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As Glory, Kurilov sailed from the USSR. Stanislav Kurilov: biography, family and education, escape story from the Soviet Union

On Tuesday, December 13, it was exactly 42 years from the day the most amazing escape from the USSR.

On the night of December 13, 1974, on the tourist cruise liner "Soviet Union", which rushes from Vladivostok to the Equator and back (without entering the ports), passenger was disappeared by Stanislav Kurilov.

The oceanographer Kurilov repeatedly tried to achieve permission to go to a foreign business trip, but he was denied all the time. He also became the restless because he had relatives abroad - the sister of Stanislav married Indian and left his spouse at first in India, and then to Canada.

Seeing the liner advertisement by Vladivostok to the Equator and back, Kurilov planned one of the most sensitive shoots from the communist regime. Since in 20 days travel, the liner did not enter any port, the visas were not required to passengers.

The Soviet Union was released from Vladivostok on December 8. On the night of the 13th, approximately 100 km from the Philippine Island of Siargao, Kurilov jumped into the water. And due to the characteristics of the structure of the ship, it was possible to jump only from behind, in a drunken behind the rowing screw blades. Otherwise, the churils would bloom either on underwater wings, or on tanks designed to calm pitching.

Kurilov managed not only successfully jump, but also sailing 100 km to the Philippine Island.

The path to freedom of Kurilov overcame in three days. Without food and water, one in the ocean. He himself said that the long-term yoga classes helped him to overcome such a distance. On December 15, 1974, the Earth was under the legs of Kurilov. Since the Philippines did not consist in friendly relations with the Soviet Union, then the fugitive was not issued back. However, Kurilov was arrested for illegal crossing of the border. Later he was deported to Canada, where Kurilov received new citizenship. In his homeland, he was in absentia by 10 years for "betraying the Motherland".

In Canada, Kurilov managed to visit himself in handymen, then worked in Canadian and American firms engaged in marine studies. In 1986 he married and moved to Israel, became an employee of the Haifsky Oceanographic Institute.

Years, already in 2014, the book "One in the Ocean" appeared, in which Kurilov described in detail the most amazing and dangerous journey of his life.

From the point of view of common sense, my chances of getting to the coast looked like this: if, during the jump, I do not break away from the blow of the water, if the sharks will not eat me, if I do not drown, choking or from fatigue, if I do not break about the reef, if Enough forces and breathing to get ashore and if by this time I will still live - then only then I may be able to thank the fate for the unprecedented miracle of salvation.

Kurilov died in her beloved element - water. At the end of January 1998, during the diving work on the Israeli Lake Kinheret (the fact of the Bible, the future apostles Andrei and Peter were fishing), he freed the equipment installed on the day with the partner from fishing nets. Kurilov was confused in networks and developed all the air.

History remembers other, no less dangerous and amazing shoots.

On September 6, 1976, from Vladivostok, MiG-25 interceptor fighters took off within the framework of the educational flight. Under the ideal conditions for the flight, the plane at number 31 sharply scored height and disappeared with radars. After a few hours of searching for pieces of aircraft - it was the wreck that was the only obvious option of events - anxiety was announced in parts of Japanese air defense.

An hour later, the plane sat at the Airport of Civil Aviation Hakodate. Senior Lieutenant of the USSR Air Force Viktor Belenko flew to Japan on the latest development of Soviet aviators. This case could be the beginning of an open war between the USSR and the United States, since Classified MiG-25 was awareness in investigating the case of Viktor Belenko, in which experts received experts from the United States. Soon it was the states of steel for Belenko the second homeland. And the plane was dismantled, carefully studied and returned to the USSR on November 15, 1976. Due to the fact that the fighter was disassembled, the USSR received compensation - 7.7 million rubles (about 11 million dollars).

Alas, but not all cases of extravagant shoots were completed by Heppi & Endom. So, on October 27, 1970, a 21-year-old student of the Crimean Medin Institute Nikolai Gilev and a 20-year-old student of the Kerch branch of Sevastopol Instrument-building Institute Vitaly Pozdeev bought tickets for the flight "Air Taxi" in the direction of Kerch - Krasnodar. Morava plane L 200 for 4 passenger places flew into the air, but soon dramatically changed the direction from the east to the south - the students persuaded the pilot to fly to Istanbul, the airspace with which did not open so long ago. After a successful landing of students, there was a disappointment: for the United States, where they immediately turned to political asylum, they did not constitute a great interest. After almost a year waiting for a positive verdict from the States Embassy to Gilleu and Pozdeev, a TASS correspondent with letters from relatives arrived. Pressing the sick places of morally depleted students, the "journalist" persuades them to return, promising a suspended period and peaceful return to the ranks of students. The juggles were brought home through Georgia, where they even covered the banquet. However, the fun ended with handcuffs and a real period of 10 and 12 years.

