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Uncomplicated fortune telling for the old new year. Fortune telling on the old New Year: how to find out your destiny and the name of the narrowed. Walnut

Features of gadas on this night
To get more accurate information from predictions, it is worth following several rules of divination, which strictly followed the ancestors:
- Starting the magic sacrament should only after sunset the sun, and better at midnight;
- It should be removed from yourself all the decorations, belts and belts, as well as to dissolve hair;
- During any designers in the room there should be no pets;
- Candles used during rituals must be purchased only in the church or from the clergy.
Some interesting options fortune telling
2018 can be diverse. But it is better to use those who most often used great-grandmothers, since they are considered the most reliable ways Operate the curtain of the otherworldly world.

1. Foreign on marriage

Only unmarried personnel should participate. To carry out such a ritual, the threads of the same length will be needed. Each girl holds a thread in one end, and the other lowers down. Then all participating simultaneously set up their lowered end. And the girl whose thread burns faster, the very first will be his wife. But the one, who will have a thread immediately, will still have to wait for his narrowed.
2. Fortune telling on the old new year January 13, 2018 for the future or events in the coming year

It will take four glass glasses, half filled with water. The first need to put a spoonful of sugar, in the second salt, in the third golden ring, and in the fourth nothing. The girl who wants to learn the prediction turns his back to the glasses, and the other, first rearranges them, and then begins to point to each glass until the back does not stop it. If the choice fell on a vessel with salt water, then the year will be painted with sadness and sadness. If the water is sweet, then you should wait for happiness and joy. Fresh water suggests that the year will not be remarkable, but a glass with a ring notifies about the emergency meeting with his destiny.

3. Divination with chain

Another interesting divination With a chain, which is better to spend alone immediately after midnight. The chain can be both gold and silver, the main thing is not from the usual metal. This decoration needs to be clamped in a fist right hand And ask fate, what to expect in the coming year. Then chain throw on the table or on the floor. The decoration will definitely adopt some kind of figure, which will become a kind of prediction. If she looks like a circle, you will have to experience difficulties, to overcome which will take a lot of strength. If the figure resembles a triangle or a rectangle, or the chain simply went to the straight line, then the year is good for all sorts of undertakings and the girl will be accompanied by luck. Oval and snake are a goat, who around will build colleagues and acquaintances. If the chain took the form of a bow, then we are talking About love and even marriage. And if the form resembles some letter, then it is from it that the name of the narrowed will begin. The chain, tied with a nodule, means problems in personal life.
Whatever fortune-telling is chosen for burning on the night from January 13 to 14, it is necessary to understand that much depends on the person himself. And if the prediction is not very good, you should not be upset, but refer to it as entertainment.

The celebration of the Old New Year falls on the winter shints, which are celebrated from Christmas Eve and Baptism. The people were believed that at this time the extinction could take a little and stalk, which is why there were a few days in the go of different kind Fun, including fortune telling.

Among the girls walked Mol Polva, that fortune-telling on the old New Year, the night from January 13-14, the most faithful.

"KP in Ukraine" prepared a selection of the simplest and truthful gadasSuppose to girls to brighten a generous evening and just have fun.

Fortune telling for old new year before bed

Fortune telling on kings

On the night of January 13-14 before going to bed, girls need to put under the pillow playing cards With the image of kings. In the morning, without looking, it is worth pulling out one card. What a king of the girl will get, so the husband will be: the peak king is old and jealous, the trephic king is a military, the king of worms is young and rich, and the tambourine is desirable.

Divination on bread and scissors

According to reference, if before bedtime to the old new year, put bread and scissors under the pillow, the girl will certainly dream of her narrowed.

Fair for a love dream

Before beding a gadget girl, it is necessary to eat anything salty and in no case can not be powered by water. Looking at bedtime, you need to speak: "Dailed, rude, come to me and drink me"! According to the reference, who will come to send you, you will marry you.

Fortune telling

To this fortunate, girls will have to prepare in advance - buy stockings. Before bedtime, one leg needs to wear a new stocking and lie down in bed. At the same time, the girl must be sentenced: "Dailed, rude, come to sort me." Muck, which in a dream will remove with a gadget girl stocking - will be her husband.

