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Causes and consequences of intrapersonal conflict. Major techniques and ways to prevent and permission. Internal conflict

Everyone at least once turned out to be in conflict situation, and not only with the outside world - others, but, above all, with yourself. And internal conflicts can easily grow into external. For a mentally healthy person not going beyond the norm internal conflict It is quite natural. Moreover, the situation of intrapersonal contradictions and voltage at certain frames is not only natural, but also needless For the improvement and development of the very person. Any development cannot occur without internal contradictions (crises), and where there is contradictions, there is also the basis of conflict. And if the intrapersonal conflict proceeds in the framework of reasonable, it is really necessary, for a moderate critical attitude to his own "I", dissatisfaction with itself, as a powerful inner engine, makes a person to follow the path of self-actualization and self-improvement, thereby filling the meaning not only its own life, But improving the world.

The scientific study of the intrapersonal conflict began at the end of the XIX century and was due primarily with the name of the founder of psychoanalysis - Austrian scientist Sigmund Freud. (1856 - 1939), discontinted the biosocial and biopsychologist, the origin of intraperially conflict. He showed that human existence is associated with constant voltage and overcoming contradiction Between socio-cultural norms and biological attractions and desires of man, between consciousness and unconscious. In this contradiction and constant confrontation of these Parties and consists of Freud, the essence of the intrapersonal conflict. As part of the psychoanalysis, the theory of intrapersonal conflict was also developed by K. Jung, K. Horney, etc.

A great contribution to the study of the problem of intrapersonal conflict made a German psychologist Kurt Levin. (1890-1947), which determined it as a situation in which per person at the same time there are opposite-directional forces of equal value. In this regard, he allocated threeview of the conflict situation.

1. The person is between two positive forces approximately equal size. "This is the case of Buridanova of the donkey, which is between two equal stacks of the hay and dying from hunger."

2. The person is between two approximately equal negative forces. A characteristic example is the situation of punishment. Example: On the one hand, the child must perform the school task, which he does not want to do, and on the other - they can punish him if he won't do it.

3. The person simultaneously acts two metrated forces approximately equal in the same place. Example: the child wants to stroke the dog, but he is afraid of it, or wants to eat a cake, and he was banned.

The subsequent development of the theory of intrapersonal conflict received representatives of humanistic psychology in the writings. One of the leaders of this area is an American psychologist Karl Rogers. (1902-1987). The fundamental component of the personality structure, he believes, is "I - Concept "- Presentation of the personality of itself, the image of its own "I", which is emerging in the process of interaction with the environment. Based on "I-Concept" there is self-regulation of human behavior.

But "I-concept" often does not coincide with the idea of ideal "I". The mismatch may occur between them. This dissonance (mismatch) between "I-Concept", on the one hand, and the perfect "I" - on the other, and acts as intrapersonal conflict The consequence of which a severe mental illness can be.

The concept of an intrapersonal conflict of one of the leading representatives of the humanistic psychology of the American psychologist received wide popularity Abraham Masuel (1908-1968). According to the oil, the motivational structure of the individual forms a number of hierarchically organized needs (see here).

The highest is the need for self-actualization, that is, in the realization of potencies, abilities and talents of a person. She is expressed in the fact that a person seeks to be who he can become. But it does not always succeed. Self-actualization as the ability may be present in most people, but only a minority it is accomplished, implemented. This gap between the desire for self-actualization and the real result And underlies the intrapersonal conflict.

Another very popular theory of intrapersonal conflict was developed by Austrian psychologist and psychiatrist Viktor Franklom (1905-1997), created a new direction in psychotherapy - logotherapy. (from gr. Logos - thought, mind and c. Therapeia - treatment). According to him, the logotherapy "dealt with the meaning of human existence and the search for this meaning."

According to the concept of Frankl, the main driving power The life of every person is to search for the meaning of life and the struggle for him. The absence of a sense of life gives rise to a person's condition that he calls an existential vacuum, or a sense of aimlessness and emptiness. It is an existential vacuum that becomes the cause of an intrainarial conflict, which later leads to "noogenous neurosis" (from the gr. Noos is the meaning).

According to the author of the theory, the intrapersonal conflict in the form of noogenic neurosis arises due to spiritual problems and caused by the disorder of the "spiritual core of the personality", in which the meanings and values \u200b\u200bof human existence are collected, which constitute the basis of the behavior of the person. Thus, noogenous neurosis is a disorder caused by an existential vacuum, the absence of a sense of life in a person.

It is an existential vacuum, a feeling of aimlessness and emptiness of existence generates an existential frustration of the person at every step, most often manifested in boredom and apathy. Boredom - evidence of the lack of meaning of life, sense-forming values, and this is already serious. Because the meaning of life to find is much more difficult and more important than wealth. In addition, the need, for example, pushes a person to action and contributes to getting rid of neurosis, and boredom associated with an existential vacuum, on the contrary, is encouraging him for inactivity and thereby contributes to the development of psychological disorder.

Among domestic scientists who have made a significant contribution to the development of the problem under consideration should be called A. N. Leontiev (1903-1979), who is its theory about the role of object In the formation of a person, a lot has done to understand the intrapersonal conflict.

According to its theory, the content and essence of the intrapersonal conflict is due to the nature of the personality structure. This structure, in turn, is caused by contradictory relations in which a person comes, carrying out diverse species its activities. One of of the most important characteristics The internal structure of the individual is that any person, even having a leading behavior motive and the main goal in life, does not necessarily live only one goal or a motive. The motivational sphere of a person, according to A. N. Leontiev, even in its highest development never resembles a frozen pyramid. Figuratively speaking, the motivational sphere of personality is always multiple.

