Repair Design Furniture

Preparing the kitchen for renovation. How to start a kitchen renovation: the main stages. Assessment of the general condition of the kitchen


What exactly should you not start with?

Let us tell you right away what you definitely shouldn’t even think about until you do the necessary dismantling and calculate exactly how much you will spend on the craftsmen.

Well, now let's move on to where to start.

Here you have two ways: economical or for the rich. If you have the second case, then your first step is to call a designer who will draw a project for you and calculate the building material.

But, I must say, the event is so ... for the rich that it can cost exactly as much as the whole kitchen furniture.

Do not think that if you hired a designer, you will not have to do anything.

Yes, he torments you with calls and offers of trips to show the material, furniture options or lighting.

You win, except perhaps in the fact that you will be led by the hand and led to those materials that have already been selected. And it’s far from a fact that you will approve them right away, by the way.

But, let's still move on to the path that excludes the call of the designer.

Moreover, it is one for everyone, in practice, there is no difference whether you are in a private house or in an apartment, in Khrushchev or a new building.

What are the main stages at the very start before repair?

In this block, we will briefly list the entire step-by-step program where to start the repair, and below we will describe each stage and explain why the sequence is exactly that.

1. careful study on the Internet of the stages of work that you plan to produce. You need to read about everything you plan to spend money on. Without this base, every second master will try to "shoe" you, rip off more money than necessary, and do the job more carelessly and simply.

Therefore, at the first stage, stock up on theory and information. Knowledge is power! Read about everything from electrical, wire gauges to putty and decorative finishes.

You must know better than masters how it's done, how much it costs and how it should look like in the end. Only in this case, you will get the job done with high quality and for the relevant money.

2. Ringing masters and determination of an approximate range of prices for all types of work that you want to produce.

Offhand, the standard is(this is not a sequence, but for now just a list):

  • Dismantling of partitions and doors
  • Dismantling the flooring
  • Dismantling and cleaning (washout) of walls
  • Dirty ceiling work (cleaning, leveling, puttying)
  • Installation of a new window (usually, the dismantling of the old one is included in the price)
  • Plumbing work
  • Electrical work
  • Replacing a heating radiator
  • Leveling the floor (screed)
  • Laying the "apron" on working wall cuisine
  • Installing a faucet and sink
  • Painting work on the walls (leveling, putty, "spider line")
  • Wall painting (or wallpapering)
  • Ceiling decoration (painting or hanging installation)
  • Flooring and skirting installation
  • Fixing a baguette to the ceiling
  • Installation lighting fixtures

Here, in general, and all the starting work that involves overhaul. You may have other ideas: instead of a putty ceiling, you want a plasterboard, figured or maybe stretch ceiling.

And most importantly don't forget the most important point: ask the masters who will do this or that work what exactly you need to buy for this or that stage. Let's say that you need to lay the tiles? - tiles, glue, crosses, finishing grout.

What is needed for the installation of "slopes"? - profile, drywall, insulation, aluminum corners. And everything in this spirit.

And so on for each and every item, up to the carnation!

Feel free to ask the masters and check their list with what they write on the Internet. Masters can miss some point, they are people too.

If you do not calculate every rivet, then many surprises and frustrations await you ahead. For each stage of work, it is necessary to purchase the main and additional material, but very few people take it into account. And he's not cheap!

And without counting at such a moment, your money limit may end faster than you think and you will be left alone with a bucket of putty ... And this is scary for a beginner, believe me.

No, of course, if you yourself are a master and have experience, then this recommendation does not apply to you. We are talking about "mere mortals" who did not stand even close with a spatula, mortar and drill.

3. Making a list of examples Supplies - after you talk with the masters, you will already have more than half of the list in your hands. But you think a little more and write in there what was not discussed with the masters: a window, a radiator, a chandelier, lamps, tiles, furniture.

4. The fourth step is a trip to a building materials hypermarket and an approximate miscalculation in money of what you may need.

Attention! First of all, look after and write down the price for the main thing (drywall, putty, wiring, pipes), and then just go to the decor section.

Why is that? But because it is a very, very seductive section of the store. And you, well, just by all means, want to buy something like that. And you will light it up, yes. And then you go to the important things section, you realize that you don’t really have enough and decide to save a little on the quality of tiles or wallpapers ...

In general, if you follow exactly this sequence, then you will avoid annoyance and an unpleasant feeling when you want something, but it pricks.

5. Next - you return home and sleep, putting the cherished list under the pillow. Why is that? But because during the night, you will certainly scroll through another three hundred and fifty-three options in your head and change your mind! And you will be extremely pleased that you did not buy that laminate yesterday.

6. Now you can already recruit the masters you have chosen earlier, and discuss the date when they will start work. At the same moment, you need to get your wallet and immediately set aside the money that you will have to give them for work.

Be sure to do so! If you don’t calculate a little, then you will have to stand slapping your eyes in front of the repairmen and moaning about the payment delay. It's terrible and disingenuous. Do not bring yourself to such shame because of elementary carelessness.

