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How can you calm yourself when you are nervous. How to calm the nerves without pills. How to take yourself in hand with a panic attack without drugs

At the Israeli resort, the assistant chef was laid out from the hotel, opened by shooting, and barricaded in the kitchen. Only due to the composure of arrivals of the special forces, it was neutralized. The composure of employees of special forces of all countries is taught first.

Can we - ordinary people - to adopt the technique of self-catering of special forces to be able to control their emotions and do not spare anger, while maintaining their own nervous cells? Only for our readers professional secrets shared Oleg Tarasov, Candidate for Master of Sports in hand-to-hand combat.

How to manage yourself in stressful situations and not nervous

If you feel that the conversation threatens to grow into a scandal, do not let you catch yourself in a trap. It is best to start training on trifles - in small slaughter in transport, store, when you just don't like something, etc. Then in a really serious stressful situation you can quickly cope with you.

The first method. Abstraction.

Very easy way: when and lose control, think about a completely different, pleasant situation or moment. For example, on what tropical island you would like to take the next vacation, or about the excellent film, which yesterday looked.

Result. The point is to distract himself from an irritant factor. Then adrenaline will not have time to stand out and all claims can be expressed calmly, which will speed up the permission of the problem.

The second method. Score.

This method is very similar to the one that psychologists advise: to count to ten, for example, to a child who does not listen.

Result. It appears not to show your uncontrollable emotions.

The third method. Physical.

You can help yourself with any physical actions that you will do with strength: to squeeze-break the fists, hurt with your fingers. You can simply twist in your hands some object. The necessary condition is to fix your attention on what you do ("I squeeze the fists", "I will give a handle in my hands").

It helps to measure and strain every muscle of your body on breathe and relax in exhalation.

Result. You calm down.

How to quickly calm down and take yourself in hand

If you are on the nerves, you can, of course, take a relaxing bath, and hiding the plaid, read your favorite book. But if you are now in the office of the head, or a important speech is to be able to, you need to be able to quickly, simply, and most importantly - imperceptibly calm the nerves. At that moment, when you begin to get angry or nervous, a large amount of adrenaline is thrown into the blood in the body. All "Soothing" techniques are designed to rather reduce its level. When there is a lot of adrenaline in the blood, the heartbeat is expensive, the muscles are in hyperthonus, breathing is knocked down, becomes intermittent. Proper breathing is the most efficient way to "burn" adrenaline: the more your muscles will receive oxygen, the faster the adrenaline will become less. You can breathe in several ways.

The first technique.

It is aimed at that during the nervous stress, the breathing is in line with the condition of the body. It is necessary to breathe often and deeply. Make 3-4 deep and fast inhale-exhalation. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Then take 5 seconds pause and breathe how convenient. Then make breaths again. References are so 3-4 times.

Result. A lot of oxygen falls into the body, and adrenaline leaves. And since there are no exciting factors, a person calms down.

Technique Second.

It is aimed at bringing the body to bring the body into a calm condition. Breathe a little deeper than usual. Exactly a little. If you breathe deeply, the head will be spinning, you will achieve the opposite effect. Think about how you breathe right. This technique is less noticeable than the first, and is suitable for those who, for example, at the moment, the nervous boss is currently reported on elevated colors.

Result. Oxygen eliminates the body from adrenaline, and thoughts focused on breathing help "rise" over the situation and perceive what is happening more adequately.


It is associated with small muscular movements. But the goal is still the same - to reduce the level of adrenaline.

On a sharp breath as soon as possible, squeeze the fists, pushing the nails in the palm, and sharply, without a pause, throw away the fingers forward on the exhale.

It is enough to make 10-12 such movements. At the same time, it is necessary to think about what you are doing with your hands to concentrate on it.

Result. With sharp movements you "burn out" adrenaline. Focusing on movements and breathing helps to distract from anxious thoughts.

I will tell you how to learn to keep calm and composure in any situations without the use of the mother-in-law and any other harmful. Applying outlined techniques in practice, you reduce the level of nervousness at times. It will be very interesting, but for the start, read a little accession.

A modern man for the last millennium has learned all day for the potential prey and spend all its calories received, but it has acquired the ability to be very nervous on any trivia. Unrest, and, as scientists have already proven, entail serious consequences, of which most of them are fatal. And no matter how a person did not understand this, he still continues to be nervous even because of a broken nail.

