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Medical breathing to extend lives. Proper breathing

As soon as the breath becomes conscious and can function freely and fully, it becomes power and means of healing, settlement and revitalizing all other systems and levels.

When breathing is easy and freely, when it has a strength and flexibility, it can work miracles. Only breathing strengthens our ability to feel pleasure, get love, cope with tension, seek good results.

Especially important for your development, for your growth and knowledge as the easiest breathing exercises, and those for which significant practice is required (36).

Observation of breathing

This is the first skill towards respiratory skill. The key to this ability is awareness. In the formula of the transformation, it is called the factor of consciousness. To extract the maximum possible from the application of any breathing technique, it is necessary to practice meditative awareness. In Buddhist tradition, it is known as an in-site, penetration into the essence, insight or vippasan. Meditation requires calm mind and focusing on our inner world, her way - contemplating internal sensations, thoughts and feelings.

This is the process of developing the feeling of the inner world. Start with keeping breathing. Do not interfere with it. Let it move in itself, you will only be a passive observer. Take off every breath very carefully, feel every exhale. Try to perceive the subtle sensations caused by the stream of breathing, pay attention to how the air passes in the tips of the nostril or between the lips. Sick the feeling of movement in the chest, arising from every breath and exhale. Track your breath from the beginning of the breath to the end of the exhalation. If your consciousness is distracted, simply concentrate on the next breath or exhale.

Do not stop watching, feel and listening to your breath, in every breath and every exhalation.

This is undoubtedly a simple exercise. And perhaps it is simplicity that makes it difficult. Requires regular, daily practice. From ten to twenty minutes of classes per day, within a month will cause many wonderful effects, in addition, other exercises are also built with a support for concentration and meditation.

Entering exhalation

Relaxation is a direct path to perfection. The ability to relax and let go relates to the most important. We can all relax to a certain extent. We all have a sense of relaxation to a certain extent, and we can all achieve great progress in this direction. Ask yourself questions: As far as I manage to relax, how fast can I let the tension? How deep is my relaxation: under what circumstances and in the process of which situations I can relax and let go. How much do I manage to immerse? Can I take tension at my own wishes?

One of the strongest work effects is the release factor. Each exhale is the possibility of release and trust, relaxation and release. Start developing this possibility of breathing, consciously linking the release of muscular voltage. Learn to scour out sharply, instantly, as if a breaking thread, on which the load of your breathing was suspended. In practice in the release of exhalation in the association, as it were, with a sigh of relief. At the same time, however, do not force it: let gravity, the elasticity of your muscles and atmospheric pressure will produce it (exhale) for you.

Feel how you relax and settle. Remember the sound form aa-a, throw out the exhalation entirely, do not control it with the move. Free it and let him completely go out. We work out it as part of a special exercise on the relaxation of the entire respiratory mechanism, tie exhale with individual parts of the body, jaw, throat, shoulders, chest, womb, etc.

I am sure, says Dan Brule that liberation from any problem and illness lies in your ability to free. Using breathing to develop such an ability There is a direct path to liberation. Engage exhale many times during the day. Learn to experience that simple pleasure that comes with a conscious sigh of relief.

Energy of the heart

Breath strength is limitless. The more we are collected in our hearts, the greater the power of our life will be given. I perceive the heart as a central item for balancing the energy of the head and abdomen. I also believe that breathing spirit seeks to heart, as to the entrance point and actions in this world.

There are two levels of breathing: the first is the level of gas metabolism. (oxygen and carbon dioxide), the second is the energy level of the Spirit. This energy is called: in India - Prana, in China, Qi Chi, in Japan. It can be called its life force or vital energy.

This is the spirit of life. Although the muscles are capable of moving the air, directing it inside the body and outward, not the muscles, and the consciousness should move the energy. If there is attention, awareness, focus, the will this energy can move and act within us and through us. The proposed exercise requires you to be a member of life actively involved in its movement.

Getting Started by this exercise by your thought, send a breath into the center of Pasha breast. Feel the expansion up and down, to the chest and back, to both sides. Tighten the air does not rush. Send your breath into the heart area. Open and expand, and let your desire, the energy flows into you. Let this energized breath, consciously filling the energy of life.

Imagine that you swell from this vitality. Imagine it in color. Imagine that you are filled with light, love, peace, the most sublime, the cleanest, etc. Although inhaling, inhale, be about your divine power, make each breath in a new step on the way to your source, to your creator, step inside his. Tighten your breath into your heart again and again until you are alive together with all the envy.

Fountain breathing

This breathing begins slowly and originated below. It is silent and barely catchy. But it grows and grow up and as it raises it rises above, it becomes stronger, louder and faster. It reaches the maximum of the head of the head and is thrown out, produced there upwards like a fountain. Its sound is similar to the noise of an airplane or truck passing in the night silence. At first he is very weak and goes from afar, but he approaches and becomes louder, and, by going to the roar, rushes past, and then gradually subsides and disappears. This is one of the exercises to be trained in the presence of a mentor, since it is difficult to master only on the book. It combines the first three exercises into one powerful technique. With proper practice, this breathing can already change any state, change any mood and influence any situation. Hence the need for its proper and complete work.

Sound and breathing

We start with U-U-y - aaa-aa.
When working with breathing, many ways to make a stream of breathing are used. In respiratory therapy, many sounds are used in the technique of techniques for improving skill. Here is the first sound I teach everyone. It is associated with fountain breathing. Inhale is formed and sounds like a U-y-y-y, and the exhalation is formed and sounds like a-aa-aa. Inhale U-U-y, exhale aa-ah. When you inhale, give your lips a form, as when swaying through the straw. And when you exhale, the jaw should quickly drop out, release breathing with the sound of relief: aa-ah.