7. After that, you can safely go to the store and buy what you need first. And, if the construction market is far from you, then you can buy material in advance for all types of work. Spend it calmly, you have already set aside money for work and furniture.

Now, let's take a look at order repair work on the kitchen, so that you are aware of which masters to call first, and which - at the very end.

Stages of kitchen renovation

1. Dismantling of old doors, partitions, tiles, floors

These are all the dirtiest jobs. Here you will have a lot of dust and debris, as well as a lot of noise: jackhammers, perforators and more.

The most important point which you should not forget at this stage - garbage disposal. It will be just a myriad if you are overhauling a Soviet-style kitchen, for example.

Most likely you will have to break the screed on the floor, because, in old houses, from old age, it cracks or becomes saturated with drips from pipes ... Also, a large amount of garbage comes out if you remove the old tile from the wall (because it used to be considered good tone tile the whole kitchen).

Draw your attention to that it is necessary to agree on the collection of garbage in bags in advance, and also to clarify whether the price of dismantling includes its loading into a car and how much such a car will cost.

And don't forget about a trifle - bags. They seem to be inexpensive, but when you need fifty of them, you begin to understand that they are not so affordable.

2. Preparation of walls and ceilings

Here we are talking about preparatory work, that is, cleaning surfaces from old paint, putty, wallpaper and other things that may interfere with getting to the concrete.

These are also dirty jobs that need to be done first of all, so as not to dirty (and not wash, therefore) new radiators, windows, pipes installed at the wrong time ...

3. Building or moving partitions

And it's not the best either. clean work when it comes to bricks. If you want to make a drywall partition (which we do not recommend, because of excessive fragility), then it is better to put it at this stage too.

4. Installing a new window

Well, here, as they say, no comment. Call the measurer, in a couple of days they will bring you windows and immediately dismantle the old ones. Don't forget to buy polyurethane foam if the masters say.

Important! Do not tear off the protective film from the frame profile yet, as dirt, putty, primer, paint, etc. will still get on the windows.

Maybe you have a logical question in your head right now: why then put windows now, if you can later, when everything is clean?

It is impossible later, because during dismantling old frame, large pieces of the opening fall out, and you will need to re-slope.

5. Electrical

Here you need to make a replacement of wires and mark all the exits where the equipment will be.

Also, at this stage, sockets, switches, outputs to lighting fixtures are “displayed”. They are “brought out”, but you will put the covers on them later, when the walls are completely finished.

Popular pro-slave wisdom says that there are never many outlets.

It is extremely important that you already have a clear understanding of where the refrigerator will be, whether there will be a TV in the kitchen and what appliances will be built-in.

6. Water and pipes

Now it's the plumber's turn. He will make you a new piping, put valves, taps, plugs and everything you need in a new kitchen.

Do not forget to make "exits" to household appliances: washing machine and dishwasher.

7. Where will the radiator be?

Often, in old houses, the radiator is very uncomfortable and out of place. You can transfer it by "growing" the pipes and putting plugs.

You will hang the radiator itself when everything is clean, because right now there is no need to install it, so that later you can hardly wash it off construction dust and drops of building materials.

8. Laying tiles on the "apron"

Please note that at this stage we are only making an apron (not the floor, even if it is also tiled) and tile only.

If your apron is made of other materials, for example, plastic or glass, then it must be installed after the finishing work has been completed.

The tile can always be washed, but this is one thing. It is placed before finishing putty, then, with the help of a solution, beautiful and neat sides are formed that pass to the wall.

9. Drywall work

This includes slopes, first of all, and the rest, where you are supposed to use this material.

For instance: dropped ceilings, figured plasterboard shelves, boxes for electricity along the perimeter of the ceiling, cornice boxes and more.

It is possible that some of these works (partitions from plasterboard, false walls) can be done at earlier stages.

10. Jointing of corners and cracks

This milestone and you have to follow the masters. Jointing corners and crevices means that the master must completely clear away those places where the mortar in the corners or seams is already crumbling.

If the corners are not cleaned well, then the puttyer will not be able to do it perfectly flat corner rooms. The consequences of such a flaw will then “come around” when wallpapering and installing furniture.

11. Starting alignment of the ceiling, walls and slopes

If your ceiling is not very even, then before you putty it clean, it must be leveled. As a rule, if the skew is small, then it is “pulled out” with a putty mass, using a reinforced mesh.

Before you start puttying, you need to prime the wall. It is better not to save money and walk a couple of times, it will be cleaner, which means that the adhesion of the material will be better.

Important: the starting layer of putty dries not so quickly. Sometimes it may take three to four days (depending on the layer).

It is very important to ensure that the masters use in places where you need to make a large layer of putty - reinforcing mesh ("cobweb"), otherwise, you will have cracks on the ceiling and walls exactly at the moment when they finish work, say goodbye to you and slam the door. This is exaggerated, of course, but you get the point.

12. Ceiling baguette sticker (if any)

Right now it is necessary to glue the baguettes on the putty. Do not forget this, because the skirting board, glued later on the Dragon glue, looks just awful.

13. Finishing coat with putty

Here you can use a simple putty, or you can use the so-called silicone. A very good thing, by the way. Although it costs much more, the surface comes out white and smooth, like an egg.

