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What is waiting for women's weights in. Love and family. Love scope of weights per year of the rooster

In 2017, the stars do not recommend themselves to seriously change their lives and take decisive actions. Success will be involved in the event that they will quietly solve current issues, and not gather enough stars from the sky

The first half of 2017 will be extremely contradictory from the point of view of the horoscope. On the one hand, the energy and activity of the weights will provoke them to fundamental changes in their lives. On the other hand, such enthusiasm can lead to very annoying situations that should be avoided.

Stars recommend this sign of the zodiac at the beginning of the year of the rooster to apply their boiler energy in a peaceful direction, such as travel, creativity and arrangement of personal life, and from cardinal changes it is better to refrain better.

Since the end of the summer of 2017, life will present a lot of pleasant surprises. Even taking into account the factors that the sign of the zodiac and in the second half of the year are strongly not recommended steep turns in life, nevertheless they expect new emotions, events and impressions, as well as a significant number of new acquaintances, the acquisition of experience and active communication. Fascinating trips, interesting discoveries and new knowledge will not leave the weight weighs for boredom.

Love horoscope for 2017 year scales

2017 will bring the weights of unpredictability, variability and fascination of love emotions. However, the stars warn: despite the fact that the year of the rooster will provoke this zodiac sign on impulsive and emotional love deeds, it does not mean that the result will justify. In the first half of 2017, the probability that scales under the influence of an outbreak of emotions and a favorable moment are capable of committing an act, which will subsequently give them unpleasant experiences. Such a act may be treason, parting with a loved one, unfortunate jealousy, a sudden breathtaking passion or something like that. To avoid such situations, the horoscope recommends the weights to keep their emotions under control.

In the second half of 2017, a favorable time for the device of personal life will come for weights, as the scales will be able to calm their emotions, and life will provide them with many romantic dating and will open opportunities for flirting and communicating. Since the beginning of autumn and by the end of the year, single-weight lonely will be very high enough chances to meet their half.

Career 2017 Scales

In 2017, the grand targets and global weighing tasks are simply contraindicated. This period should be used with maximum benefit to consolidate the success already received, and not for career jerks ahead.

The first half of the year will serve this sign of the zodiac a serious inspection for patience, because their horoscope breaks contradictions - on the one hand, it is energy and initiative, the desire to move forward, and on the other - the unfavorable situation for any undertakings. The situation will become folded in such a way that almost any weight initiative will face a fierce opposition of colleagues up to obtaining negative results.

But the second half of 2017 will be much more favorable for weights. Them high level sociability will allow acquainted with profitable acquaintances and gain support for employees. The beginning of the autumn of the Peush - the time to revitalize the actions and unhurried promotion of personal ideas, and in December, in the presence of desire, the scales may seriously affect their own career or start implementing a new major project.

Finance per year Rooster Scales

With the onset of the year of the rooster, many representatives of the scales may fall in love, which will make these personalities somewhat insane, including money plan. For the sake of love, the scales can spend all the means they have, showing the whole latitude of their soul.

Travel, dear gifts, these people will not bother to a loved one. Meanwhile, the scales will include in the year of the rooster all we are secured, but also have a permanent stable incomeSo, maybe in any case cope with the lack of finance.

Health per year Rooster Scales

Born under the sign of scales people stands throughout the year to carefully monitor their own health and first of all avoid traumatic situations, because the health sector will have its own negative influence Military Mars. Care should also be shown in relation to teeth and oral cavity. There are concerns that many weights have gum disease, periodontitis and periodontal diseases that can deliver a lot of trouble with these personalities. There is also an eye to examine, because it is quite possible in some individuals of this sign of the zodiac elevated eye pressure.

Horoscope 2017 Male Scales

These men in 2017 will open the path to the hop, you only need to act, doing everything in order to achieve the desired one. If the scales fall in love with a non-free person, the marriage should not stop them, since happiness this person will be able to feel only in the fight against difficulties. It is quite possible a man of this sign of the zodiac to leave the stuffy city to the countryside, for which they think about buying country house Or cottages, which will be fulfilled before the end of the year.

