Repairs Design Furniture

Calculation of thermal energy consumption for heating. The specific consumption of thermal energy to the heating of the building: familiarity with the term and adjacent concepts. Source data for calculation

Create a heating system in his own home or even in an urban apartment is an extremely responsible occupation. It will be completely unreasonable at the same time to acquire boiler equipment, as they say, "on the eyes", that is, without taking into account all the features of housing. This is not fully excluded in two extremes: or the boiler power will not be enough - the equipment will work "on a complete coil", without a pause, but not to give the expected result, or, on the contrary, it will be purchased excessively expensive device, the possibilities of which will remain completely unclaimed.

But that's not all. A little correctly acquire the necessary heating boiler - it is very important to optimally choose and competently positioned the heat exchange devices - radiators, convectors or "warm floors". And again, relying only on their intuition or "good tips" of neighbors is not the most sensible option. In a word, without certain calculations - not to do.

Of course, ideally, such heat engineering calculations should be carried out by the relevant specialists, but it often costs a lot of money. Is it really not interesting to try to do it yourself? This publication will show in detail how the calculation of heating on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is carried out, taking into account many important nuances. By analogy, you can perform embedded in this page, it will help to perform the necessary calculations. The technique cannot be called completely "sinless", however, it still allows you to get a result with a quite acceptable degree of accuracy.

The simplest methods of calculation

In order for the heating system to create comfortable living conditions in the cold season, it must cope with two main tasks. These functions are closely related to each other, and their separation is very conditional.

  • The first is to maintain the optimal level of air temperature throughout the volume of heated room. Of course, in height, the temperature level may change somewhat, but this drop should not be significant. It is considered to be averaged figure of +20 ° C - it is precisely such a temperature that is usually taken for the initial in thermal calculations.

In other words, the heating system should be able to warm up a certain amount of air.

If it is possible to fit with full accuracy, then for individual premises, the standards of the required microclimate are installed in residential buildings - they are defined by GOST 30494-96. Excerpt from this document - in the table posted below:

Purpose of the roomAir temperature, ° СRelative humidity,%Air speed, m / s
optimalpermissibleoptimalpermissible, Maxoptimal, Maxpermissible, Max
For cold season
Living room20 ÷ 22.18 ÷ 24 (20 ÷ 24)45 ÷ 30.60 0.15 0.2
The same, but for residential rooms in the regions with minimal temperatures from - 31 ° C and below21 ÷ 23.20 ÷ 24 (22 ÷ 24)45 ÷ 30.60 0.15 0.2
Kitchen19 ÷ 21.18 ÷ 26.N / N.N / N.0.15 0.2
Restroom19 ÷ 21.18 ÷ 26.N / N.N / N.0.15 0.2
Bathroom combined bathroom24 ÷ 26.18 ÷ 26.N / N.N / N.0.15 0.2
Recreation and Training Rooms20 ÷ 22.18 ÷ 24.45 ÷ 30.60 0.15 0.2
Emergency Corridor18 ÷ 20.16 ÷ 22.45 ÷ 30.60 N / N.N / N.
Lobby, staircase16 ÷ 18.14 ÷ 20.N / N.N / N.N / N.N / N.
Pantry16 ÷ 18.12 ÷ 22.N / N.N / N.N / N.N / N.
For warm season (standard for residential premises. For the rest - not normalized)
Living room22 ÷ 25.20 ÷ 28.60 ÷ 30.65 0.2 0.3
  • Second - compensating heat loss through elements of the building design.

The most important "opponent" of the heating system is heat loss through building structures

Alas, heat loss is the most serious "rival" of any heating system. They can be reduced to a certain minimum, but even with the highest quality thermal insulation, it is not yet possible to get rid of them. The leakage of thermal energy goes in all directions - the approximate distribution of them is shown in the table:

Building design elementAn approximate value of heat loss
Foundation, floors on the soil or over unheated basement (base) premisesfrom 5 to 10%
"Cold Bridges" through bad insulated joints of building structuresfrom 5 to 10%
Engineering communications input sites (sewage, water supply, gas pipes, electrocabels, etc.)up to 5%
External walls, depending on the degree of insulationfrom 20 to 30%
Subcase windows and external doorsabout 20 ÷ 25%, of which about 10% - through the leakage joints between the boxes and the wall, and by venting
Roofup to 20%
Ventilation and chimneyup to 25 ÷ 30%

Naturally, to cope with such tasks, the heating system must have a certain heat capacity, and this potential does not only have to meet the general needs of the building (apartments), but also be properly distributed in the premises, in accordance with their area and a number of other important factors.

Usually the calculation is carried out in the direction "from small to the large". Simply put, the required amount of thermal energy is calculated for each heated room, the obtained values \u200b\u200bare summed up, approximately 10% of the stock (so that the equipment does not work on the limit of their capabilities) - and the result will show which power is the heating boiler. And the values \u200b\u200bfor each room will become the starting point for counting the required amount of radiators.

