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Useful properties of cow milk for a child. Cow's milk in baby food: useful or harmful? Is it possible to give children a shopping product

Until recently Milk benefit And dairy products for children did not cause any doubts. Babies literally from the first months of life are beginning to feed with milk mixtures, and at a later age, all sorts of curds, yogurts, kefirs and ryuzhki come to replace them. The cow's milk, which makes up the basis of all these products, at first glance is indeed an indispensable source of the beneficial substances necessary for the normal growth and development of the child. To these substances, we will take:

  • easily disabled proteins;
  • fat animal origin;
  • carbohydrates, when digesting, forming galactose and glucose;
  • minerals (calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus);
  • vitamins A, B, B2, C, D, E.

Cow's milk almost never causes rejection from a children's digestive system, and it can be called a universal feeding product. However, recent studies show that in fact everything is not so simple, and the benefits of dairy products are already questioned, contrary to the thousand-year history of the use of these products by a person.

Proper nutrition for children: Is it worth feeding the child with milk?

First of all, scientists confuse the fact of the banal species incompatibility of a person and such a familiar, domesticated animal, like a cow. After all, what is essentially a cow's milk? This is the secret of the mammal mammary mammary glands, standing very far from Homo Sapiens on the stairs of evolutionary development.
The highlighted cow secret is designed exclusively for the calf, but not for human cub, which is completely lacking separately taken enzymes needed for splitting and mastering some components of cow's milk. For example, with the splitting of dairy carbohydrates (in particular - lactose), glucose and galactose are formed.
With glucose no problems arise, and for a person, it is indeed a universal source of "fast" energy, but the galactose cannot be learned. It practically does not participate in the chemical exchange processes, and leads to a cluster of subcutaneous fat, from which it is later extremely difficult to get rid of.
We will analyze the main components And let's try to compare them with the beneficial substances that are contained in maternal milk.

Dairy fats

Few people know, but almost 50% of energy with the use of ordinary 3% milk we get not from carbohydrates, but directly from fats. How so, because on the package it is written that fat content is only 3%? The fact is that pasteurized dairy products for children(And in general, any dairy products from the store) contain saturated fats, largely oxidized during multiple transfusion and mixing.
Such fats are very calories, and largely increase cholesterol levels in the child's body. Everyone knows that this substance can not be called useful, and it is the main cause of atherosclerosis of vessels, obesity and other unpleasant diagnoses. The most interesting thing is that with the natural feeding of the calf from the udder, dairy fats are not in contact with air and are not oxidized, and they become "harmful" only due to person, in the process of multiple overflows and pasteurization.

Dairy carbohydrates

When they talk about carbohydrates contained in milk, first of all mean lactose. In maternal milk, its percentage is from 5.5 to 6.0%, and in a cow - less than 5%. In addition to quantitative differences, there is also high-quality. In fact, the galactose formed during the cleavage of lactose is the "backup fuel" for the body of the child. It begins to split in the liver when the glucose reserves formed in the process of digesting the same milk itself.
From a certain age, the ability of a human digestive system to absorb galactose decreases, and it ceases to participate in the energy exchange processes, accumulating in subcutaneous fat, joints, eye leaks, etc. Therefore, the need to use milk by older children who have long ceased to be infants, causes great doubts from scientists.

Dairy proteins

It is very important to understand that animal proteins entering our body are not digested in their original form and require preliminary splitting on amino acids. Subsequently, those proteins that are needed by our organism at a given point in time are being built from these amino acids, as from the designer (for example, to construct muscle fibers to regenerate damaged tissues, etc.). This process is called protein biosynthesis biology.
The protein contained in the cow's milk is perfectly split in the calf stomach (due to the enzyme renin), but the same thing cannot be said about the child. For normal biosynthesis proteins, kid needs food milk The mother in which, in addition to proteins, contains symbiotic bacteria suitable for the type of Homo Sapiens. In the case of cow's milk, the children's body spends too many resources for splitting alien proteins, and in the end still does not absorb them in full.


A simple laboratory analysis will show that the cow's milk contains about 4-5 times more calcium than in Maternal. Not knowing all nuances, you can actually believe in the indisputable benefit of dairy products that should cover our need for this mineral 100%. In fact, the situation is exactly the opposite. When using cow's milk in the child's stomach, in addition to calcium, casein comes (the strongest oxidizing agent), to neutralize which can be neutralized with minerals.
For the normalization of acid-alkaline balance, calcium contained in the milk itself is first spent, and when it is not enough - the internal resources of the body are in the course. Thus, the cow's milk can not only not bring calcium into our metabolism, but also to "wash" it from the body, adversely affecting the condition of the teeth and bones. In the case of maternal milk, the amount of calcium and casein is strictly balanced, and the child receives a sufficient amount of this mineral instead of losing it.
After obtaining such information, the conclusion suggests only one - to feeding cow milk and milk mixtures on its basis it is worth resorting only when the child refuses breast milk. For older children (from 2 years and older), milk consumption should be strictly dosed, and it is clearly not necessary to abuse this product.

Dairy products: how do they affect the children's body?

Doubtful use of cow's milk (in pure form) is described above, but whether all these are secondary dairy products: kefir, rippers, yogurts, cottage cheese, etc.? Let's try to figure it out about items.


  • big content of vitamin A responsible for the condition of the skin of the child;
  • abundance of calcium and phosphorus involved in the construction of bone tissue;
  • the presence of trace elements required for the synthesis of group vitamins B;
  • normalization of intestinal microflora due to a large number of "useful" bacteria;
  • an obstacle to the development of such a disease as anemia (often found in infants);
  • stimulation of the production of antiviral antibodies (strengthening immunity).