Breathing belly

Managed diaphragmal breathing is the cornerstone in yoga and included in the basics of all martial arts. This is the basic skill for singers, musicians, lecturers, as well as for many other arts requiring the basis, equilibrium and physical exertion.

The diaphragm is the largest muscle in the body. It is located on the border of the chest and abdominal cavities. This is a leading muscle in conventional breathing. It is very important that the diaphragm moves up and down freely. The greater the movement range, the more potential for health and vitality. When you breathe, the diaphragm is shifted down. When you exhale, the diaphragm goes up. When you inhale and the diaphragm is flattened and moves down, the stomach is swelling. On the exhalation, the diaphragm again takes its domed shape and rises up, and the stomach goes inside. Inhale - the diaphragm down - the stomach outside. Exhaler - the diaphragm up - the stomach is drawn up.

This normal pendulum swing of the diaphragm massages internal organs and charges the entire energy system. The exercise is to send the breath into the stomach when inhaling and freeing the stomach from him when exhaling. Try to make a diaphragm at the end of the exhalation, there are highly under the ribs, and send a diaphragm as low as possible in the stomach and when inhaling. Play these movements of the belly until it is not easy and natural.

Flood alignment

The purpose of this exercise is the development of greater energy and voltage sensitivity. The focus of attention is the mouth, nose4 jaw and throat (larynx). This exercise leads to a subtle, but strong self-knowledge and ability to control themselves. It is of great importance when assimilating the art of respiration and respiratory therapy.

Breathe through the nose with a slightly open mouth. Then raise through your mouth. Practice in switching breathing with mouth on the nasal several times. Find the valve - the checkpoint that sends the air through each of these holes. Now adjust the position of your teeth, language, lips so (and control it so) so that you can breathe simultaneously through the nose and mouth.

Divide the air flow into two equal half, so that one of them came and went through the nose, and the other through the mouth. Adjust your breath and holes so that both in the nostrils and up in the head and in the horn and down in the stomach received equal streams of breathing. Card out that equal air volumes passed through the mouth and through the nose.

Four-set breathing

This exercise is also called four angle exercise. The task is to divide the respiratory cavity into four sections. Each shoulder represents the top of the two upper corners. And the area above each thigh is the vertices of the lower corners formed by the bottom of the peritoneum and the back on each side.

The main task is to learn to inhale every time one of these corners.

Start from the left shoulder and focus on this area. Direct your breath into this shoulder, as if it were easy. Feel how it is filled and becomes empty. Switch to another shoulder and extend only it. Do the same with the bottom corners aiming the breath to the right thigh, exiting only this angle. Then extend the second thigh. Change the angles, working out the ability to send breathing (energy in this four directions alternately, and then in different combinations.)

Breathing with reverses

This technique, also called paradoxical, can be found in several different schools of breathing. This exercise is in Indian yoga, as well as in the eastern arts. Remember Ex. 6 (Breath of belly), which was practiced by the natural movement of the diaphragm. When breathing with reverses, the diaphragm moves in the opposite, i.e. reversed.

When inhaling, the stomach is cleaned and pull up. On the exhalation of the diaphragm pushed down, and the stomach is pronounced.

Inhale - belly remove; Diaphragm up.

Exhaler - stomach outward, diaphragm down.

This is a very useful and very strong muscle exercise. It is necessary to teach him through initiation, that is, dedication under the leadership and with the participation of the instructor and with the imposition of hands at the initial stage to adjust the movements. As a result, there is a deep awareness of the merger of earthly and heavenly energy. The physical system is charged with energy and all organs, glands, nerves, etc. Improve their work. Before and after this exercise, relaxation, meditation and natural breathing are performed. It is carefully practicing a series of short training. It relates to a group of non-elementary techniques.

Alternate-nosed breathing

This is the traditional stretch exercise. This is a wonderful reception that gives great opportunities. In this exercise, you breathe through each nostril alternately, blocking (clamping a finger) second nostril. One of the important rules is to inhale through that nostril, through which you just exhausted. So, start with the exhalation through the left nostril, closing the right, then breathe through the left. After the inhalation and not doing the exhalation, the left nostril overceracted and exhale through the right and so on.

It is important to comply with rhythm, as well as regularity and balance. For the rhythm of breathing it is useful to count. It is best to start with long slow breaths and exhale. This exercise often use breathing delay. You can try the most different ratios of the length of the inhalation, exhalation, pauses. Depending on your skill level, the degree of health and the purpose of your practice, you can use certain options, for example, exhaled, counting to 8, delay your breathing, counting to 2, inhale, counting to 4. I believe that at first the best option is 7- 1-7-1-7, i.e.: exhale - 7, delay - i, breath - 7, delay - 1, etc.

There are many other points that you need to pay attention to Pranayama. Using it best directly through initiation.

Breathing latency exercise

This is an exercise of an advanced learning stage. Breath Delay This is a powerful and complex process. I do not advise them to engage in it before the basic techniques are mastered: awareness, relaxation and breathing management. The first breathing delay exercise is a study of awareness. Hold your breath after the breath and trace the tension. Which muscles are involved, where the containment is located. Exhale and hold your breath. And again try to feel what muscles carry out a delay where the control or control point is.

Two-phase breathing

Two-phase breathing is the technique of creating awareness and breathing control. It improves the ability to master all other exercises. It was developed for those who have already mastered the technique of coherent respiration to some extent.

This exercise must be worked out in the presence of someone who has already mastered it. We begin with the fact that we note the presence of two phases of inhalation and two phases of exhalation. Each of them is allocated in turn into the active and passive phase.

