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Food on the maps on the guy is very interesting! Fortune telling on a guy's playing cards and his name

I will decompose my fate on the maps

All myself will tell you many things.
Every evening a red tablecloth - and again
I guess and guess for love ...

Where does love go? Disappears, dissolves in the dark, leaving behind the non-healing scars. How to stop her, keep and never let go? If people knew the answer to this question, they would be happy. It is very difficult to keep it, but to find out if you love you to whom you have feelings, perhaps and even very simple!

Fortune telling playing cards per guy

The fastest and easiest way to find out whether the object of your love has any feelings - it is to spread the "Three King" cards. The king corresponding to the type of guy is laid out in the center of the table. At the top there are three remaining cards by picture up in any order. Then we take the remaining card out of 36 pieces and begin to lay them out one on another fan in turn on each of the three cards. Maps lay up shirt up. Last map put on the central.
Then we collect the card laid on the three upper kings, mix and decompose again. We repeat just three times. Do not forget the last map to put in the center. As a result, on the king, which lies in the center of the table, we have three cards. I turn them over and look:

  1. Ace - your boyfriend is experiencing strong feelings in relation to you, you just need to wait a bit.
  2. Lady - Be careful: the lady is a one hundred percent rival, if it lies on the first time - it means everything is serious there.
  3. Valts - your chosen one is just a Mavr: jealous and very selfish, selfish and ambitious. Whether he need you - decide for yourself.
  4. Ten - young man is experiencing only fraternal feelings for you.
  5. Nine - the guy loves you, but in order for you to be together, you need to make a maximum effort, do not sit, folded your hands!
  6. Eight - wait with your favorite very serious conversation.
  7. Seven - a meeting to be held on Thursday or Sunday, will not lead to anything good.
  8. Six - a dummy, you, alas, nothing can be.

At all, divination for men It is very common among girls and women. Very interesting is the fact that most women, spreading the card and learning how a man relates to them, continue active action aimed at attracting it, even if the cards have shown that nothing will happen there.
Other women and girls, on the contrary, seeing a prompt to their fate in the location of the cards, sharply change the action plan, often switch their attention to another - and get a happy bonus!

Fortune telling on maps on a guy for love - see tips

What will be the prompts when you spread the cards?
If you fell together the lady, the currency and ten, then turn one hundred eighty degrees and run away from it!

  • Ace and nine - you have ninety-nine chances of a hundred that you will be with your loved ones.
  • Maps with numbers eight and seven - you can have only friendly relationships.
  • It is very interesting if two or three currencies fall out: the first one is your narrowed. Two or three ladies - your girlfriend is involved in bad intrigues against you. Two or three aces - this year or within three months you will marry!

When I face a child - The fortune telling the opportunity to become a mom is also very common among representatives of the beautiful half.
All cards are mixed. The question is coming. We start on the same map laying up the picture up left right. Each seventh card lay out the picture up, the rest is a shirt. In total, the picture was five cards. We look at them. If there is a lady and six among these cards - you will soon become mom! In the five cards it is undesirable to see the nine and ace: maybe a miscarriage.

Taking a deck of cards and make some kind of question, we involuntarily attract our fate to the cards. The main thing is to read what cards will tell.

A long time-invented unmarried girls card fortune telling on a guy to this day remain very popular. You do not know how to pass a long evening without cute and want to find out what is waiting for a relationship in the future - spread the cards using any of the options proposed further!

How to guess on the maps on the guy

The subtleties of the cartoon burns are due to the visiting types of maps applying in desperation: tarot, oracles, lenormman, animal totems, life goals or simple playing.

Use a fortuneal deck with magical encrypted symbols, distinguished from the standard hierarchy from the six to the ace, are taken only by trained waters and sorcerers, because for such predictions you need experience and the ability to read information from cards correctly.

Usually for people card divination, this is a way to have time to spend time, however, to understand the magic rebuses without serious training, an unbearable task. And why complicate your life, knowing the main principle of predictions:

The rank at the right time (for Christmas, shints and other days permitted for witchcraft) in a simple way, you will open the future. It is only required to express signs correctly.