There will be no such effect from the usual finish.

14. Filling the screed

And finally, we come to the final stage of rough work - the floor. Pour the screed and rest until the floor is completely dry. The process is long, but there is no hurry.

Why is the floor done at the end? But because workers during puttying constantly drag iron ladders, goats, and all this can damage a fresh screed and leave dents on it.

15. Ceiling decoration

There may be either painting or wallpapering. If you have a stretch ceiling, then it should also be installed right now, since the next step will be painting the walls.

After all, you don’t want to stain the painted walls at all, and the masters of stretch ceilings may do so by accident.

16. Kitchen door installation

It is at this moment that the doors are installed, since it is not difficult to protect them from the paint with which you will paint the walls, but from the one that drips from the ceiling - well, not at all.

Therefore, most best solution will put the door immediately after painting the ceiling.

Important detail: do not put platbands. When you completely paint the walls, then you will finally assemble the door.

17. Wall painting

A lot of people are interested: what comes first, wall decoration or floor laying?

Our answer is the walls if you have painting, because the work is dirty and drops will flood the floor.

If the wallpaper, then you must first make the floor, so that there is somewhere to spread the canvas, to smear it with glue.

18. Hang a radiator

Your pipes are already prepared, and no welding is needed. You just hang a radiator, it's pure work (if we are talking about modern ones, of course).

If, suddenly, you put cast iron, then they must be installed before the puttying of the walls, since welding will be used and it is not a fact that the workers will save the wall.

19. Now it's the turn of the floor

And here, too, it does not matter what type of coating you use. If laminate, do not forget about the substrate, because the knock of the laminate is a very nasty thing. For other materials, be guided by the advice of the masters and the manufacturer.

If your floor is tiled, the drying process may take a couple of days. And only after that you can proceed to the next stage.

20. Installation of lighting fixtures

In general, we are engaged in the final summing up of all types of light, and at the same time the cornice, since, usually for fastening modern chandeliers need a drill. And since she is in the hands of the master, why not kill two birds with one stone?

Also, you can install appliances so that you can already take measurements and order kitchen furniture.

21. Installation of kitchen furniture, sinks and countertops

All these things are done at the same time, practically. All the same, the kitchen will be installed not by you, but by the masters, therefore, you do not need to know in what sequence something is being done at this final stage.

However, we strongly recommend that you be present during the installation of all this in order to make sure that the installers do everything right. This is especially true for the quality of installation of the headset frame and its facades. Everything must be perfectly equal.

22. Household appliances

Household appliances are also being connected now (before that, it was simply installed in place, as you remember). Difficulties can arise only when installing a built-in refrigerator. There you will need to tinker to put it in a niche and hang facades. You can connect the rest of the devices with your own hands, there are no difficulties here.

23. Do a general cleaning

Most of the garbage will be removed by the workers, but, believe me, you will still have a lot of work after them. The kitchen should have perfect cleanliness, so it will take you at least a whole day to do this.

But you should be glad that the repair has already been completed and there is very little left.

24. Furnish the kitchen

Now you can bring in a dining table and chairs, a sofa, if there is one. Unpack boxes of dishes and kitchen utensils and fill a brand new set.

Hang curtains on the windows, put houseplants, hang pictures or other decor. Oh, and don't forget to fill the fridge :)

That's all! Your kitchen is ready and you can invite guests! We have told you the most accurate plan of action from scratch and it is simply impossible to describe in more detail. We hope that the information will be useful to you.

Reading time ≈ 7 minutes

And especially the kitchens - this is the beginning of a new stage and the creation of an updated interior. For many, the kitchen is associated with an atmosphere of comfort and a pleasant smell of homemade food. Deciding to transform this room, you should make sure that aesthetics and functionality are in harmony with each other. Repair is associated by many with cardinal changes and causes a feeling of fear and doubt whether it will be possible to do what was planned. Not all ideas and ideas can be fully implemented, as the parameters of the room and the features of the layout dictate their conditions. However, with a competent approach and the presence of a clearly thought-out strategic plan you can get amazing results.

Repair features

Repairs are often associated with a lot of inconvenience, dirt and dust, financial costs and long work. To achieve a high-quality result, you will have to delve into all the intricacies of the repair process and create a detailed project plan. After all, you can create original interior and bring any idea to life, while transforming the kitchen beyond recognition. The room can be combined with an office, living room or loggia, while dividing the space into different zones. Before starting repairs, it is worth considering some features of the kitchen:


To get an idea of ​​how the kitchen will look like in the end, it is worth taking the time to create a clearly traced drawing. Here you can visually depict the arrangement of furniture and household appliances in the apartment, put down the exact dimensions of all objects and decorative elements.