If you start with light, filled with air, the first phase of the exhalation is passive. In other words, if you delay in a strong breath, then everything you need to do is relax muscles, and the exhale will happen by itself. This passive phase - the body exhale for you. If you exhale or force the whole air with force, squeeze everything you can, when exhaling, then inhale will happen by yourself if you relax. This is the passive phase of the breath, this body is inhaling for you.

The active phase takes place when you yourself breathing or exhale. And this phase begins when the passive phase ends. In other words, again starting with a complete breath, you relax and make it possible to get out. At a certain point, the system loses its energy and passive exhalation ends. Then you begin to actively exhale, squeeze the air as the active phase. Thus, the exhale is deliberately lengthens the neutral item (it is important to know that this is the moment when in the practice of the rebellion you would start the following sigh, because there is no active exhaust in the revenue), when you come into effect where the body has stopped You must maintain the same muscular coordination and muscular quality that showed the body on the passive stage.

After you squeeze the entire volume of air as much as possible and now, just relax, and let the passive phase of the inhale occur. And again, when the body's effort is neutralized and inhale stops, you come into effect and continue it, thereby extending the active phase of the inhalation. Make a very carefully, as the body carries out a passive breath and when you intentionally continue it, you retain the same quality and muscular coordination that has been at the body.

Breathing chaos

The life of a modern person always requires control and structuredness. It is very important to quickly relax from the monotony and voltage, which are caused by mental or other monotonous activities.

This exercise I came up with three times back in Novosibirsk.

I always do this exercise when the work takes me.

Relax your shoulders, tighten your head back and make 20 powerful deep breaths and exhalation, and "last, 21 exhalation after the inhalation, make an exhale and sonorous.

You are ready to work again.

If you want to pass the process using chaos respiration, then contact a qualified lead, which passed one of the professional trainings. This process is powerful and leads to strong bodily, energy and emotional experiences.

Breath Nadean.

The breathing exercise I want to offer you now belongs to the direction of the Taoist practice, which was called the internal alchemy (Nadan). It consisted in making the inner pills of immortality in the human body itself due to the control system of internal energy flows in the body. Here the basis served numerous exercises in respiratory gymnastics and meditation, which led to the accumulation and special distribution in the human body of vital energy - qi. This practice in the exoteric plan is known as Qigong.

Chaotic breathing

Relax. Standing, legs on the width of the shoulders, do sharp, tender breaths and exhalations, the breath is connected, with an emphasis on exhalation, while the hands bent in the elbows, fists at the shoulders, with strength, rhythmically hit them on the sides. Exercise is performed within 10-15 minutes.

This exercise helps superbly when heated to the deeper coherent respiratory process.

Mulladhara breathing

Put legs wider shoulders, relax anus, doing frequent and strong shoes legs, lifting and dropping on socks. At the same time, it is coherent to breathe and exhale cries, corresponding to those animals that cause your sympathy.

The exercise continues for 10-15 minutes.
Exercise is recommended to do with rhythmic music.

Breathing with soundforms

This breath in his practice I use in two cases:

When I need to get energy very quickly,
- If I have a desire to quickly enter the expanded state of consciousness.

This breath is connected, fast and deep. At the same time, the following sounds are pronounced on the exhalation? - C - W (three times). One respiratory cycle is as follows:

Sh - sh - sh

And so several dozen cycles.
After that you can proceed to normal breathing or enter into a deeper process with spontaneous breathing.

Of course, nothing great is as simple, all the great creations come to the world over time, the Asian People's Asian neck Ergashaka. A long time period was passed before the birth of my method, I studied a lot of breathing practices. But none of them fully solves health problems that have many people on Earth.

Before the introduction of my new breathing method, I diagnosed and treated more than 30 thousand people by means of Asian folk medicine and using many forms alternative treatment methods, and in recent years has been engaged in the treatment of patients with bioresonance therapy. Despite the tremendous experience and possession of many ways to treat, I could sometimes solve those tasks that were met in some patients.

In search of ways to solve problems, I gave the advantage of spiritual practices that were most effective for me. The gift that I came through the insight was reached with great harder difficulty, faithfully and the help of the highest mind.

My new breathing method is called "exhalation without inhale." With it, I saved the lives of many people, and I think it is simply obliged to save more than a thousand times more people, since God chose me to convey to everyone a big discovery, which still has not yet described and no one has practiced. Breathing without inhale with exhalation in my method, surpasses all the existing types of prevention of aging and improving the entire body of the person. Having learned this unique way of breathing, a person acquires a powerful tool to combat all the problems associated with his health and especially spiritual development, approves the people's leakage.

If you understand deeply, the health of each person is closely associated with the health of all cells in the totality of the body, as well as with the health of all the most useful microorganisms in its body. When we talk about a good human immunity, first of all, we must imply the health of all cells and their ability to work, the longitude of the survival of these cells. All organs and tissues consist of cells. The work of all the functions of the body depends on the occurring biochemical processes, on the capacity of human cells.

For each cloth your type of cells. Certain cell groups form a heart, liver, kidney, bone tissue and brain, etc. There are so many cells in the body, in many books it is even difficult to call their number. A person is considered heavily, if all its cells are whole and disadvantaged. Unfortunately, not all people are so. Damaged i. died Cells provide diseases A person, because of them, the health of useful microorganisms inside a person is disturbed. Biocenosis is broken. In the body every second due to poisonous gases, oxidized and excess oxygen inside cells Millions die cells Some of them do not even have time to perform the function for their master.

Fortunately, the birth rate of new cells Also high. But over the years, the birth of new cells becomes less and less. Hence the life expectancy of man and animals, the people's leakage says.
The consequence of death of any person is to die off cells. It means that many people died immediately cells. In other words, the high number of simultaneously damaged cells will lead to illness or death. Inflammation, swelling, pain, itching, redness occur in the body when damaged cellsthose or other factors.

