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Living room in gray olive tones. Olive living room - photo of the most unusual color solutions in the living room. On a small kitchen

How to get olive color? Olive color is a mixture of green, yellow and gray. And nothing else. Many argue that olive is "dark green" or even "dirty green." But the other, more proper definition Olive simply does not exist. The color I consider in this article is considered classic for modern interior designs. At the same time, it is quite problematic to use it. The reason for this is the active absorption of light, followed by the darkening of the entire room space. To save olive color from the negative, it is necessary to combine it with other compensating shades. What color is combined with olive? I will tell about this below. website

Olive I. brown color in the interior

Despite the fact that olives in chocolate are still a dish, in the interior plan, these two colors look just great. The reason for this is their ideal combination. But! I remind you of what is like olive, brown is also a "eater" of lighting. To prevent this, it is necessary to make light into the room yourself. It is better to do this not using lighting sources, but using conventional white inserts or white decorative elements. For example, in the case of olive color Walls or curtains and sofas, upholstered brown cloth and other furniture, snow-white pillows or light paintings in white frames on the walls will not interfere. The interior at the same time will gain not only light, but also some kindness. I would generally recommended experimenting with an olive chocolate combination only if there are many in the room big windowsFlooding.

The combination of olive and beige

If the chocolate color is too drastic for you, you can replace it with a more neutral beige, which, besides, is lighter. Instead of beige, you can also use a cream or any similar shade of a sweet palette. Cream can be both a ceiling and additional accessories. Also, in this case, the elements of the color of coffee with milk will not damage. Is it worth saying that they should not prevail in the interior. If there are no big windows in the room, then it is possible to spread a lot of light sources. But this lighting must necessarily be neutral, and maybe the daily. Yellow light of traditional light bulbs can create an unfavorable picture.

The combination of olive with other green colors

Color olive and green. Subject to the use of sufficient lighting, as well as if there is a white, you can actively combine the color of olive oil with all the shades of green, including Pistashkov, creating such an ecological interior. Many of my familiar designers to achieve maximum naturalness, recommend green inserts to do alive. For example, you can put a small decorative tree on the table, or lay a rug, very resembling a real lawn. In combination with dark olive, such inserts will look impressive. Light olive color is generally friendly with a fruit palette. But since this combination may seem too pressing and saturated, then use an additional third color, which can be terracotta, ash, ocher color, fruit straw, etc.

Olive color in the interior with white

I have already said that white color is actively used with gently - olive as inserted or accent. However, no one prevents you from creating strictly elite olive white interiorin which both white and olive color will be equivalent. The combination is simply expedited, especially if you decide to equip a white glossy floor. In this case, I would also recommend you to use wine-red or brushing inserts that will make the interior more cheerful. But do not overdo it. Red is a heavy color, and if there is a lot of it, calm olive will be completely interrupted.

Olive color, photo:

Olive kitchen:

Olive color wallpaper:

Bedroom in olive color:

When planning the interior design, it is necessary to consider the color gamut, because the color creates a psychological attitude and allows you to visually change the parameters and the configuration of the room.

If you plan to use olive color in the living room interior, you will need to take into account the combination of colors, because olive color in combination with different shades can create a different atmosphere.

White. The classic version of the combination of olive and white will allow you to visually enlarge the room, making the living room incredibly elegant.

Blue. Quite interesting options for using olive with all shades of blue ranging from a gentle blue ending with saturated turquoise. However, such a combination refers to difficult, so pick up the tone is very careful, perfect option depicts an olive living room with turquoise textiles.

The black. The black color is perfectly combined with olive, emphasizing style and elegance. Depending on the dosage of black, you can make the design of sexual or strict and business.

Red. This color can be used very carefully in separate elements Olive interior.

Yellow. Yellow color palette will make a warm and light any room. In addition, yellow color is able to increase the room. The olive living room interior will look brighter if it is supplemented with yellow accessories.

