Repairs Design Furniture

Calculation tiles for bathroom Calculator. Calculation of ceramic tiles for a bathroom or toilet. Calculation of the number of consumables

Drawing of one wall

Calculator calculates the amount of tiles not in area, as is done on most sites, but by the number of tiles in height and width of the room. At the same time, the amount of tiles first rounded up to a greater integer, and only then the total number of tiles is calculated to multiply the amount of the whole tile by width by the amount of the whole tile in height. Similarly, the amount of tiles taking into account voids is calculated. Such an approach takes into account the amount of tile waste when the position of the emission changes. Any tiler knows that when the door in the room is adjacent to the wall, the waste will be less. But most of the same calculators, which calculate the number of tiles in the area do not take into account this feature.

X - wall width

XD - width to emptiness

X1 - width of emptiness

Xp- width after emptiness

Y- Height of the wall

YD- height to emptiness

Y1 - the height of the emptiness

Yp- height after emptiness

Fy- height tile

Tile Ex-WIND

Enter all the sizes in the appropriate shapes. Dimensions should be specified in mm. If the wall is tiled completely, i.e. there are no doors, windows and emptiness on the wall, then in the form where the dimensions "to emptiness" are indicated, the "emptiness width", "the height of emptiness" should be set zeros.

If there are voids on the wall (where the tile does not glue) you need to carefully measure the distances to emptiness in height, in the width and size of the emptiness itself. The size of the emptiness in height and the void in the width calculator calculates automatically.

If the dimensions are incorrect, there will be a notiable warning.

The calculator is designed for the layout of the tile below - upwards from left to right. This means that the cropped tile (if it) is located in the upper part of the wall and right if you look at the wall. If you need tile alignment to the right left, this can be taken into account by changing the size of the size to the emptiness in the width and when laying the tile drawing to consider the mirror. Specify the seam size between the tiles, the number of chopped tiles depends on it and, accordingly, it is possible to increase the amount of waste. With minor sizes of the wall for facing, the seam size affects only the amount of tile wastes, with the size of the wall in 10 and more tiles, the seam size can affect the number of tiles that need to be purchased. When cladding the tiles, do not cut the tile all at once (for example, if there is a tile that you want to cut down, then see the calculation, you can use parts of the already chopped tiles). So tile waste will be minimal. Similarly, the last row in the height and width of the wall. If the residue from the cut tile exceeds in size to the tile that needs to be glued, then it is better to cut off from the already chopped.

The indicator "Qualification of Tiler's skill" takes into account the skill of the tiler. It is known that the most waste appears when the tile cuts. Therefore, this calculator calculates the amount of chopped tiles and the percentage of marriage during cut, depending on the qualifications.

This parameter is subjective. It indicates that 10% of the entire chopped tile will be spoiled when the tiler qualifying, a certain number "1". Accordingly, 20% of the chopped tile is rooted when the digit "2" is introduced. And so on. This parameter can be specified from your own experience, if you know the tile well, or ask the tile itself how many tiles can be spoiled when cutting.

Tiler's qualification accounting provides the possibility of a lump-sum procurement of all the required amount of tiles. There are situations where the amount of tiles is incorrectly calculated and it is necessary to purchase, and the tile of the same batch has already ended. A similar tile from a new batch may differ by tone and it will be an unpleasant surprise.

After making all the necessary sizes, you must click on the Add button. Tile name, calculations of the number of tiles and the price is written to the specification. Upon completion of the calculation on all walls with the same tile, click the "Total" button. The specification will appear the corresponding string with the calculation of the total tile and its total cost. Carefully follow the specification to the specification only the same type of the same type will otherwise get an error. If you accidentally added a tile of another type you can delete before clicking on the "Total" button. If necessary, you can delete the entire specification table.

In a situation where there is a multiple emptiness on the wall at the same time, there are several voids, it is better to divide the wall into two or three depending on the number of voids. The conditional line of the section should be made in the place of multiple laying of the tile taking into account the seam. So for example, with a tile height of 300 mm., The height of the partition can be made at an altitude of 900 mm. Plus thickness of two seams. Then, in the specification, these parts of the wall will be summed automatically.

In order to calculate the number of tiles for the bathroom, you first need to decide on the following issues:

  • What type of laying you will use;
  • What color gamut are you planning to apply;
  • Whether the fitting is needed;
  • Will you launch only a tile on the walls or finish decorative elements.

Choosing a type of laying


When working with outdoor material, the following types of laying are commonly used:

  1. standard - When the edges of the tile are laid along the walls;
  2. diagonal - edges are stacked at an angle of 45 degrees;
  3. diagonal chess - when laying ceramics of different colors, they alternate.