Due to damage cells A person begins to be nervous, reduces the performance and possibilities of organs, a person weakens, vision, hearing and many functions weaken. As far as damage increases cells The flow of the disease is exacerbated. Immunity falls, the body's protective mechanisms are damaged, the activation of sleeping microorganisms from the inside of man begins. Violates metabolism. Weak organs and systems begin to root. Useful microorganisms are also beginning to hurt, their death cells It still aggravates the early recovery of man, clogging their corpses and so weakened the blood capillaries of the body.

Microbes, viruses, fungi and bacteria can not attack healthy cells. Everyone is healthy cellsthere is your immune apparatus, it protects it from the enemy, but weak or damaged cell The target for the invaders, first of all they attack them. Therefore, during the epidemic, some people are sick, and other infection does not take. I'm in the previous article, spoke of the danger intracellular infections. You can add here to add, the carriers of herpes, hepatitis, tuberculosis, urogenital infections many times more than those sick, this does not mean that these people themselves do not suffer at this time. They have infections in the body do not sleep at all, and slowly damage cells the owner and with patience is waiting for the fall of the immunity next cellsas soon as they detect it immediately on hEREattack.

In the end, aging The body progresses. Nature created ceke Sturdy, EVERY cell Must live as long as possible and serve its owner optimally. Everything cells In the body are not in emptiness, but in a liquid medium, which in a liquid intercellular space, each other holds the connection and perform joint work. Here is the main buckle cells Is our breathing equipment, first of all. Maintaining normal for cells Temperatures, desired pressure, provision inside cells Chemically, electric, magneto - and ion balancing is regulated cellular breathing.

Cellular breathing - a set of biochemical reactions occurring in cellsthe organism, during which the oxidation of carbohydrates, lipids and amino acids to carbon dioxide and water occurs, in this process, the liberated biologically useful energy uses, herself cell In his vital activity, the people's leakage claims. Main processes providing ceke Energy are breathing, fermentation and glycoliz. Blood oxygen penetrates mitochondria cells.

IN mitochondriaoxygen enters a multi-stage reaction with various nutrients - proteins, fats, carbohydrates and others. This process is called cellularbreathing. Excess accumulation in oxygen mitochondria act as a poison for cells. For example, a direct connection oxygen The lipid causes the appearance of a poisonous peroxide of hydrogen. Active poisonous compounds oxygen Proteins and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) can also cause abundance oxygen in cells.

Why is this happening? A life originated on Earth in the absence of oxygen. The first creatures of the Earth were anaerobic. Then photoseynthesis appeared, and oxygen as a by-product began to accumulate in the atmosphere. In those days, oxygen was dangerous for all living things. Breathing first appeared as a way to remove oxygen from the body and after long evolutionary devices was the source energyand then only in insignificant quantities. The anaeroba has adapted to the new environment aerobes. But the hidden danger of oxygen for life has been preserved. Oxydances formed oxygen, they are also called free radicals, are in the human body with aggressive forms of oxygen.

Oxygen during oxidation not only the living organism harms, but many substances suffer from nature. Metals with oxidation rust, butter and products are spoiled. It cannot be said that oxidants and oxygen for cells not needed, but their benefits appear when they are cellsare in meager quantity. However, often the numbers of unused oxygen and free radicals increase from the norm, says the people's head.

Everywhere they write that free radicals cause dangerous and incurable diseases, but the role of excess oxygen in cellshow little is mentioned. In fact, both, too, for a living organism are the same damaging factors, if we take that there is an antioxidant from a free radical, then from excess oxygen in cellsAs far as natural protection is unknown. The active forms of oxygen are freely radical molecules, there are partly reduced oxygen derivatives and possessing a powerful oxidative capacity.

The main free radical is a superoxide radical. By itself, he is not dangerous, but it is easily turning into hydrogen peroxide, but pocking hydrogen In turn, turns into a hydroxyl radical. In the future, the hydroxyl radical, again connecting with oxygen, forms a perhydroxide radical, as well as peroxide and alkoxide of the radical. They are the strongest oxidants and pests for the body's cell. These compounds damage proteins, nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) and lipids of cell membranes. As a result, a person appears, difficult to recognize, hard-on diseases like stroke, infarction, cancer, immunodeficient states, etc.

Antioxidants against free radicals being a powerful weapon, scientists invent the day after day their new types and of course antioxidants are still a good tool in prevention aging. But one antioxidant solve the problems of crushing actions of the active forms of oxygen on the human body. You need more radical and stronger weapons against excessive oxidant compounds. This weapon is a certain period of time to exhale without inhale in my method.

Breathing exhale without inhale

For a short time when studying the healing breath All cells of the human body are exempt from an excess of damaging compounds of active oxygen, assures people's leakage. In this way, not only can be treated with difficulty diseases, but also extended A person's life for several decades, depending on how early a man mastered the exhalation method without inhale at a certain period of time. After the exhalation of the exhalation, the necessary amounts of oxidants remain in cells. The remaining oxidants are needed for the normal functioning of the human body system.

For example, a radical hydroxide is necessary for the synthesis of prostaglandins, nitrogen oxide radicals regulate the reductions of the walls of blood vessels, peroxynitrite controls apoptosis (morphological expression of previously programmed cell death) in the body. Oxydances are compounds that do not get one electron, so they tend to pick up the missing electron in one of the normal molecules cells organism. This method of oxidants is broken in body tissues intracellular balance, strong oxidation occurs in cageand on this Ceke Other free radicals also begin to attack. Starts a comprehensive attack on cell until you do not finish it.