The contradictory interaction of these "vertices" of the motivational sphere, various motives of the person and forms an intraperial conflict.

Consequently, the intrapersonal conflict, naturally inherent in the internal structure of the personality, is a normal phenomenon. Any personality has inland contradictions and struggle between various aspirations. Usually this struggle runs within the normal range and does not violate the harmoniousness of the individual. "After all, the harmonious person is not at all a person who does not know any inner struggle." But sometimes this struggle becomes the main thing that determines the behavior of a person and the whole lifestyle. It was then that the consequences are the unfortunate person and the unresolved fate.

These are the causes of intrapersonal conflict. Definition of intrapersonal conflict: intrapersonal conflict is the state of the personality structure when there are contradictory and mutually exclusive motives at the same time, the value orientations and the goals with which it in this moment unable to cope, i.e. Develop priorities behaviors based on them.

One can say differently: the intrapersonal conflict is the state of the internal structure of the personality characterized by the confusion of its elements.

Thus, you can allocate the following properties intrapersonal conflict:

1) intrapersonal conflict appears as a result of the interaction of elements of the internal personality structure;

2) the sides of the intraperial conflict are simultaneously existing in the structure of the personality of diverse and conflicting interests, goals, motives and desires;

3) intrapersonal conflict arises only when the forces acting on the person are equivalent. Otherwise, a person from two evils simply chooses a smaller, of two benefits - more, and punishment prefers a reward;

4) any internal conflict is accompanied by negative emotions;

5) The basis of any intrapersonal conflict is a situation characterized by:

  • opposite motives, goals and interests of the parties;
  • opposing means of achieving goals in these conditions (example: a goal is to take a profitable vacancy, but at the same time to deprive her of another person, perhaps even more in need);
  • the lack of opportunity to satisfy any need and at the same time the inability to ignore this need.

It should also add that, as shown by 3. Freud, the intrapersonal conflict may not only be conscious, but also unconscious What does not make it less significant.

(According to the materials of the book "Conflictology", Author-compiler Burtova E.V.)

Internal identity conflict: causes, types, examples, consequences.

Man is a difficult creature that requires study. Scientists not only pay attention to examining the human body, but also understand the importance of the internal psychological world. A person can conflict with himself. The article considers the concept, its types, the causes of the appearance, methods of permission and consequences.

What is intrapersonal conflict?

In the life of each person there are intrapersonal conflicts. What it is? This is a contradiction within himself, which is based on equivalent and at the same time opposite needs, desires, interests.

Very easy to get confused in your own desires. On the one hand, a person can desire to revenge, on the other, he understands that his actions will harm his relaxing existence. On the one hand, a person wants to be rich, on the other, he is afraid to be in the eyes of those around them.

When a person gets up in front of the choice, where one should choose something one, which is equivalent to the other way, but opposite to him, then he enters into intraperial conflict.

The development of events can go in one of two directions:

  1. A person will rapidly begin to develop if he mobilizes his own potential and starts solving his question.
  2. A person will be in a "dead end," where he will drive himself, because it will not be able to make a choice and will not start acting.

It is quite normal that a person has a struggle within himself. Everyone lives in a world where there are so many truth. Since childhood, everyone is involved in the fact that the truth may be alone, and everything else is a lie. A person gets used to living one-sided. However, he is not a "blind kitten", he sees that there are many reality in which people live.

In contradiction, morality and desires, beliefs and actions, opinion of society and their own needs are often joined. So, a person may want to be a pianist, and his parents, whom he loves himself, wish him to see it by an accountant. In such a situation, a person often chooses the path "Parental", and not his own, which leads to an accident.

The concept of intrapersonal conflict

The concept of intrapersonal conflict is a confrontation that occurs within the personality between the two equivalent and opposite motives in the direction. All this is accompanied by various experiences (fear, depression, disorientation), under which a person may not be noticed or deny them, replacing its state active activities.

Quite a lot of psychologists studied this topicTo understand the motives and mechanisms for the development of intrapersonal conflict. It all started with Z. Freud, who determined this concept As the struggle between instinctive desires and sociocultural stations, between conscious and subconscious.

Other concepts of intrapersonal conflict are:

  • The collision between the real "I" and the ideal idea of \u200b\u200bmyself.
  • The struggle between equivalent values, among which the highest is self-realization.
  • The crisis of transition to a new state when the old fights new and brands.

Psychologists believe that intrapersonal conflict is a completely normal state for a person who is inherently contradictory being. Everyone in life occur periods when he inevitably faces what he already has, and the fact that he can have in case he will lose what he has.

The result of the permission is the transition of a person on new levelwhere he enjoys old experience and reaches a new one. However, people often refuse development for the sake of preserving what already have. This is called degradation. This may also be a way out of the situation, if a person saw something that can significantly worsen its integrity, safety, independence.

Causes of intrapersonal conflict

There are many reasons for the development of intrapersonal conflict. The main ones are three reasons:

  1. The reasons that are taught in contradictions of the personality.
  2. The reasons associated with the status of individual in society.
  3. The reasons associated with the status of individual in a specific social group.

These causes are interrelated. Often, internal conflicts are born against the background of the appearance of external factors, as the opposite. The more judicial, understanding and complicated by its structure, the person is, the more he is inclined to internal conflict, because it will strive to combine incompatible.