However, this dairy product has its own "side effects". Kefir for childrenit may be contraindicated for the following reasons:

  • too aggressive for a children's digestive system (the reason lies all in the same casein that increases the acidity of the stomach);
  • it contains too much percentage of proteins and minerals, which overloads the rapid kidney of the child;
  • contains fatty acids that are poorly learned in the children's body (especially relevant for children up to a year);
  • large portions of kefir can lead to bloating and disorder of the intestine of the child;
  • the use of kefir at an early age can provoke the washing out of the useful hemoglobin from the children's body.

An accurate answer to the question is whether children can use kefir, does not exist. You need to weigh all the pros and cons of this dairy product, and relate them to your child's metabolism features. Unambiguously, it is only possible to say that Kefir is contraindicated to children up to a year, and at an older age, its consumption should be strictly dosed.


This product obtained by lactic acid fermentation of foam cow's milk is often used for feeding small children. The benefit from the ripper is definitely there, but its potential harm should also be taken into account. First consider the advantages:
  • magnesium and iron contribute to the development of muscle fibers, including the child's heart muscle;
  • sulfur compounds provide the proper formation of internal organs;
  • calcium and phosphorus strengthen the bones and teeth kid;
  • milk acid and potassium improve the work of the kidneys and the urinary system as a whole;
  • prebiotics stimulate the growth of the child, strengthen the immunity and stabilize the intestinal microflora.
We now turn to the minuses:
  • does not combine with the rest of the protein food of animal origin, such as: meat, fish, eggs, etc. (Joint reception of these products will harm the child's digestive system);
  • contraindicated children with increased acidity of the stomach, and especially with chronic gastritis;
  • often causes allergies in children under 3 years;
  • with frequent use leads to obesity (cluster of subcutaneous fat);
  • with the expiry date, it carries the threat of hazardous intestinal infections.
Overall, ryazhka kidnot contraindicated. You can feed it from 7-8 months, watching the kid carefully carefully. When negative reactions appear (stomach disorder, rash, etc.) boldly exclude it from the children's diet. It is not an indispensable product, and the same beneficial substances can be obtained from other varieties of "milk".


Sweet yogurts love children of all ages, and this dairy product today is presented in stores in a large assortment: with berries, fruits, cereals, nuts and other additives. Yoghurt, along with kefir and ion, is a sour-colored product, and carries exactly the same potential risks of the child's health. The benefit of it is also about the same. Let's start with it:

  • absorbed faster than milk and in a more complete amount;
  • allowed to use children with lactase deficiency;
  • reduces the risks of the occurrence of caries;
  • contains useful inclusions carrying additional benefits (nuts, fruits, berries);
  • it tastes for taste (in contrast to the same kefir, children do not have to persuade the yogurt).

Unfortunately, the minuses in modern Much more than a kefir and ripples. Without taking into account the above, the effects described (increase in the acidity of the stomach, excess content of proteins and minerals, etc.), yogurts have the following disadvantages:

  • contain various stabilizers, flavors and dyes, negatively affecting the children's body;
  • contain preservatives of the E1442 type and its analogues that can cause severe pancreatic damage (pancreonenecosis);
  • contain sodium citrate (E331), significantly increasing the level of acidity in the stomach and the oral cavity;
  • because of various additives (berries, fruits, nuts, cocoa) often cause allergies.

Harmful chemical additives, prolonging the shelf life and reinforcing taste, are contained in almost all dairy products of this category. Therefore, the answer to the question is Yoghurt useful for children, unambiguous - only in small quantities, and in the absence of negative reactions from the child's body.

Perhaps, from all dairy products cottage cheese the least dangerous to the health of the child. Of course, it is meant natural cottage cheese - without preservatives, palm oil and other additives, which today are chosen stores stores. We will take the useful properties of this product:

  • the large content of calcium, which is much better absorbed in the child's body compared with calcium from ordinary milk (along with taking vitamin D, this product is able to heal even heavy bone diseases);
  • low acidity (in contrast to kefir and milk, does not irritate the gastric mucosa);
  • easily digestible animal proteins and fats necessary for the full development of the children's body (protein concentration in cottage cheese is extremely high - about 7-8 g per 100 g of product);
  • abundance of vitamin B2, which improves the vision and condition of the skin;
  • antibacterial substances normalizing the child's digestive system.

It is absorbed in the children's body much better than milk, kefir and yogurts. It prevents the development of cardiovascular and endocrine diseases, and does not have such a large load on the liver and kidney, like the rest of the "milk". Contraindications (except individual intolerance) have no curd.
The benefits of cottage cheese for a child Allows you to use this product as a toddler supplies already at 7 months of age. It is recommended to take low-fat curd mixtures, with a minimum amount of additives. After three years, you can go to medium fatty curders.
As for sweet glazed raw materials on the basis of cottage cheese, it is first of all to look at the composition. In the presence of chemical additives with the labeling "E" from such a product, it is best to refuse - it will bring a child much more harm than good. In addition, cocoa, sugar and other additives themselves are harmful even for an adult, not to mention the rapid children's body.

