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When you guess the shiny. The best codic fortune telling: on the narrowed, on marriage, for wealth. People's Holiday Sky - Duration

The time after the first star for Christmas (the festival of the strides) is going to the baptism of the Slavic-pagans over the centuries was the time of the soda fortunes. How many exciting and memorable moments happened with our ancestors during this period! Someone recognized the name of the narrowed, someone made to get wealth, and otherwise waiting for the prophecies regarding all of their destinies.

The tradition of guessing on the shield did not die today and today, although it is officially prohibited by Christianity as well as most of other religions.

Do you believe in bachers' fortune tells? For example, in what you can see your future in a bowl with water or in a dream?

The girl has long been in Russia, the girls wondered in the so-called in night and almost all of their questions were associated with marriage ...

Usually those who sincerely believed in the soda fortune telling, "invited", as they said then, came true. Generally B. epiphany fortune telling Everything is very relatively relative to and requires a living imagination, without it almost anywhere it is impossible to see the bizarre images and symbols.

So, 6 of the most proven ghosts on the holies, told by our grandmothers.

It's simple

Fortune telling for the future, to a new meeting

All you need is an ordinary boot, which will need to roll through the fence. They attach and see who the first will go: a woman - to a friend, and if a man is, then go to watch, where to turn the sock of the boot - from the other side and wait for the groom. After all this, you, of course, can pick up your boots home, he will come in handy.

Not for the faint of heart

Fortune telling on the narrowed

This burner on the future spouse is perhaps rightfully can be called the most terrible. You will need 2 mirrors, 2 candles and considerable exposure. In one of the sinic nights at midnight, blossom hair. In front and behind you put the mirrors so that they are reflected, spread the candles on the sides. Then it remains only for a long time peering in the mirror facing you. In theory, there you will see your future groom, but the mirror must immediately close something or lower it down until your squeezed you, not turned around. If you see - do not wait for the mug, because the mirrors are a passage to the other world ... And you never know what can happen there. It is said that the image of the narrowed adopts the devil himself.

Not difficult and not scary

Fortune telling on fate

As always, it happens at midnight ... you will need only 3 things: a glass with water, a squirrel raw egg and someone else wedding ring. In a glass (or in a transparent cup), we pour the protein from the egg with water, then throw the finish there. And we leave everything until next morning. Waking up, begin to peering into the shapes that turned out in the water. Here, besides your imagination, no one will help. They say some see, for example, the dome of the church is to marriage. Well, what will you see - that is your fate.

Simply nowhere

This is a fortune telling on the groom

All you need is matches and a glass with water. Before bedtime, we put a well before bedtime, we put a filled glass nearby. Then we go to bed, and before bedtime we say: "Daughty-dressed, come from the well from the well." And now you can with a sense of accomplishment to go to bed. The one who will dream is the future groom.

A little mysticism

Fortune telling on fate

Such divination will take part of your time. We take the sheet of newspaper, well by him, so that it becomes soft. We turn the larger ceramic plate to the bottom up, put on it the newspaper and set on fire. By this time, you already have a burning candle behind your back and the reflection of it should fall on the wall, on which you, like on the screen, will consider patterns from the smoldering newspaper. Actually here, as in the case of protein, your assistant is imagination.

And finally

Fortune telling at wish

You write 20 of your desires on 20 pieces of paper. Put them on the night under the pillow. In the morning, pull out the 3 - those you pulled out, should be done.

Divination on the shields will allow you to learn about your fate and about the number of the upcoming years of life. Also, the soda divisions may tell about the future husband and family life With him, which is especially interesting to young unmarried girls.

It often happens that modern young unmarried girl Do not know how to take yourself during the New Year and Christmas holidays.

Many sit down their precious time on a banal vacation with a TV and a computer.

Some make visitors to visit, various household and economic affairs and all sorts of pre-holiday bustle.

But in the traditions of our people there are more than fun and interesting options Sight pastime.

For example, fortune telling on the shield on the narrowed or guidance love Privorot At home.