However, it is important to take into account that a large number of Decor. yellow color May be quickly tired, causing a desire to leave the room. Thus, yellow in the olive interior must be in moderation.

Light colors. Choosing, with which color it is better to combine olive color in the living room you need to pay attention to what exactly it is to be.

So, if the room is located with a cold northern side, then the warmth will give her warm shades of pink and cherry. Make a comfortable living room located on the south side light blue shades.

Interior of the living room of olive

The living room is one room, creating an interior that can be allowed to experiment.

In the event that you are not too long in the living room, but only when you arrange festive events or meet friends over a cup of tea, you can afford to create unusual design interior in the most original color combinations, for example, interesting option Living Olive supplemented with flowers as scarlet, black and, of course, white.

So, wall surfaces can be colored olive paint and furnish the room with white furniture. Also olive walls It can be combined with floor coating of black and black furniture, diluting the interior with bright colors accessories.

The living room in olive color is perfectly combined with chocolate furniture and textiles in white tones. The interior, in such a color decision looks extraordinarily elegant and stylish.

Since the olive color itself darkens the room and visually makes it less, experienced designers recommend the living room completely in olive tones only if the room is quite spacious and well lit.

Make the olive interior is brighter and warm, if two main colors supplement the third, which will act as an accent.

For example, the living room in the olive tones of the photo, which can be viewed in the catalog will be brighter if it is supplemented with yellow sofa pads or a beautiful yellow outdoor vase.

The living room will look original in which olive walls and white furniture diluted with elements of the decor of orange color. This combination will make the atmosphere of the living room warm and positive.


Regarding the practicality of olive shades, it can be said that this is the most practical color gamut in which the randomly scattered crumbs will be invisible or the abandoned little speck if the dark shade of olive color is chosen, the traces of dirt and dust will not be even noticeable.

Especially relevant flooring in olive gray tones or with patterns of dark olive color, because in this case you save yourself from daily cleaning and washing the floors. After all, on the floor will not be visible dust or hair.

Stock Foto Living room olive

There were a long time in the summer, when a calm olive shade was considered boring and uninteresting. Olive color in the interior of today is playing a very prominent role. The combination of olive color requires compliance with some rules, but if everything is done correctly, the result will delight even the most demanding esthete.

Rules for using olive color in the interior

This color is composite, get it when mixing three components - green, gray and yellow. If we put olive on simple components, it creates blue, yellow and gray. Depending on the proportions, different shades of olive are distinguished.

  • The psychological value of color is quite modest. Olive - color of calm and stability. As a relationship with energetic and young green, olive is a more mature and conservative shade, thanks to the presence of stabilizing gray.
  • Use it for registration modern interiors Acquired popularity not so long ago. If you decide to try out this tint, it will not be familiar with several basic rules for creating olive interiors.
  • This color absorbs light streams, which means that the abundance of this shade in the design of the room can make it dark and boring, if not to take additional measures. It is necessary to ensure good lighting, and for artificial illumination to use the lamps of the warm speaker. Cold light will make the interior lifeless.
  • It is very desirable to the presence of white, which helps to highlight the interior, make it expressive. The connection of white and olive color looks incredibly elegant.

  • To create accents, it is recommended to use bright and clean color TintsThat will give the room in nature, emphasize the necessary accents and will help olive color to reveal to the fullest.
  • The more like juicy and bold contrasts will be used, the brighter the room will look. In a strict design room, the number of contrast accessories can be minimized by choosing cold shades of purple, blue, blue-green colors for them. As a dynamic addition, golden or bronze can act.

This room is very well suited for registration in olive tones. They give a space for a variety of ideas and color combinations, from strict and cool, to original and even perky. Change the mood of the olive living room will be very easy, just replacing the accessory set. What combinations of olive color gamut can be recommended for the living room?