Solid (or melted) It is considered an "adult" product, but many children love him too, and parents do not refuse them in this pleasure. If we are talking about a natural product, then there is nothing wrong with that. In the average cheese (for example, "Russian") contains about 1300 mg of calcium per 100 g of the product, which is more than 10 times its concentration in cottage cheese. It has this delicious product and other advantages:

  • a large amount of sodium, magnesium and potassium (as well as small inclusions of selenium, zinc and iron);
  • the abundance of beneficial amino acids - "building material" for the children's body;
  • a variety of vitamins of groups B, C, PP, E (as well as beta-carotene);
  • high concentration of animal fats (depends on the grade of cheese).

At the same time, solid cheese has its drawbacks:

  • has an increased load on the child's digestive system (therefore in large quantities of contraindicated);
  • contains a large amount of cook salt (negatively affects joints and internal organs);
  • it can lead to severe allergic reactions.

Many children show interest in cheese, and begin to use it from enough early age. This is especially true of all sorts of melted raw materials that can be smeared on bread, cookies, etc. Children under 3 years old this product is recommended to give no more than 2-3 times a week, in small portions. You can add it to various dishes: omelet, mashed porridge.

Goat milk for a child: benefit or harm?

In the advantages and disadvantages of the main varieties of dairy products, we roughly figured out, and what about ? Unlike cow, it has a somewhat different composition, and is much better suited for kids feeding. To the advantages of this product, we will take:

  • big set of vitamins: a, b1, b2, b12, c, d;
  • expanded list of minerals included in it: manganese, copper, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium;
  • good digestibility in the children's body;
  • reduced lactose content;
  • the content of linolenic acid that promotes the strengthening of immunity;
  • bactericidal properties (due to lysozyme);
  • normalization of the work of the conductive heart of the child's heart;
  • prevention from rickets.

In its composition, the goat milk is more approximately close to the maternal than the cow. However, it cannot be completely replaced by natural feeding for the following reasons:

  • extremely low iron content (which is necessary for the normal development of the kid);
  • lack of folic acid (can lead to anemia);
  • an oversupply of phosphorus and calcium (additional load on the child's urinary system);
  • fairly high casein level (poorly affecting the stomach);
  • increased fat (with frequent use can lead to the formation of excess subcutaneous fat).

The benefits of goat milk For the health of the child, of course, there is. However, it is not recommended to use it for feeding. Very carefully we need to treat the "raw" goat milk from the village. Nobody will give you guarantees that the animal that has taken milk has not been infected with a dangerous virus or bacterial disease.


Summing up, it can be said that milk (and cow, and goat) are a priori alien for a person, a product that is not designed for the feeding of a young Homo Sapiens. It is fully learned to count on the fact that it will be fully learned by a child organism and will only benefit him, it certainly does not have to. The composition of cow and goat milk is largely similar to the maternal, but the mechanisms of splitting the substances of the substances in it are straightened. 100% correct food nutritionpossible only with breastfeeding, and It is worth using only for feeding, as an additional power source.

Milk, probably, one of the most popular and frequent products on our table. For many, this product is simply indispensable in food and cooking. We drink milk and we use dairy products, often not even thinking about what useful properties they possess. However, there are so many. Of course, the milk is a useful product. But, if you show curiosity and think: what exactly is his benefit? Why do milk and dairy products doctors advise with various diseases? It is known that the beneficial properties of milk and dairy products have a favorably affect the body with diseases such as gastritis, ulcer of stomach, arthritis and bone diseases, cold. Let's try to figure it out, whether milk and dairy products are useful, having studied their composition and finding out which substances are contained in them.

What makes milk?

The value of milk and dairy products for the human body is determined by what nutrients are contained in dairy products. And in milk there are a lot of them. Milk and dairy products are rich in microelements, the necessary human body. This is an excellent source of calcium, phosphorus, protein, vitamins A, B2, B12. Efficiency products, in turn, contain bacteria necessary for digestion. Specific white color of milk gives casein - the main component of the milk protein. Cottage cheese and cheeses also contain based on this component. Dairy proteins belong to the group of full-fledged, that is, containing important amino acids that can not produce independently, and therefore needs consumption. Beta carotene gives a yellowish shade milk and is a component promoting the production of vitamin A required to strengthen the immune system. The most important components of milk are water, milk protein and fat, carbohydrates, lactose, mineral salts and vitamins that are so necessary for human growth and development. Milk protein, fat and sugar are easily absorbed, favorably affect digestive processes. The milk contains elements involved in the formation and restoration of bones, blood system. Therefore, milk is especially useful for the younger children's body and as a drug. For example, with diseases such as anemia, gastritis, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys. According to researchers, milk contains more than two hundred important components, vitamins, mineral substances. Thus, research work is useful whether dairy products conducted by nutritionists allowed to find out that there are about 30 different vitamins in milk, especially richly milk with vitamins A and B, in the enriched milk a lot of vitamin D. in milk and dairy products contain enzymes and immune bodies - All that is necessary for the circulatory system, nervous tissue, bones and muscles. Many protein, calcium and vitamin B2 in such dairy products like cheeses and cottage cheese.

Of all this, you can make the appropriate conclusion that the usefulness of dairy products is indisputable, and their beneficial effect is to ensure the body by the daily norm of many nutrients.

