Repairs Design Furniture

How to connect the sink: Plumbing recommendations. Connecting the kitchen sink (sink) and washbasin scheme for connecting the washbasin

It is impossible to present the interior of the bathroom or kitchen without sink. Installation of this product is simple enough and can be quite fulfilled independently, without attracting professionals. However, there are several nuances that need to be considered when installing this type of plumbing. In this article, we will describe in detail about the features of the installation of different types of shells.

How to connect the sink in the bathroom? Mounting largely depends on the type of washbasin. Today there are following options:

  • Tulip sink (on the pedestal);
  • Wall (fixed on the wall using brackets);
  • Invoice (installed on the tabletop);
  • Curling, washing embedded in furniture.

List of necessary tools

To install, you will need:

  • Perforator, drill;
  • Set roller (on concrete and ceramic tiles);
  • Measuring tools: Roulette, level, marker;
  • Fumelight;
  • Set of horn keys.

It is worth noting that, according to it, the sink is installed at an altitude of 80-85 cm from the floor level. Specifically, the height is determined by the growth and personal preferences of living.

Connect to water supply

The layout installation layout layout is carried out at the design stage. Pipes of water supply and sewage to the place of installation of the washbasin are summarized in advance. Connection on water is made with flexible chalches, via sewage - through the siphon corrugation. Initially, it is necessary to overlap the water supply, after which you can remove the plugs from water sockets intended for the washbasin. To rosettes with the help of fumlents (or other seal), you must fasten the instrument cranes. It is to these cranes will be connected through the shelter nuts.

Installing the mixer and assembly of the siphon

First you need to install the mixer, and collect siphon. Included with the mixer usually there is a hairpin with nuts (one or more, depending on the design of such), washers, gasket and appliances for hot and cold water (they must be defined accordingly). To the mixer is secure the eyeliner (do not forget to pick up the nut with a horn key). Fresh stilettices, wear a rubber sealing gasket and install the mixer in the mounting hole on the sink side. On the other hand, the gasket also dresses, and the entire design is fixed using nuts. Pay attention to the power of the tightening of the nuts - it should be strong enough, but without a strong sintering gasket.

How to connect the sink to sewage? This is performed using a siphon. Initially, the top pad is attached to the plum and fixed with the screw, the receiving nozzle is installed below (do not forget to use the gasket). The "bottle" and corrugations are usually attached at the end of the installation, after which the siphon is connected to the plum.

Note. Plastic parts should not clamp, making too much effort, the material can burst.

Tulip Shell Installation

How to install a tulip washbasin? First you need to try on the sink and make markup of the fasteners. Attention! Be sure to check the horizontal installation with a bubble level in two planes. Mark the mounting holes marker, after which you can go to drilling. It should be done on a dowel depth. Insert anchors into a dowel, the bowl is hung on them. After it is necessary to connect the sink to the water supply using nuts, the siphon is connected to sewage. You can install a pedestal on which the bowl will be relying. In addition, it performs a decorative function, closing a system of connecting to water and plum.

The models on the semi-endestole are sufficient. In this case, the latter, like a bowl attacking the wall, and performs the decorative function rather.

Installation of the suspended model

The principle of installation is exactly the same. It is worth noting that the main disadvantage of such options is that the connection system remains in sight. In this case, the siphon is worth buying decorative, most often such models are made of polished steel and look quite aesthetic. To begin with, we determine the height on which the bowl will be fixed (we will remind, it is about 80-85 cm), try on and conducting markup. Check the installation horizontality. Special brackets are mounted in the drilled holes (already coming in the kit) to which the bowl is hung. After that, the water and sewage is connected.

If you have a bathroom of very modest sizes, pay attention to compact mounted washbasins that can be installed above the washing machine. In this case, a miniature siphon of a special design will be required (usually represents just a corrugation).

Sink Installation on Tumb

To begin with, check whether communication does not interfere with the coup. Please note, it should be on adjustable legs so that it can be aligned in the horizontal plane. In the inner shelves of the couch, you may have to cut holes for the siphon, this is done using special crowns. Install the cabinet to the place, then make a plug and siphon connection. You can try to try the sink, check the horizontal position of its position, after which you can make the markup of the mounting holes on the wall. In the well-done holes set plastic dowels, after which they twist the studs with a carvings, which will be kept on them. In a special hole in the washbasin, we mount the siphon grille, we install the mixer, after that the washbasin is finally installed in place. We carry out until the end of the installation of the siphon, screw the eyeliner to the mixer.

Installation of kitchen sink

Kitchen sinks also differ from each other by type:

  • Overhead, that is, mounted on top of the end;
  • Mortise, embedded in the worktop;
  • Built-in, built-in or directly posted under the tabletop.

Installation of the mains of the last type should be entrusted to professionals, as they often represent one as a tabletop.

Installation of overlaid washing

Installation of the car wash is carried out directly on the kitchen tube of suitable size. The ends of the sink are located around the perimeter of the couch. To begin with, it is necessary to try on the sink and make marking of the mounting holes, in the end of the couch, screw the screws to which the kitchen sink will be mounted. Previously, it is not necessary to secure the mixer and siphon, which after installation will only be connected. When installing, do not forget about the sealing pads, located between the worktop and the sink hull. They play the role of sealing material to prevent the leakage to the sink.

Mounting mortise sink

Today there are kitchen sinks with two bowls. Their installation is performed in the same way as the usual. However, you will need a special siphon with two conclusions. For mortise shell, it is necessary to cut a hole of the appropriate size. Please note that the front edge of the countertop it is worth retreating at least 6 cm, from the rear at least 4 cm. At the tabletop we apply the sink and make the markup, for this we will supply the sink, from the resulting circuit, we retreat 12 mm from the resulting circuit, it will be receded by a second line. We use the electrolovka. The end of the propil sealant is noticed, it will save the tabletop from moisture and further swelling. A siphon is fastened to the washing, the mixer and water supply is connected. Special locking paws are attached to the bottom. After that, the entire design is installed in place, the pipe is connected to the pipes, the siphon is connected. All, you can check the quality of work.

Kitchen washing Mandatory attribute of any kitchen. Manufacturers of kitchen furniture and equipment make a variety of designs and forms of washes, and buy a sink of the desired form and, coloring is not a problem now.

Choosing a kitchen sink according to the material of sills

Unlike plumbing for the bathroom, which is more often made of faience, less often from plastic, even less than the glass and wood, plumbing for the kitchen is produced in metal or ordered in artificial stone.