  • Olive and white is the most traditional, and, at the same time, a win-win connection. White well highlights even gloomy shades, gives space and freedom of the interior, while remaining within the borders of elegance and good taste.
  • A serious advantage of this combination is high level Its combinators. If you add bright orange and red accents, a juicy interior in the autumn tones will be obtained. The presence of blue and purple will make the design of the cool and sophisticated aristocratic. Brown and golden tones will give comfort and comfortable.

  • The complex structure of olive color, literally, pushes to the selection of the same difficult companions. Dark gray has a special attractiveness for olive interiors. The result of such a tandem will be the interior noble, unusual, with a complex and multivalued character.
  • Rarely such a duo costs without additional colors. As an accent, you can often see beige, creamy, brown. The muffled terracotta and coral look good.
  • The combination of gray and olive can be chosen if you are firmly confident of your strength and ability to manage with the color elements, otherwise this duet will roll in boring statics. Well will help in creating a gray-olive interior textured variety. Brick masonry, raw stone, natural wood structure and coarse linen weaving will provide dynamic development of the image of the premises.

  • One of the warmest and comfortable combinations for olive interior is a connection with various shades of orange. These can be bold accessories of a clean and shining shade, but much more often when creating olive interiors, tones of muffled gamma are used with brown.
  • The result of such a compound is the most favorable. Tints of orange add the necessary olive heat, canceling its excessive official. On the other hand, olive does not exist too much to turn around the hotness and dynamics of orange tones. The result is harmonious and comfortable in all respects the interior picture. It does not interfere with traditional white and brown notes, which provide additional depth image.

In addition to a very common combination with white, for trim bedrooms Actively used some more successful and very stylish color combinations.

  • Olive and beige. This composition is distinguished by a pleasant feeling of space and, at the same time, warm and comfortable, which, as it is not more appropriate in the bedroom atmosphere. When creating such a design, beige can act as a background. Especially active it is used in textile design.
  • If I want to give the bedroom more expressiveness, revive the interior, to make it not only in the peaceful, but also interesting, you can use expressive color accents. Bright accessories made of glass and metal look especially good, they will dynamically complement any design.

  • Olive and brown - another combination, harmonious from nature. It will remind over the solar heat of the olive groves of Spain. In the borders of one room olive and brown are complemented by light sample color. Most often on this role, white, beige. Light shades of gray are also suitable, but best of all they look, if the base olive is greater than the yellow-green. If mouse-olive tone is taken as the base, then the additional presence of gray will discolor the color gamut.
  • Olive is perfectly combined with all the shades of brown. In the presence of warm and saturated amber tones, olive and itself becomes brighter. Such a bedroom as if he carries the reflections sun ray, creating a filled and rich interior.

  • Olive and red is a combination that will help create a rich and stylish interior in distinctly warm, autumn tones. As a rule, it is not scarlet tint to create such a bedroom, but more muted tones - bordeaux, rowan, berry. The density and saturation of such paints are great in order to emphasize the shy depth of olive color.
  • In order for the interior being created too dark, it is possible to add light shade in it - beige, white, cream. In such combinations olive is used warmly shadescontaining more green tones.
  • Another frequent companion for red-olive interiors is a coffee tint of brown. It is used as a contrast, creating the clarity of the designer image.

Color combinations for the kitchen, in which olive color plays the main role, became very popular a few years ago. Based on combinations of olive and classic options, and kitchens in the Mediterranean, European and even strict Scandinavian style.

  • Olive and plum. The combination is quite unusual, but practical, original and comfortable for perception. Both composite colors are distinguished by natural beauty. In combinations with complex and dark plums, it is best to use a gentle shade of olive.
  • In such color combination You can create stylish kitchen In retro style or classic. Horizontal working surfaces can be performed in a dark drain tone, which will make them not only original, but also practical in use.

  • One of the most popular combinations of olive kitchen is its composition with different shades of brown. For those who love the original reading of images, you can recommend connecting yellow-olive with a chocolate tone. If at the same time dark surfaces make glass or glossy, the interior will acquire a dynamics and modern emphasis.
  • For those who prefer comfort, convenience and a good mood in the kitchen, the connection of olive and color is suitable natural wood. It is pleasant to cook at such a kitchen and simply located, so do not be surprised if for all family members this room will become one of the most beloved.