Dairy products and their benefits for children

Each person who wants to be healthy should know than useful milk and dairy products. Milk and a huge variety of dairy products, which are now presented in stores in full diversity, are frequent guests on our table. Milk and dairy products in combination with other dishes improve the taste, are used to prepare sauces, as decorations and contribute to a certain balance, increasing food nutrition. From dairy products, we get a lot of delicious desserts. What dairy products are we known? Here is a small list of products attributable to this group:

  • Drinking milk. Drinking milk, based on sale, passes a certain processing. In solid cow, milk contains 3-4 percent of fat and about the same amount of protein. On sale we can see milk of different fatness - from completely skimmed up to 6 pivot fat. Milk on sale is pasteurized and sterilized. Pasteurized milk is considered more useful for use, it can be stored less time than sterilized (up to 36 hours), but it has more nutrients and trace elements.
  • Cream and butter. These are products obtained by separating milk - separation into fatty and low-fat components. A piece of milk with the greatest fat content is cream. In the cream in the cream, the percentage of fat is superior to the protein. Creamy oil is obtained from cream by their mechanical processing.
  • Cottage cheese. Especially rich in dairy protein and calcium. The fatty of cottage cheese is determined by the quality of milk from which it is manufactured. It may be fat, bold or degreased.
  • Sour cream. It is made of baked cream. It also has different fatality.
  • Cheese. There are solid (parmesan), semi-solid (Masdam, Russian), soft (ricotta, feta), brine (Suluguni, Adygei). From the cheeses of innocent, the cheese can be called a brine, made of sheep or cow's milk.
  • Dairy products. This includes kefir, ryazhenka, prokobvash, yogurts.

The group of dairy products includes all the favorite dairy desserts:

  • Condensed milk. It is manufactured for long-term storage. The nutritional value of the condensed milk is less than the milk of natural. Contains about 45% sugar.
  • Ice cream. High calorie dairy product with the greatest fat and sugar content. In addition, contains the same components as ordinary milk.

What about the usefulness of milk? Of all the above, which dairy products are useful for children? In the diet of the younger child, dairy products occupy a very important place. For them, this is a source of protein, animal fats, such minerals, such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamins A, D, B2. All these substances and trace elements play a huge role in the process of the growth of the body, the formation of bones and teeth, as well as important for the overall strengthening of the body and maintain immunity. In the diet of the child, dairy products are usually represented in the form of cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, yogurt, cheese, butter. For very small children, input into the diets of dairy products is completely occurring from 1 year. The protein from fermented milk products is leaned easier, so for the child they are more preferable than milk. Creamy oil is useful for a child as an animal source of fats that are necessary to obtain energy, as well as to absorb carbohydrate organism. Cheeses used in baby food should be natural, without dyes and preservatives. It is best for kids suitable Adygei cheese - soft on consistency and similar to cottage cheese. Older children can give solid cheeses. Fat cheeses and cottage cheese must be present in the diet of the child, including as a source of calcium.

Many parents love to indulge their children with all sorts of sweet yogurts, cottages, raw materials, flavored milk. Of course, for older children, such products are permissible to use, however, their utility is not as high as natural. In addition, they contain a lot of sugar. Therefore, it is best to give the younger organism only natural cottage cheese, milk and yogurt, and any milk dessert can be made independently, with the addition of fruits or berries. After all, only natural dairy products are useful products for the children's body.

The benefits of dairy products for adults

The usefulness of milk and dairy products for children is known to everyone, but what about the adult organism? Are dairy products useful to adults and in what quantities to use them? Of course, for adults milk is useful as well as for children. The most useful milk product is fermented dairy products. Namely - natural yogurt. The necessary organisms of lactic acid bacteria live in it the longest. Therefore, in stores it is always worth choosing such a yogurt that contains these bacteria in a living form. Sweet yogurts with additives, on the contrary, do not contain living cultures. They are in them a lot of preservatives, and therefore it is better not to prefer their natural yogurt.
As we know, milk is a source of calcium. On a day, an adult organism requires about 500 mg of calcium - this is the content of this mineral in 0.5 ml of milk. However, in fermented milk products - in natural yogurt and raw - calcium is contained even more than in milk. Especially useful such products to people, sore osteoporosis - bone diseaseIn which calcium is excreted from bones, making them brittle and fragile. But on this the beneficial properties of dairy products do not end. Doctors advise consuming milk with a cold. Skin food is needed to strengthen immunity, which is so important for colds. Dairy products than helpful with a cold, so this is exactly the way that the milk protein is absorbed by the body best. Milk is also useful for the nervous system. Therefore, he is recommended when dealing with insomnia. After all, no wonder there is a well-known method against insomnia - a glass of milk with a spoonful of honey. In case of diseases, the gastrointestinal tract milk can be used as a means that regulates the level of acidity and reduced pain. Milk helps under heartburn, due to its property reduce acidity. Obviously the opinion and the usefulness of milk to reduce weight. This process occurs due to vitamin B2, which helps fat and carbohydrates, consumed by the body, transform into useful energy.

Dairy products are beneficial for pregnancy - after all, during this period, the female organism requires more vitamins and minerals, including calcium. It is necessary for the growth and development of the fetal skeleton. It is still worth saying which dairy products are useful in pregnancy, in addition to the milk itself. Not only for a skeleton, but also for the development of muscles, teeth, the heart of the child is useful to substances such as protein, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D. For the receipt of all these substances in the right amount, dairy products should be regularly used - cottage cheese, yogurt, condensed milk without sugar, cheeses. A day should be used by 3-5 portions of calcium rich in calcium to score the necessary norm of this substance.

It is impossible not to mention the dairy products the beneficial properties of which have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. And also, what milk product is the most useful for the heart. Doctors found out that the regular use of dairy products helps to maintain the elasticity of the arteries. Well affect the cardiovascular system of fermented fermented products. For example, such a dairy product is known for a heart, like a prostow. It is useful in hypertension, anemia, ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis. People with heart disease are recommended to use low fat dairy products, in order to avoid increasing cholesterol.