Horoscope 2017 Woman Scales

The principal ladies of the scale will be very difficult to get along with the conditions of volatility of this year. Stars advise these women to become more flexible and soft, not to go on the principle and enter the position of other people. This will avoid many conflict Situation and save harmony in the soul of these women. By the way, since the beginning of the year, it will not be at all superfluous to visit the doctors and a complete examination of the internal organs in women of scales. It is likely that this will help to avoid complex diseases.

Horoscope for 2017 for zodiac-oriental signs:


Hardworking these people will not occupy, and the year of the rooster will open talents in the scales, which were taught in this man. It is they who will become public and will give such people fame and even financial well-being.

Sca Bull

Year 2017 should go under the flag of strengthening and expanding links. Such scales have every chance of finding new, reliable comrades and friends who will bring a lot of benefit in the future. The main thing is to be sincere and ready to help free.


For these scales, the year 2017 is the time to move away from business and think about your own life. With a solid approach, these people will be able to have a child, and even to be married to the church with their second half. But to leave the homeland this year the stars do not advise.


All the scales that were born in the year of the rabbit, since the beginning of the year it is worth thinking about the fight against harmful habits, to sit on a diet or play sports. The year of the rooster will give an excerpt and mental forces by these personalities.

Scales Dragon

Lonely scales in this period will definitely find their second half, and this should happen in the resort. In contrast, family representatives of this sign of the zodiac should try to preserve the relationship in the family and not divorce.


In total, the scales achieved in this difficult year they will be obliged to their persistence and their discontinuished talents. On the surrounding at this time, it is not worth to count on, even work better alone, so that nothing distracts from the intended purpose.

Horse scales

A difficult relationship with loved ones will make this person often get away from home and tear a connection with loved ones. However, in the second half of the year, the scales will understand that they have no more expensive and closer people, and therefore they will begin to do everything to return relations.


These personalities in 2017 it is important to learn how to bring any business to the end. Otherwise, no development and small victories of weights will also be any development can turn into huge losses. Especially important to strengthen love relationship And marriage bonds.

Monkey scales

There is a danger that these identities of the sign of the scales discredit themselves in the eyes of those surrounding in the spring when it turns out what non-departure way they earn their lives. It is important to keep your secrets and betray them publicly.


Incredible intuition, which will develop in these personalities, will allow the scales to make very profitable transactions, win in gambling, and also to be in opening time In the right place, which will help protect yourself from the vicissitudes of fate and be the first everywhere.


For the sake of their relatives and close scales should refuse promising proposals that will come with the arrival of summer. Of course, choosing the prospect of development, these people will solve their financial problems, but they will not bring them happiness.


People sign the scales that were born in the year of the pig, it is worth more responsible to approach their own nutrition, since in the spring these individuals can get strong poisoning, and in the fall in pigs the gastric and intestines and intestines are exacerbated.

2017 For each of the scales, the scales will turn out to be productive and will require you frequent reflections. At the beginning of the year will have to look a few steps forward, designate priority goals, consider the strategy taken from personal experience And try not to retreat from the planned plan. This year will become a great period when the weights will be able to solve all the long-standing questions and problems easily and easily.

At the beginning of the year you will increase the ability to analyze and synthesize the information that you will be pleasantly surprised. Probably, on your way, "bringing from the past" - errors or missions performed earlier will require immediate resolution and elimination.

Horoscope for 2017 year for weights Promises that the signs of the sign will be forced to face a huge number of obstacles and trouble, for the neutralization of which will have to make maximum effort and restraint. Therefore, it is possible to immediately stock up the energy as spiritual and physical, because it will be needed to take and overcome such "gifts of fate."

In general, the stars advise not too trust 2017 and hope for a series of pleasant events - the rooster will be a stingy for various cute moments and surprises. However, the period under review will be the perfect point to resolve their internal conflicts And, most likely, it is at this time that you will achieve the strongest spiritual harmony.

You consider "from and to" each alarming detail, decompose everything around the shelves that you have worried about so long. If the scales allocate a little time for themselves, as they should think, they will see that the world is not so bad, and even trouble will begin to perceive with the concept and humility. The main key to success in 2017 will be concentration and constant reflections on various topics.