Replacing in the old houses of the cast-iron enamel washing on a sink of stainless steel becomes simply a necessity. And for what reason:

  • Stainless steel washing has a more neat and modern appearance.
  • On its surface, cracks and chips are not formed.
  • It does not rust and leaves rusty.
  • The only possible attack is a limescale. But its appearance can be prevented by constant care.
  • The stainless car wash is not heavy, and it greatly facilitates its delivery and installation.

Recently, plastic sinks appeared on sale. But what kind of kitchen sink was not, the installation principle for all kitchen sinks is the same.

Kitchen sink made of artificial stone

Kitchen sink - shape of miles

The washing can be single (with one sink) and double (with two shells: one - for washing dishes, the other is for her rinsing) or one - for washing small dishes, and the other - for washing a saucepan (such a wash has sinks of various depths ).

Standard depth of Russian production - 13 cm. Many imported washes have a depth of up to 16 cm, which is more convenient for washing bulky kitchen appliances.

Article on the topic: Dishwasher device: Kitchen appliances

Often the sink is located on the side of the dish. If the shelf adjoins close to the sink, then it is usually under a slight inclination that allows water to drain into the drain hole of the washing. If the shelf is located on a certain distance from the sink, it should have its own drain hole with a tap tube connected to the siphon of the washing.

And that is not all. How many designers are so many types of washes. The choice of a model of the sink depends on the size of the kitchen, the number of family, the overall style of the kitchen, as well as what you are going to use the sink.

Connect washing in the kitchen

Washing equipment for installation

  • 1 - mixer nozzle;
  • 2 - gasket;
  • 3 - fixing nut;
  • 4 - flexible hose;
  • 5 - pipeline supply;
  • 6 - overflow hole;
  • 7 - combined drain;
  • 8 - drainage;
  • 9 - compression ring;
  • 10 - compression coupling;
  • 11 - two-speed siphon;
  • 12 - drain pipe.

Connecting washing in the kitchen does not depend on the model of washing and is similar to the installation of a washbasin in the bathroom, but everything also has a number of their own features.

1. Install the waterstening reinforcement of the washing (mixer and possible additional devices). Usually there are all the necessary holes on the sink, but if they are not, then you can make holes yourself.

2. Install the combined sink drain system 7 if it is provided or just a drain node.

3. Perform a compression connection of the siphon of washing 11. Only a two-speed siphon is used for washing, as the bottle is easily clogged.

4. Cash cold and hot water. Remove the old car wash, as well as old veins, even if you first planned to leave them.

5. Place a new sink in the table top of the kitchen headset. As a rule, a substole washing has no rear wall for the free connection of water communications washing to the building pipeline.

Article on the topic: Plumbing for kitchen

6. Mount new underwater pipes of water pipes instead of old.

7. Connect the supply of 5 with nozzles 1 or flexible copper hoses of 4 mixer.

8. Perform a compression compound of the siphon sink with a drain pipe 12, which in turn connect to the tap sewage pipe.

9. Turn on the water and check the strength of all connections.

Connecting a dual sink

A dual sink is mounted as single. Just at the initial stage of its installation, the combined drain system is mounted on both sinks of washing. Drain taps of my miles are connected to a common siphon.

Connect washing in the kitchen


Connecting washing in the kitchen belongs to the works that can be made with their own hands.

  • Preparatory stage
  • Connect to water supply
  • Connect to sewage
  • Video
  • When connecting the shell, there is no need to contact the specialists. The main thing before connecting the sink, carefully examine the connection scheme and the sequence of work.

    Preparatory stage

    First it is extremely important to prepare everything.

    The entire preparation procedure can be divided into several stages:

    • Determination of height.
    • Marking.
    • Installation of fasteners.

    According to the standard, the sink is fixed at an altitude of 85 cm. At this height, the horizontal line is stuck. If your sink has a pedestal or comes with a bedside table, then the height of its installation will directly depend on the height of the supporting leg or bedside table.

    Hole markup

    As for the markup, accurate measurements for the hole of the fastening element are needed here. You can measure attachment sites in two methods. The first option is to apply the sink to the wall and put the mark through the holes. The second method is more complicated, it is to carry out all the measurements of the roulette. In both the first and second case, the markup is more convenient to do together. One can cope if the sink has a supporting leg or bedside table.

    Mounting fastening is the latest step of preparation. In the marked places drill holes. They are clogged with a dowel, which screws up the desired fasteners.

    For connecting the sink, it is necessary to use nuts, studs and special plastic liners.

    Stud mount

    The heel should be screwed into such a depth so that when installing the sink, there was a sufficient distance for the fastening nut with the laying attached under it. The stud must exceed the thickness of the sink by 15 mm. Now the time has come to learn how to connect the sink to the water supply and sewage.

    Connect to water supply


    The first thing is mounted mixer. It is more convenient to install it when the sink is not yet fixed to the wall. This is explained by the fact that all fasteners are under the sink.

    Step-by-step manual for connecting the mixer:

  • Take a stilette from the mixer kit and screw it up.
  • After connecting the hose for cold / hot water. With the help of a horn key tighten them. Tightening should be carefully, since there is a risk of cutting a shallow thread.
  • Next, install the mixer into the hole on the washbasin.
  • On the reverse side of the mixer, we wear sealing pads and clamping pucks on the mounting studs. Now manually huddle nut.
  • At the end, it remains to tighten the nut with the key.
  • Installing the mixer

    When fixing the mixer, it is important to pay attention to the spout. If it is not swivel, then it should be directed directly in the center of the shell.

    Now it's time to fix the sink on the wall. The sink is put on the fastening studs. After laying plastic tabs and tighten the nuts with the key. If the sink in the bathroom has a leg, then simultaneously carry out its installation. If the sink is in the kitchen, then it is either superimposed on the bedside table, either crashed into a tabletop.

    Studs for fastening sink

    After this procedure, it remains to connect hoses to the central water supply. Make sure that there are rubber seals inside the nut.

    After connecting the hose, make sure that the connection is hermetically. Perhaps you just need to slightly pull the nut.

    Connect to sewage

    Asphon assembly

    To organize the sink drain, it is necessary to connect it to sewage. Connection to sewage starts from the assembly of the siphon. Siphon, or rather a water shutter, will serve as a barrier for unpleasant odors. If you mount the sink in the kitchen, then use siphon S-shaped. If in the bathroom, then the bottle is suitable. Although the bottle has a number of shortcomings, for example, it clogs faster.

    Connection of the sink to sewage passes in such a sequence.

  • Insert the release of the siphon in the sink and fasten it.
  • To the siphon under the washbasin, screw the nozzle for the drainage of wastewall.
  • This pipe is sent to the sewage descent. Some siphons in their configuration have no pipes of smaller diameter. Therefore, it will be necessary to use a rubber transition from a larger diameter.
  • Upon completion, it remains to check the entire system for leaks.
  • This is how the connection of the shell occurs. Everything is very simple. If there is an email, then all the work will be performed in a short period of time. Also in addition, you can view a useful video that will tell you about the sequence of the connection process of the shell. If you have your own experience in this work, then write to us about it in our comments to this article.

