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Fortune telling on the floor of the child - a boy or girl will be born? Truthful fortune telling

The birth of a child is a joyful event, which is looking forward to all family members. For someone, the floor of the newborn is not important, and someone will be happy if the son is born. Long before the emergence of ultrasound technologies in medicine, our ancestors were able to determine the floor of the future child. Currently, the fortune telling is the child of what sex is being taken perceived most likely as fun and entertainment. But why not try and not to pay out, the child is the floor to be born?

Definition of the Child Floor for External Signs

This method of determining the floor of the child reached us from ancient Egypt. Local priestesses took two bowls. In one of them piled the barley, to another - wheat. They took the urine of a pregnant woman and wet her grain. If the grains of wheat were sprout, then the girl was born, if the barley is a boy.

Some fortunelocks to determine the gender of the baby are asking for a pregnant show their hands. If a woman shows hands with palms up, then a girl is born. Stretched palm with the back side indicate that you can wait for the boy.

Many are trying to determine the sex of the child in the appearance of his mother. It is believed that if a woman expects a girl, then her appearance deteriorates, pigment spots and acne appear, the hair begin to fall out and quickly contaminate. It is said that all the beauty goes from the mother to his daughter. And if the woman becomes more beautiful, the skin becomes smooth and silky, the hair becomes dense, most likely there will be a boy.

This way of finding out who is born, do not even deny doctors. The whole thing is to restructure the hormonal background of a pregnant woman. The opinion of the doctors to come down to the fact that the girl in the womb "takes" certain hormones to itself and it affects the appearance of a woman.

Many are trying to determine the boy or the girl in the shape of the abdomen. If the belly has a small-sized woman, sharp and if you look from the back, then a waist is visible - there will be a boy. If the belly is rounded and the waist line is not traced, then most likely a woman will give birth to a girl.

Also about how a woman's pregnancy flows can be said by a child as the floor will appear. Knowing people argue that a woman who is waiting for a boy is suffering toxicosis for the first three months. The rest of the pregnancy passes without any problems.

Wedding Ring and Paul Future Child

The floor of the child can be determined using a wedding ring. This type of fortune telling for the floor of the future kid was known for a long time. It was used not only by the Slavic peoples, but also the peoples of the countries of Europe.

The principle of it is quite simple. For fortune telling you need a wedding ring and a thick thread. The thread is in the wedding ring and hangs over the belly of a pregnant woman. If the ring makes moving back and ahead it is believed that there will be a boy if the ring makes a circular movement over the belly of a woman, then you should wait for the girl.

Approximately the same fortune telling with the use of a pendulum. He is also swinging over the stomach of a pregnant woman, only the results are interpreted on the contrary. If the pendulum swings back and forth, then it is to the appearance of a girl, and if moving around the circle, wait for the boy.

Fortune telling on needle

Our ancestors were able to determine the floor of a not born of a child with a simple sewing needle. They took a new needle, which never used the usual white thread. A peculiar pendulum was made from the needle and threads. The needle was kept behind the tip of the thread over the palm stationary. Then she lowered it three times and raised between the palm and the thumb. After that, the pendulum was installed in the center of the palm and watched his movement.

The needle movement to the side meant that you need to prepare for the birth of a boy. If the needle performs circular movements, then there will be a girl. To use this kind of fortune telling for the floor of the future child can only a woman who is waiting for the firstborn who did not make abortions and did not have pregnancies.

Fish fortune telling

Such fortune telling was distributed in Russia in Siberia. The woman went to the river and tried to catch live fish with his hands. After she managed to do this, the catch brought on the shore was watched. If the name of the fish was a female genus, for example, trout or pike, then waited for the girls' girls. If a woman managed to catch perch or crucianity, they believed that the boy was born.

Now, of course, such radical methods for determining the sex of the child do not apply. But now believe that before learn the news about pregnancy to dream that she catches fish. It is advisable to remember this dream. And already from the name caught in a dream of fish waiting or a girl or boy.