Fortune telling on love

Under the bed you need to put a small bowl with water, and put a small one on it wooden stick. And to say before bedtime: "Dailed, come to translate me through the bridge." Who in a dream through the bridge will translate - it will be married.
This fortune telling is not suitable for each, but rather lovers to ripped nerves. In the people, it is considered one of the most dangerous. Fortune telling on mirrors

For divination, two mirrors are taken (quite large and if possible equal to the quantity), they are installed opposite each other and illuminated by two candles. It is best to keep one mirror opposite the highlighted wall mirror, so that a long corridor, illuminated by lights. From the room you need to remove all animals and outsiders. If it is very scary, you can leave a couple of modest specimens, however, they should not make no sound, not to look into the mirror and not approach to gadget.

At the end of the corridor formed between two mirrors and should appear narrowed. True, sometimes to look for a very long time, and you can see not only narrowed, but also any evil ...

Divination for the character of the groom and marriage

And a bowl or saucer folds different items that gadget girls should be drawn without looking. The main condition - items should clearly display the character line or quality of life.

For example, sugar - sweet life, good fitness of the groom, ring - marriage, glass - fun life, golden ring - Wealth.

Fortune telling on matches

For this divination, you must prepare a matchbox and several matches in advance.

Boxes are installed on the sides: one is a gadget girl, the other is the man who likes. Matches set on fire and wait until they completely store. If the heads are addressed to each other - it means the guy and the girl will be together.

Fortune telling on dumplings

One of the most traditional fortunes on the old new year.

The hostess of the house inviting guests, prepares dumplings with potatoes, and some puts the filling in the form of small surprises. The essence of fortune telling is that no one knows what he will fall, and it is precisely that the dumplings are determined that a person is waiting next year.

For example:

  • Lollipop - life next year will be sweet;
  • Paper bills - you are waiting for big money;
  • Thread - to a long road or travel;
  • Dragee type candies - family replenishment;
  • Black pepper pea - denotes life with a peppercorn;
  • Buttons - a lot of interesting new things.

Fortune telling
Simple fortune telling

In order to find out the name of the future husband, the girl is enough to go out and ask for the first oncoming man to call his name.

Divination on the ring

Gadget girls in turn ride on the floor of the ring. If it rides the door, the girl will soon marry.

Fortune telling on egg

You need to prepare fresh egg in advance. It makes a small hole and carefully pour the contents into a glass with water. After some time, the protein will come, by what form he will take and judge the future.

For example, if the church will be seen in the figure - to be wedding, the ring is the engagement. Machine, ship or aircraft - to travel, business trip, ambulance.

Divination by book

In advance, it is necessary to prepare a book with a suitable content. Without revealing the book, the girls make the page number and string from above or below. Then reveal the book on the desired page and read the necessary lines. Depending on the fact that the gadget girl worries most and interpret the selected paragraph.

Food at the grains
Fortune telling at wish

This fortune-telling is one of the simplest: any cereal is poured into the bank, the question is asked, after which there is a handful of cereals from the tank with an left hand, and grains are recalculated.

An even number symbolizes a positive response to the assigned question, and an odd is negative, respectively.

Fortune telling on water

Two identical glasses are preparing. One of them is filled with water. Fucking the desire, a gadget girl begins to overflow the liquid from one glass to another. Puts it several times. After that, it is necessary to look at the surface where the glasses were stood. If there are no more than two or three drops on it, the desire will come true. If the drops are more - an embodiment of it is difficult.

Divination by shadows

It is necessary to prepare a saucer or flat plate, a sheet of pure paper, a candle and matches. A sheet of paper needs to squeeze and put on a plate, carefully set up a lump. When the sheet is completely burns, it is necessary with the help of a candle to make it reflected on the wall. After that, it is time to connect all your fantasy - considering the shadows, you can learn about your future.

On the night of January 13-14, the population of Russia, and other former republics Soviet Union celebrate old New Year.

Tradition celebrate the old new year goes from the discrepancy of the Julian calendar (or otherwise the "old style" calendar) and Gregorian calendar- The one for which almost the whole world now lives. The discrepancy of calendars in the 20-21 centuries is 13 days.

