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Building materials OSB. Specifications and features of the OSB plate. Positional Opinions

IN lately, among the building materials, the stroke plates of OSB are gaining popularity (abbreviation translated into Russian, the abbreviation is translated as "oriented is a chipboard", although domestic manufacturers and sellers use the term OSB).

Types and applications of OSB (OSB) plates

There are several varieties of chipboard. Each type of specific characteristics, therefore, the scope will be diverse.

OSB1 - have a low density of the material, when contacting with moisture, the material is made serious damage. Such plates are often used in the furniture industry.

OSB2 is the strength and density of material, more than OSB1, but everything is also undesirable to the presence of a wet environment. Used as material for plating premises with a small level of humidity.

OSB3 - characterized by moisture resistance and high strength, but during constant contact with water is possible deformation. This slab can be used outside the room, pre-processing. Due to the ratio of the price - the quality was widespread.

OSB4 - has the greatest strength and moisture resistance. Water or humidity do not harm, even with constant interaction. Despite all the wonderful qualities, there is one minus - this is the price that is significantly higher than the cost of OSB3.

Class Strength Moisture resistance
OSB 1. Low Low
OSB 2. High Low
OSB 3. High High
OSB 4. Ultra high High

OSB dimensions (OSB) Another important OSB criterion is the stove thickness. Long and width always remain constant - 2500x1250 mm, while the thickness can vary from 8 to 26 mm, with an interval of 2 mm.

IN modern construction houses often use OSB plate as the main material.

If it is supposed to use OSB to cover the walls, or strengthening the wooden floor, that is, when it does not need an increased strength, a stove is suitable to 16mm.

If the stove will be under significant continuous loadrecommended to use OSB thick from 16 mm. Often it is used to create a basis for heavy items, or for roofing structures.

OSB Size Table (OSB) Plate

Indicators Plates with smooth edges Plates with tongs
Dimensions (DHS), mm 2440x1220, 2500x1250 2440x1220, 2440x590,
2450x590, 2500x1250
Thickness, mm. 9 10 11 12 15 16 18 22 15 16 18 22
Number of sheets in package, pcs. 100 80 75 70 55 50 45 35 55 50 45 35

The main properties of the OSB plate (OSB)

OSB plates are an indispensable and widespread material when construction work. Below is a list of basic useful properties This material:

  • withstands high weight due to high strength;
  • the ease and elasticity of the sheet allows the use of OSB when wearing uneven surfaces;
  • the homogeneity of the material provides integrity in bending, in contrast to plywood, which is separated by flexion;
  • unlike wood, with high humidity, OSB is less susceptible to the appearance of defects;
  • light processing tools allows you to quickly bonded sheets;
  • it has high thermal insulation, and at the same time sound insulation;
  • the material is resistant to chemical and mechanical effects;
  • not inclined to form mold and fungus;

Application OSB (OSB) Plate

Thanks to the excellent properties, chipboard are oriented, they can be used in many areas of construction work.

When installing floors. OSB plate surface has a smooth and smooth surfaceIt is also suitable for strength for these purposes. They can be laid on concrete screed, under laminate or linoleum, or as a floor over the soil in the country.

For external walls. From OSB-3 panels, you can build a barn or temporary residential building. But it should be remembered that the surface of the panels must be primed, and the edges fill in with a sealant.

OSB Plates can be used not only to build attacks. Of these, excellent full-fledged country housesYou only need to warm up with additional materials.

For inland walls. Depending on the humidity in the room, you can use OSB-2 or OSB-3. If a more moisture-proof panel is applied, it can be treated with paints on water basedWhat will ensure a better bandwidth, keeping the microclimate.

For the construction of houses from sandwich panels. OSB is used in finished blocks for quick construction of the house on modern technology.

Another plus OSB is simplicity of fastening, they are simply fixed on the frame using self-tapping screws. For installation floor, special lags are used, the roof support is done. wooden doom, and for the walls of the walls are installed metal profiles. The interval during the installation of these structures should not be more than 400 mm.