The most simplistic and most commonly used method in the non-professional medium is to take the rate of 100 W thermal energy for each square meter of the area:

The most primitive calculation method - 100 W / m² ratio

Q. = S. × 100.

Q. - necessary thermal capacity for the room;

S. - room area (m²);

100 - Specific capacity per unit area (W / m²).

For example, room 3.2 × 5.5 m

S. \u003d 3.2 × 5.5 \u003d 17.6 m²

Q. \u003d 17.6 × 100 \u003d 1760 W ≈ 1.8 kW

The method is obviously very simple, but very imperfect. It is worth noting that it is conditionally applicable only at a standard ceiling height - approximately 2.7 m (permissible - in the range from 2.5 to 3.0 m). From this point of view, the calculation will be more accurate not from the area, but on the volume of the room.

It is clear that in this case the value of the specific power is calculated on the cubic meter. It is taken equal to 41 W / m³ for a reinforced concrete panel house, or 34 W / m³ - in a brick or made of other materials.

Q. = S. × h. × 41 (or 34)

h. - the height of the ceilings (M);

41 or 34 - Specific capacity per unit volume (W / m³).

For example, the same room, in the panel house, with the height of the ceilings in 3.2 m:

Q. \u003d 17.6 × 3.2 × 41 \u003d 2309 watts ≈ 2.3 kW

The result is more accurate, since it already takes into account not only all linear dimensions of the room, but even, to a certain extent, and the features of the walls.

But still, before the present accuracy, it is still far away - many nuances are "behind the brackets". How to perform more close calculations to the real conditions - in the next section of the publication.

Perhaps you will be interested in information about what is represented by

Conducting the calculations of the necessary thermal power, taking into account the characteristics of the premises

The calculation algorithms discussed above are useful for the initial "prediction", but to rely on them completely still with very much caution. Even a person who does not understand anything in the building heat engineering may certainly seem dubious of these averaged values \u200b\u200b- they cannot be equal, say, for the Krasnodar Territory and for the Arkhangelsk region. In addition, room - Room Room: One is located on the corner of the house, that is, it has two outer walls, and the other from three sides is protected from heat loss by other rooms. In addition, there can be one or more windows in the room, both small and very overall, sometimes even panoramic type. Yes, and the windows themselves may differ material manufacturing material and other design features. And this is not a complete list - just such features are visible even with the "naked eye".

In a word, the nuances affecting the heat loss of each particular room is quite a lot, and it is better not to be lazy, but to carry out a more careful calculation. Believe me, according to the procedure proposed in the article, it will not be so difficult.

General principles and calculation formula

The basis of calculations will be the same as a ratio: 100 W per 1 square meter. But only the formula itself "faces" a considerable amount of various correction coefficients.

Q \u003d (s × 100) × a × b × c × d × e × f × g × h × i × j × k × l × m

Latin letters denoting coefficients are taken completely arbitrarily, in alphabetical order, and are not related to any standard adopted in physics. The value of each coefficient will be described separately.

  • "A" - a coefficient that takes into account the number of external walls in a particular room.

Obviously, the larger the exterior walls, the larger the area through which thermal losses occurs. In addition, the presence of two or more external walls means also angles - extremely vulnerable places from the point of view of the formation of "cold bridges". The coefficient "A" will amend this particular feature of the room.

The coefficient is taken equal to:

- external walls not (Interior): a \u003d 0.8.;

- Outer Wall one: a \u003d 1.0;

- external walls two: a \u003d 1,2;

- external walls three: a \u003d 1,4..

  • "B" is a coefficient that takes into account the location of the external walls of the room relative to the parties to the light.

Perhaps you will be interested in information about what happens

Even in the coldest winter days, solar energy still affects the temperature balance in the building. It is quite natural that the side of the house, which is facing south, receives a certain heating from sunlight, and heat loss through it below.

But the walls and windows facing north, the Sun "do not see" never. The eastern part of the house, although "grabs" the morning sunlight, any effective heating from them still does not receive.

Based on this, we enter the coefficient "B":

- The external walls of the room look at North or East: b \u003d 1,1;

- External walls of the room are focused on South or West: b \u003d 1.0.

  • "C" - the coefficient, taking into account the location of the room relative to the winter "Rose of Winds"

Perhaps this amendment is not so mandatory for houses located on the areas protected from winds. But sometimes the prevailing winter winds are able to make their "hard adjustments" in the thermal balance of the building. Naturally, the windward side, that is, the "substituted" wind will lose a much larger body, compared with the leeward, opposite.

According to the results of perennial metericors in any region, the so-called "wind rose" is drawn up - a graphic scheme showing the prevailing wind directions in the winter and summertime. This information can be obtained in the local hydrometeor. However, many inhabitants themselves, without meteorologists, know perfectly well, from where the winds are predominantly blowing in winter, and from which side of the house, the deepest drifts usually occlare.

If there is a desire to carry out calculations with higher accuracy, then it can be included in the formula and correction coefficient "C", adopting it equal:

- The windward side of the house: c \u003d 1,2;

- leeward walls of the house: c \u003d 1.0;

- Wall located in parallel direction of the wind: c \u003d 1,1.