The story knows dozens, if not hundreds of high cases of escape because of the "iron curtain": the artists did not return with the tour, became the diplomats, they found their scientists' loopholes. All of them were a blow to the reputation of the country, but few are capable and today to cause surprise and shock. Anews talks about the most desperate, dangerous and insane deeds that Soviet citizens went to "break free to freedom." What is all for them in the end turned around?

In case of good luck, it would be the first in the history of the USSR hijacking the aircraft and the most massive escape for the cordon. 16 Soviet citizens - 12 men, 2 women and 2 teenage girls - planned to capture a small transport clerk an-2 at the aerodrome under Leningrad, twist and unload pilot and navigator and fly through Finland in Sweden. The idea received the code name "The" Wedding "operation - the fugitives intended to give themselves for guests traveling to a Jewish wedding.

Situation - Small Aviation Airfield "Smolny" (now "Rzhevka")

The group was headed by the retired major aviation Mark Dymshits (left) and 31-year-old dissident Eduard Kuznetsov. All "conspirators" were arrested before they were able to get on board. The leaders later claimed that they knew about the surveillance of the KGB and wanted to simulate the hijacking to turn global attention to the impossibility of departure from the USSR. As Kuznetsov said in 2009, "when we went to the plane, we saw under each bush of Kagabashnikov."

77-year-old Kuznetsov in the documentary "Wedding Operation", withdrawing his son of women let go without charges. Men were tried and sentenced: the majority - to the deadlines from 10 to 15 years, and Dymshitz and Kuznetsov - to the shooting. However, under pressure from the Western public, the execution was replaced by 15 years of labor camps.

The result: after 8 years (in 1979), five convicts, including the organizers, were in America - they were exchanged for Soviet intelligence officers caught in the United States. Only one of the 12 "aircraft" has departed full time (14 years). All the defendants of the case are now living in Israel, continue to be friends and together celebrate each anniversary of their attempt to escape, which has opened the road of mass Jewish emigration.

The "Leningrad business" was still taking turns when two Lithuanians, the Father and the 15-year-old son, for the first time in the history of the USSR really coited the aircraft abroad.

It was An-24, flew out of Batumi in Sukhumi with 46 passengers on board. Nobody thought that Usach in the officers and a teenager boy who took front places near the cockpit of pilots would be armed terrorists whose goal is to fly to Turkey.

Their names soon learned the whole world: Pranas Brazinskas and his son Algirdas. They had a pistol, trims and hand grenades. After takeoff, they tried to transfer a note to the pilots with the requirements and threats through the stewardess, 19-year-old Nadia Kurchenko, but he immediately raised his alarm and was shot by his father.

Opening shooting, Brazinskas could no longer stop. The crew commander was obtained heavy (the bullet hit the spine, immobilizing the body), as well as a bornemaker and navigator. Miraculously surviving the second pilot was forced to change the course. In Turkey, terrorists surrendered to local authorities, they refused to give them to the USSR and judged them themselves. The hijacking found "forced", and the shooting "unintentional" and carried a soft sentence - the eldest received 8 years in prison, and the youngest 2 years. Not sesides and half of the term, the father was released by amnesty, and in the 76th both hijackers with a steep way, through Venezuela, moved from Turkey to the United States, where they settled in California under new names.

The result: In February 2002, an unexpected bloody junction was coming, which many were found late retribution. In the heat of the home quarrel Algirdas killed a 77-year-old father, applying a lot of blows on the head or a dumbbell, or a baseball bat. In court, he stated that he was defended from an angry father, who threatened to him a charged pistol. The Son was recognized as guilty of murder and sent to a prison at 16 (according to other data, at 20) years.

Plece to get to America April 1970but

On April 10, a Soviet fishing vessel, which was 170 km from New York, sent a distress signal to the coast guard: a young waitress is almost at death, it urgently needs hospitalization. When the helicopter arrived, she was unconscious. As it turned out in the hospital, the 25-year-old Latvian Dain Palane risked to accept the superday of the drugs only for the time to save her life, she was crushed to the American coast. Photo Daine from American newspapers Palena spent 10 days in the hospital, every day, employees of the USSR diplomsses were visited. When it was tried to translate to another hospital under Soviet observation, she opposed and with the help of the Latvian diaspora in New York addressed the immigration authorities. "On the seriousness of my intentions they speak the measures that I accepted to get to the shore and ask for political asylum," she said.

Outcome: Americans doubted whether Diana had political motives or she just wants a "comfortable Western life," but, obviously, she found the necessary words, because after 18 days after his "disease" was still asylum.