Old New Year is a rare historical phenomenon, Additional holiday, which turned out as a result of changing the summer.

Because of this discrepancy of the calendars we we celebrate two "new years" - According to the old and new style. Thus, on the night of January 13-14, everyone can afford to "preserve" the most beloved holiday. After all, for many believers, the old new year is of particular importance, because they can only celebrate it from the heart after graduating from the Christmas post.

Interestingly, the difference between Julian and Gregorian calendars es every centuryWhen the number of hundreds in the year from the Nativity of Christ is not a multiple of four, for one day.

Therefore, from March 1, 2100, this difference will be 14 days. And since 2101, Christmas and the old new year will be celebrated a day later.

Today, from year to year, the popularity of the old new year is growing, and Russia is no exception. More and more people belong to Him, as an independent holiday, which prolongs the charm of the New Year or allows you to feel this charm for the first time ... After all, this holiday is more relaxed, he is unusual than a bustle that is the inevitable satellite of the New Year.

A bit of history:

Once this day came on January 1 and was called Vasilievy day, and the eve of it - December 31, which became later on January 13 - Vasilyev in the evening.

By ancient tradition, in new Year's Eve Noted "Rich" Vasilyev evening. On this day, it was accepted generously to cover the table. Pork dishes were especially valued, because Saint Vasily Vasily was considered the patron saint of the pilot.

"The pork yes Borovka for Vasilyeva in the evening", "not a clean the animal of a pig, but there is nothing unclean - Vasily will sanctifies the winter!", "Says in proverbs about this day. Remember these folk signs when you cover a festive table.

There is I. folk signs associated with this night.

If the sky is clear and star - There will be a rich harvest of berries. January 14 gardeners are recommended to shake fruit treesbecause Saint Vasily Great, popular belief, also protects gardens from worms and pests.

On the morning of January 14. need to go around the garden with words ancient conspiracy: "How fucked by me (name) BelPushist Snow, so devouches the worm-gadget of all in the spring of Saint Vasily!"

Saint Vasily Great is celebrated on the eighth day of the density, in the midst of the soda fortunes. "The maiden's marsh will fuss under Vasilla - everything will come true, and what will come true - it does not happen!" - spoke in the people.

By popular belief Vasil-evening Witches steal a month from heaven, but still can not stop the gradually growing day, shortening a long winter night.

On this day early in the morning Accepted was to cook Vasilyev Kish And follow as it is preparing. If porridge gets out of the pan - the trouble will be all home. It was considered bad to be considered if the pot is a pot or pan in which porridge is preparing. If the porridge succeeds - eat her pusher, if any of bad adoption - Throw together with the pot (preferably in the hole, if such is nearby).

On Vasiliev, children, young guys and girls walked around the houses, missing pork pies, as well as everything else than the innocent hosts. All the chosen was collected in Lukoshko and eaten after a successful hike.

Fortune telling on the shints

Divination - a ritual aimed at contact with otherworldly forces in order to obtain information about the future.

Most of the fortunes are timed to the shocks (from Christmas to baptism) and is their integral part when they come with the "Level" of the souls of the deceased

and activated devilry. The time of time, it was believed that at this time nothing prevents the future in the face.

All girls dream of happy marriage and love. And of course, to whom it is not interesting to know your future in advance.

On a note:

Fortune telling (with a felt) on the "side", in which marry

Fortune telling with mirrors to call the image of the future groom

This is a well-known division of divination is often used now. The girl sits in the dark between two mirrors, lights the candles and begins to peer into the "Gallery of Reflections", hoping to see his groom. Better time For this divination is considered midnight.

Fortune telling (with fillings of the thread) on the speed and order of getting married

It lies in the fact that the girls cut a thread of the same length and ignite them. Who has a thread thread, that first will be married. If the thread escaped immediately and less than half burned out, you won't marry.

Fortune telling (with a ring or needle) for the floor of the future child

With a ring or needle, certain actions are done (the ring is lowered into a glass with water, a woolen fabric is puzzled), then, suspended in the balance or thread, slowly lowered near the hands of someone you guess. If the subject (ring, needle) starts to make circular movements - a girl will be born (less often - boy), if the peaceful - boy (less often a girl), if the subject does not move - there will be no children.

