Repairs Design Furniture

Podium bed: ideas and incarnation with their own hands. Podium bed do it yourself: a great solution for the children's room How to make a podium in the bedroom

Sleeping place, which is located on the pedestal or mounted in it, is gaining increasing popularity due to high functionality, rational use of residential space and appearance capable of making the original easiest interior.

Most often, elevation dimensions are strictly individual, so you should get acquainted with the process, how to design and equip the bed podium with your own hands.

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Podium bed: types, functions, distinctive features

Equipment of such an unusual bedroom can be implemented by two main ways:

  1. By placing the mattress on the podium, and the space under it takes the boxes and shelves. As a result, a lot of storage space becomes available. Cabinets allocated under constant use are maximally unloaded.
  2. You can make a podium with a pull-out bed, and on it there is a working office, a children's corner or other useful space that would be unavailable in the presence of an ordinary bed.

If the ceilings in the apartment are high, the podium can be raised so much that not only the drawing bed will fit under it, but also storage boxes. To ensure the movement of all components of such a design, a roll-out mechanism is used.

Advantages and disadvantages

The most important advantage of the bed in the podium or on it is saving the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Since in small apartments to supply additional lockers or pencils is not possible, the horizontal useful space can be practically salvation.

In today's peak of popularity of designer projects, the arrangement of unusual interiors makes users apply various techniques and techniques.

If you make a bed with a podium with your own hands, even without using additional items of furniture and decor, the interior will become unusual. At the same time, it will not have to invest big funds, and even the surface knowledge of the joinery will be enough to implement the project.

The shortcomings can be attributed to the bulky structures. It is possible to build it at low ceilings, but the result may be unexpected and lead to a visual decrease in space.

Selection of material for frame

The frame of the podium bed is most often made from the wood array. This material is easy to handle, durable and easy. The overlap of a multi-storey house will easily withstand the weight of the finished podium.

With sufficient knowledge of working with metal and welding business, pedestals can be mounted from such a material.

The most difficult in the creation is a concrete structure that implies welding of a metal frame and pouring the solution into a prepared formwork. Such a basis made with your own hands is strong and durable, but has a lot of weight. It can only be located on the first floors or in a private house.


Immediately after the place of the future position of the podium was selected, accurate measurements are removed and drawings are drawn, on which you need to specify the dimensions of the finished product, the place of attachment to the wall, the size of the retractable elements. If the elevation is planned to be made with drawers, it is necessary to specify the supporting intermediate walls between them, which will simultaneously serve as a strengthening of the entire structure. In addition, they will enjoy retractable mechanisms.

In accordance with the obtained measurements, it is necessary to draw diagrams, the dimensions must be specifically indicated, taking into account the width of the boards. You need to apply to the drawing of the place of attachments and the location of the bars and the boarding coating.

It is more expedient to assemble a framework of a framework 10x5 cm, having their narrow side up. To create a flooring, you can take a gender plate with a spike-groove notch, a sheet of plywood or LDSP (MDF), a thickness of at least 18 mm.

If there are elements that will be extended, the design is enhanced by partitions from the boards. Boxes make 50-60 cm wide (as far as the width of the podium). For the manufacture of walls take Phaneur. The bottom is sewn sheet DVP.

Required tools

For the construction of the podium in the apartment of the wood massif, you will need the following tool:

  1. Rule, roulette, square, construction level (for the product of measurements and control of the direct angle and horizontal line).
  2. Manual saw, electric jigsaw (for cutting).
  3. Screwdriver or drill (for drilling holes and screwing fasteners), perforator (for mounting dowels in concrete walls).
  4. Hammer, screwdriver set, stapler.
  5. Carpool, paintwork materials, brushes and rollers.
  6. Necessary fittings.

In addition, you need to purchase self-tapping screws, screws, dowels, metal corners.

Step-by-step manufacturing bed podium

For a detailed study of the process of manufacturing such a bed, you should consider the design with three drawers and located on top of the mattress.

All work is divided into three stages: assembly of the frame and the support frame, the manufacture of boxes and their installation, the exterior finish of the entire product.

Make a frame and the support frame with your own hands

Before starting work, all the material for the frame is cut into the workpiece. According to the planned height of the podium on the wall using the level, the markup is applied, which will consolidate the carrier barcass. Depending on the location, the design is attached to one or two adjacent walls.