  • "D" - correction coefficient, taking into account the specifics of the climatic conditions of the region of the building of the house

Naturally, the amount of heat loss through all building structures of the building will be very dependent on the level of winter temperatures. It is quite understandable that during the winter the thermometer indicators "dance" in a certain range, but for each region there is averaged figure of the lowest temperatures inherent in the coldest five-day year (usually it is typical of January). For example, the map-diagram of the territory of Russia is placed below, on which the flowers are shown by approximate values.

Usually this value is easy to clarify in a regional metelery service, but it is possible, in principle, to focus on your own observations.

So, the coefficient "D", which takes into account the characteristics of the climate of the region, for our calculation in accepting equal:

- from - 35 ° C and below: d \u003d 1,5;

- from - 30 ° C to - 34 ° С: d \u003d 1,3.;

- from - 25 ° C to - 29 ° С: d \u003d 1,2;

- from - 20 ° C to - 24 ° C: d \u003d 1,1;

- from - 15 ° C to - 19 ° C: d \u003d 1.0;

- from - 10 ° C to - 14 ° C: d \u003d 0.9;

- Not colder - 10 ° С: d \u003d 0.7.

  • "E" is a coefficient that takes into account the degree of insulation of external walls.

The total value of the thermal loss of the building is directly related to the degree of insulation of all building structures. One of the "leaders" on heat loss are walls. Therefore, the meaning of the thermal power required to maintain comfortable living conditions in the room is depending on the quality of their thermal insulation.

The value of the coefficient for our calculations can be taken as follows:

- External walls do not have insulation: e \u003d 1.27.;

- The average degree of insulation - walls in two bricks or their surface thermal insulation is provided by other insulation: e \u003d 1.0;

- insulation was carried out qualitatively, on the basis of conducted thermal calculations: e \u003d 0.85.

Below, in the course of this publication, recommendations will be given on how it is possible to determine the degree of insulation of walls and other building structures.

  • the coefficient "F" - amendment to the height of the ceilings

Ceilings, especially in private homes, can have different heights. Therefore, the thermal power to warm this or other premises of the same area will also differ in this parameter.

It will not be a big mistake to take the following values \u200b\u200bof the correction coefficient "F":

- The height of the ceilings up to 2.7 m: f \u003d 1.0;

- flow height from 2.8 to 3.0 m: f \u003d 1.05;

- The height of the ceilings from 3.1 to 3.5 m: f \u003d 1,1;

- the height of the ceilings from 3.6 to 4.0 m: f \u003d 1,15;

- The height of the ceilings is more than 4.1 m: f \u003d 1,2.

  • « g »- coefficient, taking into account the type of floor or room located under the overlap.

As shown above, the floor is one of the substantial sources of heat loss. It means that it is necessary to make some adjustments to the calculation and on this feature of a particular room. The correction coefficient "G" can be taken equal to:

- Cold floor on the soil or over the unheated room (for example, basement or basement): g.= 1,4 ;

- insulated floor of the soil or over the unheated room: g.= 1,2 ;

- Located the heated room: g.= 1,0 .

  • « h "- coefficient, taking into account the type of room located on top.

The heated air heating system always rises up, and if the ceiling in the room is cold, elevated heat loss, which will require an increase in the necessary thermal power. We introduce the coefficient "H", taking into account this feature of the calculated room:

- Top is located "Cold" attic: h. = 1,0 ;

- Top is located insulated attic or other insulated room: h. = 0,9 ;

- The top is located any heated room: h. = 0,8 .

  • « i "- coefficient taking into account the design features of windows

The windows are one of the "main routes" heat meters. Naturally, much in this matter depends on the quality of the window structure itself. Old wooden frames, which previously installed everywhere in all houses, in the extent of their thermal insulation are significantly inferior to modern multi-chamber systems with double-glazed windows.

Without words, it is clear that the thermal insulation qualities of these windows - differ significantly

But even between PVZ-windows there is no complete uniformity. For example, a two-chamber double glass (with three glasses) will be much more "warm" than the single-chamber.

It means that it is necessary to introduce a specific coefficient "I", taking into account the type of window installed in the room:

- Standard wooden windows with conventional double glazing: i. = 1,27 ;

- Modern window systems with a single-chamber glass: i. = 1,0 ;

- Modern window systems with a two-chamber or three-chamber double-glazed windows, including with argon filling: i. = 0,85 .

  • « j "- correction coefficient to the total area of \u200b\u200bglazing

No matter how high-quality windows are neither completely avoiding heat loss through them anyway will not succeed. But it is quite clear that it is impossible to compare the small window with panoramic glazing almost all the wall.

It will be necessary to start to find the ratio of the area of \u200b\u200ball windows in the room and the room itself:

x \u003d Σ.S.oK /S.p

S.oK- the total area of \u200b\u200bwindows indoors;

S.p- Place area.