Why make a detailed plan:

How to prepare a project plan:

  1. Take accurate measurements of the sink, stove and furniture. When doing this, be sure to consider the location of all pipes, ventilation holes, windows and doors, radiators, as well as the presence of niches or ledges.
  2. You also need to know the dimensions of the microwave oven, refrigerator, dishwasher and other appliances.
  3. Decide on the location, this will also affect the sequence of repairs. If you plan to install drawers, it is worth considering their number, size and direction. The location of the handles on the doors is also very important.
  4. It is necessary to determine the location of lighting fixtures, lighting and additional sources Sveta. At the same time, consider where the sockets will be mounted, and also measure the distance from the socket groups to the floor.
  5. Take length, width and height measurements from window and doorways. Measure the distance from them to the walls, ceiling and floor. All these parameters are very important and will affect the result.
  6. Consider all the niches, ledges, decorative moldings and architectural structures present.

Material selection

Make a detailed list of all building materials and their quantity. It can be paint for facing surfaces, decorative plaster, wallpapers of all kinds, cement-sand mixtures for floor screed, putty, primer and other finishing materials. In order not to get lost in a wide range, it is also important to determine the type of repair:

Sequence of work

Repair work can be divided into several stages:

  1. Planning and replacement of electrical wiring.
  2. Extraction system
  3. Replacing an old sink and drain.
  4. Checking the condition of sewerage and water supply.
  5. Installation of a kitchen apron, equipment of the working area.
  6. Facing the ceiling, walls, and then the floor.
  7. Arrangement of lighting devices.
  8. Installation of household appliances (stove, refrigerator, dishwasher and washing machines etc.),

Following the correct sequence, you can repair the kitchen with your own hands and get the desired result:

When thinking about repairs, discard all doubts and do not be afraid of difficulties. Having well planned and thought through all the nuances, you can get a gorgeous result that will delight all households.

The basis of any kitchen is the working triangle - stove, refrigerator and sink. Therefore, this area should be located in accordance with the principles of ergonomics. Everything else, incl. various decorative or auxiliary accessories, installed in a way that is convenient for the owner of the apartment.

How to avoid mistakes when planning a kitchen?

The kitchen is a room with specific conditions. Moisture, temperature changes and other factors will destroy any material that is unstable to their effects. Therefore, the walls and partitions in the kitchen must be moisture resistant. What is more important - economy or aesthetics - is up to the owner of the apartment to decide. In the first case, for finishing the floor, you can use it as ceramic tiles, and porcelain stoneware or linoleum. Well, the walls can be finished with both tiles and washable wallpaper or water-based paint.

The working triangle must be tiled. It is in this part of the room that the most aggressive operating factors are present.

Any mistake made during the planning and repair of the kitchen leads to serious inconvenience during operation. For example, if you place kitchen furniture and equipment along one wall, you will literally have to run between the stove, refrigerator and sink. So the best option is a U-shaped layout or the organization of a functional area in the form of an island. Although, the island location of the working triangle is only possible in a really large and spacious kitchen.

In no case should household appliances and kitchen furniture be allowed to clutter up the aisles. So, the distance between the facades of the U-shaped kitchen should be at least 1.2 m. At the same time, it is obvious that we are talking about small kitchens, all drawers and cabinet doors should open without interfering with each other and without blocking too much space. And it is better if the handles of cabinets, bedside tables and drawers in such a kitchen are small and do not have sharp edges and corners.

What not to do when decorating a kitchen

It is unlikely that it will be possible to perform a kitchen renovation at the same time qualitatively and cheaply. However, it is quite possible to save both manpower and money. Therefore, you should not succumb to the pressure of advertising and buy super-expensive, but completely ordinary or, worse, materials that are not suitable for finishing the kitchen. For example, floors and countertops made of marble instead of tiles will cost you dearly, and as a result, you will get serious maintenance problems. After all, marble has a porous structure, which means that you cannot remove dirty and greasy spots that will appear on it during operation.

The electrical circuit of the kitchen should be planned with a margin and for the future, that is, with the expectation of replenishing the arsenal of kitchen electrical equipment. It is imperative to provide protection for consumers from short circuits and other troubles that, for various reasons, may arise during the operation of the apartment. Sockets should be placed as close as possible to the places where stationary electrical equipment will be located - refrigerator, water heater, oven, microwave, extractor hood, etc.

By the way, the oven, built-in dishwashers, steamers, etc. are not recommended to be placed too high or low. For plasterboard walls, in this case, it is necessary to provide adequate reinforcement for the weight of the equipment.

The basement of the kitchen should not be too high. As a rule, modern household appliances are designed to be placed at a height of no more than 10 cm from the floor. In this way, you can save about half the money that you were going to spend on the purchase of plinth tiles.

Kitchen lighting and ventilation

The kitchen is a multifunctional room, so there should be enough general and local lighting. It is best to equip the backlight on several levels. For example, the lamp above will act as the first dining table, and the second - built-in lamps under the upper cabinets of the kitchen wall.

The placement of lighting devices, or rather the wiring to them, is carried out at the stage of rough work. Therefore, the location of all lamps, chandeliers, as well as sockets and switches should be calculated in advance. Wiring must be laid with some margin. In addition, it would be useful to provide one or more additional outlets, to which a new power line can later be connected.

If there is a possibility in the circuit to connect an additional number of consumers over time, the parameters of the main electrical wire are taken in accordance with the total load on the network, that is, similarly with a margin.