We give contradictions on the basis of which intrapersonal conflicts arise:

  • Between social norms and needs.
  • Confrontation of social roles (for example, to take a child in a kindergarten and at the same time perform work).
  • The mismatch of motives, interests, needs.
  • Inconsistency between moral principles (For example, go to war and adhere to the principle "not kill").

The most important factor that provokes an intrapersonal conflict is equivalent to the person of those directions, on the crossroads of which it is located. If for the individual one of the options does not play an important role, then the confrontation will not arise: it will quickly make a choice in favor of the option that is most significant for him. The conflict begins when both options are important, meaningful and practically equivalent.

Contradictions that occur within a person due to status in the group:

  • Physical obstacles that are organized by other people and interfere with satisfying their personal needs.
  • Biological problems that do not allow a person to show all its potential.
  • No ability to realize your need to achieve the desired sensations.
  • Excessive responsibility and limited human rights that prevent him from work.
  • Between the working conditions and the requirements for the performance of work.
  • Between professionalism, culture, norms and personal needs, values.
  • Between incompatible tasks.
  • Between the desire of profit and moral values.
  • Between the clear task and the vagueness of its execution.
  • Between the career ambitions and person's personal abilities within the framework of the organization.

Types of intrapersonal conflict

The classification of intrapersonal conflict suggested K. Levin, who allocated such types:

  1. Equivalent - the need to perform two or more significant tasks. In this case, a compromise is effective when partial substitution occurs.
  2. Vital - the need to take equally unattractive solutions.
  3. Ambivalent - when the actions performed and the results achieved are equally attractive and repulsive.
  4. Frusturing - when the actions performed or decisions are made to achieve the desired, but contradict the moral values, social norms and rules.

Another classification of types of intrapersonal conflicts is based on a value-motivational sphere of a person:

  • The motivational conflict arises when two equally equally equivalent trends come into confrontation that contradict each other.
  • The moral contradiction (regulatory conflict) occurs when the personal needs and moral foundations are configured, internal aspirations and foreign debt.
  • The conflict of unrealized desires - when a person cannot implement his goal due to external barriers.
  • The role conflict arises when you need to perform several roles at once, as well as when external requirements are not consistent with the internal understanding of the implementation of one role.
  • The adaptation conflict appears when internal needs and external social requirements are involved in contradiction.
  • The conflict of inadequate self-esteem is formed when the opinion of others does not coincide with the opinion of a person about himself.

Resolution of intrapersonal conflict

Psychologists not only considered the mechanism for the development of intrapersonal conflict, but also looked for ways to resolve it. It is believed that the person is formed the first 5 years of his life. During this period, it faces a variety of negative external factors that develop complexes in it, or a sense of inferiority.

In the future, a person is just looking for convenient ways to compensate for this feeling. Adler allocated two such methods:

  1. The development of social interest and feelings that can manifest itself in the development of professional skills, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.
  2. Stimulation of own potential, achieving superiority over the environment. This is carried out in such ways:
  • Adequate compensation is the compliance of superiority with social interests.
  • Supercompensation - hypertrophied development of concrete quality.
  • Imaginary compensation - external circumstances compensate for a sense of inferiority.

M. Doycha allocated open and latent forms of permission of intrapersonal conflict:

  • Open:
  1. Decision-making.
  2. Fixation on solving the problem.
  3. Termination of doubt.
  • Latent:
  1. Simulation, hysteria, torment.
  2. Care from reality in dreams, fantasy.
  3. Compensation is a replacement of unreasonable other objectives.
  4. Regression is a refusal of desires, avoiding responsibility, the transition to primitive forms of existence.
  5. Sublimation.
  6. Nomadizm - change of permanent residence, work.
  7. Neurasthenia.
  8. Projection - unsumble of their negative qualities, attributing them to other people.
  9. Rationalization is self-defining, finding sample logical conclusions.
  10. Idealization.
  11. Euphoria - Fifted fun.
  12. Differentiation - a compartment of thinking from the author.

Understanding these mechanisms is necessary for a successful exit from the intrapersonal conflict, which arises absolutely to all people.

The consequences of intrapersonal conflict

Depending on how a person comes out of its intrapersonal conflict, this period may be marked by self-cultivating personality or its degradation. The consequences are conventionally divided into positive and negative.

Positive consequences arise when a person solves its intracertinarial question. He does not run away from the problem, knows himself, understands the causes of the conflict. Sometimes it turns out to satisfy the two sides at the same time, sometimes a person comes on a compromise or must completely abandon one for the realization of the other. If a person solves his conflict, then he becomes perfect, reaches positive results.

Negative (destructive) consequences are the results when a person begins to psychologically suppress. There is a splitting of personality, neurotic qualities arise, crises occur.

The more person hurt internal conflicts, the more he is subject not only to the consequences in the form of destruction of relations, dismissal from work, deterioration, but also qualitative changes in their personality:

  • Irritability.
  • Concern.
  • Alarms.

Often such conflicts become the reasons for the emergence of psychological diseases. All this suggests that a person does not solve the problem, but he suffers from her, avoids, tries to escape or not to notice, but she worries him and worries.

A person is not able to escape from himself, so the need to solve the intrapersonal conflict is the main one. Depending on the decision taken by a person, he will receive one or another result.


