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Satar week of fortune telling on the narrowed. The best codic fortune telling: on the narrowed, on marriage, for wealth. Other ways to divine on the shield

By popular belief, on the density of fortune telling the most faithful, this tradition lives so far. That is why in the period - from Christmas on January 7, in the evening and before baptism on January 19 - the binds begin. In this silent period in Russia, our ancestors tried to derive their fate.

How to make the fate uncover your cards? Your uzuinka offers to pay different ways, famous since ancient times and prompted by modern professional fortunellers! You can guess in these soda days both alone and in the company of friends. The main thing is that this action is in joy! For popular beliefs, it is necessary to start a vorozhly in a good mood, otherwise dark forces can harm ...

Dates of the soda fortunes

And although you can guess from the very first seconds of the coming year, our great-grandmothers considered the most reliable day for fortunes - the night from January 13-14! In the oldest New Year It is best to start the soda fortune telling! It was believed that "Vasiliev Evening", which came on January 13, is the most suitable for the burning.

According to popular beliefs, all the evil at this moment gained special power and the most commonly shared by it by the famous secrets of the future. Experienced fortune tellers were correctly chosen not only a day, but also an hour! Therefore, the most prophetic fortuneren was held at midnight - just at the junction of the day of yesterday and tomorrow. It is at that moment that the border between the real and otherworldly world is very transparent and thin! From here and chances to get the truthful prediction of fate above!

But on July 7 and 19 - in Christmas and baptism - from attempts to open the veil of the future it is better to refuse. The people believed: gadaying these sacred days, you can guess your happiness ...

What to get dressed during a batch divination

Before burning, you need to dissolve your hair, remove all sorts of decorations, and from clothes - belts and belts. According to popular belief, it was considered - it is necessary to get rid of everything that prevents overcoming the border between the past and the future and penetrate the mystery of the future. During the soda gadas, the girl put on spacious clothes. An ideal outfit for the magic ritual will be a simple nighty or loose dress. Such clothes do not "overlaps" channels of communication with the world of perfume, serving you the mystery of the future. After the end of fortune telling clothes, it is better to wash to remove from her negative energy After "dialogue" with the other world.

Now choose a fortune telling that you like and open the veil of the future! Starts a selection - fortune telling for love and relationship!

Saty fortune telling on narrowed

Satar fortune telling on the narrowed two mirrors. This is an old Russian fortune telling, which you need to spend completely alone in the room in which there is a large mirror (in an old one saty divination gadaven, alone secretly spent it in an empty bath). If there are several rooms in the apartment, then it is better to choose the one with a balcony. When decorate with the room for divination, you need to prepare yourself: to remove the native cross, free your hair if they are tied with a ribbon or hairpin, to dissolve braids and unleash all the nodes on clothes. It is advisable to hold the rite of fortune telling on the narrowed in one shirt, barefoot, none of your loved ones or friends should know about your intentions.

Right at midnight, put two candles on both sides of the mirror on both sides of the mirror in the candlesticks. On the contrary big Mirror Install the smaller mirror so that the "Corridor" came out from the mirrors. During the installation of mirrors, it is important to repeat to yourself:

"Durable-rude, show in the mirror."

Next, you need to carefully, without releasing the glance, look into the mirror "corridor". Then after 10 - 20 minutes you can see the reflection of the future husband. How it will appear, you need to remove immediately fast movement small mirrorotherwise the groom can hit the face. After that you need to shout:

"Chur of this place!" and cross off.

Fortune telling it requires a high excerpt, self-control and strong nerves, because in reflection it may seem anything, right up to the horns ... is not so dangerous, but to refer to a simpler people's fortune tellingwhich will be discussed further.

To dreamed of narrowed in a dream. For the night, spread the hair of the comb, uttering words:

"Delicious oiled, come to me fit!"

Then put a comb under your pillow. To make a desire, it is impossible to talk with anyone to the dawn. If you want to know the name of the future chosen one. Then in the evening I prepare pieces with male name, Put them in the header and leave next to the bed. As will be wary in the morning, without getting out of bed, lower your hand in the header with pieces and pull one of them.

Fortune telling on the maps narrowed. This is a fortune telling for those who have not met their halves. Choose from card deer All kings and currencies, postpone the rest of the cards (they will not be needed). Stir the cards and place them under the pillow or mattress. Look to bed, tell me the phrase:

"My bride, dream of me in a dream and tell about yourself."

In the morning, as you wake up, take the first to the first card:

valet means your future fiance It will be young.

king - chosen one will be older than you.

Now look at the card:

Peaks - the groom will be successful and secured.

Captive - a new acquaintance will happen when you expected this less.

Bubnes - with your narrowed you will get acquainted at a party of common acquaintances.

Worms - your chosen one will come from the nearest environment of your friends.

Fortune telling on the maps on your beloved. This fortune telling for those who already have a loved one, it will tell how the relationship with him will be educated in the coming year.