The kitchen must have a hood, which is located in most cases above the stove or hob. It also happens that, due to a lack of living space, heating boilers have to be placed in the kitchen. Both the hood and the heating boiler are connected to the chimney. In addition, the kitchen should have a second chimney window, because. work in it gas appliances. Even if the equipment and chimneys are located far from each other, it is not necessary to make massive air ducts. For example, the hood can be bought with a carbon filter, which will need to be changed from time to time. Well, as for the heating boiler, think about whether an electric one or, geyser, the requirements for the placement of which are not as stringent as for boiler equipment?

Don't forget the little things

The atmosphere that reigns in the kitchen depends entirely on how well the ratio is chosen:

  • ergonomics;
  • profitability;
  • design;
  • practicality;
  • reliability and durability.

Beautiful and almost eternal, but too expensive cuisine will not give you satisfaction. On the contrary, too cheap, clumsy furniture or low-quality kitchen equipment will simply annoy you. On the other hand, if you are already buying, it is better to have a reliable and, most importantly, comfortable stove, refrigerator, bedside tables, cabinets, etc. Every little thing will play a role here, but so that you can still do right choice try this algorithm:

Ultimately, two factors will play a major role in the process of choosing the design and functionality of the kitchen - your taste and the thickness of your wallet. In any case, you should not rush to choose - in the age of the Internet you can find anything and anywhere.

You can save a lot on furniture and kitchen equipment used. If you don’t care who dined at this table before you, but you really like the table itself, then why not buy it? In the end, such furniture will cost almost half the price of a new one. And who knows, maybe its quality will be much higher than that of modern representatives of furniture products?

Do-it-yourself kitchen repair, video

It takes ~3 minutes to read

Sooner or later, any person comes to the conclusion that a kitchen renovation is necessary. To be satisfied with the quality of the work done, you need to think carefully about everything before you start acting. For example, you can see a photo of a kitchen renovation with your own hands on the net, ask experienced relatives, seek help from specialists, or read this article.

by the most important points when repairing, you can highlight the choice of material, costs, possibility independent work. And, of course, the main plus self repair- its budget.


Where to begin?

Arrangement kitchen space is not an easy task. Probably, when the thought of reorganizing the premises arises, many questions pour in. For example, how to properly make repairs in the kitchen, how to make beautiful repairs in the kitchen, etc. No need to headlong buy building materials and demolish walls. Need to start with detailed plan. We will talk about this in more detail in the next paragraph.

The procedure for performing work during the overhaul

Let's make a consistent plan. It can be taken as the basis for a budget do-it-yourself kitchen renovation. To achieve the main goal, you will have to complete several small ones. Here is a possible course of action:

  1. We make the most of the space. How more furniture you take out, the easier it is to take measurements.
  2. We assess the condition of walls, communications, windows, doors, floors and ceilings.
  3. We take accurate measurements.
  4. The next step is to plan where large household appliances will be placed.
  5. The primary choice of furniture for the kitchen: size, functionality, installation location.
  6. Thorough cleaning of the room, cleaning all surfaces from dirt, dust, mold treatment (if necessary).
  7. Repair the base floor surface (refresh).
  8. Similar to the previous paragraph, only now the ceiling needs to be repaired.
  9. Repair of old or installation of new communications.
  10. Checking ventilation.
  11. Replacement or restoration of windows, doors.
  12. Finishing the room "from top to bottom": starting from the ceiling and ending with the floor and installing the plinth.
  13. Installation of equipment, installation of a headset, lighting fixtures.
  14. Connecting all systems and checking their performance.

We examined where to start do-it-yourself kitchen renovation and its sequence. Now let's look at each point in more detail.

Floor replacement

old flooring requires mandatory replacement. Do the dismantling of the floor, take out construction garbage and carefully inspect the surface. Often you have to beat off an ancient screed to get to good stoves overlap. The dismantled floor is no different flat surface, so you need to immediately deal with its screed. After this manipulation, further work with the floor can be carried out after about a week if ordinary concrete was used, or earlier if special mixtures were used.

Water pipes are laid to the installation site of the sink. Now they are usually built into the walls, leaving only water outlets and branch pipes outside. Mounted lines are installed in the cavities (strobes) made in the wall. TO kitchen sink is also sewage pipe. It is important to observe a special slope so that the water flows into the riser.

Under no circumstances should gas pipes be hidden in the wall. The maximum that can be done is to cover up with some decorative element(for example, a retractable apron). The main thing is that the controllers can have access to any section of the pipe.

Much attention should be paid to the laying of electrical communications. Aluminum wiring of old Khrushchev houses is unlikely to cope with large quantity household appliances, which is equipped with a modern kitchen. Therefore, we change it to copper wires good quality. In addition, you will need to wire several lines, since each device must have its own connection point, depending on its power.


Leveling walls and ceilings

First of all, we level the ceiling. Repairs begin immediately after the repair of the floor. It is cleaned, removing all irregularities on the surface. Very often, during work, one has to deal with cracks, joints between floor slabs, cracks in the corner of the ceiling and wall. All these shortcomings must be repaired with a spatula. Material for this: cement, primer, latex elastic putty, compacted polyethylene foam rollers, plaster.