Of all the above, it can be seen that OSB plates are durable and inexpensive material indispensable for any repair or construction.

Video: How to produce OSB plates

Photo of Application OSB Plates in Construction

Construction - the occupation is extremely expensive. This immediately understands anyone who took on the construction of their own home. Of course, there is always a desire to reduce costs as much as possible, but not to the detriment of the final quality. Therefore, it is so common recently OSB stove. Reviews indicate that it is an excellent alternative to many traditional building materials.

What it is?

By the way, what kind of stove is it, what is it so good? It is called a variety of chosen materials. Unlike a banal chipboard, it possesses some features. First, tough control over the quality of chips, which distinguishes the production of OSB-slabs from the release of ordinary chipboard panels.

In production there is only a carefully selected high-quality chips. In the slab itself, it is also located in a special way: first it is put in the perpendicular direction, in the middle there is a parallel layer, and on top of the chip again placed across (of course, with respect to the OSB axis). This approach allows you to get thin and extremely durable material from which in most cases even overlaps can be made.

In addition, the OSB wood stove is molded under high pressure and temperatures using special synthetic resins. All this attaches ready material Excellent features: It is durable, resistant to mold and fungus, extremely durable. It is not surprising that the OSB plate, the reviews of which we will look at, diverge last years all big parties.

About moisture resistance

Currently also produced OSB plate moisture resistant. It is impossible to say that she can withstand the year-round stay under a torrential rain, but the reviews are encouraging. In particular, some owners were erected from moisture-resistant plates of household buildings. As their experience shows, even after five to six years, no signs of destruction and separating material are observed.

How much does this material are safe for health?

Disputes around this issue go practically since this material appeared in our market. Most of our consumers with the word "chipstock" immediately recall the products of the USSR. The synthetic resins used in their production contained such a number of phenol that the diseases of the respiratory tract caused by constant finding in homes with such furniture met very often.

Do not worry! Reviews of modern buyers show that no side Effects There is no use of this material. It's all about the production of plates: used special resinwhich practically does not contain harmful substances. Many people have already lived in houses from OSB for the second or third decades, but they do not notice any problems.

You can only make one remark. Given that in the production of material, synthetic resins, heated by the Sun of the attic (if you have it), it is necessary to ventilate more often. The fact is that in the first years of operation it may not be too pleasant smell. It happens not always and not everyone, but keep in mind this circumstance does not hurt.

Practical examples and reviews. Construction of houses

Construction of houses from this material causes many fierce disputes, in which even professional builders are sometimes involved. Since interest in the topic is largely preheated, artificially, discusing specialists sometimes go to personality. But communication on the forums is far from the best way Compose of one's own opinion on OSB prospects. To do this, you need to talk with practitioners.

What sensations do they cause OSB stove? Reviews indicate that professional builders stand on the use of standard blocks. Thus, the maximum allowable size of the slab can not exceed 1.5 meters. Alas, but this is exactly what causes the main flow of complaints: no matter how cool, but you will have to make the walls at least with one mix. The practices of such "docks" are advised to avoid in every way.

This is due to the fact that on the extreme sections of the slab in this case there is an extremely high load. Therefore, the likelihood of damage is high. Many owners of country houses that used this decision during construction, as they complain about broken and damaged plates. This house does not add much decorativeness.

Approaches to construction

So what is the OSB slab suitable? Reviews say this material is ideal for the construction of small country houses. The main thing is not to forget to provide normal ventilation in housing. The builders themselves say that currently there are the following approaches to construction from OSB panels:

  • In the first case, any favorite project of the house is simply selected, after which it is adapted to the existing realities.
  • The second approach is much pragmatic: the specialist is hired, which is a project that takes into account all the strong and weak sides material.

Alas, but the most common is the first way. Our builders are constantly looking for approaches to the recession of the project, so it does not ends with anything good. Often, you can find feedback from dissatisfied buyers who are tuned on the poor quality of this kind of designs. Houses can be seized, wall structures are often thrown out. As you can guess, to blame for this too economical customers.