This famous escape for the Iron Curtain entered the story as one of the most daring and on the dissident environments was considered a practically unparalleled "feat." Three nights and two days of the near-day oceanologist Stanislav Kurilov traveled through the raging 7-meter waves to the banks of the Philippines, jumping down the deaf at night from the Soviet cruise liner.

Slava Kurilov in his youth

In order not to knee in the ocean, the exact calculation of forces, time and distance, for which it was necessary to know the route. But Kurilova, when he bought a ticket, there was no data - only guesses and hope to find out the missing information during the cruise.

It was a visa-free journey from Vladivostok to the equator and back without entering foreign ports, the Soviet Union liner rate was held secret. From the moment Kurilov's boards approach, it was less than a week to prepare for an irrevocable jump. Knowing that it is better to sail on an empty stomach, he almost immediately stopped there - only drank 2 liters of water daily. However, so that there is no suspicion, he did the form that he divides the overall meal, was constantly in sight, flirted with three different girls, so that in the case of his long lack everyone thought he was with one of them.

Curils practiced yoga for many years. The breathing training saved him from death in the ocean together with a familiar astronomer from the number of passengers, they "for the sake of entertainment" defined the route along the stars, and once Kurilov managed to penetrate into the cut and saw the coordinates on the map.

So, "on the go", he calculated the place where you need to jump. On the night of the escape, there was a strong storm, but Kurilov was glad - if I find it a loss, you will not be able to send a boat behind him. It was necessary to jump in the pitch darkness from a height of 14 meters, it was the risk, fraught with bruises, fractures and even death. Then there was a solid struggle one on one with the elements - almost three days without sleep, food and drink and even without a compass, with alone with flippers, tube and mask. After a day, the liner still turned for the missing passenger - Kurilov saw lights and fervent spotlights. At night, Kurilov was focused on the stars, the day was shot down from the course. Him more than once believed far away in the direction of a strong current, including almost the coast at him, when it was hand to him. In the end, overcoming almost 100 km, he was on the sandy beach of the Filipino Island of Siargao and immediately lost consciousness. He found local residents. Then there were an investigation and 6 months in the Philippine prison for refugees without documents, after which Kurilov deported to Canada, where his sister lived with Hindu. While he received Canadian citizenship, in the USSR he was in absentia for 10 years for treason.

As a marine researcher, he traveled Polimyr, in the mid-80s he married Israel's citizen Elena Handel, moved to her, received second foreign citizenship.

Total: It so happened that the new free life of Kurilov's fame began and ended in the sea.

An excellent swimmer and a diver, the oster of the elements, he died during the diving work in the Galilee Sea (Israeli Lake Kinheret) in January 1998. Eased underwater equipment, it is confused on networks and developed all the air. He was raised the surface was already unconscious and could not be saved. He was 62 years old.

Nobody in the USSR knew about Liliana Gasinskaya, but in Australia, where she escaped from the Soviet ship, she became a sensation, a superstar, a symbol of the decade and even caused a political scandal. The 18-year-old Ukrainian, the daughter of the musician and actress, served as a flight attendant on the liner "Leonid Sobinov", which in the winter committed cruises to Australia and Polynesia. Passengers and the crew were in chic conditions, but under non-primary observation: decks were constantly patrolled, and the wandering rays of the spotlights at night excluded the possibility of an invisible "disembarking" from the ship.

A rungage on the background of Sobinov, Gasinskaya she immediately impeded the moment when the motor ship was a noisy party. In one red bathing suit, she got out through the porthole in his cabin and jumped into the water. From the more or less valuable with it there was only a ring. For more than 40 minutes, she sailed to the Australian shore across the bay, where ogwoody are encountered. She hardly climbed onto a high berth, all in bruises and scratches, with a stretched ankle, and wandered aimlessly along the embankment, until he noticed a man who walked with a dog.

He barely understood her broken English, but help provided. Meanwhile, the KGB officers on the ship raised anxiety, the Soviet diploscoport was immediately connected to the search. However, the first fiery people found the Australian newsletters to the Sensations - they provided her shelter in exchange for an interview and a photo session in Bikini.

The article reached "Daily Mirror" under the title: "RUSSIAN FIRE: Why I risked my life." "The girl in Red Bikini" became the main celebrity of the continent, everyone was jealously followed her destiny. The debates flared up, whether to provide her asylum, with her inadvertent statements about the "repression", which, how sarcastically noticed critics, were reduced to complaints about "boring Soviet shops".

When she was still allowed to stay, the protest rose - they say, refugees from the conflicts of Asia, who are truly persecuted, are not in a hurry to meet as soon as possible. Many said that if she were not "young, beautiful and half a half," then, most likely, she would be sent back to the USSR.