Distribution by letters

The essence of this fortune telling is as follows. A pregnant woman comes up to the first passing and asks to call it any letter from the alphabet. If the letter in the alphabet is even, then a girl may be born, if an odd is a boy. Another kind of such divination is that a pregnant woman is asking for a name. Calls the male name, then she is waiting for a boy if the female is a girl.

Divination by the group of parents

When it became possible to determine the human blood group began to notice that by what kind of group of parents can be determined by the floor of the future child. But this theory did not find confirmation. After all, very often different children are born from some parents in the family.

Another famous theory is about the fact that women's blood is updated every three years, and men's every four. In order to learn the floor of the future child, you need the age of a woman to divide by 3, and the age of a man in 4. If the result of the division is less than the woman, then a girl will appear in the family, if a man has, then a boy.

Many parents enjoy this method to determine the child's sex while conceived. By numerous reviews, this method of determining the floor of the future child has a greater probability of coincidence.

Signs for determining the floor of the child

  • If a pregnant woman's pregnant woman runs on meat food, sausage and salty cucumbers means waiting for a boy, pregnant all the time surrounds cakes, candy and cakes - there will be a girl;
  • Begins to eat bread from a crust - a boy is born. Loves the mealky bread - the girl should be born;
  • If the skin on his hands during pregnancy becomes rude and even cracks, then most likely a male child appears, and if it became soft and gentle, then the likely to give birth to a girl;
  • By the mood of a pregnant, you can find out who she expects. If it is annoyed for all pregnancy and behaves nervously, it was believed that the girl was born, and if all nine months the mood of the future mother is excellent - the girl is born;
  • The girl has a lot of heart beats much more often than that of the boy;
  • A pregnant girl is basically sleeping on the right side, a boy on the left.

You can believe in divination and try to find out who is born. But at the same time I want to advise not to take their results too seriously. After all, if you expect a child of a certain floor and all divination confirm that it is a boy or a girl to be born, and when a child does not appear in the world, an emotional stress arises. No matter who is born, a boy or a girl, it is important to love the child with all your heart and wait for his appearance as a miracle.

It is believed that different fortune telling makes it possible to determine how sex a child is born. For a long time, women knew how to find out who would be born, because there were no modern technologies before. Now there is an ultrasound that unmistakably defines who will be among the parents, a boy or a girl, but many prefer to enjoy old, proven people's ways.

External manifestations

External manifestations and signs are helping to learn about the field of the future kid. These include the following:

  1. Barley and wheat. This method was used by the ancient Egyptians. The priests put two sudins, and poured into one barley, and in the second wheat. Then they were poured by the urine of a woman who was in the position, and watched which they would germinate before. In the case when the sprouts give a barley faster, it means that the male kid will be born, and, accordingly, if wheat is a baby.
  2. Palm. Some of the fortune-telling tells the future mother to show your palms if they are located up, there will be a girl. Palm, filed with the rear, testifies to the birth of a boy.
  3. Change of appearance. It is believed that the gender floor can be predicted by changing the appearance of a woman. When the future mother is waiting for the girl, she may have problems with leather, in the form of acne and the appearance of pigmentation. Also quickly fat and fall out hair. There is an opinion that the daughter takes her beautiful appearance from his mother. When a woman, on the contrary, becomes more beautiful and feminine, she is waiting for a male baby. Such modifications in appearance are associated with a change in the hormonal background. Girls are able to take a certain part of the hormones necessary for development.
  4. The shape of the abdomen. As practice shows, if a woman has a small stomach and has an acute form, boys are born. When the abdomen is rounded and there is no waist line (it is "floating"), you can count on the fact that girls will appear.
  5. General well-being. When toxicosis appears during the extension of the fetus, but after the first trimester it passes, and the entire remaining period flows without problems, there will be a boy. With the baby, pregnancy proceeds more hard.

As you can see, even by the appearance of a woman and some features in its behavior, sometimes with a large share of probability, you can sometimes determine the baby of what gender will appear.

