Repairs Design Furniture

Methods and methods for cleaning technological equipment. System solutions for cleaning industry. Fast cleaning equipment without damage

Cleaning dry ice

Cleaning the Cryplanted method for the food industry is the most optimal choice from the entire variety of cleaning technologies.

  1. The technology allows cleaning work directly on the line, without disassembled nodes and parts. It saves time and reduces the risk of damage and breakdowns as a result of dismantling.
  2. The cleaning speed is high enough, which allows us to talk about the economic efficiency of this method, compared with other technologies and directly affecting idle time.
  3. Quite often, cleaning can be carried out on the running equipment. Dry ice is a dielectric and therefore does not conduct electricity. Due to the lack of water there is no risk of short circuit or lesion.
  4. High quality surface treatment and elimination of difficult pollution in a short time are key advantages of technology.
  5. Dry ice is a non-abrasive material and therefore does not damage the surfaces, removing only pollution from them. This is extremely important when it comes to mechanical effects of objects, such as molds, equipment elements, "electricians", delicate materials, such as teflons, electroplating parts, plastics, wood, composite materials.
  6. Dry ice is a natural disinfection tool, effectively removing bacteria, fungi and disputes, fully protecting the surfaces from them. After cleaning, a lot of time should pass to the re-appearance of mold.

Cleaning with biochemical cleaners

Cleaning using biochemical cleaners is one of the solutions in the field of industrial clearance. This implies local cleaning of equipment or its elements "for a task". As a rule, work is carried out by the staff of the enterprise itself.

Registration NSF.

Some products have an international NSF certificate (National Sanitation Foundation). NSF registration gives consumers a guarantee that products comply with safety standards in the food industry. NSF Certified Products are marked in the signatory

We offer a number of cleaners of the famous German manufacturer of Bio-Circle Surface Technology GmbH, which are fully suitable for cleaning food equipment.

Cleaning equipment and premises using dry steam.

The technology involves treating dry steam (hot water steam under pressure and temperature 160 °), which efficiently removes organic and inorganic pollution, eliminates mold and fungal infection.


  • less costly technology due to reducing the cost of the consumable material (water is used, which is inexpensive resource);
  • does not require compressed air (steam generators themselves create pressure, no external pressure is required);
  • dry steam provides high quality cleaning, comparable to dry ice treatment.

Cleaning equipment and premises using hydraulic technologies.

If necessary, we carry out cleaning using hydraulic vehicles. - It is an eco-friendly and economical processing of materials and various types of surfaces of a jet of water supplied under high pressure. The main advantages of this method include absolute environmental friendliness, high performance, fire safety. This method to improve efficiency is used in conjunction with chemical cleaners recommended for cleaning in the food industry.

Cleaning industrial equipment - tips and tips.

At any industrial enterprise, there is a need to clean the industrial equipment from pollution, which are formed at its parts during operation. Cleaning industrial equipment can be carried out in various ways, and each head of the enterprise chooses the most suitable in efficiency, labor cost and cost.

Options for mechanical cleaning

Pollution that require mandatory cleaning is the remains of old lubricant, technological dust, possible at the food industry enterprises Nagar, soot and much more. The presence of such pollution often makes it difficult to efficiently operate equipment. Also, cleaning industrial equipment may be required when repaired, but in this case such difficulties are added as rust, corrosion and residues of old coatings - all this must be removed before it is restored to restore the protective coating layer.

The mechanical method is a classic option and can be performed both manually and using a specialized power tool significantly accelerating the process. The faster the cleaning will be performed, the faster the equipment will be put into operation again, which means the idle time in the enterprise will be reduced - as well as related expenses.

A variation of mechanical cleaning can be considered sandblasting, which is carried out using suitable abrasive materials (as follows from the method of the method, sand is often used for it). Abrasive with a sandblasting apparatus is fed to the surface being processed, physically removing pollution of different kinds. This is often more convenient than mechanical processing, but it can damage the surface of the equipment and leave a mass of scratches on it.

Modern Chemical Cleaning Methods

The chemical industry offers the use of industrial cleaners in order to put in order nodes and parts to be cleaned. Such a detergent like Mazbit Turbo is universal, so suitable for any surfaces and most types of pollution. Petroleum pollution, naiga and soot, lubricants and oil-fat residues - all this can be easily removed, applying a cleaner to the desired detail, withstanding the time it is necessary and washed with warm water.

The advantages of modern compositions are not only in their effectiveness, but also in the fact that they do not contain mercury, compounds of heavy metals, acids and other harmful impurities, and therefore can be used in the food industry. An additional advantage is a variety of use methods: cleaning can be performed both manually and using low or high pressure equipment.

Preventive cleaning of industrial equipment from various kinds of pollution

The fulfillment of the required performance, trouble-free operation and, as a result, the high income of the enterprise is directly dependent on the state of technological equipment, which in turn depends on its correct operation and timely implementation of preventive work.

One of the main items of these preventive work is to clean industrial equipment, which can be carried out by several methods.

Let's consider more than one of them.

Sandblasting method

This method is based on the use of a special apparatus, which under high pressure supplies an abrasive to the surface, that is, the sand. Due to such an intensive impact of pollution, it is easy to remove from aggregates.

The most efficient use to remove old paint and rust.

The disadvantage of the sandblasting method is that it does not allow to clean the hard-to-reach areas, and also forms a large amount of dust and additional contaminants.

Hydrodynamic method

Such a cleaning of industrial equipment is partially similar to sandblasting, but here the high-pressure apparatus is not given sand, but water jet. Under its impact, pollution is washed off.

The basic minus of hydrodynamic purification is that in conventional water, even under high pressure, it is difficult to remove oil and fusal stains that have a very viscous structure. In the extreme case, you can only remove their surface part.