To protect yourself from the attack of oxidants, it is enough to use products rich in antioxidants and several times a day for 5-15 minutes to breathe with breathing without inhalation with exhalation. If there is antioxidants in the blood stream, the effect of breathing without inhalation with exhalation will increase many times. The main antioxidants are available in dry wine, in vitamins: E, C, and from trace elements - Selena. We must try how to diversify your diet. Because antioxidants work together well. Vitamin E in combination with vitamin C.They enhance each other's action.

Homeopathic doses of sulfur activates the states of vitamin C. Bioflavonoids garlic, cerema, red pepper pepper Merobalna, Feichoa, ginger, laurel sheet, teatree, Ceylon cinnamon b. spruce and black pepper , turmeric, Pineapple, Kiwi,

The Japanese Turtle has a refuge of immortal and means longevity, good luck and support. Turtles, especially sea turtle, lives 2-3 times more than a person, probably due to the slow type of breathing. When there is less oxygen in the body and at a slow pace, the assimilation of its cells is facilitated, with endogenous breath Tissues occurs most in favorable conditions, says the people's head. For example, the phenomenon of Frolova and its tDI-01 respiratory trainer (Frolov inhaler) is based on the theory of slow endogenous breathing. The Frolov's breathing method helps with the prevention and treatment of many diseases, but to fully solve the problems of harm to oxidants on the human body. Because the breathing method of the Frolov is its action, does not reach inside the cell, and is valid only at the level of the respiratory system.

In order for in the intercellular, cellular and intracellular space, antioxidant, cleansing, restoring actions, should not allow access to the next portion of active oxygen to them. It is here that the utilization of used carbon dioxide is played with a large role and providing time to suppress oxydans by the organism itself in cells, by means of a temporary termination of the breath, the people's doctor says. There are a lot of different methods of respiratory practice practices, breathing training and breathing exercises with the teachings of various schools and teachers. None of them in their technique or in their end results can not replace the breathing method with exhalation without inhalation.

I do not diminish the benefit and usefulness of a single method or breathing exercise, I just want to soberly evaluate the indisputable superiority of breathing without inhalation with exhalation from other methods, when suppressing active (excess oxygen in ticks) oxygen and oxidants in the human body. This phenomenon will not be able to perform any equipment. There is a big skill, the power of the will of the person himself and of course the accurate execution of teacher's teachings. To live without illnesses, to prevent an early attack of the aging of the body, especially more interested in people of the XXI century. Today's many people have become on their inner world to watch from the point of view of psychology, esoterica and the achievements of modern science. There are very few people who did not think how to extend their summer.

Hundreds of books are printed, shows tens of movies, you can find thousands of the prevention of aging prevention pages, about the treatment of various diseases, about long youth and the events of the health of the body and the Spirit. If a person with the right intention, without intermittently engaged in an open respiratory practice, will have a powerful tool against all diseases, elixir Youth and a tool of longevity.

By breathing without inhalation with exhalation, normalize your mineral, carbohydrate, hormonal, fat, salt and other types of exchange. Goes forever fatigue, the skin becomes fresh, leaves you dry skin. The first sign of the start of the disease, a person, a feeling of dry skin of a particular organ, approves the people's leakage. If a person feels the light humidity of the skin of the palm and feet in the morning, it means that it is in order with immunity, and their dryness, it means that the problem with the immunity begins, and if the whole day of the skin feels the whole part of the body, then the immune system began heavily Endocrine insufficiency begins or begins.

Constant fatigue warns a person starting a breakdown of a nervous, hormonal system or an invasion of some infection. In similar cases, every day 5-15 minutes in the morning and in the evening, engage in breathing in my method, by more use antioxidants, follow my instructions for healthy lifestyle , then without the help of other treatments, get rid of many problems associated with your health, says people's head.

The combination of a new breathing method of Lekary Ergashaka contains seven stages, and each stage consists of seven steps. Of these, only one stage is devoted to the physical development of an individual, and the remaining forty two steps will lead a person spiritualimproved.

Title: Therapeutic Breath in Buteyko

K. P. Buteyko mounted the installation "The complex", which allows when conducting functional samples to synchronously record the main indicators of changes in cardiovascular
Vascular system and breathing.

The Buteyko method is an irrecommose treatment method created on the basis of a fundamentally new look at the mechanism of development of bronchial asthma, allergies, bronchitis, rhinitis, hypertension, angina and a number of other diseases, which allows:
a) In a matter of minutes, stop the attack of a suffocation at bronchial asthma, stop cough or eliminate allergic manifestations, nasal congestion with rhythm, that is, to remove the most vivid symptoms of the disease and, most importantly, to prevent their appearance in the future almost without drug use.
b) Butyko method allows to gradually normalize metabolism, increase immunity and get rid of the disease (achieve a steady multi-year remission).
c) The use of the Buteyko method 5-10 times reduces the cost and duration of treatment.

