Repairs Design Furniture

Processing cutting ends. Processing log protective compositions: internal and outdoor when penny

The causes of the formation of cracks in the wood are many different factors. But the main one is the various humidity of the surface and internal layers. When drying, the external fibers hanging intensively experience the effects of tensile efforts. And the inner layers drying slowly, under the action of humidity preserved in them, are experiencing compressive efforts.

The result of such inconsistencies is the occurrence of cracks. Violation of the integrity of the wood structure, reduces its strength, and moisture falls into the resulting cracked. The cracking in the natural drying of the tree is inevitable, completely this process is impossible to be excluded, so it is important to minimize the number of new cracks and their size. What can be done?

Selection of material

  • harvest in winter when it is, due to the slowdown in the movement of juices, the lowest (in warehouses can be found until May);
  • at least two weeks before use to be dried in the chamber;
  • with a natural dryer, a duration of more than 2 years, the sun's rays should not be affected for it, for which the canopy is satisfied;
  • being a cross section of ≤ 200 mm (less susceptible to cracking).

The glued bars are made from the past selection and specials. Processing of boards, glue with an alternating direction of wood fibers. This significantly increases their ability to resist the formation of cracks.

Compensation propelles

Our ancestors who accumulated rich experience, no propilov (except for the longitudinal groove) were satisfied. Modern practice confirms that small cracks (up to 2 mm) appear, and in relation to large propyl, privileged under the following conditions:

  • location in the middle of the longitudinal groove only from the bottom side, otherwise the weakening will occur in two places, which can lead to a split bric and BRUSEV;
  • depth ≤ 1/6 log thickness or timber;
  • brenta was dried in the stack ≥ 1st year.

The device propyl does not affect the formation of lateral cracks, therefore there is no special efficiency from this method.

Use of protective compositions

For sale for sealing cracks presents:

  • acrylic spatlets - painted by the color of various wood species plastic ready-made compositions. Different with water resistance, frost resistance and durability. Quickly dry. Used for sealing small cracks with a depth of ≤ 4 mm;
  • acrylic sealants, in its pure form they are laying on a depth of ≤ 5 mm, and at large cracks, polyethylene harness is stacked, followed by applying sealant;
  • an aqueous solution of plaster and filler (can be used) and several drops of shampoo - (Arb hydro).

The grandfather's method is effective - close up of deep cracks with moss. Moss is withstanding 30 minutes. In water, pressed and rolls into the roller. Tight filling of cracks with moss is performed by a spatula. After drying, the moss reliably clogs all cracks.

Protecting ends of Srub

Sections, fully opening wood fibers, violate the structure of the tree. Therefore, cutters are the most vulnerable places, the protection of which needs to be performed immediately after assembling the house.

The work includes:

  1. Torching is the alignment of a log or a bar in length with chainsaws.
  2. Grinding of the ends - elimination of all irregularities with grinding machines.
  3. Application of protective compounds, which can be used:
    • domestic preparation "Sezheng Tor", penetrating wood deep into the wood. Eco-friendly coating, passing air coating, good protection against cracks and waterproofing;
    • russian "neomide torus plus" is a ready-made aqueous solution of synthetic copolymers and various auxiliary components. Excellent protection against cracking and damage to fungi and mold;
    • another Russian means "Botot" - reliable protection against all adverse factors;
    • from import funds, you can allocate: Zobel, Teknol JRM, Kordin WV456.

In the villages still practiced processing of the ends of the tree with lime with protecting cladding boards from atmospheric influences.

Almost every remedy for fire is valid for this principle: in the presence of hot air, an open flame, the flame retardant layer sends a substance as a foam. This foam prevents oxygen ingestion and does not allow fire on a wooden surface.
Processing log cabins Baths must be performed by special means that can withstand temperature drops to 110 ° C. The optimal option will be the compositions with the Lux marking.

There are also flame retardants that form a salt film on the surface. These compositions provide only a temporary effect, and then wood treatment should be carried out by special solutions.