  • For the design of the kitchen, the most popular combination is often used - olive and white, it is well suited for small premises. In modern Kitchens of High-Tech style together with gray and brown Frequently used olive, as a color accent. The rigor and the density of this color is not better fits into the style concept of high-tec.
  • IN kitchen decoration Most often you can find or pastel shade of olive color, or, on the contrary, thick and rich. The gray-olive is used much less, although it can be created with a very remarkable design, connecting it with berry, color maple leaves or muted orange tones.

Olive color is often considered difficult to create an interior. This is not entirely true. Successful color combinations help to reveal our rich potential olive. This color will be a good background, or an excellent addition, it looks great with the hot colors and shades of the warm colors, from red to brown, and even with a dense plum and ambiguous lilac, he creates a decent color duet.

Olive tone is a derivative of mixing several fundamental shades, namely green, yellow and gray. It is due to its serious "pedigree" this color is in itself the most top Qualities taken from each of their fellow, for example the green color is a symbol of the revival of nature, yellow gives a charge solar energy, gray symbolizes the soil under his feet and confidence in their abilities. The bedroom in olive color will constantly remind his masters about their extremely positive origin, and the psychology of the subthone will give the charge of cheerfulness and faith in a bright future.

Olive color Thanks to its noble origin, very organically sprinkle into the interior, made in a classic style.

What shades are combined olive.

When choosing a concomitant palette, it is important to pay attention to all shades. natural origin - It may be a heavenly azure, turquoise, fresh grass, the color of the sun, the color of orange foliage, a rich eggplant, as well as a gray earthy tint. In addition, the olive color looks incredibly beautiful in addition with pure white, cream, chocolate and even black.

Finishing olive bedroom.

  1. Trendy B. lately Striped Wallpaper will help beneficially present the olive palette, the strip should include the following shades - white, olive, green apple and yellow color. Such a bright wallpaper should choose the muffled, nonsense shade of the floor - gray, beige, sandy. Ceiling can be left pure white.
  2. The chocolate tone of the walls will be perfectly perceived with olive textiles. But so that the olive bedroom does not seem unnecessarily dark, in such a light-absorbing palette, it is necessary to design the premises overlooking the southern, sunshine. With chocolate walls, light cream floor and ceiling will be perfect.
  3. A monophonic light-olive color will be very harmonious to look at white furniture, dark rich brown laminate and white ceiling.
  4. To create a muted atmosphere, the walls can be made in black, then olive textiles (curtains, bedspread, floor carpet) will act as a natural clarifier. In this case, the floor and the ceiling is better to make either light gray or pure-white.
  5. The blue shade of the walls, together with olive parts, will look at the same time fresh and throw, so such an interior will fit first of all to people who feed a special love for bright shades in the design of the room.
  6. Natural affiliation of olive color can be emphasized artificial stonepresent in the decoration of the walls of the bedroom. The stone will look very harmonious in the headboard.

Furniture to the olive bedroom.

  1. The bedroom in the olive colors present in the wall decoration will be very harmonious to look at white furniture, as well as chocolate, gray and caramel.
  2. Against the background of the white walls, olive furniture will look great, so if you want to purchase a olive cabinet, bed and bedside tables, then the wall shade should be as possible with light and neutral.
  3. Against the background of chocolate walls, a sleeping set of light tones will be considered the most advantageously, ideally white, and to emphasize the main color belonging, the bedroom should choose a lot of olive parts.

Bedroom decor in olive color.

