Repairs Design Furniture

Stylish interior: Cuisine living room in a regular apartment. What wallpaper to choose for small kitchen design kitchen without wallpaper

Wallpaper Requirements for Kitchen

The most important place in the house can be called the kitchen. It is in the kitchen who spends most of the time the custodian of the hearth, the whole family is going to dinner here, guests are held. Wallpaper for walls set a common tone of the whole kitchen, harmonize space, make it beautiful and completed. If you decide to update the old kitchen or we did not know the repair of a perfect new premises and do not know where to start - it's time to pay attention to the choice of "clothes" for the walls. How to choose wallpaper for the kitchen? Where to start searches?

First of all, you need to decide for what purpose you pick kitchen wallpaper:

  • add interior and find wallpapers in the tone of the kitchen headset
  • in the presence of bright kitchen furniture Choose wallpaper neutral pastel color to properly arrange accents
  • look for a wallpaper to make the kitchen space visually volume and more
  • want to create a kitchen in any particular style and select the wallpaper of a particular series, for example, "Provence".

Deciding with the main purpose of wallpaper for the kitchen, you should think about how these wallpaper should be in terms of operation and care:

  • Kitchen wallpaper should be durable, wear-resistance
  • They should not be afraid of moisture and steam, to be so to be able to clean them with any detergent, not afraid for the safety of color and drawing
  • Should choose such types of kitchen wallpapers that do not absorb smells
  • Wallpaper It is advisable to choose fire-resistant, because the kitchen is a place of increased fire danger.

You can, of course, combine different materials in the kitchen interior - ceramic tiles, wall panels, wallpaper different species, paint I. decorative plaster. In this case, it is necessary to choose a wallpaper with regard to the specific place of their application.

The choice of wallpaper for the kitchen also depends on the illumination of the room - if there is artificial lighting As the main source of light, it is better to stay on bright shades with an interesting texture. When buying wallpapers, do not forget about protruding niches, door and window openings, etc. And, of course, the acquired wallpapers should reflect the individuality of each family member, to be the subject of universal selection.

Types of wallpaper

What wallpapers exist and what kind of types are more suitable for the kitchen? Let's try to figure out.

Paper wallpaper.This type of wallpaper can be considered the discovers of the wallpaper market. They differ in environmentally friendly, as they are made of pure cellulose. Paper wallpapers relatively inexpensive with a variety of wide range of colors and drawings. Such wallpapers are unlikely to become an ideal option for designing a kitchen, because they are short-lived and will not stand wet cleaning.

Modern style decision Applications paper wallpaper In the interior of the kitchen, the use of them in the apron zone. You can pick up the wallpaper of any drawing and enclose them working area, having placed paper wallpapers under the fireproof glass sheet desired size. This option looks very unusual, but at the same time practical, and definitely will not be without attention. In addition, kitchen apron From paper wallpapers under heat-resistant glass - inexpensive option, in contrast to design ceramic tiles Or similar glass with photo printing.

Another option to use paper wallpapers in the kitchen is their use in the lowest pollution zones (for example, in the dining room). Places around washing, refrigerator, plates can be put on tiles. Such a repair will look decent and will cost quite economically for the family budget.

Fliselinova wallpaper. This is the so-called phlizelin substrate based on cellulose under the tint. Flizelin wallpaper is more durable compared to paper and exceed them in their operational characteristics.

This type of wallpaper has the following positive properties:

  • They are easy to glue: you can apply glue only on the wall, the wallpaper does not need to cover, which is very convenient;
  • Flizelin wallpaper is not afraid of water - they can be washed;
  • They are breathable, which means mold and fungus are not afraid of your kitchen;
  • This type of wallpaper is considered fire-resistant;
  • In addition, they are quite thick, so they can be applied even on rough walls;
  • This type of wallpaper does not fade in the sun for a long time;
  • Yes, and paint fliesline wallpaper can be several times.

The disadvantages include the embossed surface of such wallpapers, so dust can often accumulate there. Upper layer Fliselin wallpaper is easy to damage, they are unlikely to suit families with young children and pets.

Vinyl wallpapers. This wallpaper also has in its composition cellulose, but featuring a special upper vinyl layer. There are several varieties of vinyl wallpaper: foamed vinyl, smooth vinyl, silk screen printing and solid vinyl. For repair in the kitchen, only foamed vinyl is suitable due to the lack of such a property, like moisture resistance, the remaining types of vinyl wallpapers are quite applicable for the kitchen interior.

Vinyl wallpapers have many advantages: they are very wear-resistant - they can be rubbed, without fearing damage. Such wallpapers will hide the irregularities of the walls, and they do not burn out in the sun. The range of vinyl wallpapers is very wide: you can pick up a wallpaper for every taste, even species that imitate wood and snake skin.

Unfortunately, the vinyl wallpaper is not devoid of flaws. They require additional processing of walls with antifungal compositions before sticking wallpaper, as the air does not pass at all. Vinyl wallpaper is quite difficult to glue - it is necessary to apply glue both on the wall and on the canvas itself, which is fraught with excessive wetting of wallpaper, and they can easily break. If you are new to sticking wallpaper, it is better to use the services of professionals. In addition, vinyl wallpapers have a high cost.