Placing wall ceramics, you can choose such types of cladding:

  1. the usual "straight line" - when the elements are stacked parallel to the floor;
  2. normal with borders (one broad or narrow and wide, alternating);
  3. diagonal;
  4. chess (ordinary direction or diagonally).

Selecting the type of laying is important, because with a diagonal direction, the material consumption increases, because You will have to do a lot of tile corners for fitting from the center to the corners of the walls.

When fitting in the drawing, you will also have to do a lot of trimming edges.

And it is also necessary to take into account that the joints of the first rows are better to do away from the walls so that possible the possible irregularities of the wall.

General rules for calculation

There are general rules how to correctly calculate the amount of tiles, at least for the bathroom, at least for other rooms where you decide to put the tile.

  • measure (at centimeters) the length and height of each wall, on which you will lay the tile, and the length and width of the floor;
  • from the size of the wall in which the entrance door is installed (or which installed a bath) will deduct the dimensions of this door (bath);
  • decide the size of the plates that you will be laid (on the floor - 30x30, 33x33, 40x40 cm, etc.; facing - 20x30, 25x33 cm, etc.);
  • calculate the result in square meters, and for clarification it will be necessary to calculate the number of tiles pieces.

And keep in mind that the required number of building materials must be immediately increased by 10%, since Such a stock will be required for trimming at the edges of the walls, in case of careless damage of the tile or cosmetic repair of some kind of wall (floor) in the future.

When calculating the number of tiles, it is better to immediately do without an online program, because Whatever it is perfect, still admits errors. It, for example, does not take into account the widths of the seams between the rows, and even in its postscript, it is still recommended to check all the results manually.

We put the tile on the floor: an example of calculation

In order to make a specific calculation required for laying on the floor, take the following data for the source:

  1. Floor width - 150 cm
  2. Length - 170 cm
  3. Product size - 33x33 cm

Stage standard type, tile of the same color

  • To find out how much the tiles need, first the width of the floor (150 cm) divide on its side (33 cm), we obtain the result - 4.54 (the number of tiles in one row in width), round up to the whole - 5 pieces.
  • Now we consider how many such series are needed by the length of the bathroom: 170 cm We divide by 33 cm, we get 5,15 rows, rounded up to 6.
  • Further, 5 tiles in one row multiply on 6 rows, we get 30 pieces. We add 2-3 about the reserve, and then we will buy 33 ceramic tiles.

If the calculation of the number of tiles was made not piece, but on the floor area, there would be a serious error. Floor area - 1.70 m x 1.50m \u003d 2.55kv.m, divided into an area of \u200b\u200bone tile 0.33m x 0.33m \u003d 0.11kv. We get 24 (with rounding) pieces. That is, the floor would not have enough 6 tiles (plus stock). After all, with a piece counting, a trimming of plates was really taken into account when laying.

Wall facing bathroom

  • 270 cm (wall height) divided by 30 cm (tile height) \u003d 9 elements in one row in height.
  • 150 cm (surface width) divided by 20 cm (width of the product) \u003d 7.5 - rounded \u003d 8 pieces in width.
  • 9 Multiply to 8, we get - 72 units of 30x20 cm in size, it is necessary to one wall with a width of 150 cm.
  • By similar calculations for the wall, 170 cm long we obtain the result - 81 tiles.

Consider the doorway

To calculate the amount of the tile required for the wall cladding, in which the door is installed, it is necessary to subtract the amount from among the elements to the opposite wall, which falls on the dimension dimension.

For example, 200 cm (the height of the doorway) is divided by 30 cm (tile height), we get 6.7 - rounded to a smaller side \u003d 6 pieces in height; 70 cm (width of the opening) We divide by 20 cm (width of the product), we get 3.5 - rounded in a smaller side \u003d 3 pieces wide. 6 Multiply with 3, we obtain 18 pieces that we subtract from (for example) 81, we get 63 pieces.

If a wall that will be installed in a bath, you will be fully facing, then the number of tiles to calculate it simply. If the place occupied by the bathroom, you do not plan to favorably, it means that the counting for this wall is made similar to the counting for the wall with the door.

Calculation of the amount of grout

After completion of the stamping work, the seams are made. To do this, the grout is used as the coinciding color with the main coatings, and the contrasting (white for black tile, etc.).

To make the calculation of the amount of grouts for the tile, you need to know the volume of the filled space. Switch width is recommended from 1.5 to 3 mm. To the depth of the seam, approximately equal to the thickness of the tile, you need to apply the coefficient of 1.5, which will take into account the shrinkage of the material, humidity, etc.

To calculate the volume of grouting, half the perimeter 1 tiles divide on its area and multiply to the thickness. The result multiply to the width of the seam and 1.5 (coefficient). The result will be the mass (kg) of the grout required for 1 sq. M. For example, with a width of a seam 2-3 mm and a tile area of \u200b\u200b0.04 sq. M. One kilogram of grouts. You have enough for 3.5 sq.m.

