Repairs Design Furniture

Bedside table made of wood drawings in size do it yourself. How to make a sink tumb. How to make a tumb for a washbasin with your own hands

It will wonderfully fit into any interior and will be a good addition to the bedroom headset. According to her, it is possible to make kitchen cabinets for storing economic utensils, and in a larger version, the cabinet will easily replace the wardrobe.

Its design is as simple as possible and is perfect for the newcomer master, which is just starting to master the furniture craft.

In addition, the cabinet is made of natural materials - laminated pine panels and pine boards, which is rare in our time, and it works with such material - true pleasure.

The author left the wood unprocessed. Subsequently, it can be painted, open with varnish, tinted by a vintage or decorative oil - options for a pond, and this is a wonderful opportunity for your imagination.

To work, you will need the following materials and tools:

1. Materials:
- Laminated pine and pine board:
1. Two parts 455x700 mm (lateral sides);
2. Two parts 400x455 mm (top and base);
3. Eight parts 70x400 mm (for boxes);
4. Four parts 170x435 mm (front panels of drawers);
5. Eight parts of 135x450 mm (for side walls of boxes);
6. Four parts 135x343 mm (rear walls of boxes from a glass of 16 mm thick.);
7. Four parts 340x430 mm (for the base of the drawers from 16 mm.);
- four sets of drawers for drawers;
- 1800 mm pine stick with a diameter of approximately 25 mm;
- screws for 16 mm;
- screws for 40 mm;
- glue for wood;
- sealant, which is suitable for working with a tree (for example, acrylic);
- Varnish for wood (optional);
- composition for fooling on aquatic, alcohol or oily basis (the author used the tone "antique oak");
- the cloth.

2. Tools:
- Fantasy saw, electric lobby, or hacksaw on a tree with a small tooth;
- screwdriver;
- electric drill with a tree drill;
- grinders with nozzles with large and small emery paper;
- construction roulette;
- pencil;
- Galnik;
- painting brushes.

Step 1: Preparation of materials.

The latter are very convenient in the manufacture of furniture, as individual boards are already glued together into the shield and have a pre-prepared perfectly smooth surface. You do not have to do the scrupulous work on gluing wood, and it will be much easier to fix large details.

Boards for the production of furniture Even in domestic conditions, the home workshop must be pre-posturgan in order for them to have the same thickness.

Studded pine board. Owning with a grinder, using for the beginning nozzle with fine-grained emery paper by 240 and only then with fine-grained by 120.

Follow the details according to our list and cut them out, using the most suitable tool for you: a tracing saw, an electrolovik or a conventional tree with a small and sharp tooth.

In the process of marking, use a square so that all the angles were perfectly even and accounted for 90 0 C.

Step 2: Build the cabinet.

Getting Started for the most responsible stage - the assembly of the product. In order for screwing screws in the process of screwing the wood, it is necessary to drill holes in the mounting places.

At home, the electric drill is most often used for these purposes, but the author advises to acquire a special machine that makes secret holes under the necessary angle. Such a machine allows you to make furniture without any visible compounds. In the photo below you can see how such a machine looks like.

So, mark and do the holes in the places of alleged connections and collect the skeleton of the couches as shown in the photo.

Please note that the hole for each of the boxes should be a height of 150 mm.

If you use a pine board of a greater or less thickness, networked 20 mm, recalculate the dimensions of the details of the coul.

The author, you need to give it properly, the upper edges of the cabinet originally processed, using a natural stick from pine. He could not find a stick with a diameter of 20 mm, so he used a stick whose diameter was 25 mm. She turned out to be a bit great, but did not spoil the total picture.

Follow and disconnect the sticks for edges at an angle of 45 0 s and secure them in place with the help of glue like "liquid nails". You can also use wood glue, but the first option will add your product strength.

The author will also fill all the slots and angles with acrylic sealant. It is less susceptible to mechanical damage, rather than the usual putty on the tree.

Step 3: Spend markup for drawers and install retractable systems.

Before starting the installation of boxes and retractable systems, mark the chamber markup. Use for this a metal ruler according to the example of the author as shown in the photo below. So you will get a smooth perfect parallel line.