Why does man nervous?

We are all experiencing strong internal discomfort when nervous, and usually nerves are tensioning when some important and responsible event or event is coming. For example, karate competition, speech before the public (dancing, singing, theater, presentation), interview, negotiations, and so on. All this is nervous to horror. But it is important to take into account the physiological and psychological aspects of the individual. Physiological aspects are associated with the properties of our nervous system, and psychological related to the peculiarities of our personality: the tendency to the revaluation of any events (inflating from flies in an elephant), uncertainty, excitement for the final result, which leads to severe concern.

As a rule, a person begins to be nervous in those situations that are considered dangerous or who threaten his life, or then when he gives an excessive importance to a particular event. The first option disappears, since the threat in our lives is not often loyal. But the second option is just a reason for everyday nervousness. The man is always afraid of something:, hear the refusal, look before the public an idiot, do something wrong - this is what makes us very nervous. Therefore, the reasons for nervousness to a greater extent playing a psychological attitude than a physiological aspect. And to nerveWe need to realize the origin of nervousness, and, of course, start strengthening the nervous system. Having understood with this, we will understand how to calm down.

Symptoms nervousness

Do you think nervousness is a protective mechanism or unnecessary interference? I think you say both. When we are nervous, we begin to sweat the palms, armpits, the heartbeat is expelled, in the head of confusion, it is difficult to concentrate on something, irritability and aggression manifests itself, it is impossible to stop in one place, pain in the stomach and, of course, I want to go to the big. I think you all familiar. All these are symptoms of nervousness.

How to calm down and stop nervous?

Therefore, firmly understand yourself that the tendency to nervousness is not a natural response of the body for some event or an incurable disease of your personality. I assume that this is most likely a psychological mechanism that fixed it fixed in your system of habits. Or it may be a problem with the nervous system. Nervousness is your individual reaction to what is happening, and whatever the situation is not formed, you can react in every possible way. I am confident in one thing, nervousness can be eliminated and necessary to eliminate, because when you are nervous:

  • You have a sharply thinking ability, and therefore it is very difficult for you to focus on something concrete, and this can only complicate the situation that requires clarity in your head. For example, on the stage you can forget the words, it is not necessary to recall the necessary information on the exam, and the steering wheel is not put on the pedal.
  • You lose control over your intonation, facial expressions, gesturing, which can entail an undesirable outcome on a date or negotiations.
  • Because of nervousness, you quickly get tired, and this is very detrimental affects your health. And if you are often nervous, you can seriously get sick, which is extremely not desirable.
  • You are worried about trifles, because of what you do not pay attention to the most important and necessary things in your life.

I am sure that you will not be difficult to remember cases from your life when you were very nervous, as a result of which it did not affect the results of your actions. I am sure that in your life there were such moments when, due to psychological pressure, you broke out, lost control over ourselves. From here you can make the appropriate conclusions:

  • There is no benefit from nervousness, it only interferes, and very much.
  • You can stop nervous only by working on yourself.
  • In fact, there are no actual reasons in our life to worry, since we and our loved ones are not threatened, mostly we are nervous on trifles.

I will not pull the rubber, and I will tell you about the first way to stop nervous. This is considered one of the best ways. You noticed that when you are nervous, you run around the room, you move !!! So, if you do a run, jump, pull the iron or fooletite a boxing pear - you will stop nervous and you will become much better. After exercise, you must make breathing exercises (about it below), or do yoga. Helps and slows down the pace of aging. What don't you like?

Now let's talk about excessive significance, which we give in one or another events. Remember from your life those events, because of which you were very nervous: I raise the boss for a serious conversation, pass the exam, invite a girl or a guy for a date. Remember and try to estimate their level of importance to you. Now remember your life plans and prospects. What do you want to achieve in this life? Remembered? And now answer me to the question, is it so scary to go to work and is it worth nervous about this? This is what you need to think?

After all, agree with me that in those moments when you are nervous, it is difficult for you to focus on important purposes for you. Therefore, instead of worrying on trifles, it is better to start thinking about your own and, think about the future, because it is really important for you. I am sure that after changing focusing with unnecessary to the desired one, you will stop nervous.