    Detailed installation and connection video instructions See below:

    One of the indispensable attributes of any kitchen is washing. It is mandatory to the same degree as the stove (gas or electric). But the installation of the washing in the kitchen is done much easier than connecting the plate, if you know the basic instructions and the characteristic secrets of such a job.

    Sinks are different, washing different are important

    Indeed, shells for kitchens are produced in the widest assortment, which in a specialized plumbing store "disassembled eyes." Kitchen sinks can be distinguished at least six categories:

    • Washing mounted, mortise and overhead. Attachment is now found rarely, it is relevant more for utility apartments and state institutions than for modern repairs. But mortise and overhead shells in popularity compete with each other, their long-term reliability and aesthetic appeal are comparable;
    • Washings made of stainless steel alloys, with chrome or nickel-plated spraying, sinks from natural granite or a porrite artificial stone, from acrylic and even from glass (!). However, due to the practicality of 90% of all models, it is necessary for stainless steel and representative porcelain stoneware;
    • Corner and standard shells, round, oval, square, rectangular and curly. The intricate the shape of the washing, the harder it is to give it impeccable purity and maintain a sparkling shine in daily mode. After all, the sink is not for beauty in the living room, but for landed household needs in the kitchen;
    • The design distinguishes ordinary single sinks and washing with two bowls (one or different size, the same or different shapes, etc.). There are convenient models with overflow of water from one bowl to another;
    • By the location of the mixer - on the wall or on the sink itself (the first option is rarely found;
    • According to additional options - the ability to install a filter for water, taps for connecting a washing machine, automatic valves for draining adjustment, additional cranes for connecting garden hoses, etc.

    Stainless steel shells have gained overwhelming popularity due to an acceptable price, durable functionality, compatibility with the most diverse repair of kitchen room and simplicity of sanitary processing.

    Check the quality of the steel shell alloy can be directly in the store - an ordinary flat magnet will stay on it very firmly, a magnet will be "flying" with the slightest vibration.

    Granite and steel sinks are available in the overhead and mortise design, installing the sink in the kitchen with their own hands is possible for both. However, you must first take care of the furniture basis of our installation efforts.

    How to assemble a sink in the kitchen - mount the end

    Curling and overhead washes are installed in bedside tables and stands, with opening (less frequently sliding) front door and an empty opening behind. The assembly of these elements of the kitchen headset has its own characteristic features. The fact is that the internal bulkheads are not provided in them, they can interfere with the connection of sewage and water pipes. So, inside the stands there will not be additional rigidity. If an overhead is installed, there is no table top, it replaces the steel panel of the washing.

    Assembling the cabinets under the sink should be much more reliable and stronger than other parts of the kitchen headset. It must be installed on special lining, because With the best tightness, water leaks are possible. The material itself does not hurt to treat water-repellent compositions. Inside the bedside tables, it is necessary to provide for fastening for tightening jumpers - they are installed after connecting the sink to communications for the strength of the entire structure. The jumpers themselves can be made of flat and thick slats, which will serve as additional mini shelves inside the cabinet.

    How to install a sink on the end - a brief instruction

    The overhead version of the kitchen sink is ordinary and "valve". In the latter case, the sink itself is supplied with curved sleds with a side and facade side, special grooves are provided on the bedside table. After collecting the sink in the kitchen successfully succeeded, it remains to push the sink into these grooves, move the design to the wall - and the communications can be connected.

    If the direct version of the overhead is used, you will have to seal all the joints. A high-quality waterproof sealant combines the properties of glue and protective waterproof. The upper perimeter of the open cabinet is generously disappeared by this composition, it remains accurately to plant the sink itself.

    It is impossible to install a big and heavy patch wash only on the sealing glue!

    Otherwise, one is not a wonderful day, it fails inside the cabinets along with the kitchenware, the sewer and breaking water hoses under pressure. Negative impressions of such an accident will be available both to you and neighbors from below. Like the elimination of plumbing collapse and repair of two rooms from the means of a personal budget. How to install a sink on the end without the danger of such ancient? With the help of auxiliary bars or internal crate.

    Simple overhead shells are taken to supply additional fasteners. As such, massive bars are suitable, accurately fastened from the wrong side of the couch. It is necessary to accurately note the lower edge of the pre-installed (without glue!) The sinks and on this line to build an internal crate. Then the car wash will rely on the auxiliary bars, and not on the slim end bedside table. Operation looks like hidden installation of crates, Only in the final stage is complemented by adhesive sealing of the joint of the metal and wood.

    Installation of washing in the kitchen - do it yourself mortise installation

    Before attaching a metal sink to a casting method, you need to make sure the strength of the stands and the possibility of accurate installation of the entire design to the mounting opening. Experiment with the movement of the bedside table in advance - after fixing the sink, it will have to do one-only time. After connecting the sewage and water supply, the bedside table must stand, "like a free", without distortion and oscillations.

    How to install a sink in the kitchen with your own hands - a step-by-step scheme

    Step 1: Marking

    Most mortise miles are sold with a ready-made pattern, he plays the role of packaging container. It is enough to cut such a pattern from cardboard and attached to the tabletop at the location of the sink - and the outline of the landing space is ready.

    If there is no template, it will have to do it yourself. To do this, it is better to use tight cardboard (for example, from a TV or monitor). Pruring the inside of the washing, transfer this size to the cardboard surface and cut more for several centimeters. It is better to cut a piece of cardboard several times than to look for a new piece.

    Step 2: Location

    The proverb about the need for a sevental measurement before the first cut is very relevant for our work. Move the finished pattern on the tabletop can be easily and freely - until you started drinking through it. So keep in mind how the crane will be opened, where the filter will stand, as kitchen utensils, etc. will be located.

    Crop the cardboard pattern should be as soon as possible and accurately. To do this, it is attached to the tabletop with ordinary scotch and spend one fine pencil line. After that, the "cardboard assistant" is sprung and goes into the waste paper, it will not be useful for us anymore. The perimeter of the future hole from the outer side is gluable by painting scotch by 8-12 cm, in order to prevent its damage from mechanical instruments.

    Step 3: Drills and saws

    Yes, yes, the first mechanical instrument will be the drill, and not drank. The drill with a diameter of 2 mm is selected and several closely arranged holes are drilled in the place where it is convenient to start drinking the contour. The holes are connected in a single groove with the chisel.