Secure the retractable systems by the pre-drawn line with screws and screwdriver. Fix the edge first, and then the middle part of the strips.

Step 4: Making boxes.

The author used for the manufacture of boxes the material with a thickness of 16 mm is simply because he was at hand in sufficient quantity. However, the boxes turned out heavy. Therefore, it advises to use a thinner and lightweight material of the plywood type in those places where it is possible.

Start the installation of the remaining elements of the retractable systems to the side details of the boxes. Make it much more convenient until the moment of their final assembly.

After the fittings are installed, collect boxes using the items from our list. Sluts at the junction of parts inside the box The author woven the sealant.

Step 5: Protective-decorative wood processing and the last strokes.

As a protective and decorative coating, he used a veil in the form of a tone gel "Antique Oak". It not only tints wood, but also protects it from unfavorable external factors like humidity, ultraviolet radiation, as well as some chemical influences.

Clean the dust snubs and apply the composition for a filling with a painting brush or any other convenient way. If the tone is not deep enough and does not correspond to what is indicated on the label, repeat the procedure. Remains of the veil, which not absorbed, remove with dry clean fabric. Wait until the cabinet is dry.

At this stage, you can use water-based wood lacquer in order to additionally protect wood from mechanical damage. It can be applied in several layers, slightly grinding each layer. Thus, each new layer of varnish penetrates and reliably clips with the previous one.

You can also lacquer the inner surface of the boxes. This will make it easy to clean the cabinet as it is contaminated. This is especially true if you make furniture for the kitchen.

Finally, fasten the front panels of the drawers, turning the end of the tumb on the back. To do this, put on the reverse side under the box segment not a thick material to push them out a little.

The bedside table in the bedroom or any other room is the necessary attribute of furniture. You can purchase a ready-made standard together with a set of other furniture, but, as a rule, its value is unreasonably high. To create an original, individual object of furniture with minimal expenses, you can experience your strength during the independent manufacture of the couch. To have an idea how to make a bedside table, you need to own information about the necessary materials and tools, as well as step by step work.

When making bedside tables for the first time, you need to start with the simplest option. This is a universal wood cabinet that is suitable for accommodation in the bedroom, office or living room. Other options, such as the cabinet under the television system, will require more time and effort for manufacture.

Bedside tables from an array of wood can have different sizes


For the manufacture of bedside tables, the following tools will be needed:

  • electrolovik;
  • face saw;
  • sander;
  • roulette;
  • sandpaper;
  • pencil;
  • drill or screwdriver;
  • screwdriver Set.


In addition, you will need a milling cutter with a diameter of 35 mm, a set of bits with a hexagon for confirmates, the diameter of the holes under which should be at least 8 mm, at an end in the end - 5 mm. It will take iron to glue the edge on the end parts of the wooden parts. The edge can be bought at any construction store, firing the color of the sawn timber from which the cabinet is manufactured. It has the adhesive side, which is applied to the end, and from above stroke a hot iron through a dry rag or any vehicle. Excess the edges are removed with a knife.

In addition to the above tools, it will take a carpentry "straight angle" with a measuring line. To connect the shelves and side walls, you can use a special tool for installing connections on the sewage. This tool helps to drill holes in the side shelves of a drill on the installed ducts. For this, the holes in the ends are pre-drilled and the wrenches are installed. On the back of the shelves, markup is made in order not to confuse them during the assembly. Then the shelves are applied to fastening places, after which the holes are made.


To understand how to make bedside tables with your own hands, you need to know what you need:

  • 4 panels of LDSP or other material 45x70 cm for the manufacture of upper, lower and side parts;
  • 8 boards for the manufacture of frames of 7x40 cm;
  • 4 panels of LDSP or other material for the manufacture of boxes of 17x43.5 cm.
  • dowel 2x1.8 cm and 4x1.6 cm screws;
  • if 5x70 mm configmatics are used, they must be purchased in an amount of 22 pieces;
  • glue joiner;
  • acrylic sealant;
  • morilka for wood.

It is necessary to prepare all the elements in advance.

The choice of material for the manufacture of the couch varies depending on the budget. The most low-cost material is the chipboard.