Replacing doors and finishing doorways

Before proceeding with the finishing work, you should either finish the doorway or install the door. Let's consider the first option. First, it's inexpensive. Secondly, it's convenient. Slopes can be decorated with various means: plastic, MDF or natural wood panels, plaster. Remember to level the surface first before decorating with drywall.

Now let's talk about the door. Oddly enough, the choice here is quite large: swing doors, coupe, accordion, double-leaf, folding, rocking. Choosing the type of door follows the features of the layout and personal preferences. If you are not sure about the ability to install the door - contact the manufacturer.


Stages cosmetic repairs similar to last steps classic capital. In the same way, all work is carried out "from top to bottom", that is, first of all, the ceiling is finished, then the walls are plastered and then the flooring is installed. At the end, the walls are decorated with wallpaper and furniture and decor items are installed.

If after removal old finish large surface defects are detected, they are corrected cement-sand mixture. Further leveling is carried out with gypsum plaster.

After leveling the walls, before finishing, cover them with a special primer. It will play the role of adhesion to the material and eliminate the mycotic component, thereby preventing the development of mold.

The choice of finishing materials

The kitchen is characterized by high humidity and temperature changes. For this reason, materials must be chosen to be moisture and heat resistant. Equally important is the hygiene of the room - it is desirable that all work surfaces are easy to clean. It is best to trim them with tiles or plastic panels. Then the kitchen apron can be pasted over with wallpaper, provided that it is protected by glass.

Wallpaper for the kitchen should be well washed. Suitable:

  • acrylic;
  • vinyl;
  • cullet;
  • silkscreen.

For flooring good option there will be wear-resistant laminate, linoleum, rough tiles. In no case should the color of the floor merge with the furniture. You can choose 3D coverage. The main thing is that the drawing should not be too bright, otherwise it will get bored over time.


We draw up an approximate lighting plan even before the start of the repair, so as not to be mistaken in the number of outlets.

Alternatively, 2-3 ceiling lamps and Spotlights in each functional area (for cooking, dining). You should not choose one lamp, because performing some action in different parts kitchen, you can stand with your back to it. You can hang the following lamps on the ceiling:

  • halogen;
  • suspended;
  • invoices;
  • LED (they have low power consumption, deliver light in only one direction, so they are used as point).

It is even better to put lamps with a rheostat so that it is possible to adjust the degree of illumination. For the main light on the ceiling, make some switches. During family meals, the light can be kept to a minimum to create a more inviting atmosphere.

Selection of furniture and equipment

Come up with several variations of furniture arrangement. It does not have to be furniture in one line. Currently more in demand kitchen sets P-(along 2 walls) or L-shaped (along 3 walls).

To make the design of the kitchen as harmonious as possible, use built-in appliances. In addition, it looks more aesthetically pleasing, neater, because dirt does not accumulate between furniture.

The size of the countertop should be at least 50 cm. Even if you don’t really like to cook, this necessary minimum. The material of the countertop is strong, durable (special plastic, stone). If you have small children, the absence of sharp corners will make life much easier.

Hanging cabinets are hung to a height depending on the height of a person:

  • ~175cm - for people of average height;
  • ~190cm - for tall people.

Facades with a glossy surface look very impressive. If you are not embarrassed by fingerprints that quickly appear when used, then feel free to choose this type of facade. If the prospect of wiping down your cabinets every day doesn't make you happy, it's best to choose materials such as stone, tile, or a plastic panel.

Drawers in the kitchen are more convenient, because you can find them much faster the right utensils. It is worth noting that they are very attractive when they are empty in the store. But having filled them with things, it becomes not very handy to put forward.

Arrangement of kitchen appliances

Consider the arrangement of all household kitchen appliances(even small) is necessary to the smallest detail. Microwave, kettle, toaster, bread maker, coffee maker and other commonly used Appliances should not be placed too high. Technique for regular use needs to find a place at eye level or slightly lower. Rarely used electrical appliances can be placed on the lower shelves. Budget repair Do-it-yourself kitchen involves acquiring the most necessary devices and abstaining from additional ones.

The location of the refrigerator is especially important. It should not be near heating objects: radiators, stoves, ovens, because it can fail in very short term. Optimal Distance- from 15 cm. Their same beliefs do not install the refrigerator in direct sunlight.

The subtleties of repairing a small kitchen

How to do repairs in the kitchen with your own hands without spending almost all family budget? Probably, you can save on materials or household appliances. But this is not necessary if you are a kitchen owner. small area. At the stages of repair, this will not affect in any way, everything is done using the same technology. There are design restrictions here. To be more precise, it is not allowed to use decorative elements and color solutions that will physically or visually narrow the room. These include laying walls and ceilings with plasterboard. In this case, there is a real decrease in the room by several centimeters.

Stretch ceilings will visually expand the space due to the mirror reflection of surrounding objects. A good addition to stretch ceilings is spotlights.

To save on materials, use the interior zoning method. Folding furniture, an abundance of vertical cabinets on the walls will help save space. For visual expansion illuminate the room as intensely as possible, and decorate the interior in light pastel colors.