A person is a complex of beliefs, rules, frameworks, desires, interests, needs and other installations, some of which is instinctive, part - personally developed, and the rest is social. Usually a person tries to satisfy all the needs at the same time, which are laid. However, the result of such a desire becomes intrapersonal conflict.

A person struggles with his own desires, interests or needs, because it tries to be everywhere and everywhere, to live in favor of all the desires, no one is not upset, including himself. However, it becomes impossible within the real world. It is a realization of one's own inability to satisfy all its needs provoke negative feelings.

A person must cope with his own experiences to start engaged in the problem that has arisen, and not more cultivate a sense of inferiority in himself. It should be started with the study of those two opposing forces that cause an internal conflict, and then decide how to eliminate it.

The final lesson of our training on conflictology, we considered it necessary to devote to the topic of intrapersonal conflict. We decided this for the reason that the intrapersonal conflict is not only one of the most complex psychological phenomena, but also affects the inner world of man. In past lessons, we talked about what ways there are ways of influence on conflicts between people, today you will learn how to behave a person in case of his conflict with himself. You should start with the definition of what is an intrapersonal conflict.

What is intrapersonal conflict?

The intrapersonal conflict is an aggravated negative experience due to the protracted confrontation of various structures. inner world A person reflecting his contradictory ties with the outside world and preventing decision-making. Also, the intrapersonal conflict is characterized by overcoming any person, and overcomes it systematically.

The intrainarity conflict can be both constructive and destructive. In Perov, it is an integral part of personal development, and in the second - represents a danger to a person, because It is the cause of stress and hard experiences, and in some cases even cases of suicide. It is for this reason that any person should know that such an intrainarial conflict is how to determine it, and also be able to resolve it.

To recognize an intrapersonal conflict, it is necessary to learn to identify its main indicators (symptoms) that can manifest themselves in different areas Personal manifestation.

How does the personal conflict manifest?

Four main types of intrapersonal conflict indicators are allocated. They relate to the emotional sphere, cognitive sphere, behavioral sphere, and the fourth species are integral indicators.

Emotional sphere.In the emotional sphere, the intrapersonal conflict is manifested through serious negative experiences and psycho-emotional stress.

EXAMPLE: Depression, stress, apathy, loss of interest in life, etc.

Cognitive sphere.In the cognitive sphere, the intrapersonal conflict manifests itself through violations in the perception by man itself.

EXAMPLE: Reducing self-esteem, difficulties in choosing and making a decision, doubt in their motives, aspirations and principles, the inconsistency of their own image, etc.

Behavioral sphere.In the behavioral sphere, the intrapersonal conflict is manifested through negative changes in human behavior.

EXAMPLE: Negative communication background, reducing productivity and quality of activity, dissatisfaction with their own activities, etc.

Integral indicators.Complex violations in the human psyche.

EXAMPLE: Strengthening emotional I. psychological stressViolations in the adaptation mechanism, long-term disorders in human ability to adapt to the circumstances, etc.

But, in addition to the fact that the intrapersonal conflict is capable of manifested in different areas (and even at once in several), he himself is also divided into several species, which make it difficult to define both his definition and the development of methods for its permission. Let's look at them in more detail.

Types of intrapersonal conflict

Before proceeding directly to the consideration of the main types of intrapersonal conflict, it should be noted that in general the majority of theoretical concepts are presented several of their species. For example, considers conflicts between human entry and social norms established in society, as well as between human needs. And inactivity analyzes, mainly role factors. However B. real life One only with these approaches is not limited to.

In fact, the situation is such that in life there is a huge amount of intrapersonal conflict. Therefore, in order to bring all their typology to a single denominator, it is required to find some reason that can serve as a center around which you can build a system of intrapersonal conflicts. And such a center is the value-motivational sphere of personality, because it is with her an internal conflict of man and it is it that it is capable of a sufficiently reflecting all sorts of relations and relationships of a person with the surrounding reality.

Taking it for the main postulate, you can distinguish several basic structures of the inner world of the person who come into conflict:

  • Self-esteem, in other words, the value of a person for himself, an assessment by a person of its potential and places among those around the people;
  • Values \u200b\u200bthat embody social norms;
  • Motives, which reflect the focus of the individual and all sorts of aspirations (desires, desires, interests, needs, etc.).

It is depending on which parties within the person of a person enter the conflict, it is possible to distinguish six main types of intrapersonal conflict: adaptive, role-playing, moral, motivational, conflict of unrealized desire and conflict inadequate self-esteem.

Adaptation conflict

Under the adaptation conflict is understood as a violation of the equilibrium between man and the surrounding reality and the violation of the process of professional or social adaptation. Such a conflict arises between human capabilities and the validity of various kinds (psychological, physical, professional). This inconsistency may manifest itself either as temporary unawareness, or as a complete inability to fulfill the requirements of the claims.

EXAMPLE: The inability of an employee of the organization to properly fulfill its functionality; The inability of the recruit adapter to the new regime in the army; The inability to transfer physical load when climbing the top of the mountain, etc.

Role-playing conflict

The role conflict is as the impossibility of a person at the same time implement several roles and a different understanding of the requirements that make a person himself to fulfill a specific role.

EXAMPLE: Woman may experience difficulties in behavior, being a mother of her son and his teacher at school; Police officer can "break" between the performance of his debt and friendly attitude To his comrade, if suddenly he needs to delay it, etc.

Moral conflict

The moral conflict is a conflict between the debt and the desire, personal attachments and moral principles.