These are the beneficial properties of milk and dairy products. And even if you are not a fan of milk, you should still think about its benefits and try to turn it on with your diet. Eat fresh and natural dairy products, and your body will only be grateful to you!

Traditionally, milk is considered a healthy product rich in useful substances. Following the advice of the older generation, many parents try to give it to the kids as early as possible or to replace them with breastfeeding at all. But children's doctors of the whole world warn that milk is categorically not suitable for feeding young children.

Milk for children: Is it possible to breastfish and from what age to enter it into the diet

If several decades ago, milk were recommended to give children as the main product of the dust, and in some cases, and as a complete alternative to breastfeeding, today the opinion of pediatricians has changed dramatically. The World Health Organization specialists warn parents that animal milk categorically impossible to give children the first year of life.

The optimal option for feeding the baby is the parent chest. Such nutrition contains all the necessary vitamins and substances necessary for full-fledged development, and is also completely absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract of crumbs. If a woman for some reason can not feed the baby breasts, doctors recommend switching to an adapted children's mixture produced on the basis of cow or goat milk.

In the manufacture of adapted milk mixtures, the amount of calcium and phosphorus is removed to unload the kidneys. The protein molecules that have a sufficiently large size are crushed for better assimilation of the child's enzyme system.

Doctors draw attention to that it is impossible to completely abandon the use of dairy products: chest children are injected into the diet kefir, cottage cheese and yogurt.

Introduction to the diet of a cow or goat milk to children at the age of twelve months does not bring any benefit. And his negative impact on the body can lead to serious health complications in the future.

When a child can give a cow's milk - video

After a year, the kid can be introduced into the diet of a special baby milk, which passed the necessary processing, has certificates of quality, and most importantly - intended for children of this age. But even if the child absorbs the product well, the crumb to eat them in unlimited quantities is strictly prohibited. Children's gastroenterologists recommend using whole milk only as part of porridge, and as a drink, give preference to kefir or yogurt.

One-piece milk can be introduced into the diet can be on the fourth year of life, but only if it is pre-boiled or pasteurized.

How many milk per day can be given to children at different ages - table

Goat milk protein almost never causes an allergic reaction in kids. But its high fatty (much higher than cow) does not provide for a large amount of use in the food of this drink.

In the body of the newborn, special enzymes are produced, which are able to quickly split the milk protein (including breast milk protein). However, as they grow when the baby begins to eat solid food, their quantity is reduced. And the child, who drank a large amount of milk for 4-6 years, at 11 years old can no longer be done: the digestive system will be difficult to cope with so much protein. This situation is considered the norm and does not require treatment.

Is it possible to give children a shopping product

Despite the fact that the shopping milk passes pasteurization, it is not adapted for an immature digestive system. That is why it is impossible to give it to children up to three years. Kids will suit special children's drinks:

  • it uses the highest quality milk;
  • it passes the procedure of ultrapasterization, during which pathogenic bacteria is destroyed;
  • the fat content of such milk corresponds to the possibility of the body of the child to learn it;
  • the risk of allergic reactions is minimized.

Children's milk of different manufacturers - photo gallery

The manufacturer recommends this milk for children from 8 months, but on the recommendation of pediatrics it is better to do this after the first birthday (as part of KASH)
Packaging with baby milk Agusha has a mark "from 8 months", although according to the recommendations of pediatricians, at this age, it is still early to enter it on the box that baby milk Temma can be given to children, starting from 8 months, but at this time the digestive tract of the baby is not yet ready for such a product baby milk Bellakt, despite the recommendation of the manufacturer, should not be introduced into the ration awarder

Benefit and harm

Dairy products are required in the diet of the child: they contain a large stock of vitamins and nutrients that are necessary to growing organism. However, early introduction in the menu of this beverage, as well as using it in large quantities, can lead to a negative reaction of the body.

The whole truth about the cow's milk: the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky - video

Cow's milk contains many times more calcium and phosphorus than breast. But due to the immaturity of the children's body, the exchange of these substances is broken: phosphorus, without digesting completely, derives calcium. It turns out that the more the baby's cow milk drinks, the smaller the mineral necessary for the growth and strengthening of the bones falls to it.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that after three years it is not necessary to limit the amount of milk (if the child is healthy, it is active and it does not have disorders of digestion). Under the same conditions, its fatness does not matter.

During boiling milk, the vitamins contained in it are destroyed. Nevertheless, it does not cease to be useful: this is a source of calcium, phosphorus and protein.

Cow or goat

The cow's milk is greater popularity, although the doctors insist that it is the goat that is considered hypoallergenic and more useful. However, this product is distinguished by a very specific odor and taste, so most children just do not like. If the baby has no allergies on the protein of cow's milk, as well as problems with digestion, parents can be calm and continue to give it.

The benefits and harm of cow milk - table

pros Minuses
Big content of calcium and phosphorus, which affects the fortress of bones and teeth, hair and skin health.Strong allergen.
A large amount of protein important for the development of the muscular system.There may be problems with digestion (seriously perceived by the body).
The content of vitamins and useful trace elements contributing to the strengthening of immunity and give energy.A large amount of calcium and phosphorus (has a colossal burden on the kidney, from which the child's body does not cope until 1 year).
Facilitate the symptoms of a cold.Low iron content (therefore is not suitable for replacing breast milk or mixture).

In the event of an allergy from the kid on the cow's milk, doctors recommend replacing it goat. The protein of this product is practically no allergies (exceptions make up children with individual sensitivity to lactose). For kids up to three years, specially designed mixtures based on goat milk exist. According to experts, they are considered more useful and safe.