A little about the cost

Oddly enough, but specialized design in practice is much cheaper. The builders themselves explain it simply: the fact is that architects immediately calculate required amount Materials and make up the estimate of the project, which in the course of work practically does not change. Reviews indicate that when adapting the project, no more than 48% of OSB panels can be used. If specialized projects are used, it is possible to take up to 80% of this material.

In this case, the OSB-stove, the use of which we consider, is extremely advantageous economically.

Do not repeat other people's mistakes!

Of course, with the desire to save, many themselves are trying to draw up the project. But there are many pitfalls on this path on this path. If you strive to maximize the use of OSB-plates, then as a result, get big, beautiful, but ... Barak. In addition, typical technology leads to the fact that at home acquire an absolutely identical look, and some architectural features Completely displaced by "cubic" buildings.

By the way, many newly new households complain about this circumstance: they don't like it too much that many thousands of practically the same houses can be found around the world.

Apparently, so build only due to the rooting opinion that the "Canadian" construction technology implies exclusively direct forms and the simplest form of houses. In fact, it does not happen because of technology. Just developers do not "bother" with something more complex, but use the most simple forms and technological solutions. If you build a house for yourself, you can make it from OSB-plates, but give him any shape.

In any case, the article has a photo. The OSB plate on them looks quite a "plastic" material that can be given almost any shape.

As we have already spoken, the most common is optimization typical projects Under OSB-plates. Although it is not too welcome, but there are some ways that help optimize the project with the least loss and maximum return. Consider the most effective of them.

As we already said, standard panels We will have to be allowed and cut, since the usual ceiling height (2.5 m) more sizes Plates. Where better to put the panel on the edge. Since the stove shake OSB has a standard width of 1250 mm, it will be possible to do with a smaller number of joints, which will increase the strength of the structure as a whole. Self-taught builders who independently erected their homes on this technology, talking about a significant decrease in the number of waste.

Competently calculate the windows!

In addition, from reviews, it can be understood that a significant reduction in construction (building materials is less consumed) literates the calculation of the size of the window jumpers. Builders lead such an example: if you take the ceiling height equal to 2.8 meters, then the window opening is better to make a 1250 mm wide and 1400 mm high. In this case, the installation of OSB-boards is obtained as accurate that you can place one-piece panels on the walls without making a single cut.

Another variant

If you cut the panel to the longitudinally, having received two pieces of 900x1500 mm and 350x1500 mm, two ideal blanks for window blocks 150 cm high are 150 cm. Simply put, when choosing a precursor, based on the characteristics of your material you have, you can almost completely get rid of waste and trimming. In principle, the reviews indicate that the panels are generally often cut into two parts.

Cut the right!

And there is a logical explanation. For example, the standard unit is divided into parts by 625x1500 mm. Considering that the height of the attic of the attic is often just 1.5 meters, of which you can easily combine the room, without making material for unnecessary pieces. However, the builders are also noted by the fact that it should not be forgotten about the standard processes of the project that you plan to "fit" under your needs.

Explain on more simple example. Suppose you want to make a house from such plates that original project It has dimensions of several hundred square metersYes, and even towers on two to three floors. Should not be doing that! This material is intended to build houses a maximum of two floors with a height (and better - one and a half), since further carrying strength is already insufficient.

Remember, the project cannot be made multiple changes if it was originally created to use OSB-plates! In any case, the number of joints should be reduced as much as possible. But it is impossible to dwell on this this. On the forums are fully stories about how the development of the final project was delayed due to such a scrupulousness for whole months.

After studying the reviews, you can come to simple conclusion: if it turns out to do without cutting - come around without it. If something does not go out, it is better to cut off the desired piece than clocking the house under construction with a roulette. In the end, cut the OSB-slab can be simple manual knifeAnd takes it away from force for a couple of minutes.

In general, it is not necessary to get involved in self-recycling projects. The fact is that a serious result can be obtained only if you are engaged in a mass building. Yes, and reviews on the forums are talking about the same: the panels should be used only in those areas for which their strength is sufficient.