Glass equipment. High-quality, "breathable" wallpaper type of wallpaper recognized glass. It is the most durable wallpaper, well masking small cracks. Gymelocoes are refractory and moisture-resistant. They are hypoallergenic. Gymelocoes are an option for painting. They can be painted up to 15 times paint on water based or acrylic. And thanks to the embossed texture in the form of diamonds, twigs, all sorts of patterns can be selected perfect option For any kitchen.

Liquid wallpaper.A relatively recently appeared type of wallpaper on the construction market, which is difficult to call wallpaper. On the wall, the liquid wallpaper is more reminiscent of the fabric or tree, and they are even applied as plaster.

Liquid wallpaper is easy to "glue", do not require additional preparation of walls, significant surface defects can hide. This type of wall decoration makes it possible to lay the coating without junctions.

In the kitchen, liquid wallpapers should be used with caution - they are afraid of moisture, so you should not apply them in the working area, next to the sink.

Fabric wallpaper.This type of wallpaper is very beautiful and looks definitely luxurious. Only in the kitchen should be used when designing the dining area and as decorative element In limited quantities, as such walls it is impossible to wash, and they absorb smells.

Among modern models can be allocated metallized wallpaper.The basis for this type of wallpaper is porous paper and aluminum foil. Look such wallpapers unusually and stylish.

Relatively recently in the construction finishing materials appeared corkscrews. The basis of them is usually paper or fliseline. You can care for cork wallpaper with a sponge and water with any detergent. According to the manufacturer, such a 24 year old wallpaper will serve. The only minus of cork wallpapers is their undiscordable color palette from dark brown to light brown. Moreover, the cost of this type of wallpaper is very high.

More and more wallpaper manufacturers are recommended for kitchen to choose washable options on a flieslinic basis or based on fiberglass. Thus, in the presence of a huge species diversity of wallpaper, everyone can choose the option for the soul and on the pocket.

Wallpaper What color will look good at a small kitchen? What wallpaper to choose for a lightweight headset? How to harmoniously pick two colors for wall decor? Million questions arises in the man's head, conceived repairs in the kitchen. Deciding with the type of wallpaper, you should proceed to the choice of color and texture of the material.

When choosing wallpaper, follow the following basic rules:

  1. It is not recommended to combine wallpaper different in value. Pick wallpaper from the material of one price segment
  2. Wallpapers must be harmonized with kitchen furniture - with facades of kitchen headset, household appliances
  3. It is better to choose the wallpaper of the same width, so much better minimize joints.

One of the main features when choosing a color of wallpaper for the kitchen is their combination with kitchen Garnitur. So, for a trendy kitchen today, the neutral wallpaper is ideal today: dairy, beige, light gray. Of course, the choice directly depends on the shade of green, which you chose for a kitchen headset - the color of a young greenery, mint, pistachio or saturated glow color.

To the white kitchen is not allowed to pick up a white wallpaper in the tone, but certainly use the wallpaper with a pattern or a bright pattern so that the interior does not seem boring. It can be wallpaper with a corrugated pattern in geometric, vintage style, Wallpaper with a bright pattern - flowers, animal or vegetable print.

A successful combination can serve as combining white wallpaper with color in the style of "Gzhel" or photo wallpaper with beautiful natural, animals with motifs, sea landscapes.

Also, white kitchen furniture can be diluted with bright color wallpaper: natural green, stylish lilac, appetizing red (but this color should be careful - its excess can cause aggression). Beautiful and warm can get a combination of a white headset with wallpaper Cocoa.

Brown kitchen can be represented as in the form of a classic color of wood, and with the help of modern laminated facades in the style of Hi-tech. Brown color is considered natural, so the same natural wallpaper shades are suitable for it: pastel, beige, creamy, chocolate, green, coffee colors, etc. Chocolate colors and shades beige give the brown kitchen warmth and softness. Coffee walls will be brought to the interior peace of mind and harmony. An interesting style for brown kitchen will be red wallpapers, they will bring brightness, love and well-fit for young ambitious people.

For beige cuisine Designers advise choosing a natural shade wallpaper, darker color headset - chocolate, wallpapers with wood imitation. If you want to withstand the kitchen entirely beige tones, You should choose the wallpaper of an interesting texture. Beige furniture kitchen beautifully looks with flowers such as lavender, cornflower, pistachio, blue. You can apply both monophonic wallpapers and a colored print in fine flower or geometric pattern.

When combining wallpapers, the main options serve vertical and horizontal zoning of space.

The vertical separation of the room will help make it visually higher, as if to lift the ceiling line. For this method, the appropriate vertical stripes are used, having them in the center of one wall or completely covering the whole wall. You can use both wallpaper with strips of one color and color in combination with monophonic textures.

Wallpapers in a horizontal strip are able to give the room a worthy width. You can combine the wallpaper in a horizontal strip, having them from below, with wallpaper of monophonic or in a small pattern located in the top of the wall.

A bold and interesting solution will be the use of photo wallpaper with large bright objects, highlighting the accent wall by wallpaper of a saturated red, orange flowers. This interior move is applicable only for relatively large in the area of \u200b\u200bkitchen-dining rooms.

