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Restoring and cleansing the aura on your own. How to restore the aura and biofield on your own after life's difficulties

Restoring and cleansing the aura on your own. Clairvoyant Arina Yurchenko's advice.

Since I am a clairvoyant and psychic, all the practices that I teach or do in the office in the classroom or via Skype are based on visualization and sensations. Not all people can be clairvoyant and clearly see their aura, color, etc. I do not insist on this in the same way, but from the practice of teaching, many of my students see a lot after practices or training courses. Sometimes I give channels for the development of intuition, but this is not the essence of the article. Today in this article we will try to independently work with the aura through the method of sensation or visualization. This exercise or techniques I decided to give from the course on "Protective Magic", which I have been teaching for many years.

Many people already understand that a person is multifaceted and has a glow around his body. This is called the human aura.

An aura is an energy field that shines around the body. It is created by generating energy in the chakras, and each chakra keeps the aura fields clean and energized. When the chakras are barely open or damaged, the aura can appear dull and weak. At the same time, if you are in a good mood and healthy and more or less emotionally open, then you will have more open and active chakras and a stronger, energetic and vital aura.

If your aura is compressed, then it can only extend to a distance of 30-40 cm from your body. If your aura is too extended, then it can extend from your body in a radius of 2 to 800 meters, being in a diffuse state. Neither type of aura is ideal. A constricted aura usually makes a person feel more constrained, timid, and detached. Moreover, feelings of this type may well cause the formation of such an aura. Too long an aura can lead to distraction, a desire to escape from reality and a tendency to feel and absorb emotions, thoughts and even pain of all those who fall into the area to which the aura extends. An overly extended aura can also be the result of feelings and situations that it tends to evoke. In other words, the cause and conditions for the existence of an unhealthy aura tend to reproduce in greater quantities the same conditions that gave rise to them.

In this article and methodology, we will strive to ensure that the aura has an ovoid shape and is evenly distributed around the body - above it, below it, behind it, in front of it and on the sides. As a result of numerous experiments, it was found that the radius of the aura equal to 0.6 - 1 m (but not more) in all directions is the most optimal. This size of the aura can be considered the most convenient and suitable, especially in crowded places.

Now let's look at the process of cleansing and healing the aura:

1. Ground yourself using the Grounding Exercise

Get on the floor. Legs together. Feel your feet and the weight that you are not on the ground.

Then you visualize 1 chakra at the bottom, a ball of energy. Imagine how a rope or cord, garland, etc. is formed from a ball. and descends down to the ground. A rope or cord grows as in Figure 1-a.

You start up this cord first to the earth, then you break through the earth, and this cord, like a root, goes deep into the earth and pierces into the core of the earth. The cord and core of the earth turns golden.

Then we expand the cord to the level of the hip circumference.

The cord turns into a tree trunk.

The trunk tree is hollow inside.

Through this hollow tree negative energy or negative vibrations, the energy of strangers, etc. flows down the cord from your aura. I'll explain later.

Stand a little on the floor or the ground and feel the cord.

When you are grounded, you are confident and negative energy flows down the cord constantly, which helps you to get rid of unnecessary astral debris or energies in time.

After doing the Grounding exercise:

2. With your eyes closed, feel the area around your body. First, simply extend your breath about 30 cm into your aura with intention. As you breathe into this area, try to get a general idea of ​​how your aura feels: tight and dense, weak and diffuse, or energetic and soft. Or just try to feel it in your head as a hint or intuition.

3. Using breathing and visualization (either intuitively or trying to hear the message) determine how far your aura extends from the body in front of you.

4. Determine the width of the aura on both sides of the body.

5. Now try to see and feel the aura above your head and below your feet. Compare these two areas.

6. With help. breath, feelings, imagination, or in some other way that is natural for you, determine how much space the aura occupies behind your back. Compare this to the area in front of you.

