. Guided by the rule, choose the most weighty, sincere dream. On the old new year you need when you are at the peak of emotional lifting. In the morning, at lunch, in the evening they felt that as much as possible, pleased with the life - make a desire. This will increase the power of the magical day.

    The second rule is not talking about the conceived, until the desire is fulfilled.

    Psychic Alexander Litvin, known thanks to the victory at the TV show "Battle of Psychics 6", shared a secret that will help to carry out the mandated. Specifications - the key to success. Desire to work to the smallest detail:

    • find the perfect wife - describe appearance, character, habits;
    • money - write down what they spend;
    • invest in business - describe where the office will be located than you will do.

    To check, it will turn out or not, pour in a glass of cereals. Think about the desire, jump around the cereals. Count the grain. If their own amount comes true.

    Is it possible to guess this holiday?

    Attention! Expanded Horrible Horoscope Vanga for 2019:
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    For the prophecy, you need to specify the name given at birth and the date of appearance. Also Vanga added 13 zodiac sign! We advise you to keep your horoscope in secret, the likelihood of the evil eye of your actions is great!

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    The attitude of the church to such rituals is unequivocal. The priests do not support magical actions.

    But for many centuries, for many centuries, engaged in a burrow on certain days, received truthful answers from the higher forces. Only you decide, guessing on the old new year or not, to whom to listen.

    Vorozhba on the old New Year from Alena Kurilova

    Psychic, who became the winner of the Television Show "Battle of Psychics" - Alena Kurilov. Her advice helps people to find happiness, love, frozen. Psychic believes to the old new year it is better to abandon ghostas on the mirrors, maps. Manipulations will attract evil spirits. The future can be found, gadaying on dumplings.

    Sculpt the hostess or all guests. Select some dumplings that will be an object for divination. In each put on the subject. During the feast, participants take on dumplings and get prediction. Decoding:

    • beans - the appearance of children;
    • button - purchase;
    • dill - good health;
    • coin - money;
    • a piece of bread - well-being;
    • white Thread - Travel;
    • black thread - a year will spend idle;
    • ring - Wedding;
    • bay sheet - glory;
    • raisins - fans;
    • cabbage - Wedding, happy family life;
    • carrot - meeting;
    • pepper - change;
    • caramel - love;
    • cucumbers - wealth;
    • walnut - a pleasant surprise;
    • rice - happiness;
    • fish - pregnancy;
    • garlic - difficulties;
    • peas - happy life;
    • buckwheat - wealth;
    • cranberry is unhappy love;
    • cherry - Good luck;
    • kuraga - love;
    • tape - problems;
    • meat - money, stability.

    Fortune telling on the night of the old new year on marriage

    Known many gadas on the relationship, marriage for men and women. Before burning, prepare: dismisse your hair, get rid of belts, belts, bracelets, rings and chains.

    Ritual with paper

    Prepare 2 sheets of paper. On one put any mark. On New Year's Eve put sheets under the pillow. Waking up, get at random one. Got with a mark - enter into marriage.


    The way will help you find out who loves you. Cut a few paper strips and write on each named the alleged fan. In the container, pour water, all the edges of the names with the names. In the shell of the nut, put a small candle and burn. Little boat Put in the center of the tank.

    Wait until the shell boosts to the piece of paper. This man is in love with you. Stopped between two leaves, men equally nourish feelings for you.

    Candle rites

    Take 2 candles. One symbolizes you, the other is an interesting person. Place them nearby, burn.

    1. They burn smoothly, do not crack - the relationship will be calm, harmonious.
    2. Small your candle - change your attitude to the partner.
    3. The flame flumes himself, smoking - a break is possible.
    4. Candles are burning with a crackle - together will be very hard.

    You can learn more about the relationship with a classic extinguishment in the wax.

    Vorozhba with a towel

    The rite with the help of a dream will allow you to find out how the second half will look like. On the night of January 13-14, put the pelvis with water next to the bed. It will take a new, white towel. Put it next to the container. Tell me:

    Durable (narrowed) come. Wash the water, wash the towel.

    Go to sleep, in a dream you will see the image of a potential partner.

    Fortune telling for the future January 13

    Old New Year is the time when you can find out the future. Do not miss the moment, take advantage of the old fortune telling on fate.

    Ritual with cups

    Prepare a ring, coin, bread, sugar, onion, salt, water capacitance. Each item put in a small cup. Each participating in the ritual, with closed eyes to choose one. Decoding:

    • ring - marriage, happy married life;
    • coin - money;
    • bread - abundance;
    • sugar - happiness;
    • onions - sadness;
    • salt - trouble;
    • bowl with water - changes not foreseen.

    Daughter yes-no

    With the help of a pendulum, you can get answers to any questions. The only thing: he answers "yes" or "no". A ring, needle, a talisman stone can be used as a pendulum. Suspend the selected object on the thread or chain. Take in your hand, the Georgian must be calm, without movement. Tell me "Yes" and shook the load forward-back. Wait until he calms down. Tell me "No" and take the load to the left-right.

    Wait until the pendulist stops, and ask your question. By oscillations of the pendulum you will understand, a positive or negative answer gives the highest strength.

    Vorozhba by book

    For divination, love novels are used. Today, girls also prefer to burn through the book "Master and Margarita". Set the question, select Page Number and Row Number. The phrase written in this place is predicted.