Dining room - Not only the food zone, but the common territory of all households filled with warmth, comfort. Therefore, it is equipping this room, it is important to keep in mind all the details of the interior design. In particular, determine which wallpaper is better suitable for the kitchen, and what kind of dining room.


Choosing a wallpaper for a small kitchen in Khrushchev, you need to answer such questions:

  • What properties do you have, to which parameters you need to rely, defining and choosing color, texture, type of coating?
  • Is there a large or small kitchen in Khrushchev? How best to increase-reduce space?

To choose the right kitchen wallpaper, you also need to focus on your preferences and ideas.

Wallpaper properties

The best for the dining room are wallpaper from fliesline, vinyl, fiberglass coatings. In the kitchen, they are subject to a number of physical, mechanical impacts and rapid wear. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the labeling and not to buy not high-quality wallpapers for the walls.

How to pick a wallpaper on the kitchen? You need to pick up the canvases that meet these criteria:

  • Moisture resistance. In the kitchen on several square meters, something is constantly fried. Here you need to choose wallpapers that can be wiped only with soft damp cloth or sponge without powders and gels. You can choose washable canvas that clean special means.
  • High density. The choice of cuisine can be based not only on aesthetic criteria, but also on their specifications. On the wallpaper of high density, fat and dirt accumulate.
  • Parostenness. Walls in Khrushchev must quickly die after cooking.
  • Protection against burnout. The burned spots have no place in the perfect interior.


New dining room - This is not always the colossal investment of funds. Sometimes it is better to replace the old coating to completely change the design and refresh the atmosphere. To wallpaper in Khrushchev or the house, it is nice to admire, you need to pick up a color based on such criteria:

  • large or small kitchen in Khrushchev;
  • the height of the ceilings of apartments;
  • sufficiency of light in the room;
  • overall interior style.

Little white kitchen will look better than. Pastel tones visually expand the space. This can be not only white and beige, but also green, blue and other bright shades.

It is worth taking into account the psychological component of the shades. When in the rebupping, bright and screaming color (in black and red, black and white palette, etc.), the intensity is created. Another thing, if there is enough square in the room. Then you can combine dark and contrasting colors (black and white, black and purple, black and yellow paint).

Important! It is not desirable to overstat the design with cold compositions, as such a kitchen will be deprived of comfort and warmth.

If there is not enough room sunlight, It is worth making a choice in favor of warm beige tones of finishing materials. It will be good to look at the ideas of designing an interior of apartments in calm shades of light paint, such as brown, orange and yellow.

If in the room the surplus of the Sun, then from bright colors Better to refuse. They will only become more saturated and will burden the atmosphere and kitchen interior. This also applies to white paint. Yuda suitable beige. Brown, blue paint.

The optimal option is considered green tones. They not only harmoniously fit into the decor of the room, but also improve the process of digestion and appetite. Soft lightweight, mint, and pistachio - perfect option.

Important! Modern interior design involves the use of red and orange glossy furniture. In this case, it is better to use for the walls white colorwhich will fit into any style and design.

Textures and drawings on the wallpaper

The choice of wallpaper for the kitchen needs to be carried out not only in color, but also by texture and drawing. Values \u200b\u200bof drawings:

  • if you make a choice in favor of horizontal lines, the room will visually expand;
  • to increase the height of the room, you should consider the ideas of wallpaper design with vertical lines;
  • a large kitchen in Khrushchev visually decrease if large black drawings will prevail in its design; On the contrary, small drawings will make the room more spacious;
  • if you make a choice in favor of geometric patterns in the form of intersecting bands, an illusion appearance will appear - continuous space;
  • the choice of diagonal lines will bring traffic and dynamics to the interior.

If you beat the texture beige wallpaper, they will add a highlight to the design of the canteen ordinary apartments, because they look extraordinary. They are able to give the room with new quality, add peculiarity, visually create additional measurements, as well as the light game of shades, shadows, textured overflows and other unusual effects.

Finishing materials under the tone of the furniture

Much better when selecting wall Material In the kitchen, take into account the color and style of furniture. Before thinking over the design of the room, you need to figure out how much these two components are suitable for each other:

  • Almost any color of the finishing material can be selected for white furniture: green, red, yellow, blue, brown, peach. They always add dynamism.

  • Classic brown headset (Including the "under the tree") looks great on the background of white, peach or beige in the color of the wall.

  • Orange furniture The design in the muted range (white, beige, gray and green color). Successful shade of white paint, a largely combined with delicate orange paint, - dairy gamut. Calence and nobility are characterized by kitchens in such a performance.

  • Green kitchen headset Based on the simplest composite rules: bright furnishings - muted wall decoration, calm tone of the facade - juicy details in the wallpaper. In such a palette, white, beige color is perfectly combined.

  • Black and white furniture Ensures selection of coverage in light colors. You can choose a coating with a finished pattern. Preferences can be given a black pattern with a non-rigid ornament, but not on the entire perimeter, but only in certain zones. Then black and white furniture will look winning.