EXAMPLE: A man can feel the inner conflict, being a husband, but having the opportunity to tie relations with a woman to which he is experiencing sympathy and attraction; A person may experience an internal conflict, hitting the situation in which the actions diverged with its principles, for example, to the supporter of the world and pacifism must be able to stand up or protect close manBy applying harsh methods.

Motivational conflict

The motivational conflict is one of the most common intrapersonal conflicts and can be expressed in the struggle of unconscious man's aspirations, the desire to have both security considerations, a collision of various motives.

EXAMPLE: The guy may experience difficulties in choosing between a meeting with old friends and a walk with his girlfriend; A young man may want to do in boxing, but it is afraid that he will be painful, etc.

Conflict unrealized desire

Together with the conflict of unrealized desire, the complex of inferiority is also considered. This type of conflict is manifested in the confrontation of desires and reality blocking their satisfaction.

EXAMPLE: A person may want to be like her idol, but in reality he is completely different; A person may want to live richly, but the actual state of affairs is different, etc.

Conflict inadequate self-esteem

The conflict of inadequate self-esteem is a confrontation of human claims and its real potential.

EXAMPLE: Understated or overestimated self-esteem; The desire to become better to achieve a greater and desire to leave everything as it is to not leave the "Comfort zone", etc.

In addition to other types, the neurotic conflict is also allocated, which is the result of a "ordinary" intrapersonal conflict, which remains for a long time.

It is easy to see, the basis of any kind of intrapersonal conflict is precisely subjective experiences of a person, because They determine the suffering experienced. And the issue of experiences, based on this, should be paid special attention.

The basis of intrapersonal conflict - experience

The field of action of intrapersonal conflicts is any internal experiences of a person: the variability, complexity of desires and aspirations, the ambiguity of the personality, awareness of the impossibility of selling their own potential, the oscillation of self-esteem, etc. However, no intrapersonal conflict may appear without affecting the personality of a person of the surrounding reality, i.e. It is simply not capable of occurring because of any internal factors. And, taking into account the nature of the internal conflict of human contradictions underlying, intrapersonal conflicts can be divided into two subgroups:

Intrapersonal conflicts that arise due to the internal contradictions of a person reflecting his subjective attitude towards the world around;

EXAMPLE: This can be attributed to the conflicts of inadequate self-assessment and motivational conflicts considered above.

Intrecy conflicts that are the result of the transition of external in relation to the personality of objective contradictions into its inner world;

EXAMPLE: Such conflicts include adaptation, moral and other conflicts.

Famous researchers of intrapersonal conflicts Elena Andreevna Donchenko and Tatyana Mikhailovna Titarenko allocate, except, and three levels of development of psychological contradictions:

  1. The inability to implement the planned plans and programs and fulfill their life functions until the contradiction is resolved;
  2. Imbalance, difficulty and complication of the main activity, projecting psychological discomfort for external components of life: Communication with others, performance, etc.;
  3. Psychological equilibrium of the inner world of man.

At any of these levels, contradictions can be eliminated, and for the occurrence of intrapersonal conflict, it is necessary to match the situation with certain personal and situational conditions.

Personal conditions include:

  • Human ability to self-reflection and self-analysis, difficult and developed cognitive structure;
  • High level development of values \u200b\u200band feelings;
  • A developed and complex hierarchy of motives and needs;
  • Complex inner world and increased importance of this complexity.

Situal conditions that activate intrapersonal conflict are divided into external and internal:

  • Essence external conditions In the fact that a person cannot satisfy his deep motives and relations or the process of their satisfaction is under threat: the satisfaction of one motives is the cause of new; On the way of meeting the motives, obstacles associated with the struggle of a person with their nature arise; restrictions on various motifs impose social norms;
  • Internal conditions are a consequence of external. The meaning of the internal conditions is contradictions between the various parties of the person who have about equal value. A person must be aware of the conflict of the situation and understand that it cannot affect her, the result of which becomes an acute experience of the situation of a complex choice.

It is important to say that the experience of an intrapersonal conflict is different from any other experience. It is characteristic of the presence psycho-emotional tension, as well as such phenomena as awareness of the complexity of the situation, the presence of a difficult choice, struggle and doubt. In the experience of intrapersonal conflict reflects the restructuring of the entire value-motivational system of man.

One more an important feature The intrapersonal conflict can be called that it can be characterized by both positive and negative consequences, i.e. The conflict itself can be constructive or destructive.

Constructive intrapersonal conflict

Constructive, i.e. The optimal or productive intrapersonal conflict is a conflict in which the development of conflicting parties occurs, and the personality costs for its permission is minimal. Such a conflict is a person's harmonization mechanism, because A person in the process of his permission is aware of himself a person.

One of the characteristics of the person is that certain life relations relate to each other, which will generate an internal struggle. In some cases, this struggle can occur in non-external forms and does not affect the identity of the human destructive impact. If the personality is harmonious, this does not mean that it is not susceptible to the inner struggle. Moreover, this struggle can be the basis of the entire appearance of a person.

Constructive internal conflict is able to harde the character, form determination and psychological sustainability, independence; It is capable of establishing a clear orientation of the individual, to create new character traits, promote adequate self-esteem, and self-knowledge.

EXAMPLE: Fight S. ; development ; work on yourself, contrary to reluctance and laziness; The ability to put on your back own desires in the name of the good of another person or even his own, etc.

Destructive intrapersonal conflict

Destructive intrapersonal conflict, i.e. Destroying personality structures is a conflict that aggravates the duality of the person. It is able to grow into a heavy vital crisis, and develop neurotic reactions.