The benefits and harm of goat milk - table

pros Minuses
The large content of calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, group vitamins B has a positive effect on the growing organism, contributing to the harmonious physical and mental development of the child.In rare cases, it can cause an allergic reaction.
It does not cause allergies, so it can be used by children who do not perceive the protein of cow's milk.It has a greater burden on the kidneys (if you give it milk to reaching 12 months of age).
The fats of goat milk are easily absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, so do not cause problems with digestion.
Positive affects the work of cardiovascular and nervous systems.

What is useful goat milk - video

Where to begin

The first to introduce into the diet doctors advise the goat milk. If it did not have to the kid to taste, it is impossible to force it in any way - it is better to try a cow. For children after a year, milk is introduced from one teaspoon. At the same time, it needs to be dissolved with water (1 part of milk and 2 parts of the water). During the day it is important to observe the reaction of the child: if the crumb does not bother the stomach, his chair is normal, there are no manifestations of allergies on the body, it can be continued. It is diluted with the next 1: 1 proportion. If the body perceives a new product well, then the milk can be given undiluted.

Gradually, the amount of milk increases, but you should not give the child to drink more recommended portion. Doctors warn that the smaller the kid, the higher the burden on the kidney and the gastrointestinal tract. It is necessary to give preference to low-fat products (2.5-3.2%). If the parents have made a choice in favor of whole cow or goat milk, it cannot be used nekype.

How to choose correctly

Some mothers prefer natural whole milk, which is sold on farms, others consider the best pasteurized product. Pediatricians and children's gastroenterologists converge that shop milk is more suitable: it is specially adapted for a small organism. When choosing such a drink, it is recommended to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • manufacturer (better if it is well known);
  • shelf life (in a quality product, it does not exceed ten days, and under no circumstances can not be given to the baby under any circumstances);
  • composition (without preservatives, dyes and other unsafe substances. If there is no information about the package at all about the composition, such a product is better not to buy);
  • mark of age;
  • fatty (it should not be higher than 3.2%, but also a low-fat product is also not suitable for baby food);
  • enriched composition (some manufacturers are added to milk vitamins and trace elements necessary for the child at a certain age. Such a product is very useful for children).

In the market, one-piece milk, not having security and quality certificates, is impossible. In the fresh product there may be bacteria that have a negative impact on the body of the child. In case of non-compliance with the temperature regime, milk can lead to edible poisoning.

After opening the package, it is necessary to clearly follow the time recommendations and the storage location that is indicated by the manufacturer.

Application of milk as a drug

Milk is not only a nutritional product that is useful to children, but also an effective means to treat some diseases.

Homemade recipes with cough milk

Milk envelops the mucous membrane of the larynx, relieves inflammation, dilutes the mucus and contributes to its removal. Combined with some products (honey, onions, banana) it is a useful home medicinal product.

With honey and tincture of propolis

If the child is more than three years old, it can be cooked a useful mixture: 200 ml of milk warm, add 1 teaspoon of honey (in the absence of allergy), mix thoroughly. This drink is recommended to drink warm in front of the night bed.

For children over 5 years old, a cough agent can be prepared with the addition of propolis - no more than 1-2 drops of 20% of the aqueous tincture of 200 ml of milk. Take a warm form also.

Honey is not added to hot milk - in this case, all its useful properties disappear.

With Mineralka

For this recipe, it is better to use salty water, for example, "Borjomi" or "Essentuki": 100 ml of milk must be heated to a warm temperature, add 100 ml of mineral water to it. The resulting product thoroughly mix and drink before eating three times a day. Such a recipe is suitable for children after three years, as the carbonated water and mineral composition is not designed for the youngest age.

With onion

The recipe for milk with a bow is very effective with dry cough, but children often do not want to drink this mixture due to odor and specific taste. Therefore, such a combination can be offered a child over five years old (but it is not worth it to make a drink). For cooking, the bulb is cleaned and cut rings, put into the container and poured 500 ml of milk, adjusted to a boil and boil 30 minutes. The finished drink is stored in the refrigerator, and it is necessary to take it before eating in a warm form on one teaspoon 5-6 times a day.

With banana

Milk with a banana, unlike a recipe with a bow, kids usually drink with pleasure. In addition, this sweet fruit has a low allergenity. On 200 ml of milk, you need one crushed fruit. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and give a child in warm form, dividing a cocktail to three portions. For children, over three years, you can add sugar, honey or 1 teaspoon cocoa.

Sage and Soda

You need to know that popular folk recipes with sage or soda are not suitable for the treatment of children. Sage has plenty of contraindications. It is strictly prohibited to give to the kids up to 5 years, as well as problems with kidneys and thyroid gland, individual intolerance. Food soda has a negative impact on the gastric mucosa.

Milk with oats from asthma

If the child suffers from this disease of the respiratory tract, you can prepare a means based on milk with the addition of oats. In this cereal plant, there is a large amount of vitamins and beneficial substances, as well as it has a good effect during asthma. On 250 g of oats and you need to take 1 liter of milk. The resulting mixture is maintained in a water bath for about three hours, after which the drink must be strain. This milk is drinking for half an hour before receiving food. The decoction is accepted three times a day, and the portion is calculated depending on the age of the child.

To combat gloves: milk with garlic and enema

Individual reaction

Each organism, and especially children, reacts in different ways to new products. Sometimes milk can cause negative reactions.