Fortune telling with a needle and ring

The fortune telling on the floor of the child is several varieties. One of the common needles is to carry out the procedure, the following actions are performed:

  • It is necessary to take a new sewing object and white thread.
  • With the help of these two elements, a special pendulum is made. The tip of the thread is taken and is located above the palm area. Then this "device" should be left three times and lift.
  • After such actions, the pendulum is set in the middle of the palm and you need to observe his movement.
  • If the needle begins to swing on one side to another, a male baby will appear on the light soon. In the event that the needle performs circular rotations, there will be a girl. This method is relevant when the girl is first pregnant and before that did not interrupt pregnancy.
  • If the needle is fully fixed, and mom already has born children, it says that she will no longer have other children.

There is also another kind of ancient rite with a ring. It is carried out as follows:

  • You need to take a ring (better wedding) and put a woolen thread in it.
  • Move the pendulum over the scope of a woman's abdomen and watch movements.
  • In the event that the pendulum begins to hear forward, then a boy will appear on the light when the movements are circular - a girl.
  • You can also keep the pendulum over the palm area, but the movement in this case is interpreted on the contrary.

Such a way of divination is known for a long time and practiced both the Europeans and Slavs. If you believe in stories, then it is truthful enough.

Divination by the date of conception and blood group

Fortune telling to the sex of the child, you can also perform two more popular ways. As everyone knows, conception can occur only during the period of ovulation. If you know your physiological features well, you can not only get pregnant without any problems, but also to determine the baby who will be born.

How to do it? Everything is very simple. Modern medicine is known that spermatozoa responsible for the male floor has a short period of activity, unlike those that give the opportunity to give birth to a girl. It is at the moment of ovulation, the percentage of the probability of the boy conception is high as much as possible. You can only find out the child's sexuality of the child only in case of knowledge of the exact date of conception and the beginning of ovulation.

Another interesting way is the blood type. From the moment the method of determining the blood group was available, scientists noticed the pattern that it is possible to determine the sexuality of the infant with it. However, as practice shows, this method does not have one hundred percent confirmation. There are often cases when one couples are born babies of different sexes. There is such a fact that women's blood is able to change once every three years, and men - every four.

The method provides for the division of the age of the mother to three, and the Father is four. If the figure obtained by a woman is less, a baby will appear on the light, and if more, respectively, the kid. According to statistics, this method is quite relevant and has a high coincidence indicator.

Special signs

You can not only use calculations and fortune telling on the floor of the future child. There are many accepts that will tell about who will be born. The main one can be attributed to:

  1. In the event that a woman in the period of tooling the fetus constantly wants meat, salted cucumbers and sausages, most likely, she awaits the appearance of a boy. If it pulls it on sweet products, she will be a mom's mom.
  2. When a girl begins, there is bread or a bun from a crust, she has a boy in his stomach. If she prefers more meakish, a girl will appear.
  3. If, during pregnancy, the skin in the field of hands becomes turning, up to the appearance of cracks, the kid of male is likely to be born. If your hands, on the contrary, become gentle and soft, there is a probability of the appearance of babies.
  4. Also about the Baby field can tell the mood of mom. If she behaves nervously and irritable, many things are touching it, most likely there will be a girl. In the event that the girl feels very good and she is always a wonderful mood - she will have a boy.
  5. Another sign of determining the sexuality of the baby is the heartbeat. As a rule, in male babies it is a rapid.
  6. When the future mother shelters the girl, most often she sleeps on the right side, if she is waiting for a boy on the left.

You can use different options for gadas and calculations, but how true they are and believing in them or not, to solve you. According to statistics, some theories are confirmed, and some of them are completely unfounded.

The most reliable way to determine how sex you will have children is to do ultrasound. An experienced specialist can consider the floor of the baby in the early deadlines. As a rule, divination on the floor of the child is more interest, the truthfulness of which is confirmed, or is refuted only after delivery.

After all the excitements about pregnancy remain behind, the future mother begins to bother with his position. It takes time and young parents begin to think about who will appear. How to figure out this in advance, without resorting to help ultrasound? In such a situation, fortune telling on the floor of the child will help.

You can determine the sex of the child by divination

Today, one of the most reliable methods for creating sex of the fetus is the determination of the blood of the mother. However, this method is not always available and is expensive. You can go along the path of our ancestors and find out who will be born, with the help of magic.