7. Now that you know more about the nature of your aura, adjust it so that it accurately fills the space within a radius of 0.6 - 1m. around you and had an ovoid shape. Use your breath, imagination, and clear intention to do this. First, for convenience, you can use your hands to mark the space around the body and give the desired shape aura, attracting, where necessary, the field to itself or, conversely, pushing it away from itself. For most of you, adjusting an aura means "pulling in" it and making its edges more defined and defined. The rest need to "push" the aura field away from themselves, that is, to spread it further in order to fill the required space. If you are a beginner, it will be difficult for you to get the aura to move in the area under your feet; you may not succeed at all. In a situation like this, only persistence and practice will help.

8. As you adjust the energy field around you, observe any changes in your feelings, physical sensations, and awareness of what is happening.

9. Now mentally imagine a rain of golden liquid light pouring down on you from above and passing through the field of your aura. Let it pour for at least two to five minutes for the first time. Note the delightful sensations that he caused you. You can just imagine how the stream of this rain first pours on you, then expands over the entire field.

10. Then mentally imagine firewood under your feet and light a fire, let the flame go up and the fire goes through the entire field of your aura, burning out the negative. So we sit for 5-10 minutes and breathe fire, burn traffic jams and dirt in the aura. Then imagine the fire becomes like a huge violet flame the size of your aura. Cover your entire aura with it, including the area under your feet. Don't worry, it won't do any harm. The violet flame will simply transform low frequency energies into high frequency energies that represent a more natural state of being. If this is your first experience with the violet flame, then stay inside it for only one or two minutes. As a result of using this method, you may feel warmer and energized. If you overdo it, you may experience an overflow condition caused by the burning of old energies at the etheric level. Therefore, take a moderate approach at first; Over time, with experimentation, you can develop your own level of application of this method. Practice purple fire 7-15 minutes a day.

11. When finished, remove the violet flame and open your eyes. Most people who visualize this rain for the first time report feeling better, more alert, mentally clearer, and brighter. It's simple but effective method cleanse yourself of any unnecessary and negative or foreign energies that you have "picked up". This method is also good for removing energies that you have released from your body during healing or meditation.

Clairvoyant Arina Yurchenko

The aura or biofield is our protective field shell, a natural defense against subtle-material influences, therefore, when it is violated, a person gets sick and has a bunch of problems, from health to psychological ones.

Violation of the integrity of this field shell most often occurs with aggressive external influences from others. In such cases, they often talk about the evil eye. But this is possible even with problems. psychological nature... Both have an effect on health, vitality and good luck.

A breakdown in the aura is quite capable of providing any person with strong energy, for example, your relative, a neighbor's grandmother at the entrance or a work colleague.

An attack on the biofield is a strong release of negatively charged emotional energy. The boss "got up" at work, yelled at the husband / wife, or quarreled in the transport (substitute the correct one). All this can lead to a breakdown of the biofield.

The most dangerous attack of this kind is when your aura takes on a strong stream of negativity from a mentally abnormal, insane person, for example, who escaped from a fool. There may not even be screams and insults, just hatred in the look and the release of a portion of energy.

Signs of aura or biofield breakdown:

Fatigue, general malaise, sometimes mild chills, unwillingness to live, unreasonable fear, and sometimes panic attacks... If you have the whole package at once, and especially - there is precisely an unreasonable fear, then most likely this is not a banal acute respiratory infection, but a breakdown of the aura or, in the popular way, the evil eye. It is treated.

Most often, in a relatively healthy person, it goes away on its own, in a couple of days. The aura is restored if you or others do not aggravate the situation.

Restoring the aura in practice:

1. Stand up, bend your legs slightly, calm your breathing. Give yourself a mindset that now you will restore your field and health. Smile.

2. Turn off thoughts, the evaluating factor interferes.

3. Stretch your relaxed arms forward, to the sides, up, try to feel the elastic border of the cocoon shell. Most likely, you will be able to feel the border the first time. Imagine it as a kind of package of light. It has a fusiform shape, like a cocoon of butterflies.

4. Try to roll the cocoon around its axis without moving the body. Just imagine it. At first, it will go tight and it will seem that nothing is happening. Don't think about it. Just do it. Thoughts and mind are the enemies of this practice. Pay no attention to them. Inhale - half a turn of the cocoon, exhale - the second half turn. Turn 10 turns counterclockwise and 10 turns clockwise.