Initially, the support frame from two parallel rectangles is assembled. The bottom is placed at the floor level, and the upper - on the line height line. Between them in the corners and at some distance from each other, the racks from the 5x5 cm bars with a length equal to the height of the podium are installed. Screen the lower row is necessary to the floor, the upper one - to the wall, and the free sides will be kept due to racks.

Additionally, two horizontal jumpers and racks are installed, separating the entire width into three equal parts - the locations of the future location of the linen boxes. To ensure further installation of retractable elements, the plywood linked or MDF can be screwed to jumpers.

At the final stage, the podium for the bed covers on top of the selected material and sewing stationary side areas. At this stage of assembly, the framework acquires the final outlines and already becomes clear, what will be the result after finishing and installing boxes.

Manufacturing and installing drawers

Production of linen boxes need to start with cutting blanks. On each element you need two side parts 60 cm long and a height that corresponds to the size of the elevation. In addition, rear and front walls are being built. Their width is the third of the entire width of the design minus the dimensions of two transverse beams. All four billets need to be combined with metal corners, and the bottom of the cutting Fiberboard.

At the end, in the center of the front wall place the place of installation of the handles, drill holes and assemble the selected accessories.

So that the boxes have shifted, you need to equip them with the mechanism on the bearings, one part is closer to the upper edge of the side walls. The second half of the device (guides) is attached to the internal frames of the frame in front of the stage of work on the overlapping pedestal.

The exact horizontal arrangement of the retractable mechanism is important to ensure easy and durable movement between the floor and the base on which the mattress will be located.

Final surface finish

After the whole design is assembled, its mobile parts are tested for performance, switch to finishing and decorating.

To do this, you can use carpet or linoleum. The preservation of the natural type of wood is welcomed by opening it with a verse and varnish.

Pre-all the surface is thoroughly grinding and impregnated with primer with antifungal properties. The front and side open part of the podium can be hidden laminated chipboard, and the ends of the boxes are closed with veneer or rubber ribbons planted on glue.

The corners of the design can be protected using a furniture metal or plastic corner, which will give the product aesthetic and completed view. In the corners between the floor and walls install the plinth.

Often to that part of the wall, where the narrow part of the mattress will be, mounted a soft headboard. For its manufacture, you need to glue the foam rubber with a thickness of at least 5 mm. The filler is tightened with a cloth, the edges of which are fixed by a construction staple on the reverse side of plywood.

What do you do with old furniture?

The feature of the podium is that he multifunctional. Moreover, specific functions can choose the owner of the house, based on its needs and interests. Modern building materials make it possible to make a podium for a relatively short time. In addition, simple ("basic") models can do that man who has no appropriate education. Podium is one of the best ways to change the interior design and enlarge useful space Without demolition of walls and other ways.

Characteristic features of the podium in the apartment

Standard design recognizable: its height does not exceed 25 centimeters. If you need to make a larger podium, then it is "broken" into several levels. In addition to this rule, there are several features of the location of this element that depend on its functional purpose.

Zoning space

Designers love to use the podiums, as they allow you to quickly and easily allocate. A small elevation is carried out by an invisible boundary between the kitchen and dining, working and game, as well as the sleeping zones. The thing is that items that are above the rest attract the attention of people. If you want to correctly arrange accents, then place on the podium what I would like to show.

Increase the useful area

This parameter is especially important for owners of small-sized apartments. Podium spends free space Based on where seasonal things or objects in which there is no constant need can be hidden.

Changing the parameters of the room

It is also worth abandoning the construction of such a design solely in decorative purposes. In a small apartment, each square meter should be used. That is why inside the podium can be both boxes for things and a retractable bed.

Designers are also recommended to pay attention to the arrangement of the top of this important element. In a limited space, the role of even the smallest podium will be dominant. All attention will be drawn to those objects that are on the hill. So we advise you to consider it in advance, which zone is accommodated in this area.

Council. Try to avoid massive items on the podium. They will look even larger and harder, which can cause a disharmony in the interior.

Podium do it yourself in the apartment

There are various ways of erection of the podium, but the most popular is considered frame. It turns out an easy and durable podium. In addition, it is going to quickly and does not require special skills from the masters. To begin with, you will need to decide on the position, size and shape of the podium itself, as well as do the measurements of the room. After that, the wizard recommend making the drawing by which you can calculate the exact amount of materials.

You will need:

  • fastening corners
  • anchors,
  • dowel-nails,
  • self-tapping screw
  • laser level,
  • plywood 20 mm,
  • cork substrate
  • plywood 10 mm,
  • polyethylene film,
  • bar 50x50 and 30x40 mm.