Burning on a guy, narrowed or beloved with playing cards - this is a tradition, carefully stored by the Slavs hundreds of years. Ask any girl what the rules of fortune telling on the maps should be observed, and she does not think, will answer:

  • the deck must be new;
  • before fortunate, it is impossible to give a card stack into the hands;
  • the same kind of stealing can not be used several times;
  • the cards will stop serving the hostess if they use another girl or you use them for games;
  • Sit the virgin on the maps before the layout of the pictures and the result will be 100% truthful;
  • strust on a man follows women's days (Wednesday, Friday), it is necessary to avoid coincidence of the date of divination with church holidays (except for Christmas and baptism) and commemoration days.

The unlawful laws of love magic with the help of cards to remember is easy, as to spend the divine itself. Let's proceed.

To find out how the chosen one belongs to you, use this way.

Come on the king The name of the lover:

  • single - conceive on the tambourous;
  • consists in relationships - on the worm;
  • a man in the years - on Trephic;
  • military or unfamiliar - on peak.

Drag a playing deck. Holding shirts down posting cards in order. Outping a picture Pronounce:

  1. "Bubn King"
  2. "Tell, dear"
  3. "Do you love me?"
  4. "I love you"
  5. "Heart!"
  6. "Soul"
  7. "I want to be on the other!"

Continue to take pictures until the mysterious king falls. Interpretation Simple:

  • A man fell to the phrase the first, fourth, sixth, seventh - he is not indifferent to you;
  • On the second-third - feelings are unsubstantiated, uncertain;
  • On the seventh - you will fight for his love with the opponent.

You can not be limited to one prediction, specify the result obtained using the following method.

Draw in the imagination image of your loved one, let's say several times his name. Try to think about it all the time. Drag a deck and spread it on so much a pile, how many letters in the name of the young man. Outping each stack, look at the suit of the former bottom of the card.

For a blonde guy, a card must be red, but for a dark-haired black. Cupnesses, with a suitable card, are folded without mixing in one. In those where the color of the icon is different, the cards are postponed until the desired suit will appear. Then, without deferred cards, the stack places into a common deck.

In the same way, the drawdable deck is once again declined to the number of stacks corresponding to the sum of the letters of a diminutive-affectionative version of the name. A newly composed of a stack of a series of cards is laid out by pairs in order. Check for double paired cards. Decrypt the result:

  • Two six - awaits marriage; Four - the spouse will be faithful to you.
  • Two seven - come soon; Four - invited to a love date.
  • Two eights - wants to talk; Four - Beware of quarrels.
  • Two nines - feelings are mutual; Four - Great love between you.
  • Two dozen - the guy is interested in you; Four - has mercantile interest to you.
  • Two currencies - to troubles; Four - time spend invested.
  • Two ladies - hopes for favor; Four - believes gossip about you.
  • Two kings - a symbol of strong friendship; Four - loves you like a brother.
  • Two Aces - you will be close; Four - the passion overwhelms both.

This type of predictions will be true only when the relationship has been slad on a close person, with whom relations are already being built. On unfamiliar young people or buddies, it is impossible to guess in this way. With difficulty, you can commit.

Love timelessness of ages are considered the most truthful, besides, they can be applied to young girls who do not have a permanent cavaller. Next method "Four Valts".

Come on each of the four currencies on the guy, remember which whom it symbolizes. Drag the card images of your chosen and decompose horizontally shirts up. Now draw yourself to mixing the rest of the deck. Start the alignment.

Lay out the cards under male embodiments from left to right one to the end. Evaluate the columns received: if there are cards of one dignity, located one to another, then remove them from the scenario and put the currencies on the vertical version. Similarly, distribute cards even three times. It is important that the lower and upper card in one column lay nearby.