Modern furniture, white, green and orange palette is often represented in glossy execution, so no additional elements of the decor are not suitable. It is better to shove on the walls of a monophonic neutral coating, for example, beige wallpapers. This is an excellent option for a bright headset.

Wallpapers for tiny kitchens

The following ideas of wall design will help to understand how to choose:

  • Better Blooming on the wall material light pastel paint (pink, blue, salad, mint or gentle purple). Do not use black, black and blue, black and brown, swamp and other gloomy color.
  • It is necessary to exclude large drawings and patterns vertical strips . Such techniques are capable of squeeze the space, even if the kitchen is white.
  • If used bright shades, then they must be secondary, in no case dominant. With a black and pink or black and orange embodiment, dark paint is needed smaller, light and white - more.

What wallpaper for the kitchen is now in fashion (3 videos)

Types of wallpaper for kitchen (40 photos)

When you think about the whole interior of the room, the design of the walls is paid great attention. Today there are a lot of variants of their decor: sticking wallpaper, painting, cladding tiles and so on. It all depends on both the style in which the entire interior and the financial capabilities of the customer are set. But still most people prefer wallpaper.

Types of wallpaper for kitchen

When choosing wallpaper on the kitchen, you must take into account some factors that will help determine the most suitable option. Consider some of them.

Vinyl wallpapers. The most popular view. They have such an important property for the kitchen as moisture resistance. Do not fade under the action of sunlight. Easy glued, while the uneven surface of the walls is well masked. Do not be the appearance of mold and fungi. The disadvantage is the inability to pass the air. It is necessary to carry out frequent ventilation of the kitchen.

Texture wallpaper. In a different way, they are also called compact vinyl. Their main purpose - imitation of stones, brick masonry, plaster. Easy wash and do not scratch. Introduced in a wide variety of design and color Gamma.. The main disadvantage of such wallpapers is the high price.

Wallpapers that can be painted. At the heart of this type of wallpaper lies vinyl. He tolerates well sun rays and prevents color burnout. Also well tolerate moisture and temperature differences. Wallpapers can be replicated several times.

Fliseline wallpaper. The significant advantage of such wallpapers is the fact that it is not necessary to apply glue on them, but only on the walls. Do not mng and do not break when sticking. Also well coped with the masking of the irregularities of the walls. Made from cellulose fibers, so environmental has enough. The air is allowed and transferred to moisture. The disadvantage is a high price. Also on the textured layer is going to dust that we have to vacuine.

The modern type of wallpaper is glass windows. Possess a number of benefits: well tolerate moisture and temperature drops, fireproof, is resistant to the appearance of fungus, do not deteriorate when different acids appear on them.

Conventional wallpapers from pre-impregnated paper. Their main advantage - low price. Quality leaves much to be desired: it is impelled, ruting, burn out, is not resistant to water and alkalis. However, a fairly environmental option, as air is easily passed.

What kind of wallpaper should be avoided

The kitchen is the place of preparation and eating. Therefore, fat, moisture, high temperature constantly affect wallpaper. The most inappropriate solution for the kitchen will be paper wallpaper. They quickly deteriorate due to the impossibility of cleaning or painting.

Wallpaper, made from natural materials: flax, cotton, silk, bamboo, wood. They quickly and for a long time absorb all sorts of smells and smoke.

Wallpaper with a relief pattern will not quite practically look at the kitchen. The corrugated layer will quickly collect all the dust and dirt, and it will be impossible to wash it without causing damage.

What color to choose

Color plays an important role in the perception of the entire interior. And also helps to hide some disadvantages.
The most suitable color solution for wallpaper will be the choice yellow color And all his shades. But it is worth remembering and about the rest of the kitchen style. For each it is preferable: Country and Provence love green and other colors of nature, modern - white, black.

For large areas of the kitchen, any color of the wallpaper will be suitable. Even dark shades that visually reduce will look very impressive. But with a small kitchen, it is best to give preference to light tones of wallpaper. They, on the contrary, visually increase the room.

Now let's stop at some colors and their impact on a person.

Yellow, light beige, orange, goldeers excite appetite. Man feels homemade comfort. All this has to spiritual conversations. However, everything is in moderation. An excess of this color may tire the eye.

Red and its shades. In addition to increasing appetite, an irritability for the nervous system can also act.

Blue wallpaper shade reduces appetite. Excellent option For those who follow their figure and is afraid of overeating.

Blue color acts soothing. Beautifully looks in sea topics Interior design. Wallpaper should not be glued in countries with a cold climate. This will create even greater coolness.

Green color Also, like yellow, has to communicate. Excellent option for those who love nature. Such a color is able to calm and create a friendly atmosphere.

White color. Poses kitchen some airiness. However, the perfect white kitchen will be more reminded by the Hospital Chamber. Therefore, such a color is diluted with bright objects.

Black I. purple Not welcome in the kitchen.