Digestion and constipation

Often, kids suffer from violation of the digestive system, one of whose manifestations is constipation: a child cannot go to the toilet, experiencing pain in the intestinal area. Milk can secure the stomach and provoke a delay of defecation. More often such an effect occurs in young children, since their enzyme system cannot digest protein. Because of this, he envelops the mucously dense layer and prevents the suction of vitamins and beneficial substances. Such a process, in turn, reduces the peristaltics. At an older age, when the gastrointestinal tract of the child is ready to eat milk, constipation can occur due to a large amount of the product being discarded.

Even goat milk, which is much easier to be perceived by the body, can cause constipation.

To eliminate this delicate problem, first of all, you need to completely remove the milk from the diet of the child. You need to add more fresh vegetables and fruits in the menu, as they are rich in fiber. If such a diet does not help, it will take the use of medicines that the doctor recommends.


The poisonings are more susceptible to children whose organism is sensitive to getting into the gastrointestinal tract of pathogenic microbes. Often such violations occur when parents buy milk on the market or at other points where there is no guarantee of product quality. Failure to follow hygienic measures during the milking and improper storage most often there is a reason for the failure of the digestive system. Store products can also be poisoned, although much less often.

In children, the symptoms of poisoning are manifested as follows:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • pain and spasms in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach and intestines;
  • diarrhea and frequent calling for defecation;
  • temperature increase.

At the first symptoms of poisoning, you need to call an ambulance: the child's body is quickly dehydrated, and intoxication is very dangerous for kids. Treatment is aimed at restoring water-electrolyte balance, the destruction of pathogenic bacteria and removal of toxins.


The most frequent problem with which parents face with the introduction of milk - allergic to protein. It can manifest as follows:

  • sweeping on the skin (urticaria, dermatitis, diathesis);
  • odezh Quincke (local edema of the mucous and subcutaneous fatty fiber, which occurs suddenly and rapidly developing);
  • severe vomiting;
  • frequent jerking in infants;
  • diarrhea;
  • pain in the stomach, colic in breast children;
  • rhinitis and cough;
  • bronchial asthma (milk cannot cause a disease, but with a genetic predisposition, an allergic reaction to this product becomes a starting mechanism).

Pediatricians also recommend paying attention to the presence of lactose intolerance from parents. If it is present, it is impossible to offer a child of milk to three years since individual sensitivity can be inherited. This also applies to children, mom or dad that suffer from diabetes. The introduction of milk at an early age can provoke the development of this disease.

Milk gave us Mother's Nature itself. For the first time, a person tried this valuable product a few millennia ago. Since then, the lack of drink is always with us.

Only a small little man appears on the light, as it is already required. The diet is not yet rich. He drinks water, and, of course, Milk. White, tasty, nutritious. The nature itself is designed so that newborns are able and love to drink milk. Only a child will grow up, he begins to eat different products cooked on the basis of milk and ...

to tell poems about it, for example, such:

Give milk, cow
Burnish cow.
I demolish him guys
Yes Little kittens.

It's no secret to anyone that milk gives us cows, goats. The cow is milk - a cow, goats - goat. There are other animals in the world that give milk. For example, mare. From milk mare produces a very useful drink, which is called Kum.

Sheep milk is more nutritious than cow. It makes special cheese, called cheese. Brynza appeared not now, she was learned to do in ancient times.

Camel milk - sweet, useful; Residents of Asian regions are very valued.

And where it is always cold, and there are problems with the delivery of fresh cow's milk (after all, this product is spoiled quite quickly), then deer are out. The milk deer contains a lot of protein. Northerners learned to produce cheese, cottage cheese products from such a milk.

The milk contains important nutrients that are necessary that the body develops to fully. In children's nutrition, milk occupies a special place. Breast milk, tea with milk, cottage cheese, casserole, cheese, milk soup, porridge with butter, and loved by many bumps with pancakes made on milk - all this at different stages of growing children are eating with pleasure.

What component of milk is important? Protein. If a person for a long time a person will not consume protein, it will not affect his health. Milk also contains vitamins, mineral and other useful substances.

Kefir, cream, yogurt, ryazhenka, sour cream, sour cream - if you list all the products made on the basis of milk, then it will take a lot of time.

From the fairy tale came to us the expression " Dairy rivers and ferrous shores" Nowadays, this phrase is used in the case when they talk about incoming, wealth, well-being.

Do not forget, children, about milk. Eat dairy products every day. The most valuable thing is that a person has his health. If you regularly use dairy products, you will be healthy.

It would seem that questions may arise, about the input of cow's milk in the diet of children?

Milk is a product that they are accustomed to get from the very birth, what are there still difficulties? In fact, there are quite a few difficulties.

Let's figure it out in detail, from what age you can give a child cow's milk and fermented milk products, how to treat "children's" cottages, yogurts, milk?

Milk: benefit or harm?

Milk for children is far from always the invariable benefit, as we used to count, believing the extensions of our grandmothers, they say, in it - power and health.

First of all, let's assimilate one simple rule: maternal milk is intended for feeding a young one: female - for children, cow - for calves, goat - for a goat. Different types of milk have different from our composition, adapted by nature, just for concrete cubs.

Therefore, such a lure as cow's milk, for children up to a year more often causes allergies and more and more pediatricres are inclined to later introduce it to the child's nutrition.

  • The cow's milk contains a much more protein than female. And this is an additional burden on small kidneys and gastrointestinal organs;
  • And keep in mind that most of this protein - casein, which for a child is very difficult to reflect;
  • The lore in the form of cow milk may cause diarrhea, jeeping, blinking, because its fats are very different from polyunsaturated fatty fat fat, which are needed for the correct development of the brain and the entire nervous system of the child;
  • Cow's milk contains much less iron (here is the risk of anemia) and much more calcium and phosphorus;
  • With the feed cow often get hormones and antibiotics. Think about the fact that all this "charm" partially falls into the milk.