A long destructive conflict can negatively affect human activity, contribute to the inhibition of personality development, form uncertainty and psychological instability, inability to. In a deeper sense, such a conflict may cause a person who should have a mature personality. If the destructive intrapersonal conflict will occur often, it can lead to the formation of a complex of inferiority, loss of confidence in itself and their forces or even to the loss of life.

EXAMPLE: Continued man dissatisfaction with the quality of his life; The belief of the child is that he is defective, not like everything; The requirement of man in the same situation to behave in different ways, etc.

But, despite the fact that intrapersonal conflicts can be constructive, destructive are found in real life much more often. And if the first can be called even desirable, the latter should learn to recognize and warn.

Prevention of intrapersonal conflict

Our life is designed so that there is always a high probability of circumstances dangerous to the destruction of the harmonious process of development and negative impact on the inner world. And very bad if we are not ready for such situations. It is necessary to make every effort to avoid the development of destructive intrapersonal conflicts, and if they appear, how to solve them faster. Owning information on how and why internal conflicts arise, it is possible to determine the conditions necessary for their warning.

To prevent the emergence of intrapersonal conflict, you need to follow the following recommendations in your life:

  • To preserve the integrity of your inner world, a person must learn, first of all, perceive life difficultiesas an integral often of your life, because Such an approach may encourage him to work on oneself and intensify creativity;
  • There is also a great importance to the formation of his life principles, and following them in all actions and affairs. Life principles can protect a person from a variety of situation related to the emergence of intrapersonal conflicts;
  • Often established life principles Reflect on a person's institution, inability to be flexible, which can also cause an internal conflict. And if a person is able to change his usual look of being (if it is insolvent or ineffective), then it will be another great way to avoid conflict with himself. Life often requires from us to be allert, adaptive, flexible, able to adjust any situation. In cases where it is required to reduce your claims and give in trifles, it should be done. However, this should not be the system, because Lack of stability also leads to a conflict inside the person;
  • You should always hope for a positive outcome of events. Optimism supported by internal aspirations and work on oneself will be the key to a positive attitude towards life and mental health;
  • It is necessary to stop indulging in its weaknesses, adequately and its ability to implement their own needs and desires;
  • It is important to learn to control your manifestations and your psyche. Moreover, to a greater extent, this skill should be attributed to managing its emotional states;
  • The prevention of intrapersonal conflicts to a great extent contributes to the development of volitional qualities and skills, because The will is a reflection of self-regulation and implies the ability to take reliable solutions;
  • It is necessary to learn to correctly structure the hierarchy of the roles performed for themselves, because the desire to implement the maximum of functions arising from each role, as well as to justify the expectations of the surrounding people will certainly be the cause of the internal conflict;
  • In many ways, the prevention of internal conflicts contributes to the development of a sufficient level of person's personal maturity. It is also expected to have an expectation beyond the boundaries of purely role-playing behavior, and refusal of template reactions, and steady adoption of decisions. It is also important not to blindly comply with generally accepted moral standards, but also strive for individual moral creativity;
  • An important condition is adequate self-esteem. Overpriced or understated self-esteem may be due to the fact that a person cannot or afraid to be honest in anything to admit, as well as with the fact that he seeks to ensure that others perceive it in a certain way, even if he perceives himself according to real Regulations.

If you try to bring ways to prevent intrapersonal conflict to a single algorithm, it can be briefly reflected in this way:

  • Focus on your top priority motifs and needs. First of all, implement them and do not try to argue the immense;
  • Do not accumulate your problems and difficulties. Decide the tasks as they are received, preventing their accumulation, without waiting for the moment when it becomes very difficult to "understand";
  • Work on yourself, learn to control your emotions, status and manifestations. Correct your behavior and be able to take yourself in hand;
  • Pay attention to how you react to you and your actions around you, as well as evaluate their behavior. This can be a pointer to work on oneself;
  • Be sincere yourself with yourself and with other people. Do not lie yourself and do not live in illusions;
  • Strive to and thoughts, do yourself more physically, psychologically, emotionally, spiritually.

These are the recommendations for the prevention of intrapersonal conflicts. Regular and timely, their execution can serve you an excellent service and get rid of unnecessary problems. However, 100% guarantees that the internal conflict will not arise, of course, no. And in case of his appearance, you need to be able to influence it correctly.

Resolution of intrapersonal conflict

The resolution of intrapersonal conflicts is a process to restore the coherence of the inner world of a person, the harmonization of its consciousness, a decrease in the intensity of contradictory life attitudes and the achievement of the new quality of being. It helps a person to achieve soul equilibrium, deeper understanding of life, form new values.

The resolution of the intrainior conflict is aware by neutralizing the conflict-related painful states, lowering the socio-psychological and psychological factors of the conflict, increasing the productivity of activities, etc.

Depending on what is the individual characteristics of a person, it can perceive his internal contradictions in different ways, as well as choose the most suitable strategy of behavior. One person can plunge into reflections, the other immediately begins to take active actions, the third will give up to emotions. There is no one right attitude towards an intrapersonal conflict. It is important that every person can make a report in his own personality features, and, already on this, was determined with the resolution style of its internal contradictions.