When choosing a chipboard as a material manufacturing material, you need to pay attention to the degree of its humidity, which can lead to the curvature of the finished product. The tube can also be made of natural wood, MDF, plywood or laminate. For the manufacture of ducts, cranial bars, wooden guides, frames, countertops, it is recommended to use solid wood varieties - oak, beech or birch. The thickness of the framework of the frame is from 12 to 40 mm, depending on the functionality of the bedside table, its load. The back of the construction is usually made of a 4-6 mm thick chipboard, if there are no serious load on the bottom of the boxes, they can also be made of this material. For decoration of the material, you can use a self-adhesive film for color and texture corresponding to the other furniture objects in the room covered with acrylic varnish. For a natural tree, a simulator or colorless impregnation is used.

If the cabinet is made with their hands with drawers, for them it is necessary to purchase special accessories - guide mechanisms. As an alternative to the guides as more affordable, M-shaped planks made of wood, which are attached to the side walls of the bedside tables from the inside in those places where the boxes will be.

If the cabinet will be equipped with the door, you need to cook loops for their mount. To ensure the opening of the door, the elevator mechanisms are used by pressing. In order for the door spontaneously, it is not opened, you can equip the table of magnetic latch.

As a support fittings, stationary or legs adjustable in height can be used as well as wheels. Convenient are the wheels with a bearing mechanism that can spin in different directions. Such accessories is useful for bedside table in the living room. For doors and boxes, you also need to purchase handles for opening. The number of handles, loops, guides depends on the number of boxes and doors.

Necessary for the manufacture of bedside tables do-it-yourself metallourism

Stages of manufacture

Before you make a tumb, you need to decide on its shape and sizes. It can be a cabinet with a door, several boxes, with an open shelf, or a combined type. Then you need to make drawings that will help make accurate blanks.

Preparation of details

When the schemes with the accurate dimensions are prepared, you can proceed to the production of blanks for the couch. At first, the sketch of the blanks from cardboard is applied to the tree, then the contour is cut into accuracy with the sizes. Inaccuracy in the size of the cut items can reduce all the work on "no". High-quality cutting of wooden parts will provide an electrobilla. Then all the details are processed by a grinding machine to provide smoothness to the edges. If the design is not planned to decorate the self-adhesive film, at this stage it is worth treating all the details of the bedside tables.

After processing the cut parts, you can start drilling holes for fasteners and accessories. When the sample is made under the loop, it must be borne in mind that the distance from the edge of the facade to the central part of the hole should be 22 mm. For loops with a landing size of 35 mm markup make top and bottom of the door. For fastening the shelf, you need to drive 4 dumb trunks on the sides (two on each of the sidewalls). Holes for the seats are made on the top, the bottom of the wall and on the upper end. If the cabinet is made under the sink with their own hands, on the table top, where the washing will be fixed, the hole of the suitable diameter is cut.

In detail all the necessary holes are prepared.


Before making a sandbox with your own hands, you need to collect her wooden frame: the rails of 7 cm wide are attached to each other with screws or screws, forming a rectangular frame. The carcass corners must be straight, it is checked using the appropriate measuring instrument. Then the top of the bedside table is attached to the rectangular frame. For the reliability of the place of the attachment, the joinery glue is additionally labeled. After assembling the upper part, the sidewalls are collected, the last turn is the rear and front wall.

Planks for guides are attached on the inside of the frame. The assembly of the box is as follows:

  • the made billet for the box is placed on a flat surface, with the help of the confirmable drill, holes are made under the confirmates;
  • the housing is twisted from the billet for the box. At this stage, it is important to check the corner the correctness of the construct angles;
  • the bottom of the box is collected from the fiberboard - it is placed on the frame from the planks, nailed with small cloves 25 mm;
  • in the lower corner connections are fixed guides.

The end of the main process, how to make a bedside table, is the attachment of the handles, legs or wheels, as well as the decorative design of the finished product.