The next stage of protection should be antiseptic processing. The bought means is treated with both external and inner walls. Experts argue that the processing of a church by an antiseptic directly depends on its type. Outside, it should be done hardly washed by antiseptic.

It will necessarily include synthetic and natural oils. His formula protects the structure from moisture ingress. The tool is not washed away, but after applying has a long drying period. Inside the house you can use the washed means. They do not give high levels of protection against moisture, but it is not needed.

Processing of a cut after installation by antiseptics is carried out in several stages. Each subsequent layer should be superimposed only after complete drying of the previous one. Specialists focus on the fact that the antiseptic treatment cannot be carried out in rainy weather. To apply the composition, you can use a sprayer or brush. If a brush is used, then it is better to cry for a color tool to see all the painted areas.

By choosing a means for processing, you need to carefully read it with its composition. It is preferable to choose the oil-containing compositions, they always provided a wonderful result.

The processing of a cut by an antiseptic can be produced by a bees wax or wood resin. Synthetic compositions are offered on the market. They give an excellent result, but the preservatives can adversely affect the health of people who will live in the house.

How not to make a mistake with the manufacturer of protective equipment for a log

How to handle a log house and how to make it safe and reliable for a long time? This question has become relevant for many, because the construction market offers a huge amount of materials.
Specialists amounted to several rules, following which you will never make a fatal mistake:

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Design and construction of wooden houses

Many builders are recommended for processing to use copper vigorous. This means is the best option to combat mold, bacteria, pests and fire. Handling copper vigor is inexpensive and available to many.

The logs treated with copper vigoros are argued that the log house treated with such a means is environmentally safe, long does not crack and does not rot. Choosing a copper vigorous as an antiseptic, the master will retain the natural color of the tree. The options for applying any of the selected antiseptics there are several:

The processing of a cut from a rounded log has its own characteristics. Because of its natural origin, the material quickly and easily absorbs moisture. In order for the log of high quality, it is necessary to monitor the material of the material on each of the steps, ranging from its workpiece, transportation, and ending with the finished structure. Since the rounded log is the best house for many pests, fungi and mold, it needs to systematically process. No matter how the antiseptic option was not selected, it must be used with a certain frequency.

Wood for construction Baths, secrets of its protection and processing

Stages of cutting cutters for baths have their own features. For a bath, it is recommended to use a log house from conifer or hardwood wood.

To date, Pine is extremely popular among customers. Its cost is low, while it is little deformed and cracks are practically no formed on it. Natural resin release allows the structure of the structure from heating and temperature drop. But due to the resin, internal processing will be needed and an additional covering of the premises. Experts consisted of several cut requirements for a bath that will help choose the optimal option:

  • wood should not distinguish a lot of resin;
  • minimal chance of self-burning;
  • pleasant aroma after heating;
  • ability to withstand temperature drops.

The use of wood in buildings entails the execution of rules to preserve the integrity of the wood and improve its properties. For this board and wooden bars must be processed, painting and protection with special means. However, it is especially closely necessary when processing ends and logs of logs, as this place is most accessible to moisture penetration, which contributes to the rotting and decay of wooden products.

Not timely leads to the appearance of deep cracks on the logs, as well as to the violation of the hardness of wood. The ends allow trees faster to get rid of moisture, which moves along the trunk on wood fibers, evaporation through the side walls The tree occurs much longer, this uneven evaporation of the fluid leads to a voltage inside the logs, cracks and to the appearance of fungus in the fireplace.

Treatment of wooden ends

I need to handle the cut immediately after building the design. If the trunks of the logs retain natural functions and require no less than a year for complete drying before processing, then the ends need to be immediately protected.

Conducting impregnation of logs, attention should be paid to the procedure for this procedure, and also to take into account that the wooden bar should be able to breathe and evaporate moisture. Therefore, if you work on the external parts of the wooden structure, you can not carry out the internal processing of the premises.