    Ritual with chain

    You can use only your gold chain. Alien or from another metal of a faithful answer will not give. Guess in absolute loneliness. Clean it between the palms and throw it on the floor, on any other surface.
    Look at what pattern a chain was formed:

    • circle - trouble;
    • smooth strip - good luck;
    • node - illness;
    • geometric shape - victory in love;
    • bow - marriage;
    • wavy line - betrayal.

    Fortune telling with egg

    It will take fresh egg and warm water. At midnight, pour the protein into the water.

    1. Donkey on the bottom - no change is foreseen.
    2. Became a web - enemies weave network.
    3. Long strips from top to bottom - Changes, important events.
    4. Most at the top - lifting, joy.

    Ritual with newspaper

    If there are no newspapers, you can use any sheets of paper. Combate paper, adjust it. Look at the shadow of paper and flame.

    1. Looks like a person's figure - an important meeting.
    2. Animal - loyal comrade.
    3. Inaction figures are important solutions.
    4. Direct smooth flame throws the same shadow - the road will be smooth, everything will be obtained.

    Fortune telling with leaves

    Take several leaves, write predictions, for example: wealth, love, joyful meeting. The number of leaves is not limited. Exactly at midnight, guests must choose one by one. So they will have a prediction for the next year.

    On the night of January 13-14, you can make a desire and find out what is prepared next year. Do not miss the chance to open the veil of secrets. But you should not perceive everything as axiom. After all, everything in life can change and the future depends on you.

    How to guess for old New Year 2019, read about the most fun methods of fortune telling in our material.

    On the night of January 13-14, the old new year is accepted not only to sing generies and sleep, but also to guess on fate, for the future, on the narrowed. About how to guess for 2019, we will now tell.

    Fortune telling for old new year 2019 on a candle

    For this divination, you will need: wax or paraffin candle, a basin with water and necessarily your presence. Light a candle and wait until there is a sufficient amount of molten paraffin or wax. Turn off the light to create the desired atmosphere, and then ask the question what you expect this year.

    Then take a candle and sharply pour paraffin from it or wax into a basin with water. A figurine is formed in the water, which will tell about future events. Get it out of the water and carefully consider, think about what it looks like and what can symbolize.

    If you are not afraid of gloomy predictions, then here is the interpretation of the figures:

      Cross - disease; If its outlines are fuzzy, then soon it is to prepare for a series of small trouble, which will affect all sides of life.

      Floating flower - Wedding a year.

      Animal - In the close environment there was a detractor.

      Misseling of small stars - Good luck in affairs.

      Strips with blurred edges - Travel, travel, moving, travel.

      Human figure - The emergence of a new friend.

    Fortune telling for old new year 2019 with different things

    For this fortune telling, the old new year will need a lot of things - toys, postcards, clippings from magazines, money, candies, tickets, all that is positive and pleasant expectations - connect fantasy. Decline that it is each thing that will symbolize. For example, candy is a sweet life, tickets - travel, also be sure to cut the desired clothes, gadgets or photoephy of resorts from magazines.

    Spread all these items on the table and cover your eyes with a scarf. Then take the first thing that fell under the arm. You can make the data of the manipulation several times, the main thing is a positive and pleasant result, because only desired things are located on the table!

    Fortune telling on the old new year 2019 on the nut shell

    Before you start guessing the old new year, write the expected events this year on paper strips. For example, travel, good assessments, brilliant presentation, wage increase, health, winning in lottery or draw, long-awaited gift (you can even list on different leaves), and again - it is worth incorporating fantasy!

    Then attaching these paper strips on the walls of a bowl or a basin with water. Take half the shell of walnut and lay a piece of a small candle into it. It can be limited to a conventional tea candle. Light a candle and lower the boat into the water! What a piece of paper it swells, what a desire will light up - then it will come true!

    Fortune telling for old new year 2019 on the book

    Very funny and interesting fortune telling. Certain a desire or ask some question, and then I am open a book. Tkni finger and read your "prediction". By the way, books are best taking children's and kind, without negativity. Similarly, you can guess with a TV or radio. Again, ask a question, make a desire and turn on the TV or radio that hear, then waiting.

    Fortune telling for old new year 2019 on dumplings

    For this divination will have to sculpt. The filling in them will be unusual. Add different little things to the stuffing. To whom what "surprise" in the dumplings will fall, then waiting in the new year.

    What are the dumplings for fortune telling on the old new year

    Sugar or medical - Successful and "money" year.
    Dill or other greens - Health will not let down.
    Coin - Good luck in financial matters.
    Grain or beans - Also alive cash receipts.
    Bread crust - Fold and prosperous year.
    White thread - Far journey or trip.
    Black thread - Short trips that do not occupy a lot of time.
    Ring - To the emergency wedding.
    Bay leaf - Popularity and career successes.
    Button - new clothes.
    Apple - measured, calm life.
    Raisins - Different temptations in the new year.
    Cabbage (A piece of raw sheet) - family happiness.
    Carrot (raw circle) - interesting acquaintance.
    Pepper Polkah Deta - Serious changes.
    Salt - Quarrel.
    Flour - Will you suffer all year.
    Caramel - To great love.
    Cranberry - unrequited love.
    Cucumber - Success.
    Nut - A few fans or fans.
    Fig - Joy.
    Dough - replenishment in the family.
    Garlic - Obstacles and difficulties.
    Peas - Carefree journey.

    But remember that fortune telling on the old New Year 2019 is just entertainment, you should not take them seriously, but always worth believing in the best!