On the side panel Fresh bar

At the same distance all strips are attached

The second side panel is installed on top

Ready carcass

Fastening the top panel

Preparation of peg

For mounting, pegs will need joinery

Montage peg

Frame with top panel

Marking under the guides

Fastening guides

Adjusting guides

Installation result

Sidebar drawer

Retractable box frame

Fresh bottom drawer

Bottches without front panels

Processed facial panels

Application of glue under the front panels


The bedside table can be the original decoration of the room. To do this, it can be issued in various styles. For example, create a classic style bedding can be used if you use the paint of pastel shades (yellow, sand, gentle pink, salad). At the same time, the ends of the cabinet are made up with white, and color individual elements, including the upper part and the door. It is necessary to attach wooden or plastic moldings on the door, and on the table top - a piece of glass or transparent plastic cut from its size. Moldings must be painted in color, characterized by tone from the color of the facade.

When decorating the bedside table, it is necessary to take into account the style and finishing of the entire room so that the product is not broken from the general design.

Instead of decorating the finished product, you can use the original ideas of making bedside tables:

  • a bedside table from old suitcases: This will require an old suitcase that attacks the frame on the legs. External body can be painted or decorated with decoupage technique.
  • the console from the old table is to do this, you will need an old coffee table, from which half is scolded. The second half is attached to the wall, painting in bright color. In addition, you can use the old box from a written table, simply at attaching it to the wall - it turns out an unusual suspended stand.
  • little wooden staircase, barrel, chair, stack of books tied up, - All this can be used as a bedside table.

Your bedside table is one of the simplest products that everyone is available. It does not require a large number of materials, tools or special experience in creating furniture. It is only necessary to have a drawing, an exemplary scheme of the product and desirable ideas about how to make it unique.

Pockets are usually installed in a room or hallway. Depending on the purpose of furniture, various drawings use internal shelves of different heights.

For example, to store shoes, you need 1-2 shelves, and in the cabinets for the room you can make more levels, since books, magazines, CDs, cosmetics, other small things will be stored there.

There are different designs of bedside tables for a room or hallway, they can be divided into several types:

  • open;
  • with door;
  • with drawers;
  • combined.

The product can be made of chipboard or wood. The boards are a more reliable, durable version, it should be applied if you want the bedside table with your own hands it turns out to be durable and served for many years. But these materials will cost a little more expensive than the chipboard.

Necessary materials and instructions for creating

Before you make a bedside table, you must prepare the following tools:

  • screwdriver;
  • kiyanka, hammer;
  • electrolovka or saw;
  • USM or sandpaper (if a tree bed is made);
  • furniture conductor.

Bedside table

The following type table is well suited to the hallway:

This is one of the easiest options. The drawing displays a generally accepted standard. If a narrower or higher cabinet is needed, you can change the dimensions.

This product will well fit into the hallway, thanks to its compactness, convenience. In the lower office, you can store shoes, and in the box - things you need to have at hand when leaving the house (keys, leash for dog, etc.).


  • boards or chipboard;
  • plywood for a drawer, plywood or DVP sheet for rear wall;
  • hardware;
  • sucks;
  • pens;
  • loops;
  • furniture glue or PVA;
  • tassels;
  • paint and / or varnish.

Operating procedure:

  1. Workbathing details
    • For side walls, it is better to use boards with a width of 500 mm. If there is no such, you can make items from narrower boards. It is necessary to cut 4 billets with a length of 800 mm and a width of 250 mm. They can be glued together with a joinery glue. For this billet is flared by the composition, clamping in vice or clamp for several hours. An easier option is to connect them with transverse jumpers.
    • On the walls are made holes and marking. If there is a regiment in the lower bedside table, then for its installation, you can drive 4 ducts - 2 on each side. It is also necessary to make holes for the ducts from below, on top and on the upper end. You can immediately fix the loops to which doors and guides for the drawer will be installed.
    • Make countertops, lower shelf ("floor" of the couch) and doors.
    • Make a box of plywood.
    • If the bedside table is made from the boards, you must open them with varnish.
  2. Collect all the details. Fastenings are performed through the wrenches: a little glue is served into the hole, the wanking is clogged into it. After that, the details are bonded among themselves through the light blows of the Cyan. So that there is no scratches on the end of the tree, it is better to beat over a board or a thick piece of rubber. You can also collect an end with hardware.
  3. Making the rear wall. The sheet of plywood or fiberboard, the dimensions of which correspond to the width and height of the cabinet, is stuffed with nails.