Level Highlight all the contours and mark them with a pencil on the walls. After that, check the diagonal, the error on the curvature of the walls is 5 mm. If it exceeds this value, then the depth of the podium needs to be corrected slightly.

Then the polyethylene is placed on the floor to ensure the waterproofing of the structure. A substrate is put on it. After this plywood, 10 mm is placed on the floor. If several sheets are used, then the junction needs to leave a small gap of 3 millimeters. This layer is nailed to the floor of a dowel-nail.

The timing of 50x50 is needed to cut into pieces, according to your drawing. The obtained lags are stacked on the support layer of plywood.

Council. Ride the supports of the cork substrate to isolate wooden bars. So you can get rid of the screenshot.

While the design using anchor bolts and corners. After that, it is possible to lay a pillage with a thickness of 20 millimeters. Do not forget about small technological gaps at the sheet of sheets. Screw the Phaneur to the base by self-drawing. On this installation of the podium is over.

Boxes can be made any shape and species. The easiest option is to bore two bars with a piece of thin plywood.

If you want to make a podium in the apartment, then think about the finishing coverage of this interesting designer element. It may be laminate or carpet, tile or parquet. If you want clearly delimit the room, Use the floor covering, different from the one that will be in the room. Otherwise, it is better to use similar material.

In the absence of unnecessary free space, it is worth considering a multifunctional podium bed with compact sections for storing bedding. There are 2 species that really construct in just a few days. For this, it is not necessary to have professional designer skills and a joiner.

Benefits of podium beds

Podium beds recently enjoy popular due to many factors:

  • the ability to make originality in the design of an apartment or at home;
  • significant savings of residential space, which is particularly relevant for small-sized apartments;
  • relatively small financial investments in the manufacturing process;
  • ease of installation;
  • functionality.

The podium bed can be made in two versions:

  • sleeping place located on the elevation and with separate valve compartments in the niche;
  • retractable mattress, which does not take up much space and convenient at low ceilings.

The advantages of such a sleeping is that the apartment is immediately transformed and unloaded from unnecessary furniture. With such a bed, there is no need in dimensional cabinets and shelves, since things and other items can now be stored in the undercut boxes. Such sleeping places are ideal for children's rooms, which allows you to lay in them not only bedding, but also toys.

Tools and materials

During the work, the standard instrumental kit will be needed:

  • electric jigsaw;
  • drill and perforator;
  • a hammer;
  • crossproof;
  • construction stapler;
  • furniture rollers in the amount of 8 pieces;
  • self-tapping screws, dowels, screws, fixators;
  • measuring instrument and pencil;
  • special glue and varnish.

For the manufacture of a frame, long wood guides (reinforced timber) and MDF sheets, OSP or furniture shields (9 mm thick) are prepared for skin. For the base of the bed, we need bending lamellas or thin rails. As final facing, any sheet material is used at the discretion: plywood, osb-stove.

Making bed-location on the elevation

Initially determined with the place where the podium bed will be located. Drawings and dimensions are applied in accordance with the desired design. Then the preparatory stage begins when they collect everything you need to work. The cross section of the bars is determined depending on the size of the bed. On average, it is 5 x 5 cm. Under the framework involve strong wood, which is connected along the mattress area. On the sides, the allowance of approximately 5-10 mm.

Inside a broken base have boxes and boxes. With quantities are determined at personal discretion. Schematic plan for assembling bed podium in the picture.

If a semi-gun bed is meant a length of 2 meters with three boxes, then from bars 5 x 10 cm are made of a frame with a size of 1.87 x 1.25 m. Under the workpiece for the frame is allowed to the Faneer with a thickness of 18 mm. With such dimensions of the beds, the niche for the boxes are left 50 cm wide, and the boxes directly 47.5 cm with a length of 60 cm. They are made of plywood sheets with a thickness of 13 mm.

Pre-collect the required material:

  • the board with a cross section of 220 mm - crossbar and external components;
  • the board with a thickness of 160 mm - the inner parts of the boxes;
  • Chipboard - for finishing the bed from the inside;
  • santimeter plywood - bottom of boxes;
  • bruks - for a sleeping bed frame.
  • On the floor, the dimensions are drawn by the dimensions of the future bed, the bars are stuffed around the perimeter, which will serve the contour for the framework of the frame.
  • Embed to the assembly, starting with the construction of a frame base and a stationary frame. The frame will be the area of \u200b\u200b215 x 188 cm. Additional 12 cm adds to the standard length.
  • It is securely fasten the standing bars to the podium not hacked.