So, we would not advise you to order projects of cheaper in specialized companies, since the effect will be quite a bit. In this case, it is easier to order ready drawing At home, which is based on the OSB-stove. Its use in this case is greatly simplified.


The builders themselves also say that we should never forget about the width of the panels you use and in the case of installation of external walls. In our case, it is 1250 mm. If the walls of the house are 5x5 meters, then the whole plates will not use. But 5,125 by 5.125 m fit perfectly, and you will have to cut it much less. From people who independently engaged in the construction of such houses, you can often hear feedback that in the drawings of the panel it is advisable to draw in the form of rectangles: so you can accurately clean their quantity in advance.

By the way, how much is the OSP-stove? The price depends on the manufacturer and the type of panel itself, but most often does not exceed 700-1000 rubles per piece.

The butt gaps, as practice shows, can be neglected. The accuracy of the manufacture of panels is not as high so that these three or four millimeters it would be possible to seriously navigate. Note that when cutting, this volume of material is also reduced, and when using saws with large teeth, it is most noticeable.

In general, the OSB-stove, the thickness of which is about 8 mm, is not inclined to swell a lot, so that the skew of the design due to the too small gap will not be. However, you still do not need to sharpen the panel as tightly as possible, since the technological backlash between them should be present in any case.

Construction companies, as well as furniture manufacturers often indicate as used OSB plates or simply OSB. This abbreviation usually does not say anything to a simple consumer. So, OSB - what is it, what is it used, what are the advantages or shortcomings?

OSB name is decrypted simply - this is the initial letters of the words orient Strand Board, which are translated as a fit plate. Also plates can call OSB panels, OSP sheets or just OSB or OSP.

Plates are made from flat wood chips or chips. For the production of OSB plates is most suitable raw materials from coniferous rocks, but also used aspen, poplar, etc. Unlike other chipboard (chipboard, for example), the shamp is laid in the specified direction. That is why such chip plates are called oriented. Since the OSB plates consist of several (usually out of three) layers, the direction of chips in the layers alternates, due to which these plates are more durable.

To compound chips, resins consisting of carbamide, melamine, waxes and other substances are used. The resin content in the composition is less than 10%, which makes the panel of the panel with a conditional-natural material. Panels can be laminized or vapor for additional protection.

OSB plates found wide in house-building. In particular, they are part of the material used for.

OSB Plate - these are a sheets of approximately 2.5 per 1, 25 m. The thickness of the slabs is different, it varies from 6 to 38 mm. For the convenience of installing the slabs may have processed ends according to the "groove comb" principle.

Views OSB.

There are 4 types of OSB, all of them are divided by strength and water resistance:

Pros and cons of OSB

The advantages of oriented-chip panels include the following properties:

  • cost;
  • strength;
  • moisture resistance;
  • simplicity processing;
  • lack of bundles;
  • excellent holding ability - fasteners in OSP hold an order of magnitude better than in the chipboard.

What about security? There are misconceptions about human health. Someone says that this is toxic material that it cannot be used in the premises that OSB allocates formaldehyde, etc. The overwhelming majority of such delusions are full of fiction that has nothing to do with the true state of affairs. First, all panels are certified. Designed international Standard E1 for materials used in house-building. OSB plates having appropriate labeling, safe for humans. Secondly, ordinary primer and coloring fully blocks the selection of any substances from the plates. Thus, they are most safe for health and there are no obstacles to use them indoors.

There are completely safe OSB plates. The binders that are used in the production of EUROSTRAND® OSB 3 E9 plates of the company EGGER do not contain formaldehyde. The binding element is not a phenol formaldehyde resin, but paraffin-wax emulsion and polyurethane resin.