I would like to note that during this period, the scales will have an extremely powerful intuition. It is thanks to the inner voice that you will be able to solve a lot of torrential questions. This aggravated seventh feeling will help not only the weights, but also to those surrounding people, as they will really start to distribute the Solving Tips.

However, to encourage its point of view to anyone - the desired result will not still be. In 2017, it should be especially attentive - fate will constantly send you different signs that preferably notice in time.

Remember everything you have dreamed, try to follow all the signs (if you believe in them, of course). Each item, each event that happens around you will have a special symbolic value. You will have to think a little and see the "secret bottom" of such signs.

Pay attention to the warnings that you will send people not from the close circle. Perhaps some unpleasant situation that happened, for example, with a colleague, will make you think about the correctness of actions and words.

2017 may become a period when scales can harm health or get injured. Therefore, if you have a repairs in the apartment, try to comply with all the necessary precautions. This also applies to other construction workYou have planned next year. In particular, avoid stairs - use stews extremely carefully. If it is possible to give up work at height in general.

2017 For representatives of the Sign Sign is the year preceding birth. Many ancient astrologers have repeatedly talked about the importance of such periods. They argued that at this time should not be scattered on trifles and try to achieve some peaks there.

Nothing good from such a bold approach will be released, on the contrary, many new troubles and problems may appear. It is not worth starting new things in 2017, because they will be doomed to failure. SAMI best model Conduct for weights in the year of the fiery rooster - expectant and accumulative.

Increase your energy, copy strength for future accomplishments. Finish all the cases started and thinking every step to continue to return to these issues. In general, try to think more - your thoughts will be very productive. It is worth notifying that at the beginning of the year the weights are possible outbreaks of non-motivated apathy and melancholy.

Do not let such feelings take over you. In addition, the weights will abound forces to cope with such unpleasant attacks personally, without resorting to assistance. If the unexpected opportunity goes on vacation, do not miss such a chance - during the trip you will be able to relax and get together with thoughts.

Suddenly the journey in the near future you cannot afford, at least to dedicate yourself one free evening when you do everything that is pleased.


Professional sphere in the approaching year will be very ambiguous. Probably, you will be tightened to constant gossip and intrigue, which will begin to weave colleagues. This state of affairs can derive. The scales will be forced to enter into an involuntary conflict with someone from the colleagues, thereby will be departed from the working regime for a while.

The best way is not to succumb to the evil trigests, according to, is the rejection of others and concentrate on their professional duties. The smaller you follow everything that happens in the office, the smaller all this will affect you. Try to go to work with your head, and then no conflicts will be able to distract you. Such hard work and respectableness will definitely notice the authorities and will note for himself that you are a valuable and balanced employee.

If you want to see from performing any orders, know, it will not pass without a trace. Colleagues must be learned about this, they will begin to seek, which is even worse, will bring the leader. And this is already fraught with the worst consequences, such as a fine or reprimand.

The weights that hope for an increase should be especially followed by their actions, because mistakes perfect in 2017 may affect the decision of the authorities and it will change his mind to give you a chance to advance up the career ladder.

Therefore, behave most carefully and work in full strengthto achieve maximum effect. Stars consider dangers in a quarry waiting for weights in the middle of the year. In this period, they will be most subject to various bad effects that their working melt will shake and reduce productivity.

Everything else, there is a chance that the scales will no longer cease to perceive the real state of affairs and soberly assess the situation. You will be able to exit such a position only after a few days, so try to reduce business and mental activity in this unfavorable period to avoid such troubles.


Cash waste does not promise to be quite active in 2017. Although you will not save. It is best to plan your purchases in advance and try to avoid serious spending. Probably, at the beginning of the year you want to spend your savings on a ticket to hot countries - do not deny yourself in this desire, because in 2017 the rest you will need as a sip of fresh air.

The means that will be spent on relaxation and solitude are compensated in a double size - rested and full energies, you connect to work with enhanced enthusiasm, and this is a straight line to receive additional financial profit.