Figure on the wallpaper

Not everyone likes the monophonic wallpaper. Some prefer glue wallpaper with relief or other pattern. Here are some tips when choosing such wallpapers:

  • Low ceiling kitchen is better attached with wallpaper with vertical or diagonal pattern. This option will significantly increase the height of the ceilings and give the room a large area
  • If kitchen furniture without bright sizes, then it is better to choose a wallpaper with a dyed pattern that will attract all attention to yourself.
  • For small squares Kitchen room is better to avoid any drawing on the wallpaper. This is even more visually reduced the kitchen.
  • As for the drawing in the kitchen wallpaper, it can be very diverse: geometric patterns, animals and plants, birds, hieroglyphs, stripes, and so on.

Photo wallpaper

Many people have pictures still associated with those that were still in Soviet times: poor quality, fast burnout, heavy sticking, a small range. However, now modern technologies Allowed to create amazing beauty photographs plus high quality.

For the kitchen, follow a special type of photo wallpaper, which perfectly tolerate moisture, fat, temperature differences. therefore the most suitable photo wallpapers for the kitchen room will be vinyl or phliseline.

They are impregnated with a special solution that protects them from burnout and dirt, and allows for repeated cleaning with water. If the photo wallpaper is placed before the working kitchen area, it must be protected by an additional layer of glass or water-repellent coating.

Wall murals are separate element interior. Therefore, they should be placed on a free wall, far from the cooking area. You should not choose too bright wallpaper. So it can quickly come fatigue for the eyes.

If you wish, you can enclose not only the walls, but also doors and other elements of kitchen furniture. This will create a more "deep" interior. For small wallpaper kitchens with the image of the window will serve as an excellent element of the decor.

Combined wallpaper

There is no more suitable space for combined wallpapers than the kitchen. This is an excellent opportunity in this way to designate the work area and the zone for making food and rest. Increasingly, and more often designers resort to such a variant of blending wallpaper. So that everyone looked beautiful and harmoniously follow some tips:

  • All wallpaper should be one quality and price segment. The main difference is in color and texture.
  • The thickness of the combined wallpaper should be the same. This will avoid difficulties in sticking and dusting wallpaper.
  • If one is single wallpaper, others should be selected with a bright pattern.
  • Bright colors are well combined with neutral.

The most common option in the combination of wallpaper is the vertical division of the walls of the kitchen. It can be symmetrical when wallpapers with wide stripes are glued to two opposite walls, but differ in color.

This technique allows you to make a room more square. The asymmetric option implies that one wall is glued with wallpapers with wide stripes of one color, and the opposite - with a narrow different color. Such a sticking shorten the kitchen, but at the same time will give it volume in width.

Modern wallpaper for the kitchen

With all the variety of wallpapers exist modern tendencieswho should be considered as repairs to the kitchen is not done for one year. To date, the kitchens are issued in modern style: Modern, High Tech.

This option implies the use of minimalism and rigor. Therefore, the wallpaper should be in the measure bright to turn on the main attention, but to be restrained to fit into the entire style of the interior.

Extremely preference is given to wallpaper light shades or just white. This option allows you to expand the kitchen, give airiness and rigor. You can also choose one-picture light wallpaper with bright motifs or pattern.

Since now much attention is paid to quality, the best option For the kitchen there will be a choice of glass chibs or vinyl. It is also allowed to combine various wallpaper color schemes. As for the style, the eastern motifs are very popular lately. And modern wallpapers with a drawing on plant topics are suitable for lovers of home comfort.

The last trend of the year is the wallpaper with a pattern in the form decorative plates. Still in fashion remain different stickers. They perfectly complement the wallpaper in any style, but here the main thing is to choose everything to avoid stripping.

Little Kitchen Wallpaper

As mentioned earlier than less spaceThe greater the bright shades should be present in the interior. This will help visually increase the area. However, clean white kitchen Do not do. This will create the illusion of finding the hospital chamber, as well as create the need for frequent and very thorough cleaning.

The best option for a small kitchen will be the wallpaper of bed shades with a very small pattern. If you have chosen a photo wallpaper or 3D drawing, then glue them to a free wall that serves as a dining place. So it will be made a bright accent.

When choosing wallpaper should also be focused on the whole kitchen interior. So, for example, if the furniture has a glossy shine, then the wallpaper must be selected glossy. The color should be neutral with a neutral shade.

As for the quality, the wallpaper for the kitchen, especially small, should necessarily be washing and well withstand sharp differences of temperature, as well as steam.

What is the most favorite place in the apartment at all households?

Of course, the kitchen!

When choosing wallpaper for the kitchen, you need to create a cozy space, save the style, and most importantly, take into account the practicality of the material and colors. That is what I am now and help you do.

Selection of 105 photos successful solutions For wallpapers in the kitchen, comparison of washable, liquid and other types of wallpaper. And the detailed infographics will help you when choosing a color and style of wallpaper design.

Stylish wallpapers: from Loft to Provence


The kitchen, decorated, in the style of Provence is, most often, bright in a vertical strip, a cell or a flower. As well as all wallpapers with images in the style of European cafes, provincial motifs (houses, animals, rustic utensils)

As a rule, it is muted shades: mustard, olive, lavender, wheat, beige, sandy. Wallpapers will also look good, creating the effect of cracked plaster or barn board.

Below we give a photo of the wallpaper in the style of Provence.


Country-style kitchens are designed to create a cozy atmosphere of a homely hearth.