Divination (with the choice of the subject) on the "quality" of life and groom

In a bowl, saucer or boots, objects are put, girls choose them. The choice of the item symbolizes future life: Zola. - Bad life, sugar - sweet life, ring - getting married, bulb - to tears, winery - fun life, gold ring - rich life etc.

Fortune telling with a rooster

A grain is embanked into one plate (or money is put), water is poured into another, the mirror is melted nearby, sometimes a chicken is brought. The rooster approached the mirror symbolizes the beauty and tenderness of the future groom, which came up to the grain or money - his wealth, to the water - a tendency to drunkenness if the rooster comes to the chicken, which means that the groom will be a "womanist".

Fortune telling

This type of divination due to its simplicity is very common in a modern maiden environment. The girl sets up with her paper sheet, and then examines the shadow from the burnt paper. Each takes a clean sheet of paper, comes it, puts on a dish or on a large flat plate and set fires. When the sheet burns or almost burns, with the help of the candle it is displayed on the wall. Carefully examining the shadows are trying to learn the future.

Fortune telling on matches

On the sides of the matchbox are inserted two matches and set on fire. If the burnt heads will be addressed to each other, then the "riddled" guy and the girl will be together.

Fortune telling (on a dog) about the age of the groom

After certain actions, the participants of Divan listened to the dog's lasis. "A hoarse barking of the old groom, and the ringing is young.

Fortune telling with a ring to call the image of the future groom

In a glass with water, the girl brings the wedding ring and peering inside the rings, senoming words: "My squeezed, oh ...".

Fortune telling with causing sleep about narrowed

We write the name of the young man on a piece of paper, kiss this word with the detached lips (to stay next), lay on the mirror small and under the pillow or put three laurel sheets under the pillow. On one write - "Ananya", on the other - "Azarya" and on the third - "Misail" and pronounce the spell: "From Monday to Tuesday, I look at the windowsill, who dreams of me, let me dream in a dream"

Going on the night from Monday to Tuesday. A sprig of ate is taken, put on the head of the head. At the same time they say: "Falling on Monday, I put in the headboard Yelannik, dream of me who thinks about me." Who will dream, he loves you.

They guess at night from Thursday to Friday. Look to bed, they say: "Thursday with the Wednesday, Tuesday with Monday, Sunday with Saturday. Friday is one and me, young one. I am lying on the Zion mountains, three angels in the heads: one sees one. Another will say, the third fate will indicate. "

Girls guess if you go to bed where it was not necessary before. Before bedtime, they say: "In a new place, dream of the bridegroom." In a dream you will see your groom.

Card reading

Before bedtime, they put under the pillow of four kings and they say: "Who is my narrowed, who is my muddy, he dream of dreaming." If you dreamed the peak king - the groom will be an old man and jealous, the king of Chervalon means a young and rich, the crusade - wait for the match from a military or businessman, and Bubnov - from the desired one.

Fortune telling on relatives

Go to look in the neighbors windows during dinner. If they see the heads sitting at the table, then foreshadow that future relatives will be alive; If the heads are not seen, then with relatives should be misfortune.

Fortune telling at wax

Melt the wax in the circle, pour milk in a saucer and put an apartment or at home at the threshold. Say the following words: "My house, my owner, come under the threshold to drink milk, eating wax." FROM recent words Pour melted wax into the milk. And now carefully observe what is happening. If you see the frozen cross, there are some diseases in the new year. If the cross just seems, in the coming year, your financial affairs will not go too well, and in your personal life they will overcome trouble, but not too serious. If the flower blooms - marry, get out of ransom or find your beloved. If the beast appears, be careful: you will have some kind of taught. If the wax flows stripes, you will come to the road, moving, and will fall as an asterisk - wait good luck in the service, in school. If a human figure is formed, you will find a friend.

From time immemorial, traditional time for the burner was the Russian holiday - the old new year and celebrated it on January 13th. This day is in ancient Russia endowed magic power And he was prophetic. It was believed that fortune telling an old new year allowed to get reliable information on any issue.