Do you know that any mass colors accent in the interior will ask the entire stencil ensemble in general?! For example, the interior with a pure white walls, a white ceiling and gray floor in addition to the olive curtains on the windows, the same bedspread on the bed and the floor carpet will seem not white, but olive. The bright palette can draw attention to itself, which is why many designers recommend decomriage the premises in neutral tones to bring the time when all this neutrality will be bought to supplement the interior with bright details, and at the output to get a lively and updated room design. But back to our main topic, olive color in the interior of the bedroom can manifest itself in textiles - curtains, bedspread, outdoor carpet, decorative Pillows, Baldakhin. As well as in a number of other complementary details: chandeliers, lamps, sconces, flooring, photo frames, boxes, statuettes, etc.

Golden with olive in the interior of the apartment:

The bedroom in olive color will give you a charge of cheerfulness in the morning, peaceful in the evenings, and will also bring confidence in the future, because this beautiful and mysterious palette has such psychologistic aspects. And we talked about the green curtains for the bedroom, we recommend learning!

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June 4, 2016
You can talk long about the canons in design, but every day the existing canons are becoming less stable. Aesthetics and harmony, balance, color gamut, materials collected together, in order to obtain such a long-awaited result are an essence of your knowledge, practitioners and self-development. My motto is to find out every day, see, touch something new, and I am sure that it is possible to keep the right course in the "high design".

Olive color was presented to humanity by Mother-Nature. His appearance is a bizarre mixing of green, gray and yellow. For its multifaceted, versatility and comfort, he is hotly loved by designers. How to use olive color in the interior of the kitchen, a children's and living room, with which to combine and how to beat - on these and many other questions let's look for answers together.

Psychology Tint

Olive - representative of the palette of a shameless green, which is peculiar to freshness and badge of youth. He personifies the brightest side of life. Saturated dark shades typute meditation and thoughts about the acquired wisdom.

It is believed that the colors of the green spectrum are inextricably linked with the concepts of loyalty and mutual understanding. From a single look at them, a sense of protection is created, gaining durable soil under the legs.

Natural olive color is inherent in certain conservatism, in view of this, it is chosen by confident in their capabilities, the people are monumental to the path of life.

So, if you decide that olive color should certainly be part of your interior, we move to practical design from psychology.

Olive color: adaptation in the interior

It will be fair to say that the olive color is not easy and should be used purposefully, it does not receive a random color neighborhood. I would call him better decision To underline the atmosphere of antiques and nobility of classics.

The monochrome olive interior acts in oppressing, so you have to find suitable color companions.

Olive - natural color, so "fellow" is better to look for him in the same natural shades, symbolizing, for example, young grass, sky color or fallen leaves. Remember that the color duet is affected by the location of the room, its purpose and the area.

An excellent combination is formed with white and chocolate brown, these colors can be used even together. White successfully relieve your interior from dryness.

If such a combination seems to be overly contrasting you, choose a softer tone from the caramel palette. In this case, the colors will smoothly "flow", creating an atmosphere of home comfort.

Olive walls in the interior of the living room or kitchen can be diluted bright accents carrot, brick, red, orange and saturated yellow. Floristic colors with elements of mustard, turquoise and burgundy will be relevant.

Principles of lighting

By choosing olive as a primary color, it is important to remember that it shads the room, gives some darkness. You can eliminate this feature, you can competently selected accessories and lighting. About the last and talk.

The room must be installed sufficient number lighting devices With white light. Light yellowness or blue light source is able to completely distort the olive color.

Do not limit the classic, add to it directional seeds, point lighting and wall scaves.

Choose accessories and furniture

  1. If the wallpaper of olive color in the interior seems to you too drastic and complaint, choose furniture and accessories in this shade. For example, olive curtains will allow you to create a cozy corner for reading books, and the sofa bed will emphasize the sophistication of furniture.
  2. Furniture olive color can be found in the kitchen with blond walls. Such a duet - perfect solution For classic style, Provence and Country Style.
  3. If your goal is a discreet-solid interior, acquire dark furniture, expressive contrasting with an olive background. And now, you already have ready decision For Art Deco style.

Furniture with light facades and olive walls I recommend using for small rooms and furnishing the zone from which you want to distract attention.