It is worth remembering that dimensions, schemes and drawings in this case are only a convention. The main thing is to understand the general principles of the structure of this furniture, work on its creation.

If there are ideas about how to improve the product or make it more original, it is worth embodying them in life. If the ideas do not come, then you can safely use the standards.

Standard in corner

If ideas are needed, how to save place is worth paying attention to the corner bedside table. This product will allow storing things, but will not take a lot of space. The angular cabinet is done for the room or hallway, the same as usual: a list of materials and work is completely identical. The only difference is that other drawings are applied.

For the room, a wide bedside table is very convenient - the angular model is usually done to install the TV, the game console, columns, etc. In the lower offices, you can store CDs and other accessories. A narrow tube will fit well into a small hallway. Here are drawings and ideas for various Tumba in a room or an entrance hall:

Even small elements and, at first glance, minor ideas for the bedside table do it yourself, will help make the original, exclusive room for room or hallway. The main thing is not to be afraid to fantasize and try new.

Without a bedside table near the bed, it is impossible to present a bedroom, and you can make it with your own hands.

However, if we talk about factory products, here it is often possible to see typical forms, of course, they differ significantly from each other, but only the quality of the material and assembly.

But, what if you still visited the idea to make the original bedside table yourself? In this case, it is important to immediately make sure that the decision is made. In the end, "not the gods of the pots burn", several professional councils and your idea will be embodied, because the scale of the production of the stands is small and even a newcomer will easily cope with it.

As the basis, you can take any liked an example from the Internet, or completely reproduce all the assembly stages of the already available schemes, and do not experience problems with creative imagination.

Master Council: As a starting material, it is better to choose a furniture pine shield as more suitable for convenient sawmills at home. This is the most eco-friendly material. The natural beauty of the texture of such a tree will be organically inscribed in any bedroom. If you have the possibility of sawing in the workshop, it is practical to choose LDSP, that is, a laminated wood chipboard. In this case, you will be available almost the entire color palette and shades of the most valuable wood.

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Design - Style Base

To begin with, it would be nice to familiarize yourself with the popular destinations in the furniture industry. Until now, in fashion, such styles like:

  • retro;
  • rustic;
  • asiatic.

All this variety can confuse you, but do not worry: you initially for example will be provided with a classic style tree model.

So, what is the classic cabinet? It is reasonably noticed, it will always have straight corners and a fixed support. The main functionality is one or more drawers, or one section with a swing door on a gas lift.

Alternatively, in addition to the tabletop itself, there may be a pass-through open additional shelf, for example, as in the photo.

The style of minimalism implies the absence of something complex, as a rule, such a cabinet has several shelves and legs.

Rustic is different from all the other, its rough surface having the colors of various kinds of natural objects. To achieve the goal, you can use all the same wooden base and a walking paint, mixed with stone crumbs.

Asian style carries elements of the national culture of different nations and, of course, includes threads or curved forms of the main elements of the couch (doors and legs).

Adherents of traditions of different eras, the soul will have homemade retro stand. By itself, the style is very conditional, since under it you can understand many areas of times in a historical context. However, the first thing that comes to mind is the popular forms of furniture elements of the 20s, and the next few decades of the past, mostly the twentieth century.

Alternatively, there is an opportunity on the basis of the old couch to perform it, inhaling the element of a new decoration - or Shebbi chic.

Wooden Tube Manufacturing Guide

All you need to have for the production of works is:
  • clearly verified drawings of details of the bedside tables, from which the furniture will later have to be collected;
  • a set of self-tapping screws and tools (elktrol pump, hammer, screwdriver and measuring instruments);
  • required accessories (two hinges, magnets, gas lift and door decorative handle).

Take note: In pursuit of exquisite beauty Do not use too bulky canopies, as well as loops made of plastic covered with nickel. They have too low life. It is better to use conventional metal canopies covered with gold patina, bronze or silver.