Gasinskaya decorated the cover of the first number of the Australian "Penthouse". The material, full of candid pictures, was called this: "The girl in red bikini - without bikini." For nude shoot, she received 15 thousand dollars. The first patron of Liliana in Australia became the photographer Daily Mirrore, who squeezed his wife and three children for sake. With it, she established himself in show business: was a disco dancer, DJ, actress soap operas.

In the 84th, she came out for the Australian millionaire Yana Hayson, but after a few years the marriage collapsed. Since then, she has disappeared from pages of newspapers and interest in it completely ugas.

Total: The last time her name was mentioned in the secular chronicle in 1991, when it was represented by Russian and African art at the exhibition in London. Judging by Twitter, Liliana Gasinskaya, which is now 56 years old, and lives in the British capital, not recognizable and not recognizable and not wanting to remember his past.

According to the Soviet press and power, it was better to do not find a country for life. However, for some reason, to break out of the country of socialist happiness, people sailed hundreds of kilometers and hijacked airplanes.
We present to your attention the loudest and unusual shoots from the Soviet Union.

Stanislav Kurilov

Kurilov worked as an instructor for deep-water immersion at the Institute of Sea Biology in Vladivostok and for professional reasons, I dreamed of going to foreign business trips.

However, the authorities denied him in the road, including because relatives lived abroad: his native sister, having married the Hindus, went to India with him, and then emigrated to Canada.

Soon Stanislav began to plan his escape from the USSR. It was unexpected to embody the plan to reality, when in December 1974 he saw an announcement of a cruise on the Soviet Union liner, the route of which was held from Vladivostok to the equator and back.

Like a daily oceanologist, Kurilov paved on the map The optimal travel route and at night on December 13 jumped off the vessel's stern into the water. He sailed to the Philippine Island of Siargao about 100 kilometers. He overcame such a cut without food, drinking and sleeping.

The Filipinos delivered Kurilov to the city of Khahayan de Oro on Mindanao, after which international media wrote about his shoot. The Philippine authorities have deported Stanislav to Canada, where he received Canadian citizenship.

In the USSR, Kurilov was an absentee sentence: 10 years of imprisonment for betraying his homeland.

In Canada, Kurilov got a handyman in the pizzeria, and soon, the English, he worked in Canadian and American firms engaged in marine research.

During one of the business trips in the United States, he met Israeli writers Alexander and Nina Vororonel. They visited in Israel, he met Elena Handelle, who became his wife. After the wedding, Stanislav settled in Israel and settled in the Haifsky Oceanographic Institute.

Kurilov died on January 29, 1998 during the diving work: he felt equipment from fishing networks with his friend, confused in one of them and developed all the air.

Victor Belenko

On September 6, 1976, the Soviet pilot, who piloting the MiG-25P fighter landed in Japan, where he requested political asylum in the United States.

Prior to that, the pilot repeatedly expressed dissatisfaction with the living conditions of the flight composition, said that the American pilots were employed less, they do not cancel the weekend and they are not so tense.

In the USSR, for treason, Bellenko was sentenced to the highest punishment - execution, and in the United States, permission to provide Citizenship to the pilot personally signed by President Jimmy Carter. But despite this, the paradise of life did not work.

Lily Gasinskaya

The girl dreamed of escape from the USSR from 14 years old. It was because of this that she got a job on the Soviet cruise ship "Leonid Sobinov" waitress.
January 14, 1979, when the vessel was moored by the Sydney port, Gasinskaya in the Red Bikini climbed through the porthole, and in 40 minutes I went to the shore of the Sydney Bay in 40 minutes, where in Loman English explained to the passing that she had help with refuge and clothing.
The lily opened a real hunt for the employees of the Soviet Consulate, but local reporters discovered her first and hid in exchange for exclusive interviews and photos in Bikini.
Australia was not going to spoil relations from the USSR, so the decision on the fate of the girl was taken for quite a long time. Since she was not an athlete, a writer or prisoner, it did not imagine much interest abroad.
In an interview with Lily, he told about his hatred for communism, "built on lies and propaganda", and eventually received political asylum.

In the new homeland, Gasinskaya became a real star: advertised a red swimsuit, starred for several magazines, married a photographer Daily Mirror, appeared in the series and even became a DJ.

Nikolai Gilev and Vitaly Pozdeev

On October 27, 1970, a 21-year-old student of the Medin Institute in Crimea and a 20-year-old student of the Kerch branch of the Sevastopol instrument-making institute, which had to each other, bought tickets for the flight "Air Taxi" in the direction of Kerch - Krasnodar.

When Morava L 200, a four passenger places, designed for four passenger places, flew into the air, students, threatening to pilots, ordered them to fly to Istanbul. The aircraft successfully landed in Turkey, but the Heppi End did not follow.