Step-by-step assembly instructions:

In the event that the transverse beams are too long, then in the center of the structure additionally placed vertical paving cuts for stability. Otherwise, in the future, the bed will begin to creak.

How to make and mount boxes

When designing drawers take into account their length - 60 cm. This size is optimal, because it does not require a lot of space and at the same time allows you to put a sufficient number of things inside. The box consists of 4 parts and bottoms. They are fastened with each other screws. Then fix ready-made drawers in the right side on the guides.

When installing drawers focus on the drawings to do everything in accurate configuration. Otherwise, in the future it will negatively affect the convenience of bed operation.

Final finish

The final stroke will be finishing the finished podium. His chipboard or carpet. It is recommended to apply a layer of acrylic primer on a dumping surface and after drying to walk elastic skurt. Then cover more lacquer several times, it is better to choose a matte.

The headboard is drawn up depending on personal preferences - who has enough fantasy to. It can be soft. Then the foam rubber and plywood will be required, and on top stretch some kind of fabric. Now it remains to lay the mattress, and the bed is ready for operation.

How to make a bed in the podium

In this case, the bed on the wheels is moved to the hollow-podium design. It is convenient if the area is lacking - the breakfast is removed during the day, and the night is put forward. The space on top of it remains free and can be involved in any purpose - the installation of the school table, the game zone, a sports corner, book racks and other things. In the manufacture of a large-scale podium (by the width of the room), it is possible to additionally embed sections into it for linen or something else.

With the help of beds, the podiums usually distinguish the space on the zone of sleep and recreation or the working office.

In addition to the strength of the frame, intermediate lags are additionally mounted. Conditionally, such a structure is divided into 3 components:

  • the area where the bed drives;
  • space for drawers and linen compartments;
  • stairs.

Step-by-step manual instructions

First prepare a scheme where the bed-podium is drawn in detail with their own hands step by step with drawers and other elements. The length is taken to the size of the room, the width - depending on the required (from 1 to 1.9 m) plus the allowance of up to 20 cm. The height of the podium structure should be at least half a meter so that the bed can be free to move freely.

  1. Start from assembling frame lattice. To do this, make marking on the walls of the room and remove the plinth. Support bars are placed at a distance of 45 cm or a little less. Long bars are attached to the vertical support with an indent of 45-50 cm, and among themselves they are fixed by shortened bars. The cut over the lies are made from a durable bar so that the design can withstand external load.
  2. The design of the bed includes flooring and sides, which are cut from MDF or furniture shields. The height of the sidewalls are selected at personal discretion, but the optimal size is 15 cm.
  3. The flooring bed flooring is chosen in accordance with the size of the mattress + 5 cm on both sides about the reserve. The lower frame is collected from the lamella, making them a sound insulation material so that the bed does not creak in the future. Start from the center where supporting crossbars are fixed, and flexible lamellas are nourished.
  4. Screwed up self-drawers and metal corners on sides. After that, the facial facade is mounted, which is part of the podium when the bed is cordback. The main thing is to observe its size - no more than the distance from the floor to the upper edge of the podium. On the bottom attach rollers.
  5. Sweet skeleton podium slices of slabs cut out according to the drawing.
  6. If drawers are planned, they are installed before the outer decoration of the frame.
  7. All design elements are covered with protective antifungal agent.
Complete the process of finishing finishing created design. Laminate, carpet, tile or other type of floor covering are taken as facing material. The steps are fixed with liquid nails carpet flooring so that they do not slide. All joints are covered with decorative plinth.

Make a podium bed with your own hands is not so difficult if there are correctly executed drawings. Warranty of success will be the accurate calculation, accuracy and compliance with the technical instructions. It is equally important to use high-quality material. With a lack of construction experience, it is not necessary to immediately choose a too complicated design. With any scenario, this bed transforms the interior.

Such a functional thing like a podium, there is a place in almost any apartment. We were told about his functions and tasks in detail in the articles "" and "", and mentioned as a successful decision for children, bedrooms, kitchens, and even an innumerable set of times.