Depending on the value obtained and the correction coefficient "J" is determined:

- x \u003d 0 ÷ 0.1 →j. = 0,8 ;

- x \u003d 0.11 ÷ 0.2 →j. = 0,9 ;

- x \u003d 0.21 ÷ 0.3 →j. = 1,0 ;

- x \u003d 0.31 ÷ 0.4 →j. = 1,1 ;

- x \u003d 0.41 ÷ 0.5 →j. = 1,2 ;

  • « k "- coefficient giving an amendment for the presence of an entrance door

The door to the street or on the unheated balcony is always an additional "loophole" for cold

The door to the street or on an open balcony is able to make its adjustments in the thermal balance of the room - each of its discovery is accompanied by penetration into the room of a considerable amount of cold air. Therefore, it makes sense to take into account and its presence - for this we introduce the coefficient "k", which we will take it equal:

- No doors: k. = 1,0 ;

- One door to the street or on the balcony: k. = 1,3 ;

- Two doors to the street or on the balcony: k. = 1,7 .

  • « l »- Possible amendments to the heating radiators

Perhaps someone will seem to be an insignificant trifle, but still - why not immediately consider the planned scheme for connecting heating radiators. The fact is that their heat transfer, which means that the participation in maintaining a certain temperature balance in the room is noticeably changing with different types of feeding pipes and "returns".

IllustrationType of ripples of radiatorThe value of the coefficient "L"
Diagonal connection: Feed from above, "Fitting" from belowl \u003d 1.0.
Connection on the one hand: Feed from above, "Fitting" from belowl \u003d 1.03.
Bilateral connection: and feed, and "reverse" from belowl \u003d 1.13.
Connection diagonally: feeding from below, "Return" from abovel \u003d 1.25
Connection on the one hand: Feed from below, "Fitting" from abovel \u003d 1.28.
One-sided connection, and feed, and "reverse" from belowl \u003d 1.28.
  • « m "- correction coefficient on the features of the installation location of heating radiators

And finally, the last coefficient, which is also associated with the peculiarities of connecting heating radiators. Probably, it is clear that if the battery is installed open, it does not blink from above and from the facade part, it will give the maximum heat transfer. However, such an installation is possible not always - more often radiators are partially hidden by windowsides. Other options are possible. In addition, some owners, trying to enter the heating priors in the interior ensemble created, hide them completely or partially with decorative screens - this is also significantly reflected on the thermal return.

If there are certain "notes", as and where radiators will be mounted, it can also be taken into account when carrying out calculations by entering a special coefficient "M":

IllustrationFeatures of the installation of radiatorsThe value of the coefficient "M"
The radiator is located on the wall open or not overlaps on top of the windowsillm \u003d 0.9
The radiator is overlapped with a window sill or shelfm \u003d 1.0
The radiator is overlapped with a protruding wall nichem \u003d 1.07
The radiator from above is covered with a window sill (niche), and with the front part - decorative screenm \u003d 1,12
The radiator is fully concluded in the decorative casingm \u003d 1,2

So, with a formula for calculating clarity. Surely, one of the readers immediately takes the head - they say, too complicated and cumbersome. However, if the case is suitable systemically, streamlined, then there is no difficulty in risen.

Any good owner of housing has a detailed graphic plan of its "possessions" with populated sizes, and is usually correlated on the sides of the world. The climatic features of the region will be clarified. It will remain just walking in all rooms with a tape measure, clarify some nuances for each room. Features of housing - "Vertical Neighborhood" on top and bottom, the location of the entrance doors, an estimated or already existing scheme for the installation of heating radiators - no one, except the owners, does not know better.

It is recommended to immediately compile a working table where all the necessary data for each room is added. The result of the calculations will also be entered into it. Well, the calculation themselves will help to carry out a built-in calculator, in which all coefficients mentioned above are already "laid".

If any data could not be obtained, then you can not accept them into account, but in this case the default calculator calculates the result with the least favorable conditions.

You can consider on the example. We have a plan at home (taken completely arbitrary).

Region with the level of minimum temperatures in the range -20 ÷ 25 ° C. The predominance of winter winds \u003d northeastern. One-storey house, with a warmed attic. Insulated floors on the ground. The optimal diagonal connection of the radiators will be selected, which will be installed under the windowsides.

We make a table of approximately this type:

Room, its area, ceiling height. Healing of the floor and "Neighborhood" from above and belowThe number of external walls and their main location relative to the parties of the world and the "Rose of Winds". The degree of insulation of wallsNumber, type and size of windowsAvailability of entrance doors (on the street or on the balcony)Required thermal power (taking into account 10% reserve)
Area 78.5 m² 10.87 kW ≈ 11 kW
1. Hall. 3.18 m². The ceiling is 2.8 m. Distributed floor on the soil. From above - insulated attic.One, south, the average degree of insulation. Leen sideNotOne0.52 kW
2. Hall. 6.2 m². The ceiling is 2.9 m. Insulated floor in the soil. From above - insulated atticNotNotNot0.62 kW
3. Kitchen-dining room. 14.9 m². The ceiling is 2.9 m. Well insulated floor in the soil. Nut - insulated atticTwo. South, west. The average degree of insulation. Leen sideTwo, single-chamber glass, 1200 × 900 mmNot2.22 kW
4. Children's room. 18.3 m². The ceiling is 2.8 m. Well insulated floor in the soil. From above - insulated atticTwo, North - West. High degree of insulation. UnbelledTwo, two-chamber glass windows, 1400 × 1000 mmNot2.6 kW
5. Sleeping. 13.8 m². The ceiling is 2.8 m. Well insulated floor in the soil. From above - insulated atticTwo, north, east. High degree of insulation. Viewed sideOne, two-chamber glass windows, 1400 × 1000 mmNot1.73 kW
6. Living room. 18.0 m². Ceiling 2.8 m. Well insulated floor. From above-a hypothelTwo, East, South. High degree of insulation. Parallel to the wind directionFour, two-chamber glass windows, 1500 × 1200 mmNot2.59 kW
7. Self-combined bathroom. 4.12 m². Ceiling 2.8 m. Well insulated floor. From above-a hypotham.One, north. High degree of insulation. Viewed sideOne. Wooden frame with double glazing. 400 × 500 mmNot0.59 kW