Only with us, Slavs, there is such a thing as the "old new year". Similarly, humorists are often ironic, amazing the Slavic weakness to celebrate the holidays, which, it would seem, do not exist.

However, it is not quite so ... from one position, the old new year is, of course, the feast is non-existent, as it is celebrated by the old style (or rather, by the so-called Julian calendarwhich acted before the adoption by Russia of the modern, Grigorian calendar).

But, from another position, a festive night from January 13-14 - also a generous evening (Vasilyev evening) - a holiday that came in Orthodoxy from paganism and marked the richest day of the year.

It was "on Vasily" the rich tables were covered with the Slavs, the piglets were crushed, prayers, spells and requests for various deities were pronounced that the next year was fertile and prosperous.

For girls and evening, and night with Melanka on Vasily (January 13, the Day of Rev. Melanki was celebrated, and 14 - the church day of memory of Vasily Vasily) - were the long-awaited time to burn to the coming and love.

It is on the basis of such Slavic pagan assistants, and then their Orthodox interpretations, traditional divisions of the old new year began to form on the narrowed, on fate, family lifeas well as modern saty fortune tellingwho have safely reached us.

It was considered a favorable sign to guess at Vasilyev, since it had the middle of the branch. This time was one of key moments In a year, when all the divinations showed only the truth and burning not that was not forbidden, but also persistently recommended.

It is interesting that this could not even prevent this fact that the rites of this kind were often rejected by the church and power.

The easiest and most common of all types of fortune telling under the old new year was a divination on a shower.

To perform this fortune telling, it was necessary to take their shoe and at midnight, standing on the threshold of my own house, throw it away to the street.

And here, as they say, where the shoes are socks will fall - from there and the nice will come. When carrying out this burning, it was necessary to take into account that for different areas, the divination can have its variations of decryption, as the buildings are everywhere different.

For example, if the shoe fell to the church to the church - it could mean marriage if the nose to the military unit was a bridegroom, if in the direction of the plant - her husband-hard worker, etc.

Another easy-to-exertion was "large" or "rice".

To perform this divination, you need to take a cup with a cereal or rice and pronounce these words:

"Tell me, fate, what should I wait: good or evil?".

And after that it is necessary to make a desire.

At the same time, simultaneously with the riddling of desire, it is necessary to pour rice from the mug to the table. As soon as the grains are on the tabletop, you need to choose from scattered grains black or bad and count them.

The final odd number of selected grains will indicate that the desire will not be fulfilled, and even ones that it will come true.

Fortune telling in the wax - the value of the figures

One of the main fortunes "on Vasily" was done in the wax. True, it was necessary to have a wax candle at hand (it was also suitable for these purposes, and not a paraffin candle) and have a good imagination. The essence of divination was coming down to the following:

In a separate metal vessel, the wax was then cast 1-2 candles for this. In another question was recruited cold water, Which often spoke to the snow.

Then, the resulting liquid wax mass was neatly poured into the water so that the wax fell freely and took any forms.

In the water, the figures from the liquid wax instantly harden. After that, they were removed from the water and on their outlines or shadows that they discarded, tried to solve their future

The uniform rules of the interpretation of the results of this divination, as a rule, did not exist, therefore the shape of the wax figurines, and it was necessary to think independently.
Many interpretations of wax figures were taken from folk symbols:

  • ring - rapidly,
  • bed - Health problems,
  • cross - blow
  • man is a good friend
  • a heart - new love etc.

Returns for old new year

On January 13, in the evening, it was also possible to encounter with interesting rapid fortunes. They were made as follows:

  1. The table was put on a special bowl (dish) with water, which was covered with an opaque handkerchief
  2. All guests who came on the feast took off any decorations and folded in this bowl.
  3. When songs began to sing songs at the table, during each new one, from the bottom of the dish, the subject got it: to whom it belonged - about the song.

Popular from our ancestors of Slavs were also "Toweling" fortune telling on the old New Year on the narrowed.

For him, the girls took the snow-white clean new tunnels (towels) and immediately in front of bedtached them for their ends.

At the same time it was necessary not to forget to say special words:

"My squeezed, you, you are muddy, come rather, crawled!".