People's Holiday Sky - Duration

The shock is one of the most important periods of the year. This is the time between the two key holidays of Christianity - the birth and baptism of Christ the Savior. Total shints take twelve days, starting with a collage (in slavic tradition) or Merry Christmas seventh day of the first month of the year and ending in itself the feast of baptism, celebrated by the nineteenth of January.

In church tradition, this time is considered sacred and benevolent, ideal for committing communion, confession, reading prayers and thanksgiving God. On the other hand, it is believed that during this period the line between the worlds is significantly weakened, so the person becomes available from the other universes.

That is why it is best to guess in the sofa days - there is a high probability to get the most reliable information about those things that in normal time Man closed.

The Orthodox Church does not welcome any gadaval practitioners, and fortune-telling for the shints and especially considers sinful. After all, a person should initially submore the will of God, trusting him in everything, including in the choice of his companion of life. And to resort to the help of unclean to find out what the person is waiting in the near future, and at all for orthodox Christian Salted.

Rules of codic fortunes

In the Slavic tradition, their beliefs have developed about how to circumvent these conventions.

For example, the fortune telling to come true and as small as possible a man stained, you need not to forget to do the following:

  • read by heart of prayers in front of the rite to clean up before, as well as after the rite to remove the sin;
  • be sure to remove the belt, decoration and especially native Crosses;
  • it is better to carry out a ritual in a place deaf and non-residential; Previously, the baths or old huts were elected for this, where there were no icons, in modern conditions, bathrooms, a garage or any technical premises are suitable;
  • it should be seized only in the dark day when the sun is beyond the horizon;
  • during divination, it should be remembered that everything in the hands of God is not particularly worried about unsuccessful ghosts or bad foresight;
  • it is advisable not to guess alone, but to do this together: fortune telling alone not only fear of superfluous, but also open the soul of a man with unclean strength;
  • it is necessary to guess a strictly defined group of people, for example, if the girls gathered to gather, then the guys do not let themselves, and the number of girls must be odd;
  • in no case do not throw a foot on the leg during the divination, so as not to interfere with the fate to come on those ritual things that are used in the rite;
  • upon completion of the ritual, go to the church, confess, put candles for their loved ones, ask God for forgiveness.

Standard fortune telling on the shields on its narrowed differ in its simplicity and tradition.

Who did not hear about the famous kidania of a bootball or eavesmind from the church? And the rites at the Sleep of the coming, which implies the placement under the pillow of a particular subject, with which the disgraced access to the dream of a girl who made a ritual, and became a classic at all. Many of these practices were still described in the great (Pushkin, Gogol and others), who were not alien folk traditions Slavs.

Today, fortune telling is acquired by a new sound. The era of computerization makes its own adjustments both to the relationship of people and in the particular human connection with the otherworldly world.

Now, for example, it is not necessary to guess the Psaltry - you can use any book, even modern authorship instead. A mysterious and mystical divination with a mirror corridor has already managed to turn into no less strange fortune telling with a computer monitor.

Do these methods work in reality or are just a good imitation of real gadas? Probably, it all depends on the human faith, however, experts recommend still not to retreat from Dedov traditions, reproducing old rituals in all subtleties and details, as they are described initially. We give some of these asshast techniques.

Methods of fortune telling in the name of the narrowed

Fortune telling with a mirror

The best fortune-telling on the shields on the narrowed - those that are made with mirrors. But, if the courage to close one in the bath or abandoned hollow alone with a mirror corridor lacks, one option remains - to make it a simple and very effective divination:

  • In advance, you need to pick up the average mirror (preferably in the girth of the hands), as well as 2 branches of ate (but any evergreen tree is suitable).
  • You need to start the fortune telling at midnight. For this, the mirror is written by the name of the person who likes, the mirror is placed under the bed.
  • Around mirror surface The branches of the Christmas tree are stacked.
  • In the morning, preferably not rising from bed, you should remove the ritual object from under the bed and look at it.
  • If the inscription on a mirror stroy will be visible, therefore, in the near future you are waiting for you serious relationship With this man, marriage. But if the name does not seem to be - it means that it is not destiny.