In addition, the trip and moderate entertainment will not only improve your mood, but also help to establish communication with colleagues, close and relatives. You will not believe, but then the moral pleasure that you get from all this will be incredibly valuable. It is worth noting that all financial undertakings will be incredibly successful in 2017.

Moreover, the main source of income will not be the main work, but additional - you can earn a large amount of money on one-time part-time jobs or by providing any services.

Do not forget that your concentration and efficiency will be the main key to success.

Love Horoscope Scales for 2017

Try to be consistent and constant in love affairs. It is not necessary to rush sharply in various kinds of adventures - strengthen the already established relationships to feel all charming family life.

2017 will become a suitable period when the weights will be able to establish a strong connection with its second half and rehabilitate in her eyes, it is honestly to say, it has long been disappointed in you. Try to become near man Reliable support so that he can count on you at any moment. Such efforts will not pass without a trace and beloved / beloved will certainly reward you with love and other cute hearts with gifts.

The period under review is perfect for joint trips to the amusement park, bowling, karaoke or any other institution. Do not save your partner at the desires, especially during such travel. This will allow you to "climb" in his eyes and understand that the choice in your side was not random.

Try in time to fulfill the promises that you have given loved ones or native, because ignoring your direct duties can lead to a new twist of scandals and offended. Family weights It is necessary to take care of leisure of their children, their development and upbringing.


Only privacy and relaxation will allow the scales to be in the ranks throughout the year. It is especially helping to cleanse the soul yoga, so astrologists advise to master this pleasant occupation. If you suffer from some chronic disease, it is best to seek help to traditional medicine, although vintage recipes Grandmothers will also help to cope with the ailment. But it is not necessary to get involved in such methods, it is best to see the doctor in time.

Try to abuse alcohol less, to avoid not only a hangover syndrome, but also other more dangerous consequences.

Video horoscope

For weights, the year will begin not very well: the troubles will be both at work and at home. Try not to panic, but to solve emerging problems in turn and effective way. Horoscope for the sign of the zodiac Scales promises improving the situation only by the end of the year, but throughout the period you are waiting for not only unpleasant events, but also the lot of pleasures and surprises.

Horoscope for scales for 2017

Stars do not advise you to take active actions this year. This time is given to you to rethink and analyze your life. In the previous year, you have done a lot of things to do and achieve, and now you need to consolidate success and keep it, so that under your feet there was a solid soil. After all, you have big plans for your future. And for weights gives you a time to prepare for future changes.

In terms of finance, the year promises to be successful: you are waiting for premiums and boosts to the salary, provided you try to do this, of course. But in the affairs of love you need to be careful: to find someone new you can hardly succeed, so try to keep someone next to you. This man is already enough survived next to you, appreciate his support.

You will be treated for help and advice - do not refuse, because once the help will be needed. However, if you are attentive to the surrounding, then notice themselves who truly need your friendly shoulder.

Autumn is a very studyable period for you: adhere to the rules of the road, safety and all cautions that you know. Otherwise, you risk becoming a victim of an accident or get a serious injury. In the fall, it should also be especially closely related to the fact that and who you say: conflicts started during this period will be protracted.

Horoscope Scales: for men

The year of the rooster is definitely the year of your career success. You practically take off the stairs up. But this requires not just to sit in place, but to do your job diligently and very carefully. And then your work will be rewarded according to merit. Suggest new bold ideas and solutions, in every way "glow" before the authorities, so that when it comes to raise, they have already been ready for your candidacy.

In the affairs of loves, beware of sharp words and expressions. Rounded in a quarrel Word washes to put a cross on perennial relations. If you are married, try to pay your spouse time enough time. In the absence, you do not have a permanent partner, think about the reason. In any case, with your head to go to work, forgetting about personal life, it is not worth it. Even if there is much greater success on the field.

Summer vacation Spend with benefits: No beaches and sleepy sanatoriums, only active rest! Go to the bus tour, on excursions, in museums, learn traditions, tongue, talk to the local, join the culture. So you will hurt spiritually and you will be able to captivate your colleagues with new interesting stories. In general, the horoscope for men is quite favorable, but much depends on how you can control your emotions. It is no secret that the scales are one of the signs that easily and quickly succumbes to someone else's influence, do not become a weapon in other people's hands.