But no matter how positively we did not configure ourselves, no matter how hard we tried to convince your mind on the fact that it is really not worth a nervous, the body can still respond as a property. Therefore, step forward, where I will explain to you how to bring my body into a state of relaxation and tranquility before a coming important event, both during and after it.

How to calm down before an important event?

So, how not to be nervous before an important event? With every minute, we get closer and closer to the responsible event, during which our coexist, will, the intelligence will be brutal inspection, and if we are able to withstand this serious test, then we will reward us generously, and if not, then we are in the span . This event can be a final response to a specific position that you dream about, the conclusion of an important contract, the exam, a date and the like. And if you read the article carefully, you are well aware that it is necessary to get rid of nervousness so that it does not interfere with focus on purpose.

You are fine understand that the most important event awaits you, but no matter how important it is, it will not, even the worst outcome of this event, will not become the end of the world. So that stop dramatize and endow the event excessively. Understand, this is too important an event, and you should not allow nervousness to spoil it. Therefore, be collected and focused and do everything you need for this.

So, throw out all thoughts about defeat. Try not to think about anything, free your head from all thoughts, completely relax, take a deep breath, and then exhale. As I said, Yoga will help you in this. Here I want to give you the simplest respiratory technique.

Here's how to do:

  • Inhale air to 5 accounts (or 5 heart blows),
  • Delay air to 2-3 accounts / strikes,
  • Exhale air to 5 bills / strikes,
  • Do not breathe 2-3 accounts / shock.

In general, as the doctor says: breathe - do not breathe. 5 seconds Inhale - 3 seconds Delay - 5 seconds Exhalation - 3 seconds Delay.

If your breath gives you the opportunity to make deeper breaths and exhalations, then increase the delay time.

Why is breathing exercises so effective? Because in the process of performing breathing exercises, you are focused solely on breathing. This is a kind of me, about which I constantly Taldych. Meditation greatly helps calm down and stop nervous. Your head is in the state of emptiness, so you stop nervous. By practicing breathing exercises, you not only calm down right here and now, but also put in order your nervous system, and this will allow you to be less nervous without exercise.

So, here we have prepared yourself to an important event. Now let's talk about how to behave correctly during any event to be calm as a boating and relaxed as a housing.

How not to be nervous during an important event?

My first advice to you - emit calm in spite of anything. If a positive attitude and meditation did not help you stop nervous, then at least at least try to show calm and serenity. The manifestation of the external rest will affect the internal. It works on the principle of feedback, that is not only your inner feeling determines your gestures and facial expressions, but also gestures and facial expressions defines your well-being. Check it is not at all difficult. When you walk down the street with straight posture, straightened shoulders and confident gait, you. If you walk the SUTUN, barely move your legs, look at the floor, then the conclusions about you are appropriate.

So keep track of your facial expressions, gestures and intonation, namely, eliminate all the movements of a nervous person. How does a nervous person behave? Picks up in the ear, turtled the hair, biting a pencil, sludge, cannot clearly state the thought, pressed against the chair. Instead, sit on the leg, straighten your shoulders, straighten your back, relax your face, do not rush to answer, first think, then say clearly and clearly.

After a meeting or event, no matter how the outcome is, the same techniques will help you that are given above. It will be better if you stop scrolling in the head of fruitless thoughts of the type, if I said so ..., and if I did it ...., And it was better if it was silent ...., And so on. Just stop thinking. Maybe you can not immediately do it, but over time you will even forget.

Finally, I want to tell you that you should not create reasons for concerns. Many people simply screw in mind such that it is not even clear how they thought of it, especially these are characteristic of women. Apparently, they have a fantasy more developed than in men, but just need to be sent to the right direction. Before you start worrying, as you should analyze whether it is worth it. If you can't calm down, then just take your position and accept him. Nervish on health, because sooner or later everything will end, and you will definitely calm down.

how to stop nervous how not to be nervous how to calm down


Fast rhythm of life, different problems, lack of rest, all this negatively affects the activity of the nervous system. In this case, information on how to calm the nerves will be relevant and useful. There are many different options with your own features.

What to do to calm the nerves?