In rare cases, there are certain signs that written on the mirror. Those or other signs appear, the most dangerous of them - a cross, denoting a heavy blow, a disease or loss of what they wrote about.

With the help of some rituals, it is possible to find out not only the name of the future husband, appointed by the girl of her fate, but also a year or even a specific date of marriage with him. For the sinic divination on the narrowed rummy it is proposed to do the following:

Type in big pelvis clean water (Ideally - not from the crane, but from the key or river) to the edges. Prepare a large number of Separate sheets of paper with names written on them and separately - over the years or dates of the alleged marriage (in the form of "in a year", "in two years", etc.). At the same time, it is important to twist each piece of paper into a neat tube so that it does not delete themselves, but dreamed in a twisted state.

The more dates and name options will be depicted on paper - the higher the probability that the fortune telling will show the truth, therefore it is not worth lazy when writing these data.

When the candlelight, as soon as the clock is trying at midnight, throw in a tank with water prepared on paper the names and dates. Now you need to closely monitor what is happening on the surface of the water. Water as a universal conductor of the true energies of the world will tell the truth about the future by pushing truthful options to the surface.

  • What a paper first will open with the name - so the narrowed call will be.
  • What the first paper with the date will open - then for him and married to go.

Currently, however, this fortune-telling should be decrypted much more wider, commemorating the several first expanded names and dates, which is associated with a large prevalence in the society of divorces and repeated marriages.

Another option of fortune telling on the shields in the name of the narrowed is carried out with one of the close relatives.

It may be mother, aunt, sister, cousin or girlfriend of a gadget girl. The main condition of this ritual - the gadgetary person itself should not be present when it. And this is done like this:

the main thing actor - A gadget girl - lead to another hut (better - unfamiliar) or at least one room, after which they put sleep.

On the occurrence of midnight her girlfriend or relative takes the padlock And it closes them some kind of clothing of that girl, which nights in another house.

The key from the cherished castle, a woman should put in the head of his bed, saying at the same time:

"Daughty-dressed, come to save your bride, to spy the key, cut out of the trouble!".

Then the fortune telling also stacked overnight, trying not to move the key from its original place. The groom her girlfriends should come to her at night for the key to rescue her love.
In the morning, the castle is disclosed, the girl is returned to the father's house and tell her the dream of a dream about her friend or relative.

And on the shints you can not just guess the groom, but also to try the one who has already liked.

However, it is better to make sure that the elected person is designed for fate, checking it on other asshastable methods. Only after such a check can be proceeding directly to a fortuneful-to-saying ritual.

You need to take an apple of red and cut the heart-triangle heart shape. Then on a very small piece of paper Write the name of your loved one and put in an apple instead of the core. From above, a paper insert is covered with a cut heart.

After that, the resulting composition should be set up somewhere away from the afforest eye, in a dry and dark place for three days. After these three days, check what happened to the fruit.

  • If the apple began to dry, then the beloved will pay attention to you and will also love.
  • If the apple starts to rot - it means that it is not a fate to be with him and it is better to immediately disappear, retreating from attempts to charm.

From the Christmas Christmas Eve on January 6 and before Baptism, on January 19, from ancient times, it was customary to guess.

From the Christmas Christmas Eve on January 6 and before Baptism, on January 19, from ancient times, it was customary to guess. They were mainly engaged in this unmarried girl, trying to find out the date of the wedding or the name of the future groom. Also popular were the inquiry divisions for the fulfillment of desire, wealth, fate, writes

Many practiced fortune-telling on the shields and Christmas for our day. Here are a few best ways.

Fortune telling at the crossroads

Exactly at midnight come to the intersection to "listen to the district." Cheerful laughter or singing non-coming means a rapid marriage, fun. If there is a crying or in order - this year weddings will not be.

Fortune telling on a sapper

Find out which side the narrowed live, you can with the help of boots. Each participant of divination closes his eyes, spins in place, then dramatically stops and throws his boot over his shoulder. In which direction, that will fly and sock will indicate, on the side and fate awaits.

Fortune telling

An unmarried girl needs to go at midnight to the street and ask the name from the first counter-male.