There is a huge amount of effective ghosts for children:

  • with the needle;
  • using mother and father's birthday;
  • on the wedding ring;
  • definition of the floor of the baby with the help of playing cards, etc.

To determine the floor of the child, you can use fortune telling on the magic circle

Some methods can be found on the Internet on sites where you offer to get magic assistance online. For example, fortune telling on the floor of the child and his birthday on the magic circle.

Other ways to find out information about the future crumb is quite easy to spend at home. You can independently pay on the playing cards to the floor of the future child.

Future parents are always worried and wondering who will be born. They want to prepare a room in advance, choose a dowry and stroller, come up with a beautiful name for your baby. Practical white magic will help learn, boy wait for a pair or a girl.

Magic divisions will help you learn half the child

Divination for the floor of the future child leaves its roots in distant antiquity. However, even a few centuries ago, women on demolitions with confidence choose names for their future children.

In antiquity for fortune telling cereals, vegetables and even fish

It is interesting to observe how in time the methods of determining who wears the woman under the heart are changing. Initially, the infant floor was recognized in advance, guessing on the cereal, vegetables, dreams, fish.

Then they began to guess for the floor of children on the wedding ring. After that, it began to guess for the floor of the future child on playing cards. Nowadays, it became possible to determine the gentle of the baby in the group of parents of parents.

There are also centuries proven folk signs that allow you to know in advance what color stroller should choose to choose happy parents.

Rite with wedding ring

One of the most common ways to find out who will be born - fortune telling for the rapid birth of a child with a wedding ring. This way to get the information is very old. It helps also determine how much children will be in this family.

One of the non-complicated ghosts on the floor of the child - fortune telling on the wedding ring

The fortune telling on the floor of the child on the wedding ring is considered as true as possible. It can be held at home. To spend a ritual, you need to take a wedding ring of a pregnant woman.

Someone from relatives must hang the ring on a woolen red thread right above the belly of a pregnant woman. Then you need to closely monitor, in which direction and how it is swinging. If moving only back and forth, like a swing - expect the heir. Decoration makes circular movements - Choose a female name for crumbs.

On the wedding ring, there is also a divination for the floor of subsequent children. This fortune telling is very simple. It is performed in the same way. Ask a question about the second child, as well as who will be a son or daughter. The decoration movement will indicate on the floor of the second child, and possibly the third. If there is only one kid in the family, then the ring will "stand" in place without movements.

This fortune telling on the ring to the floor of the future child is tested by time.

Fortune telling on the ring predicts all children who will be in a woman

Prediction with needle

Divination can be carried out during all nine months of pregnancy. It does not matter what time is. Sometimes some magical ways allow you to find out how many children will be even before she marries. Such fortune telling the prediction of the needle.

For ritual, you will need a red woolen thread and a completely new needle. You need to hang the needle over the open woman's palm. The needle will make movements in a circle or swing backward. Interpretation of the needle movement is the same as a ritual with a wedding ring.

This prediction method is suitable not only for future mothers. He "works perfectly", reading information from men's fate. To learn how to wait for the heirs, can not only women, but also men.

Fortune telling on a red thread with a needle can be held and men

The deck of cards will help learn the sex of the child

Playing cards are used for divination over the centuries. In order to read information about a person with a special "clean" deck, you need to have considerable experience. Any fortune teller knows that "fortune cards" should never be used to play or be in the hands of another person.

Divination on the playing cards on the floor of the child does not need such strict rules. You need to take any deck of cards and hold them in squeezed palms, thinking about the future kid. After that, you need to mix thoroughly. Turn over their shirts up and alternately pull on one map, paying attention to its value. It is necessary to guess on the playing cards on the future child until they fall:

  • Burning or worm eight. They show that we should expect the appearance of the girl in the family.
  • Pick or trophic eight. These cards say that the Son will be born.

It is best to lay three cards - they can show the birth of twins or even triple.

Divination on the playing cards does not require strictly follow the rules

Winter divination

In the old days this way of divination was very popular. Particularly accurate fortune tells during pregnancy were those who were held on the shields. This simple ritual could also use young women who wanted to know in advance about their firstborn. The fortune telling on the definition of the sex of the child was carried out even when the girl was only promonant.