Strange, but modern people need to learn to enjoy life and. Psychologists give several advice, how to calm the nerves without drugs:

  1. Good results give breathing practices. To quickly calm down, you need to straighten your shoulders, straighten your back and breathe deeply, and then, make a slow exhale. After that, make a small pause.
  2. The best way to calm the nerves - to do your favorite thing. The hobby helps to relax, clean the thoughts and get a charge of positive emotions.
  3. Take a contrast shower or a relaxing bath with aromatic oils.
  4. It is recommended to calm the use of aromatherapy, so you should inhale or make a massage with the use of lavender ether, melissa, mandarin, basilica, chamomile and bergamot.
  5. A simple and effective method, how to calm the nerves - do. Pretty walking fingers on the skin of the head. After that, sort the cheeks, forehead and whiskey.
  6. Go for a walk to breathe fresh air. No less efficient motor activity, which helps "shake up".

A huge amount of funds and methods that can be used in stressful situations to calm down are known. There are different energy practices, conspiracies and prayers that help stabilize the functionality of the nervous system. If I wonder how to calm the nerves at home, then you can use accessible drugs or folk remedies that have no side effects.

What medications calm the nerves?

Medicaseous means helping in stressful states are an extensive group, and they affect the nervous system. For those who are interested in having good nerves, it is worth paying attention to the following drugs:

  1. Tranquilizers. The tools are well removed the alarm and soothe, but they are addictive, so they are allowed to take them only under the closer attention of doctors. Famous tranquilizers: "Lorazepam" and "Ataras"
  2. Sedatives. As the basis, bromine or plants are used in them. Such means gently affect the body and practically do not have side effects. Frequently used such sedatives: Valerian and Barbal.

How to calm the nerves by folk remedies?

Since ancient times, people use different plants to treat numerous diseases, and all due to their useful properties. The following folk remedies are popular with popularity:

  1. The most famous soothing grass from nerves - mint, from which you can cook infusion. Boiling water (200 ml) Fill a large spoonful of dry mint and insist 40 min. Take the infusion should twice a day in the morning and evening.
  2. Many people know that chamomile calms the nerves and use it to prepare tea. According to a classic recipe, a large spoon of flowers is pouring boiling water (200 ml) and insisted under the lid for half an hour. It will remain strain and drink in warm form.

Prayer to calm the nerves

Believers can seek help from higher strength. Sincere prayer pronunciations will help clean the soul, calm down and tune in to a positive way. Finding out how to calm the nerves, it is worth indicating that prayers can be read daily in the morning to get a charge of energy, and even in difficult moments when urgent spiritual help is needed. Read prayer three times and, if possible, do it in front of the icon of the Virgin.

Mantra, soothing nerves

Divine vibrations have a different effect on a person, as they help to connect to cosmic energy. When the mantra repeats, a powerful positive beam of energy is created, which dispels the negative. If you are interested in how to quickly calm the nerves, then you can use a simple wise - "Ohm Namo Bhagavat Vasudevayya". She calms the soul and relieves negative energy. Repeat the mantra is better than 108 times, but if it is unbearable, then note that the number of repetitions should be multiple.

Mudra, soothing nerves

With the help of the popular Eastern practice, you can learn how to use Cosmo-bioenergy yourself for good, for example, to combat stressful state. Westers are a great way to calm the nerves at work or in any other place. Most effective combinations:

What products soothe nerves?

If you feel emotional tension, fatigue or bad mood, then you can eat products that help soothe nerves:

  1. It has been proven that those who are part of the sea fish soothes the nerves and block the production of cytokines - substances provoking depression.
  2. In the spinach leaves there is vitamin K, activating the synthesis of hormones, improving the mood and helping to better resist stress.
  3. Well soothes the nerves honey, which improves the power of the cells and reduces the excitability of nerve endings. Want to calm down, then just disperse a spoonful of honey.
  4. Citrus fruits contain ascorbic acid that reduces the level of cortisol (stress hormone). Scientists assure that it is possible to calm down, even simply clean the orange.
  5. Look for a way to quickly calm the nerves, then you should know that even a small piece of black chocolate is able to reduce the level of cortisol, which helps calm down. Scientists believe that sweetness affects the level of dopamine in the body and causes a feeling of relaxation, and there is still tryptophan in it, important for.

Calm and measured life can only dream. People constantly face various problems that you have to solve as much as possible.

Some calmly perceive all the vitality, others react with an emotion burst, annoy, angry, in general, have a nervous system for strength. The human psyche affects the work of the whole organism when the nerves are not in order, headaches arise, problems with sleep appear, chronic diseases are activated.