Konstantin Pavlovich Butyko is the author of many scientific works and inventions in various areas of medical science and technology. The main theoretical concept of the Butyko method is that the main cause of many diseases is a respiratory disorder that causes chronic hyperventilation. This is a breakdown of K.P. Butyko called a deep breathing disease. Incorrect breathing leads to the development of hyperventilation as a result of which there is a disruption of metabolism, a decrease in immunity, the appearance of allergies, etc. The result is the formation of compensatory (protective) mechanisms, the most striking of which is bronchial asthma (Institute of Experimental Biology and Medicine of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1962).
"Facts, as you know, stubborn item. Medical statistics of developed countries of the world for 1999 shows two important features: a) the incidence of bronchial asthma today looks like an increasing epidemic, b) the more intense the medicinal treatment of bronchial asthma is carried out, the harder the disease occurs. High mortality, low efficiency of drug therapy, the development of allergic reactions - all this forces it to revise today's look at the mechanism of development of a whole group of diseases, a leading role in the formation of a clinical picture of which the hypertonus and spasm of smooth muscles of the wall of the bronchi and vessels are played, structural changes in the vessel wall, Edema and hypersecretion of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, as well as the presence of an inflammatory process of an allergic nature as an improper immunity reaction. Such diseases include as well as asthma, allergies, rhinitis, hypertension, angina and a number of others. " (From the performance of KPButekiko in the specialization courses of doctors, Moscow, 2000)

The Buteyko method allows you to stop the attack of suffocation at bronchial asthma without drugs. Correction of breathing with the help of a special technique allows not only to stop the attacks of the disease, but stimulates gradual changes throughout the body, leading to the possibility of recovery.
Clinical practice shows a very high effect in the treatment of the above diseases: when patient's arrival with daily repeated attacks of suffocation at bronchial asthma, it is possible to achieve their termination for 1-3 days to be almost without adding new drugs to the patient already accepted. In the future, which is especially important for successful treatment, the patient in a short time masters the skills of the simplest monitoring of changes in the depth of breathing in any situation, which makes it possible to prevent the emergence of attacks of the disease, gradually reduce the dose of drugs taken or refuse them at all.
On the basis of approbations, the order of the Ministry of Health No. 591 of April 30, 1985 was issued. On the introduction of the Buteyko method into medical practice on the basis of two official approbations (1968 - VNII Pulmonology of the Ministry of Health of the USSR, 1981 - the 1st Moscow Medical Institute. I.M. Sechenov), Decisions of the Academic Medical Council of the Ministry of Health of the USSR 18-12 \\ 38-24 dated July 15, 1982, Decisions of the USSR State Committee for Inventors and Discoveries 12 \\ 30-680 \\ 28 dated July 27, 1983, as well as on the basis of the conclusions of scientists from the artists of this field - Academicians - N.M. Amosova, M.F. Gully, S.E. Severin and in accordance with the many years of practice of using the Buteyko method that revealed the circle of diseases healing by the method, copyright certificates (patents) on the Buteyko method were issued, and in 1985 he was ordered by the Minister of Health of the USSR 591 of 30.04.1985 on the introduction of the Buteyko method in Medical practice.
Statistical processing of treatment results using the Buteyko method of various groups of diseases, as well as the observation of remote results showed high efficiency (up to 96%) of the use of the Buteyko method.
The Buteyko method is definitely not a panacea. Improper application of the technique can harm, so all our patients are under the supervision of methodists not less than the year. The Buteyko method is not a miraculous means, it is difficult, but at the same time creative and interesting work.

Budio System

The deeper breathing, the hardest man is sick. What his breath is more superficial, it is healthier and rushing, "said the doctor from Novosibirsk Konstantin Butyko, who has developed a unique method of treating a number of common diseases with surface breathing.

At the beginning of a simple test. Make 30 deep breaths in 30 seconds you felt weakness, sudden sweating, dizziness. There is nothing surprising in this. You just upset the work of the "breathing pendulum", broke the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body. As a result, you did not have enough oxygen, as we are all used to counting in such cases, and carbon dioxide. Ventifying the lungs, you, to the limit, sat down blood oxygen, simultaneously removed carbon dioxide from alveoli and lungs. As a result, the deterioration of the overall state.

It was about 30 years ago a doctor Konstantin Butyko drew attention to this regularity. Heading the laboratory of functional methods in Novosibirsk Akademgorodok, he proved during numerous experiments: deep breathing is harmful, it causes excessive removal of carbon dioxide from the body, and this, in turn, leads to the bronchial spasms and brain vessels, limbs, intestines, biliary tract, The vessels are narrowed, and therefore oxygen to the cells flows less. In cells, biochemical reactions change, the metabolism is disturbed. Thus, chronic "overeating" oxygen leads to oxygen deficiency. The paradox is, "says K. Buteyko, - that when the chipping asthmatic greedily swallows the air, then he only aggravates his condition. I want to breathe even more, the lungs work like blacksmithing furs, the heart knocks, like a motor on complete revs, and the oxygen is increasingly lacking. It is only worth delaying breathing, instantly comes to relief.

one . The protective reaction is triggered: without waiting for the next breath, the body responds to a delay in the expansion of blood vessels in order to deliver to organs as greater than blood and to provide them with their maximum oxygen. "

Normal breathing, concludes a scientist, is not only a breath for the next portion of oxygen, but also a reasonable pause on the exhalation necessary to save carbon dioxide, from which we rush to get rid of it, considering it harmful.

K. Butyko experimentally proved that in the blood of healthy carbon dioxide, it contains much more than in patients, say, bronchial asthma, colitis, ulcer of the stomach, or infarction, stroke. Consequently, to save a person from the illness, it is only necessary to teach it to save carbon dioxide in its body. Make it allows superficial breathing.

"Learn - do not breathe"

With the help of configuration, it is possible to raise even chronically sick people on the feet. It does not require deficient drugs or expensive equipment. Before starting treatment by the method, Buteyko, each patient passes through the so-called deep breathing sample, which allows for indirect indicators to judge the content of carbon dioxide in the blood. The test is simple, and anyone can take advantage of them.

On the second arrow, delay your breath after normal exhalation as far as possible, to an unpleasant feeling. If your pause before the next inhale does not exceed 3-5 seconds, you are seriously sick. 30 seconds - this is still a deep breathing person, and therefore considers K. Butyko, not quite healthy. Absolutely healthy person can not breathe without effort for 60 seconds. Delay of 2-3 minutes or more - an indicator of ultra-enjoyability of the body. Buteyko warns that breathing delay is not yet a treatment, but only a self-control means.