Let's sum up

As an output, we can say that the definition of the area for laying tiles is not always efficient and accurate, especially with small size sizes. Apply in small rooms the calculation formula is also too difficult and inappropriate. Better to produce pivot calculations.

In the above examples, for the simplicity of the calculation and understanding of its principle itself, the sizes of a typical apartment and one-color ceramics were taken for the initial data without decor and borders. These examples are quite enough to calculate the required amount of the tile using the rules described in different colors, when installing borders, etc.

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    Denis said:

    You affect commentators. You really did not guess how to calculate the number of pieces without this article? In the article, unfortunately, the themes did not touch: what kind of tile size to choose which wall to take for the database to cut the pieces did not have to.

    Sergey said (a):

    The one who wrote an article is probably a genius. I could not imagine that everything is so simple! Just reached the repair of the bathroom, I thought that I could not cope at all. Well, not at all my profile. It turned out that everything is just like that! Now I can check people in construction stores, do not try to knock me much more tiles than I really need. This information really turned out to be very useful and timely.

    Konstantin said (a):

    For the most accurate calculation, in order not to unnecessary material costs, initially decide on the choice of tiles. Knowing its size, mathematically, it will simply calculate the exact number of tiles on a certain surface, which will save your waste. We also do not forget to take into account and throw out when calculating the interlocking seam. Since the tile does not put the joint in the junction, and when laying under the "cross" there remains a gap from 2 to 5 mm.

    Tilenov said (a):

    Calculations for the bathroom in the comments are not quite correct. Since the modern tile is performed in such sizes - for the floor 30x30, for the walls 20x3 0, etc. Although it is necessary to consider this:
    Half-length 2.50m. - It is 8 rows of 30 cm. \u003d 2.40+ 10cm. Condition.
    The width is 1m. - this is 3 rows + 10 cm. Underlooking, Total: 8 x 3 \u003d 24 pcs + trimming 8 + 4 \u003d 12 We divide to 2 (the middle will most likely have to throw out) \u003d 6pc.
    On the floor 30pcs + stock 4pcs.
    Wall-width 2.5 + 2.5 + 1 + 1-0.75 (doors) \u003d 625 mm. - 32 rows of tiles in 20cm.
    Height 2.5 to 30cm. \u003d 8.5 rows
    32 x 8.5 \u003d 272 pcs.

When purchasing materials for repair, you need to know exactly how much the material is necessary. If you buy more, you will drag money, but if you buy less, the repair will have to be suspended to purchase the required amount. Some materials are manufactured by limited series, and there is probability simply not to find the desired drawing or texture. Purchase of tiles is no exception: the exact calculation will allow to complete the work on time and without additional costs.


The calculation of the required number of tiled squares is not a simple process. It is necessary to maximally carefully produce all measurements and calculations depending on the characteristics of the room, the laying method and the size of the tile itself. You should not count on the fact that the tile can always be purchased, because even different batch of one species may differ with a touch or texture.

So that the tiles are exactly enough on the entire surface, you should immediately buy a little moreWhat happened by calculation, as in some areas of the room, the tiles are required and trimmed, customizing the ornament.

When calculating, it is necessary to take into account that the seam between the floor's tile and the wall material does not remain so that irregularities are not visible.

What is important to consider when calculating?

To begin with, the total surface area on which the tile of one species will be laid. If it is a floor or ceiling, you need to multiply a width for a length, if these are walls, then you need to multiply their length to height. Measurements are carried out using a conventional roulette, the data is written on the paper sheet. To prevent an error or reveal the curvature, you can produce several measurements on different parts of the wall or floor. Calculate the area is better in square meters, and then divide it on the area of \u200b\u200bone ceramic tile, the dimensions of which are also translated into meters. Thus, it will be minimal amount of material without taking into account the cutting, combining pattern or marriage accounting.

Laying tiles diagonally allows you to hide even essential floor and wall defectsHowever, when calculating the laying in this way it is necessary to lay a larger percentage on trimming and waste: 15-17% depending on whether it is necessary to customize the drawing on the tile. A private variant of the diagonal placement of the tile is the "Christmas tree". There are two options for such styling: in one first tile placed parallel to the walls and laying goes into a diagonal; In the other, the first tile goes at an angle and the laying falls perpendicular to the walls.

In cases of laying paving slabs, it is best to lay 10 percent for defects during transportation and laying. Such tile is quite fragile and easily splits into parts. It is also much more difficult to calculate the exact dimensions of the area of \u200b\u200bthe access road or path to the gazebo, because it is not a square room, clearly limited by the walls, but the object of complex shape.