Then, using the calculator sided below, we calculate the calculator for each room (already taking into account the 10% reserve). Using the recommended application, it will not take much time. After that, it will remain to sum up the obtained values \u200b\u200bfor each room - this will be the necessary total power of the heating system.

The result for each room, by the way, will help you choose the required number of heating radiators correctly - it will only be divided into a specific thermal power of one section and round down to the most side.

Annual loss of heat building Q. tS. , kwch, should be determined by the formula

where - the sum of the loss of heat through the enclosing design structures, W;

t. in - the estimated temperature average temperature of the internal air, c;

t. h. - the average temperature of the coldest five-day security of 0.92, С, received by TKP / 1 /;

D. - the number of degree and day of the heating period, s.

8.5.4. The total annual consumption of thermal energy for heating and ventilation of the building

The total annual consumption of thermal energy for heating and ventilation of the building Q. s. , kWh, should be determined by the formula

Q. s. = Q. tS. Q. hS. 1 , (7)

where Q. tS. - annual loss of heat building, kWh;

Q. hS. - annual receipts of warmth from electrical appliances, lighting, technological equipment, communications, materials, people and other sources, kWh;

 1 - the coefficient taken in Table 1, depending on the method of regulating the building heating system.

Table 8.1.

Q s \u003d q ts q hs  1 \u003d 150,54 - 69.05 0.4 \u003d 122.92 kWh

8.5.5. Specific spending of thermal energy for heating and ventilation

Specific costs of thermal energy for heating and ventilation of buildings q. BUT , VTCh / (m 2  ° Сsut), and q. V. , T. · h / (m 3  ° CUT), should be determined by formulas:

where Q. s. - the total annual consumption of thermal energy for heating and ventilation of the building, kWh;

F. from - heated building area, m 2, determined by the internal perimeter of external vertical enclosing structures;

V. from - heated building volume, m 3;

D. - the number of degree and day of the heating period, ° CUT.

8.5.6. Regulatory specific costs of thermal energy for heating and ventilation

The regulatory specific costs of thermal energy on heating and ventilation of residential and public buildings are shown in Table 8.2.

Table 8.2.


objects rationing

Regulatory specific consumption of thermal energy

on heating and ventilation

on ventilation with artificial motivation

q. BUT N, VTch / (m 2 ssut)

q. V. N, VTCh / (m 3 Сsut)

q. h in , VTch / (m 3 st)

1 Residential buildings (9 floors or more) with outdoor walls from:

multilayer panels

monolithic concrete

piece materials

2 residential buildings (6-8 floors) with outdoor walls from:

multilayer panels

piece materials

3 residential buildings (4-5 floors) with outdoor walls from:

multilayer panels

piece materials

4 residential buildings (2-3 floors) with outer walls from piece materials

5 cottages, residential buildings of a manor type, including with attic

6 kindergartens with outer walls from:

multilayer panels

piece materials

7 kindergartens with a swimming pool with outdoor walls from:

multilayer panels

piece materials

8 schools with outdoor walls from:

multilayer panels

piece materials

9 Polyclinics with outer walls from:

multilayer panels

piece materials

10 Polyclinics with a swimming pool or gymnastic hall with outdoor walls from:

multilayer panels

piece materials

11 Administrative building with outdoor walls from:

multilayer panels

piece materials


1 The values \u200b\u200bof the regulatory specific costs of thermal energy to heating are determined with a glazality coefficient equal to: for pos. 1-4 - 0.18; For pos. 5 - 0.15.

2 The values \u200b\u200bof the specific costs of thermal energy on ventilation with artificial motivation are given as reference.

The duration of the supply ventilation systems with artificial motivation for public buildings for the heating period is defined on the basis of the following source data:

For children's nursery: 5-day working week and 12-hour working day;

For general education schools: 6-day working week and 12-hour working day;

For administrative buildings: 5-day working week and 10-hour working day.

The heating and supplying ventilation systems should operate in buildings with the average temperature of the outdoor air TN. South from + 8c and below in the area of \u200b\u200bthe calculated outdoor air temperature for the design of heating to -30c and with TN. South from + 10C and lower in the area of \u200b\u200bthe calculated temperature of the outer air For the design of heating below -30c. The duration of the duration of the heating period of NO and the average temperature of the outer air TN.SR is given in and for some cities of Russia in Appendix A. For example, for Vologda and the areas adjacent to it \u003d 250 days / year, and TNC \u003d - 3.1C TN South \u003d + 10c.