Simply put, this is what the resolution of the intrapersonal conflict depends:

  • Women's worldviews
  • Human ability to overcome yourself and his experience in this area
  • Village qualities
  • The human temperament is to a greater extent affects dynamic indicators, such as the speed and stability of the experiences, the rhythm in which they proceed. Focus, intensity, etc.
  • Senten age features

The resolution of the intrapersonal conflict is achieved due to the activation of the mechanisms of psychological protection, which are necessary for controlling emotions, internal states and external manifestations.

What should be resorted if you need to resolve intrapersonal conflict:

  • Rate the situation, try to take control of it. Determine your internal contradictions and realize that led you to negative sensations;
  • Spend a deep analysis of the situation. Determine how important the conflict is important for you, what role do you take in it, and what role he occupies in your life. Prerequish possible consequences conflict;
  • Determine the exact cause of the conflict, localize the "hearth". Strive to reveal the essence of the problem, dropping all the secondary to the background;
  • Be honest with you: do not let yourself be overlooking, do not postpone the decision for later. Analyze the conflict again and try to understand what he tells you: What you need to change in yourself what actions do, why the problem hits you so;
  • Sublimate negative emotions In operation: you can do physical exercises or immerse yourself in creativity; Look a good movie or read interesting book;
  • Take advantage of relaxation techniques. Currently there are many effective ways relaxation, from meditation to psychological trainings;
  • If the internal conflict is associated with activities, try to change something in it: change the conditions, bring something new to work; You can even change the occupation;
  • Adjust your claims: compare your desires and needs with your capabilities; Look honestly for yourself - what are you capable, and what is not?
  • Learn to forgive. Moreover, it is important to be able to forgive not only others, but also yourself: not to engage in senses, self-confidence, self-confidence, etc.
  • If you are badly bad, eager and pay. There is nothing crazy about it. In addition, even scientific research (In particular, the studies of the American biochemistry of William Freya) showed that in the tears there is a special substance that has a property to calm down, and if you want to cry, it means that the brain needs a discharge.

And last: learn how to accept yourself as you are, and your life is like a given, with all the successes and failures, takeoffs and drops, white and black stripes. We will always face difficulties and troubles, feel pressure and experience stress, achieve success, win victories and tolerate defeats - all this is what we call our lives. It is necessary to learn to get along with themselves, the people with whom we interact and the reality around us. Harmony and the right balance is the basis of happiness, success, prosperity and health in all its manifestations.

We, in turn, sincerely hope that our training on conflictology will be useful for you and make you and your life, even a little, but better. Learn, strive for knowledge and remember that no theory will replace your practice. Therefore, take to armared the information received - and in a good way!

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Good mood to you and no conflicts!

Communication Man leads not only with other people, but with himself. There are absolutely all people with themselves. This is due to thinking of some idea, presenting a conversation in which two opponent participates, discussion of the topic, which has strongly affected, etc. The emergence of intraperial conflict is quite a normal consequence that may be different in type. Concept and reasons reveal this phenomenon More widely.

The intrapersonal conflict is peculiar to all people who have contradictory views, desires, ideas. Introity often occurs when a person wants one, and the world offers him another or the surrounding people require another. This phenomenon occurs with everyone, often creating serious problems ..

What is intrapersonal conflict?

Communication of a person with himself is called intrapersonal. What is intrapersonal conflict? This is a contradiction that occurs within a person as a result of such communication. This conflict is perceived by an individual as a serious problem that requires an immediate decision. If a person cannot resolve the situation or not capable of making a final decision, then the problem provokes various disorders and violations. For example, a person can sleep badly because of the need to think about his problem.

As a result of intrapersonal conflict, a person can go one of the way:

  1. The problem will make him self-develop. His forces mobilize him, because of which he will begin to take measures to improve the quality of his life.
  2. The problem will brake it, which will lead to the absence of self-knowledge and development process.

The intrapersonal conflict is a collision of two and more equivalent to significance and opposite in the direction of needs, interests, desires, deposits. In such a situation, a person has difficulty in making a decision, make a choice. If he takes one of the sides, then will lose all the favor of the other side. A person understands this, so it is in doubt, hesitates, can not make a choice.

Depending on the significance of the theme that a person cannot decide, the intrainarial conflict can lead to various nonpects and even disorders. While a person is in confrontation with himself, he develops various pathologies on the physiological or psychological level. As soon as the problem is solved, a person becomes the path of recovery and liberation from all side effects.

The concept of intrapersonal conflict

The concept of intrapersonal conflict implies confrontation that arises within a person due to thinking of two opposite or diverse ideas. A feature of the intrapersonal conflict is that:

  1. A person may not be aware of having a conflict inside him, but at the subconscious level it compensates for it or activity.
  2. There are no extraneous persons with whom a person argues. The conflict arises from a person with himself.
  3. The confrontation is accompanied by depression, fears, stress and other negative experiences.

Depending on how the identity is characterized, various causes and essence of intrapersonal conflict are distinguished:

  • Freud considered this phenomenon as confrontation between biological instincts and gusts and social stations in which a person is forced to live. When internal desires are not consistent with external capabilities or moral public areas, then a person is stuck in conflict.
  • K. Levin determined the intrapersonal conflict as a need for a person to live in the conditions of simultaneously directed polar forces. Concontum is a consequence of the equivalent of these forces.
  • K. Rogers examined the intrapersonal conflict as a consequence of the discrepancy of the idea of \u200b\u200bhimself and understanding the ideal "I".
  • A. Masau considered this phenomenon as a consequence of the dispensing of the desire to self-realize and the results already achieved.
  • V. Merlin considered an intrapersonal conflict as a result of dissatisfaction with personal relationships and motives.
  • F. Vasilyuk believed that the intrapersonal conflict was the opposition of two opposite and independent values.