At the same time, with the calculations of the amount of ceramics, you can also find out the required amount of grouting for tiled seams - Fugges. Calculate an approximate amount of fugue, like tiles, you can use special online calculators. They need to introduce already calculated data on the area, and the program itself will consider everything, given the percentage of marriage. And you can use the various calculated formulas, according to which the average cost of the fugue is 1.6 kg / m3. Often manufacturers write the average tile glue consumption and grouts right on the package.

Such a calculation can also be used, but for this it will be necessary to produce it right in the store.

How to calculate?

The easiest way to calculate the number of tiles is, of course, use online calculators to calculate. However, even in the case of using such a program, it is necessary to correctly measure all the necessary values, and the Internet may not be at hand, so it is better to know and be able to use several types of counting.

Standard counting

The easiest way to finish is the usual square tile of one color or with a non-combined pattern (for example, under marble or tree). In case of laying such a material, you can start working from any angle and not to select the position of each tile before applying glue.

Such ceramics can be cut from all sides and use any of its trimming.

  • Step 1. The length of the walls is measured and the total length of the perimeter is calculated. If the room has a complex form, it is necessary to take into account all the protrusions and niches.
  • Step 2. The height is measured, all the values \u200b\u200bobtained are rounded to a centimeter.
  • Step 3. From the obtained value, the area of \u200b\u200bwindows and doors is deducted, since these surfaces are not replaced by tiles. If there is laying of tiles on the ceiling, then the ceiling area is calculated.
  • Step 4. If the decorative bathroom screen will also be reversed with tiles, then its area also needs to be calculated. And if the bath is installed near the wall, then the surfaces that will not be seen after installation, in order to save it, you can not lay out tiles.
  • Step 5.Lay percentage of marriage and waste when installing. It will be enough to increase the resulting figure by 10 percent to take into account all the factors that can affect the consumption of the material: the work of the novice or professional, the presence of pipes and thresholds, chess or diagonal layout.

Example: There is a premises of the following dimensions:

  • 2 m - the length of one wall;
  • 2.5 m - the length of the second wall;
  • 2.8 m - ceiling height;
  • the door with a height of 2 m and a width of 0.8 m;
  • a window with a length of 0.8 m and a height of 0.8 m.

Thus, the floor area and all four walls are obtained: 2 * 2.5 + 2 * 2 * 2.8 + 2 * 2.5 * 2.8 \u003d 30.2 m2.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe window is 0.8 * 0.8 \u003d 0.64 m2, and the door area is 2 * 0.8 \u003d 1.6 m2.

Now the area of \u200b\u200bone door and one windows are subtracted from the resulting number, which are 1.6 m2 and 0.64 m2, respectively: 30.2-1.6-0.64 \u003d 27.96 m2. The decorative screen of the bathroom will not be decorated with a cafeter, so it is not needed its area. If you add another 10 percent to this number, then the finished area is 30.76 m2.

The area of \u200b\u200bone square of the medium-sized tile (30x30 cm) is 0.09 m2. If you divide the resulting surface area to a single square area, 342 whole tiles will be obtained. And already depending on how many tiles in one package, the number of packages that will be needed for facing the floor and walls of this room is calculated.

With fitting in drawing

If the bathroom uses a border insert tile, or a tile, different in size and material, then make calculation in a simple way will not work. First you also need to calculate the square of the walls and the floor minus the area of \u200b\u200bwindows and doors. Then all the elements alternate with the ranks from the lower to the top, lay out one flat column to the entire height of the finish section.

We measure the width of the received column and divide the perimeter to the resulting value, thus obtaining the number of such columns in full laying. Next, we determine the total area of \u200b\u200bthe tiles of each type in such a column and multiply on the number of columns, resulting out in the previous action. And at the end already add 15 percent for marriage and fitting pattern. This method is not very accurate, because it does not take into account that in the locations of the windows and doors of the columns will be incomplete and the unequal amount of various types of tiles will be excluded.

Another option is more accurate.It is necessary to calculate the entire area at once, on which the material of one species will be laid. The resulting result is divided into the area of \u200b\u200bone tile of the desired size and then the number of tiles that will cover this area are obtained.

For this option, the calculation of the amount of the tile will sufficiently take into account 10 percent for fitting and marriage.

Multi-way products

There is a tile enough complex shape as colors and various patterns. Calculate the area of \u200b\u200bone such tile is almost impossible due to the combination of smooth lines with sharp corners and cutouts. Sometimes the manufacturer indicates a package which approximately the area covers one such tile, but often such information is simply not. In order not to buy such a tile "on the eye", the exact plan of the room should be drawn in which laying will be made. Then carefully depict one such tile on an appropriate scale, after which you can draw a complete cladding according to the scheme that was selected initially.

If only one color is used, it will be used to simply calculate the resulting number of items. If several colors are used, you will have to color the drawing with the corresponding colors, and calculate how much the tiles of one or another color will turn out. Then it is necessary to add 10-15 percent for marriage and fit.