Horoscope Scales: for women

Women fiery rooster promises homemade troubles. You will be fully absorbed in the solution of issues related to your relatives, children and parents. In the first place, of course, there will be your spouse. Relations with him can exacerbate at the beginning of the year. This situation will last until spring when you can translate the Spirit, stop and think about how to be further.

At work, the horoscope recommends that you be as quieter. Do not get involved in the distinction between colleagues, and do not become any side. But the bosses notify about the division on the camps should not be. This will spoil your reputation and nerves. Why do you need this? But still try to be aware of the sorrowing intrigues, so that the lackerel does not become their center or the "scapegoat".

Take care of leisure your children: make a joint hobby or get involved in some new unusual occupation. Otherwise, in the fall, there are no problems with their behavior. Also a horoscope for women calls this year favorable to make a child. And if you already have, you can safely plan the second pregnancy - the spouse will support you.

Financial Horoscope for Scales for 2017

In the year of the rooster, all signs are subject to rapid waste and therefore often lose their accumulations. You will be able to avoid large spending. But the log of expenses and profit does not prevent. Try to leave small amounts from salary and other types of earnings for an unforeseen case.

Stars do not recommend starting a new business in 2017. Instead, you can pay more attention to its planning and design. The more risks you take into account, the more chances that your project will be interested in a major investor. Therefore, do not be afraid to dream.

Your career will rapidly develop this year. At least so affect the horoscope for 2017. Just remember that not everything can be obtained immediately. Your work will be appreciated only in the fall, but then you will be able to get an increase in the salary and head of the head. In any case, do not relax within the course of the whole year, because when the harvest time comes, it will depend not only from seed seeds, but also from the efforts that you have attached to their cultivation.

Financial horoscope for men for 2017

Men year promises to be profitable and very successful. You will shine at meetings, surprising partners with their eloquence and the ability to convince. But entering into transactions only focus on bare facts and numbers - no intuition or recommendations from acquaintances. Otherwise risks to burn.

The key to your success will be in the ability to analyze the situation and make the right conclusion. You will have a lot of enviousness, so try not to give them an extra reason for gloating. It is also worth fear of deception and stands from a long-time partner. Look at the surrounding.

At work, you will have a slightly stretched relationship with colleagues because of your desire to express yourself before manual. What to do in this case? Do not turn off the planned path, but less boasted with its success. Let your plan be recorded in the diary, and not hang a poster over the table.

Remember money: reasonable spending on entertainment will not harm. Maybe you will not buy a pocket new car This year, but a couple of tickets for a major match of the favorite team - quite.

Financial horoscope for women

In terms of finance, women should not worry hard. You are not waiting for large spending or losses this year, since you will not be affected by the rooster and will not make impulsive purchases. But it will not hurt a little economy, because in the summer you will want to refresh your wardrobe and at the same time.

Boldly waste money for all sorts of procedures: massage, spa, mud and wrapping, - all this will make rid of nervous tensionwhich will be almost all year at work. Cook a few trendy accessories, bag or new shoes, but from the purchase of expensive jewelry it is better to refrain. The risk of the loss of jewelry is great.

At work, you should adhere to neutrality and with a special care to perform your official duties. While your colleagues will discuss and condemn the authorities, try to stay aside and deal with your business. This will be appreciated by the guide to dignity. But you should not expect too soon results - no earlier than the fall at least.

Love Horoscope for Scales for 2017

This year is not suitable for risky adventure and intrigue, focus on long-proven links. According to the horoscope for 2017 for the sign of the zodiac scales you should be careful not only in the choice of people, but also words. Random word and negligent reproach can cause a serious scandal.

A married stars strongly advise you to give more time to your spouse, make romance to the relationship, get out somewhere together to be visited only together, otherwise the marriage will give a crack. In general, the 2017 year of the intense relationships of the scales with their loved ones, so you need to try to really try not to aggravate the situation.