    Fill the countertop convenient lobzik on a tree. Just do not forget to stock upstairs - thick countertops are working with difficulty, the canvas breakdown is likely with a slight deviation from the vertical. Do not hurry and lead the electrobrivers confidently - the cutout curve is harder to correct than immediately cut the hole on the plumb, with a strictly perpendicular cut.

    Step 4: Complete the installation

    On the end of the fresh mounting hole we apply sealant and tightly insert the sink. Hold the car wash from 10 to 60 seconds (depending on the type of sealing composition). Carefully remove the excess glue from the outer and inside of the sink and wait a few hours until the sealant is completely frozen. We connect hoses, pipes, sewage, install the mixer and use the new sink to your pleasure.

    To connect the sink to sewage, it is not necessary to contact the specialists, since work can be performed with your own hands, following simple instructions and recommendations. Plumbing assistance may be required in those situations when there is practically no experience in conducting similar works.

    As a rule, the connection of plumbing devices should be made at the last stage of repair. The rules for installing shells in the bathroom or mile in the kitchen is no different, so we will pay attention to the general moments.

    Connecting sink to sewage

    What is the height of the shell?

    An ordinary plumbing device in the form of a sink without any auxiliary accessories should be recorded at an altitude of about 85 cm. At a certain level, a horizontal line is required, corresponding to the level of the highest border of the plumbing device.

    If the presence of a support part is envisaged or if the sink is in the end, there is no need to determine the height of the installation, since it depends on the level of the location of the support part or the height of the couch.

    Features of the markup of fixation points on the wall

    Before mounting the fasteners, you need to make the markup of the points on the wall according to the special scheme. In the cavity of the shell there are holes for fasteners that must match with marking. The sink is applied to the wall, combining its upper limit with a line, which was pre-marked on the wall. So, the location of future fasteners in the wall is determined. Workflows are better to perform together, as it is much more convenient. In the process of marking, one employee will keep the shell at the level of the mark, and the second will be recorded from the bottom of the place where the mount is planned.

    Installation is greatly simplified if there is a supporting leg or wardrobe. In this case, the sink will be put on the support, after which there are places of fixation.

    Installing fasteners

    Installation of fasteners should be done in this way:

    • holes in the wall need to be done on a clear markup;
    • they are driven by a dowel;
    • special studs for fastening are screwed.

    In the process of connecting the shell in the bathroom and in the kitchen means the use of dowels and special studs. Nuts and plastic liners supplied with the plumbing device may also be needed.

    Installation of air breakage on the drain pipe of the shell

    Screwing the hairpins, you need to follow the depth of entry. The depth is considered sufficient at which you can hang the sink and screw the nut. In other words, the stud must leave the wall on the thickness of the device plus and a half centimeter for the nut.

    Installing the mixer and plumbing

    Performing work in the bathroom or in the kitchen, the installation of the mixer can be carried out on the sink attached to the wall, only this process is important to be performed in a certain sequence and before full fixation of the sink. This is due to the fact that all the work on connecting and securing is made from below.

    The mixer should be mounted in such a sequence:

    • a fixing stud is screwed into it, depending on the variety there may be two;
    • in order to supply the cold and hot water, hoses are installed, which are tightened with the help of a horn key. It is important to correctly calculate the effort so that after installing the mixer to the plumbing device, I did not have to pull it over;
    • based on the sink connection scheme, it will be necessary to carry out hoses for water supply, which will be supplied to the holes in the sink;
    • from the opposite side to the fastener studs, a rubber seal and a presser washer are put on. With such elements, easy fixation of the fastening nut is carried out;
    • the wrench is tightened with nuts for fastening.

    Installing the sink and connecting the drain pipe to sewage

    Much attention should be given to the correct arrangement of the nose of the mixer, while the device itself should be installed under an even angle in relation to the wall to which the sink is mounted.

    Features of the wall of the shell on the wall

    After connecting the sink to the water supply, it is moving to the process of its consolidation, while the work will be carried out in such a sequence:

    • the sink with the mixer is put on the fastening studs, which was previously screwed into the wall;
    • if necessary, insert plastic liners;
    • mounting nuts are tightened.

    If it is planned to install a washing with a stand or a table, then you need to start with the installation of the reference elements.

    How to connect water hoses to a plumbing system?

    First you need to install a special gasket between the crane and the sealing nut, only the nut does not need to be strongly tightened. Due to the use of rubber gasket, a good seal is provided, while it is possible to pull the nut after testing with the inclusion of water.

    If the leakage happens, then in the event of tighten the nut at the connection site, you need to take advantage.

    How to connect the sink to the sewer system?

    After the end of the sink is completed to the water supply, you can connect the washbasin to sewage, and the connection of other plumbing devices will be performed in the same way.

    Connecting paired shell to one plum

    First you need to install the siphon. It is important to pay attention to the presence of a special opening in a plumbing device, which is used to protect against water overflow. In the presence of this hole, you need to choose that siphon, which is equipped with an additional drainage.

    Most often on sale you can meet a bottle siphon or in the form of an English letter S. If you need to install a sink in the kitchen, it is more expedient to use exactly the second version of the product, since in the first case the probability of clogging of the siphon increases.

    To properly connect the sink to the sewer system, you need to perform a specific sequence of actions:

    • first, the siphon is needed in the sink, which is further securely secured;
    • next, you need to fasten the pipe to the siphon, it is better to choose a rigid product with an angle or corrugated pipe;
    • the screwdriver should be inserted to the sewer release. If the diameter of this release is more than that of the pipe coming from the siphon, it is more expedient to use an adapter, which is called a cuff for sealing. Only after these actions can be fastened;
    • at the end of the work, it is necessary to check the compounds for the presence of leakage.

    How to determine the poor quality ziphon connection?

    With a poor-quality connection of the siphon, an unpleasant smell of sink can be felt. There may also be an increased humidity of the pipe going to the siphon, and the appearance of puddle under the sink.

    When the washing is connected to the sewer system, the specialists are not recommended to be too tightening the connection with the key, since due to this may be damaged by the sealing gasket from rubber.

    Connecting overflow and drain from the sink

    If the water jet of water flows into the process of checking the density between the pipe and the rubber cuffs, then the second element must be removed and dry the connection area. Next, the dried cuff is required to be treated with sealant and put in place.

    If there is a need to connect two sinks at once, you need to get a siphon equipped with two drain pipes.