The costs of thermal energy in the GJ or Gcal for heating and ventilation of buildings for a certain period (month or heating season) are determined by the following formulas

QO. \u003d 0.00124NQO.R (TNN - TN) / (TNN - TN),

Qu. \u003d 0.001ZVNQV.R (TNN - TN) / (TNN - TN),

where n is the number of days in the settlement period; For heating systems N is the duration of the heating season NO from Appendix A or the number of days in a particular month Nones; For supplying systems of ventilation N - this is the number of business days of the enterprise or institution during the month NM.V or the heating season of the NV, for example, at a five-day working week NM.V \u003d NMEs5 / 7, and NB \u003d NO5 / 7;

QO.R, QB.R - Estimated thermal load (maximum hourly flow) in MJ / H or MKAL / H on heating or ventilation of the building calculated by formulas.

tVN - average air temperature in the building, shown in Appendix B;

tNSR - average outdoor temperature for the period under review (heating season or month), received by or by Appendix B;

tn.r - the calculated outdoor temperature for the design of heating (the temperature of the coldest five days of the security of 0.92);

ZB is the number of hours of operation of the supply systems of ventilation and air-thermal curtains during the day; With a single-handed work of the workshop or institution, ZB \u003d 8 hours / day is accepted, with a two-shift - ZB \u003d 16 hour / day, in the absence of data as a whole for the microdistrict ZV \u003d 16 hours / day.

The annual consumption of heat for hot water supply QGV.G.Gd to the GJ / year or GKAL / year is determined by the formula

QGV.G. \u003d 0.001Qsut (Nz + Nl Kl),

where qt is the daily consumption of heat for hot water supply of the building in MJ / day or Mcal / day calculated by the formula;

Nz - the number of days of consumption of hot water in the building for heating (winter) period; For residential buildings, hospitals, grocery stores and other buildings with the daily work of hot water systems, NZ is accepted equal to the duration of the heating season NO; For enterprises and institutions, NZ is the number of working days during the heating period, for example, at a five-day working week Nz \u003d NO5 / 7;

NL - the number of days of consumption of hot water in the building for the summer period; For residential buildings, hospitals, grocery stores and other buildings with the daily operation of hot water systems NL \u003d 350 - NO, where 350 is the calculated number of days a year of operation of the GW systems; For enterprises and institutions NL - this is the number of working days during the summer period, for example, at the five-day working week, NL \u003d (350 - NO) 5/7;

Kl is a coefficient that takes into account the decline in the consumption of heat into the GW due to a higher initial temperature of heated water, which in the winter is tx \u003d 5 degrees, and in summer, on average, TX.L \u003d 15 degrees; In this case, the coefficient Kl will be kl \u003d (TG - TX.L) / (TG - TX) \u003d (55 - 15) / (55 - 5) \u003d 0.8; In the fence of water from wells, there may be TX.L \u003d TX and then Kl \u003d 1.0;

The coefficient that takes into account the possible reduction in the number of hot water consumers in the summer due to the departure of the part of the inhabitants from the city to rest and acceptable for the housing and communal sector is equal to 0.8 (for resort and southern cities \u003d 1.5), and for enterprises \u003d 1.0.

The procedure for calculating heating in a residential foundation depends on the availability of metering devices and on how the house is equipped with. There are several options for configuration with meters of apartment buildings, and according to which the thermal energy is calculated:

  1. the presence of a common meter, while apartments and non-residential facilities are not equipped with meters.
  2. heating costs controls the general device, as well as all or some rooms are equipped with accounting devices.
  3. the general device of fixing the consumption and consumption of thermal energy is absent.

Before calculating the amount of gigacloery spent, it is necessary to find out the presence or absence of controllers on the house and in each individual room, including non-residential. Consider all three options for calculating thermal energy, each of which has developed a certain formula (posted on the website of state authorized bodies).

Option 1

So, the house is equipped with a control device, and separate rooms remain without it. Here it is necessary to take into account two positions: the counting of Gkal on the heating of the apartment, the costs of thermal energy for general business needs (ODN).

In this case, Formula No. 3 is used, which is based on the testimony of the general accounting device, the area of \u200b\u200bthe house and the prayer of the apartment.

Example of calculations

We assume that the controller recorded the cost of the house for heating in 300 Gcal / month (this information can be found from the receipt or contacting the control company). For example, the total area of \u200b\u200bthe house, which consists of the sum of the areas of all rooms (residential and non-residential), is 8000 m² (you can also find out this figure from the receipt or from the management company).

Take the area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment in 70 m² (indicated in the serviceport, a contract of hiring or registration certificate). The last figure, from which the calculation of payment for consumed heat depends, is the tariff established by the authorized bodies of the Russian Federation (specified in the receipt or find out in the home-controlling company). To date, the tariff for heating is 1,400 rubles / Gcal.