Having done all manipulations, open the currencies and evaluate the values \u200b\u200bof the steam fell under them:

  • couple 6 - He is looking for a way to your heart;
  • couple 7 - waiting for a meeting;
  • couple 8 - important conversation;
  • couple 9 - loves;
  • couple 10 - interested in attention;
  • a pair of ladies - passioned by another;
  • a couple of kings - experiencing jealousy;
  • a pair of aces - craves intimate intimacy.

Dusting is a fascinating and interesting occupation. And for this it is not necessary to have a special deck. Ordinary playing cards are ideally suited for gadas. All that is needed for this: know layouts and be able to interpret them. In this article, we learn what existence exist on the maps on the guys.


In fact, it is very simple to guess on a playing deel. Recall that it includes 36 cards that are divided into 4 masters (peaks, baptism, tambourines and worms). It should be noted that for fortune telling a full deck is never used. So, each suit includes 9 cards: ace, king, lady, currency, ten, nine, eight, seven and six. In expectations, each of them has its own designation. Moreover, it can be very different, depending on the defold. For fortune telling on the maps on the guys, you should buy a new deck, and never apply it to play. Before each fortunate, a special conspiracy is read on it:

36 sisters, Kumovyev and Snow, brothers and counterparts.

I serve the service faithful, friendship is unchanged.

36 cards, four masters, tell me all the true truth,

what should I wait, expect what to fear for what it was not to take.

I urge you and call you and pronounce:

The word is tough and cards of lopko.

This conspiracy is read in order for maps to do not list. But in any case, the deck should be used to, it must be felt and become one with it.

Rules of divination

For any type of predictions, there are certain principles of exorvenration. Before fortuneful cards, you can never lie, otherwise you can get the same in response. They cannot be chosen, to throw and, in principle, to relate to them disrespectful. If you want to get help and advice from them, please contact them, as with best friends.

There is another rule around which many disputes have recently appeared. Some gadgetants argue that for each defold it is necessary to have a separate deck, others - which is one enough. In fact, there is no correct answer in this dispute. Each fortune tel makes it comfortable. If she sees her deck of cards shows the correct results only in one of the same scenario, then there is a need to buy a few more, and check them on other fortune tells. The reverse side - if everything happens you, it makes no sense to change anything.

So, on fortune-money maps you can guess and lay solitaires. The second option is lighter and shows only the attitude of a man to the lady. The fortune telling on the guy's cards reveals completely the essence of the whole situation (past, present, future and outcome of events).

This is one of the most popular and old fortunes. This alignment allows you to find out the development of relationships in a pair. It is very important before the start of divination on the maps on the guy mentally thinking a certain period (a few days, week, month).

Before the layout, you need to drag the cards well. Then, clearly formulating the question and the time segment, you should decompose them as shown in the picture, shirts up.

  1. So, the first card means the identity of the gadgetting and what is more worried about.
  2. The personality of the guy, his thoughts in relation to the girl.
  3. What will happen in relationships in this time period or what should pay special attention to.
  4. For what reason it happens.
  5. The final result.
  6. Card Board.

In this scenario, you can pull two more additional, if necessary. So, for example, if ace of peak falls in the fourth position, the tip down - then this means a conflict. But why it may not be clear to you. Then, to the fourth position from the deck, you can get an additional card, which will explain the essence of the main one.


As a rule, girls take into the hands of the card when they are bothering them. So, fortune telling on the guy on the "Relationship" playing cards should be performed when you feel that there is any problem.

The alignment is performed without aces, they must be removed from the deck. Also, you should think what map is your young man. As a rule, this is one of the kings:

  • Worms are a fair-haired man (more than 35 years old).
  • Peaks - dark-haired (more than 35 years).
  • Bubnes - blonde, young.
  • Cross - dark-haired, young.

After you guess the map, shuffle a deck well and spread it in front of the scheme (8 x 4). Lay the map of your beloved among them. What is on the sides of it will mean what is happening now in your relationship.

The alignment of the guy

Interesting and fascinating is fortune-telling on the maps in the name of the guy. To do this, you need to carefully shifted a deck. Determine how many letters in the full name of the man. For example, use the name Andrei. So, it contains 6 letters. Spread all the deck on 6 stacks. It is very important, to take cards from above and one to put in the "every letter". The amount may turn out unequal, but it is not scary.