    Special comments

    Before connecting the sink to sewage, you need to take into account some comments, namely:

    • when the washing is connected in the kitchen to sewage, you do not need to need to tighten the connecting elements with the key. If not to take into account such a feature, the sealing rubber gasket may damage, then it will need to be changed and twisted again;
    • when checking the density of the connection of the region between the pipe and the cuff can be seen a stream of water. If this happens, then you need to extract the cuff and dried the surface of the connection area. Next, the sealant is lubricated the dry cuff and repeatedly connect the elements;
    • if you plan to connect to the sewerage of two shells at once, it is recommended to buy a special siphon equipped with two conclusions for sewer pipes.

    By performing simple rules in the installation process, you can quickly and easily connect the sink to the sewage with your own hands without the help of plumbing. It is also simply made by the water supply to the plumbing device.

    Errors made in the installation process that can cause pipe clogging

    • Pipes from miles, shells and other plumbing devices should be mounted on the connection at a right angle equal to 90 degrees. If two instruments are mounted and the drain drains ensures towards each other, a blockage can occur in the tee of the pipe that goes directly into the fan tube. In this case, it is meaningless to remove the pipes from the sink or washbasin with a helix or a hydrodynamic method using the hose. If it comes to two sink connected nearby, it is clear that from one shell hose will pass to the second sink, while it will not be able to turn into the direction of the main drain pipe. Anyway, it will be hard enough to clean the sewer.
    • Another important error is too high removal of a drain pipe coming from a washbasin or washing, in the bathroom. As a result, it makes it difficult to drain the drain drain into the sewage pipe. Many make a solution to the movetrubs and plumbing devices, which include baths, sinks and washing, to another place that is not provided for by the project. If the pipes change, the main problem can be that the output to the device will be rigidly tied to the output of the pipe in the riser, while the situation is very hard to change. When connecting, miles and shells must be fine, since there is a certain margin in height, taking into account the fact that plumbing devices are suspended to a height of about 90 cm. But, despite this, many inexperienced installers may not consider and not consider such a detail. It's easier to make a mistake with a height in case of connecting the bath and shower. Often the drain is above the floor surface. It is quite difficult to independently lift a heavy bath yourself, therefore, a simple solution is the derivation of a drain pipe above the withdrawal of the siphon. Thus, the pipe is often laid without the necessary slope, which may also cause clogging.
    • You can often encounter a problem in which the pipes that the outside should be attached to the wall are not fixed correctly. Products can also be constructed, contacts and other practically irreparable cases are also often formed. Of course, this does not affect the proper functioning of the sewer system, but such a feature may cause blockages, because of which they will often have to clean the pipes.

    To answer the question "How to connect a siphon to sewage?", First you need to figure out what kind of siphon happens and what should be guided by purchasing it.

    Siphon - a node of waterfront reinforcement connecting plumbing appliances with sewage. It has a curved shape and is a place of accumulation of small garbage and the formation of a water shutter. The hydraulication prevents the penetration from the sewage to the residential room of gases having an unpleasant smell.

    Types of sanitary siphons

    What should be considered when choosing a siphon?

    When choosing a siphon, it is taken into account:

    • the type of plumbing device, under which water-felled fittings will be installed, the presence of a free place for mounting, the location of the sewage pipes;
    • the main dimensions of the elements of the reinforcement, which define state standards, so that there are no difficulties in working with components of both Russian producers and overseas;
    • requirements made to the quality of the water-contained system set out in GOST 23289-94;
    • features of the materials from which the drain system is manufactured. Plastic can be white or black. He does not rot and does not rust. Copper alloys are also not subject to corrosion, but coated with a thin film of oxide and lose the appearance.

    After choosing a siphon, it's time to start it. Conduct the connection of the siphon scanning and plumbing for even inexperienced person. For this, it is first necessary to familiarize yourself with the phased instructions for doing work.

    Installation of a combined water-filled system under a sink or washing

    1. On the top detail of the color node we put on a large flat laying. We twist with a lid with a thread and tighten tightly. Siphon is ready.
    2. Take a corrugated pipe. To one end it is installed by a cape nut and a cone gasket. Insert the siphon into the side hole, the nut is tightened.
    3. Install the cape nut, then the cone gasket on the nozzle that will be attached to the sink. Insert the nozzle into the upper hole of the siphon, fix the nut.
    4. On the other end of the same pipe, we put the gasket and screw the plastic plum in which the nut is installed. Move the collected design of the sink to the drain hole.
    5. Holding to one hand, press the top of the pipe to the sink. Another hand in the drain hole of the sinks set a metal plum with a gasket. Insert the screw into the middle of the metal drain and spin it.
    6. Insert the corrugated pipe into the sewer system.
    7. Check the presence of leaks.

    Installation under the bathtub of waterframe with overflow

    Unitaase connection with sewer system

    The output of the toilet relative to the floor may be located horizontally, vertically or at an angle of 45˚. From this will depend on the method of connection with the sewer system.

    If the output of the toilet is located vertically, then a rubber cuff is used to connect. One end of the cuffs is put on the release of the toilet, and the other is set in the seven of the sewage hole. Using the toilet with such a type of connection allows you to completely hide the sewage in the floor. As a result, the type of sanitary room becomes aesthetic.

    With the horizontal output of the toilet and the close position of the drain release from the hole of the sewer tube, the plastic nozzles can be used. This method is the most economical. It is also suitable, but they are made of faience, porcelain or half-farfora. These materials are very fragile, which complicates the installation.

    Consider the case when the drain output of the toilet is located at an angle. To use corrugation. One end is mounted at the expense of the inner membrane on the outlet tube of the toilet bowl, others in the technical opening of the sewer pipe. Here is a fixation due to the external membrane.

    Use such a corrugated pipe is convenient. You can easily change the plumbing angle or give the pipe the necessary size depending on the distance to the wall. Corrugated cuffs are distinguished by flexibility and high quality. Experts recommend using reinforced cuffs with stainless coating. The term of their operation is much larger.

    An alternative to corrugated pipes are eccentric cuffs. They are two nozzles with displaced centers, connected by each other. Rotating eccentrics, you can achieve the necessary angle of connection.


    The fact that the connection of the siphon to the sewer pipe is incorrect, it says the presence of leaks. Check each connections node. Perhaps you were too tightened by the naked nuts, as a result of which the gasket was deformed. Or, on the contrary, the nuts are not tightened enough, and then should be tightened.

    Now you know how to connect the siphon to sewage with your own hands. You will succeed.

    Installation of the washing in the kitchen and washbasin in the bathroom is approximately equally, because The appointment of devices is similar. Most often, the owner of the house can perform all the work independently. There are general rules that need to be adhered to when installing plumbing, they must be felt. However, if there are no instrument management skills or a complex plumbing installation is planned, it is better to call the masters.