When Epiphany frosts were standing on the street, it was necessary to choose the night of the full moon. Glass glass filled with water. A little baptic water was added there, then lowered the ring to the bottom. You could use any decoration:

  • wedding ring;
  • the ring, who groom gave to the engagement;
  • own ring.

A glass with water was taken by midnight on the street and put on the frost. The mandatory condition was that the moon light passed through it. In the morning, the dishes with frozen water were taken before sunrise.

During fortune telling, the floor of the child was determined by the shape of the ice surface

We considered the pattern of the ice obtained. If there were more tubercles on its surface and repellent details - the firstborn will be a boy. If there were more holes and recesses, then this fortune telling for the floor of the future child says the first girl will be born.

How to find out the floor of the child's blood of parents

This is a very old Slavic way to determine the child's child's sex by parents. Delivered only during pregnancy on a large period.

The fortune telling on the floor of his child must fulfill the husband of a pregnant woman. For the ritual required:

  • thin needle;
  • red or white candle;
  • white night shirt of a woman in which she sleeps.

In the evening, when a full moon appeared in the sky, fortune-telling on the floor of the child. They lit the candle and in the flame it was heated the end of the needle. Then let him cool. After that, a quick movement is a man Colopol, the tip of his nameless finger and his wife's finger. The speakers of the blood of the parents were wiped out of a pregnant woman's nightgown, she had to go to bed.

Fortune telling on blood has always been considered the most strong

For three nights, a prophetic dream had to dream, which could be found to know who would be born - a girl or a boy. Through the interpretation turned to grandmother's grandmas. Divination on blood has always been considered the most stronger.

Is it possible to learn the gender of the baby by the date of birth of future parents

Find out how gender will be, you can use the birthdays of future parents. On the Internet you can find many sites offering divisions online. To determine the sex of the child, they offer a special table in which the birthdays of Pope and Mom are entered. The result can be found immediately.

Vintage signs

The age-old wisdom transmitted from generation to generation is real magic. Those who have in the blood, just one look at the belly of a woman to determine the gender of the baby. There is also many others will adopt on which you can learn about who will be born - a son or daughter. Divorce on the birth of a child and his future floor - this is not all!

Taste preferences of pregnant women are considered signs for determining the sex of the child

  • The flavors of the pregnant woman are intently studied. If she constantly wants salted cucumbers or meat food - you should wait for the boy. If the future mammy stretches towards cakes, candy or strawberries - you need to cook pink bows.
  • A woman constantly sees in a dream of animals or an unfamiliar man - there will be a boy. Lovely flowers, decorations, beautiful clothes are dreaming - Girl will be born.
  • If a woman in pregnancy bloomed - it is worth meeting the heir. If the appearance has become less attractive - the daughter takes her beauty from Mom.

Children are the most beautiful thing that gives us life. It does not matter, your fortune telling came true or not. The main thing is that the child grew up healthy, happy and beloved parents.

To find out who will be the future child, a boy or a girl, many parents want. Rarely, they are asked not to voice the sexual affiliation of the fetus during ultrasound research with the words: "Let the surprise be!". Usually, the desire to learn this "mystery" takes the top. Pregnant, led curious, sometimes resort to more ancient ways to fortune telling. This occupation is very interesting and simple. And when "accomplices" appear, girlfriends or relatives, it turns into fun entertainment.

Important signs: appearance, abdomen and physical condition of the future mother

Pregnant woman mysterious and unusually sweet. It can be compared with holy creation, with the divine sacrament. Many admire the view of the future mother. And this is not good. It is believed that it is possible to determine who will be born, a boy or a girl. If the future girlfriend looked and her appearance was practically not changed for the months of the child's wearing, then she will have a male kid. If she has changed a lot (heaven, drove, retired), then a baby will appear on the light.

The people also makes it possible that the gender of the baby can be determined in the form of a belly of pregnant. The boy foreshadows a pointed tummy, and the girl is a round, highly, almost under the breast.