To do this, the wallpapers of calm muted shades are best fit: green, beige, terracotta, soft-yellow, brown, gentle pink, crimped, blue.

This style is natural, in such a kitchen will perfectly look wallpapers for simple natural materials: stone, wood, etc.


Japanese style

Japanese-style kitchen is a place of relaxation, rest for the soul and body.

To create a calm relaxing interior, natural natural colors are best suitable like a ocher and green. Covers are revived wallpaper imitating bamboo masonry or photo wallpaper with ethnic motifs and calligraphy, drawings with exotic flowers and birds.

You can choose registration in the spirit of Japanese minimalism, and you can give preference to bright colors, choosing wallpaper contrasting with furniture.


Laconicity, severity, simplicity, cleanliness, functionality, maximum light and space are the cherished canons of cuisine in the style of minimalism.

Imagine all these tasks in the same interior will help a monophonic simple finish Walls, possibly with a small smooth pattern.

The traditional solution for minimalism is to use in the contrast interior gray walls And white headset. In fact, the dominant color can be any, but light tone is still preferable. The main color can be effectively emphasized with stone, metal, natural wood.


Choose wallpapers: most popular colors with examples

Heavenly blue

Blue wallpapers are best suited to people active and energetic: the tender calm range acts soothing, will help to relax and relax after a long working day, as well as create a relaxed atmosphere of romance and carefree holidays.

Summer sky colors of the summer sky will be perfectly combined with yellow and accessories. Another popular combination is a blue wall covering, and furniture diluted with blue decor objects in the role bright accents.

Childing Green

This color has countless shades, when proper selection Which can create a really impressive easy and summer interior. Green wallpapers in combination with brown, beige, orange, gray or black headlome are especially spectacular in the kitchen. Green background is always very profitable thanks the color, refreshing the interior and creating a calm harmonious atmosphere in the kitchen.

Sophisticated gray

Gray wallpaper in the kitchen looks aristocratic and stylish. This color will never look boring, rather, on the contrary, it will be favorably diversified by any color gamut. Gray is easy to combine with other colors. Most often, it is used in the kitchen interiors in the style of High-tech.

Creative orange

A wide range of orange gamut colors is coral, peach, amber, orange, salmon - will help create a friendly atmosphere in the kitchen to communicate. Citrus tones in the interior raise the mood and increase appetite. Orange wallpaper Best will be combined with warm blue, green, black flowers.

Classic white

White kitchen is a classic minimalist interior. Light colors Visually will give your room more light and free space. So that the kitchen does not look boring, add bright accents to its interior, for example, combining white wallpaper with green, orange or even black.

In harmony with nature: how to consider the side of the world when choosing colors

The side of the light on which the windows of your kitchen comes to you can serve as a small tip when choosing a color range of the interior.

What material to choose the wallpaper?

Kitchen - territory high humidity, and when choosing a design, this certainly needs to be considered. Wallpapers should not only please the eye, but also to be practical, not to absorb kitchen fragrances and be unpretentious in care. For this purpose, the surface above the slab and the sink is better to leave the non-shimmer and lay out them or other finishing materials.

In its structure and properties, wallpapers are several species, then we will dwell on each of them.


This type of kitchen wallpaper over the past few years has become an unconditional leader among materials for wall decoration. They are easily clean, perfectly carry moisture and constant temperature drops. Whatever happens, they will not break, do not scream and do not form folds.

Liquid wallpaper

This type of finishing materials, which is a special mixture-powder made of cotton fibers, binder adhesive composition, mineral crumb, cellulose, painting pigments. Before use, this mixture is divorced with water and gently applied to the walls. The obvious plus is their ability to imperceptibly mask all flaws on the walls and not leave the seams on the surface after the application. In case of damage to any segment of the wall - the coating can be easily replaced with a new one.

To increase the service life liquid wallpaper, Cover the finished walls with protective acrylic solution.

Vinyl wallpapers

These wallpapers are suitable for lovers of monophonic wall decoration. Such a coating has high density, does not fade in the sun and generally serves sufficiently long: the walls can be calmly scratching, shore a brush and rub with a damp cloth. Vinyl wallpapers are also best hiding all the irregularities and roughness of the walls. There are special types that also have disinfectant and bactericidal properties, preventing the appearance and reproduction of mold and fungi. Agree, for the kitchen is it just the perfect option?

Attention! On wallpapers with bulk images, the dirt will be laundered quite difficult. To simplify cleaning and regularly remake repair, it is preferable to choose a wicked wallpaper.

Fliselinova wallpaper

70% wallpaper material consists of cellulose fiber. Perfectly lay on the walls, do not sit, do not break, do not impenetrate, neatly cover all dents and cracks on the surface. This is a real find for the kitchen: they are moisture resistant, durable, easy to clean.

Acrylic wallpaper

Consist of two-layer material created on the basis of dense paper and covered with a thin layer acrylic. This paint provides free air exchange in the kitchen, does not contain harmful substances, and, unlike benzoats, as part of other finishing materials, does not affect the human health. Wallpapers have a gentle embossed pattern, so when washing it is impossible to use rigid rags, detergent.