5. Walk around the room, try not to think about anything. Repeat the previous point, but now imagine that the cocoon has holes ... and the shell itself became sticky and viscous, like honey, it sticks to itself ... counterclockwise and 10 clockwise. After mastering this practice, the previous point is not needed.

6. Now you have no holes, everything is overgrown and stuck. You have a whole and elastic aura that has correct shape and is capable of repelling any attacks ... Fix this picture in your mind ...

7. Immediately engage in work that requires maximum attention. This will cause the mind to switch from "sticking in the wheels" of the aura restoration process to a new task. The result will automatically fix the subconscious.

After some time of practice, the restoration of the aura will take only a few minutes. The main keys to this practice are visualization, thought shutdown, and intention.

I wish you the best in your life !!!

There are many techniques, but not all of them are to strengthen their biofield or restore it by closing the holes in the aura. In this material, we have selected the most effective techniques.

In the article:

How to strengthen your biofield and aura

The topics of how to strengthen your biofield and how to strengthen your aura are closely related. To understand this, you need to understand the definitions. What is a biofield? Biofield- a thin, energy layer that surrounds every living being. If you do not go into details, then you can notice with the naked eye a great similarity between the biofield and the aura. Moreover, the effects on the aura and the effects on the biofield are similar. By the nature and the effect that it has on a person.

So how to strengthen the human biofield? - Through the aura, of course. There are several effective techniques, which we will list. The first, and the simplest is respiratory. Breathing is an important part of any meditation. It affects not only the body, but also the emotional state. When stressed, they advise to go out, breathe - and for good reason. But in order to strengthen the aura, you need to breathe in a certain way.

Take a deep breath with your left nostril. Suck in air until you feel overcrowded. Now you need to close both nostrils with your fingers and wait for 16 seconds. Feel the air with every part of your lungs, your body. Now breathe out. But already through the right nostril. Exhale all the way until you feel your lungs are empty. Repeat the procedure for a few minutes. Simple and effective, the main thing is to maintain a clear rhythm.

Second practice directly refers to yoga. It will take time to complete. It is designed for those times when you can concentrate on strengthening. Get into a comfortable position - no matter which one. The main thing here is purely your convenience. You can breathe as described above. This will simplify the whole operation. Then close your eyes and imagine, a meter above your head, a point consisting of a scalding white flame. Mentally grasp the point with your hands, stroke it.

The light should change from white but golden. It no longer burns, its light is pleasing to the eye. Let the fire stretch out in a stream and start slowly pouring into your biofield. After a few minutes, you will feel warmth surrounding your head and chest. When all the fire flows into the biofield, sit like this for a few more minutes. Let the process calm down. This method can be used not only to strengthen, but also to close the holes in the aura.

A common problem with the aura is its excessive compression, or vice versa, stretching. Both of these conditions are harmful to humans. In the first case, you will feel overly constrained. Any decision will be taken hard, with a bunch of thoughts and doubts. In the second - absent-mindedness, a desire to get away from the real world... Any problem encountered will seem like an insurmountable obstacle. In order to cope with this problem, there is the following technique.

Get into a comfortable position. For preparation, you can carry out the first two exercises - this will greatly facilitate the task. Close your eyes, concentrate. Try to imagine your aura, let it surround you. Here you need to succumb to your inner feelings. Let the subconscious tell you - what is your aura? Stretched out? Compressed? What feelings appear in the chest when you try to imagine it? Trembling and emptiness, or tightness like a belt? Feelings will tell you exactly what problems are happening with your aura.

Now more about what to do if the aura is compressed. Breathe in deeply. Let the compression strap stretch to its limit, pulling a hot band across your chest. Keep breathing, pulling it tighter and tighter each time. And when you feel that it will burst soon - hold your breath. Draw a mental line as if cutting through a belt. If you do everything right, then the oppressive feeling will disappear.