Another admission when determining the sex of the child was the state of his mother during the first three months of pregnancy. "In women tormented by toxicosis (nausea, dizziness, rejection by the body of certain products), boys are born," the people's belief says. And, on the contrary, in the absence of symptoms of intoxication, girls appear on the light.

Palm and elbow - also the way

Very interesting fortune telling on the gender of the mother's hands. There are two ways similar to each other.

  • The first: a pregnant woman is asked to show her palms, not warning that there will now be a fortune telling for the floor of the future newborn. She, without thinking, shows them. When the mother showed the palm directly, it is believed that she will have a girl. If she turned the palm of the outside, then the boy.
  • Second: Pregnant Suddenly asked to look at her elbow. She looks at his external, sharp part - to be a boy; She looks at the inside of the elbow, in the place of bending hands - to be a girl.

"Wedding Ring - not a simple decoration"

Learn the sexuality of the baby Mama helps a symbol of family life - a wedding ring. It is believed that this decoration has a special energy. How to guess with a ring? You need to go to it a thread, thus obtaining a pendulum. Then bring it to the belly of a pregnant woman - after the end of the first trimester - and hold for a while.

The ring will start swing. Here is a solution: if it makes circular movements above the stomach, the girl grows in the tum; If the ring is swinging on a straight straight side, then there is a boy. This way of divination is magical! Spirit captures!

Needle with secret

Sometimes an ordinary needle for sewing becomes an analogue of the wedding ring. Some fought through her ear thread, some - a pregnant woman. Then the needle is lowered in a hole between large and index fingers. Next, they have her palm. The needle begins to swing: in a circle - a girl, in a straight line - boy.

If this peculiar pendulum stops, and then again starts to swing in a certain way, then this means that there will be several kids. Only when the needle herself stops and will no longer move, the fortune telling ends.

It happens that it remains still from the very beginning. This is bad sign: children will not. Although, practice shows that often such a "terrible prediction" does not come true. For fortune telling with the needle, you need a certain attitude - optimistic! Energy of pregnant affects this process.

Tired baby

In the definition of the sex of the expected kid can help children born to him (when there are). All parents remember the first word of their Chad. So, if it is the word "mother", then the firstborn will be born a sister, and if "dad" is a brother.

It is neither surprising, but the nape of the senior can be considered. They say if his hair is descended as "tail" or "pigtail", then the next child in the family will be a daughter.

Period of conception

The menstrual cycle has its own certain periods. The most important of them for reproduction is ovulation. Modern women are already read and informed as much as possible in this matter, therefore the definition of the date of ovulation is not difficult for them. It is also known that men's chromosomes live less than women's, only 96 hours. So that a female cell prevailed in the process of fertilization, the conception should occur as much as possible from the date of ovulation.

On the day of ovulation and in the nearest period of time (2-3 days), it is likely to conceive a male representative. Therefore, the draws of your cycle not only need to draw (for medical purposes), but also useful if there is preference on the floor of the future child.

Nutrition as a sign

Foods used by a woman and a man during conception and two months before him, also play a role in planning the floor of the future child. It may seem strange, but still 50% of the coincidence of the results of divination on this basis are statistics! So, Mom and Dad, who wishes, to appear a little princess to appear, should "asshore" on sweet, dairy and vegetables. Parents awaiting a prince, it is recommended to eat meat and salted products!

And many more ways ...

Blood update

Dad blood is updated every 4 years, moms - 3 years. Whose blood was updated closer to the period of conception, the child will be born.

Mining fetal

It is believed that girls behave in the abdomen calmly, and the boys move more actively.

Age of parents

It is said that if the husband is older than his wife, then the representative of his male will be born.


Mom loves to eat bread - a girl will be born; She eats breadcrumbs more often - boy.


There are a large number of tables in which the patient age, the age of the parent, can plan the sex of the infant. The Chinese table, which has been more than a thousand years old, is particularly popular. In it, the main criteria are the age of the mother and the month of conception.


Ultrasound of the fetus today is the most accurate method for determining not only the parameters of its development, but also gender. Semi-art, modern equipment is able to accurately determine after 12 weeks of pregnancy. This characteristic is voiced at the request of parents and is not entered into the conclusion of the study, because, from the point of view of medicine, it does not affect the course of pregnancy and on the health of mom and baby.