Take a deck of maps into your hand and contact the question: "What is waiting for me with (name the one's name)". Then pull at random four cards.

If prevailing:

worms - you are waiting for the Sea of \u200b\u200bLove;

trephs - your relationship will be intertwined with money issues;

peaks - most likely you will break out;

bubnes - possible separation.

Fortune telling at the tree. Choose any tree and grab without looking for any of its branch.

If it is smooth and smooth - your narrowed will be a good husband.

If the branch is baked and spinning - the husband will be bad.

Dry - marriage will be childless.

Fortune telling on multicolored threads. From the evening prepare threads different color: White, red and black. Put them under the pillow. In the morning, shove your hand there and pull the first thread. If she:

red - get married in a year;

white - this year your wedding will be held;

black - marriage this year do not wait.

Fortune telling on the bulbs. Waiting for hands and heart suggestions, and from several rejoices? Find out who will make a dustless recognition first. To do this, you write the names of the applicants on the bulbs and place the onions in the water - let it be sprout. The one whose name of the bully will give an arrow first, and will make an offer before the rest. Of course, you will have to wait with the results, but it is necessary to plant onions in one of the softy days.

Fortune telling apples. If you have a few rippers, then you can find out your hand and heart offer you from apples. Take the right amount of fruits and scratch the initials at the bottom of the apple. Then go out into the dark not lit room with apples and bite off from each piece, rightly defining which of them the sweetest. That apple, which turned out to be sweaty and matches your groom.

Fortune telling with paper snowflakes. Cut from paper snowflake. Stand on the chair in front of the dressing christmas tree and release the snowflake in the flight. See where she landed! On a branch with toys - meet love, or the current feelings will "light up" with a new force. On a bare branch - it is possible difficulties in relationships. On the floor - changes in personal life is not foreseen.

"Boats". In order to learn about the future groom in the new year, take advantage of the "boating" fortune. You will need a small basin, which fill in half water. On the edges, secure the paper with inscriptions: a trip, a rapid novel, wedding, quarrel, engagement, etc. To half the shell walnut We insert the candle's grinding and set fire to it. Let the boat in the middle of the basin and watch what kind of piece of paper it swell.

Divination with the elevator. Another divination for love is modern. Does your heart overwhelm love dreams? Psychics suggest how to find out if they will come true in the near future. Answer will give us ... Passenger elevator! Mentally, asking my question, log in to the cockpit and stop on one of the middle floors. Staying in the elevator, wait until the doors come back and someone will cause it to another floor. If the cabin goes up - your desire will soon be fulfilled! Down - time for this has not yet come! You can guess in any house where there is an elevator. But only necessarily in a sick time!

What awaits you in the new year?

Fortune telling from the New Year tree. If your house has a green beauty, which is dressed up with multi-colored balls and toys, then you can use them for divination.

Stand in front of the dressed up. Tie your eyes yourself. Do not spy! Turn around your axis several times. Then turn the hand to the Christmas tree and take the first toy. Remove the dressing and see what color toy in your hands.

You can not tie your eyes, but to start the New Year's dance to the music around the forest beauty. When the melody is over, dismissed on the decoration, but do not choose, grab without looking at the hand.

Red, orange, pink and yellow toys. You are waiting for a rapid love adventure. If you are married - then your passion will turn around with a spouse with a new force.

White. You are getting closer and closer to your goal. Do not retreat!

Green. You will achieve success in school or at work. Possible career growth!

Silver or golden - survive unexpected profits.

Blue, blue or purple - talks about family well-being.

In addition to toys, you can hang on the Christmas tree: drying, apples, nuts and candy. We look at what you have broken and define your future fate in the coming year:

Drying - to the full life.

Apple - to adding in the family.

Nuts - to surprises.

Candy - to glory.

Fortune telling at the crossroads. it vintage divinationwhen unmarried girl In the Holy evening went to the intersection of the roads and tried to hear the first phrase, which was the answer higher Forces. It is believed that it is the crossroads of several roads to acquire at this time magic power. And even even the advice or phrase will sound nephonally, connect your intuition and it will tell you what to wait soon from destiny.

Fortune telling for six glasses.

To find out what prepares the coming year in the shiki magicians advise to contact the help of a six glass (glasses or glasses). In one, put salt, to another - candy, in the third - coin, in the fourth - the key, in the fifth - grain, in the sixth - ring. Ask someone from the loved ones to put the tank on the table in one row and, tapping your eyes, bring to glasses! Your task is to choose the one to which the soul will sweep. Its content will tell you about your coming.

Salt - to misunderstandings and unrest.

Candy - to sweet carefree life.

Coin - to financial well-being.

The key is to buy or rent a real estate, as well as to solving a sore question.

Grain - to the appearance of offspring in your family or from Rodney.

Ring - to new love relationship For unmarried. And if you are already married - repetition of the honeymoon!