What if the aura is stretched? The relaxed position is occupied, you clearly visualize her. Now mentally squeeze the aura with your hands. But not rudely, but gently, as if stroking. Walk along it with your palms like on clay on a potter's wheel. Let this shapeless lump return to its original state. Continue doing this for a few minutes until the aura looks like a neat cocoon around your body.

Method to restore a person's aura and close holes

Just as in the previous section, answering the question of how to restore the human aura, we will also answer the question of how to restore the human biofield. You need to approach this task in a comprehensive manner, because at such moments you need to patch everything holes in the aura person. Energy will flow through them. Dissolving in the atmosphere, it will deprive you of a particle of happiness. It is necessary to stop the loss as soon as possible, otherwise the consequences can be the most dire. Moreover, diseases, both physical and psychological, penetrate precisely through such holes. Weak spots in your defense.

First of all, it is worth figuring out - why does this happen? Holes in the aura are caused by the strong negative emotions, and . Fear, hatred, grief - all this can damage the energy shell. At such moments, a person seems to be teasing emotionally. Severe stress arises, which can turn life into sheer suffering. How to deal with these troubles?

This technique can be done with both hands and. The second option is more effective, but only if the crystal is selected correctly. How exactly to choose it is an extensive question, so we will not consider it here.

Choose an empty seat. Stand up, close your eyes and even out your breathing. Listen to yourself, disconnect from the rest of the world. Shake your hands several times until a feeling of even warmth settles in them. Now start moving your palms next to your body, from top to bottom. Start from the top of your head and end at the level of your feet. Listen carefully to what your hands are feeling. Soon you will stumble upon holes - gaps where the palms will feel cold. Shake your hands or crystal after each such pass. After a few minutes of such exercises, the feeling of failure will disappear - the aura is restored.

Biofield protection from negative influences

After recovery and strengthening, you need to make sure that there are no more of these problems. At least for a while. And then the question arises - how to protect your biofield? Emotional rubbish will gradually destroy it. And then there are new holes, violations and more... So the biofield needs to be protected, protected. After all, by protecting him, you are also protecting yourself. Contribute to the fact that life will never unsettle you again.

The answer is quite simple - along with the biofield, you need to know how to protect your aura. One is impossible without the other. If you do not follow the foundation, then the building will collapse, and if you do not strengthen the walls, then the house will fall apart. By supporting one, you follow the other. Such operations work in a complex manner, in close connection - a spiritual symbiosis, so to speak.

How to protect your aura and your biofield? You can use amulets and charms. They are quite versatile, but you need to be careful to ensure that they do not deteriorate. The basis for any such artifact should be mirror surface... Thus, they seem to reflect any negative that flies in your direction. The main thing is not to forget to feed it with the right mantras and thought forms. Cast them at least two to three times a day. Thus, they will always be on guard, saving the biofield from foreign influences.

The second option is mental. It requires a lot of experience and at least the initial makings. At the very beginning of the day, you should immerse yourself in thought for a few seconds. Visualize your aura, let it cover you with a cocoon, protecting you from the world around you. Now slowly but surely start creating a ball around the aura and biofield. Present it in every detail. Feel its weight, density. Weigh in your hands. He must become as real as possible. Lie down for a few minutes, let this image settle in your head. Everything is ready, you are protected. But remember to rebuild the ball throughout the day. Remember the morning image where the ball is safe and sound.

Biofield is a person's energy-informational field. Since ancient times, teachers and followers of various traditions have been able to see such a field and maintain human health with the help of esoteric knowledge. They are based on Ayurveda, ancient Chinese and Tibetan medicine and others. This knowledge has come down to our time and is widely used.

The biofield looks like an egg-shaped cocoon, surrounding a person... Otherwise, it is called an aura. By its appearance, conclusions are drawn about a person's health, the direction of his thoughts, life experience and other energy-informational components.

A conclusion about the approximate, general state of a person can be made by the magnitude of the aura. Have healthy people it varies in the range of 40-60 cm. With existing diseases in humans, it shrinks to 15-30 cm. In people with rich energy potential and excellent health, it ranges from 1 m or more.