This method applies and in the case of the use of the decor, different from the size of the main tile.

It is necessary to apply the decor elements first on the scheme, and then determine how much the number of main tiles is placed on the intersection with them, and subtract them from the total volume.

Separate complexity of the calculation appears when using tiles with facet. Facets are sites located around the perimeter of the tile. Such products look expressive and bulky than ordinary flat squares. Especially well, the Futs look at a tile, having a smooth mirror surface. The wall laid out by such a tile will visually expand a small room and evenly dispel the light around the perimeter. The complexity is that this type of tile can not be trimmed so as not to spoil the appearance. The floor and the angles of the room should be perfectly smooth, and the size of the material should be selected so that only the number of required tile squares can be obtained.

When counting the tile, it is necessary for all the cropped tiles in the corners or along the walls as integers. Otherwise, the risk is increasing that the planned material is not enough to cladding the surface.

Before laying the tile, it is necessary to align the surface of the walls, Paul and ceiling, if the tile will also be laid on it. For this, various self-leveling mixtures and plaster solutions are used. First, all work on equalization is performed, all wet surfaces dry out, and only then the area is measured.

For greater savings or creating original design of the bathroom, you can bind exclusively "wet zone". In places of constant contact of water with walls and floors, the tile is stacked, and the rest of the surface is processed by moisture-resistant paint or plastic panels are mounted. In this case, it is necessary to take only the area of \u200b\u200bthis "wet zone" to calculate.

If the area of \u200b\u200bone square of the tile is not yet known, it is possible to calculate the surface area that will be facing. Most often in stores, the tile is fusing a pack on the coating area of \u200b\u200b0.5 m2 or 1m2, so it will be easy to calculate how many packages will be required.

The calculator itself is slightly lower if you are not interested in the theoretical part. The trim of the bathroom tile becomes almost the only acceptable way to facing the surfaces of plumbing rooms.

In this regard, it is important to know how to calculate the tile in the bathroom using a calculator specially designed for this purpose by our programmers.

Such a calculation allows you to purchase materials in the desired quantity to optimize your costs.

Such cladding of walls in a bathroom room can be laid the most in many ways, the choice of which depends on many factors, including the design of the material, its size and texture.

Of course, one of the decisive factors is the readiness of the performer and its professional training.

Calculate Tile Bathroom - Calculator

How to calculate the online calculator - preliminary considerations

The program provides for the calculation of the need for tile when laying it with a standard method, then-eating with rows parallel to the floor horizontal location of the decorative insert (decorum). Despite the large number of sizes applied to the schemes of bathrooms should be borne in mind that not all of them are required to fill.

For example, if only one window in the bathroom does not need to fill in the size L3 and L4 or L9 and L10; If there are no windows at all, the dimensions L1 and L2 are also not filled. If the length of the walls 1 and 3 (scheme1) and, respectively, 2 and 4 (scheme2) are the same, then the size of the LB1 is not filled. With the inequality of the long walls, the size of one of the short sides is calculated by the program. The decorative tile should be laid after a full (non-cut) row of the main tile.

Under the "distance to the decor", the size of the floor is implied to the upper edge of the decorative insert, taking into account the number and width of the seams between the tiles. If the decor is missing, all the dimensions related to it are not entered! If it is necessary to cover the tile of walls of the walls behind the bathroom, you should specify it by clicking the mouse in the square button with the corresponding question (under the schema); A check mark will appear on the button; It can be removed by re-clicking.

Thus, the dimensions of LH, LB2, LB3, L5, L6, L8, L8 sizes are mandatory for filling the size of the bath and tile, the seam width between the tiles. The size of L7 is indicated if the tile will start under the door platbands. The size of the LB3 may be larger than the bath. The height of the room (LH) must take into account the plinth.

Calculation is performed taking into account that the tile is laid down upwards from left to right.

Diagonal Bathroom Facing Method

In this method, you can stick the facing of any size - both square and rectangular. Of great importance in the performance of work in this way, the professional training and qualifications of the Contractor has.

Bathroom facing diagonally has several advantages and some disadvantages. To the positive parties include the following:

  1. The rotated position of the plates in relation to each other visually divides intersecting planes, creating an illusion of a wider space than it really is. This is important when the finish of a small room is being conducted.
  2. The combination of shades, patterns, drawings on the plates makes it possible to create the original design of the room.
  3. When diagonal installation in the bathroom, the difference in the sizes of the wall of the wall is partially closed, which contributes to the inclined position of the lines.

At the same time, there are some negative points:

  1. The complexity and complexity of the installation due to the large number of cutting operations. Complex, cutting and placement of individual parts with a slope require the master of a certain experience of performing such work.
  2. When cutting out parts diagonally, the corners often occurs, which requires additional refinement with a sequel.