This method can be said, combines two previous ones. Special plants for blasting are fed to the surface with the addition of small abrasive under high pressure.

This is a more sparing way, since the surface with similar processing is practically not suffering. Cleaning is obtained sufficiently high quality, as pollution is removed from almost any origin.

All of the above methods have general disadvantages, among which are high energy consumption during operation, the need to have special equipment and the impossibility of cleaning hard-to-reach nodes, as well as small parts.

Chemical method

Cleaning industrial equipment using special chemistry today is becoming increasingly popular.

FirstlyIt can be carried out independently, the efforts of the employees of the enterprise, without the involvement of specialists.

Secondly, Pollution is deleted more efficiently and without surface damage.

Here, the main thing is to choose a high-quality remedy for the reliable manufacturer.

The advantages of modern cleaners are:

  • The content in the composition of non-aggressive substances that do not disturb the surface of the aggregates.
  • The possibility of processing without a complete stop of production.
  • Easy cleaning and fast result.
  • Effective removal of contaminants of any origin.
  • Increase production performance after cleaning.

Docker Mazbit Turbo is a concentrated industrial cleaner of all kinds of heavy pollution. Designed for effective rapid cleaning of any surfaces: parts, components, mechanisms, plastics, general construction materials (concrete, stone, tile, asphalt) from various pollution of oil and oil and oil, fuel, lubricants, graphite, fuel oil, oil.
There is no smell. Without acid.

Industrial enterprises have to solve numerous and sometimes very specific tasks of cleaning equipment, parts, shapes, ways to move and warehouse space, both indoors and outdoors. Each of these tasks is already complex in itself, and an even more difficult problem is to combine all cleaning processes in the wellland system, ensuring maximum efficiency and efficiency. Creating such a system requires greater experience and many special knowledge. Being a leading player in the global market of cleaning equipment, we have more than 80 years of experience in this area, allowing you to offer you unique system solutions that provide a number of convincing advantages.

Increase the profitability of your company and the quality of products due to the intellectual approach to the fulfillment of all cleaning work! At the same time, our innovative cleaning technologies will provide you with optimal care for all manufacturing equipment.

The use of our problem-oriented decisions guarantees reliable compliance with sectoral standards of sanitation and security and allows cleaning work even in areas with particularly complex conditions, for example, in forced facilities of rooms, explosive or high-temperature areas. In addition, it helps to significantly reduce downtime.

And with particularly persistent pollution and sediments, our apparers of ultra-high pressure are easily coped: the most powerful water jet removes dirt, old paintwork and even hardened concrete traces from any surfaces that allow such processing.

Breaks in the paper are needed - but only those that are scheduled in advance. Therefore, we offer you a cleaning technique, which can be integrated into technological processes and operate without stopping production, and with minimal spending time and forces for preparation and re-equipment.

You have to solve a lot of complex production problems. Therefore, it will make it easy to handle our cleaning equipment - even with devices designed to solve special tasks. It will not be a problem and disposal of dirt after cleaning: we offer effective and environmentally friendly wastewater treatment technologies contaminated by production waste.

Equipment operated in various industries, as well as special equipment need regular cleaning. This is necessary for the smoothness of the technological process, ensuring the necessary productivity and extension of the life of the equipment.

Until recently, this task was solved in several ways depending on the specifics of production. For this, strong chemical solvents, sandblasting and hydrotreatment used.

Disadvantages of chemical cleaning technologies

  1. toxicity of chemicals;
  2. sand toxicity containing silicon dioxide and has long been prohibited for use in most developed countries;
  3. the need to collect and utilize consumables after the completion of work; the need to suspend production during technological maintenance (cleaning);
  4. the need to protect some parts of the equipment from entering aggressive substances, sand or water;
  5. high spending time and labor resources;
  6. high cost of work produced.

Cleaning industrial equipment Soda Blusting technology

Progressive technology of soda-blasting easily solves the above problems. It not only saves finance and clients, but also provides for the order of the highest quality of work.

The technology of soft blasting has become an ideal way of performing such types of work:

Work on the removal of the old layer of paint and dirt

The removal of the resulting paint from the equipment using a special ARMEX abrasive is performed quickly, efficiently and with minimal cost. The basis of the abrasive particles is sodium bicarbonate - a simple soda that is mixed with chalk. These natural, environmentally friendly components guarantee complete safety of work.

The composition of Armex is sprayed with special compact devices on the cleaning surface. During the collision, the granules with the surface occurs their destruction with the simultaneous destruction of the surface layer of contamination.

Since the density of the abrasive is low, it removes only those substances that have the same or less density, without damaging the very clean surface itself.

Industrial equipment blasting

Soft blasting has a number of benefits when cleaning the equipment:

  1. there is no need for the use of harmful chemicals;
  2. cleaning is easy to implement;
  3. the remains of abrasive granules are easily dissolved in water, which allows you to simply wash them off, without carrying out additional cleaning and disposal of materials after cleaning;
  4. no additional preparatory work is required, such as protecting equipment from abrasive ingestion;
  5. it is possible to clean chrome, nickel-plated, galvanized and aluminum surfaces without fears to damage them;
  6. allows you to clean the engines and other parts of the mechanisms without dismantling and disassembling;
  7. the remnants of the consumables do not accumulate inside the mechanisms, as it is easy to remove with water;
  8. in case of unwanted dust formation, abrasive can be used with water;
  9. the time spent on cleaning and its cost is significantly reduced.

Armex-Blasting Technology

Due to its versatility and simplicity, the technology can be applied at any modern enterprise, providing an excellent state of equipment, saving time and money.