How to see the biofield

You can see the biofield with the help of various devices and with the help of your eyes during a certain training. Devices for seeing aura:

  • gas-discharge chamber, developed by S. D. Kirlian;
  • Korotkov apparatus operating on the basis of electrography;
  • crownoscope - a modern apparatus and others.

The natural way is to learn to see the biofield with your own eyes. To do this, you need to practice, be able to focus your gaze correctly. Anyone can develop this skill. One of the available and effective methods is described in the DEIR school at the first stage. Books are freely available on the Internet.

The reasons for the weakening of the biofield

Physical and mental health are interconnected, so they flow into each other. In the biofield you can see general state energy of a person, as well as his specific particulars. There are the following main reasons for the deformation of the energy cocoon:

  1. Physics level:
  • poor posture, spinal diseases, muscle clamps;
  • various diseases, especially chronic ones;
  • improper diet, bad habits;
  • sedentary, sedentary lifestyle and others.
  1. At the etheric level:
  • not correct breathing;
  • lack of fresh air and stay in nature;
  • the habit of a weakened state of the body.
  1. On the astral level:
  • frequent negative emotions;
  • problems in relationships with people;
  • lack of sleep and others.
  1. At the mental level:
  • unnecessary, useless thoughts and constant identification of one's essence with them;
  • negative thoughts;
  • thinking a lot about the past and the future instead of being in the present.

The consequences of weakening the biofield

There are such consequences from deformations of the energy cocoon:

  • manipulation, disrespect, insults and other negative influences from the people around, the complexity of relationships with them;
  • frequent accidents, bad luck in many or all areas of life;
  • chronic and acute diseases;
  • energy vampirism, dependence on loved ones;
  • lack of desire to help other people, develop spiritually and others.

Ways to restore human biofield

Healers know how to strengthen the human biofield. If you have a goal to restore it with the help of a healer, you should only contact a trusted person. Best of all through a friend who has already recovered from him. In addition, there are ways to restore the biofield on your own. Let's consider them.


There are many different meditations. One of the simplest and most effective is done in this way:

  1. Sit back in a comfortable position and relax.
  2. Close your eyes and tune in to the correct breathing - breathe only through your nose, exhalation is longer than inhalation.
  3. Visualize a colorful cocoon of energy around you.
  4. Then visualize a ray of sunshine from heaven entering the crown chakra located at the crown of the head.
  5. Fill yourself with this radiant, light energy. The biofield will gradually expand.
  6. Reach out to your subconscious and forgive yourself for all your negative thoughts and actions. Give him the mindset to renew the body with fresh, clean energy.


If you are a Christian, read sincere prayers often. The most effective for cleansing the aura are "Our Father", "Life-giving Cross", Psalms and others. When reading, you need to follow these rules:

  1. Pray in a quiet, secluded place so that no one can interfere with you.
  2. Repent before prayer.
  3. Surround yourself with a supportive environment. Place the desired icon, hold the cross, light church candles, use incense, preferably incense.
  4. Don't ask to punish those responsible for your problem. Moreover, in the first place, a person is always to blame himself for his troubles.
  5. Read one specific prayer at least 7 times.
  6. Include words of gratitude in your prayer.

If you are an atheist, then use the following healing methods. If not, combine them together with prayers or meditations.


Do wellness gymnastics. You can pick up some exercises from the books of Paul Bragg, I.P. Neumyvakin, complex Tibetan gymnastics"Eye of Rebirth" and others that are performed at home. Hatha yoga, tai chi chuan, Slavic health are considered the most effective, but it is better to perform them with a mentor.

Relax every day with yoga nidra techniques or similar.

Do self-massage different parts body. Massages of feet, palms and ears are especially relevant. Reflex points are located on them, affecting the work of all internal organs.

Proper nutrition

Observe the following principles of proper nutrition:

  • Give up bad habits, the use of alcohol, canned food, semi-finished products and other junk food.
  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of purified water a day.
  • Make the Right Diet for Everyone required elements... Carbohydrates should be about 60%, proteins 10-12%, fats about 30%.
  • Set yourself up for healing fasting days. According to the reviews of people leading healthy image life, many praise the methodology of Paul Bragg.
  • Use medicinal decoctions, tinctures.