The protection of the ends is carried out in several stages and requires special tools:

  • Before using the material to cover the bar, it needs to give a smooth, smooth surface using chainsaw or other tools;
  • The next step is grinding a wooden cut. Grinding the timber is cleaned from irregularities, stains, mold, giving the tree a flat surface. The darkened wood is removed before the painting itself.
  • Applying material or impregnation to protect the end.

Means for impregnation

The use of impregnation for ends can be carried out by various compositions protecting wood and repulsive excessive absorption of moisture:

  1. Protecting the ends with the help of impregnants and septic. These substances protect wood from mold, fungus and insects. Imprintants and septic substances are applied with a brush in two or three layers on a log, with breaks at 12 o'clock for drying.
  2. The sealant has a water-repellent property, keeping logs from rotting and forming a protective film. Apply this material is recommended in two layers.
  3. Machine oil is the most economical version of the treatment of a wooden end. Use the tool must be twice, after 10-12 hours.
  4. The paints diluted with solvent will allow to seal a bar from the penetration of insects or moisture, as well as prevent the appearance of fungus.
  5. The use of lime is the most ancient and well-known method for processing a tree that protects wood from moisture and insects.

Processing rules

Overting should be processed immediately after laying the logs. Grinding process Before applying a protective or paintwork, it is necessary to perform in dry weather, which will allow the bruster to dry faster, and eliminates the possibility of excessive humidity and the appearance of villi on the logs, which does not allow to align the cutting surface and high-quality material.

Since the end end is a vulnerable area of \u200b\u200ba tree that easily absorbs and absorbs the liquid, the processing of the bar must be performed in several layers. This will protect the tree from excessive moisture and insects.

Using protective materials, it is necessary to pay attention to their composition, quantity and properties. Processing ends, the number of necessary material will increase, compared with the processing of walls or other parts.

BRUSEV protection is carried out not only by two or three layers of material or paint, but also by combining data of funds, applying them alternately. To maximize the protection and processing of the ends, it is recommended to apply the protective composition of the antiseptic action, and after drying, repeat the procedure using the sealant, it will increase the moisture resistance and protective properties of the tree.

Processing the ends of the logs is the most important stage in the construction of wooden structures and buildings, which will allow the wood to remain in a natural solid state, and will prevent rotting and damage to the fibers. This stage requires certain knowledge and skills, however, to carry out the processing of wooden ends, without the use of professional assistance, having studied the basic rules, the conditions for applying protective equipment, their properties and interaction.

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In the course of operation, any wooden house must without consequences to withstand the effect of a number of climatic factors, but subject to reliable protection. The impregnation of the walls of the cut by an antiseptic - a great way to ensure it, protecting against rotting, and for pests, the wood will become unattractive.

Do you need logs for additional protection

When choosing a log for a log in advance, you need to think about its durability.

The fact is that different methods of processing strongly affect wood resistance to rotting:

  • a rounded log compared to other types of rounds is particularly susceptible to moisture, its natural protection is almost negligible when processing. The fact is that when calibrating from the barrel, not only the bark is removed, but also a thick layer of dense wood;

Note! Sometimes when processing on the side surface even comes out the core of the barrel. In this case, there is practically no natural protection from the log, so impregnation is simply necessary, and the most deeply as possible.

  • but only barks are deprived, a protective layer of very solid wood remains. The impregnation here is also needed, but the durability of a church from such a material will be higher. The only thing that can embarrass is a high price of a bold rounder compared with rounded;

  • occupy an intermediate position between the dyed and rounded.

The impregnation of wood by antiseptics gives not only protection against rotting and insects, but also exhibits wood texture. So from above you can apply a layer of transparent varnish, and the wooden surface will already look good.

You can meet the recommendations for the log cabin not to use impregnations at all, we will go round and so great. But it is still better to treat wood at least then to preserve its appearance, and protection will be more accurate.

What to process logs

The choice of special compositions for processing wooden surfaces is very wide. For the most part, all popular antiseptics give good protection against moisture and insects, the only thing - it is necessary not to confuse the means for outdoor processing and processing internal. The room usually applies formulations that do not emit substances harmful to humans.