Fortune telling on the mirror and moon

In one of the sinic nights, when the moon is visible to the sky, take a small mirror, go to the window and direct the mirror so that it is reflected in it. Watch intently - after a while instead of one month you will see a few. Calculate how many months you encouraged - so big and there will be her family.

Fortune telling with three mirrors

For this divination, three mirrors will be required about the same size and two high candles. Begin such fortune-ups at midnight, threading yourself with a magical circle - a sign of protection (drawn and chalk, and a burning lady, and a candle).

Two mirrors put one opposite the other on the sides from ourselves, burn the candles in front of them, and install the third. You must see in the side mirrors reflected from the third mirror, from where it should appear from the castorcall behind you.

In no case can not be turned around, as well as too long to consider the figure in the mirror. If the vision is frightening, tell me three times: "Chur me!" - And stop the fortune telling, extinguishing the candle.

Fortune telling with a candle

It is better to spend the fortune telling alone so that no one knocked down from thoughts. You need to take a bowl with water, light the usual candle, and on its flame to melt some wax in a metal spoon. After that, the wax should pour molten wax into the water and look carefully on the resulting figure.

Kitchen fortune telling

You need to rotate the usual kitchen knife On ordinary cutting board. The knife is put in the center of the board. At the edges of the board lay down the papers on which possible answers are written: "Yes" and "No".

need to suffer;

fear false friends;

ahead of good news;

long-awaited letter;

success in affairs;

an unexpected guest;

tears will replace joy;

carry out from afar;

new fan;

unexpected meeting;

an important letter.

It is necessary to focus on the question, and then turn the knife. This makes three times, getting three answers. Among them (not necessarily first) will be the answer to the question, while others will be additional messages associated or not related to the original issue.

Fortune telling on matches

On the sides match box Insert two matches and burn. If the burnt heads turned to each other, then the "mounted" guy and the girl will be together.

Fortune telling on the threads

Cut the threads of the same length and burn them. Who has a faster thread, the first one will be married. If less than half of the thread or the thread went immediately, then this year you will not marry.

Fortune telling for wealth

Grilled Lucin quickly immerse in water. If it goes immediately, it means that poor life is expected, and if the fire goes above - rich.

Fortune telling with a cat

Clean the desire and test the cat. If she crosses the threshold of the room with the left paw, it means that the desire will come true. If right - no.

Tsarsky Son.

Put the four kings under the pillow of the kings from the card deck and say the spell request: "Who is my narrowed, who is my muddy, he dream in a dream!" The narrowed-rude must necessarily dream - in the image of the king - with the crown on the head and in the royal mantle.

Saty fortune telling With maps to desire

Peretasite card deck, pull six cards out of pack, open them and make a desire to any card that is not in these six. The remaining thirty cards are drag and lay the stacks of two, three, four, five and six cards. If the migrant card is in any stack, which means:

2 - the desire will not come true;
3 - hardly;
4 - will meet serious obstacles;
5 - may come true;
6 - will come true.

If the cherished card still did not fall out, these stacks (two, three, four, five and six cards) need to be removed, and at the beginning of the open six cards to mix with the remaining ten cards and spread on one card, saying: "Wait-terpi" , "Likui", "Skeil", "Mahni hand." In which words the migrant card falls out, they will answer whether your desire will come true.

Saty fortune telling with maps on fate

Take a deck of thirty-six cards, drag and remove the "cap". Choose a king or a lady (depending on the floor of those who you wonder) any suit and without removing cards from the deck, spread in four rows of nine cards. Those cards that will be about the conceived king or lady will tell about your fate.

Chirva: loyalty, friendship, love, honor, truth, virtue.
Bubnes: wealth; Promotional, secured and cheerful life.
Trephs: trouble, scandalous incident, boredom, loss, dishonor, illness, infidelity.
Peaks: Good luck in any undertaking and success in society.

The value of cards

Ace is a love letter.
The king is a passionate man.
Lady - Bride.
Valts is a pleasant guest.
Dozen - news of love.
Nine - Love explanation.
Seven - fun.
Six - cheerful road.