Types of podiums

Podiums have different heights. At very low, often placed the kitchen or bath for the convenience of hidden communications. This type of podium also serves to distinguish between functional zones in large rooms or studio apartments or to create a visual accent. In the podiums, the bed and drawers hide higher, and the remaining furniture is placed on top; It happens on the contrary: the mattress is put on the podium, and inside only keep something. The highest podiums are often found in the nursery: the whole wardrobe can fit inside, and on the second floor there will be a great bedroom or a corner for study - a sort of replacement of a bed-attic or purchased children's furniture sets.

The podium does not need to be large in the area: the compact option looks great at the window or on the balcony - with mattress and pillows from above and useful storage tanks inside. Apply knowledge on the device of podiums, you can even create a functional sofa or base with bed boxes.


The following requirements are imposed on the materials for the podium: reliability (in order to withstand furniture and people), ease (not to give a strong overlap) and the lack of unpleasant sounds when walking through the podium.

The most durable podiums have a base of concrete, but this solution is not suitable for apartments: the weight of the design is simply huge. Therefore, the frame of the podium in urban conditions makes from the following materials:

  • Wooden bars. Sometimes they are complemented by supporting columns of bricks.
  • Metallic profile. Withstands a larger load, but it is more expensive. Metal design is still complemented by a timber.
  • Foam blocks. Lighter concrete and will provide high structure strength.

We are podium plywood, and on top of the selected finishing material: practically any floor covering from tiles to carpet.


First, decide with the type of podium, placement and size. You will need a scheme where sizes and additional elements of the type of boxes or drawers will be taken into account. Without proper experience, it is difficult to draw the drawing on your own, so you can contact professionals for advice or take a suitable on the Internet and modify a little. Here are some for example:

It is also necessary to roughly calculate the amount of material and purchase it. In the classic version for the podium from the tree, the ram 30x40 mm and 50x50 mm and plywood 10 mm and 20 mm will fit. Plus you will need a set of carpentry tools and consumables:self-tapping screws, anchors, dowel-nails, simple and reinforced mounting corners.

If there are retractable elements in your design, appropriate accessories or ready-made drawers / bed for podiums are needed. The easiest way to make storage space with a folding lid on top, but it will not be too convenient.

Podium for the bed do it yourself: note

  • In order for the podium to be smooth, before starting work, draw a line on the wall on the wall.
  • Leave the gap of 2-3 mm between the sheets of plywood: the material is expanding from temperature change and humidity.
  • The structural strength adds a decrease in the steps between the supports in the frame - the optimal distance is not more than 40 cm.
  • Empty in the podium is better to fill in construction wool or foam to avoid a height sound from the steps and the sketch squeak.
  • Materials for the podium in the wet zone, especially foam blocks, additionally require serious waterproofing.

Master classes

These three videos show the construction of podiums that differ in design or materials. For example, in the last video, the creative craftsman made a podium using Kitchen cabinets from Ikea, which greatly simplified his work.

Digest Quartblog

All about the accurate and convenient storage of bedding at home: the best places and most useful lifehaki.

In this selection, we have collected for you examples of bedrooms and beds with podiums.

Interesting ways to visually separate the bed from the rest of the space.

In a small apartment of 42.9 m² Designers of the workshop, Geometrium it was important to place the entire functionality, while retaining space and airiness.

Podium beds will suit those who want to save the bedroom space and take advantage of the storage destination.


Optimization of residential space, especially in a small apartment, vital necessity. That is why the bed on the podium is becoming increasingly popular. Such a designer technique allows you to solve several problems at the same time: get a bed, a wardrobe for things, bedside table. If necessary, the edge of the podium can be used to accommodate guests, it is enough to put a dining table to it . Make a bed podium with your own hands, maybe even a person distantly familiar with the joinery craft. There will be simple tools for work and a big desire to make something new in your life.

Figure 1. Due to the presence of drawers, the podium bed can be a useful place to store things.

Preparation for work

A similar bed can be two types: the podium with a mattress laid on it and the place inside, where you can store things, or the podium from which you can put forward a sleeping place.

The second option becomes an additional zone on which you can organize, for example, a place for work or a seating area. I decide to make a bed with your own hands, as a rule, choose the first option. The ability to store things inside the podium allows you to replace the standard cabinet to a smaller or completely abandon it (Fig. 1).

Figure 2. Podium design.

Before choosing material and accessories, you should draw up a drawing of a future design and decide on its functions and design (Fig. 2). For the manufacture of a frame, a strong timber bar is most often used. The cross section of the bar will depend on the size of the bed and the total load on the frame. As for the fittings, its number is determined by the number of boxes that will be integrated into the base, and the method of their extension. If the design is open, then the need for fitting disappears.