But idle need to think about the cause of your loneliness and try to change your lifestyle and thinking. Perhaps you do not look there or just do not notice the happiness that is already near you.

  • Love horoscope for men advises to focus on his partner and her desires. Of course, you do not have to turn into Gin, but it does not hurt her to try. Make her a pleasant surprise or gift, spend holidays together or go for a long walk. Your efforts will be noticed and rated, do not even doubt. In the past, your relationship has already gave a crack, so now you need to not burn your guilt, but re-conquer your chosen one. One day you succeeded, so the path to her heart is familiar to you - just do not stop.

If you do not have a permanent pair or only sex connects you, think do you need such relationships, perhaps, they have long become a burden for you and is it time to think about something more constant? Stars prophesy return from the past: some kind of sausage can return to your life. Perhaps this is your second chance for happiness with her.

  • Love horoscope for women It will prophes a successful and strong marriage if they will try enough for this. Your man will often be offended by you, if instead of spending time with him, you will run away at meetings with girlfriends. Remember that even though he is a representative of a strong half of humanity, the initiative must come from you. At least for a while. Otherwise, he will feel abandoned. Let him give him the opportunity to show myself: call to the movies and to visit, and it will run to you with gifts and flowers, and gratitude in the eyes.

Unmarried Women Sigh Sighs advise to try happiness abroad. Perhaps your narrowed is waiting for you at a resort or in the subway of some other city. Show a little initiative: Meet the network, contact the Agency, go on vacation abroad. But be careful, excessive gullibility can make you easy prey of scammers.

Children's horoscope for weights for 2017

Little scales will approach everything very thoroughly, seeking to understand the essence of things, so expect a flurry of questions and reflections on a free topic. Your child will write scientific work And no less.

Most questions will be asked for quite a reached, so basking with patience and answers to all questions, even the most stupid. Do not disappear from the baby by reference to the encyclopedia or the Internet, it will be much more useful to communicate with him personally: it will strengthen your connection and will enable the child to root in the opinion that the parents know everything. Your credibility will grow!

Middle-aged children will build very adults from themselves and therefore are self-willed. For every word, they will have two, on your two - ten. What to do? Threaten to handle them like with children. With a visual demonstration, of course. Nashkin? Send to corner. The surprise of the child will not be the limit, but also the provocation for this will follow. Do not give in to the chattering: enter into a pact that, subject to normal behavior from the child, you promise respects his opinion and treat it, respectively.

Special curiosity will also show adolescents. Only in their case it will appear in the desire to try what has long been forbidden: go away from home, smoke or get into the basement of an abandoned building. But they also suddenly shrust justice to justice, be prepared to listen to the stories about how your child has encouraged for a girl or a cat.

The year of the rooster for representatives of this sign will bring many changes that will concern his personal life and career. At this time, the weights are not worth it to spend their finances, make rapid purchases.
Relationships with society will often be stretched, probabilities and resentment from friends. Weighs that occupy guidelinesIt is worth paying a little longer than just earnings, but also a relationship in your team.
In the first half of the new year, you should not try to take the initiative in your hands. You should also be careful in sincere conversations with friends, you should not give all your secrets or desires, probably deception.

Horoscope for 2017 for a man's mens

In the year of the rooster it is worth trying to completely give out a conceived case. This period is the least suitable for recreation, stars say that the most appropriate occupation for men weights during this period is self-improvement, work on past errors.
Weighs should pay more attention to the quality of their work. Of course, many of them will chase not for quality, and in terms of quantity, as a result, it can play a joke with them in the form of dismissal, reducing income.
Also in the year of the rooster should not take any serious decisions, for example, dismissal, moving to another city. Stars do not advise men to play gambling, because it can entail big problems with finance.
Astrologers advise the weights to spend this year in a circle of their loved ones, do not register grand Plans, not to accept cardinal decisionswho ultimately could.