Now you know how to do inexpensive repair in the kitchen, photos and videos on this topic can be found on our website. Self-confidence and careful planning process will form the basis for creating the kitchen of your dreams.

Video: repair options for a small kitchen

How to renovate a kitchen? Where to begin? This question is asked by many owners who have decided to take such a serious step.

Without a clear plan, renovation work in even a tiny kitchen will turn into a disaster. Properly organize the process - and after a while you will admiringly examine the cozy, beautiful room refurbished by hand.

The sequence of work: where should the repair of the kitchen in the apartment begin

Often the owners violate the first rule of repair - do not start work without a finished design project. The habit of doing everything "by eye" can play a cruel joke with unfortunate repairmen.

Either there are not enough materials, or the layout is not suitable for a particular room, or it does not fit into the overall concept .. The consequences of negligence can be very serious.

The sequence of work does not change depending on the size of the kitchen or the materials you choose. Finishing work always moving from top to bottom:

  • Ceiling.
  • Walls.

Violating the order of actions is not worth it, and cannot be the final step. Consequences: new flooring will be splattered with paint stains or contaminated with plaster residue from the walls. Film or newspapers laid on the floor - self-deception, these situations protective coatings they don't save.

Construction and finishing works are carried out in the following order:

  1. Exemption of the premises from furniture, textiles, accessories. should be empty.
  2. Dismantling of the old coating on the walls, ceiling. The last to remove the damaged floor covering.
  3. Collection and removal of all construction debris.
  4. Wiring of new electrical wiring, installation of sockets and switches at prepared places.
  5. Conclusion of wires for arranging lighting.
  6. Installation of new plumbing fixtures.
  7. Ceiling repair.
  8. Alignment and decoration of walls.
  9. Floor covering.

Wiring, sockets

Hire a qualified electrician. Leave electrical work to a professional. If necessary, the master will replace worn-out wires with new ones made of higher quality material.

Decide where the household appliances will be placed. Consider the required number of outlets in advance. It is problematic to add new electrical outlets after the repair work is completed. You can read about stone sinks in.

In most apartments and houses, the kitchen has a standard set of household appliances and electrical appliances. The main positions of lighting the working area:

  • refrigerator;
  • microwave;
  • hood;
  • electric stove;
  • general lighting;
  • TV set.


When installing new equipment, reconstructing the water supply and sanitation system, follow the procedure:

  • Draw a sewer layout plan. Mark the location of the pipes, their slopes and the length of the sections.
  • Consider where the sink, washing machine and dishwasher will be located in the kitchen.
  • Check the condition of the old sewer system.
  • Calculate the required footage of new pipes, the number of connecting elements. Make a list, buy everything on the list.
  • Lay the system on the floor, mount the necessary parts.
  • Dismantle old pipes and fittings.
  • Mount new pipelines, seal the joints.
  • Plug in a sink.
  • Check the joints for leaks after the sealant has cured.

Wall repair

After installing a modern one or painting an old one, you can begin to bring the walls "into a divine form." Remember what style will be in your kitchen. Based on the direction, select suitable materials for kitchen walls. Suitable for walls in the kitchen:

  • non-woven and;
  • bamboo cover;
  • cullet;
  • a rock;
  • artistic plaster;
  • waterproof types of paint;
  • tile;
  • Wall panels.

Prepare the walls:

  1. Remove the old coating, repair holes and cracks, prime.
  2. Wait until everything is dry.
  3. Align the walls, cover them again with a layer of soil.
  4. After drying, putty the surface with a fine-grained finishing putty. Dry the walls.
  5. Sand the surface sandpaper, apply a coat of primer again.
  6. After the surface has dried, you can decorate the walls in the kitchen with the selected material.


The arrangement of a new floor is similar to the procedure for other types of work:

  • purchase of new flooring;
  • ground preparation;
  • installation of a new floor.

There is one but. Immediately lay linoleum or lay tiles will not work.

A flat floor is the dream of many owners. During repairs, it is often found that the surface is so skewed that it needs to be leveled.


  • Deviations up to 20 mm. Suitable leveling compound. Excellent composition, but quite expensive. With large distortions, this option will be overhead.

  • Deviations over 20 mm. Arrangement of cement screed or raised floors. This option will cost less. The floor will be level. Laser level to control deviations will make the task much easier.

Coat the screed with a special water-binding mixture. Cement strainer dries faster. Do not forget to spend if you heat the kitchen in this way

Arrangement decorative coating you can spend not in a month, but in five days.

How to make repairs with your own hands

Make the room cozy and comfortable within the power of any home master. Stick to the rules:

  • imagine the kitchen of your dreams;
  • draw a plan or create a 3D project with the specialists of the design studio;
  • make a budget;
  • calculate the amount of materials;
  • buy everything you need;
  • follow the plan;
  • consider the advice of professionals.