Olive interior

Word about kitchen

Olive applies to the category of non-commercial colors, so it can often be found in the design of the kitchen. In most cases, it combines brown shades Or diluted with a small amount of contrast accessories.

The first design is an example of a classic peaceful situation, the second is the interior, filled with dynamic and liveliness of new-fashioned styles.

In conditions small kitchen I would advise you to combine olive headsets with brown countertops and light gray wall decoration. No less attractive duet of olive finish with a head-colored milk head. For the last interior, the use of bright accents, such as an orange tablecloth, a wall painting in bright colors, an unusual clock attracting colors.

Living room design

Most often olive is a priority choice for a classic living room. The primary calm and elegance of classicism will not tolerate color contrasts and bright decoration. The main tone is not diluted with screaming shades, leaving it muffled.

So that the living room has gained depth, use the wallpaper with a light volumetric structure or sophisticated, gentle ornament of dairy color.

Interior bedroom

For the bedroom, I recommend diluting the olive accessories of mustard and brick shade. In addition, in the decoration of walls from the entire olive spectrum, choose the most bright, allowing you to create a resting atmosphere.

Bedside rug, lampshade and curtains can be light green or dairy.


Unfortunately, the olive tile in the bathroom is an infreteen guest. Rooms in light-olive tones I will look quite original under the condition of the right lighting organization.

IN small rooms Do not try to focus on contrasts, otherwise the bathroom will lose volume.

Olive children - to be or not to be

On the feasibility of olive in the nursery can be reasoned for a long time. On the one hand, the children are incomprehensible to his restraint and nobility, on the other - you will raise good taste in the child.

By choosing it as a primary color, do not forget about bright accents and details - it will be a golden middle between the desires of adults and children.

About the hallway

Due to the fact that the hallway in most cases have small square And poor lighting, do not use olive as a dominant shade. An exception to this rule is Venetian decorative plasterWhich due to its reflective surface visually expands the space.

Examples of finished projects

Restrained neoclassica

  • The design was performed in a free layout with two zones of bathrooms. The main drawback is two columns that were actually carrier wall Between the kitchen and living room. That is why they could not be combined into a single space.
  • The main color was chosen olive, as the task was to create a quiet interior in gentle shades.

  • The living room was combined with a big loggia, due to this managed to create a fairly spacious office with beautiful view out of the window. For zoning, dense curtains are used that allow you to completely separate the space.

  • The Cabinet Zone was to be easy, but self-sufficient textile design, so lambrequen was naked over the window, on the bottom of the Tulle - Kant, repeating the curtain pattern of the living room.

  • Above the sofa found their lithographs acquired in England. It was thanks to them that the interior gained a colonial shade.
  • Sofas I decided to hammer the velvet with a very interesting effect of rubbing. This made it possible to find them. " mutual language»With olive furniture: cabinets, input portal and table under TV.
  • Oak furnace floor parquet board In a natural shade. Wall decoration - textile natural wallpaper from the cargo. The natural contents of wild silk and cotton curtains were taken, which is similar to the walls on the walls with its texture.
  • For the upholstery of the chair used velvet in two colors: the front of the back and the seat are decorated under the tone sofa pillows, rear - repeats the shade of the sofa. Table lamps, chandelier and shed are combined with a brass theme, although they differ from each other.
  • From the living room you get to the hall, it opens the way to the hallway and in the kitchen. On the contrary, located, which leads to the bedroom, bathroom and children.

  • On the left in the hallway there is a built-in wardrobe with sliding mirror doors. Opposite the cabinet - the door to the second guest bathroom, in order to save space, the "coupe" design is installed, leaving the wall when opening.
  • Guest bathroom, despite his modest size, was able to fit the locker, toilet, sink and shower. A special design highlight was the suspension sink with a wrought base, which is used as a comfortable shelf for towels. In addition to the tile, the shower decor used wallpapers with moisture-resistant coating, making them invulnerable to moisture.