Horoscope for 2017 for women weights

In the first half of 2017, astrologers do not advise women weighs to take some important solutions in life, often change can serve as future troubles. They are also not recommended to make marriage in the summer-autumn period, it is very fast.
2017 is a year of payback for women born under the sign of a scale. Remember, perhaps earlier someone helped you achieve something, to get what I did not belong to you. In another situation, it is worth thinking about whether you did not take someone else. It is now necessary to answer for everything that has done earlier, ask for forgiveness necessary peopleHelp someone who helped you before. Otherwise, fate will not provide more than such an opportunity and can take away from the scales what they received without applying special efforts.
Stars recommend letters more save, because in a short time, representatives of this sign will be given the opportunity to learn how to appreciate Finance. The position of weights in society can progress closer to the summer of 2017.

Love horoscope for 2017 for weights

Weighs should stop thinking that the whole world is spinning around them, one should not believe that every person it should. Taking the condition of things as it is, it is possible to avoid misunderstanding from the opposite sex.
2017 is not the most good time For weights. It will be characterized by not long-term relationships, frequent shifts of partners, fleeting novels, sometimes treason. Spring-Summer 2017 is not the most successful period for marriage.
In other words, the year of the rooster is a turning point. On the one hand, the marriage at this time may soon get enough sleep, on the other - to be durable. If there is such an opportunity, it is better not to risk during this period.
Scales that are married should pay attention to the psychological atmosphere in their home.

Financial horoscope for 2017 for weights

In terms of finance, the year will be stable, but will largely depend on the scales. If they do not learn to save money, then soon will feel the shortage of finances in your family.
Also, astrologers do not advise the scales to make large purchases.
Representatives of this sign should be careful in relations with colleagues and bosses. Drain, perhaps, in your environment there are ill-wishers who have long wanted to slander you. If for some reason they can do it, then soon financial position Lights will deteriorate much.
Stars say that at this time you should not pay much attention to the material, which is accustomed to make scales. Sometimes they believe that life happiness lies in simple things for them: dear clothes, good car, beautiful house. In fact, very soon they have to make sure about the opposite.

Dates of birth of scales: 24.09 - 23.10

Management Planet Weighs: Venus.

Element of weights: Air.

Symbols of weights: Scales, book.

Happy days of weights: Friday Saturday.

Unsuccessful days of weights: Tuesday, Sunday.

Metal scales: Bronze, Copper, Manganese.

Gemstone weights: opal.

Plant Weighs: ash.

Scale numerology: Figure 3.

The most inspiring color of the scales: Dark purple.

Opposite sign of weights: Aries

For the scales of 2017, it will become stage when you have to draw the conclusions of the past, revise and analyze current affairs and plan the future. It is in the year of the fiery rooster to representatives of the sign will be able to solve many questions and problems that for a long time did not give rest. At the beginning of the year, the scales will actively and sufficiently successfully show the ability to analyze what is happening around, synthesize and arrange everything in its place. A lot of time will have to spend on the analysis of the previous errors, which will certainly remind themselves in the coming year and will require an immediate decision.

Weighs will need to make a lot of strength and time in order to overcome trouble and adversity. Moreover, the energy will have to spend not only physical, but also spiritual. Representatives of the sign should not be imposed large hopes For 2017, he will not prevent unexpected pleasant surprises and will not be rich in positive events. But at the same time, the period is perfect for understanding yourself.

Weighs enough strength and wisdom to arrange everything in its place, disassemble everything worried about the shelves. If you manage to pay time to reflections about life, the stars will give the sign of the sign in the form of harmony and tranquility.

In 2017, the weights will esite the intuition, they will sharpen all the processes around them around them, and if they are listening to their inner alone, they will be able to take right solutions. Intuition will not only provide major assistance in solving personal problems, but will allow you to give advice to the surrounding people.

Special attention should be paid to some signs that weighing will send fate. Sign representatives should carefully treat dreams, notes, especially if they are those in which the sign representatives are used to believe and which always "work." Often, what is happening around will have some special meaning, attentiveness will make it possible to see the "double bottom" in symbolic signs.

The optimal behavior strategy in 2017 will be gradual accumulating forces. As astrologers say, the coming year of the rooster will become fundamental for representatives of this house at home, he will define the future for years ahead. Therefore, it should be more attentive to events, not to be exchanged on trifles, in attempts to conquer new vertices.