Foreign on wax casting in water. This is one of the most popular fortunes in Russia - drip melted wax into the water or milk and watch the resulting figures. To hold the rite, suture the wax candle on the grater or cut into small pieces. Fill the tablespoon with wax chips. Prepare a bowl with water. Then melt over a candle wax in a spoon and quickly pour it into the water. He will freeze in the form of some kind of figure.

Look at what she looks like to find out what awaits you in the future. If she reminds:

the dog, it means that in the new year you will find faithful friends or a very good friend.

small mugs are to profits.

star - New Year will be successful for you and you will receive a long-awaited news or advanced on the service staircase.

hacking - promises great happiness.

snake - betrayal.

cross - Health problems.

flower will appear new friend Or get married.

running beast - to long roads.

If the wax formed not like a similar figure, connect the fantasy, - she will tell you something like you. The wax figure with a kind prediction - save as a talisman of the year.

Foreign on wax casting in milk. It is necessary to melt a piece of wax or wax candle in a metal mug or a tablespoon. On the threshold of the apartment, put a saucer with milk with the words:

"The house, my owner, come under the threshold to drink milk, eating wax."

And immediately leut the wax in a saucer with milk, consider the frozen figures. See Interpretation - Above.

Fortune telling on the thread. To find out what awaits you in the coming year, prepare 4 small threads of different colors: red, white, blue and black. All of them will symbolize the following:

red - responsible for the relationship in the family (if you are married) and new love (for unmarried);

white - will show that you will have at work and with a career;

blue - tell about your material position;

black - reflect your problems and unresolved affairs.

Now fill a deep bowl with water and gently put the threads onto its surface. Wait 5 minutes and then begin to interpret the fortune telling:

if the thread drowned - to troubles;

if it remains on the water - everything will be fine;

if the threads crossed each other - the events will be interconnected.


On the croup. Pour in the plate. And make a desire over it. Then take a handful of grains and scat them on the table. Grains are an even number? Your innermost desire will come true!

Leaf of paper. Before going to bed, write on the same leaflets 15 of your desires, put under the pillow, and right in the morning, as you wake up, get one sheet and wish, written on it, will embody.

On chicken bones. In the evening, for dinner, eat a chicken leg, and do not throw bones. Wrap them in a red napkin or a rag, and remove the yard for the gate. Fight your desire and tell words:

"What was in the egg, then came out of the egg that she was walking in the yard and millet slander. The one who slammed the head with noodles was cooked. What I would love whose bones from the flesh seized, tell me: to be my desire or not? What originated in the egg - tomorrow let's answer. "

Go to this place Early in the morning and see:

if the bones do not find - your desire will not fulfill;

snow bone sheltered - you can refuse your desire;

the bones lie entire and intact - everything will come true.

On salt. You need to guess exactly at midnight. Make a desire and to check it turn out or not shall shock straight straight in your hand right above right palm. Quickly squeeze your hand with salt in a fist. Three times hang on it and sharply disconnect your fingers so that salt is poured (only it is not necessary to shake it, otherwise, the fortune telling will be incorrect).

If your hand remains almost clean - your desire will come true soon!

If a lot of salt remains a lot - the desire will not turn.

Modern option - SMS. This way of divination, appeared with the arrival in our life of cellular communication. Come on the desire. Send an SMS to the invented number. Will follow one of the three events development options

If you do not go to anyone - your plans will not come true.

If it passed, conceived.

If I also got a good answer - the coming year will certainly be happy.

Divination on how to resolve the case

Well who joined the new year without problems, but it happens with accuracy to the opposite. And at this time you can try to resolve it by divination. Take a small block of clean paper and describe my situation briefly. Fold or hang a piece of paper and throw on the bottom of the glass cup. Fill the glass with water and put it on the frost on the balcony or place in the freezer. In the morning, get a glass and look:

if the ice is transparent from above - the problems are allowed very quickly and easily;

if a muddy layer of ice was formed, but the piece of paper is visible - everything will decide in your favor, but not without some of the fault;

if the ice is intent so that the piece of paper is not visible completely - the case will be decided not in your favor and it is worth looking for another way out.

"To order" prophetic dream

Psychics assure: in a square time you need to carefully treat your dreams. After all, the probability of seeing the prophetic dream, visually telling us about the future. And in order to hurry such a vision, supernatural experts advise to use a simple ritual.

Fit a round mirror before bedtime under the pillow. Lie, relax and say about yourself three times conspiracy:

"Darkness is reflected in this mirror, the light is reflected in it, albeit and will reflect and in a dream I will dream."

By the way, according to the same psychics, it is possible to see the prophetic dream if you go to the kingdom of Morpheus no later than midnight! So put on the bed early. Even if nothing fuzzy and see, so, at least, sleep!

Fortune telling to get a response to the question

With a candle.

The table is a clean tablecloth on the table, and install a candlestick with a candle. Light a candle from the match (this is necessary!) And get along the contrary. Word your question, so that it could be answered "yes", "no" or "probably." Look at the burning candle flame and repeat the question again.