Additional methods

Add the following additional methods for purifying the biofield:

  • Listen to relaxing new age music, classics. Of the classical, Mozart is preferred.
  • Use a variety of incense.
  • Learn Feng Shui and follow its principles.

  • treat your diseases with everyone effective methods, especially chronic;
  • always breathe correctly;
  • be in nature more often and treat it with respect and love - then it will reciprocate and nourish you with vitality;
  • when you feel tired, do not identify with such a state;
  • try to maintain a good, positive mood in any life circumstances;
  • work out psychological clamps from the past, complexes;
  • communicate openly with people and try to find a good social circle;
  • learn the techniques of proper communication with energy vampires in order to isolate themselves from them and at least not to feed them unfairly;
  • learn to put energy protection;
  • control your thoughts, learn to stop internal dialogue.

Now you know how to restore your biofield on your own. Apply the above methods and principles of biofield recovery. Explore the recommended techniques of some authors and "may the force be with you"!

Everyone is familiar with the feeling of loss of strength after communicating with some specific person: you feel a complete collapse of energy, an energetic decline, stomach cramps and headache. This is a typical response to loss of energy.

Some people "Suck" your energy, without even knowing it. But you shouldn't indulge in energetic "vampirism". You can protect yourself from this by using the method of closing the internal energy circuit. No one can "steal" energy from you if your energy flows are closed and circulate only inside the body and aura.

To close the energy chain, sit with your legs crossed at the level of the ankle joints, and bring the pads of the fingers of both hands together. Only the pads of the thumb and forefinger can be joined. This is how your energy chain closes. You have protected yourself from energy losses.

The next time you interact with an energy vampire, accept this position. Calmly fold your hands in your lap with your fingers and your ankles crossed. This is a common, completely natural posture for a person, which will not cause any suspicion in the interlocutor. By the way, it is also useful to do this when communicating with such a person on the phone.

Starting to practice such a defense, be prepared for the fact that many people with whom you communicate will begin to reproach you for isolation and coldness, although you have not lost your friendliness and openness. You just don't let anyone steal your energy!

Technique No. 2. Energy breathing technique

In order for the aura to be strong and healthy, it is necessary Fresh air and correct breathing. Breathing in through the nose ensures maximum energy flow into the aura.

When a person breathes through his mouth, his aura loses energy. This damages the entire energy system. There are no filters between the mouth and the lungs, and dust, dirt and other "ethereal debris" enter there with the air. In addition, when a person breathes through his mouth, cold air enters the respiratory tract, and the person becomes ill with acute respiratory infections, bronchitis and even pneumonia.

Breathing through the nose energizes our body. The inner surface of the nose absorbs prana from the air - the life force with which the air is saturated. Many oriental breathing techniques deliberately focus on the tip of the nose and the entire nasal cavity during the inhalation phase. This promotes the increased absorption of prana from the air, recharges the aura and activates the activity of all internal systems organism.

The nostrils and nasal ducts are covered with tiny hairs that filter and sift the air. In addition, the incoming air is heated in the nasal mucosa. The air entering the lungs is purified and warmed up, and the aura is energized and strengthened.

V breathing exercises yogis moon breathing is called idoy, and the sun's breath - pingala... The fusion of ida with pingala gives rise to su-shumna. Our energy is characterized by two polarities - positive and negative, masculine and feminine, solar and lunar. The technique of energy breathing quickly saturates the aura with energy and neutralizes the polarization of the body, improves memory and the ability to absorb information, and also harmonizes the activity of both hemispheres of the brain. If you perform this technique before learning a new material, the learning time will be drastically reduced, and the material will grasp much easier and faster. If done throughout the day, it will effectively restore your strength.

The main technique is alternate breathing through the nose, with inhalation through one nostril and exhalation through the other. (Do not forget that by deliberately focusing your attention on the tip of the nose, especially during the inhalation phase, you greatly increase the effectiveness of this technique.) The rhythmic change in the "direction" of breathing is set by the fingers of the hands covering one or another nostril.

  1. Press your right thumb to your nose and exhale. Place the tip of your tongue on the upper palate behind your front teeth.
  2. Cover the right nostril with your thumb; inhale slowly for four counts through the left nostril.
  3. Continuing to cover the right nostril, firmly pinch the left nostril with four fingers and hold the breath for sixteen counts. If you have never had to do the technique of concentrated rhythmic breathing, then sixteen counts for you is too much. Then decrease this number or count at a faster pace. Over time, you will develop the ability to hold your breath for a longer period of time. Try inhaling in three counts, holding the breath for six counts, and then exhaling in three counts. Experiment until you find the optimal execution time to target. initial stage performing this practice.
  4. Release your thumb, opening the right nostril. Keep the left nostril closed. Exhale slowly for eight counts through the right nostril.
  5. Open the left nostril and remove right hand... Now lift to the nose left hand and close your left nostril with your thumb. Inhale for four counts through the right nostril, then pinch the right nostril with the rest of the fingers of your left hand and hold your breath, slowly counting to sixteen.
  6. Open your left nostril. Keep the right nostril closed. Exhale slowly for eight counts through the left nostril.
  7. Repeat this cycle 4-5 times alternately on each side. Inhalation is performed through one nostril, then breathing is held, and exhalation is performed through the other nostril. Then the same procedure is performed with a change in the active nostril. For a quick recovery, do this technique four to five times for each nostril. At the same time, the body and aura are quickly saturated with fresh energy.
Increase the number of repetitions by one every ten days.

Technique No. 3. Cleansing coil technique

This exercise is visualization-based and effectively cleans and harmonizes the aura field. It is useful to do it in the evening, especially on the days when you talked with big amount of people. Execution time is five minutes.

  1. Sit comfortably and perform the alternating rhythmic nose-breathing technique. You can recite a mantra or prayer. Then try to relax completely.
  2. Imagine a small, transparent, fiery white vortex beginning to form six meters above your head. It resembles a small energy funnel. As the funnel forms, imagine that its diameter is large enough to accommodate your aura. Imagine the tip of the funnel to be very thin and small. It should freely enter the crown of the head and go down along the spine.
  3. Visualize this vortex of "spiritual fire" spinning and rotating clockwise. When it touches your aura, it sucks in and burns all the energy debris you have accumulated.
  4. Imagine how this vortex descends lower and lower, entering your body and aura. It clears your energy field, freeing it from the foreign energies accumulated during the day.
  5. Let it descend unhindered through your body and out through your feet and into the ground.

Technique No. 4. Protecting the aura with aromas of essential oils

Information, which is recorded in plant cells, is transferred to essential oils. Since plants have a colossal supply of vital energy, then the aromas of essential oils, penetrating into the human aura, effectively affect its electromagnetic field. These aromas increase the immunity of the aura, harmoniously distribute energy, close breakdowns, cracks, tails and other defects in the aura that have arisen as a result of the aggressive influence of the energy of the surrounding world. In other words, essential oils restore the integrity of the aura, thicken its field and enhance the radiance.

Find a specific oil or a set of oils that correct your energy problem that you intuitively know about. Certain oils can also be used prophylactically.

In order for the aromas of essential oils to effectively affect your bioenergetics, you need to apply them to active (acupuncture) points on the body. To do this, you must first prepare a bioenergy mixture. She prepares like this.

Take 5-7 drops of your chosen essential oil and mix with 10-20 grams of any massage vegetable oil... It can be jojoba, cedar, sesame, soybean oils, walnut, avocado, almonds, grape seeds, apricot and peach kernels, coconut, wheat germ, pumpkin, etc. After taking a shower or bath, apply the prepared mixture to the following points of the body: area of ​​the "third eye" (between the eyebrows), earlobes, occipital cavity , the area adjacent to the navel, the area under the chest, elbows, wrists, inner thighs, lower legs and center of the feet. Then apply a few drops of pure essential oil to the comb and comb through your hair to restore the energy halo.

You can also fumigate the room you are in. At the same time, the efficiency of energy purification in the space around you is significantly increased.

Now let's talk about how specific essential oils affect the aura.

  • Orange: y thickens the energy layer of the aura after a long-term severe illness. Opens channels for the receipt of positive information.
  • Basil: rejuvenates the aura. An effective antioxidant.
  • Bergamot: neutralizes aggressive energy coming from environment, enhances the radiance of the aura. Helps to achieve creative success.
  • Verbena: reduces the size of defects in the aura. Rejuvenates and smoothes the skin.
  • Carnation: strengthens the aura after injuries and surgeries. Protection from someone else's anger and energy vampirism.
  • Geranium: restores the correct shape of the aura. Eliminates an inferiority complex.
  • Bitter orange: strengthens the aura, increases spirituality and charm of the individual.
  • Ylang-ylang: develops higher chakras. Strengthens the energy of love and kindness.
  • Ginger: eliminates energy tails and restores aura after aggressive influences negative energies... Brings up the integrity of nature.
  • Kayaput: redistributes energy in the aura, pumping it to the underdeveloped chakras. Protection from envy.
  • Cedar: restores and renews the energy of the aura after stress and overstrain nervous system... Develops healthy motivation.
  • Cypress: promotes harmonious distribution of energy in the aura. Complete protection against aggressive external energies.
  • Cinnamon: regenerates and thickens the aura. Eliminates self-pity and increases optimism.
  • Lavender: relaxes the tension of energy in the aura and dissolves the auric nodes. Frees a person from the desire to envy others.
  • Incense: Returns the black energy that invaded your aura to the one who sent it to you. The scent of the evil eye and curses. It "patches" energy cracks in the aura. Increases the glow of the aura.
  • Leuzea: energizes the aura. Helps to quickly recuperate after heavy physical activity.
  • Marjoram: strengthens the aura and strengthens self-confidence and self-confidence.
  • Melissa: regulates the energy of the aura. Inspires optimism.
  • Myrrh: restores the radiance and symmetry of the aura. Brings up the ability to forgive other people's mistakes. Love oil.
  • Juniper: protects the aura from aggressive energies. Develops intelligence and the ability to find correct solution any problem.
  • Nutmeg:increases the density of energy in the aura. Develops intuition and tolerance in love.
  • Mint: Refreshes the energy layers of the aura. Strengthens spiritual intimacy.
  • Oregano: "Mends" holes in the aura that arise due to a person committing impulsive (ill-considered) actions. Helps to cope with hysteria and irascibility of nature.
  • Patchouli: brightens and evens out the aura. Helps to objectively analyze any situation.
  • the Rose: harmonizes the energy of the aura. Transforms the non-constructive energy of frustration and bad thoughts into the spiritual energy of self-knowledge.
  • Rosemary: increases the aura's immunity to black energy. Develops the heart chakra and restores interest in life after depression.
  • Sandalwood: condenses the energy of the aura. Promotes the development of talent and creative expression. Love oil.
  • Pine: removes stagnant processes in the aura, promotes purification and renewal of the aura. Frees a person from feelings of guilt. Heals emotional trauma and fosters a philosophical attitude towards life.
  • Yarrow: guardian of the aura from aggression, theft and injury.
  • Thyme: enhances the radiance of the aura and enhances its immunity. Eliminates the mechanisms of self-destruction of the personality.
  • Tea tree:resolves energy tumors, especially in the area of ​​the energy halo, resulting from unproductive thinking and the adoption of destructive attitudes.
  • Sage: heals and renews the aura after cheating in love. Expels black energies. Allows you to realize your creative potential.
  • Eucalyptus: energizes the aura with energy lost due to illness, curse, hatred and stress.

By learning to strengthen and clear your aura, you not only break down blockages in perception, but also raise your sensitivity threshold. You connect the physical and metaphysical worlds and begin to feel the more subtle aspects of life. Your intuition develops and your consciousness expands. Each new day becomes an extraordinary adventure, and life becomes an endless spiritual journey. This is the way to preserve youth, health and inner beauty.