Scrap OSB laying process

OSB and plywood comparison

OSB Plates can be compared with other materials and primarily with plywood. According to its qualities, they are similar, but if there is a choice, plywood or OSB, it is worth paying attention to such facts:

  • for the manufacture of the OSB, the chips of fast-growing rocks are used, for plywood you need more "noble" raw materials - as a result of this, the cost of the OSB is lower due to the price of raw materials;
  • OSB plates are not resolve;
  • oSB has a more homogeneous structure and on a slice of the strength of the OSB is higher than that of plywood;
  • the strength of plywood and OSB is about the same, but OSB strength characteristics do not depend on humidity;
  • OSB sheets can be made of any size, the manufacturing process is easy to adjust under certain needs;
  • oSB plates are easily processed by any tools;
  • by the ratio of weight and strength of OSB, the slab is more profitable than plywood.

So, OSB is light and durable construction materialSuperior in many of the parameters of such famous competitors as plywood. At the same time, the cost of OSB is lower, which makes this material most promising on the market.

OSB-3, whose characteristics are interested in many home masters today, has recently gained great popularity. These webs are very wide, including OSP is often used when arranging the base for mounting the roof lining and

Characteristics of OSP-3

OSB-3, the technical characteristics of which correspond to safety standards, can be applied in the inner space of residential premises. The class OSB-3 assumes the possibility of using the material when conducting outdoor and internal work. The humidity can be moderate, which distinguishes the canvas of this class from OSB-1 and OSB-2. The last two options do not have such an impressive density and do not even undergo a bit of high humidity.

OSB-3 - Plate, whose characteristics will allow you to determine whether it should be purchased, it can be glued to the surface of the lag, this will increase the rigidity of the system. Use it is recommended mounting glueperformed on the basis of chemical solvents. In the areas of the locks, the comb-groove must be applied by type D3.

Tools and materials

To carry out work on the leveling of sex or the arrangement of the overlap, it is necessary to prepare some instruments and materials, among them you can allocate:

  • self-tapping screw;
  • plates;
  • lags;
  • waterproofing.

Installation of OSP-3 on the walls

OSB-3, whose characteristics allow you to install on all types of surfaces, can also be used with between the canvas, and also around the openings should be left a gap, the minimum width of which is 3 mm. When the walls are trimmed, professionals advise the use of OSP, the thickness of which is 12 mm. If there is a need to produce additional insulation systems can be purchased mineral Wat, and on top of the plates to apply mineral plaster.

Plywood OSB-3, whose characteristics attract domestic masters and professional builders, is attached to the wall using self-tapping screws or 51-mm nails. When installing the fastener, you should not approach the edge of the sheet for more than 1 cm.

Installation of OSP on the roof

OSB-3 plates, whose technical characteristics allow them to use them and when conducting outdoor work, should be attached only after checking the evenness and strength of the rafter feet or lag system of the crate. If the above-mentioned elements are not installed enough, it will affect the external clouds in the rain, it is not recommended to use them until the moment of drying. When installed above the attic or any other space that does not heatese winter time, You should worry about ventilation. Holes for this should not be less than 1/150 from the entire horizontal base.

Given the structure of the canvas, it is necessary to mount it with a long edge at a right angle in relation to the rafter foot or elements of the crate. The pairing of short edges of the sheet should be on the roof pores. As for long edges, they are also needed to inspire or connect the brackets where it is necessary. Between the material with straight edges it is worth forming a gap, the minimum width of which is 3 mm: it will exclude deformation during expansion. The slab must be in minimum of two supports.

Installation in the presence of chimney

At the time of fixing the material, the masters should remain on the rafting beams or elements of the crate. If in the roof system there is an opening for a chimney, then the trim should be pushed off from the chimney to the distance approved construction standards. In this case, it is also necessary to use self-tapping screws or nails. Installing fasteners should be 30 cm at a distance, having self-tapping screws on stropile feet or components of the crates. As for the regions of the conjugation, the distance between the self-drawing should be equal to 15 cm.