  • The main color of the kitchen is soft sandy-olive with dark accents. Part of the table top and sink, I decided to locate by the window. Why? The thing is that for kitchen headset Only one wall, which was catastrophically not enough, as the refrigerator and the oven passed there.
  • Floor finish - tile, walls - textile wallpapers of a creamy shade. Dominant dining area is a spectacular black chandelier that gives the interior of the originality and brutality. In order for the chandelier is not alone in its color solution, dark accents are chosen for Kant on curtains, kitchen countertops and tiles. In the kitchen, I abandoned the door, the entrance was decorated with the portal.

  • Bedroom walls are decorated with paper wallpaper with floral print. On the floor - natural coating of sisal of large mating. An additional emphasis was a window for which a niche with a decorative eaves was built.
  • On the other hand, the bed is located in the balcony. The latter fit the chair with a table and a closet. With its arrangement, the bottomroom block was demolished, the opening is slightly expanded, the result was the French door of impressive sizes with Framuga to the floor.

  • New windows are inserted in the bedroom, suitable for the concept of classics. The special comfort of the bedroom received due to the use of various fabrics. Roll-type curtains are made of linen fabric with embroidery, classic curtains - From Venelvet, curtains from cellular cotton. This is such a multi-layer decor with blunders and textures has become an emphasis in the design of windows.
  • Perhaps you will be surprised, but there is no chandelier in the bedroom. Lighting is implemented at the expense of small ceiling lamps, multiple sconce and desktop lamp.
  • The highlight of the bed, made to order, was the headboard made of natural wool of the salmon shade, which is perfectly combined with olive.
  • Mostly bathroom used different kinds Wallpaper and tiles, due to this, the game of textures and colors is created. Wallpaper was decided to use not only in the upper half of the walls, but also when decorating the inside of the door.

  • Near the shell, the built-in lockers were found, the inner surface of which was finished with the same wallpaper. All plumbing communications are closed by an antique bed.

  • The area of \u200b\u200bchildren's total is 12 m², but this space was enough to accommodate a large built-in bookcase, separately standing wardrobe, desktop and custom-made bed.

  • It was possible to free the area under the gaming zone through the arrangement of a niche in which the bed is located. The bottom of the structure is equipped with several retractable boxesAnd the bed itself is staffed by the imitation of the Baldakhin.

  • Wall decoration - elegant wallpaper in a flower in combination with striped inserts. The latter are also used in decorating the inside of the bookcases.
  • wallpaper - Thibaut;
  • ceiling decor - Orac Decor;
  • karnisy - Europlanist;
  • table lamps, sconces, chandelier - artemis;
  • chair, sofa - Softhouse;
  • textiles - Thibeaut, Fabricat, Trend;
  • table under the lamp, Tumb - Eichholtz;
  • coffee table - jlc;
  • accessories, Faucets - Nicolazz;
  • sink - Devon.
  • chairs, table - Siguer;
  • dresser - Siguer;
  • cabinet - Amclassic;
  • desktop - Siguer;
  • bed - jlc;
  • cabinet under the sink - jlc;
  • bath - Villeroy & Boch.

Corner of old england

The abode of the true gentleman is noble textures and paints, natural durable materials. An unsightly "box" in the new building found an interior with author's handwriting, elements of the English, classic style and style of the art deco of the 1920s.

The apartment was divided into two large zones - private and guest. In the finishing of all rooms used natural materials (wallpaper, plaster), on the floor are laid oak planksforming a diagonal pattern and give the placement of speakers.

For the walls, I used complex tones that created a clear and expressive background - gray-blue, gray-olive, light brown and turquoise.

Living room furniture is represented by deep soft sofas, racks for the library and a convenient pouf that acts as coffee table Or an additional room for guests. Swivel lamps are built into the top shelves of cabinets.

Behind the doors there is a private part of the apartment: a dressing room, master bedroom, guest and bathrooms.