Flame is high in the candle: the answer is "yes."

Flame Low: no answer.

Flame shimbles: "Maybe" is entirely dependent on you.

Dusting with a cat. If you have a cat or a cat in your house, you can repay the animal behind the room threshold. Make a desire to one of the sinic evenings and then call your pet. Look carefully with what paw it will cross the threshold of the room: if the left paw is, then your desire will come true, and if the right paw is on the way there will be obstacles.

If you do not have a pet, ask your question and call the cat from the street. If he runs to you - the answer to your question is positive. If runs - negative.

Fortune telling

We decided to make acquisition in the coming year, but in doubt whether it is worth spending money in such a difficult time? Walk! Take a piece of paper and write five sums on it: 500, 1000, 5000 rubles., 10 thousand and 20 thousand. Then crush the paper and adjust it on the plate. After the flame goes out itself, see what amount remained not by the flame. Enough on what they wanted? Boldly go to the store! Not? Then leave the idea to better times!

Divination for money and financial well-being

Fortune telling with coins.

Take a coin and three saucers. Exit the room, and your family will hide "wealth" under one of them. Guess where the "treasure" is hidden:

From the first time - with money in the new year there will be no problems - you will live on a wide leg!

From the second - the difficulties will arise that you can overcome.

From the third - the probability is great that "finances will sing romances." Therefore, it is worth "to raise straws" and postpone on a black day.

If you are at home alone and assistants to make the previous fortune telling on wealth, then do otherwise. Take three coins of one dignity. Shake them in the fist and then throw it on the floor under your feet. Look at coins:

if two of them lie with a column up - wait for abundance at the end of the year, and if the pair of coins fell an eagle the top - then at the beginning of the year we will have prospect.

Turn to the coins back and make a couple of steps back. Then go around you clockwise (squeeze your eyes). Open your eyes and look where you turned out:

if you are standing face to coins, then you are close to profits;

if your back - you will not be able to get rich too much in the coming year;

if sideways - everything will depend entirely from you.

Divination with the help of a deck of cards. To make this divination, you will need a new deck of cards, on which no one has played. Get cards from packaging and drag them, mentally pronounced the question: "Will it be rich life Do you have in the coming year? ". Then pull at random nine cards and see what kind of suit the most of all fell:

cherries or tambourines - your financial position will remain at the same level;

treft - will be all year for money;

peaks - It is worth thinking about how to spend money more economically.

Divination in the circle of friends

When you meet with friends in Christmas days and New Year holidays good entertainment A small company will be codiced fortune telling. They do not require great preparation, they will earn your guests and the time will be fun and exciting.

Fortune telling "Wheel of Fortune". If you are going to a shield with friends and spend a holiday in a noisy company, you can arrange for all the fortune telling "Wheel of Fortune". You will need colored paper and a big hat, a package or wide vase.

Color paper cut off stripes (as for phantas). Each write predictions. For example:

waiting for you;

what you are looking for, very close;

conceived effect with friends;

everything will come true, but later, etc.

Then turn each piece of paper and place them in a wide vase. Mix and place a vase on the table. Separate around the guests and let everyone fuss their desire and then get a piece of paper from the vase. A dream will come true or not, the prediction will be answered, written on a piece of paper.

Fortune telling. In a frosty night, let each of the participants pick up in a spoonful of water and makes it possible to frost, for example on a cold balcony. And the next morning all run to check what happened with water:

If the water froze exactly - all year is waiting for a prosperous and happy life.

If there are irregularities, the tubercles are trouble.

Pouch predictions. For a funny company, you can arrange fortune telling on fate, folding small things in the bag: key, pin, coil with threads, coin, earring, handkerchiefs, ring. Each of the guests will launch his hand into it and pull out what the first hand touches. If pulled out:

coin - to wealth and sufficiency;

the earring - to the good news;

pin - to discord;

scarf - to tears;

the ring - for marriage (and if giving in the marriage union, then to the refreshment of feelings);

the key is to a new home;

threads - to the family replenishment.

Fortune telling from the cabinet. This fun divination can be started in the room in which there is a wardrobe or bedside table with clothing. Invite a child 10 years old girl or boy. All guests available among guests are invited to stand back to the closet with clothes. Then the child pulls out any object of clothing, without looking into the closet and asks: "This is someone?". That girl who will answer: "My" turns around and looks at what she got:

tie - to a rich bridegroom;

suspenders - there will be her husband by an incinerator;

panties - will run in the babam;

pants - a cheerful man;

socks - poor groom;

skirt - Fashionable France;

scarf - Impotent;

gloves - not clean on hand;

shirt - weak health;

cap - high mind and intelligence;

the jacket is a good spouse.

Fortune telling on a bun. To this fortune, you will have to prepare in advance, and more precisely bake bunches. Dream to find out what awaits in the new year on a professional field? Mages are offered to one of the sickness days to ask the kolobka about it, but not simple, and with a secret! First prepare the dough. To do this mix:

500 g of cottage cheese,

1 tbsp. Sahara,

2 tbsp. flour

1/2 h. L. soda,

pinch of salt.