Students immediately requested asylum in the United States, but the country did not show any interest in their respect. They faced the response from the embassy for almost a year when the TASS correspondent with letters from relatives arrived.

Students were morally exhausted, and therefore it was easy to return to the "journalist" to return and promises that they were separated by a conditional period. In the USSR, both gave real dates - 10 and 12 years.

Peter Pirogov and Anatoly Bars

On October 9, 1948, the pilots flew on the Tu-2 Bombarder of the USSR Air Force from the kolomyia airbase to Austria.

The American occupation authorities gave them political asylum, after which Pirogov, finding a literary agent, began to lecture, write articles and book. Later, he began working at the US Air Force, where in three years he married a compatriot conquering from Austria.

Bars was unable to start a new life. What is not needed by anyone. The man guaranteed an amnesty upon returning to their homeland, however, when he returned to the USSR, after six months he was shot.

Sergey Nevtsanov

Shortly before the Olympics, 17-year-old Nemetsanov, who brought up her grandmother, in the Soviet team won the tournament in water in the water Kanamek (Canada - USA - Mexico).

Preparing for the Olympic Games, the athlete met a 21-year-old jumper from the US Carol Lindner. Later, the press claimed that young people were associated romantic relationships, who prompted Sergei to run, but the father of the girl was denied this fact.

At the Olympics in Montreal, Nemetsanov took only ninth place, but at the end of the Games I met an immigration officer, after meeting with whom Jumper asked political asylum in Canada.

Nemtsanov recalled: "Rocking on Montreal, it was on the villa in the suburbs, and there I see it, as the Soviet athlete, Sergey Nemtsanov, he chose the Soviet athlete, show the Susorgo Lenka Waitzovskaya, as she fits away from journalists ... Next appears named George and tells me: the duck has already been launched, there is no road road, sign up that you want to stay here, and your future will be provided. "

"The next day, Canadian lawyers came, they said that the residence permit was almost in his pocket, despite the fact that I still don't have complete 18. But, they say, Canada - the legal state and before your decision you should listen to this film, and give me a cassette. And there the voice of my grandmother, cripples, rather: "Who did you leave me? I was completely alone "".

Sergey returned to the USSR, where no sanctions began to apply to it and allowed the institute. His coach became non-rigid, and his father was withdrawn from service in Hungary. In 1979, Nemetsanov became the champion of the USSR, he was not allowed to international competitions now, and after a while he left the sport.

Igor Ivanov

The chess player fled from the USSR in 1980. A year earlier, the 32-year-old chess player beat Anatoly Karpov and went to the international tournament in Cuba. Ivanov escaped from the KGB officer, with whom he returned to Russia.

The plane was to be removed in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador, where Ivanov with pocket chess ran out on the runway and asked political asylum.

The chess player settled in Montreal, the title of Canada Championship won four times and represented this country at international tournaments, was a member of commercial tournaments in the United States.

By the beginning of the 90s Ivanov moved to the United States, retaining the citizenship of Canada, where he devoted himself to coaching work.

Din Palena

On April 10, the Soviet fishing vessel took place 170 kilometers from New York, when the disaster signal sent to the shore - one of the waitresses was at death.

In the New York hospital, it became known that the 25-year-old Latvian took the superclothes of strong drugs in order to get to the American shore. Palena stayed in the hospital for 10 days, where he was under the supervision of employees of the Soviet diplomatic mission.

"On the seriousness of my intentions, the measures that I accepted to get to the shore and ask for political asylum," Dain said. The American authorities made a decision of 18 days, after which they still gave a girlfriend asylum.

Svetlana Allyluweva

Stalin's daughter in 1966 fled from the USSR: On December 20, 1966, she arrived in India, accompanying the ashes of his civil husband's husband's husband Singh.

Being there, she appeared at the US Embassy in Delhi with a passport and baggage and asked political asylum.

Allyluweva moved to the USA, where he published the book "Twenty letters to a friend", in which he recalled his father and the Kremlin life. The work brought her big money and glory, but the further life was not charged.

Alexander Moghiva

Hockey player ran from the collapsed Soviet Union in 1989. The 20-year-old athlete left the hotel in Stockholm after the victorious for the USSR of the World Championship and requested asylum in the United States. Having received consent, the grave joined the Buffalo Seibris club.

Alexander said that she decided to escape easily. "Someone said that I, leaving," burned bridges "- and from this I am especially funny. I left Moscow by a poor person. Well, there would be an oligarch - I pushed the money and dumped. But I have everything else. I was natural nasty! I was the Olympic champion, the world champion, the three-time champion of the USSR. At the same time did not even have a member of housing. Who needs such a life? "

In the first game in the NHL, the gravestone scored the puck on the 20th second of the match, and in the 1992/93 season became the most effective striker NHL. He is now dual citizenship - the United States and Russia.