Leontyev believed that the intrapersonal conflict is the normal state of the psyche, since it is contradictory. A. Adler allocated an inferiority complex, developed as a child under the influence of unfavorable ambientAs the basis for the origin of the intrapersonal conflict.

E. Erickson believed that in each age period A person necessarily faces various contradictions, a successful or not successful resolution of which is programming further fate. Successful resolution allows you to go to the next round of development. Not successful permission leads to the emergence of complexes and basics for the development of intrapersonal conflicts.

Causes of intrapersonal conflict

Conditionally the causes of intrapersonal conflicts are divided into 3 types:

  1. Contraldiness itself. If a person has many desires, diverse views and values, then conflict can not be avoided. These contradictions are distinguished here:
  • Between public norms and needs.
  • Contradiction of public debt and internal (religious) values.
  • The incrugality of needs, interests, desires.
  • The struggle between social roles, which should find a person at a particular time interval.

These contradictions should be meaningful for the individual and at the same time equivalent, otherwise the conflict will not arise, the person will choose what is most acceptable or less pernicious.

  1. Man's status in society.
  2. Personality status in a specific group. Staying in a certain group of persons, a person is forced to coordinate its needs with the wishes of the environment. Sometimes it is necessary to "step on the throat of his own song" to just get the approval of his actions from other persons. Here are such confrontation:
  • External circumstances interfere with satisfying their needs.
  • Lack of partner who is needed to meet the need.
  • Physiological flaws and pathologies that prevent person to achieve a goal.
  • A society that interferes or limits a person.

A person must do work, while it does not provide necessary tools. Specific tasks give, while not discussed about the implementation of the conceived. A person must be an excellent employee, while paying enough family. Often, personal values \u200b\u200band rules proposed in the company come into contradiction.

There are a lot of reasons for the conflict inside personality, so absolutely all people face this phenomenon.

Types of intrapersonal conflict

K. Levin offered 4 main types of intrapersonal conflict:

  1. Equivalent - There is a confrontation of two or more functions that a person must fulfill. The solution is a compromise, partial execution.
  2. Vital - arises if necessary to take equally incorrect solutions.
  3. - It occurs when actions and result are equivalent to or repel.
  4. Frustration - occurs when the accepted norms and foundations are diverged, the result with actions undertaken to achieve the goal, disapproval.

A person faces intrapersonal conflict when encouraging two diverse motifs. The moral poverty arises in a situation where a person is forced to measure his desires with public moral installations, his aspirations with a debt.

The conflict on the basis of unrealized desires arises when a person has a goal, but faces a reality that interferes with it. The role conflict arises when a person is forced to play several roles at the same time, as well as in a situation where the requirements for a person are not converging with his own ideas about this role or capabilities.

The conflict of inadequate self-esteem arises as a result of discrepancies on its own presentation and assessment of personal potential.

Resolution of intrapersonal conflict

Adler, who first determined the resolution of the intrapersonal conflict, was carried out that the inferiority complex provokes this phenomenon. Up to 5 years is formed by the character of a person who is constantly subject to various adverse social circumstances. Hereinafter he only different ways tries to compensate for its shortcomings.

Adler allocated 2 ways to resolve intrapersonal conflict:

  1. Development of social interest and feelings. Successful development allows you to adapt to society and build good relationships. Otherwise, alcoholism, drug addiction, crime develops.
  2. Stimulation of own potential:
  • Adequate compensation.
  • Supercompensation - the development of one ability.
  • Imaginary compensation - some factors compensate for the incompleteness complex.

The resolution of the intrapersonal conflict may occur in such ways:

  1. Open:
  • Termination of doubt.
  • Making decisions.
  • Concentration on solving the problem.
  1. Hidden (latent):
  • Simulation, hysteria, torment.
  • Rationalization is a self-exchanging through logical reasoning, which include selective arguments.
  • Sublimation.
  • Idealization - abstraction, separation from reality.
  • Compensation is the replenishment of lost by other goals and achievements.
  • Regression is an avoidance of responsibility, refund to primitive forms of existence.
  • Care from reality is a dream.
  • Euphoria is a joyful state, intake fun.
  • Nomadism is a change in residence or work.
  • Projection - attribute to other persons of your own negative qualities.
  • Differentiation - separation of reflection from the author.

The consequences of intrapersonal conflict

The intrapersonal conflict affects the fact that a person is being formed. The consequences can be both productive and destroying, which depends on the decisions that are accepted by the individual.

Successful conflict resolution leads to self-knowledge, lifting self-esteem and personal self-realization. A man rises above himself, develops, becomes stronger, improves his own life.

Neurotic disorders, crises, personality splitting are negative consequences of intraperial conflict. Man becomes aggressive, irritable, disturbing, restless. The professional ability of a person and the ability to build contacts with others are disturbed.

If a person can not cope with his own internal problems and for a long time Wars the central place in their lives, then neurotic conflicts arise. A person changes under their impact.


The intrapersonal conflict is peculiar to all people. A person does not live in "greenhouse" conditions, where he can not worry about anything, do not worry, do not deal with trouble. The result will depend on the person personally, who sooner or later takes a certain solution after a long intrapersonal conflict.

What a decision the person will take, on this way he will go. And in the future, the problems of this or other nature will again arise. The person will again make decisions that will affect its development and action. It forms his future, that is, the life, which he then lives.