Then you needed to go to bed, and in the morning it is too early to go out and feel a posted towel. If it was wet or wet - it means future husband Come and in the coming year the girl will have marriage.

And if the towel remained dry and untouched - it means that another year's maiden in girls sit and live with parents.

Special delegation had fortune-telling on the old new year with eavesmaking. They could be checked in different waysBut necessarily at night on the old New Year:

It was possible to walk under the windows of other people's homes and listen in conversations:

  • if they were fun - then there will be such a life,
  • if boring - then wander all year,
  • if the songs sing - to be a wedding,
  • if silent - nothing happens.

Also ran the girls to the church at midnight and listened to that because of her doors came to be coming:

  • if the funeral means to be in the house of trouble,
  • if wedding chants - it means to love and happiness,
  • if silence - then to a calm year.

In addition, among girls, fortune-telling on maps for love is still popular.

Still listened to the dog lady, gadaying the terrain where to marry go. For this, they went to the yard of her house and asked for a whisper:

"Flash, Chairs, Doggynka, Flash, Face, Serey Tip!".

Then he listened to where the dog was sangavits from. If the barking was from afar - it means that married to go far, if I backed the dog in my yard means, it is destined to live very close after the wedding. Also had the meaning of the side where the gavage dogs came from.

Fortune telling on bread, ring and hook

Another fortune telling on the old new year assumed the use of girlfriend - rings, bread and fishing hook. This stubbar required the participation of several girls (at least 3) and it was carried out as follows:

  1. Ring, hook and a piece of bread were folded on the floor, all this was covered with a handkerchief.
  2. Then they became in a circle from the header and turned around themselves 5 times

After that, the handkerchief quickly starred, and each girl had enough one of the items:

  • bread got the one that marries a rich man
  • ring - a girl who will have to wait for the match soon,
  • the hook - the girl, whom the whole life is destined to live with the poor.

The next fortune telling is "a glass and ring" - it was usually done for the night (the better - the better), since it required a certain co-centeredness of thought.

For his implementation, they took an ordinary glass (neutranded and with a smooth donkey).

Two thirds of water poured into it, and then the middle of the bottom of the glass was placed the ring of that girl who wondered.

She sat down at a chair next to the standing glass and was to look closely at his own ring until he sees there the features of the future husband.

Another institutional Slavic warman divination was carried out with the help of the most ordinary ... Dumplings! And since in those days they were made solely by hand, then the one who prepared them was a unique opportunity to organize an exciting divination for their guests or households.

What was necessary for this burning?

The girl or woman loined dumplings with potatoes, adding a variety of symbolic trifles in the filling - coins, seasonings, sweets, decorations, etc.
During festive dinner Guests disassemble the treat, without knowing how to get with what the dumplings.

As a result, by what the thing turned out to be in a meal from a person, judged his near future:

  • colepko marked the wedding,
  • a piece of other food (for example, bread or carrots) - wealth,
  • coin - financial well-being,
  • shanted filling - Tears,
  • sweet filling - joy,
  • cherry bone - a child's birth and so on.

Fortune telling on the bulk

This is a simple, but promising, fortune telling on the bulbs was carried out at once with several girls. They chose themselves on the bulb, each and put them in their pot or put into the water.

Then, their task was to trace, which of the planted bulbs will go up first. Who sprouts appeared before all - that forward others and married to go to do.

Explorements for old new year

Presented above the list of fortunes, of course, is not exhaustive, but only represents the most popular marriage practices for determining their future.

After examining the most popular slavic fortune telling On the old new year, any girl can try them independently.

Traditionally, the best period for the maiden fortunes for the future and love is the shints. At the same time, the strongest days from a magic point of view - Christmas and old New Year.

Saty fortune telling before bedtime.

Like any other day, the density, you can try to see your narrowed in a dream. For example, a four-card kings are put under the pillow and pronounce the following words:

"Who is my narrowed, who is my rich - that dream in a dream."