Glass equipment

It is made exclusively from eco-friendly natural materials. Such wallpapers are ideal for disguising all cracks and irregularities. They do not rush and do not let moisture, interfering with the development of fungal microorganisms. Gymelomotts, if desired, can be repainted in other colors (up to 10 times), and their structure will be saved.

Choose wallpapers for the kitchen-living room

In the combined studio room, it is necessary to competently pick up the colors and the combination of drawings so that the living room and kitchen decoration is harmonized with each other. Designers recommend to choose standard washable wallpaper for the kitchen area, and for the living room - elegant and expensive. For little size it is better to select wallpaper blonde flowers. You can try to use colorfully decorated wallpapers in the wall decoration, which should match the common kitchen-living style.

Combined Wallpaper: Practical Designer Solution

Using this decorator reception helps to solve several interior tasks at once:

  • zonate space;
  • visually add light to the room;
  • visually increase and expand the walls;
  • disguise deficiencies in planning.

To choose the right wallpaper and drastically transform the interior, you need to take into account the following points:

  • Wallpapers must match general style interior;
  • Try to select the same quality wallpaper and one price category;
  • Watch the wallpaper to be equal thickness;
  • Bright drawings alternate with monophonic colors, saturated colors are calibrated more calm;
  • Abstract drawing will be well combined with geometric, wood textures - with patterns from flowers.

Best 2018 Wallpaper to create fashionable cuisine

Modern market for finishing materials for kitchen Pepit is all sorts of coloring, ornaments and creative design solutions For every taste and wallet. Here are the main trends of the current season:

Luxury ornaments. Decorators do not get tired of inventing all new and new, stunning with their fabulousness and fancy forms of the collection. Proud peacocks, wicker plants, lace ruffles, wicker textures, vintage letters - these wallpapers so I want to call the work of art! Make your kitchen in a royal kitty and stylish!

Hypnosis. Modern allow us to achieve a cosmic effect. Such fantasy patterns are pregnant and do not give away.

Nature. The best way to create an atmosphere of calm and peace in the kitchen is to choose a wallpaper that resemble the fauna world. Artistic images of natural landscapes will look great in the interior of any style.

Wall mural on the wall: Make your kitchen special!

This is definitely one of the most fashionable and spectacular ways to decorate your kitchen space. According to mine decorative opportunities This element of wall design is simply no equal! It tastefully selected wallpaper as if expanding the borders of the room and create the illusion of perspectives. The familiar wall suddenly turns into a summer garden, a cozy overseas street or the ocean coast.

Photo images require many spaces for themselves and will best look at the interior of minimalism: neutral background, minimum number of furniture and decor elements.

Often, photo wallpapers are used in spacious living rooms for zoning space, creating unusual visual effects. But this does not mean that they cannot be used on. In this case, it is important to pick up a photo image, considering the size of the room, so as not to create feelings of flaws and inappropriate decor. About how to issue photo walls interior living room ,.

Glue wallpaper in the kitchen with your own hands!

It is not so difficult to realize all its design ideas in the very designer, as it may seem at first glance. In these videos, you will find valuable recommendations, how to independently cope with the task of plating wallpapers in the kitchen.

Wallpapers are good because they do not require careful shuttering of walls, as required for painting, hide small irregularities, and also allow you to correct some disadvantages of the room, for example, low ceiling Or a small area. And they are simply beautiful and able to transform even the most boring interior. On the other hand, complex conditions Kitchen and frequent cleaning will withstand, unfortunately, not every wallpaper. In addition, this material has weakness - Seams that eventually begin to dug and wear out. How to choose a wallpaper for the kitchen so that they are beautiful, practical and served a long time, we will tell in this material.

Overview of wallpaper species

Wallpapers are of different species, but for finishing walls of the kitchen is adapted only:

  • Vinyl (on paper / flizelin-based);
  • Fliselinova (under painting);
  • Gymelomes (also under painting).

Let's look at each of these species.

Vinyl wallpapers

They consist of two layers - the decorative top layer and the foundation. With the choice of the foundation, everything is simple: it can be either paper or phlizelin. The latter is suitable for decoration of kitchen walls much more.

  • Flizelin base great simplifies the process of sticking wallpaper , because glue is applied only on the wall. This means that its consumption is reduced twice, and the canvas are not stretched and not compressed when drying (docking the pattern becomes easier). In addition, the flizelin base better levels small irregularities and wall cracks, and also allows you to spare wallpaper easily and without residue.

Depending on the upper decorative layer, vinyl wallpapers are divided into 4 main types:

  1. Wallpapers for painting from foamed vinyl;
  2. Compact vinyl;
  3. Solid vinyl;
  4. "Kitchen vinyl".

Wallpaper under painting Of the foamed vinyl are not suitable for decoration of the kitchen, as it is not sufficiently resistant to friction with a brush, shocks, scratches. But the rest of the species should take note.