Common Mistakes

Many owners step on the same rake. Don't repeat their mistakes. Unfortunately, the list of oversights and misunderstandings is quite extensive:

  1. The lack of a clear plan of action and an idea of ​​​​the final form of the kitchen.
  2. Not enough outlets.
  3. Lack in the project of a place for an exhaust hood and a geyser.
  4. Incorrect calculation of the amount of materials.
  5. Placement of valves in hard-to-reach places. Some owners even brick the valves into the wall.
  6. Wrong procedure - the ceiling is painted after finishing the walls, etc.
  7. Laying over the old floor tiles new to save time.
  8. Laziness and inattentive attitude to work, the desire to finish everything as soon as possible.
  9. Insufficient coverage of surfaces to protect against dust and debris.
  10. Choosing the wrong layout for the kitchen certain size- a two-row arrangement of furniture and appliances in a narrow room, a peninsular layout in a small kitchen, etc.
  11. Laying laminate in the kitchen - in a room with high humidity. Leave this flooring for the living room and bedroom.
  12. Usage paper wallpaper. Grease, soot, dirt, splashes of water will inevitably settle on various surfaces. This material is not suitable for the kitchen.
  13. Purchase of household appliances after the arrangement of the kitchen. It is more correct to purchase all household appliances and customize furniture for them and.
  14. Insufficient extractor power. Weak exhaust system- money thrown to the wind. Grease and fumes will settle on expensive wallpaper and new furniture.

Picture from life. Purchase glass table does not always bring joy. A fashionable, beautiful interior detail begins to annoy households who wake up every morning from the sound of a cup on the countertop. A trifle? Not really.


O various styles a lot has been written useful information. Each hostess will choose suitable design cuisine based on your preferences.

  • area and configuration of the room;
  • how much time can you spend cleaning the kitchen;
  • how many people gather at the table;
  • how often do you cook. Perhaps you just run into the kitchen for a bite to eat while you live alone.

Do not be afraid of bold ideas, fantasize, but stick to a sense of style. Arrange not only original, but also comfortable space.

Use the game of shades and contrasting combinations. These trends are one of the most fashionable trends.

The geometric style looks interesting. Confident people can decorate the kitchen in high-tech, techno or loft style.

In a panel house

Similar residential buildings with thin walls, poor sound insulation, tiny kitchens and bathrooms still exist not only in Russia, but also in neighboring countries. Is it possible to improve performance characteristics premises?

Repair features:

  • insulate the walls of the house from the outside;
  • coat the seams with special mastic or foam for this type of work;
  • replace old windows with plastic ones with double-glazed windows;
  • if possible, redevelop by connecting the kitchen and living room. Permission from special authorities is required.

In Khrushchev. Options

It is inconvenient to work in a tiny kitchen, the craftsmen have nowhere to turn around. The walls are crumbling, and the pipes are so rusty that it's scary to touch them.

A familiar picture? Do not worry! If you have a little experience, desire and a good helper, you can do the repair yourself.
Main stages:

  1. Removal of furniture household appliances.
  2. Dismantling of old plumbing.
  3. Careful removal of all finishing materials.
  4. Removing the old window.

The layout of the kitchen in Khrushchev can be:

  1. Single row.
  2. Angular.
  3. letter G.
  4. U-shaped.

Tips and secrets for proper organization spaces:

  1. Do not clutter up the room.
  2. Choose functional furniture that can be folded to free up some space.
  3. - a godsend for owners of small premises.
  4. Use hanging cabinets, shelves with spotlights.
  5. Connect with one tabletop hob, sink and work surface.
  6. Give preference to light glossy materials.
  7. Avoid dark tones and saturated colors over a large area.
  8. Stretch ceiling - perfect option for the kitchen in Khrushchev.

Design of a small-sized (small) kitchen

More light, pleasant colors and lightness! This motto should be remembered by the owners of tiny premises.

How to "push" the walls and provide comfort for five or six square meters? Fundamental rules:

  1. No frills. Clear lines, no unnecessary details: boxes, drawers, coasters, etc.
  2. Light glossy facades large area.
  3. An abundance of light. Place spotlights around the perimeter of the ceiling, hang above the table and working area original lamps.
  4. gentle pastel shades visually enlarge the space. Accessories could be brighter.
  5. Mirror surfaces create an optical illusion and "expand" the walls.
  6. Avoid heavy curtains and curtains. Translucent material, Roman blinds or roller blinds are what you need.
  7. Think about redevelopment, view photos of kitchens combined with a balcony.
  8. Buy furniture with light glossy facades.
  9. Pick up built-in appliances.
  10. Great space saving option folding tables and chairs.

Video instruction what and how to do

To learn the intricacies of repair work and the rules for finishing the kitchen with your own hands will help detailed video from the collection of videos about the renovation of the kitchen. Listen to the advice of professionals. You can find out about the design of the living room kitchen by clicking on this.

Kitchens after renovation

If fantasy is dormant, look on the Internet. Surely among the many options presented on the site, you will find "your kitchen".

Now you know where to start renovating the kitchen. You can do many types of work with your own hands.

Repair is not the most pleasant occupation. But, the work done with the soul will definitely bring joy. The reward for your work will be beautiful kitchen in which it is pleasant to be. You can find out about the material for wall decoration at.