Self-suggestion will help calm the nerves

To get rid of a nervous state, you should understand the reason for its appearance. Often people are nervous in habit. It happens that the feeling of unpleasant sits in the subconscious. This is due to the past time and events, but it is difficult for a person to get rid of the oppressed state. He is experiencing for what has already happened and is not subject to adjustment, what is the point of this?

It should be noted that the load on the nervous system can cause depression.

Managing self-sufficiency, you can get rid of many psychological problems. The main thing is to learn all the vitality of more or less perceive calmly. Self-pressure will help to cope with a nervous state without tablets.

Calmness, only calm

If no) found you at home, do not worry, you can cope with surviving umbrellas and home conditions.


This is one of the most effective and simple ways to calm down and relax. Especially it helps after a severe working day in a complex with aromatic oils or foam. Purchase coniferous extract to be added to a hot bath. Take water procedures for about 20 minutes, before bedtime.

When the heart jumps out of the chest, and thoughts are confused, drink a glass of cold water, soothes the nervous system.

Down with negative

Sometimes it is difficult to cope with negative emotions. When inside all boils from indignation, you need to spill the negative, but so that no one has suffered. You can cry, break a couple of old plates, shout, but you need to do it away from settlements, for example, in the forest. Do not keep emotions inside, do everything to feel relief.

Classical music has a healing effect. Want to calm down, then turn on the bah, make it easier in your favorite chair or on the sofa, close your eyes, abstract from thoughts and enjoy listening. It will not only help quickly calm the nerve, but will configure to positive.

If you have already appreciated all the benefits of music therapy, purchase audio recordings with the noise of the sea, the sounds of rain, birds singing. This method helps to relax after a long working day.

If you do not want to share your own experiences with outsiders, get a diary and write everything you think that you are bothering you. Problems written in paper no longer seem so insoluble as before.

Nerves in order - thanks to charging

Physical exercise and breathing exercises help to cope with the problems of a psychological nature. One of the sources of stress is the lack of movement. Sport strengthens the will, improves the figure and eliminates stress.

It is possible to choose a lesson for the soul: running, aerobics, yoga, any exercise. Excellent if you find like-minded people. The company is much easier to experience the body for strength. During conversations, workouts pass easily and easily, and all problems are forgotten, although on time.

Balanced ration

Periods occur in the life of each person when the nervous system at the limit. It's not about external circumstances, but in a shortage of certain elements for the full work of the body. Some products cause uncontrolled irritation, others, on the contrary, soothe.

Nervishka Shalyat, review the usual diet, add products rich in fatty acids and vitamin V. In the diet there should be marine fish, eggs, honey, legumes, dairy products, oils.

It has been proven that chocolate contributes to the production of joy hormone, restoring the nervous system. Remember, everything is fine when in moderation. Fruits and vegetables rich in fiber must be included in the daily diet.

Folk remedies for the peace of nervous system

Soothe the nerves stretched as strings can be folk methods.

  1. Valina's cortex in crushed form, a sufficiently tablespoon and a glass of boiling water. Heat the bark on small fire for 5 minutes. Close the capacitance with a lid, let it be imagined. After half an hour, the means should be strain. You need to take 4 times a day on a tablespoon before meals.
  2. Ten grams of berries of viburnum, mint leaves and, St. John's wort and Melissa - just 5 grams and 1 cup of boiling water. Fill all the components of boiling water and insist in a thermos one hour. Take twice a day 100 ml.
  3. , Valerian and, one teaspoon, pour and welcome in liter of boiling water. Cooking needed on low heat for about 10 minutes. Capacity should be covered with a lid. One hour later, strain the decoction and pour into a bath with water comfortable for swimming temperature. You need to take such a herbal bath no more than 30 minutes.
  4. Remove stress and calm the nerves at home can be with honey. Three times a day you need to eat one teaspoon of bee honey, drinking it with warm water. The first two spoons, it is better to eat up to lunch, so that then it did not have to lose weight.

Irritability will help remove lime tea with Melissa and honey.

Before treating the nerves by folk remedies, you should consult with a doctor, especially pregnant women. This will avoid allergic reactions to a particular component, confirm the diagnosis, eliminate the negative effects of recipes based on the individual characteristics of the body.