Substituting the data in Formula No. 3, we obtain the following result: 300 x 70/8,000 x 1 400 \u003d 1875 rubles.

Now you can go to the second stage of accounting for heating spending spent on the general needs of the house. Here you will need two formulas: search for the amount of service (No. 14) and the fee for the consumption of gigacalry in rubles (No. 10).

To correctly determine the amount of heating in this case, the summation of the area of \u200b\u200ball apartments and premises provided for public use will be required (information provides the management company).

For example, we have a general metrar of 7000 m² (including apartments, offices, commercial premises.).

We will proceed to calculate payment for the consumption of thermal energy according to formula No. 14: 300 x (1 - 7 000 / 8,000) x 70/7,000 \u003d 0.375 Gcal.

Using formula No. 10, we obtain: 0.375 x 1 400 \u003d 525, where:

  • 0.375 - the volume of heat supply services;
  • 1400 p. - tariff;
  • 525 p. - amount of payment.

We summarize the results (1875 + 525) and find out that payment for heat consumption will be 2350 rubles.

Option 2.

Now we will calculate payments under the conditions when the house is equipped with a common accounting device for heating, as well as individual counters, part of apartments are equipped with individual counters. As in the previous case, the calculation will be carried out in two positions (thermal energy consumption for housing and ODN).

We will need Formula No. 1 and No. 2 (the rules of charges according to the testimony of the controller or taking into account the standards of heat consumption for residential premises in GKAL). Calculations will be carried out relative to the area of \u200b\u200bthe residential building and the apartment from the previous version.

  • 1.3 gigakalories - an individual counter readings;
  • 1 1820 p. - Approved tariff.

  • 0.025 Gcal - the regulatory rate of heat consumption per 1 m² of area in the apartment;
  • 70 m² - a member of the apartment;
  • 1 400 p. - tariff for thermal energy.

How it becomes clear, with this option, the amount of payment will depend on the availability of an accounting device in your apartment.

Formula number 13: (300 - 12 - 7 000 x 0.025 - 9 - 30) x 75/8 000 \u003d 1,425 Gcal, where:

  • 300 Gcal - the testimony of a common counter;
  • 12 Gcal - the amount of thermal energy used on heating non-residential premises;
  • 6,000 m² - the sum of the area of \u200b\u200ball residential premises;
  • 0.025 - standard (consumption of thermal energy for apartments);
  • 9 Gcal - the amount of indicators from the meters of all apartments that are equipped with accounting devices;
  • 35 Gcal - the amount of heat spent on the supply of hot water in the absence of its centralized feed;
  • 70 m² - apartment area;
  • 8,000 m² - total area (all residential and non-residential premises in the house).

Please note that this option includes only the real volumes of energy consumed and if your home is equipped with a centralized supply of hot water, the volume of heat spent on the needs of hot water supply is not taken into account. The same applies to non-residential premises: if they are missing in the house, they will not be included in the calculation.

  • 1,425 Gcal - the amount of heat (ODN);

  1. 1820 + 1995 \u003d 3 815 rub. - with an individual counter.
  2. 2 450 + 1995 \u003d 4445 rub. - without an individual device.

Option 3.

We have left the last option, during which we consider the situation when there is no heat meter on the house. Calculation, as in previous cases, we will spend in two categories (thermal energy consumption for apartment and one).

The removal of the amount of heating, we carry out with the help of Formula No. 1 and No. 2 (rules on the procedure for calculating thermal energy, taking into account the testimony of individual accounts or in accordance with the established standards for residential premises in GKAL).

Formula number 1: 1.3 x 1 400 \u003d 1820 rubles., Where:

  • 1.3 Gcal - Individual Counter Indications;
  • 1 400 p. - Approved tariff.

Formula number 2: 0.025 x 70 x 1 400 \u003d 2 450 rub., Where:

  • 1 400 p. - Approved tariff.

As in the second version, the payment will depend on whether your housing is equipped with an individual counter to heat. Now it is necessary to find out the volume of heat, which was spent on public needs, and should be performed according to formula No. 15 (the amount of services for the ODN) and No. 10 (amount for heating).

Formula number 15: 0.025 x 150 x 70/7000 \u003d 0.0375 Gcal, where:

  • 0.025 Gcal - the normative heat flow rate of 1 m² of living space;
  • 100 m² - the sum of the area of \u200b\u200bpremises intended for generalic needs;
  • 70 m² - the total area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment;
  • 7,000 m² - total area (all residential and non-residential premises).

Formula number 10: 0.0375 x 1 400 \u003d 52.5 rubles, where:

  • 0.0375 - heat volume (ODN);
  • 1400 p. - Approved tariff.

As a result of the calculations, we found out that full payment for heating would be:

  1. 1820 + 52.5 \u003d 1872.5 rubles. - with an individual counter.
  2. 2450 + 52.5 \u003d 2 502.5 rub. - Without an individual counter.

In the above-mentioned payments for heating, data on an apartment, at home, as well as about the meter indicators, which can significantly differ from those that you have were used. All you need is to substitute your values \u200b\u200bin the formula and make a final calculation.