Internal processing of sheds

Processing logs on the inside is also necessary, although the operating conditions will be more gentle than outside, but the level of humidity can be changed in a wide range, and it is not necessary to forget about insects.

As for the types of funds used, it is possible to allocate such types of solutions as:

  • challenged - As an example, a saline solution can be brought. This is too budget version, it can be recommended except for processing auxiliary buildings and then as a temporary measure;

  • penetrating - the processing of the rounded log ensures the penetration of the antiseptic on a decent depth (depending on the type of wood, but the depth of 5-7 mm will reach in most cases). Over time, do not wash out, besides allowing wood to breathe;
  • film-forming - Used rather to decorate the surface of the tree, deep into the tree liquid does not penetrate. Such formulations are applied after impregnation with an antiseptic to give the desired shade.

For the processing of wooden surfaces inside the house can be used, for example, the seinezhakvadecor. It does not color the surface of the wood, quite deeply absorbed and does not create a impermeable layer on the surface after drying, so rotting from the inside the logs do not threaten.

Processing a log after installation of a log includes and impregnation of rafting frames, as well as elements of wooden floors. Since they can not be seen, it can be advised to use compositions with coloring property. This is done in order to clearly distinguish the processed and unprocessed area.

Antiseptics can paint a tree into a green shade, but the shade of the surface treated surface is reddish. Of course, such compounds will not suit such compositions for flooring or ceiling.

In the construction of wooden houses and the assembly of log cabins under the shrinkage, the most unprotected area of \u200b\u200bwood, even after applying moisture-repellent impregnation, the end sections of login, timber and finishing board remain. It is explained by the high hygroscopic of wood.

With natural drying, wood is subject to crack formation. When the air humidity increases, the raw ends of the timber and the logs will absorb moisture from the atmosphere as a sponge. It remains to be resolved than to process the ends of the log cabin.

Specialized Materials for Painting and Protection of Tone Bruus, log logs

  • "Protection for the ends" of the German brand "Biofa", the filling pores of the shell spis wood, sealing, gluing, reduces the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe evaporation and absorb moisture, which prevents cracking and reduces the risk of fungus, mold. The coating creates a smooth grungy layer, which allows the painting of the cut ends to produce without additional soils. Used for outdoor use.
  • The log cabin has the unlocked sections of the logs inside the house. Door and window loans will look more attractive if they give them a certain defense. For internal work on the protection of the ends of the wood materials, the German firm "Remmers" offers a means of forming a moisture-proof film.
  • A little wider uses the elastic tool of the Italian manufacturer "Kantenschutz Borma". It is a transparent, gluing ground. "Borm" is a good basis for applying paintwork products on aquatic or alkyd basis. You can simply add to the transparent protective tool with a water pigment paste, and no additional painting will be required. When using this, wood will be protected against moisture, fungus, mold. Used for external work on the sealing of ends and filling the resulting cracks.
  • The spectrum of the application of protective wax from the German manufacturer "SAICOS", in addition to sealing of the ends, consists in the processing of all outer cuts to prevent the formation of cracks. This means of protection against moisture is distinguished by a dirt-repellent surface, the ecology of the composition.
  • Protect ends from external factors will help the "Hironholz-Wachs" wax, developed by the German company OSMO. Penetration of it inside wood capillary, which allows deep sealing tubes of end sections deeply. Thanks to this log, bar, the board will not receive large damage to the end areas, as it happens with the untreated wood.

Damage to the crowns, the deformation of the building material is easier to avoid if the edges of the crowns immediately, without waiting for the exposure to impact of excessive moisture, ultraviolet rays, temperature drops.

Damage leads both overcoating and sawing wood materials. To reduce the area of \u200b\u200bevaporation and absorbing moisture, special means of processing ends are used.

Special protective materials viscous, because for reliable protection, they must fill the pores of the cut. This is possible only if the remedy will not be absorbed into the wood, take moisture from her, peel.