Therefore, it, ideally, must be tested, from a "familiar" cow when you are sure that the owners do not feed it with such "seasoning."

So is it possible to children cow's milk? Can. Question: In what kind and when?

When can you give a baby cow's milk?

So, from what age, the children can be a cow's milk, as a lure? It depends on the type of lure itself.

  1. With the so-called, pedagogical adhesive, the products appear in the diet of the baby when it is manifested by his interest in adult food (about after half a year), in order to introduce a crumb with a new meal (read the article: Pedagogical Pring ... \u003e\u003e\u003e);

In this approach, there is no rigorous duration of the introduction of products. If the whole family eats porridge on milk, then the child is given 1 microdosis of porridge and then the reaction is estimated.

  1. When pediatric supplies, a new product is entered in accordance with age.
  • Cow's milk, like other products, in this case are injected in lures, in order to gradually replacing breast milk or a mixture of food from a common table;
  • How many months can you give, like a lure, cow's milk to a child in that case? Not earlier than from 1 year. Before this priority should be breast milk (or an adapted dairy mixture).
  1. Equality products are allowed to give in the form of a dust from an earlier age:
  • cottage cheese - from 7 months;
  • kefir, Ryazhenka, Yogurt - after 8 - 9 months.

At the same time, we are talking about natural yogurt, without sugar, dyes, preservatives, flavors. But the babble of ready-made dairy products from baby food stores is better to leave up to 1.5-2 years.

Attention! So, I remember: age when the child can give cow's milk - year, fermented dairy products - 8-9 months. Purchased dairy products - 1.5-2 years.

Watch the Internet course to figure it out when and in what sequence to enter the baby's food and how to keep a good baby appetite. Go on the link: Alphabet Pring: Safe Introduction Dust Pigeons \u003e\u003e\u003e

Yes, and also, as for fatty. Do not believe if you see the mark on the label "Degreased milk with vitamin D". This is a pure fiction.

The fact is that this vitamin is dissolved only in fats and digested with them. Similarly, in a non-fat product can not be vitamin A.

The intolerance of the cow protein is not a sentence

Is it possible to children with milk as lures in that case? Of course not! You will not feed the baby's kid with eggs, knowing that he is allergic terrible on them?

Removeability is not an allergic reaction, but the inability to absorb some kind of food. But it has an unpleasant symptomtics associated with the work of the gastrointestinal tract:

  1. Flatulence;
  2. Intestinal colic;
  3. Spasms;
  4. Diarrhea (read the article on the topic: Ponya Pigeons \u003e\u003e\u003e)
  5. Epigastric pain, etc.

By the way, the child may well be allergic to milk. In this case, by itself, it is impossible to give it too.

But what attitude then to fill the lack of calcium in the growing organism? I understand it is the first thing you thought.

  • Do not worry, milk does not contain any substances that could not be filled at the expense of other products. For example, similar vitamins and amino acids are contained in meat. Increase the portion of meat dust in the diet of the crumbs and the problem is solved;
  • But you will probably argue: Milk is the same calcium! So, there are many other products in which the calcium is no less (and it is absorbed from them often even better);

For example, it is a parsley, spinach, white and cauliflower, broccoli, sesame.

  • Another question is: how to be with afternooner, if the baby can not be cottage cheese and yogurt? Replace them with any other slight snack: fruit or vegetables.

Remember: Vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, eggs, cereals, cereals - all this may well draw up a balanced diet of the child, even in the absence of milk in it.

By the way! If a child has allergies or intolerance of a cow protein, it is desirable that breast milk or at least a mixture he received no less than up to 2 years. This will help balance the work of the digestive system and the diet of the baby.

Portion size matters

Well, the benefits and harm of the cow's milk discussed, with allergies and age also figured out. It remains to talk about how much milk you can give a child if there are no contraindications.

So, I will give you clearly norms of dairy products for kids before and after a year:

What about to be with the bumps? Is it possible to children porridge on milk, because it is a hearty and useful dish?

If the child has the intolerance to the protein of cow's milk, then the dairy cereal is excluded from the child's nutrition. In all other cases, the porridge in the milk kid can be given.

The question of age is again very conditional and depends on how the child's body reacts to milk.

By the way! Even if there is a reaction to the cow's milk, you successfully start using coconut milk into food, which nutritionists consider more secure and useful for any person.

In 2 years, milk can be given as much as a child wants. With a healthy appetite, the child will not drink more than its body is required.

Finally, several useful tips on the theme of dairy supplies:

  1. Pasteurized milk boil either does not need - it is already processed thermally;
  2. If the baby persistently refuses to cow's baking milk - do not insist;
  • First, violent infusion will never bring the benefit of digestion and the body as a whole;
  • Secondly, very often kids intuitively avoid those products that are not in-rooms for them (cause pain, allergies).
  1. Choose milk with fatty up to 3.2%. More - these are extra fats. Well, less - I already said: no vitamins d or but in it can not be, which is also not very useful;
  2. Try not to feed the baby in the summer on the street in cottwords and kefir - the pathogenic flora develops quite quickly in the heat, which can lead to infection, for example, an intestinal wand.

I hope the knowledge gained today will help you correctly enter the milk into the diet of your crumbs to avoid many unnecessary problems.