Ovechkin family

On March 8, 1988, the Musicians' family made one of the most daring and bloody attempts of the hijacking of the passenger aircraft while following the route Irkutsk - Kurgan - Leningrad.

Ovechkin's family - Nilel and her 10 children - flew out of Irkutsk by the Tu-154 plane, which carried out the flight on the route Irkutsk - Kurgan - Leningrad. The official purpose of the trip was tour in Leningrad. When landing a careful inspection plane, hand-made was not produced, which allowed criminals to carry two weapons cuttings, 100 cartridges and self-made explosive devices hidden in musical instruments. Vasily, Oleg, Dmitry, Alexander and Igor, performed by the capture.
The attempt of the hijacking of the aircraft failed: the plane landed at the military airfield and was taken by storm. At the same time, nine people died: five terrorists (Ninel Ovechkin and four of her older sons), the flight attendant Tamara is hot and three passengers; 19 people received injuries and injuries (two Ovechkin, two police officers and 15 passengers). Ovechkins are buried under the election in the cemetery in the village of Broadco in unmarked graves with numbers.

Wikipedia material - free encyclopedia

Stanislav Vasilyevich Kurilov (July 17, 1936 - January 29, 1998) - Soviet, Canadian and Israeli oceanographer, writer, known to his escape from the side of the Soviet tourist liner.


Born in 1936 in the city of Ordzhonikidze. Childhood spent in Semipalatinsk, where he learned to swim; At the age of 10, the Irtysh River was overpowered. Tried without documents to give Junga to the Baltic Fleet. Served in the army with a chemical instructor of the sapper battalion.

He studied social psychology in the Pedagogical Institute, graduated from the North School, graduated from the Leningrad Meteorological Institute with a degree in Oceanography. After that, he worked in the branch of the Institute of Oceanology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in Leningrad, was an instructor for deep-water immersion at the Institute of Sea Biology in Vladivostok. He studied yoga on samizdat publications. I tried to get permission to go to a foreign business trip, however, I stubbornly refused, for various reasons, including, due to the fact that relatives lived abroad (his native sister married Indian and went with her husband to India And then to Canada).

Escape from the USSR

Without the opportunity to visit abroad due to the categorical refusal of the authorities and consolidate the status behind him, Stanislav Kurilov planned to escape from the USSR. This thought has risen in it for a long time, and found a way out spontaneously when he saw an advertisement about the cruise tour on the Soviet Union liner, which followed from Vladivostok to the equator and back without entering the ports in December 1974.

Having calculated the optimal route on the map, at night on December 13, 1974, he jumped from the vessel's stern into the water. Without food, drinking and sleep, for more than two days Stanislav looked to the Island of Siargao (Philippines) about 100 km. Such endurance contributed, with the words of Kurilov himself, his long-term yoga classes.

The Philipins delivered Kurilov in Khahayan de Oro to Mindanao, and information about his escape was in the international press.

After the investigation conducted by the Philippine authorities, and was deported to Canada, received Canadian citizenship.

After escape

In Canada, Kurilov was first handy in pizzeria, then he worked in Canadian and American firms engaged in sea studies (searching for minerals in the Hawaiian Islands area, work in the Arctic, oceanographic surveys in equatorial waters). During one of the working trips to the United States, he met there with Israeli writers Alexander and Nina Vororonel. At their invitation, I visited Israel, I met there with Elena Gendle.

In 1986, marrying on E. Handel, settled in Israel, became an employee of the Haifskaya Oceanographic Institute. In 1986, the Israeli magazine "22" fully published the story of Kurilov "Escape".

... he certainly belonged to the small tribe of the Mobblers who dreamed against the subsection. Jump in the endless ocean from the stern of a huge Soviet steamer, a two-day swim in the water towards the unknown Philippines; Who else could create this, if not a Russian intellectual, athlete and yoga glory Kurilov?
Russian intelligentsia should not forget their heroes: they are not so much. ... So he, the image of the eternal rebel!

He died on January 29, 1998 during the diving work at the Tiber Lake in Israel. Freeing with the partner from fishing networks, the equipment installed on the bottom, the smokes is confused on the networks and developed all the air. He was buried in Jerusalem on the little-known cemetery of the German community of Templs.


In 2012, Director Alexei Litvintsev was filmed about Kurilov's documentary "One in the Ocean". The premiere of the film took place on the TV channel "Russia-1" on December 16, 2012.

The task of this article is to find out the reason for caring from life during the diving work of Stanislav Vasilyevich Kurilov on his full name code.