    Installation of the sink in the bathroom

    General scheme for installation of shell

    1. Preparatory work. At this stage, the locations of the car wash on the wall are placed, the fasteners are screwed down and are determined with the features of the mounting of the support, if it is provided.
    2. Connecting to the water supply. These works can be performed when the sink is already firmly attached to the wall, but the mixer is better to install in advance.
    3. Fastening a plumbing device. At this stage, it is necessary to securely fix the washing on the fastening details and supports, finish working on connecting to the water supply.
    4. Connecting washing to sewage. This is the final stage of work. It is necessary to properly install plumbing equipment, achieve the tightness of the compounds. The convenience of its operation, the presence / absence of blockages in the future depends on the correct connection of the washbasin to sewage.

    Sink or Shell Mounting Scheme

    Stage # 1: Cooking fastenings for sink

    If a simple model is selected without additional accessories, and the washing machine or other device will not be installed at the bottom, the optimal height of the sink is 850 mm. The plumbing device will be convenient to use, and the installation of the siphon and the connection of the sink to sewage can be performed with their own hands, because Spaces will be enough, and access to all elements of the system will remain free.

    For a model with a support, the height is determined depending on the height of the leg or furniture in which it will be mounted. When it is decided where the sink is installed, an even horizontal line is performed on the wall. The device is applied to the line, mark the place of attachment. Alone is difficult to do it, so the assistant needs to hold the washbasin. If plumbing is installed on the leg or furnishings, the task is simplified.

    On the finished markup make holes in the walls, clog the dowels and install studs for fasteners. The depth of screwing the studs should be such that the device is reliably fixed, but at the same time he was freely placed on fasteners. As a rule, all the necessary parts are included in the shell. When installing them, you need to use everything so that there are no extra details.

    Scheme: Washbasin Installation Height in Bath

    Shell height over washing machine

    If under the sink it is planned to put the washing machine, then the model of the "water lily" is suitable. Its plums is equipped so that there is enough space under the sink. There are two types of drain: the first is directed back, and the second is down.

    The design of the first type leaves more space for the machine, however, frequent blocks are possible due to bends. The plums directed down, designed so that the water should normally pass through the pipes, but the sink will have to be placed above the typewriter. The height of the placement of Santhpribor is calculated individually.

    So that the sink is more convenient to use, it can be pulled a little forward from the wall. Then, when washing, a person will not rest on his legs into the machine. Such a simple reception will allow you to maximize the useful area without prejudice to the comfort of operation.

    Scheme: Installation of a washbasin over a washing machine

    Stage # 2: Connecting to the water supply

    To install the mixer in it, the fastener is inserted into it, then the hoses for water are connected and gently tighten so that they are fixed tightly, but not excessively. Next set a sealing gum, washer, nuts (they are tightened by a wrench).

    The main thing is that after installation the mixer was located correctly: its nose must be placed at a right angle to the wall on which the sink is mounted. You should also pay attention to the tightening of nuts. When the mixer is already fixed, they will not be tightened tighter, so you need to do everything at once and check.

    Mixer for washing in the kitchen

    Master Class Installation Mixer

    Stage # 3: Mounting washbasin to the wall

    When the mixer is already installed on the sink, it must be attached to the wall and finish connecting to the water supply. For this, the device is worn on the prepared fastening studs, install plastic liners, which are supplied in the kit, and tighten the nuts. If under the sink is provided with a support, then put on it.

    Under the crane should be a sealing rubber gasket. It is placed above the nut. The seal does not prevent the nut in the future, so it's not worth tightening it too tight. If, when checking the connection, the crane will leak, just tighten the connection tighten.

    Stage # 4: Connect washing to sewage

    How to connect a washbasin to sewage? This stage is final. The siphon is connected to the plumbing device to which the pipe is attached - corrugated or rigid with bend. Then the pipe is connected to sewage. If its diameter does not coincide with the sewer release, a special rubber adapter is used.

    When the work is over, it remains only to check the tightness of the connections. For this, the cranes open and spend on pipes with dry hand or a white napkin. If everything is fine and no leaks, plumbing is ready for operation.

    Connecting a siphon washing to sewage

    Siphon selection - important nuances

    The normal operation of the plumbing is possible only if the siphons are correctly selected for sinks and sinks. Otherwise, you can encounter the problem of constant blockages. Distinguish several types of devices:

    • Pipe. These siphons resemble the letter S or U, there are collapsible or unintended. The lower part provides a special cork, delivering which, you can easily clean the siphon. When installing a pipe siphon, it is important that the washbasin and input to the sewage system coincide.
    • Bottled. Siphon got its name due to the part in which the hydraulic was placed. It resembles a bottle in shape. Siphon connects with sewage with a straight or flexible tube. The device is compact, easy to care: it is easy to disassemble and clean it. The disadvantage is that it is often necessary to clean, because due to the complex shape, the siphon is often clogged.
    • Hidden. This is a variety of bottle siphon. When installing, only part of the structure (tube) is visible, and the second part (bottle) is installed in the wall. Such siphons are quite expensive and complex in the installation.
    • Corrugated. The siphon is made in the form of a flexible tube, which is suitable for all types of washes. Such devices are cheap, easy to install, but their inner walls quickly turn fat, soap residues, and the pipe cannot be disassembled.

    Pipe S-shaped and bottle siphons

    What option is better to stop

    To install under the sink in the kitchen it is better to choose a pipe siphon in the form of the letter S, because The elements of the sewage are often clogged with fat and kitchen waste, and such a device is easier to clean. For a washbasin, you can choose both a tube and a bottle siphon, because here the sinks are less often. If access to the device is free, even if it is clogged, it is easy to solve the problem.

    As for the materials, the siphons can be made of polyethylene, polypropylene, brass or bronze. The most reliable models are metal, but polypropylene compete successfully with them thanks to a lower price and acceptable quality. In addition to the form and material, when choosing, the diameter of the neck should be taken into account, the presence of overflow and design, if the model is not closed with a tumbel or leg of the sink.

    Video: How to connect a sink to sewage

    In the process of connecting the washbasin and sinking to sewage should not be too strongly tightening the nuts. It can negatively affect the state of rubber pads and before the time to bring them out of order. If the connections are reduced, the gasket can be removed, dried, handle the sealant and reinstall, and tighten the connection.

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    Since you can connect the sink yourself, then it is not necessary to call specialists to perform this work. An exception is the case if you absolutely lack the experience of such work and you are unsure in our abilities. Usually this work is carried out when the repair comes to completion. Installation technology and connecting the sink both in the bathroom (washbasin) and in the kitchen (washing) is identical, so we will not make differences between them in our article.

    Preparation for installation

    Determination of the height of the fastening of the shell

    An ordinary shell, which is not equipped with additional accessories, is fixed at an altitude of 850 mm. At this level, a horizontal line is carried out, which will correspond to the level of the upper surface of the plumbing device.