Explanations to the Calculator of the Annual Flow of Heat Energy for Heating and Ventilation.

Initial data for calculation:

  • The main characteristics of the climate, where the house is located:
    • The average outdoor air temperature of the heating period t. O.P;
    • The duration of the heating period: this is the period of the year with the average daily temperature of the outer air no more than + 8 ° C - z. O.P.
  • The main characteristic of the climate inside the house: the calculated temperature of the internal air t. VR, ° C
  • The main thermal characteristics of the house: the specific annual consumption of thermal energy for heating and ventilation, assigned to the degree of the heating period, W · h / (m2 ° C of day).

Climate characteristics.

Climate parameters for calculating heating in a cold period for different cities of Russia can be viewed here: (climatology map) or SP 131.13330.2012 "SNiP 23-01-99 *" Construction climatology ". Actualized editors »
For example, parameters for calculating heating for Moscow ( Parameters B.) such:

  • The average outdoor temperature of the heating period: -2.2 ° C
  • The duration of the heating period: 205 days. (For a period with an average daily temperature of the outer air, no more than + 8 ° C).

The temperature of the internal air.

You can install your internal air temperature, or you can take from standards (see the table in Figure 2 or in the Table 1 tab 1).

The calculations apply the value D. D - degree and day of the heating period (HSOP), ° C × day. In Russia, the value of the HSOP is numerically equal to the product of the average daily air temperature for the heating period (OP) t. O.P and the calculated temperature of internal air in the building t. V.R on the duration of the OP in the days: D. d \u003d ( t. O.P - t. V.R) z. O.P.

Specific annual thermal energy consumption for heating and ventilation

Normal values.

Specific heat consumption The heating of residential and public buildings for the heating period should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bof SNiP 23-02-2003 given in the table. Data can be taken from the table in Picture 3 or calculate on the Table 2 tab (Recycled option from [L.1]). On it, select for your home (area / Floors) The value of the specific annual flow rate and insert into the calculator. This is the characteristic of thermal quality at home. All residential houses under consideration must meet this requirement. Basic and normalized by year of construction The specific annual consumption of thermal energy for heating and ventilation is based on project of the Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation "On approval of the requirements of the energy efficiency of buildings, buildings, structures", where the requirements for basic characteristics (the project of 2009) are indicated, the characteristics of the Normanded Called from the moment of approval (Conditionally denoted N.2015) and since 2016 (N.2016).

Calculated value.

This value of the thermal energy flow can be indicated in the project of the house, it can be calculated on the basis of the project of the house, it is possible to estimate its size based on real thermal measurements or the size of the energy consumed during the year. If this value is specified in W · h / m2 , It is necessary to divide it on the HSOP in ° C of the day., The resulting value to compare with a normalized for home with a similar story and an area. If it is less normalized, then the house satisfies the requirements of thermal protection, if not, the house should be inspired.

Your numbers.

The initial data values \u200b\u200bfor calculation are given for example. You can insert your values \u200b\u200bin the field on a yellow background. In the fields on a pink background insert reference or calculated data.

What can say the results of the calculation.

Specific annual heat consumption,kWh / m2 - can be used to rate required amount of fuel per year for heating and ventilation. By the amount of fuel, you can choose the tank capacity (warehouse) for fuel, the frequency of its replenishment.

The annual consumption of thermal energy,kW · h - the absolute value of energy consumed for heating and ventilation. Changing the internal temperature values \u200b\u200bcan be seen as this value changes, evaluate savings or overruns of energy from changing the temperature maintained inside the house, see how the inaccuracy of the thermostat is affected by the energy consumption. Especially clear it will look in terms of rubles.

Degree-day of the heating period,° · day. - characterize climatic conditions external and internal. Sharing the specific annual consumption of thermal energy VKVT · h / m2, you will get the normalized characteristic of the thermal properties of the house, dishone from climatic conditions (this can help in choosing a house project, heat-insulating materials).

On the accuracy of calculations.

On the territory of the Russian Federation certain climate change occurs. The study of the evolution of climate has shown that currently there is a period of global warming. According to the evaluation report of Roshydromet, the climate of Russia has changed stronger (0.76 ° C) than the climate of the Earth as a whole, and the most significant changes occurred in the European territory of our country. In fig. 4 It can be seen that an increase in air temperature in Moscow for the period 1950-2010 took place in all seasons. It was the most significant in the cold period (0.67 ° C for 10 years). [L.2]

The main characteristics of the heating period are the average temperature of the heating season, ° C, and the duration of this period. Naturally, their real significance changes annually and, therefore, the calculations of the annual heat consumption for heating and ventilation of houses are only an assessment of the real annual flow of thermal energy. The results of this calculation allow compare .



  • 1. Clarification of the tables of the basic and year-normalized construction of the energy efficiency indicators of residential and public buildings
    V. I. Livchak, Cand. tehn Sciences, independent expert
  • 2. New SP 131.13330.2012 "SNIP 23-01-99 *" Construction climatology ". Actualized editors »
    N. P. Umnajakova, Cand. tehn Sciences, Deputy Director for Scientific Work Niizf Rasn