Watch pre-"Logical" about the fate of man. "

Consider the full name code tables. \\ If on your screen will be offset numbers and letters, put an image to match the scale.

11 31 48 58 70 85 88 106 125 126 140 150 168 180 181 184 187 188 206 216 228 257 263 266 276 300
K at r and l about in with t and n and c l and in and with and l
300 289 269 252 242 230 215 212 194 175 174 160 150 132 120 119 116 113 112 94 84 72 43 37 34 24

18 37 38 52 62 80 92 93 96 99 100 118 128 140 169 175 178 188 212 223 243 260 270 282 297 300
S t a n and c l and in in and with and l and l and h to u r and l about in
300 282 263 262 248 238 220 208 207 204 201 200 182 172 160 131 125 122 112 88 77 57 40 30 18 3

Kurilov Stanislav Vasilyevich \u003d 300 \u003d 220-oxygen starvation + 80-in water of the lake.

300 \u003d 223-oxygen starvation in ... + 77-water lakes.

300 \u003d 252-oxygen starvation in water + 48-lakes.

300 \u003d 96-rinse + 204-oxygen starv \\ y \\.

300 \u003d 220-oxygen fasting + 80-rear \\ ye \\.

300 \u003d 206-oxygen hunger + 94 peril.

300 \u003d 184-dead without air + 116 hypoxia.

300 \u003d 208- \\ 116-hypoxia + 92-deceased \\ + 92-no air.

300 \u003d 184-dead without air + 116-aqueous media \\ a \\.

300 \u003d 117-aqueous medium + 183-deceased without air \\ a \\.

300 \u003d 180-drowned in the water of the lake + 120th end of life.

300 \u003d 132-drowned in water + 168- \\ 48-lakes + 120-end of life \\.

300 \u003d 100-drowned + 80-in water of the lake + 120th end of life.

300 \u003d 168-medium without oxygen + 132-drowned in water.

300 \u003d 160-in water from hypoxia + 140-in water from hypoxes \\ and \\.

300 \u003d 150-in water from hypoxy \\ and \\ + 150-in water from hypoxy \\ and \\.

300 \u003d 93-in Light water + 207-no access air \\ a \\.

300 \u003d 208-No air access + 92-in lightweight waters \\ a \\.

300 \u003d 100-drowned + 200- \\ 100-drowned + 100-drowned \\.

300 \u003d 140 - did not calculate + 160-cums life.

300 \u003d 230- \\ 140 - did not calculate + 90-cums \\ + 70-life.

It should be said that situations like this tragedy happen to us because of this sentence "did not calculate ...", then the "suicide" record is introduced into the full name code, although it is unintended suicide.

We look at the following tables:

1* 19* 29 41 70 76 79* 89* 113* 18 19* 32 47 67 69 79* 89* 112* 113*
... and s and l e v and h with a m o u b and y c a
113* 112* 94* 84 72 43 37 34* 24* 113* 95 94* 81 66 46 44 34* 24* 1*

The reader may appreciate the following numbers in both tables.

300 \u003d 187-binding without air \\ a \\ + 113 suicide.

187 - 113 \u003d 74 \u003d not Russ \\ read \\ \u003d Cums \\ on \\.

300 \u003d 188-binding without air + 112 suicides \\ a \\.

188 - 112 \u003d 76 \u003d Circling \\ n \\.

188 \u003d Recycling without air
113 \u003d binding without \\ air \\

180 \u003d drowned in the water of the lake
132 \u003d drowned in water

168 \u003d Wednesday without oxygen
150 \u003d ... red oxygen

92 \u003d no air

220 \u003d oxygen starvation

216 \u003d Lake drowned in water
94 \u003d death

93 \u003d In Lightwater
208 \u003d no air access

208 - 93 \u003d 115 \u003d Child.

300 \u003d 208-no air access + 92-in lightweight waters \\ a \\
24 \u003d water.

300 - 24 \u003d 276 \u003d 180-choke in water + 96-end life \\ n \\.

300 \u003d 180-choke in the water + 120th end of life.

Date Date Code: 01/29/1998. This \u003d 29 + 01 + 19 + 98 \u003d 147.

147 \u003d drowned in water o / zer \\ \u003d instant cm \\ ery \\.

300 \u003d 147-instantry cm \\ eRT \\ + 153-instant laughing \\.


Syncopal drowning is characterized by almost instant death due to the reflex stop of the heart.

271 \u003d 206-oxygen hunger + 65-died \\ b \\.

The code of the full date of death \u003d 271-twenty ninth of January + 117- \\ 19 + 98 \\ - (the code of the year of death) \u003d 388.

388 - 300- (the full name code) \u003d 88 \u003d died in water, drowned \\ l \\, (smoke).