Ace - letter.
King is a young man, bridegroom, unhappy lover.
Lady - young girl, windy woman.
Curlee - Cash troubles.
Ten - gift.
Nine - obstacle.
Eight - hatred.
Seven - infidelity.
Six - cheerful road.

The tradition of guessing the shiny is the most ancient and most likely will live for a long time and long. For, in addition to the natural desire, to know what is hidden, the sacrament of the sinic fortunes is very spectacular and exciting, and sometimes frightening and frightening. The shints last in the period from 7 to 19 January. So if you did not have time to go out on Christmas night when magic sessions have the greatest strengthYou will have at your disposal for almost two weeks when you can spend sachas.

Divination for the shints are very popular among young girls and family parks. Late in the evening or early at night, the girls gather together to find out the name of the future groom or the date of their wedding, and family ladies are guessing about wealth in the house.

During the session, everyone had to stick certain rules and conditions.

1. You can not cross your arms and legs. One explanation for this is that it can be how to confuse those things with which you measure the rite

2. Be sure to remove all rings and other items that are tied or squeezed some limbs. It can be straps or bracelets. In some cases, hair bloom or even remove shoes and clothing.

3. In the room it is impossible to noise, there must be complete silence. Eliminates all other lighting, except for candles.

4. During the soda gadas, the girl should not be protected by his religion. Therefore, they definitely remove the native crosses and remove the icon from the room.

Special attention was paid to choosing a place that had to be considered "unclean". One of best places Ban was considered. After all, it was here that the legends lived perfumes, different territies and other evil spirits. Very good for ghosts on the shields approached any abandoned an old house, basement or attic. Especially courageous was dare to guess even in the cemetery, because the places at the junction of two worlds were considered valuable - border places. There may be thresholds, gates, corners in the house. But, perhaps, intersection was always considered one of the most sinister places. It is said that each of them belongs to some kind of demon, and in this place anyone will feel the presence dark forces. (When this offer was written for the site, in the corridor suddenly fell a cat tray, which stood sideways near the wall and dried ...)

1. At night, go to the crossroads and asking the question of my future groom, outlines around yourself. After that you should carefully listen to what is happening around. Merry talk, laughter, singing, any other positive emotions There will be a rapid marriage. Rugan, quarrel, crying will move away your marriage for a year.

2. In one of the evenings on skatnaya week Collecting funny company Of several people. On the table there are special items specially prepared for this: a coin, ring, needle, earring, handkerchief. You can show fantasy and add several other items. Then the man does not look low left On the table. it saty divination It is to understand the meaning of the thing to which the hand fell. For example, a coin - to wealth, a scarf - to the sorrows and problems, the key - new flat. Ring to the wedding. Girls can change a bit this fortune telling and find out the profession of their future groom. Coin - banker, passport - lawyer, driver's license - driver of minibus, flash drive - programmer, scissors - builder, spoon - cook. Here again everything solves fantasy.

3. For the next fortune telling on the shield, a cat or a cat will be required. Let the animal stand behind the threshold of the room. Make a desire and call the cat. If it crosses the threshold of the left paw - the desire will surely come true, and if the right - there will be obstacles that you will have to overcome.

4. This is a very famous fortune telling, which can be used on any day, not only on the spanime week. Take some book. Fight the page and the number of the line from above. It remains only to open a book and interpret read.

On the shield you can pay online, sitting at the computer. We are confident that we have on the site you will find a few cute your heart of fortunes. We hope you will benefit from us these holidays!

Sky - best time For gadas. According to folk beliefs, on the eve of the main Christian holidays (July 7 and 19) devilry Most active. Anyone who risks learn their fate during this period will receive a reliable answer. Guessing accepted and on the day of winter solstice (December 25), and in new Year's Eve (Dec. 31). These days you can find out what will happen next year.

Young girls prefer to burn on the shints. The most common issues are associated with the execution of desires and love Sphere. Unfortunately, many traditional methods Gadas cannot be held in urban conditions. After all, there are no baths, lunite and chicken coop. But there are also available progress techniques that give truthful and very accurate answers.