Then blind 7 are the same in size of the bunches.

In each add your "magic" stuffing: raisins, nuts, coffee beans, a pea, a piece of smoking, any acid berry, a piece of chocolate.

Obsolete bunches in flour and fry in vegetable oil from all sides for 7-10 minutes.

Ready! You can begin divination. Let each of the guests choose his bun.

With raisins - awaits success in work and excellent career growth.

Oreke - to obstacles and difficulties.

Coffee bean - to changing the sphere of activity.

Peas - to the appearance at the work of the enemy and the sound breath.

Kuraga - to new interesting opportunities.

Berry - to unjustified expectations.

Chocolate - to passionate and fruitful work!

Having tasted the magic buns, you will predict the events of the next year in professional activities.

Strong guard from all bad

What if you focused something bad in the coming year as a result of fortune telling? Use strong guardMade from mint.

In Russia, this aromatic plant is considered a powerful faith from evil spirits, bad people, Hywehie and misfortune! To protect yourself from all unwanted, women laid out mint beams at the door. Fresh or dry - no matter! Want to follow the example of ancestors? Hide the mint sheet (in the pharmacy you can buy - from 50 rubles) in the hallway. By the way! So that the grass will surely protect you the magicians advise at least once every two weeks to change the leaves for new! And old - immediately throw out! Like, so you get rid of everything bad that like a sponge, it has absorbed this plant.

Lyubov Fedorova, "Your Raisin"

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The tradition of guessing the shiny is the most ancient and most likely will live for a long time and long. For, in addition to the natural desire, to know what is hidden, the sacrament of the sinic fortunes is very spectacular and exciting, and sometimes frightening and frightening. The shints last in the period from 7 to 19 January. So if you did not have time to go out on Christmas night when magic sessions have the greatest strengthYou will have at your disposal for almost two weeks when you can spend sachas.

Divination for the shints are very popular among young girls and family parks. Late in the evening or early at night, the girls gather together to find out the name of the future groom or the date of their wedding, and family ladies are guessing about wealth in the house.

During the session, everyone had to stick certain rules and conditions.

1. You can not cross your arms and legs. One explanation for this is that it can be how to confuse those things with which you measure the rite

2. Be sure to remove all rings and other items that are tied or squeezed some limbs. It can be straps or bracelets. In some cases, hair bloom or even remove shoes and clothing.

3. In the room it is impossible to noise, there must be complete silence. Eliminates all other lighting, except for candles.

4. During the soda gadas, the girl should not be protected by his religion. Therefore, be sure to remove native Crosses And remove from the room icons.

Special attention was paid to choosing a place that had to be considered "unclean". One of best places Ban was considered. After all, it was here that the legends lived perfumes, different territies and other evil spirits. Very good for ghosts on the shields approached any abandoned an old house, basement or attic. Especially courageous was dare to guess even in the cemetery, because the places at the junction of two worlds were considered valuable - border places. There may be thresholds, gates, corners in the house. But, perhaps, intersection was always considered one of the most sinister places. It is said that each of them belongs to some kind of demon, and in this place anyone will feel the presence dark forces. (When this offer was written for the site, in the corridor suddenly fell a cat tray, which stood sideways near the wall and dried ...)

1. At night, go to the crossroads and asking the question of my future groom, outlines around yourself. After that you should carefully listen to what is happening around. Merry talk, laughter, singing, any other positive emotions There will be a rapid marriage. Rugan, quarrel, crying will move away your marriage for a year.

2. In one of the evenings on skatnaya week Collecting funny company Of several people. On the table there are special items specially prepared for this: a coin, ring, needle, earring, handkerchief. You can show fantasy and add several other items. Then the man does not look low left On the table. This dusty division is to understand the meaning of the thing to which the hand fell. For example, a coin - to wealth, a scarf - to the sorrows and problems, the key - new flat. Ring to the wedding. Girls can change a bit this fortune telling and find out the profession of their future groom. Coin - banker, passport - lawyer, driver's license - driver of minibus, flash drive - programmer, scissors - builder, spoon - cook. Here again everything solves fantasy.

3. For the next fortune telling on the shield, a cat or a cat will be required. Let the animal stand behind the threshold of the room. Make a desire and call the cat. If it crosses the threshold of the left paw - the desire will surely come true, and if the right - there will be obstacles that you will have to overcome.

4. This is a very famous fortune telling, which can be used on any day, not only on the spanime week. Take some book. Fight the page and the number of the line from above. It remains only to open a book and interpret read.

On the shield you can pay online, sitting at the computer. We are confident that we have on the site you will find a few cute your heart of fortunes. We hope you will benefit from us these holidays!

It is believed that it is in the days of the shields that you can find out whether the next year married, who will be narrowed whether the whole year will accompany the luck. Of course, the night for the old new year is the best time to find out your future. But if it did not work out at the right moment, do not worry - Christmas shints will continue until Epiphany Christmas treeAnd you can commit the sacrament until January 18.