  • Wallpaper from "Kitchen" Vinyl Attracting in standing wet cleaning with a brush and even cleaning agents. However, such a "supest" coating of airtight, and therefore, a favorable medium for mold can be formed under it. If the walls of the kitchen were once amazed by fungus, the room is poorly illuminated, in it, it is raw, often the pipes often flow or sweat the windows, then this option is not suitable. If you still decided to choose them, the walls should be pre-treated with antiseptic primer.
  • CD-vinyl wallpaper It is great for the kitchen, as it is withstanding light wet cleaning, resistant to shocks and scratches, their drawing does not fade into the sun, the service life is about 10 years. In addition, the price of coating compact vinyl is not high (compared to hard vinyl), and the choice of designs is very large. But they have a typical deficiency for vinyl - the absence of air permeability. Choosing such wallpapers, first, first, to treat the walls of antiseptic primer, secondly, often airing the room, thirdly, to ensure that there is no damp in it, the pipes did not flow, and the windows did not dare.

  • Wallpaper of solid vinyl - The best choice for the kitchen, if you want to punish the wallpaper with a pattern, not under painting. After all, their properties are almost perfect - they are beautiful, durable, withstand wet cleaning, racks for UV rays, and most importantly - they have micropores that will give the walls of "blooming" because of, say, random flooding. The only drawback is a high price (from 2000 rubles / roll).

Swedish solid vinyl wallpaper

Fliselin wallpaper for painting

The term "fliseline wallpaper" always causes confusion from buyers and even some sellers. For example, phliselinic is often called any wallpaper on a fliesline basis (whether paper or vinyl). And another such name was fixed behind wallpaper under painting from foamed vinyl based on Fliselin, which we told a little earlier. But, strictly speaking, Fliselinov has the right to be called wallpaper for painting consisting of 100% fliesline.

  • Fliseline wallpaper for painting do not have relief and more similar to paper. And this is paper, only improved by adding polymers binding cellulose.

Why are they needed if they have no decorativeness even in the form of relief under a simple cargo? They will be outlined when the walls want to paint, but the foundation is far from the ideal or, for example, when cracks are expected due to the shrinkage of the new building.

  • It is very easy to glue phlizelin wallpaper, but the kennels can be noticeable and after painting. Are there any walls painted on smooth flieselin or on a spacious wall? Yes, quite a bit, but differ due to the translucent texture of the phlizelin. Paints on water-based paints are suitable for painting philinelin wallpaper. You can repaint them 4-5 times.

Glass equipment

There is no stronger wallpaper than fiberglass manufactured from a mixture of quartz sand, soda and lime.

  • Gymelomes are more resistant to mechanical damage than vinyl under painting, and unlike smooth phlizelin walls, they have a beautiful relief or pattern. By the way, thanks to its structurality, glass windows visually lines the walls with small drops. They are not afraid of wet cleaning, fire-resistant, elastic and well hide base defects. And more glazed can be replicated up to 10 times, that is, twice as often as wallpaper for painting of other types.

And a bit more useful information. Some glass windows are already colored, but they can still be painted. Paints should be used on a water basis (acrylic, water dispersive, water-emulsion).

Information for the buyer

  1. Before paying the purchase, be sure to make sure that all rolls came out of one batch (the batch number is specified on the package). Otherwise, despite the same article, the color and collection, you will get the wallpaper of a different column, which will be very noticeable when weeping clouds on the wall. By the way, the spread of wallpaper from different parties is not a marriage, but technical feature production.
  2. Wallpapers should always be bought with a 5-10% margin, which will come in handy in case of damage to cloths during sticking or in the future for local repairs. If you buy a picture of a picture, do not forget to take into account the rapport (pattern repetition step).
  3. Keep in mind that it is not necessary to glue the wallpaper for the kitchen head. But it is desirable that the wallpaper can go for a 10-15 cm cabinet.
  4. Choosing kitchen wallpaper, check out their marking on the package. It is important that they were:
  • Light-resistant - look for the sign of the sun, and better than the sun plus, if the wallpaper is very bright or dark;
  • Moisture-proof - look for at least two waves (they say that the wallpaper is washable and they can be wiped with a damp cloth), and it is better for three waves (supest, which can be washed with a mild cleaning agent);
  • Persistent for friction - A wave with a brush reports that the wallpaper can be washed and rubbish.

  1. When choosing wallpaper glue, focus on whether it is suitable for your primer and wallpapers you have chosen type.
  2. Remember that in the bright lighting of the store the exhibited samples look a little lighter than in real conditions On the wall of the kitchen of an ordinary urban apartment.
  3. When designing a kitchen, you can combine two types of wallpaper (for example, supest "kitchen" wallpapers in the cooking zone and wallpaper from solid vinyl in the dining area). Thus, it will also be saved on materials, and reduce the load on the more expensive coating.
  4. If you liked the wallpaper that do not differ wear-resistance, then just go them on one wall, away from the plate. For example, in the dining area. The rest of the walls are best to paint suitable tint Or combine with other wallpaper.

Photo gallery and design tips

  1. Wallpaper with a large, dark or bright and / or very distround pattern is best glued only by one or two walls. Otherwise, the space "overloaded" and visually decreases. It is also desirable that the interior of the kitchen with bright wallpapers is neutral.

  1. Walls little cuisine It is best to just paint on the wallpaper in one tone with light paint or to issue with wallpaper with a little, intense and unobtrusive print.