Full Son.

When the body is exhausted, the person becomes irritable. For a strong nervous system, a person must sleep 7-8 hours. Before you go to bed, you need to take a relaxing bath, it is useful to drink a glass of warm milk with honey, herbal tea, and from coffee and alcoholic beverages should be refused.

Make a pad that hangs at the head of the bed for a calm sleep. It put herbs with a relaxing effect, this is Lavender, Hop, Melissa.

An excellent tool to calm the nerves and relax is a unhurried evening walk. People constantly where to rush, such a rhythm of life is reflected first of all on the human psyche. Slowly walk, think about something good. Walk alone or in the company of unobtrusive friends.

All of the above actions will be ineffective if you do not know the reason for the increased nervousness. Ignore the problem, it means, consciously launch your own mental health.

Do not listen to acquaintances that advise drugs and allegedly effective treatments. Trust the doctor with many years of practice, which will prescribe treatment only after survey. Soothing tablets and drugs affect the psyche, but they have side effects and lead to addiction.

It is worth adding that some people tend to dramatize and pump the situation. Such personals make them get nervous and themselves. Communication with depressive people leaves an unpleasant sediment. Simply feel about life, forget about the past, it is no longer possible to return it, think about the present and build plans.


Enjoying life in the modern world is a whole science that is not taught at school. Such a course does not include a mandatory university program, such as a philosophy course. And in order to learn inner calmness, many required time, and some begin to learn only when stress becomes chronic.

How not to fall the victim of the ceitiety and critical situations, tells

How to become calm

Sometimes it happens that we simply do not accept your concern if it lasts a long time, and in this state we solve all the questions. On the way, we break a bunch of firewood, about which themselves then "stumble."

The easiest way to calm the nerves is, of course, to put in order that the sphere of life, due to which the stressful state followed. But this is, as you know, is not done quickly.

The first thing you should do is to take your nervous state and assure yourself that you will definitely understand with all your difficulties, but gradually and after calm down, take yourself in your hands.

Decide for yourself that the nervous breakdown or stress, which you are currently experiencing is a difficult cold, and you need a "sick". Only "healing" you will have forces to change anything. In short, let yourself take a break from everything and free up time to calm down. Otherwise, everything else will be just useless, because mentally you will always be with your stress, so no other ways can get rid of you

15 ways to stop nervous

If you need to urgently calm down, you will definitely help one of the ways we offer. You can use them both together with strong stress and separately.

  • 1. Take up breathing practices

Breathing as nothing else affects our mood and health. And if we were more observant, we could notice that in different emotional states we completely differently breathe. In order to calm down, it is enough to bring breathing under control and perform simple techniques. Making one time you can get rid of short-term stress, performing regularly, you can greatly "pushing" your nervous system.

Deep breathing: Straighten your back, straighten your shoulders, breathe deeply and slowly breathe, stretching exhale and making it longer than inhale. After the exhalation, make a small pause.
Respiratory technique from Yoga "Capalabhati". It focuses on the output, which helps to calm the nervous system (in the time as a breath on the contrary contributes to increasing the tone). How to practice this type of breathing, see the video:

Be careful with breathing exercises (do not do long or stop if you feel unpleasant sensations), do not get drunk if you have not previously practiced anything like that.

  • 2. Word the mental mood
Without the right mood, everything else is just short-term methods, the action of which will end in a clearly allocated time. But if you finish them with a philosophical view of life, then calm the nerves will definitely succeed. Such installations missing through ourselves and experienced as "all for the better", "I can't control everything and therefore I let go," everything will decide everything over time, "I still can not influence this, so I will calmly", " I can always ask for help. "

In a word, you need to find some calmness mentally, and even such simple installations in which you need to believe you will help you. If you stick to a certain system of beliefs, for example, a certain religion or a view system, then you will be even easier: you will definitely find the answer there what is happening and what to do. Usually, the simple knowledge of what is happening and the reasons for this happens enough to calm down.

  • 3. Take a shower or bath

Control with water is one of the easiest ways to calm the nerves and wash off the energy cargo of stress. Warm shower, especially before bedtime, will help you put yourself in order. It is better not to induce while with contrasting souls or poultry, because they are on the contrary acting on the nervous system.