The essence of the very treatment is to gradually reduce the depth of breathing. As the delay is elongated, the blood and tissue are increasingly saturated with oxygen and carbon dioxide, the acid-alkaline equilibrium is restored, the metabolic processes are normalized, the immune protection is fixed - the disease is retreating.

It is not easy to be treated by the method of Buteyko. This is a big work for the patient, and for a doctor. In addition to aware of the reasons for its ailment, the desire to recover, the patient requires a considerable power of will and patience. The first days of treatment patients are literally poured later, a break over the desire to take a deep breath. Sometimes it is possible to adjust the breath to the norm only with the help of special corsets.

Interestingly, patients do not prescribe a bedding, although, from the point of view of traditional medicine, most of the patients in the clinic on the treatment, disabled. On the first reception to the doctor they are brought, because they themselves can not move. But on the second or third day after the start of treatment, patients make daily walks in the fresh air, even in the frost, when it is particularly difficult to breathe, engage in gymnastics, running a coward. And there is nothing supernatural in this. Physical exertion, the active work of the muscles activate the metabolism and ultimately, as well as superficial breathing, help to accumulate carbon dioxide. The food is limited, preference is given to plant and low-fat food, refusal to alcohol and smoking, which significantly deepen their breathing. Sleep on belly on tough bed, breathing through the nose. The Buteyko method is easily and naturally combined with all the generally recognized recommendations on health promotion, all risk factors called the World Health Organization are taken into account.

Among other mandatory treatments are water challenges, sauna and autogenic training, allowing to preserve psychological balance. And this is especially important. As it turned out, breathing is very responsive for our emotions. The excitement enhances, deepens his breath. During stress, excessive ventilation

It can lead to so strong spasms of the brain vessels that a person loses consciousness. Most often, of course, in healthy people, the reaction to hyperventilation is more moderate: rapid heartbeat, light dizziness, weakness, deceleration of the reaction, weakening attention.

To maintain the viability, a person needs a constant flow of oxygen, and in the treatment of diseases - in increased quantity. How to provide an organism with oxygen with the help of medicinal respiration and how to breathe, learn from this article.

The role of therapeutic breathing in the work of the heart

To reduce pain, increase the volume of oxygen in the blood.

Imagine such a clinical picture:

  • heartache;
  • abundant sweat;
  • seizures of angina;
  • cleaning arrhythmia;
  • pulse frequency Over 80 cuts.

How to prevent heart stop? What medications apply? And if the necessary medicines are not at hand? Man in confusion. He does not know that the cause of the impairment of the heart was the insufficient flow of oxygen into the blood of the lungs.

In such a state, a person is close to leaving life.Save its healing breathing, increasing the amount of oxygen. In a few minutes, the work of the heart improves - the flickering arrhythmia will disappear, the pain will be calmed, sweat will disappear.

And what to do an athlete - a skier or a runner who dropped at the finish, choking on the lack of oxygen, with the endless pulse frequency, shimmer arrhythmia and fibrillation of the muscles of the left ventricle? He makes a deep breath and energetic exhalation, but cannot restore the work of the heart.

Separate athletes, their coaches, schoolchildren in such situations the heart stops. Medicine can save their medicines. Then the healing breathing comes to the rescue.

The benefits of therapeutic breathing

The breath of children is medicinal from nature.

With a lack of oxygen, nature causes a person to change their breath, saving the body from stopping the heart. We confirm this:

  1. During sleep, children inhale air through the nose, exhale it through the mouth - the blood is extremely saturated with oxygen.
  2. During the illness, a person is inhaled through the nose, the lungs are completely filled with air. Exhale through the mouth slow, with a moan. Such breathing reduces pain and muscle tension.
  3. In the process of singing, the singers exhale continuously through the mouth, the air movement is regulated by voice ligaments. Air is constantly in the lungs.
  4. With exercise - for example, the rod is breathing, delays air into the lungs, raises the bar, and then slowly exhales through the mouth.

Communion A. V. Suvorov did not know about therapeutic breathing, but forced the soldiers to sing songs during exhausting campaigns. The result - the soldiers are less tired.

The advantages of therapeutic breathing:

  • saturates blood oxygen for any states;
  • saves from a heart stop at shimmer arrhythmia and fibrillation of the muscles of the left ventricle;
  • soothes the nervous system;
  • relaxes muscles and improves the permeability of blood vessels;
  • restores pulse, blood pressure and heart automatism;
  • reliably protects the body from hypertension, heart attack, stroke and other ailments;
  • increases human life expectancy.

A person who does not have knowledge about the method of medicinal respiration cannot have good health and live long.

How to breathe

Man's free breathing mechanism from birth:

  • inhale - about 1 sec.;
  • exhalation - about 1 sec.;
  • pause - about 3 seconds.

Such breathing provides oxygen a young and healthy organism.

In case of diseases, physical, nervous loads, aging is needed more oxygen.

This can provide therapeutic breathing:

  • inhale through the nose;
  • exhalation through the mouth;
  • there is no pause.

Video: Breathing, relieving nervous tension.

Exhaust is controlled and controlled by human consciousness.

The volume of inhaled air is determined by the duration and intensity of exhalation, which are governed by lips or voice ligaments and depend on the condition of the body. The heavier disease, the nervous or physical activity is more tense, the longer and more intense exhale.

If you did not get enough sleep, you can, of course, cheer up with an extra cup of coffee. If you have a bad mood, you can try to "get up" with a piece of chocolate. If you are not at midnight in a position to fall asleep, you can take a sleeping pill. But experts of sports medicine believe that with fatigue, poor mood, with pain and with irritation you can cope differently: with the help of breathing exercises that will not cause the body any harm in contrast to tablets, sweets and strong coffee.