    If there is a pedestal (support leg) or if the sink is mounted in the bedside table, the height of fixing the shell is not required to determine - it will depend on the height of the leg or height of the bedside table.

    Marking on the wall of fastening places

    The connection scheme of the sink involves the markup before installing the fastener system. In places of attachment, the sink bowl has fasteners. Having putting the sink to the wall and aligning its upper edge with a line marked on the wall, mark the position of places in which the mounting holes in the wall should be performed. It is more convenient to perform this work together.

    At the same time, one person keeps the sink at the marked line, and the other at this time is from the bottom notes the place where the mount will be carried out. If there is a leg or support cabinet, then the installation is simplified - the plumbing device is installed on the support and place the fastening locations.

    Installation of fasteners

    Installation of fasteners are carried out like this:

    • Marking is drilled in the wall of the hole.
    • They score a dowel in them.
    • Screw fasteners.

    Connecting the sink in the bathroom and in the kitchen involves the use of dowels, fasteners, and nuts and plastic liners that are supplied with the sink.

    When screwing out the studs, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the depth of their screws would make the sink and tighten the fastening nut, that is, a part of the hairpin from the wall must have a length slightly exceeding the shell thickness plus 1.5 cm to twist the nut.

    Connection of the sink to the water supply

    Installing the mixer

    By connecting the shell in the kitchen or in the bathroom, the installation of the mixer can be performed on the sink item already attached to the wall, however, it is recommended to carry out this operation before fixing the sink, since all connections and attachments are made from below.

    The mixer is installed in the following order:

    1. In the mixer screw the fastener or two, depending on its variety.
    2. Install hoses for the supply of hot and cold water, tighten them using the horn key; The tight is carried out carefully with moderate power, given the fact that after installing the mixer on the sink, tighten them the tightly.
    3. The sink connection circuit includes hoses by which water will be supplied through the holes in the sink.
    4. O-gum, clamping washer and fastening nuts are put on the mounting studs on the reverse side.
    5. Fastening nuts are tightened using a wrench.

    Advice from a professional:Special attention should be paid to the correct location of the direction of the mixer's spout - the mixer itself is installed at an angle of 90˚ relative to the fastening wall or to the sink side adjacent to the wall.

    Fixing the shell on the wall

    After connecting to the water supply, the sink can be fixed:

    • The sink with a strengthened mixer is worn on the fastening studs screwed into the wall.
    • Paste plastic liners.
    • Tighten the nuts.

    Connecting a kitchen sink if there is a pedestal or a supporting bedside tables start using it on the support elements.

    Connecting hoses for the supply of cold and hot water to the water supply system

    Between the crane and nut for the seal, you must install the gasket. At the same time, it is not recommended to delay the nut. The rubber gasket, as a rule, provides a good seal, while the nuts can be pulled out after the test is carried out, that is, after turning on the water. When leakage at the junction, the nut will need to tighten more tight.

    Connecting sink to sewage

    After the plumbing is connected, you need to connect the sink to sewage. Start this work from the installation of the siphon.

    At the same time, it is taken into account that the presence of a special opening for overflow protection indicates the need to have an additional pipe for overflowing water. The form of the siphons is made of both the S-shaped and bottle form.

    Advice from a professional:For kitchen miles, it is recommended to use an S-shaped siphon, since the bottle is subject to fast clogging (such a siphon will often be cleaned).

    Connecting washing to sewage is carried out in this way:

    1. The siphon release is inserted into the sink and fasten it.
    2. The pipe is screwed to the siphon (or rigid with an angle or corrugated).

    1. The screwdriver is inserted into the sewer release. In the event that the diameter of the release significantly exceeds the diameter of the pipe coming from the siphon, it is necessary to use a special adapter, which is called a sealing cuff (made of rubber), and braid well pipes.
    2. Next, it is necessary to check all compounds on the absence of leaks.

    Important comments

    Comments that should be taken into account before starting work:

    • To connect the sink in the kitchen to the sewer system, it is not recommended to strongly delay all the connections using the key, since it is possible to damage the sealing gaskets from rubber and in vain to spend strength and time.
    • If, when checking the density of compounds between the cuff and sewer pipe, the water stream is composed, then you need to remove the cuff, drain the surfaces that are subject to connection, and then lubricate the dry cuff with a sealant and make a connection again.
    • When connecting a double sink, you must use a special siphon with a two-pipe output.

    Completing simple rules, no doubt, will help each interested owner to install a kitchen sink or sink in the bathroom without a plumbing call. You will be able to connect the sink to sewage, and it is absolutely independently adding to it with mounting the mixer.

    Installation of sanitary equipment in the bathroom involves connecting to sewage and water system. For many owners of apartments and beginner masters, this stage of work becomes a stumbling block. But, knowing the subtleties of installation and having all the necessary equipment at hand, to connect the sink to sewage can be and on its own. Consider in detail the main points of the installation technology and connecting the sink.

    The specifics of the installation of the shell depends on the type of plumbing. In addition to the products of the usual configuration, today such types of models as "tulip" or "halfulpan" are widely popular, double sinks and washbasins, which are mounted over washing machines.

    Tulip - Washbasin on the Poddle

    Tulip-type shells or «Poletulpan» are distinguished by a deep small bowl and a long pedestal. They can have a monolithic design or assemble from two parts: bowls and stands.

    A bowl on the leg frees the space and hides communications

    The small size of the washbasin "Tulip" allows you to use such models when arranged bathrooms that do not differ in large dimensions. In the stand hide all communications. She also acts as a support for the bowl.

    The only drawback of the design is the complexity of the cleaning of the siphon during operation. Removing the pedestal, if necessary, clean the siphon, the cup has to hold his hands.

    Double sink

    Washbasins with two bowls once performed only the attribute of respectable houses. Today, the market offers a large selection of double shells, and in a wide price range. You can meet dual models whose width does not exceed 80 cm. Thanks to the compact dimensions, they can easily be accommodated even in a standard layout.

    Double Bowl Sinks - Stimping Bathroom Apartment in the House where big family lives

    The feature of the plumbing of the dual execution is that the horizontal axes of spinning are deployed in them in different directions at an angle of 45 °. The water in them is supplied along one emission pipe and, accordingly, falls over a common plum for both tanks. In different embodiments, washbasins can be set both alone and two mixers. Therefore, the installation and connection of the double washbasin is carried out according to the classic scenario.

    To install over a washing machine

    The models intended for accommodation over the washing machine appeared in our market not so long ago, but have already managed to gain popularity among connoisseurs of functionality and practicality.