The next step: it is necessary to take the last stack (the letter "th") and in the same way, decompose these cards in the remaining five. So, it should be done until the first three letters remain. Now, put the second stack on top of the first. It will turn out again a whole deck of cards, but it can not be put out. Lay out two cards on the table. Values \u200b\u200bfor fortune telling in the name of the guy on the playing cards are as follows:

  • A pair of aces - reciprocity.
  • Kings - he considers you a friend.
  • Ladies - you have a rival.
  • Vnets - He is worried about you.
  • Dozens - Test sympathy for you.
  • Nine - Strong love.
  • Eights - quarrel, conflicts.
  • Seven - romantic relationships.
  • Six are a walk together, but sometimes it can mean separation (especially if peak and cross).

The easiest layout

This divination is one of the most common. It is called "What was that there is, what will be" for each time there are three cards. If the alignment is performed on the relationship between people, then to start from the deck it is necessary to choose the king and the lady, respectively, which will be denoted them. Now, it is necessary to shook a deck well and decompose the cards in this order: the bottom is the past, the middle is the present, the top is the future.


Solitales no less exciting and interesting way to find out how one or another guy belongs to you. One of them is called "Four Kings". It allows you to determine how 4 different young people include at once. To do this, select from the deck of 4 king. For each suit, make a separate guy. If such a quantity is not, then one can call the "secret fan". Turn over the kings of the shirt up and mix well. Spread them in a row. The deck, from the remaining 32 cards, is good to drag. Now it is necessary to decompose it on 4 stacks under each king. After the cards are left in the hand, you need to take the first "bunch".

The meaning is to 6 times, collect all the cards in order, ranging from the six and ending with ace. So, in the stack we find everything that goes in order. Suppose it turned out to be six, seven and eight, and no nines. From above on the king put three cards in order, and the rest are postponed and go to the next. So you need to do with all four. Delayed cards are shifted again and lay out under the king. The procedure is repeated 6 times. The first full stack harvested is a guy who is crazy about you, the second - you like it, the third - you will be great friends, the fourth - you do not fit each other. Sometimes it is not possible to collect a single king for all 6 times, and sometimes all four at once.

Interpretation of cards

Of course, decompose 36 cards for fortune telling on the guy's maps - it's not a difficult thing. The complexity is to interpret them correctly. First of all, you should pay attention to the predominance of one or another suit. So, the worms are stuffed by love and good relationships, the tambourine - always show the financial side, the cross - negotiations, affairs, peaks are a militant suit that most often foreshadows trouble.

The value of the cards themselves are as follows:

  • Aces - house, important events. Peak (Top down) - Punch, up - unexpected events. Chervoy Ace - House, Love, Warm Relationships. Cross can mean work or business relationship
  • Kings and ladies are primarily the personality: guys and girlfriends in your environment. If they are peaks, then most likely - enemies or envious.
  • Vnets always show troubles or some important things.
  • Dozens displays desires.
  • Nine - feelings. If peak, then the disease, if a bubnica is money, with kings - love.
  • Eight - conversations and conversations, the suit of the dropped card indicates what topic.
  • Seven - meeting, a date. Peak - parting, tears.
  • Six - travel, road.

Summing up, we can say that fortune telling on the guy cards (which thinks, as it believes, it does not feel). Knowing some rules, layouts and, most importantly, the interpretation of cards, you can find out what awaits your pair in the future. Despite all the results of fortune telling, always remember what you manage your destiny, not maps or other people.

Very often, fortune-telling on the guy becomes the favorite occupation of young schoolgirls and generally young girls. Their heads are often busy with numerous questions: loves or does not love? What awaits me with this guy: love or separation? He call me or not? Answers to these questions can be found not only with the help of cards, but also at digestion on paper. The divination of this kind is considered very simple, so you can use it even in the lessons when there is a free moment.