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And if you have the opportunity to sit in a bath with your favorite flavors and with your favorite music, without thinking about anything, you definitely do it. Preferably after taking a warm soul to wear clothes from soft, natural tissues or lie down.

  • 4. Organize Comfort for yourself
Comfortable conditions - a comfortable place to sleep, freshly bedding, a clean room will reassure the nervous system and help you relax and, at least, it is easier to fall asleep and restore forces.
  • 5. Find "Time for yourself"
Set aside for some time all the questions exciting you, do not attempt to control everything. Allocate time only for yourself. This does not mean that you should walk along the salons and to please yourself (although, of course, you can). During the nerve voltage, allocate time for itself - it means just to afford to forget that something else needs to be done: to establish a personal life, solve problems at work and / or with parents / family, look for a job, pay for an apartment, etc.

With strong and constant loads on the nervous system, go well to the sanatorium or to the resort - where you can do anything and nothing to take care.

  • 6. Make a head and face massage
A large number of nerve endings are concentrated on the head and many people unconsciously, nervous, spend on the hair and make a light massage. Make it consciously: "Come" go "with your fingers like a comb on the skin of the head from the forehead to the back of the head. Massage movements scroll the cheeks, forehead, circular movements from ourselves the whiskey.
  • 7. Eat sweet
During the nervous voltage, you can eat sweets on "legal grounds" - is it not so calm? It is said that sweet food is necessary to develop certain hormones in the body, which allow you to overcome tension. Remember that sweet food is not only cakes, buns and candies, but also dried fruits, candies, black chocolate.

In short, do not get carried away and do not hesitate stress, otherwise, due to excessive hobbies, you may soon have a new reason for experiences.

  • 8. Navitage
Any motor activity (especially targeted) will help better circulate blood, which will additionally supply your organs with the necessary substances. In addition, so you will get rid of the clamps, and it will allow energy better to move along your body.

You can walk, dance, do yoga, make charging or pull. But do not strain hard, your task is to shake yourself exclusively. Listen to yourself, if you now want to lie down more, then it is better to postpone all the motor activity as long as the forces do not appear on them.

  • 9. Make a permutation
They say that if you rearrange 27 items in the situation that surrounds you, it will help energy around circulate freely, which will have a beneficial effect on your emotional state. In general, any activity associated with streamlining is to go through clothes, books, cleaning in the room will help you calm down. In addition, the guidance of order in the external space is psychologically configured you an order of internal.
  • 10. Draw, paint
Drawing has long been known for its healing sedative effect. But if you for some reason you can't draw even the simplest things, buy a children's coloring and color pencils and just paint the pictures.
  • 11. Use aromatherapy

Essential oils Lavender, Melissa, Gerani, Mandarin, Orange, Basilica, Chamomile, Patchouli, Ylang-Ilanga, Bergamot will help you stabilize your emotional state. You can just inhale them using an aroma and taking baths with them or make massages and rubbing. Before use, familiarize yourself with the dosage of the oil, since an excessive amount can bring exactly the opposite effect.

  • 12. Sleep and fit it right
In general, sleep and proper nutrition - a guarantee of the absence of stress for any person, but during nervous stresses they are especially necessary. Provide a dream of the duration for which your body rests. Use healthy food, which if not calm you, then, in any case, will not be the reason for additional excitement.

A person who is accustomed to constantly keep everything under control, even a small nerve stress after a certain time (when the limit of stability is over) can strongly subcode.

  • 14. Accept Soothing
  • Modern science offers many types of sedatives - and pills, and drops, and infusions, and tea, and herbs. Note that there are drugs created exclusively on herbs, and there are actually herbs themselves, and all this in the form of a course will be useful and a healthy person to complete the stabilization of the nervous state. Soothing herbs include Valerian, St. John's wort, peppermint, lavender, chamomile.

    However, try not to abuse this type of nerve soothing, since the phrase "calm as an elephant" was invented at all, it was not possible to fit the calming for you, but also the necessary nervous reactions for you, but also necessary that it is unlikely to make your life easier and better.

    • 15. Contact a specialist
    If none of the recommendations helped you, it makes sense to turn to a psychologist or psychotherapist. The doctor will talk with you, will hold tests, work with you stressful situations and their causes, and will also show how to effectively cope with nervous disorders.