Homemade production includes the following order of work:

  1. You will need to cut five elements for the walls, shelves and directly the table top itself. Using patterns from the fiberboard or dense cardboard, you need to cut the logs of a furniture shield with a thickness of 16-22 mm. As a rule, the standard width varies in the range of 30-40 cm.
  2. We drink or use ready-made bars for the legs of the couch with a cross-section of 35 x 50 mm and tear them along the length according to the drawing.
  3. We make the facade of the door (it can also be bought in the store and adjust the entire project under its size).
  4. We collect cube elements and countertops using the legs using the legs (to hide the screws of the screws, use the plugs under the color of the wood).
  5. The back side of the cabinet is better to have a closed tightness, so use the branch of the fiberboard.
  6. According to advanced grooves in the door and cube of the couch, make a hinge jacket.
  7. Collect the angles, legs and facial surfaces of the couch and countertops.
  8. Cover the outdoor sides of a varnish.

That's all, the work is made - you can accommodate the finished furniture in the bedroom.

We offer for viewing video instructions For the manufacture of bedside table bedroom:

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A stylish, modern bathroom is impossible to imagine without a wash basin, which hides communications, expands the functionality, reflects the interior. Many this item is bought, but there is a possibility to make with your own hands. Then the logical question is asked: "How to make a sink tumba?"

The bathroom room does not always meet the standards, so it is not so easy to place all the necessary items.

The bathroom room does not always meet the standards, so it is not so easy to place all the necessary items. Choose furniture among the finished options for individual sizes is not easy. Try to shove what we managed to buy stupid. Any non-standard situation requires an extraordinary solution. Without address making of furniture do not do here.

Ordering individual execution of objects from professionals is not for everyone by pocket.

Make an end to the bathroom with your own hands is easy.

Ordering individual execution of objects from professionals is not for everyone by pocket. In addition, workshops are often downloaded by orders, wait their small nightstand for a long time. In this case, the cabinet under the sink will be the best solution. Get to save time and money.

In this case, the cabinet under the sink will be the best solution.

The main thing is the desire to achieve the result, accuracy, possession of initial skills to work with the tools selected by materials.

Handcoming the bedside table is worthwhile to those who have the skills of working with furniture. Get the original thing, create a unique interior is always nice. Moreover, it is not difficult to make a saccine with their own difficulties.

Handcoming the bedside table is worthwhile to those who have the skills of working with furniture.

If mortise sink, on the upper wall of the future couch, it is required to make a hole.

How to decide on the settings of the couch

Write options to make a table with a lot. Select the parameters preferably based on the financial capabilities, the intended objects of the subject, style, bathroom dimensions, personal owner preferences. Basic selection criteria: View (location of the couch, option of installing a bowl), the material from which it is made.

Get the original thing, create a unique interior is always nice.

To make an end to the sink for the bathroom with your own hands, the tools will be required.

Types of Tumben under the sink

Depending on the location of the couch, divided into:

  • suspended;
  • outdoor;
  • corner.

Write options to make a table with a lot.

In the completion, the product can be reapged with the help of self-adhesive film, enamel, varnish, veneer.

Suspended models look easily, do not load interior with dimensions. Such a design is applicable in any situation, even when the location of sanitary boxes does not allow to mount large outdoor furniture options. Suspended stands involve the compliance of the walls with increased strength requirements. Installation is more complicated than outdoor structures. When choosing it will be necessary to take into account the weight of the product, future content. Suspended versions do not imply storing heavy items in them. Such cabinets are not afraid of the puddle on the floor. If operating conditions (not allowing advantage) serve for a long time.

Select the parameters preferably based on the financial capabilities, alleged object functions, style, bathroom dimensions, personal owner preferences

Floor variations are extremely popular. They are stable, allow you to store fairly funny items (washing powder, domestic chemistry). Pockets are manufactured on legs, monolithic basements. To ensure better stability, safety is allowed to additional fixation of the cabinet to the wall. Multifunction of the subject causes demand.

Suspended models look easily, do not load interior with dimensions.

Depending on the method of fastening the sink, it is necessary to make a table top: an overhead washing or a panel with a hole for a washbasin.

Corner models characterize the location of the couch. They are performed suspended, outdoor. The angular models do not "eat" a lot of space due to the placement of the place, which is weakly involved in any interior. The use of a corner location tymbus is preferably for the premises of a small area. The nature of the location allows you to benefit from valuable square meters. Spacious chambers of the angle orientation bedside tables allow you to significantly expand the possibilities of the storage system in the bathroom.