So that the fortune telling was successful should be observed whole line important rules. Before holding the ritual, it is necessary to dismiss the hair and untie the knots on the clothes. It is necessary to remove the belt, bracelets, chains, rings - all these are charms, closing our energy and preventing it with unity with the energy of perfume. During divination, it is better not to cross your arms and legs. You can burn alone or in the company girlfriends, but in the room where the ritual happens, must be as quiet as possible. The mood is important and the correctly selected way to look into the future. Best time For the commitment of the sinic sacraments - midnight or hours before sunrise.

Fortune telling for the narrowed and marriage

Divination by mirrors

The most famous and mystical fortune telling on the narrowed - on the mirrors. In the dark room opposite herself a mirror, and the side of it is a candle, they say the spell "narrowed-rude, come to me dinner" and pepper in the mirror. The appearance of the groom will foresee the vibration of the candle flame and the mirror mirror. As soon as it happens, the glass must be wiped with a towel. The groom should come from behind, and its reflection should appear in the mirror.

Fortune telling

It is necessary to bring a piece of ice or a lump of snow from the street, wait until it is melting, and look at the litter in the water. If hair shows - the narrowed will be rich, a wand or pinch - with a private housing, a sheet - will be associated with science, a piece of paper.

Pullen into a glass with water warmed wax or protein from the egg. If they fall to the bottom and spread like damn, then marriage to wait long. If you take a candle shape, rings - a wedding soon.

They burn three candles and, without blinking, peer into the center of the ring, trying to see the face of the future spouse.

A transparent glass of lights and patterns for two thirds is filled with water, carefully lowered into a glass wedding ring. They burn three candles and, without blinking, peer into the center of the ring, trying to see the face of the future spouse.

Fortune telling with threades

You need to cut off the threads of the same length by the number of gadgets and set fire to them from one candle. That girl, who has a thread of the fruit faster than everyone, the first. If the thread, not dogores and up to half, will go out by anyone, it means that this girl will not marry never.

Fortune telling on matches

In Boca match box You need to insert two matches, identified with any guy and a girl, then set fire to them. If the match turns into each other, it means that this pair will be together.

Fortune telling on the field

In the dark, you need to find a thick stick and carefully consider it. If the tree turns out to be smooth - the husband will be good, with bitch - bad, with cracks and slits - angry.

Fortune telling on the stairs

Make up a set of words characterizing a man. For example: Widower - Well done - delets - Sagittarius - Poor - Rich - Old - married. Going along the steps, say to read. What word will fall on the last step - such and there will be a husband.

Fortune telling on boogle

The girl needs to go out into the street, turn the face to the house and throw her boot over his shoulder. If he falls aside away from the house, it means that this year she will marry and leave his native shelter. If the toe to the house - will remain with the parents yet.

Divination in the name

Go out at night to the street and the first oncoming man ask a name. As his name is, they will call the narrowed.

Dream fortune telling

They dissolve the pinch of salt in water, drink salted water before bedtime and say: "Who is my narrowed, who is my rich - he will give me to drink." The groom will dream and move the bride.

A four card kings are put under the pillow and say: "Who is my narrowed - that come in a dream."

They put a comb's comb under the pillow and pronounce these words: "Daughty mine, come and taking me."

Divination on ring, bread and hook

Put these objects under the handkerchief and turn five times around them. After that, drag, without looking, these things are from under the handkerchief. I got a hook - the husband will be poor, the bread is rich, the ring is beautiful.

Fortune telling in the snow

At midnight you need to go out and go through the freshly blowing snow. If no one goes to dawn traces, life in marriage will be free, if the traces are flooded - all his life will have to live with her husband in quarrels.

At midnight you need to go out and throw a handful of snow towards the opposite wind. If the snowflakes fall right on you, it means that the husband will be young and beautiful if the snowflakes will scatter on the parties - the husband will be elderly.

Divination by phone

If the handset takes a man, ask his name, it will be the name of your narrowed.

Dial an arbitrary phone number. If the handset takes a man, ask his name, it will be the name of your narrowed. If a woman takes the tube, then the rival will stand on the way to personal happiness. And if the child responded, then you will marry, and you have to give birth to give birth, and you need to look for someone who you already know. If the stranger does not want to call you his name, it means that you will have a lot of fans and in the end you can create strong relationships, but not so soon.

Family life

Fortune telling on needles

Two needles need to be smeared with melted wax, omit into the water, make a desire and carefully follow their behavior. If you drowned immediately - the desire will come true if they were connected - marriage will have to do, and if you died - not to see the narrowed. For married women Sewaged needles promise family problems, for men - problems in affairs.

Ice fortune telling

You need to fill a glass of water, omit the ring there and put it on the street. In terms of the number of hills on the surface of the ice, judge the number of sons, and by number of pits - about the number of daughters.