OSP-3 2500х1250х9mm "Kalevala"

Plate OSB-3 2500x1250x9mm "Kalevala", whose characteristic will allow you to determine whether you should use it for your own needs, is modern material. He is superior to Faneru and the basin of not only chips, but also technological resins. As a rule, an OSP is made of aspen, since this breed is less exposed to the external environment. The cost of the canvase is 550 rubles. When installing it is worth calculating that the weight of one sheet is 17.3 kg. It is enough to simply cut, cut, strict, and if necessary, even grind.

Do not be afraid that the material will not hold nails in itself, in addition, the plates can be glued together with a joinery, which will allow to obtain a sufficiently strong connection. If it is supposed to use the material outside the premises, then it is recommended to cover it with varnish.

Copying the OSB-3 roof, you will receive a system that has excellent quality and sound insulation qualities, which is very important for private buildings at the time of rain or with excessive bird activity. If you have a production business soft furnitureThe described material will find and there is its use when building enclosures.

A fairly wide range of use allowed OSP to gain popularity. This material gradually displaces analogs, because his qualitative characteristics Attract consumer attention.

But here one nuance is hidden, which will not say manufacturers and sellers, - the stove is reliably protected from moisture only under the condition of short exposure. If such a material is installed as a decoration of walls in the bathroom, then it is necessary to apply a layer of additional protection to the surface. You can avoid damage using the surface of the surface and applying moisture protection impregnation. In our country, OSB-3 is very loved as a material for draft floors - in this case nothing is better not.

OSB-4 is, according to consumer reviews, a very high strength canvas. One of its characteristics is high protected from moisture impacts even with long-term exposure. There is a flaw, and he is the only one - this is how much the named Plywood OSB is. The price is pretty high - a leaf size of 1250x2500 mm, and this standard sizewill cost 500 rubles. The cost depends on the thickness - the product is 8 mm costs from 500 rubles, 12 mm - from 680 rubles, 15 mm - from 880 rubles, 18 mm - from 980 rubles. But the price also depends on the manufacturer.

Sizes and weight OSB plates

Let's start with thickness. There are several of its options from these plates, ranging from 8 to 25 mm. For this indicator, the plates are divided into three groups:

  1. Thin materials are 8, 9, and 10 mm.
  2. The average thickness is 12 and 15 mm.
  3. Thick cloth - 18, 22 and 25 mm.

From thickness in direct dependence is the weight of the sheet. So, with a stove thickness in 8 mm, it will be about 16.6 kg. And the 9-mm product will weigh 18.4 kg, 10 mm - 20.6 kg.

One of the factors in which the OSB plywood is selected - dimensions. In general, there are several of them. The most popular from domestic buyers is 2440x1200 mm, the standard European size is 2500x1250 mm and a very rare size - 2440x950 mm. It's believed that latest plates Popular for floor arrangement, although all products can be used with the same success.

What is better: OSB or plywood

For those who are confident that OSB is something new and super-modern, it is worth saying that the manufacture of these plates was engaged very many years ago. Then there was no so much plywood on the market as today, and OSB bought because it was a more affordable analogue of plywood.

In the production of oriented chips, natural resins are used as well as waxes and boric acid. In the manufacture of plywood used formaldehyde. In terms of safety OSB, it is much better - this slab can be used in residential premises. Plywood for this, due to the presence of harmful substances, is not enough.

In addition, the laying of floors, for example, is used by the OSB of a special design - the ends of such products are tipped. This is done to achieve high-quality and simple docking materials among themselves.

When choosing, of course, it is important to navigate depending on specific situation. And if you choose the price, then OSB is also cheaper than plywood.

True, even though the price of the material is significantly lower than the one as they ask for Phaneur, but this slab should not be used for finishing floors - appearance In this case, it will not be aesthetic. But, as already noted, in the dispute - on the floor - the latter significantly wins in an environmental plan.

OSB or Plywood for walls?

Plywood as a material for walls is not recommended by specialists, as a result of all the same formaldehydes. Top of both material can be covered with various protective compositions Or varnish. The slab is better and faster, it, moreover, it is better to carry the primer.

Thus it can be seen that different situations need to use various materialswhich are more suitable for a particular task.