Kitchen Island allowed zoning space and separate dining area from the working part. Turquoise tile used in design kitchen Apron, echoes the red tiled in the fireplace cladding.

Window textiles chose to the walls. The shades and tissue-chameleon used slightly changes the shade depending on the lighting. The latter is implemented at the expense of massive lamps in the industrial style. The dining area is illuminated by a large lamp with a white lampshade.

The main hero of the living room was the original fireplace portal, the rear wall of which is laid out with a tile of a lingonberry shade, the wall behind the fireplace is saved with wallpaper with imitation of carved caissons. Optical game relay took a convex mirror in vintage style.

British notes are traced in the lobby, the floor of which is laid out by a geometric tile, and the end is decorated with engraving. Beige-brown restrained bathroom palette I diluted with an unusual drawing of tile laying.

The main color of the bedroom is gray-beige. A spacious cabinet for things is almost impaired, since its facades are painted in the color of the walls. On both sides of the bed, decorative scrolls with old maps are installed.

Materials and furniture used:

  • interior paints - Little Greene;
  • doors - Barausse;
  • table - Selva;
  • carpet - The Rug Company;
  • light - Showerum Light Depo;
  • chairs - Mobilidea;
  • oak floor - Grand Hall;
  • upholstered furniture - Mulberry Home;
  • decor - Home Concept;
  • wallpaper - Andrew Martin;
  • tile - Original Style, Petra Antigua, Cottoveneto.

Apartment with a sense of humor, frogs and robots

Most often, when it comes to a bachelor apartment, we imagine something modern and strict - with concise finish, leather furniture, a pair of harsh accents in the "face" of a brickwork or concrete wall.

I have a hurry to introduce you to an apartment that completely destroys the stereotypes described above. Its character created ironic parts, bright paints and a stylist mix.

Typical soviet interior With carpets, lacquered servants and a dull finish turned into an eclectic style studio.

The main, according to the owner itself, the apartment are frogs, the giganic collection of which he collected for several years. Unusual living creatures welcomes guests with an entrance hall with a bright red door that complements the finish in olive and white tones.

The color of the walls is pastel green-lavender, the works of favorite artists. The classic finish has acquired eclectic notes by decor, for example, American watches in the style of steampunk and robots.

The studio is designed not only for life, but also for the work of the owner, therefore the issue of coverage was required. Floors I placed everywhere where a temporary working area of \u200b\u200ba creative person can form. All light sources are equipped with dimmers that allow you to adjust the degree of lighting.

Furnishing is a symbiosis of models manufactured to order and mass production. Sketches of the coffee table, consoles for the living room, the otfikov and the shelf of their own hands developed the owner of the apartment.

In retro style decorated bedroom. The classic bed from IKEA has gained a vintage flare, and in addition to it, renovated antique bedside tables. From the wall it looks thoughtfully in the distance robot, written by oil - the work of the artist Alexander Burov. In the corner of the bedroom, the mirror cabinet of IKEA found his refuge, which visually increased the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

The kitchen for the owner is one of the main premises, so cheerful juicy green tones were chosen for decoration. Instead classic Table., A design has a common feature with a bar counter.

Particular attention is paid to textile design windows, the choice was made in favor of Roman curtains with an uncomplicated geometric and striped ornament. Dishwasher hid behind a dense black cloth, which looks like at first sight plastic design. A drawing of kitchen facades repeated on the lattice doors.

Country-decision in the form of mini-curtains was like the owner of the apartment, which was decided to arrange another hiding battery in the bathroom.

The blue-white bathroom interior is not in the sea, but the Babylonian gates of the Goddess Ishtar, who are stored in the Pergamm Museum of Berlin.


Olive is a color calm interiors in classic, neoclassical, victorian style, styled chalet and country. It is successfully combined with natural tones and bright accents, it blows from it with warmth and comfort. What do you think about the use of green shades in the interior? Share your opinion in the comments, but I still have to offer you interesting video in this article.

June 4, 2016.

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