Divination "yes" or "no"

The fortune telling is happening in this way: a certain person who you like or to which you are trying are made. Formulating a mentally desire, which can be answered by simple "yes" or "no", on a piece of paper, vertical sticks are drawn. You can wish anything until you get bored. Then every two sticks are connected by a horizontal line so that the letter N.

Looks at the paper result: if there is not a single free stick and there is some NNNNN, then the desire will most likely come true. If one wand left without a couple, then desire, unfortunately, was not destined to come true.

Dusting on the heart

If there is a desire to pay for love, find out how he belongs to one or another guy, what feelings he is experiencing to you and what he thinks, then the fortune telling the heart will answer all your questions regarding love. For divination it is necessary to do the following: on paper in the cell draw a small heart. Those who write their right hand - should be depicted with his left hand, and left-handed right. Inside the heart handle to circle all the whole cells and start crossing out four pieces. You can do this in two ways: a square or horizontally in one row.

By the number of remaining cells, you can judge the attitude to you a guy:

  • 0 - mutual love;
  • 1 - respect;
  • 2 - strong love;
  • 3 - mutual sympathy;
  • 4 - jealousy;
  • 5 - sees you in a dream;
  • 6 - indifference.

Fortune telling on cigarette

The divination on the cigarette is suitable for girls who smoke. A cigarette is taken and smokes until only bull remains. Just do it need carefully, you can burn your fingers. When the cigarette reaches the filter, the ashes should fall. If you wish, you can also shake, nothing terrible. The filter is then tightly clamped between the fingers and is spinning as many times as the years is gadget. If you do everything right, then the first letter of the guy name will appear on the cigarette filter, with which it is destined to be together.

Divination by chamomile

If you have a loved one and you, like any normal girl, I want to know what awaits you ahead, fortune telling on the guy on the chamomile will help you with this. Draw a chamomile in such a way that the number of petals is equal to the number of guy letters. If, for example, the guy name is Sergey and in his name 6 letters, then draw a chamomile with the 6th petals. Do not forget to try on paper the skelter, from which the report will go. Starting from the first petal, immediately after the stalk clockwise, they put the letter of the guy, then your name. If the number of letters in your name exceeds the number of petals, then so many first letters are taken as there are petals. It turns out that in each of them two letters. We define vowels and consonants of them. For the result, only those petals are taken, in which one vowel and one consonant, all others do not count. The fortune telling is very truthful, so take a piece of paper with a handle and rather draw a chamomile on paper.

There is no such petal - if you have this result, it means that the relationship with this guy will not lead to anything. They can stay friendly, but no more.

2 Petal - the Union will be not bad, but it is impossible to call it perfect. At first, mutual love will dry out and give strength on the commitment of various actions that seem impliance at first glance. There will be thoughts about the future family and children in the head, it will seem that this is the person who sent you the fate itself. But the more you will find out, the more you will be disappointed in your chosen one. There is no fully ideal people and you need to remember that then not to disappoint. Nevertheless, marriages between such couples are concluded quite often. Living in marriage, the spouses affect and change gradually each other, and the disadvantages become inconspicuous.

3 Petal is a very successful union that often ends with a wedding and a happy family life. But it is not necessary to dedicate, problems are all, even at ideal vapors. Therefore, you just need to love each other, and quarreling to be able to give up. Because it is better to be happy than proud.

4 Petal - If, when you fortunate on paper, it turned out exactly such a number, then the guy you are guessing, your fate. You have everything with him, about which you can only dream: love, complete mutual understanding and respect for each other. You are a whole, to destroy which no one is in power.

The central theme for all young girls has always been the theme of love and marriage. Who loves me? Who am I married? Will I be happy with him? Here are the main questions that you want to get almost every unmarried maiden. And many, in order to somehow shed light on their future, turn to fortune tells and vorozh. Moreover, by today, humanity has accumulated a huge number of different techniques, both to determine the name of the narrowed and, and to determine the relationship of the beloved to his girlfriend. It is not always easy to choose from the entire abundance technician, so we suggest start from the simplest and easy. The fortune telling on the guy's cards proposed here is called "4 Valts" and it allows you to determine the attitude to the lady at once of four men.