    The feature of the washbasins of this type is that the drain hole in them is not located in the center of the bottom of the bowl, but in the far corner

    The depth of the built-in bowl on average is 20 cm. Siphon also has a reduced height. Installation of the winks of the built-in type is possible only by hanging on the wall by anchors.

    Ergonomic models are the perfect solution for small-sized bathrooms. But for saving space you have to pay. The cost of products of this type is an order of magnitude higher than traditional analogues.

    Technology Installation and Connection Shell

    Regardless of the shape and dimensions of the sink, the installation technology and installation of the device passes almost by the same scenario.

    To perform work, you will need a set of tools:

    • electric drill with a set of drills;
    • building level;
    • wrench;
    • screwdriver.

    Mounting design

    When replacing the old plumbing, there should be no new difficulties. Only a mismatch in the size of the replaceable structures that entail the location of the fasteners can be complicated. It is possible to solve the problem in the only way: winding new holes in the wall.

    Tip: If you plan to change the location of the plumbing, take care, so that the water-out of water does not form the bends on the path.

    Installation of the shell on the end - the easiest installation option

    If the cabinet is already installed, you just need to put a bowl into the cut out of the opening, checking the evenness with the help level. The position of the countertop is easy to adjust, taking adjustable legs of the couch.

    When dealing with the newly unidentified furniture, the first thing is to try it, making sure whether the walls of the communication site are not overlapped. To simplify the task of lining the pipes, the rear wall of the cabinet is most often completely removed. By installing the bowl into the cut-off opening in the worktop and aligning it, it remains to fix the design. You can do this using anchor screws. Some craftsmen fix the design by sticking it with construction silicone.

    Placing the washbasin over the washing machine, you will need to push the technique to the side for a while, after noting the pencil on the wall of its dimensions.

    Important! The distance between the lid of the washing machine and the lower surface of the washbasin should be 2-3 cm.

    When installing a suspended design, you need to correctly calculate the location of the bowl. On average, this parameter is 80-90 cm from the floor to the top side.

    Plumbing located at this level will conveniently use both adult family members and children

    Having determined the altitude of the location of the bowl, on the wall outlined the horizontal line. Applying to her bowl so that its upper edge is combined with a drawn line, determine the places for the opening for the attachment. This work is more convenient to perform with a partner: the first holds the bowl, the second - makes marks on the wall.

    Over the outlined points drill holes D12 mm. They score a dowel and screw the fastening stiletto bursting to the plumbing. Screwing depth is determined at the calculation in order to protrude from the wall part of the heel was 1.5 cm longer than the rear wall of the sink.

    Tip: To ensure reliable and static sink fastening, the masters recommend using thick screws and dowels or anchor bolts.

    Connect to water supply

    Go to the installation of the mixer. In most models, it can be installed on the fixed washbasins. But there are options when you have to do this work in advance, since the construction of the design is carried out at the bottom.

    At this stage, it is important to observe the angle of inclination at 90 ° of the mixer itself relative to the wall adjacent to the washbasin

    Procedure for installing a mixer:

    1. Depending on the type of mounted model, one or two fastening studs are screwed into the mixer.
    2. Flexible hoses of hot and cold water are connected to the valve, tightening them with a horn key, while doing moderate efforts.
    3. Fastened hoses are fed through holes in the sink.
    4. Owing on the fastening studs Sealing gum and clamping washers, tighten the nuts with the key.

    Important! Nuts need to be twisted as careful as possible so that they do not burst under pressure, cutting out the seals.

    The basic requirement for assembling the mixer is to provide good tightness and reliable adjacent to all parts of the design.

    To seal threaded connections and to avoid breakdown of flexible hoses, it is advisable to use sealing materials

    The sink with a mixer "plant" to a permanent place, putting it on the studs into the walls into the wall. Pre-substituting plastic liners, neatly tighten the nuts. Fastenings are not tightened tightly until the design is clearly adjusted horizontally.

    When installing the washbasin over the washing machine, household equipment is connected to the same tubes of communications, which is involved for the work of Sanfayans. For this, dual plugs and tees are used. The only requirement is the flexible eyeliner to be connected to a separate valve.

    Sewer Sewer

    Connecting the sink to sewage starts from the installation of the siphon. It is an S-shaped element that performs the role of a sump and taking water into the sewage system.

    There are 2 types of siphons on sale:

    • knee-like devices with a removable valve;
    • bottle type consisting of two concentric pipes inserted into each other.

    If the sink is provided for a hole responsible for overflowing, the siphon must be equipped with an additional tube to connect to it. The siphons are sold already assembled, the task of the master is to connect the siphon with the drain.

    Installation of the siphon usually does not cause difficulties

    The procedure is performed in several stages:

    1. The siphon release is inserted into the sink, "standing" with its bolts.
    2. A discharge corrugated or plastic tube is screwed to the siphon.
    3. The fixed discharge tube is inserted into the sewer output.
    4. Check all compounds on the absence of leaks.

    Tip: If the diameter of the pipe and release is significantly different, use the rubber sealing cuff when dosted, and the connections are securely sealed.

    If the house is pig-iron pipes, the plastic cap of the siphon is connected to sewage using a rubber sewer coupling.

    In the process of installing the siphon, it is important to pay attention to a number of moments:

    1. In places the location of rubber seals should not be sowing. In case of detection, they must be cleaned with sandpaper or cut off the stationery knife.
    2. Rubber seals must be dense, but at the same time elastic. Drying products will not provide proper tightness.
    3. When equipping pads should be placed from the opposite side from the nut.

    When dealing with the "Tulip" model, after installing the sink and connecting communication, you must move and fix the footboard. To eliminate the displacement of the structure, some craftsmen along the contour of the disconnection of the legs with a bowl and the floor are wedged with glue or ceresite. But it should be borne in mind that such fixation may complicate the process of dismantling the stand if you need to clean or replace the siphon.

    Video Tutorial: Installation and Connection of the Shell on the Pedestal

    When installing the washbasin and system connection, take into account a number of moments:

    • Planning to connect a dual sink, choose a special siphon, which has access to two pipes.
    • The height of the sewage output under the sink in the bathroom should not exceed 500-550 mm.
    • When connecting to sewage, it is important to securely seal all the joints, otherwise there will be unpleasant odors in the bathroom.

    If, when checking the density of the connections, you will notice the leakage of water, remove the cuff and, allowing to dry all the elements, lubricate the junction cuff to the sealant and "plant" it in the same place.

    Installation and connection of the sink is not particularly complex, but rather time-consuming work. At some stages of installation, do not do without helper. But in the nonsense wishland, the homemade master will be able to easily cope with the installation of the washbasin on its own.