Card fortune telling on the narrowed

Maps have always been considered a special magic instrument. With the help of them, you can look into the future and find out the character of the narrowed. For burning, you need a non-chamber of 36 cards. From it you need to choose one card that will personify the gadget. Young girls take a lady tambourine, women 30-45 years old - lady worms. The rest of the "portraits" are cleaned.

Next comes the most responsible moment. Its gadgets well a deck, mentally asking how its chosen one will be. Then all the cards in turn are laid out in one line. The map, following the portrait of a gadget, characterizes the future groom:

  1. Bubnovaya suit (materialist, ambitious, quickly makes decisions):
    • 10 - Skupoy
    • 9 - Secured
    • 8 - direct and immediate
    • 7 - fussy and impulsive
  2. Trephal suit (solid man having a rank, civil servant, military):
    • 10 - Intellectual
    • 9 - calm and balanced
    • 8 - purposeful
    • 7 - suspicious and incredulous
  3. The worm suit (soul of the company, open, pleasant outwardly and in communication):
    • 10 - polite, possesses good manners
    • 9 - sociable, loving
    • 8 - proud
    • 7 - non-conflict, has a sense of humor
  4. Peak suit (secretive, conservative, has a certain impact on people and status in society):
    • 10 - Made, Egoist
    • 9 - malicious
    • 8 - ulcer, but at the same time intellectual
    • 7 - Calculating

If the card that personifies the girl will be at the very end, the fortune telling will have to repeat. But it is better to do it the next day.

Fortune telling on rings

This is a divination for the company of girls. In the deep cup, millet or rice pour and hide there a few rings. One must be simple (jewelry), second - silver, third - gold, fourth - with gemstone. Each girl in turn scores the handful of cereals and looks like her hand:

  • jewelry is a simple guy without outstanding abilities;
  • silver ring - a man with a middle sufficiency;
  • golden ring - Guy is rich family;
  • ring with precious stone - a notable and rich groom.
  • if only the cereals were in hand, the fortune telling predicts a holly life.

Fortune telling

Learn the name of the future groom wants many girls. Get the answer to this question can be several simple ways:

  1. On the big sheet Paper writes in a circle all the letters of the alphabet, except for "b" and "b". The center of the circle is put a knife to twist, while simultaneously setting his question. The blade of the knife will indicate the letter with which the name of the narrowed.
  2. On the night of January 6, January 7, a cruised paper is put under the pillow. At each of them, a male name should be written, one left empty. On the morning of January 7, immediately after waking, only one piece of paper is getting (without looking). The name written on it corresponds to the name of the groom. An empty piece of paper means that his name was not in the list.
  3. In a large bowl or pelvis, water is poured and put the container on smooth surface. At the edges of the dishes fasten the papers with male name. Then ignite the candle-tablet and put in the center of the pelvis. The candle should be saved to one of the paper (ideally set it up), which is associated with the name of the future chosen one. If the candle for a long time It remains in one place, this means that there will be no change in the personal life of gadgets in the next few years.

Fortune telling at the crossroads

The way for those who really want to see the face of the narrowed, but is afraid to guess on the mirrors. At midnight you need to go on a deserted intersection, outline around yourself the circle and light a small candle. Pronounce three times: "Daughty-rude, come to the house of me." Then the candle is extinguished and go home, without looking around and without anyone without talking along the way. Reducting the threshold of the house, look at himself in the mirror and immediately go to bed. In a dream, the image of the groom should come.

Divination by water

Another method that will help see the narrowed one. Walking remains in the room one and turns off the light. If very dark, you can light one candle. In the center of the room is a big bowl with icewater. Capacity should be monophonic without patterns and decorations. The girl bypasses it three times clockwise, three times watered with water and says: "My mood, my, squeezed, come to the bride with a booze." Then the gadget begins to look closely into the water, trying to see a selected image. If the image did not appear, the girl immediately goes to sleep. Most likely, the groom will appear in a dream.

Fortune telling on the stairs

At night, the girl goes into the entrance of her house and descends on the steps of one span, starting with the first, senoming: "Widower - Well done - Sagittarius - delets - poor - rich - old - married." What word will fall on the last step, such and the chosen one will be.