When choosing it will be necessary to take into account the weight of the product, future content.

Focusing on the method of installing the shell, the cabinets are divided into the following types.

Type washbasin a brief description of
Consolidated Consolidated modifications of washbasins are made connected to the body of the couch. In most cases, it is impossible to make such a model. The table top, which is an inseparable part of the bedside table, initially contains a washbasin.
Overhead The cabinets with a false view of the fastening of the shell make their own easier. The bowl is placed on top of the furniture box instead of the table top, it is sealing, if necessary.
Currency Cutting vehicles with a shell installation during self-making will require skills. The bowl is placed in the hole carved for it on the upper wall of the furniture section. The opening is obliged to accurately match the sink parameters, otherwise you can simply spoil the finished tumb.

If operating conditions are met, serve for a long time.

Materials suitable for sink cabinet

In the bathroom it is permissible to use:

  • natural tree;
  • glass;
  • plastic;
  • plasterboard.

Floor variations are extremely popular.

The tree is used protected by moisture-resistant coatings. It is easy to work with it. The finished product is durable, it looks stylish, but the price makes it look for alternatives. One of them becomes MDF, initially preventing excessive penetration of moisture.

To create the necessary strength of the finished product will have to take care of the strengthening of the structure.

Glass for the manufacture of furniture uses infrequently, working with it will require skills. Apply special reinforced options that ensure the strength of the structure. The product, made in all the rules, will be the subject of pride, will delight practicality.

Water-resistant modifications are perfect for the bathroom, but fragility will require a design to be improved.

Plastic is a great option for the bathroom. It has a complete set of necessary qualities. Working with him does not deliver special troubles. To create the necessary strength of the finished product will have to take care of the strengthening of the structure. The same applies to plasterboard. Water-resistant modifications are perfect for the bathroom, but fragility will require a design to be improved.

Stylish, unusual product will succeed in combining several materials.

Stylish, unusual product will succeed in combining several materials. At the same time, it is really possible to achieve an optimal combination of practicality, efficiency, the uniqueness of the appearance.

Plastic - Great Bathroom Option

Manufacturing process

Before starting the main work, you should choose the necessary tool, materials, composite parts of the future design. To make a sink tumbler for the bathroom with your own hands, you will need:

  • hacksaw;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • lobzik;
  • a hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • pliers;
  • machine (skin) for grinding;
  • pencil;
  • roulette;
  • chisel.

The tree is used protected by moisture-resistant coatings.

For work is also necessary:

  • details made according to drawings, from the selected material;
  • screws, bonding corners;
  • fittings (door hinges, handles).

The use of the cabinets for the sink to the sink does not only depends on the quality of the works produced, but also from the material used.


  1. If mortise sink, on the upper wall of the future couch, it is required to make a hole. For this, the patterns, corresponding to the diameter of the sink, is placed on the surface, the slot is cut down on its circuits. With the help of a drill, a hole is obtained, a logs is inserted into it - the contour crook is completed.
  2. From the prepared in advance parts need to collect the framework. All elements are pre-treated with moisture protection: sections are cleaned with a skin, ground.
  3. The lateral walls are fixed to the finished frame, using self-tapping screws or glue. In places connections to the frame will require corners.
  4. Depending on the method of fastening the sink, it is necessary to make a table top: an overhead washing or a panel with a hole for a washbasin. Seams thoroughly seal.
  5. Mounting internal filling (shelves, boxes), accessories (handles, loops), doors, bottoms, legs (if available).
  6. The mortise shell is placed in the hole. Connect communication. All seams are sealed with silicone.
  7. The finished tube in the bathroom is installed in place, if necessary, fix. In the completion, the product can be reapged with the help of self-adhesive film, enamel, varnish, veneer.

The nature of the location allows you to benefit from valuable square meters.

Make an end to the bathroom with your own hands is easy. The main thing is the desire to achieve the result, accuracy, possession of initial skills to work with the tools selected by materials.

To ensure better stability, safety is allowed to additional fixation of the cabinet to the wall.

VIDEO: Cutter under a washbasin with chipboard with their own hands