Preparatory work on surfaces

Before starting work on laying cladding in a bathroom room, it is necessary to evaluate the condition of the surfaces of the surfaces:

  1. First of all, the geometric dimensions of the walls are checked. Each surface must be strictly rectangular if this condition is not performed, the walls need to be aligned, up to the installation of drywall.

  1. Throw and irregularities on the walls of the walls should also be aligned. Orthodoxing to three millimeters depth can be leveled with tiled glue in the process of its laying. Deviations from flatness to seven millimeters depth is better to be hidden using putty.
  2. Rights depth from ten millimeters and more, it is necessary to eliminate the walls of the walls with water-resistant plasterboard.

It should be noted that the alignment of the walls is necessarily before using any methods for laying the trim in the bathroom.

And one more general wish concerning the preparation of surfaces. Before the start of the facing, they must be primed by divorced in the ratio of 1: 3 with tiled glue. However, this action should be done, coordinating with the instructions - the use of tiled glue, for different compositions, the requirement may be different.

Diagonal installation of finishing on the wall

We do not accidentally offer to begin with wall decoration. If during the repair the first to put the floor finish, the remaining work will have to be produced by moving on a new coating, which can cause damage.

The cost of covering the walls of ceramics is expensive. How to calculate the number of tiles in the bathroom to avoid unnecessary expenses? Diagonal accommodation involves its location with a solid cloth with the cutting of the smallest fragments.

Therefore, this method, with high laboriousness, is considered the most economical. Only spoiled with cutting parts fall into waste. Therefore, to calculate the coating into the room with the bathroom, it is enough to calculate the total area of \u200b\u200bthe walls, and, just in case, add about 5% per battle and marriage.

Facing in the bathroom room should be started from the wall opposite to the front door. When laying diagonally, it is necessary to start from the vertical axis. Package is made from the initial part in both sides evenly with the installation of distant crossing crosses on the seams.

They are inserted between the plates two pieces to the side. The thickness of the laptice of a 1.5 millimeter paw.

Stacking technology as follows:

  1. A portion of glue is applied to the prepared surface of the wall sufficient to install 2-3 plates. The glue is aligned on the wall with a toothed spatula, its width must be equal, and better if more part of the part of the part. The ridge lines on the adhesive layer should not be intersected with each other, since the air bubble may form in this place.

  1. On the glue there is a tile and tightly pressed against it. The initial plate must be carefully set on the plane: it must be installed at the same distance from the wall around the perimeter. Corners of the part installed diagonally, proper placed strictly on the axial vertical line marked earlier.
  2. When the plate is skewed, alignment must be pressed on it. In extreme cases, it is possible to be aspired by her cautious tapping of the rubber inquiry.
  3. The following elements are installed triangular fragments from the tile, cut in half diagonally. In the gap between the plates, plastic crosses are installed - two pieces on the side. The coincidence of the plane of each subsequent part is controlled by a short bubble level, and the overall flatness is long construction.

  1. The top end of the facing is formed completely cutting fragments, so it needs to be separated by cornisic elements. You can pick up the cornices in size and forms in the construction market.
  2. Responsible operation - cutting plates - produced on a special adaptation - stovetur. Of course, it is possible to use glass cutter, but it is much more difficult to obtain the necessary cutting quality.

The diagonal laying of the coating in the bathroom allows the most advanced composition in decoratively.

We put the chess pattern

With this method of placement of the tile, the seams between the individual plates are located parallel to the intersections of the walls. This method assumes cutting plates into the size of the remaining gap.

This is not economical, especially if they are decorated with an asymmetrical pattern and remnants have to be thrown away. Therefore, chess laying is used for tiles of small diameter and different colors, which allows you to create original compositions.

But before using the online calculator, it is necessary to produce all the measurements of the room and get a clear idea for yourself about your bathroom.

How to use an online calculator calculating tiles?

This program is represented as a table in which it is necessary to make data on their own bath:

  1. Geometric room parameters - length, room width and height of the finish.
  2. Dimensions of the doorway.
  3. The size of the window opening.
  4. Dimensional bath parameters.
  5. Side walls of the bath - bind? - "well no".
  6. Select type type. There are several options: classical, monophonic - provides for the use of a single color tile, combined - a few colors are used.

The data on the parameters of the bathroom placing such as the height of the walls, etc. Entered in meters.

The dimensions of the doorways for the door and windows are subtracted from the total area to be finished.

Dimensions of the focus - it is necessary to specify whether the sidewall is subject to finishing, and the floor under the bath.

Layout options:

  • the classic method provides for the decoration of the room with a material of several colors, shared using a border;
  • with a monotonic finish, the use of decorated inserts is envisaged;
  • with a combined version for finishing, the use of plates of three or more colors is envisaged.