Fortune telling on fate

Fortune telling in wax

At all times, this fortune telling was one of the most popular. It is necessary to drop wax into the water and carefully consider the resulting figure: if in the form of a wallet or bills to wealth, in the form of a house - to the change of the place of residence or purchase of housing, in the form of an embryo - to the birth of children, in the shape of a heart - to real love.

Divination by shadow

You need to smire into a loose piece of paper or newspaper, lay it on the plate and set fire, and, while it burns, to pronounce his question aloud. After complete combustion of the paper next to the plate, you need to put a burning candle and look at the shadow, which throws out the burnt paper on the wall. The figure that will appear and indicate the answer.

If you look at this corridor for a very long time, you can see a variety of events from your own future.

Fortune telling on mirrors

In another fortune, two mirrors take each other opposite each other to form a long corridor. They light two candles so that they reflect in the mirrors and illuminated the corridor. If you look at this corridor for a very long time, you can see a variety of events from your own future.

Fortune telling on peas, nuts or beans

The giggling takes the handful of peas, nuts or beans and begins to put them on one on the table, saying: "Good luck - wealth - love - Decenservation - poverty - work - troubles, care - a child - an apartment - military uniforms." A set of words may depend on what you want to find out about your own future. On what word grains run out, then waiting for you next year.

Divination in small objects

The company is going from young people and girls. Everyone puts on a tray some thing: key, button, cufflink, handkerchief, coin, ring, earring. Cover a tray with a towel, shake it, then, without looking, with his left hand, everyone pulls out what the first will fall: the key is a new housing or a car, shawl - tears, ring - marriage, earrings - good luck in a career, coin - wealth, butt , Cockup - Travel.

That strip that creates the first, means that it has a positive answer written on it.

Fortune telling on paper

For this divination, paper strips of the same size are needed to write questions you are interested in, our desires. All strips in random order are placed in a wide bowl in which water is poured. Paper strips are first twisted in the whirlpool and gradually float to the surface. That strip that creates the first, means that it has a positive answer written on it.


Fresh fir branch hold over the candle and say: "Eel-Queen, all trees mother, live me long or death to wait? Wealth or poverty, treason or loyalty? " Spruce branch Put under the pillow. In the morning, take out and consider. Needles are not boosters and did not creep - health, wealth and mutual understanding in the family. The needles crumbled on the disease or quarrels.

You can relate differently to fortune tells and their predictions. The main thing is to believe in their truthfulness - and then you can really clarify your own future.

The time after the first star for Christmas (the festival of the strides) is going to the baptism of the Slavic-pagans over the centuries was the time of the soda fortunes. How many exciting and memorable moments happened with our ancestors during this period! Someone recognized the name of the narrowed, someone made to get wealth, and otherwise waiting for the prophecies regarding all of their destinies.

The tradition of guessing on the shield did not die today and today, although it is officially prohibited by Christianity as well as most of other religions.

Do you believe in bachers' fortune tells? For example, in what you can see your future in a bowl with water or in a dream?

The girl has long been in Russia, the girls wondered in the so-called in night and almost all of their questions were associated with marriage ...

Usually those who sincerely believed in the soda fortune telling, "invited", as they said then, came true. Generally B. epiphany fortune telling Everything is very relatively relative to and requires a living imagination, without it almost anywhere it is impossible to see the bizarre images and symbols.

So, 6 of the most proven ghosts on the holies, told by our grandmothers.

It's simple

Fortune telling for the future, to a new meeting

All you need is an ordinary boot, which will need to roll through the fence. They attach and see who the first will go: a woman - to a friend, and if a man is, then go to watch, where to turn the sock of the boot - from the other side and wait for the groom. After all this, you, of course, can pick up your boots home, he will come in handy.

Not for the faint of heart

Fortune telling on the narrowed

This burner on the future spouse is perhaps rightfully can be called the most terrible. You will need 2 mirrors, 2 candles and considerable exposure. In one of the sinic nights at midnight, blossom hair. In front and behind you put the mirrors so that they are reflected, spread the candles on the sides. Then it remains only for a long time peering in the mirror facing you. In theory, there you will see your future groom, but the mirror must immediately close something or lower it down until your squeezed you, not turned around. If you see - do not wait for the mug, because the mirrors are a passage to the other world ... And you never know what can happen there. It is said that the image of the narrowed adopts the devil himself.

Not difficult and not scary

Fortune telling on fate

As always, it happens at midnight ... you will need only 3 things: a glass with water, a squirrel raw egg And whose wedding ring. In a glass (or in a transparent cup), we pour the protein from the egg with water, then throw the finish there. And we leave everything until next morning. Waking up, begin to peering into the shapes that turned out in the water. Here, besides your imagination, no one will help. They say some see, for example, the dome of the church is to marriage. Well, what will you see - that is your fate.