Before making a bed, you need to decide on the place where it will be installed. Traditionally, this is the angle between the adjacent walls, but you can choose another place. The dimensions of the future design depend on the size of the selected mattress. The most popular option is a design of 2x3 m with a podium height of 40 cm. In order to make a bed podium of such sizes, you need to prepare the following lumber and fasteners:

  1. 2 boards 30x50 mm long in 3 m.
  2. 7 boards 30x50 mm long in 2 m.
  3. 10 billets from a 400 mm bruse 50x50.
  4. Plywood.
  5. Saws.
  6. Corners of furniture.
  7. Sandpaper.
  8. Wood putty.

The bed on the podium is impossible to do without tools. To work should be prepared:

  1. Electro saw or hacksaw.
  2. Drill and drill.
  3. Electrolzik.
  4. Screwdriver.
  5. Cyanka.
  6. Chisel.
  7. Roulette.
  8. Construction level and square.
  9. Pencil, spatula, brush.

Framework and flooring

At the selected place, it is necessary to mark the future design. You must remove the plinth from the wall in advance. At an altitude of 40 cm from the floor in several places, noted and with the help of the construction cord, the strips are fighting along one wall with a length of 3 m and along the second - 2 m. Then they are going on one board 2 and 3 m long. On them, using a drill, you need to make through holes at a distance of 90 cm from each other.

Prepared blanks are applied to the wall in such a way that the ends are combined with markup lines. With a pencil, through a hole drilled in boards to make a mark on the wall. Boards remove and drill holes in the wall. Attach the blanks to the walls.

Podium under the bed must be stable. To enhance the design of the bed on 3 bars you need to make grooves on the upper ends. At a distance of 50 mm from the top to make a mark. On the lateral edges to carry out perpendicular lines 25 mm long on each side. According to the received lines, cut the cuts and remove fragments of the chisel.

Then bars attach to the workpieces on the wall: along the edges and in the corner. The grooves will play the role of support for boards. Brukes are attached to the remaining two-meter boards as follows: on 3 boards on the bar in the middle, on the remaining - along the edge. On each bar pre-make the grooves.

Prepared elements are collected in a flat bed frame. For more accurate work will be required as a carbon. Billets will be installed perpendicular to the three-meter board, which is already on the wall. Fixing items, you should follow the following scheme: first fix the board with a bar in the middle, then with a timber on the edge and so to the end. The ends of the resulting frame are fastened with self-reserves to another board with a length of 3 m. From the bottom of the rack of the bed to attach to the floor with the help of furniture corners.

Before making a bed podium, you need to think about the material for the flooring. It can be a chipboard or other material. If it is planned to make a bed with a flooring made from plate fragments, then with a stroke should be considered the fact that the edges of the fragments should be on the inner partitions that will play the role of the lag. All items should be docked with each other as intended as possible.

To attach the flooring, the holes are dried in the frame and in the stove. Mount the details of self-drawing. Flooring for the bed must be comfortable, the fasteners hats are hiding in the stove, in advance replete holes.

Niche under the bed and finishing

So that the bed on the podium had a finished look, it is necessary to decide what and how the frame will be sewn. You can solve this problem by setting the boxes in the niche or leaving it with open shelves. The second option will be less costly. However, it can be interesting to it, for example, having highlighting the LED tape. The wire gently output in one of the corners.

The depth of the future niche is measured, the size of which depends on the desire of the bed owner. Also measured the distance from the floor to the lower edge of the podium. In accordance with the measurements from plywood, the necessary parts are cut out, which will become a side of the niche lateral partitions. Attach them to racks self-draws. The rear walls are cut from plywood, which will be attached to the side with the help of furniture corners.

The niche must have the bottom. From plywoods are made of appropriate sizes and are attached to the floor between partitions.

The final stage is the finish of the resulting structure. This question must be solved even before making a bed. Fasteners, joints between items must be carefully covered. After putty dry, the surface must be treated with fine-grained emery paper.

After removal of dust, you can start painting. Paint is better to apply in several layers. Each subsequent layer should be applied after the previous one hees. The inner surface of the niche should also be painted. The color may be the same as on the flooring, or the other.

Paint dried, you can install the mattress. So that it does not shift from his place, wooden bars are screwed along its perimeter. Works are over.