Thus, the built-in calculator gives a wide range of opportunities for the implementation of its designer designs.

The size of the plates must be indicated in millimeter units. Decorated plates are taken into account by the piece.

To calculate the needs of materials for borders, their location is taken into account throughout the coverage of the forming during the horizontal laying, as well as throughout the vertical.

It is also necessary to specify the stock of the main material - it is usually laid a value of 5-10% of the total.

We put with a displacement

This method will be applied quite often, including in combination with those described above. There is nothing fundamentally new such method in the technology of laying does not bring.

The cost of the need for materials remains the same - respectively covered area. This method of laying resembles brickwork and most approved when working with a rectangular monophonic tile.

But the method using mosaic inserts gives an undoubted advantage.

The effect of displaced lines makes it possible to make laying defects less noticeable.

Finishing work

Finishing operations do not depend on the method of laying. In any option, you will need to close the seams between the tiles. For this, a special material is manufactured - grout.

It is usually sold in finished form, packaged in banks. Each manufacturer recommends a certain variety of this material and these tips should be followed.

Application of grouts in the surmise space is made by an elastic rubber spatula. Having gained a little mass on the tip of this tool, it is necessary to rub it into the slot in the transverse direction.

When the gap is evenly filled to the entire depth, we clean the spatula and the longitudinal movement release the surface of the tile from the residues of the grout. After you can use a wet sponge and completely clean the surface.

How to take into account door and window openings

In the built-in calculators, this calculation operation is laid into a program that automatically and correctly calculates the amount of tiles, which would be located in these places.

But if the calculation is made independently, it suffices to take into account the total area of \u200b\u200bfree openings and divide it on the area of \u200b\u200bone tile. The resulting result in pieces of plates should be deducted from the number of materials for coating a total area.

At the same time, there is no need to take into account the method of laying - remember that about 5% of the reserve is always laid into the calculation. He will serve as a compensating factor on the error in the calculation.

Calculate the need for plastic corners

When working on each side of the tile, two crosses are installed. At the same time, each pair works on two tiles. The simplest calculation: the number of tiles is divided into two and get the required number of inserts.

The result is multiplied by 15-20%, because this little thing has a taste of running in the course of work. The costs of them are so scrub in comparison with the rest, what about them would not be worth it.

Calculate the needs for glue and grout

The issue of grouting for tiles in the bathroom can be considered purely theoretically. After all, its number is as insignificant as the cross-strokes.

The flow rate of this material is indicated on the package, and it is possible to navigate when purchasing this data.

Another thing is tile glue. It can be sold in the form of a dry mix in bags and packages, or in the finished form in plastic buckets. Naturally, the rate of consumption per square meter is available on the package. But this is averaged indicator.

Actual consumption may be somewhat different, it depends on the quality of the covered surface. If there are multiple places where the tile has to be aligned due to the thickness of the adhesive layer, the consumption of the binder for its installation will be significantly elevated.


Sometimes it is very difficult to imagine how your bathroom will look after repair. Many people, by virtue of the warehouse of thinking, are not able to see the tile, imagine how it will look indoors. Of course, you can look at the interior options offered by the manufacturer designers and make one-in-one ... But this option is often not suitable, as the premises in the design interiors are rarely in size and forms coincide with real, typical bathrooms.

How to understand, this or that tile is suitable for you, or not? The first option is to agree on a meeting with the designer in one of the stores. With specialized programs, according to your size, you will create a virtual layout of the tile. Of the minuses - you will have to buy a tile in this store, you will spend a lot of time with the designer, because People rarely understand each other from the first word. And the more tile options you are considering - the more time you spend.

The second option is to learn how to work with tile layout programs. Unfortunately, the programs are completely paid, and there may be much time to study.

The third option is to use our service for self-laying tiles. It is absolutely free, allows not only to visualize the color combinations of the tile, but also to calculate the required amount in detail, taking into account the savings on the trimming tiles. On how to make the layout of the tile in this service we will tell on this page.

To create layout you will need:

  • Dimensions of all walls indoors
  • Doorway size. If the door is installed, then the width of the door canvase must be added to 10 cm, to the height 5cm.
  • Bath size. Length is usually equal to the length of the wall to which the bath is adjacent. We also need width and height. The height of the bath, as a rule, is regulated by legs, so you need to decide on the desired height.
  • Tile collection.

Start creating layout

Go to the Collection page, the layout of which you want to do. Find the "Create Rock up" button on the page and click it. The tile layout creation program will start.


At the top there are tabs on which the control and settings buttons are grouped.

Parameters of the room

On the "Room Setup" tab, click on the button. A dialog box opens, allowing you to enter the size settings. Please note that when you change these parameters, all entered data will be reset. Therefore, you need to enter them at the very beginning of working with the layout service. When entering the size of the room in the workspace, the walls of the room will be displayed in accordance with the dimensions entered. After installing the size, using the scale changes, increase or decrease the layout of the screen size for a comfortable continuation of working with layout.