Sweep, wake up, raise the mood to help you mobilizing breathing. At the same time, the type of breathing you will do everything longer and longer, the pauses after inhalation will grow everything, and you will have energetically exhaled.

Mobilizing breathing formulas look like this: 2 (2) +2; 3 (2) +4; 4 (2) +5; 5 (2) +6; 6 (2) +6; 8 (4) +5; 9 (4) +5; 10 (5) +5.Each first digit here is the duration of the inhalation, the duration of the pause is indicated in brackets, the digit with the "+" sign is the duration of the exhalation. Let's try: at the expense of "times, two" we inhale, at the expense of "times, two" - keep a pause, at the expense of "times, two" energetically exhale. At the expense of "times, two, three" - inhale, at the expense of "times, two" keep a pause, at the expense of "times, two, three, four" energetically exhale. And so on according to the scheme.

This type of breathing is well trained and when walking. During the morning walk with a dog or on the way to work, breathe like this: an extended breath for 4-6 steps, a pause with a length of two steps and a shortened energetic exhalation that you do, too, for two steps. Now it will be right away!

Remove the nervous tension, relax muscles, quickly fall asleep will help you soothing breathing. During such breathing, exhalation and pause after it is extended. Formulas look like this: 2 + 2 (2); 3 + 3 (2); 3 + 4 (2); 3 + 5 (2); 4 + 6 (2); 4 + 7 (2); 5 + 8 (2); 5 + 10 (3). Here the first digit is the duration of the inhalation, the second is the duration of the exhalation, the third is the duration of the pause after the exhalation. So breathe is useful after tense physical or mental work, when you need to quickly restore the strength ... And walking in the evening, make a short breath in two steps, then elongated uniform exhalation for 4-6 steps and after it is kept pause to two steps. Very soothes!

To quickly fall asleep, you can try toposanogenic breathing. A frustrated or tired person for 5-10 minutes before sleep should be closed, take a deep breath and stop breathing for a few seconds. Then imagine that in the lungs it is formed by a cloud of silver color. During a slow, calm exhalation, this cloud must be mentally directed to the body that a person worries, without losing sight of the trail over the entire line of movement. Exercise repeat several times. Psychotherapists argue that the "magic cloud" restores the balance in the functional system of the body. This is an example of a progress treatment.

After a long session in an uncomfortable posture, long-term work at a computer, after several hours spent at the meeting, as well as on the eve of psycho-emotional voltage: passing exams, for example, it is useful to carry out cleaning breathing. Bend your hands in the elbows, bring the brush to your shoulders and make a calm full breath. Then hand over a small pause, during which the language you will be pressed against the sky. And exhale the air through the mouth, in small portions, folding, like when a whistle, a lip tube, or through tightly compressed teeth. Hands at this time are lowered down. Exhalation should last four times longer than breath.

After a quarrel with a close man, a fierce dispute with an opponent to return a mental equilibrium to you will help with a rhythmic breath. It is necessary to make a calm exhale, with three seconds to withstand the pause, then without the voltage "finally" residues of air, to once again withstand a three-second pause and, finally, to make a calm, natural breath. So breathe it is necessary to completely relax the muscles. The exercise can be done and lying, and sitting, and in motion. During walking, breathe in the tact with the steps: exhale, then three steps of the pause, then "Caught" and again three steps of Pause, and finally a calm breath. Similar rhythmic breathing use yoga in their gymnastics.

No less effectively raises the mood and breath of the leaving when three or four short exhalations alternate with three-four short breaths. The mechanism of the impact of this exercise on the body is similar to the mechanism of influence of laughter and crying. Laughter is a series of short continuous exhalations, and the crying is a series of short breaths (sobbing). With a laugh and when we are crying, we are balastically the processes of excitation and braking, therefore, when tears dry out, relief occurs, and sprinkling, we experience a feeling of vigor.

With the help of breathing, you can control not only an emotional state, but also fight the cough, take pain, lose weight ...

For example, cleaning breathing makes it easier to remove sputum. If you have a cough started recently and inflammation is observed in the upper segments of the lungs, you can perform a cleaning breath exercises, sitting on a chair or on the bed, but if the inflammation dropped into the lower segments, the cough is solar, breathing gymnastics is better to do, lying on the side or on Belly with raised legs. These exercises, which must be performed several times a day, will replace dozens of cough tablets.

Reduce the pressure, learn pain in the heart, sobber breathing will help in the joints of the hands and legs. Especially people of the weak type of nervous system: a changeless, touchy, shy ...

They begin to breathe from a short, energetic, similar to the sobbing inhale through the mouth, during which the sound "A" is pronounced. The air seems to stop in the mouth and in the throat and does not go into the lungs. Then make free - "Fuuu" - the outlet, as if they blow on a saucer with hot tea. Exhalation continues from 3 to 10 seconds. Then it follows a brief, in one or two seconds, a pause that warns the occurrence of hyperventilation. And all first. It is necessary to breathe, while it's nice, comfortable, comfortable. The slightest unpleasant feeling, for example, a light dizziness or headache - a signal to immediate stopping exercise. One or two minutes of such a classes, and the blood pressure drops you, the pain subsides.

Those who are watching their weight and does not allow themselves to get fat, it is useful to perform the so-called pneumatic respiratory exercise. Make a calm slow breath, during which they protrude the belly as in abdominal breathing, during the pause, make some sharp movements in the abdominal wall, pulling it as much as possible, then sticking it out, and then calm exhale. Regular performance of this exercise accelerates fat burning.

Breathe right, and you will feel good!