Simply nowhere

This is a fortune telling on the groom

All you need is matches and a glass with water. Before bedtime, we put a well before bedtime, we put a filled glass nearby. Then we go to bed, and before bedtime we say: "Daughty-dressed, come from the well from the well." And now you can with a sense of accomplishment to go to bed. The one who will dream is the future groom.

A little mysticism

Fortune telling on fate

Such divination will take part of your time. We take the sheet of newspaper, well by him, so that it becomes soft. We turn the larger ceramic plate to the bottom up, put on it the newspaper and set on fire. By this time, you already have a burning candle behind your back and the reflection of it should fall on the wall, on which you, like on the screen, will consider patterns from the smoldering newspaper. Actually here, as in the case of protein, your assistant is imagination.

And finally

Fortune telling at wish

You write 20 of your desires on 20 pieces of paper. Put them on the night under the pillow. In the morning, pull out the 3 - those you pulled out, should be done.

Before you start the fortune telling, dismiss the hair, unleash all the nodes on the clothes, remove the chain, beads, bracelets, rings and tune in to a serious way. During divination, it is impossible to use alcohol, smoking, interrupt the session, cross the hands or legs - it can distort the prediction.

After the ritual, it is necessary to be cleaned, wash off sin (divination is considered unclean) - to plunge into the hole, go to the bath, take a shower. At a minimum, it is worth a brief cycle of cleansing - thoroughly wash your hands with soap under cold running water.

Take two needles different size: The one that is more, will symbolize the man who you are guessing, smaller to personify you. Lubricate both needles with fat (for example, the fat or butter is suitable) and place them in a shallow watercond.

If the needles connected - you are waiting strong Soyuz. If they died in water in different directions - separation, deterioration of relationships. If the needle "he" drowned - your connection will be interrupted on the initiative of the man. If I drowned the needle "She" - during the year your relationship will go away into the background.

The fortune telling is held on the street. Think about one thing - the only desire, blinding the strong snowball and get it out of all your strength ahead. Start to go to him with right leg, considering the steps.

If up to 20 steps to the snow - the desire is not fulfilled;

from 20 to 25 - will be fulfilled, but not very soon;

more 25 - will be in a fairly time.

Fulfillment of desires

Write a desire on paper (clearly formulating and negotiating items). Find the crossroads of the two roads, become closer to midnight in the center of it (ideally - at midnight) and entertain ashes from the burned pre-paper with a written desire.

It is necessary to perform a ritual from January 6 to January 19 (best on the night for Christmas or on the night of baptism, that is, from 6 to 7 January or from the 18th to 19th). Also to fulfill this rite is suitable for your birthday.

If the desire is melted from the pure heart and to help with something - it will be fulfilled.

On the playing bones, they are not guessing on Friday and Sunday - these days the bones can deceive.

For fortune telling you will need two playing cubes. On a flat solid surface, we throw both cubes immediately and wait for the duplication.

Double means the following:

Two units are serious obstacles in affairs;

Two twos - possible quarrel with a loved one;

Two Troops - Trips;

Two four - luck in affairs;

Two fives - wealth;

Two six - love.

Bones can only throw six times! If the double did not fall, it means that fate does not allow to read the future.

For this fortune telling you will need 23 beans. Put them all in front of yourself on the table and, not counting, divide into 3 parts. The first part (I consider left to right) will be responsible for health, the second - for work or study, the third is for love. Calculate the number of beans in each hill. An even number is well-being in the area that this part takes place. Odd - problems are possible.

On dreams

1st option.

Before bedtime, hide a comb's comb cover under the pillow and tell me: "Betrothed,out, come and taking me ". Or: "Come, come, taking, whenchechi. Look me, show yourself ". Who will dream - he and narrowed.

2nd option.

Put 2 table appliances on the table, go to bed, say: "Daughty my, ridden, cometo me dinner ". Who will see in a dream - he will be your destiny.

3rd option.

On the night of Thursday, on Friday, falling asleep, say: "Thursday with the Wednesday, Tuesday with Monday, Sunday with Saturday. Fridayone and me, young one. I'm lying on sionan mountains, three angels in the heads:one sees, another will say, the thirdfate will indicate ". Or: "From Thursday tofriday I lie to Matitsa. Mati.ka, turn over who will love, thatdream ". In a dream it will come narrowed.

4th option.

Bake the cake from salt, water and flour. Eat one half yourself, and the second hide under the pillow - the abusive will certainly come to eat the remaining piece.

5th option.

On the night from Monday to Tuesday, put a fir branch under the pillow and tell me: "I go to bed on Monday, I put under the headyelannik, dream of me who thinks about me ". Dreamed narrowed.

You need three coins of different nominal and size (small, medium and large) - all yellow color. White sheet of paper cut into three equal parts. Each wish (one thing! Just repeat three times). Call each coin in a piece of paper, you will have three "secrets", and put on the night under the pillow.

In the morning left hand, pull out one of the "secrets". If a small coin came across - the desire will not come true. The average will come true, but not very soon. Big - will come true in the very near future.