It is believed that in a dream, the girl will certainly see her future spouse in the form of one of the kings. If you guessing sympathizes some particular young man, under the pillow you can put only a bobnic king and make any specific question, Relevant. In a dream, she must receive an answer. You can learn from divination and the name of your future narrowed. To do this, on the evening on several small leaflets, the paper is written various male names And put them under the pillow. In the morning, waking up, get the first piece of paper: what a name on it is indicated and the future husband will call.

Divination with mirrors

The mirror is not accidentally considered one of the most mystical objects and is used in many fortune telling. On the shield can be paid with mirrors in several ways. For example, you can take a mirror and go out with him to the intersection. You need to do it, of course, at night. It is necessary to outline the circle around yourself and say: "Daughty-dressed, come to me along the road, and on the white snow." After that, peeled in the mirror. As they say, you can see the most various vision. Ideally, this, of course, should be an image of the future narrowed. If something bad is pregnant, you need to read the prayer of ours "Father", and there will be no harm.

Saty fortune telling on dumplings

One of the traditional Russian fortunes on the old New Year is a divination on dumplings. For this, the hostess of the house, inviting guests, is preparing dumplings with potatoes, some of which puts filling in the form of small surprises. The essence of fortune telling is that no one knows what the dumplings will fall with him, and just on his stuffing determine that a person is waiting next year.

Also under the old new year, the girls are guessing on wedding ring Without stones and decorations. The ring is put in a glass with water. The bottom of the glass should be smooth. Then they light the candle and put it on the left of the glass. Exactly at midnight looks intently in the ring, fading a desire. Soon the water in the glass will fit and you will see the image that will answer your question.

Another simple fortune telling next year is as follows: in a bowl with water, there are different largest pieces of bread, according to the number of family members. Water with a finger, pronounce the following words:

"Crash bread yes water, here is my whole family. If there is a trouble, separation of the bread water. "

If, looking in the morning, all pieces of bread will be together, the family will be all safe and preservation. And if some piece is separate from others, then the person or will leave or die.

Fortune telling at wish Purge the morning of the church gate in the morning. Notice those who are part of the church - who is more from thirteen parishioners, men or women. Desire to be fulfilled if more men and not fulfill if more women. And if the man goes, then the opposite. Also on the old new year, you can freeze water in a spoon and watch: if there are bubbles, then this good sign. He foreshadows long happy life. And if there is a hole in the ice, then it is to the grief and troubles.

Fortune telling for old new year on a trough They guess in the courtyard, where they put a bark. The girls went towards him back forward. Which fell into the trough, she got married this year.

Saty fortune tellingThe unmarried girl was collected by the group, cut the threads of the same length, then simultaneously ignored them. Whose thread first burns, she will marry. The bad sign was considered if the thread was trampled only to the middle or very quickly Gasla - such a girl marriage did not shine.

Chicken fortune telling Take a ring, needle and woolen thread. The ring must be held in the water, pull the thread into the needle. Then the ring hangs on the threads and slowly lower the one that wants to learn the floor of his future child. If the ring will rotate in a circle, then there will be a girl if it will move like a pendulum - there will be a boy. If the ring remains fixed - the children will not.

Fortune telling on matcheson January 13-14, it usually goes the girl who has on the heart certain guyTo find out if they will be together. For this, two matches are inserted on the sides. match box And ignite. If the heads of burnt matches are addressed to each other - being paired together.

Divination on the ring On January 13-14, a gadget girl throws a ring on the floor. If it rolls to the door, it means that she will soon marry. If such a fortune tells a man, and the ring points to the door, he has a long trip or departure from the house.

Distribution on the egg Girl takes raw egg, It makes a small hole in it and pours the protein into a glass with water. When the protein will come, in his form you can guess the future. The figure of the church means wedding, the ring - the engagement, the rectangle is a coffin, a ship or a car - a business trip (man) or the return of a husband from a trip (woman). If the protein dropped to the bottom - to be in the house a fire or other trouble in the family.

The fortune telling on the lamps on the shirt to the girl at night to come up to the ravenly back and on the touch to take himself. If then it turns out that it is smooth and smooth, without bitch, the spouse will be with a quiet character. If the thick and heavy is full - the husband will be rich. If there are a lot of bitch - there will be many children in the family, and if the curve is crawled - the husband will be oblique and chrome.

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