The number of the number of full years of life \u003d 177-sixty + 44-one \u003d 221.

221 \u003d 89-end + 132-drowned in water \u003d 100-drowned + 121 cum in water.

300 \u003d 221-sixty one + 79-died in water.

We look at the column in the bottom table:

96 \u003d Truck
207 \u003d sixty od / n \\ \u003d no access air \\ a \\

207 - 96 \u003d 111 \u003d in the aqueous media \\ e \\ \u003d Potonul.


Date date of birth: 07/17/1936. This \u003d 17 + 07 + 19 + 36 \u003d 79 \u003d died in water.

300 \u003d 79-died in water + 221-sixty one- (the number of the number of full years of life).


Albert, there was a dispute, there was an interest, survive or not, will fall asleep or not.
There was a scientific experiment. There was his Bahavalb. There was a scientific interest of yoga dealements.
There was a controlled escape ... for survival. He had no secrets, the condition - we will swim, free.
On the contrary, it was suspected there, they knew him for a long time, there were no secretly led.
Suffered ...
Doubts in unusualness were transferred to the radio "votes". Samizdat was tendential,
There are a lot of questions, but what has accomplished on survival is scientifically studied.

Ideal shoots happen only in movies. In real life, fugitives most often catch and return back to prison. And add from 3 to 8 years to the main term. "Beyond" to the will are well aware that sooner or later will be caught. But the all-consuming dream of a prisoner about the throat of freedom intoxicates and pushes onto the escape.

However, those who fled the USSR imprisonment still had a chance to "break away" - albeit small, but he was.

"Out" Trinity Solonevich

Ivan Solonevich, who is still considered a traitor to the Motherland (in particular, for cooperation with the fascists during the Great Patriotic War), it has repeatedly made attempts to escape from the pre-war USSR. Each time they broke out for various reasons. The third ended with Arrest Ivan Solonevich, his sons of Yuri and Boris and other conspirators. They were condemned to different times of imprisonment and sent to the camp.

In 1934, all three managed to escape and move to the territory of Finland - Solonevich managed to put the vigilance of the camp administration to their active social activities. Escape turned out to be successful - no one out of three in the USSR.

Odyssey Ravich

Polyak Slavomir Ravich was a military personnel of the Polish army, he was arrested by the staff of the Soviet NKVD, when Germany and the USSR invaded Poland. The officer was accused of espionage and gave 25 years of Siberian camps.

In April 1941, Ravich, along with six prisoners, fled from the camp. They joined them another run-free polka, also imprisoned. They crossed Lena, reached Baikal and found themselves in Mongolia. On the way, local residents helped fugitive products and clothing. When moving the desert, the gobi unfortunate had to even eat snakes to survive. Most fugitives were killed in the way, and those who survived in October of the same year reached Tibet, and then to the Himalayas. In March 1942, Ravich and two of his comrades were in India ...

Slavomir Ravich, who became the subject of the UK, survived until 2004, he had five children. About his misadventures, Ravich wrote a book "Long Way".

Soleskov's only escape

Contemptuous Malsagov - a former white officer surrendered to red. It in 1923 was condemned for 3 years of the camps, and Malsags got into the infamous elephant - Solovetsky camp of special purpose. In Solovki killed and tormented prisoners with different, sophisticated ways. All shoots from there were unsuccessful. But Malsagovoy and his four comrades still managed to escape in Finland. Malsagov from his term at that time served only a year.

In one of the May days of 1924, a group of conspirators were sent to the Mainland years. In place on the conventional signal, the prisoners pounced on the conversions and selected weapons. The fugitives walked to the north, more than once they stumbled on the pursuers of their Chekists and went, shooting. They felt in the way they gave Karelians or found themselves in Zaimki, hunted. At the end of June, the Group fully passed the border of Finland.

Subsequently, contemplating Malsagov, who fought in the great domestic resistance, also wrote memories.

Sasha Macedonian, three times fugitive

Alexander Solonik, Killer, called the allegedly for the ability to shoot "from two hands" by Sasha Macedonsky, was a "professor" in terms of shoots - only under the USSR "broke" twice - in 1987 and 1990. The first time he threatened a serious period for rape. Rasking convoirs, Solonik jumped out of the window of the courthouse. After a month and a half he was detained in Tyumen. For the second time, Macedonian escaped from a colony in Perm through the sewer pipe - autogen carved the hole in it.

The most famous escape, based on which, then, even filmed the film "24 hours" with Maxim Sukhanov in the lead role, Solonik was committed after the collapse of the USSR, in 1995 - from the "Syrosk Silence". Killer then helped one of the guards who escaped with Macedonian. Both walked on freedom for a short time and the guard, and Soloniki soon killed the members of the Russian ODG in Greece.