Installing objects

On the "Room Objects" tab, you can place a bath, sink, mirror, door in your room. When you click on the icons with an image of an object, a dialog box will open for entering the size and position of the object indoor. The input results will be displayed in the layout work area.

Mesh calculating tiles, installation of borders, mosaics

On the Tile tab, you can displaced the tiles mesh, change the reference direction (vertically, horizontally), install borders and mosaic. The size of the calculation mesh cell is automatically calculated based on the size of the base tile.

  • Default direction (vertically or horizontally)

    The tile can be laid as "lying" and "standing", if it allows the pattern of decorative elements and the size of borders. To change the reference direction, click on the wall image on which you want to change the reference direction, and then click on the first button with the image of two arrows. If the reference direction needs to be changed from all walls, then do this operation for each wall.

  • Mesh shift, sizes of the first tile, extreme tile, under the control

    Beautiful laying of tiles involves uniform trimming tiles on the left and right side, centering of decorative elements, fitting the seams to the height of the installation of the bath and much more. You can do all this intensifying the wall by clicking the mouse over its image, and then with the buttons with the image of the arrows (). Image direction Arrow indicates which direction the setting mesh will be shifted. Shift step - 1 cm.

  • Borders and Mosaic

    Bordeurists are narrow decorative elements, usually installed for a harmonious transition between tiles of various colors, as well as for zoning the room. Installation of borders within one wall should be full length or height of the wall, otherwise the geometry of the tile layout will be shifted, which is extremely ugly. Installation of borders is made by pressing the button with the image of two solid vertical (for vertical,) or horizontal lines (). When you click on the button opens the dialog box in which you first select the wall number on which you need to install a curb, then in the list of available curbs - border, and then using the buttons with the arrows up and down, move the row with a border higher or lower. When installing the mosaic (buttons and), it is available to set the width of a row of a mosaic.

Laying tile

On the "Outlet" tab, you install tiles on your walls edited in previous steps. Read more about the possibilities of this step and controls:

  • Color change seam

    To improve the visual perception of the calculation, you can change the color of the interlocking seam. To change, press the "Seam Color" button, and in the dialog box that opens, select the desired color. Unfortunately, the color of the seams cannot be changed for individual rows or tiles. The resulting result you will immediately see in the workspace.

  • Color Background Wall

    To improve the visual perception of the calculation, you can change the color of the wall background. For example, when the tile has a monophonic gray, it is hard to see the places where you did not install the tile. By changing the background color to darker or light, you will immediately see empty display areas. To change, click on the "Background" button, and in the dialog box that opens, select the desired color.

  • Select tile for installation

    To select the tiles you want to post, click on the "Tile Select" button. A dialog box appears on which the tiles images will be located. For convenience, the tiles are divided by tabs with titles of tile types - the usual (basic, background) tile, decorates - tiles with a pattern and panels - sets of tiles with a pattern sharing the finished drawing or composition. The selection of the tile is made by clicking on the image. The selected tile is displayed at the top of the service.

  • Tile turn 180 degrees

    In some cases, it is necessary to accurately indicate the direction of laying the tile with a pattern for a beautiful docking of their drawing. This provides for the option of coupling tiles for 180 degrees. At the top of the service there is a checkbox with the inscription "Flip" (check mark / bird field). With the option turned on, the entire installed tile will be turned over 180 degrees relative to its image.

  • The process of installing tiles on the wall

    Selecting the tile, just hover the mouse on the wall where you want to install a tile. In the right place, click the mouse, the image of the tile will be installed in this place. To cancel the installation, click in this place again - the tile will be removed.

  • Reflection of calculations

    In addition to the visual display of the location of the tiles on the walls, the service also calculates the amount of tiles consumed. Moreover, if, depending on the browser settings, there is a possibility of a slight distortion of the picture, the calculations are completely based on the mathematical calculation of the coordinates of each object. You can see the calculations by clicking on the "Show Settings" button in the upper right corner. The results will be displayed in the form of a consolidated table under the images of the walls. The table contains information on the number of entire tiles (C), cut vertically (PB), horizontally (RG), cut in two planes (RVG), the area of \u200b\u200bactual laying required by the quantity.

    When calculating the required amount of tiles, based on the optimal circumstance consumption algorithm, the amount of entire tiles for the calculation is calculated (in other words, the laying of cropping without overspending) is calculated. In the case of cutting tiles in two trim planes are considered unsuitable for use.

    You can independently check the correctness of the calculations by clicking on the mouse in the settlement table in the cells with the number of the required tile - the tiles on the walls will be marked with a red fill. Repeated click will remove this fill.

Tile layout creation video

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