To use fortune tells or not, decides everyone for yourself. Sometimes they will boil, sometimes they are encouraged, it happens that they are disappointed. The coincidence, of course, is, but not in all 100%. The results of the fortune telling should not be made for a clean coin, other options should not be excluded. The main thing for every parents is the health of the newborn.

If you do not know, son or daughter will be born, you will help you to fortune telling on the floor of the child. Surely you have already read that the rapusts tried to learn the sex of the child. This article describes more complex calculations.

Fortune telling on the sex of the child by weight

As you know, I will give a blood update every three years. Representatives of the strong floor this happens every 4 years.

If you want to know who will be born to you, follows the full age (figure) of the future mother to divide by 3.

If the female figure is more, then the couple will appear on the son. If, on the contrary, the number of men is more, then daughter will be born.

To get a response to many questions (and, of course, in order to find out who will appear) is often used fortune telling with a pendulum. In this ritual, your wedding ring will perform this pendulum. A ritual is carried out by an independently pregnant woman, but her blood relative. It can be both a man and a woman.

The wedding ring is suspended behind the chain or thread and is located above the stomach. The assistant must keep the rope with a ring so that the attribute does not swing. Now for a couple of minutes, let's follow how the pendulum will behave.

  • If the ring began to move from side to side, this testifies to the birth of a boy.
  • If the ring makes moves in a circle, then the daughter is likely to be born.

The fortune telling with a needle is similar to the previous one, but there are nuances. So, it is very important that the needle is absolutely new.

You will also need a bright thread used for needlework. To thread into the needle and place a homemade pendulum over the future mother. Position it so that the needle clearly hung over his head.

As before, in this ritual, do not split the needle on our own, appreciate her movement. The oscillations from the sides in the side indicate the birth of a boy, rotation in a circle - about the birth of a girl.

IMPORTANT: This method is just suitable for girls who have the first pregnancy, and abortions were not previously not done before.

The fortune telling with the help of fish the most popular and popular was previously in Siberia. The future mother should be included in the reservoir and try to catch fish with bare hands.

  • If this is not happening to do this for a long time, this indicates that the highest forces do not want to open you the mystery.
  • If the gadgetting almost immediately caught fish with the female name (Trout, Pike), then it warns that her daughter should appear.
  • If the name of the fish was a male (crucian, perch), then the people were confident that a boy would appear.

Nowadays, taking a similar rite is very hard. However, there is a simpler option that if the girl dreamed of a fish, she would definitely become pregnant. Try to remember what kind of name was had a dreamy fish. This will help you find out the floor of your baby.

There is also a belief that if a woman dreamed that she buys two fishery or three, then she would have twins or triples.

This method of burning, probably the easiest of all existing ones. A woman should go to the courtyard at dawn and the first one who will meet on her ways, ask to call the letter of the alphabet.

  • If it is evenThe little daughter will appear.
  • If the letter odd, then the boy's appearance is likely.

There are several more ways that will allow you to learn half your baby. For example, in ancient Egypt had a special ritual. When a woman was in an interesting position, the priests prepared 2 bowls for her. In one, the barley was gained, to another wheat.

The urine of the future mother was watered by grain. The priests believed that if after that he germinated wheat, then the woman had to be born daughter. If barley sprout, the boy should be born.

In order to learn half of your baby, you can suddenly ask the pregnant girl to stretch your palm. If she showed a hand with a palm, it testified to the birth of her daughter. If the woman showed up the back of the hand, it warned about the birth of a boy.

The people say that it is the daughters that draw all the appeal from their mother. See what the future mother looks like. If she began to look worse, then this is a sign - she will have a daughter. If, on the contrary, the woman looked, the skin became soft and tender, and curls with silky and smooth, then, most likely, her son will have.

It is also an opinion that if the first three months the future mother feels very badly, and her toxicosis is very strong, then she will definitely have a boy.

Although fortune-telling on the definition of the sex of the child is very simple and often gives the correct answer, but as an ultrasound, it is impossible to count 100% reliable.