Work for weights in 2017

In the professional sphere in 2017, an ambiguous situation will be formed. It is worth preparing for the fact that colleagues will weave the intrigue network, and will try to involve in this case and representatives of the sign. It is possible, you will have to enter into a conflict, which for some time even sees weights from the rut. In such situations, the most reasonable will distance themselves from the brewing disputes, try not to go on provocations. The smaller the scales will know about unnecessary and ungrateful matters, the more likely the trouble will be bypass. You can also confront such situations in order to fully immerse yourself in work, especially since hardworking and diligence will appreciate the bosses.

In 2017, the weights should show maximum caution in the professional sphere, acting vigorously and efficiently, the planets promise to reward the sign representatives of such qualities. The wonders of perseverance will be able to show especially brightly in the second half of the year, thanks to which they can achieve good results. Career will be folded successfully, the management favorably appreciates the desire of the scales to achieve new horizons in the work.

Solving scales in 2017 in cases will be distinguished by prudent weightedness and thoughtfulness. This will allow the sign representatives slowly, but stubbornly to go to the goals set, without doing the annoying miscalculations and mistakes. Efforts will not be a gift, and by the end of the year, many weights will have to "survive" Euphoria from the career take-off, which will bring them on a high post.

Financial horoscope for 2017 for weights

In 2017, the weights will not have special problems with money, the fiery will provide the sign representatives albeit a small, but continuous income. Cash spending in the born under the sign of the scales will not be too active, but at the same time save any significant amount will not work either. Web are better not to plan anything global for this year, it will not be able to fulfill it yet.

Stars say that many of the sign representatives in 2017 will have a desire to have fun and relax, spending a certain amount of money for this. If such desires arose, then you should not limit yourself, the rest will be necessary for weights. The means that will be spent on vacation will return a hundredfold, relaxation and a pleasant time spent the most beneficial effect on the well-being of the scales will return to them performance, energy and vigor. And all these factors will have a direct impact on obtaining worthy financial benefits.

Thoughtful high-quality vacation, which will be able to afford the scales in 2017, will raise the mood and give the forces, having struck by positive and energy for a long time. Stars are not advised to neglect the views of outdoor activities and moderate entertainment. The received satisfaction will allow representatives of the sign to catch good luck by the tail, financial affairs will go up. Even if on the main work of significant addition to the budget is not foreseen, it is likely that the scales will be able to earn quite well in another place. For many, it will be excellent one-time work or additional earnings that will bring good income.

To achieve success and prosperity in financial matters, the stars advise the weights in 2017 to show hard work and perseverance, putting a certain goal.

Love horoscope for 2017 for weights

Love in 2017 will try to exceed everything, so there should be a little resistance. In the personal life of the star recommend to achieve full fat and stability. You need to attach the forces to strengthen everything that is, not to rush as in the outer with your head in new adventures and unknown adventures. It applies to equally as representatives of the sign that have already learned the feeling of love and to those who are still in the search.

The year of fire will be a good period in order to strengthen the relationship with its second half. Weighs will need to make efforts and show themselves a reliable partner, which is always ready to help, justify the trust rendered. The efforts will be noted and all efforts will not be a gift, receiving a decent remuneration. In 2017, traveling to rest along with their second half will be useful.

Circumstances will favorize a joint entertainment trip, guarantee many pleasant moments. Paying the maximum attention to his partner, the scales should not forget about themselves and their desires. They may well afford to make a pleasant pleasant surprise for themselves in the form of purchases or extraordinary situations.

Love Horoscope advises weights in 2017 to be careful with the feelings of others. This is especially relevant to the warning in the first half of the year, when the signs of the sign will be very playful. It is likely that during this period, not configured on serious relationship Scales, disassemble not one heart. In the second half of the year there is a chance that the representatives of the sign fall into another extreme, they will be too serious to approach relations with their second half. They may even venture and make the relationship with a stamp in a passport. However, the stars say that 2017 will be not the best period in order to tie himself to marriage. If the wedding topic remains relevant, then the wards Venus can realize it early next year.