For this divination, you will need a classic playing deck of cards for thirty-six cards. Before starting to lay out cards, you need to "assign" each of the valets in the deck the name of the person who will be denoted. It is possible to make it, as guided by the rules (unmarried - the bubnic, married - worm, the man older than the rest is trephy), and in random order. The main thing, then not to forget what kind of guy's curren is indicates, so it is better to immediately write this information on paper.

"Four Valts" and their attitude to you

  1. It should be started from choosing from a deck of all currencies and shuffling them
  2. When four cards in the hands of the gadgets are well mixed, they need to be decomposed into one horizontal row shirts up
  3. Now it is necessary to shock the rest of the deck and spread it on one map under the cards of the currencies (however, this time shirts down)
  4. As a result, there will be 8 rows, each of which will have four cards.
  5. The guy needs to be estimated not horizontally (as it is usually done), and vertically (from top to bottom), while removing the pair of cards of one dignity that are in each other
  6. When such a couple is extracted from the scenario, it is not thrown out, and on the contrary, put on that currency, in the row of which was discovered
  7. When all pairs of cards are extracted, you need to decompose the remaining deck in a similar way three more times, repeating the same procedures
  8. Finally, after the last, fourth slander deck, you can open the currencies and watch which pairs of cards turned out to be.

Attention! It is worth remembering that the very first and most recent card located in a vertical row are considered lying nearby!

We are looking for the values \u200b\u200bof all paired cards:

  • Six - Ambulance, he is on the way to you
  • Seven - you need him, he is waiting for a meeting
  • Eight - an important conversation will be held soon
  • Nine - he loves you very much
  • Dozens - he shows outdoor interest
  • Aces - probably he is experiencing a huge passion for you
  • Kings - jealous of you to all the rest
  • Ladies - he already has a lady, you are not interested in him.

The fortune telling is considered to be particularly strong and true if the entire four cards of the same dignity are on top of one of the valets.

Due to the guy's name "loves or does not love?"

Another simple fortune telling on the maps in the name of the guy can be made after the previous one, to concretize it. And here, at least, you need to know the full name of the divination object, as well as represent how it looks. Among other things, during the exercise of divination, it is necessary to intensively think about this person. For the defold you will need a deck in 36 cards.

  1. A well-shuffled deck is laid out on the table in so much a heap, how many letters in the name of a person who is divided into.
  2. When the whole deck is laid out, the bunch of cards turn over and look at the bottom of the bottom card. If the object of divination is blonde, it means that it is necessary that the bottom is the red suit, if the dark, then the black suit. In case of contacting "wrong", you need to postpone such a map aside until the necessary one will fall.
  3. Then a bunch of cards carefully, without mixing, is folded into one and continue the alignment in a similar way, only now, it is no longer on the full name, but to a decrease (more adopted in the relationship) its option.
  4. After completing the alignment in the name in its diminutive form, you should collect the remaining maps and lay out two in the order in which they lie in the deck.
  5. Then the results should be decrypted, based on how much and what paired cards it turned out in the final scenario.

Decipher the result of divination:

  • Six: Two - marriage, four - loyalty
  • Seven: Two - Meeting, Four - Date
  • Eight: two - conversation, four - quarrel
  • Nine: Two - Love, Four - the biggest love in life
  • Tens: Two - Interest, Four - Calculation
  • Vallets: Two - Boots, Four - Many Empty Boots
  • Ladies: Two - Hope, Four - Gossip
  • Kings: Two - Strong Friendship, Four - Brotherhood
  • Aces: Two - physical proximity, four - passion.

Both of the above decodes are good because they are relatively easily carried out and do not require greater experience in despusting, besides, they can be practiced quite often, because people 'relationship is changeable. However, if you didn't have a deck at hand, and you really need to know the fate, then this is not a reason to give up, because you can always try on your online ritual.

On video - Optional Option for 4 Valts: