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5 Tibetan monks of the Renaissance. Tibetan gymnastics "Eye of Renaissance. Opinions and terms

As can be seen from the reviews, the "Renaissance" is a fairly effective gymnastics, which many notes that she literally changed life. If you believe the information on the unbursted worldwide web practitioners, this method is quite a lot interested in trying to try - even more. Consider what major exercises the technology implies what their exceptional feature is. Probably this information will be important for many, will help you decide whether it is worth introducing a new method of gymnastics to your habits.

general information

As can be seen from reviews, the gymnastics "Renaissance" is surprisingly well suited to our compatriots and residents of other European powers. To some extent, it seems amazing, if you remember that the technology was developed in the Far East. The method involves rejuvenation - not only physical, but, which is much more important, spiritual. At the same time, the "Eye of Renaissance" promises the development of human practitioner. Gymnastics was created by Tibet monks, is six exercises intended for regular practice. Five of them can perform everything and each. Such techniques allow to improve the body, throw off the past years, to feel the joy of life, inspiration, the desire to do. The last, sixth is an exercise created for seeking complete freedom from the Brenoa World. It allows you to achieve spiritual perfection, effectively free from sexual bindings to this world.

As indicated in exercise reviews, the "Renaissance" helps only those who sincerely become interested in rejuvenation, exemption from the cargo lived. The technology allows you to get the body of the energy, simultaneously affects different levels. But it should be understood: the result will be only if the methodology is practicing daily.

Some rules

As can be seen from reviews about the "Oco of the Real Renaissance", professionals assure: if you skip the exercise just once, it will have to start the whole course from the very beginning. If you stop for a month, all the former diseases, problems, malaise, age will return, the troubles will hit the head with a new force. However, there is a positive moment: it's never too late to start again. No matter how long the break is, at any time you can start practicing the "Renaissance", which will allow you to feel healthy, happy, start enjoying life, rejoice in everyday life.

According to practitioners, the "Eye of Renaissance" is noted in their reviews, simply simply in implementation, although the efficiency of the complex shows only subject to general recommendations. First of all, it is important to approach the beginning of practice correctly - all exercises make strictly on an empty stomach. Optimal time - early morning, barely man just woke up. However, take a shower in front of the gymnastics not only possible, but also recommended. But after the exercises, it will have to be very neat, in particular, in no case go under the cold shower, because the supercooling of the body, including the local one, is strictly contraindicated. In the first hour, after the program is completed, it should completely eliminate cold doughs, it is impossible to eat ice cream, swim in the pool, sea, drink cool drinks. In order for the practice to be as efficient as possible, several exercises for warm-up can be made before the approach. During the execution of the approach, it is not necessary to cry over the measure. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe practice of the "Renaissance" is to listen to own organism. We will have to keep track of breathing very carefully. Initially, the selected exercises are repeated three times, because of day, this amount is increased by two, until it reaches 21 repeats of each of the phases. This is enough, the further increase is not required.

Where to begin?

As indicated in numerous reviews, the Tibetan gymnastics "Renaissance" is maximally effective if a person will prepare his body before starting specific exercises. This allows you to customize the internal systems, organs, stretch the spine, activate stimulate circulation on them. At the same time, the very first step can be done, lying in bed, barely waking up. It is quite simple, lies in sipping. At the stage of the breath, it is necessary to pull the spine, after which it is to release from light air and relax fully. The task of a person is to reach sweetly, with pleasure. The complex is continuing to raise hands, feet perpendicular to the bed. The limbs shook in the air of about half a minute.

Continue the gymnastics "Renaissance" on Calder reviews recommended, leaving a sleeping place. When lifting, it is necessary to carefully straighten the spine and stretch out, feeling the energy flows emanating from the ground and penetrating the body through the crotch, passing the body through, saturating it necessary for a new day. Exhausted, you need to relax, then pull back, breathe deeply and slowly breathe. At the same time, the practicing gymnastics man feels how the cool stream of space strength penetrates into the body - silver, saturated, propagating inside. After that, you must gently shake the limbs, it is easy to jump in one place. The body is fully prepared for the continuation, you can begin directly Tibetan gymnastics.

First and second exercise

As can be seen from the reviews of practitioners, the "Eye of Renaissance" begins with a circle. To correctly fulfill the technique, first the person rotates around his own axis in the same direction, as the arrow is spinning in the clock. Many recommend to breed their hands to the sides so that the palms look down - it is thought that it is easier and more convenient. There is no obligatory condition, each wishes can circling the way it is convenient. It also happens that people feel - their body requires rotation in the opposite direction. If this is true, you need to obey, rotate in the opposite direction of the direction arrow.

As can be seen from the reviews, the "Renaissance" at the second step implies the lesson of the lying position. It is necessary to stay with the convenience of stay on the back, and your hands pull along the body. The practitioner gymnastics makes the most complete exhalation, pulling the belly, pressing the lower back in the surface. Then also slowly breathe, raising his head in the desire to touch the chest chin and measure it. The next step is to raise the legs. The best option is limb straight, relative to the floor are at right angles. True, it turns out so far from everyone, especially at the very beginning. If it is not possible to achieve an ideal position, do not be upset because the most important is the intention. Many specialists say that at the very beginning of the practice, you can raise the legs bent, if it is impossible to maintain them straight. In the highest position, it is frozen for a few seconds, then the limbs are lowered, they are lowered, produced air from the lungs. The main task of this technique is to activate the third chakra, which makes a person more successful, helps to adapt to society.

Third and fourth exercises

According to the reviews of doctors, the "Renaissance" continues on the knees. In this position, the hands are put under the protrusions of the buttocks, inhale and begged back as far as possible. Proper practice, the intention as soon as possible to progress allows you to feel your own strength, to fill the reserves of the body, and therefore, to implement our own intimate desires into reality.

As can be seen from the reviews of doctors, "Renaissance" at the stage of the fourth exercise is easier than everyone else. In the people, it is often called the "table". Some at first consider this technique quite complicated in performance, but you only need to adapt, and everything works as if by itself. Start with the situation sitting on the floor, they support the back as direct as possible, and the feet are pulled forward, their hands rest on the floor of the floor and empty the lungs from the air. At the stage of the breath, it is necessary to rely on the foot, palm, lift so that the pose in the form is similar to the table. Hips, legs should be relative to a friend at a right angle, hands and body - too. In this position, the practitioner Tibetan gymnastics remains a few seconds, maintaining the muscles as strained as much as possible. Then carefully sit down, produce air from the lungs. Being fulfilled correctly, the exercise opens the chakra of the heart, and therefore contributes to more harmonious relations with close people.

Fifth and sixth exercise

From reviews about Oka Renaissance: 5 Exercise is a relatively simple set of consecutive actions for which the starting posture - as if a person plans to start writhing out. Located on the stomach, occupy a pose of the stop, rely simultaneously on the fingers of the lower extremities, palm. Exhausted, head back. It is very important to do this as careful as possible, especially if a person started gymnastics only recently. Slowly releasing the air from the lungs, the body is gradually transferred in a pose, reminiscent of a simple house, that is, the fifth point lift up, rest on the palms, feet. In the highest position, they are frozen for a few seconds, after which they gradually take the initial posture, produced from light air.

According to reviews, 5 Tibetan exercises "Oco Renaissance" are already sufficient for everyday practice, but not everyone is ready for the sixth. As experts assure, it is precisely it gives a special influx of forces, allowing to believe in itself, filled with global energy. It is intended strictly for those who are not interested in an intimate act in any form, form. If you break this condition, the energy flow can from the inside to destroy the body of the practitioner exercise, so the deception, self-deception will not help - you will have to be extremely honest. In itself, the exercise is quite simple, and it is possible to practice it separately at any time, if intimate excitement suddenly occurs. Starting posture - standing, hands on a belt either hips. The person does breathe, pulls the belly, strains the muscles of the perineum, tilts the head, sharply leans the torsion, throws out the air with the sound of "XXX-AAA" and delayed in the lower position for a while, removing all air from the lungs. After that, returned to the original posture, maintaining the muscular stress of the crotch, the abdomen for another 10 seconds. Next, calmly, deeply, leisurely breathe. Just three-time replay allows you to completely convert energy from sexual in free.

Gymnastics for women: features

As can be seen from the reviews, the "Renaissance" for the excellent half of humanity is recommended with some modifications from the general scheme, although they are not a prerequisite. The maximum effect of gymnastics can be achieved if, with all the exercises, exhaled strictly through the mouth, folding lips in the form "O". For the greatest efficiency during the day from time to time you can relax the "Ohm" mantra. If possible, make it a high voice. The best effect of mantra shows if practicing it immediately after gymnastics. It is known that during the adaptation period to Tibetan practices, a woman may face depressive disorders, but such periods are always short-lived, they should be pulled out, while adding the number of repetitions of each exercise. It helps to quickly stabilize the psychological state. Such specificity is due to the peculiarities of the perception of free energy by a female organism.

As can be seen from reviews, the "Renaissance" helps to normalize the hormonal background. To do this, immediately awakened a complex of specialized exercises. To start, the palm is triturated until they become warm, then pressed on the eyeballs 10-30 times in a row, rubbish ears, and the base of the skull is easily massaged with large fingers. The forehead is triturated with neat longitudinal movements. Enjoy your right hand, spend from temple to temple. You can put the left hand on top. The next step is a weak pattery on the cheeks, the massage with the left hand of the shoulder on the right and on the contrary (as much as possible). Next, the navel of the circular movements, following the direction of the arrow on the clock. Cyclic - up to 40 circles. The knees are rubbed until the skin is blocked up, then 30 times in a row rotate foots around the axis of the ankle. It is necessary to repeat it for both legs. Next, he is the last preparatory step - a foot massage.

The described program allows you to put a hormonal background, to normalize, stabilize the emotional state, to adapt to changes related to the practice of "OK Renaissance". Reviews confirm that regular repetition of such exercises significantly improves the state of women.

Should I believe?

On the Internet, it is very difficult to find negative reviews about Oka Renaissance. According to many specialists, the complex is competently planned, relatively simple performed, it requires some time to use, it is reasonable, shows the result in relation to people of different age groups. As doctors say, their customers have no shortcomings of such exercises with prolonged practice. If you believe the reviews on the spaces of the World Wide Web, often the "Renaissance" becomes an element of everyday life not only in the streets, but qualified doctors forced to look for ways to cope with a large load. It is five exercises for daily applications that professionals are assigned to be filled with forces to defeat all the difficulties of everyday life. It is noted that with regular practice, the mood becomes more stable, better, which is especially noticeable if a person was in a severe life situation. It is noted that against the background of such exercises it becomes easier to believe in the best.

Spiritual and physical rejuvenation, if you believe the reviews of practicing "Renaissance" practitioners, before and after classes, it is especially noticeable, and more and more pronounced what is impossible to visually see. A person feels younger, stronger, calmer. The mood is normalized, confidence also appears in itself and the desire and desire to successfully cope with any obstacles to the life path. An important aspect marked by many is accessibility, because for the permanent practice of exercises does not need to acquire expensive equipment, drugs, there is no need to record in special mugs or engage with an individual coach, and after all, this is not every time there is time and strength. In fact, the "Renaissance" is a universal program available to all - from Mala to Great, with any income, lifestyle. Only a desire, readiness for regular practices, a little time.

Opinions and terms

As can be seen from negative feedback, the exercises "Eye of Renaissance" are perceived by some as something esoteric, and therefore completely useless. By the way, this practice is also known under the names:

  • "5 Tibetans";
  • "5 Pearls Tibet."

All these names imply the same technology. Her practitioners note that they sometimes came across the condemnation of others who believe that it would only be a waste of time. But people who resort to it in their lives are noted that with regular execution of the described cycle, well-being and the truth becomes better, the forces appear for resistance to everyday difficulties. Some, by the way, believe that the "Eye of Renaissance" is secret, this knowledge that has never had to spread to the world, but only intended for Lam Tibet. Others believe that the "Eye of Renaissance" allows you to simultaneously transform the physical human body, and the intangible spirit. There is an opinion that the practice described above is not just a gymnastics, positively affecting the body, but ritual actions that allow them to change themselves at different levels. How exactly to perceive the "Renaissance", to consider whether the ritual or just gymnastics is to decide each independently. The main idea is in an obvious improvement in well-being, which is noted in their responses practiced described complex. By the way, if you pay attention, it will be seen that all these exercises are found in yoga, common worldwide, are known as effective. A reasonable performance allows them to regain their former health, strength, self-confidence.

No secrets!

It is worth noting that today the technique of Renaissance is quite popular. Reviews, photos before and after use, it can be found in specialized books dedicated to this gymnastics, and on numerous interests forums. They are represented indeed in a wide variety. Particularly informative special communities created by adherents of this technique of gymnastics. Those interested to publish their stories, they tell what the gymnastics helped them, and what was ineffective. As for official books, then it is necessary to celebrate the book of Peter Calder. She talks about how to practice gymnastics, contains a full theoretical administration from the master, the imaginary in the essence of philosophy, on which this method of rejuvenation, recovery is based. Currently, the book can be bought in bookstores, download from the Internet for free.

If you look for reviews about the "Oka Renaissance", the photo "before and after", it can be noted that these actions had a good effect if practiced responsibly and diligently. The key to success is the desire to coordinate all the movements of your body. No less important is the right breathing. In order to achieve the most pronounced effect, when you exhale it is necessary to try to freely light from the air as efficiently as possible, and in the breath - to fill them deeply, as far as it is realizable. If, during the fulfillment of the next approach, a person feels tired, you can afford a little rest. In order for the efficiency of the complex to be preserved, in the intervals, the same rhythm of respiration should be adhere to the same rhythm. The efficiency of the complex increases, if a person breathes as deep as much as possible.

Everything has its time

As can be seen from the reviews of practitioners (with photos), the "Renaissance" is effectively not only at the expense of each of the exercises combined or the methods of the techniques, but also due to the correct approach to breathing. It is important between all the exercises described above, it is important to make small breaks for rest, while observing the technique of correct breathing. To do this, get up straight, legs put on the width of the shoulders, hands put on the belt, while the thumbs need to look forward. In the process of exhalation during the gymnastics, a person represents how dirty energy leaves the body, and in the breath - as it enters clean, in the eastern methods called prana. Between the exercises, there should be several such approaches to inhale and exhale, after which to continue the main course. The main task of the practicing methodology is to strive to comply with the single rhythm of breathing throughout the period of gymnastics.

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With the practice of the "Renaissance" ("five Tibetan pearls", "five Tibetans") I met in 2009. At one time I did them regularly, then I threw, I resumed again and threw. Three months ago resumed again. And for all this time, I have accumulated a certain experience of its implementation.

Regarding the origin of the practice of the "Eye of Renaissance" there is no consensus. Someone considers her secret esoteric knowledge, whose carriers were Tibetan lamas, and it believes that it converts not only physical, but also other, intangible human bodies. Accordingly, the exercises are called rituals or ritual actions. Others do not see anything supernatural in it, just a very effective set of exercise, significantly improving well-being. All exercises "Oka" are taken from yoga and are widely known for their effectiveness. Be that as it may, but with a reasonable execution of the "Renaissance" really helps to significantly improve the state of health.

In total, there are five exercises in the main complex. They are described in the book of Peter Kölder "Eye of Renaissance. Secrets of rejuvenation. The ancient practice of Tibetan Lamps "(other names are possible). The book can be easily downloaded on the Internet.


Stand straight with horizontally elongated on the side at the shoulder level with your hands. Then you need to start rotating around your axis clockwise. Breath - arbitrary.


The initial position for the second exercise is the position lying on the back. Holding hands along the body and pressing the palm with tight fingers to the floor, you need to raise my head, tightly pressing the chin to the sternum. After that, to raise straight legs vertically up, trying not to tear off from the floor of the pelvis. If you can, lift the legs not just vertically up, but even further "on yourself" - until the pelvis starts to break away from the floor. The main thing at the same time - not bending the legs in the knees. Then slowly lower the head and legs on the floor. Relax all the muscles and then repeat the action again.

In this ritual action, the coordination of movements with breathing is of great importance. At the very beginning it is necessary to exhale, completely relieving the lungs from the air. During the lifting of the head and legs, a smooth, but very deep and full breath should be made, during lowering - the same exhalation. If you are tired and decided to relax a little between the repetitions, try to breathe in the same rhythm as during the movement. The deeper breathing, the higher the effectiveness of the practice.

Exercise 3.

The initial position for the third exercise is the position standing on the knees. The knees should be set at a distance of the pelvis width one from the other, so that the hips are strictly vertically. Brushes hands with palms lying on the back surface of the muscles of the thighs just under the buttocks. Then you should tilt my head forward, pressing the chin to the chest. Throwing the head back - up, protruding the chest and bending the spine back, leaning a bit of my thighs, after which we return to its original position with the chin pressed to the sternum.

This exercise requires strict coordination of movements with respiratory rhythm. At the very beginning, a deep and complete exhalation should be taken. Babying back, you need to inhale, returning to its original position - exhale. We offer all the attention during the exercise, we offer to transfer to breathing and feeling in your body, your eyes can be kept closed.

Exercise 4.

To perform the fourth exercise, you need to sit on the floor, stretching in front of you straight legs with steps located about the width of the shoulders. Straightening the spine, put the palms with closed fingers to the floor on the sides of the buttocks. Hand fingers should be directed forward. Lower his head forward by pressing the chin to the chest. Then backward the head as much as possible back - up, and then raise the torso forward to the horizontal position. In the final phase of the thigh and the torso must be in one horizontal plane, and the legs and hands are vertically as the legs of the table. Having achieved this position, it is necessary to strain all the muscles of the body for a few seconds, and then relax and return to its original position with the chin pressed to the chest. Then - repeat everything first.

And here the key aspect is breathing. First you need to exhale. Lifting and throwing the head - perform a deep smooth breath. During the tension - to hold the breath, and dropping - to completely exhale. During the rest between the repetitions - to maintain the constant rhythm of breathing. We offer all the attention during the exercise, we offer to transfer to breathing and feeling in your body, your eyes can be kept closed.

Exercise 5.

The initial position for the fifth exercise is stop lying, flaking. In this case, the body relies on the palm and the pads of the toes. The knees and the basin of the floor do not concern. Hand brushes are oriented strictly ahead with fingers closed together. The distance between the palms is a little wider shoulders. The distance between the feet feet is the same. We begin with the fact that you throw the head as follows as follows back - up. Then move to a position in which the body resembles a sharp angle, the vertex directed upwards. At the same time, the movement of the neck is pressed the head chin to the sternum. We try to make the legs remain straight, and the straight arms and torso were in the same plane. Then the body will turn out to be folded in half in the hip joints. After that, we return to the original position - the stop lying, flashering - and begin all over again.

Scheme of breathing in this exercise is somewhat unusual. Starting with a complete exhalation in the stop lying on, it is necessary to make a deep, as far as possible, inhale in the "folding" of the body in half. Returning to the stop lying firing, make a complete exhalation. Stopping at extreme points to perform a stressed pause, to hold the breath for a few seconds, respectively, after the inhalation and after the exhalation. We offer all the attention during the exercise, we offer to transfer to breathing and feeling in your body, your eyes can be kept closed.

Number of repetitions of exercise

You need to start with three repetitions of each exercise (no more). Each week to add two repeats, bringing the number of repetitions of each exercise to 21 with time. Exercises are better in the morning, on an empty stomach. You can smash the complex at 2 (in the morning and evening) or 3 approaches. But every time you do all exercises. Not allowed to insert some other exercises in the complex. Only before or after it.

Pause between exercises and breathing

Between the exercises you need to pause. Stand straight, legs on the width of the shoulders, hands on the belt, thumbs forward. At inhalation, to represent how pure energy (Prana) enters the body, in exhalation - how dirty. Make a few breaths, then proceed to perform the next exercise of the complex.
Throughout the fulfillment of the entire complex, you need to strive to maintain the same respiratory rhythm.


After the complex it is recommended to do a relaxation exercise, for example, to lie down in the Shavasan Pos.
Execution technique: lie on the back on the floor, legs stretched, hands lie along the body. Make a deep breath and strongly strain the muscles of the whole body. Exhale. Without relaxing, performing a few full breathing. Close your eyes and relax, allowing tassels fluidly lie down with his palms up at some distance from the hips and digitifically the legs into the distance in the width of the shoulders.

Carefully track the muscle state of all parts of the body in the following order: legs from the tips of the fingers to the hip joints, the hands from the fingertips to the shoulder joints, the torso from the crotch to the neck, neck to the base of the skull, head. Look inside the head in such a sequence: the back of the head - the sidelines and ears - cheeks - lips, tongue - nose - forehead - eyes. The relaxation of the forehead and eye is a necessary condition, without it, to relax the body and "stop" the mind will not be able to. During the viewing, you need to try to remove the tension where it is felt. A fairly effective reception - viewing the basic joints and removing the feeling of tension in them. If you manage to remove the feeling of tension in the joint, then all the muscles, the joint relating to this joint, relaxes itself.

Breathing first should be quite deep, slow and rhythmic, then natural, and in the end it should be "released", allowing him to flow as it will wish. It is advisable to just forget about him. There is a huge number of techniques and meditative techniques that contribute to relaxation, but the experience suggests that it is best to find his own method of bringing the body and mind to a state of complete rest.

Break in practice

Starting to fulfill the practice of the "Renaissance" practice, it is not recommended to throw it, the maximum is allowed to break in one day. If more, then positive results can quickly leave. If for one reason or another was a break, then again you need to start the execution of the complex with three repetitions of each exercise.

Proper implementation of the practice "Renaissance"

On the Internet there are quite a few rollers, where the exercises "Tibetan pearls" are shown. Before you start doing them, look this video:

My impressions about the "Oka Renaissance"

During the time I did (and did not do) the "Renaissance", I have accumulated certain thoughts about this practice. First of all, although I am an orientalist, but very skeptical about all kinds of supernatural matters, preferring not to invade the area in which I do not understand. Therefore, I prefer to explain the effect of "Oka" from the point of view of physiology. Well, if there are other positive changes, the nature of which is incomprehensible to me - why not 🙂

On the Internet you can find a lot of both positive and negative feedback about this practice. My opinion is that the negative effect is primarily associated with the forced exercise. Someone begins at once with a large number of repetitions, someone seeks to quickly go to the 21st Revey, rapidly increasing the pace. My opinion - in no case can not be hurried. It is better to do less, but better.

The fact that the complex is performed very quickly - 10-20 minutes with the full number of repetitions, depending on the pace. With our tense life it is a big plus.

I perform these exercises in the morning, after awakening. But first - several free exercises for heating and light stretching - slopes, sipping. Then the "OKO" itself is much easier. After performing a complex of five exercises "Oka Renaissance", I make some stretch exercises, and then take a shower (necessarily warm; after the "Oka" cold shower and in general the cold is categorically prohibited), make cosmetic procedures. After that - a light breakfast.

If I feel ailment, I do either a skip or a smaller number of repetitions of each exercise. Here you need to feel yourself, in no case to forcing, do not do through strength. Detected and big skipping. For example, in the summer during a couple of months, when the "OKO" categorically did not. A small rollback back was - began to gain weight and flexibly decreased markedly. With the new start of practice, almost all the negative moments went away.

Many note that after the "experience of the Renaissance" feels the heat and tide of energy. I'm not an exception. Noticeably increased endurance. I noticed that with more ease, it became daily to take 5-8 km in a fast pace, freely ride a horse (without "ok" there was no such ease and endurance).

Perhaps the most difficult thing for me in the practice of "OK Renaissance" is to overcome your morning laziness. I want to shuffle in bed, or immediately have breakfast, gradually "swinging". However, as soon as I remember the effect of practice, I immediately want to do exercises.

In general, my opinion on the "Oka Renaissance" is positive. The main thing is not to forcing and without fanaticism.

I will be glad to hear the reviews of those who practice the "Renaissance" ("Five Tibetan Pearls").

*** UPD. Due to the fact that the post had to restore anew, duplicate from the cache comments.

February 15, 2015 at 16:41
With the 3rd exercise, I have difficulties because of the strong spastation of the neck, but I did it myself, I did not, now I scored again, the benefit did not bring, I didn't have any speech, so it was not how to chew could not can.

Maria Anishin:
February 15, 2015 at 16:51
I took a few years ago because of problems with hand - the 4th and 5th exercise could not do, the pain was hellish. Although it was a pity - then the results were really. Then, when everything was normal, started again. As for the fact that "the benefits did not bring" - it seems to me that people overestimate the "Oko", considering it almost a panacea. And it is just one of the practitioners, someone is suitable, someone does not.

February 17, 2015 at 10:31
Maria, I make an eye for the eighth year. The granddaughter was born and it turned out that I can't raise the stroller to the second floor, but I had to ... And then I remembered the book :-) After two weeks, the stroller was on the second floor and even with her granddaughter: -0 But this is a lyrics!
The first year was performed with her daughter, she was restored after birth, and I just liked it unusual. In the second year, "unexpectedly" fell on the porch, the ribs hurt himself ... took a break in the execution of an eye for almost two months. After that, I realized that breaks for more than 1-2 days could not be categorically. It retracted very difficult ... Then they started to get out all sorts of sores :-) But they passed very easily and quickly. I decided that this is something like a body cleaning ... True, the right wrist and now does not always allow the fifth movement. Yes, I have put your heels for almost a year on the fifth movement on the floor, now it's easy, well stretched ... By the way, at first I did and the sixth Celdera ...
I turned around quite firmly, now breaks occur, if only there is no place to do. But in this case there is an opportunity to fulfill the complex mentally ... it is also good.
If we talk about the results, the body was very hidden, almost completely gone gray, without painting the hair for the eighth year, and which hair rose from me: -0 The gait became easy and stamina, as you write unusually increased. I pass 8-10 km without consequences for five days a week ... Atmospheric pressure changes only in rare cases, and there was a whole life with meteo-dependent. My hypotension also passed, the pressure of 120 to 80 was the norm. I still practically do not use glasses, I took out an eye after a couple of years, and I have 67 this year ...
And from half a year ago, I found the book of Peter Levin of the Oco of the Real Renaissance. Very unexpectedly, the fulfillment of rituals connected with the work of the chakras ... began to try and it turned out that it was not easy to be easier, but completely different - not just the muscles are loaded, but
All energy cocoon works ...
I retired gradually how the author recommended, now I can say that this method is much deepebled for all levels of the body, and especially the chakral connections and chakras themselves. And how beautiful chakras are shining on the inner screen of the eyes when performing! It must be seen !!!
Good luck! And everyone's health!

February 17, 2015 at 14:11
I would have to try. I have been missing for a long time with gymnastics. And then suddenly the back began to sob ...

February 17, 2015 at 14:58
I alas tried, but threw, because I love to be sanging in the bed in the bed, and I need to get up before everyone, if I want to work out. At first, I could not make a single exercise more than 7 times, and then I was drawn up and made 21 times as expected. Now I went to the fitness club on yoga, so I do not make an eye. In the fitness club, it is easier to go, jumped on the alarm clock, got dressed, came and have nowhere to have to be engaged together with everyone, and at home you can be lazy to afford.
Any exercises cause some tide of energy, but I faced the fact that I was not where to spend this energy. I want to spend on physical activity, and there is only such an opportunity on weekends and then work, lessons, economy on weekdays.

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There are different ways to maintain yourself in a tone - someone prefers to visit the sanatoriums, someone makes charging. I want to talk about the practice of which my mother is engaged - it is called Eye of rebirth, and also it is often called 5 Tibetan pearls. According to legend, this stretching came to us from Tibetan monks and Lam, and with its help millions of women and men improve the quality of life and their health.

Many people are ready to pay many times of their appearance, but little think about health - in my opinion, it is wrong. The secret of the beauty of many women is precisely in health, depend on it:

  • appearance of nails and hair;
  • skin condition;
  • general tone of the body;
  • muscle tone;
  • the state of the spine and joints.
But all this is nothing more than beauty. Imagine the tightened, sports person with the right posture, with beautiful skin, shiny hair, a smile with a smile - will the language contact such a person ugly? We need to take care of health, and the gymnastics of the Renaissance will help here.

History of gymnastics Five Tibetans

The whole world learned about what is a stretching from the book of authorship of Peter Calder. In the book of Calder there is a small preface - he talks about his friend, who learned about the existence in the Tibetan Mountains of the Monastery called the Renaissance Eague. It was a monastery of Lam, who were famous for their longevity and with the high quality of life - they were healthy, looked much younger than their peers and the mind remained clear and clean.

By the way, the secret of Lam was not so a secret - those travelers who still traveled to a remote monastery, the monks taught special rituals who helped to return and preserve youth. Colonel, a friend of Peter Calder, she seemed a lot in his century, and by 74 years was not too healthy. He asked Kelder to go on a journey with him to the monastery, but Peter refused, finding some kind of preposition.

Subsequently, Peter Calder tried to convince himself that any secret would not help to avoid old age, and everything that a person could do is to be very worthy and beautiful. But he was overwhelmed, and in secret he dreamed, so that the secret who kept the Tibetans in the monastery of the Renaissance, turned out to be a real life of Lam to continue life - suddenly the monks can do what medicine can not? Peter Calder Bradford was able to get to the monastery, and about the events that happened to him, you can read

IN book - Oko Renaissance. After the colonel Bradford left the monastery, Calder did not recognize him - on the sight of a man could be given no more than forty years.. And then Peter believed that 5 exercises of Tibetan monks were an effective and useful practice, the benefits of which is obvious.

Principle of techniques

Of course, it is best to read the book (if not the first version, then although

Would be this - Oco of the Real Renaissance), but I believe that before you begin to a deep study of materials, you need to know in general, whether you need a certain technique or not. Therefore, I will tell you what is the gymnastics stretching the Renaissance, I will describe the set of exercises and you will be able to decide whether you need to read the book and comprehend these secrets. The complex of exercises "five Tibetans" is based on combining thoughts, physical actions and energy flows. This ancient way of "separation" of a person on the sphere of thoughts, energy and physical body is widespread even now - not only five Tibetan pearls are based on it, also many types of yoga and other practices consider a person from this point of view.

The essence is known in harmony. In order to achieve harmony, you need to learn the right thinking, it is necessary to liberate the body with special exercises, as well as to gain the right arrangement of the Spirit. Do not think that five Tibetan pearls are a sports and wellness complex or ordinary warm-up. This practice combines actions aimed at the comprehensive development of a person - just as he can come to harmony.

In the human body, according to the theory of 5 Tibetans, there are energy flows that the author of the book calls the vortices. In order to stay young, you need to launch these vortices, give them strength and force your energy to flow in the right direction. If the energy flows weaken, then the person agitates, diseases appear, the stock of energy disappears. To maintain the circulation of energy vortices at the proper level, there are five Tibetan pearls - five exercises available to everyone.

Immediately make a reservation - in fact, the exercises of Tibetan Lam was six. But not all fans of this practice come to the fulfillment of the sixth ritual action of Tibetan lamas - the fact is that it is possible to perform it only if a person has completely refused sexual life. Therefore, most often we are talking about five exercises - this ancient complex will help any person to return health and preserve youth.

Ritual actions

By the way, five Tibetans are not exercises, but rather ritual actions, so it should be related to them, respectively.

Complex is required in the morning, immediately after waking up. There are strict rules for execution, and it is necessary to follow them - not only in order to get the result, but also to harm yourself. The fact is that the complex at first glance looks no more difficult than the usual warm-up - and therefore many begin to fulfill it instead of the morning charging, absolutely not thinking in his meaning. If you understand what is required by the Renaissance from a person, and you will follow his regulations, then you will understand what is the secret literally on your own body.

What is included in the exercise complex:

  • turns of the body with divorced hands;
  • lifting head and legs in position lying;
  • bending backs while man stands on his knees;
  • transition from a sedental position in the "Table" pose;
  • the transition from the stop in the lying position in the pose of a triangle.

Naturally, the recommendations are not mine, but belong to the author of the book, monks. The llamas tips are quite simple and they can be easily followed. Before you perform ritual actions, you can take a shower (after execution it is better to refrain from cold water for some time - you should not allow sharp contrast temperatures).

If you need a small warm-up in front of the exercises - do not deny yourself, even medicine confirms that before morning charging, you need to warm up slightly, because the muscles are not in good shape.

On the video below, you can see the technique of execution, the right positions, but there are also the right understanding for each ritual action:

  1. Energy power. It is necessary to feel the power that passes through your body, it gives confidence and fills literally the whole body.
  2. The joy of life. The second ritual action needs to be performed slowly, configuring himself to a positive way, always remembering that life is joy and pleasure, and a lot of beautiful in the world.
  3. Beauty and Volia. The third ritual action implies the feeling of its own beauty, you need to feel and believe that you are beautiful, healthy and young.
  4. Love and peace. Feel the energy of love, try to feel with each breath on how you are filled with energetics of love and calm.
  5. The world around. Feel the beauty of the world - as it is beautiful, how many faces of the universe, and how much freedom around you.
After performing each ritual action you need to listen to yourself make three deep breath and only then go on. If after the exercise you feel discomfort, then you need or interrupt the occupation at all, or just give yourself a little time to come in a calm condition.

After the whole complex is performed, need to lie on the back on a solid surface (Yes, the usual floor just fits), and fully relax - stretch out, relax legs and hands and in this position spend from five to fifteen minutes. This will help to normalize all the processes in the body. After that, you need to deeply inhale, from the soul to pull in different directions and get up through the right side. Then you can have breakfast, but take a shower is better in half an hour.

How to perform ritual actions

Understand how to perform five Tibetan pearls correctly, the easiest way to video. This is not a simple warm-up, but an ancient and serious way of rejuvenation, so you need to do everything as correct as possible. You can always watch the video to make sure your actions are correct.

How many times you need to do exercises

Newbies should do no more than three repetitions of each exercise. Increase the number of repetitions can be weekly, no more than two. The first week is three times, the second - five and so on. Not more than 21 times for one exercise. If after the weekly performing a certain number of exercises, you do not feel forces to increase approaches, it is better to stay on the current digit.

Difference translation

There are also other books that are based on five Tibetans. For example, the Renaissance Oco for the new era is a continuation of the book written by a modern author, a new look at the practice of Lam, which includes not only the energy mood and special stretching, but also a lot of spiritual messages, as well as many exercises. If the Renaissance Oco is in your hands, it is better to turn to the source text, the first book under the authorship of Calder - so you can understand what guided

The author of the additional book is Sidersky. There is another version of the book, edited by Levin OKO of the Real Renaissance. Peter Levin rethink the work of Calder, and slightly adapted it for our time (Lee's joke, Caerder wrote in the first half of the last century), and also upgraded many esoteric promises in the book.

In my opinion, it is incorrect to call the Renaissance OKO for a new era and the OCO of the Real Renaissance, simply translations are a serious author's work, which, however, is somewhat different from the original. I do not undertake to judge, who better adapted the old book, and who is worse - it is important that it is best to start to start with the original version, and only then proceed to the author. Either to abandon books at all (although, felting more than entertaining), and watch video lessons.

Try this technique, and you will be surprised how effective it is - my mother forgot about doctors, and now I infected me with this gymnastics. At first, Mine Stretching seemed to me with usual charging for women, but looking a couple of video and learning about the book of the Oco of the Real Renaissance, I realized that it was more than stretching or warmling.

These are the most real molding apples that each can take advantage.. I can say that I am now and I do not remember that I have a sore back, I do not use sleeping pills and it has become much more productive. What do you want, be healthy, use secrets Lam and keep youth!

For millennia, Tibetan monks kept him secret. Only in 1938, with the release of Peter Caldder's book of the same name, an amazing technique became accessible worldwide. Millions of people learned about the existence of 19 energy centers focused in the joints of the joints. The ability to independently launch streams muted illness and incorrect lifestyle helps to improve well-being and rejuvenation. Let's look at five pearls of Tibet useful exercises.

Description. Pros and cons

"Renaissance" is not just charging. This is something like conviction or even spiritual practice. If you sincerely believe in the effectiveness of classes and conscientiously fulfill all the exercises, you will certainly feel the tide of strength and vital energy. Nevertheless, do not forget about the presence of contraindications.

Positive effect

The secret of longevity and good health of Tibetan monks lies in their lifestyle. Its integral part is daily body training, spirit and energy flows. The benefits of Tibetan gymnastics "Renaissance" can be described by four main points.

  1. Musculoskeletal system. Tibetan yoga helps to cope with scoliosis and osteochondrosis. With regular execution, there is a decrease in pain caused by arthritis.
  2. Reproductive system. In women who regularly engaged in this practice, the menstrual cycle is normalized and the likelihood of conception increases. In men, an erectile function is normalized.
  3. Gastrointestinal tract. The chair is normalized, the absorption of nutrients from food is improved. Given the high cost of calories for training, it can be concluded that they are useful for weight loss.
  4. The immune system. Increases resistance to colds. Constant phenomena in the nasal sinuses and bronchi.

The complex contributes to the development of willpower. It is recommended to people leading to the fight against bad habits. Already after two or three weeks of regular classes for nicotine and alcohol, it is significantly weakened.


If you have health problems, an impermanent approach to training can cause harm to the body. Classes are not recommended for children and older people, as well as in some cases:

  • increased body temperature;
  • hypertension;
  • infarction risk;
  • spinal hernia;
  • monthly;
  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding.

Some coaches and practitioners yoga are convinced that the "Renaissance" is not intended for women. They explain this by the fact that the complex was developed by man monks, taking into account their physiological features. Nevertheless, the gymnastics is equally useful to representatives of both sexes.


Tibetan gymnastics "Renaissance" can be performed once or twice a day. It is best to deal with the sunset, otherwise there may be insomnia due to the tide of energy. Also be careful for the duration of the workout. To begin with, three repetitions for each exercise. Each week add two repeat, until you reach 21.

"Rotation of Energy"

Features. The first exercise of the complex "Five Tibetans" is aimed at promoting energy vortices. It will accelerate the circulation of streams and give strength to further execute the program.

How to do

  1. Stand straight, laying the foot on the width to the position to be stable.
  2. Extracted hands spread to the sides. Palms should be directed to the floor.
  3. Saving a position, rotate around yourself clockwise.
  4. Feeling dizziness, stop. Without changing the situation, listen to the continuing movement of the vortices.

During the exercise, not only bodily sensations, but also internal moods are important. Listening to the movement of energy vortices, let yourself install on the fact that your body is cleared, becomes healthier and stronger.

"Return of Power"

Features. This exercise has two opposite actions on energy flows. On the one hand, significantly increases the speed of rotation of the vortices. On the other, it is designed to stabilize them.

How to do

  1. Lie on the back. Hands should be elongated along the case and tightly pressed against it.
  2. Head off from the floor and as close as possible, press the chin to the chest.
  3. Straight legs slowly raise up, without taking the pelvis from the floor. At the same time, make a deep long breath.
  4. When you feel that you can no longer raise your legs, without bending the knees and without taking the pelvis, slowly return to the original position. At the same time make a slow exhale, completely empty lungs.
  5. Calmly lie down until the muscles relax.

As the exercise is done, try to feel like with each breath and exhale you skip through yourself energy. In the break between repetitions, imagine how, as muscles relax, the body is filled with life forces.

"Communication of the body and consciousness"

Features. The third of five Tibetan rituals is aimed at working out the central energy axis. The ascending flow passes along the spinal column, and the descending - in the region of the sacrum.

How to do

  1. Run on your knees, keeping the case smooth.
  2. Palms assume to the back surface of the hips, and the chin is lowered to the chest.
  3. Having released all the air from the lungs, it is necessary to throw off the head far backwards, while getting the lower back, and pectorate the chest cell forward.
  4. Return to the starting position, slowly filling the light air.

Control breathing. You need to breathe through the nose, running inside the energy of the surrounding world. Exhalation accompany the sound "He!". It symbolizes that along with the air you throw out the entire negative in the atmosphere, which accumulated inside.

"Energy Shower"

Features. The fourth reception of the gymnastics of Tibetan monks implies the creation of the effect of "energy swings". Tensioning muscles while doing exercise, you run the movement of energy by body. Relaxing, you muffle this activity.

How to do

  1. Sit down, stretching forward my legs, slightly collecting them on the sides.
  2. Picks for chest with effort.
  3. Palms are firmly assumed to the floor on the sides of the buttocks, the position is fingers forward.
  4. Back head back, lift the case. Bend the legs in the knees.
  5. Relying on the brushes and feet, lift the housing above the floor. The body portion from the shoulder belt to the knees should be parallel to the floor.
  6. Straining all muscles, stay in this position for a few seconds.
  7. Relaiming the muscles, slowly return to the initial position.

If the body is weakened, make a simplified exercise option. It is enough just to raise the pelvis above the floor. From each time, try to raise the body over the floor all the above. And after a couple of weeks, you can make a reception in full force.

"Energy balancing"

Features. Exercises train not only spirit, but also physical endurance. From the point of view of technology, the last exercise is the most complex and requires maximum concentration.

How to do

  1. Lie on the floor face down.
  2. Set the palms under the hips, slow down in the lower back and lift the housing, leaning on the elongated hands.
  3. Slowly change the body position so that the pelvis is at the top, and the legs and the body formed a sharp angle.

Despite the fact that the exercise is static, it takes a lot of energy. Returning to the initial position, move away. Be proceed only when your breathing will be restored.

Uddiyana Bandha or 6 Pearl

Features. In fact, Tibetan gymnastics contains not five, but six exercises. But the latter is not included in the basic complex. We need to start it no earlier than you perfectly master the five previous ones. The second condition is the desire for self-improvement and spiritual growth, which implies a refusal of an intimate life that takes too much energy.

How to do

  1. Stand straight and deeply inhale. At the same time, schincter and strain the muscles of the crotch.
  2. Bend, leaning my palms about the hips, and exhale dramatically.
  3. Straighten, filling the lungs and maximize the stomach. Press your chin to chest.
  4. Exhale slowly. When the air in the lungs end, you can relax.

Step to the development of the sixth exercise of the Tibetan complex should be deliberate. If you are not ready to completely abandon intimate life, it is better not to take for this thing.

Rules of gymnastics

Tibetan gymnastics must be approached with full responsibility. Only complying with the recommendations and rules, you can achieve good health and powerful energy charge. Take into account five key points.

  1. Do not interrupt workouts. If you are interested in the Tibetan "Renaissance", be prepared for what you always have to do. Exercises produce a cumulative effect, but when canceling it is not saved. Energy flows can degrade even stronger than in the initial state.
  2. At the end relax. Having completed the last exercise, lie a little with closed eyes, so that energy flows are harmonized. To help yourself relax, turn on soft music.
  3. Start water procedures. After training, it is recommended to take a warm bath or shower. If you do not have time, just scroll the skin with a wet towel.
  4. Do not allow unpleasant sensations. Do exactly so much repetition exercise as your body allows. Overvoltage is unacceptable.
  5. Pause pauses. Before proceeding with a new exercise, relax. Stand right, put your hands on the belt and wait for breathing restoration.

Despite the fact that training can not be interrupted, do not always circumstances allow you to fulfill the program. Therefore, it is allowed to periodically take breaks in one or two days.

Speaking about Tibetan gymnastics, you can hear negative opinions of doctors, but positive feedbacks of people. They are mainly related to the fact that many patients see in this complex a panacea from all ailments. As a result, precious time may be missed for the treatment of serious diseases. Still, unlike Tibetan monks, we live in a new era and are simply obliged to use its achievements. Also, some skeptics claim that improving the well-being after training is no more than the result of self-purification. Perhaps this is so, but what's wrong with that? If the exercises give you a good mood and excellent well-being - this is already success.

The Rakinika "Renaissance" is known as a yogic tradition, originating in Tibet monasteries. It is believed that she has been transmitted exclusively from mouth to mouth among Tibetan monks from here more than 2500 years and knowledge about it. "Tibetan yoga"

Theories of the origin of the practice "Eye of Renaissance"

There are several versions of the origin of this practice, or rituals. So, according to one scientist and the monk of Tibetan Buddhism, these exercises take their origin from the authentic Indo-Tibetan tantric line. At the same time, these rituals practiced for many centuries before the yogic tradition was formed in this form, in which we now know it and understand. That is, it indicates that despite even the external similarity in the performance of some movements from the gymnastics "Renaissance" with yogic, this is a very independent line of spiritual practice, which includes not only theoretical part, but also practical in the form of exercises.

In order to complete the review of various theories about the origin of these rituals, it is possible to seek explanation to the Kum Nye system, as there are certain references to it, and, as well as the gymnastics of the Renaissance, the above-mentioned system has more than 2,000 years of existence.

Popularization and distribution of "Oka Renaissance"

In the Western world, this practice has become known and gained wide popularity after the publication of the book of Peter Kelder "Renaissance" in 1939, where he describes his acquaintance with Richard Bradford, at that time already a baked old man, colonel of the British army, who resigned after a long Services in India.

In addition to his officer, Bradford heard incredible stories about the unusual practices used by Tibetan lamas, which allow them for a long time to remain in good physical form and at the same time not to grow old. It was then that the colonel and decided that he would certainly differ more about these mysterious rituals.

Next, the kelner's story is broken, but it renewed when one person came to his reception a few years old, a high two-year-old Mr. Soroka. Whatever was the surprise of the author when he learned in him the very colonel Bradford, but he became completely different - nor a hint of soreness or fatigue. On the contrary, the correct posture, quickly clear movements as if he had never been at all that man whom he met the author of the book for the first time.

What made such an indelible impression on Kelder was nothing more than the magical turn of Bradford after several years spent with Lamas in Tibet, where he appeared before the "Okom Renaissance", as these practices are called in the monastery, and absorbed all knowledge Monks, practicing every day all five rituals.

Such is the story set out in the book. But this is just a preface. Is such a reality? If so, what are these rituals, with which you can return youth or at least turn the time to reverse and feel the former freshness and energy in the body?

As follows from the story, Bradford, returning to England, scored a group of those who wanted to master these exercises, and the elderly little-inquiring, gradually mastering this gymnastics, really restored health, became active and mobile, and at the same time their appearance changed.

Purpose of this practice

The gymnastics "Renaissance" is primarily designed for those people who want to improve their physical condition and help their physical body to be rejected, but for certain reasons they cannot pay enough time to other spiritual or physical practices during the day. Including the "OKO" in your schedule, which will be required to be left for only 10-15 minutes at any time of the day, you can practice it daily. There is only one condition - discipline. It is believed that you need to do this gym daily, without breaks. The maximum possible period of "rest" from exercises is 1-2 days, no more, otherwise the effect accumulated over all execution time disappears.

Chakra system and their importance in practice "Renaissance"

Five exercises are compiled in such a way as to activate the chakras in the body, or, as they are otherwise called, "Vortex". Everyone knows that the person has 7 main chakras - energy centers located along the spinal column, starting from below and ending with the so-called crown chakra, located in the scalp. In fact, these chakras are much more. Some sources mention more than 140 chakras, including those that are on the tips of the fingers and legs. In the description of this complex there are 19 chakras: 7 main and 12 located in areas corresponding to the fixture of the main joints: shoulders, elbows, brushes, hip, knees and feet.

To achieve a balance in the work of all these chakras and the harmonious development of each of them, this practice is directed, since the initial thesis, which continues its basis is that it is precisely the inconsistent work of energy centers of the organism or a way out of order contribute to stagnation of energy in those places and / or throughout the body, which prevents the free flow of energy by the body and in the end manifests itself on the physical level in the form of diseases. In order to turn the process to reverse, you need to harmonize the work of all chakras.

"Eye of Renaissance": 5 Tibetan exercises

It is not by chance that the complex "Eye of Renaissance" ("Five Tibetan Exercises") begins in essence with the "Dervish circles". This circling around its axis is running clockwise, because in the Buddhist tradition, the rotation clockwise is characterized by a beneficial effect on the body, while against the clock - negative.

This is the first exercise or ritual repeated to start 3 times. In general, all exercises of this system imply a sequential repetition of each of them a certain number of times, starting with 3 and bringing it to 21 times. This rule should be strictly observed and applies to all 5 exercises of the complex.

This veneer on the spot often causes difficulties with a weak vestibular apparatus, some of the head often begins to circling the head. If for some reason it is impossible to perform rotation, then it is possible to postpone its execution at a later time when the body is strengthened, meanwhile mastering the other 4 exercises that follow each other.

The second exercise of the complex is performed by lying and affects energy centers in the hip area, and also strengthens the muscles of the abdominal press. It lies in the fact that together with the simultaneous lifting of the head and pressing the chin to the chest, straight legs rose up perpendicular to the floor.

The third has a lot of common with the "Camel Pose" (Ushtrasana), but it does not require such a powerful deflection back, helps to correct the spin muscles and "feel".

Fourth in something resembles the famous SETU Bandha SarvanaSana, but somewhat modified. This exercise is aimed at the activation of all chakrah centers, well pulls the spine, strengthens the muscles of the hands and legs, and naturally massages the internal organs, which contributes to the improvement of the operation of the gastrointestinal tract.

The fifth strengthens the muscles of the legs and, as well as 2 previous, efficiently for the back and spine muscles. It resembles a mix of two yogic asanas - "Dog Pose Dog down" and "Cobra Position" performed dynamically. The effect of "swing" is created.

It should be noted that the basis of this gymnastics is the so-called paradoxical breathing.

"Eye of Renaissance": Energy principles involved in this practice

Of course, the strengthening of the physical body leads to natural changes in the appearance of the practitioner, and this is due to the fact that the mechanism of the redistribution of the concentration of energies from the lower chakras is turned on to the higher, which is the main objective of this complex "Renaissance". Exercises contribute to energies transmutation.

Often the energy of the lower centers is not spent by appointment, it simply is squatted. In order to prevent the outflow of energy in the outside, it needs to be redirected to where it will go into a new quality, and, as a result, a person will turn to a new spiritual level.

Many has already been reported about the physical aspect of this practice and therefore it makes no sense to return to it once again.

Unconscious reasons for man's desire for eternal youth

"The fountain of youth", as it is called in the West, the exercise system, which gives the opportunity to reverse the time to reverse and fill the body with energy.

But here we ask ourselves the question: "Why do we want to be rejected?" The desire to be beautiful and striving for longevity ... Since we want to push the processes of aging or at least slow themselves, is it not anything other than the desire of our ego? It wants to be noticed, requires praise and is afraid to lose its unconditional effect on man. The fact that this influence is certainly undeniable. Therefore, if every beauty, if not clearly, then in secret, always glad to compliments. Her desire to like it sends it to beauty salons, fitness centers. Also, the desire to extend the youth, which implies, although hidden behind him, but no less obvious desire for immortality is based on the human vanity and fear of death.

A few words about the ego

Most practices, including this, are the interests of the ego. Even if we talk about such a seemingly noble form of activity, as self-development or spiritual enlightenment, achieved by applying various techniques and practices, accelerating this process of climbing the ladder of spiritual growth, is all the ego tricks. Do not be it, there would be no desire itself. Ambitiosity is good in contests and competitions, but the very idea of \u200b\u200bachieving something, to achieve this or that, even if the goal is to get rid / release from the ego, it is still a voice of a very even present "I", No matter how strange at first glance it sounded. Because at the very basis of the desire of something, in the very fact of goaling without the ego it does not do.

Dream of immortality - the illusion of happiness?

The fear of death in a clear or hidden form is present in all people. But why is it considered one of the most basic fears of mankind? Do not affect the physiological aspects associated with the survival instinct, naturally implemented in a person's consciousness from an early age. Here is the question of the existential plan.

Why people, "burning" life, squanding her sometimes on trifles, if suddenly they have seen an unforeseen hour-other free time during the day, do not know what to take themselves, sophisticated, invent a new way of how to "kill" time, and At the same time, they will complain that the life is short and impossible to fulfill everything conceived. But whatever you do, whatever your days are filled with your days, when it comes time to summarize, people suddenly suddenly understand what they did not do.

In general, a person and it would not be necessary to ask for a second chance of fate if he really used this reasonably. Living every day, hanging out his existence to the meaning and not in the name of anything, but for the sake of the process itself, really living the moment, then in this and his true immortality would be. This can happen only when thoughts are reassured, they will not jump from one to another, but are concentrated regardless of the past and the future.

Start living in a new way. Turn the process itself in a kind of dynamic meditation, this is what all spiritual practices really are aimed at. Not practicing for practice, not practice for obtaining some benefits in the form of acquiring certain abilities or health.

All this is possible and necessary, but it is rather a side effect of these practices. If a person does not give them much attention, and in the process of the practice itself, it goes beyond his previous ideas, expands its world-upsion due to the removal of his consciousness to a new level, then the effects that inexperienced practices so crave to achieve, they will come by themselves as a derivative , what is freely manifested when other information gateways opened.