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Typical brick size. Standard bricks sizes. Full and hollow bricks

Brick - a long-known building material has long been, without which any construction is practically nothing. Despite the fact that brick blocks are used for a long time, the size of the brick standard was first introduced only in 1927.

Standardization of typical sizes of brick blocks allows you to calculate the volume of brickwork in accordance with the project, the need for construction material, and also determine the weight of the structure.

The key factor in the size of the brickwork sizes is the following aspect ratio of 1: 1/2: 4. Such proportions are considered optimal for masonry of a building material with alternating the longitudinal and transverse location.

In private construction, elemental products are in demand, the consumption of building materials for one cubic masonry meter is 513 units of products. In accordance with state regulations operating in Russia, the size of the standard single brick size in millimeters is:

  • 250 length;
  • 120 width;
  • 65 height.

In addition to single blocks, the construction market offers other types of sizes:

  • one-time;
  • double.

One-time building material was launched into production during the period of industrialization of the country, in order to accelerate the pace of construction. Standard consumption of building materials is 318 products on one cubic meter. A characteristic feature of the one-and-a-half block is an increased altitude of the product, the GOST installed the following brick dimensions of the standard (in millimeters):

  • length - 250;
  • width -120;
  • height - 88.

Double brick with the same 250 millimeters long and 120 millimeters widely has a height of 138 millimeters. Considering the impressive dimensions, to reduce the weight of the product, double blocks are usually made by the hollow form. Double products are widely used in various fields of construction. Building materials with increased highs are used to build both industrial and civil facilities.

Permissible errors

Building material is carried out in strict accordance with production technology. The billets of brick blocks, which in the process of production are subjected to firing in the furnaces, are manufactured with an increase in geometric parameters by 8%. As a result of heat treatment, the product decreases and is shown to type parameters.

GOST is allowed a minor deviation of the geometric sizes of finished products, namely, in length no more than 4 millimeters, in width and height of no more than 3 millimeters. The standard also allows a slight curvature on a spoon (no more than 4 mm) and in bed (no more than 3mm).

Types of brick products and their standard sizes

The dimensions of the brick products depend not only on the size, but also on the type of building material. The main species that are in demand during the construction of residential buildings and the construction of industrial buildings are:

  • red brick;
  • silicate;
  • facing.

Red building blocks and their features

Red Brick - building material of universal destination, used to build foundations, exterior enclosing structures and partitions in the house, fences.

Red brick products are based on clay briquettes, which are pressed by firing. The dimensions and specifications of the product are governed by GOS 530-2007 and are (in millimeters):

  • standard format - 250x120x65;
  • thickened format - 250x120x88;
  • double format - 250x120x138.

In addition to popular sizes, GOST, and less demanded formats are also provided:

  • 0.7 NF with parameters 250x85x65 mm;
  • 1.3 NF with parameters 288x138x65 mm.

Building materials "European format" are used for decorative window finishing and other structural elements of the facade.

Silicate brick

Silicate brick blocks - construction material made on the basis of silicate, is designed to build bearing exterior walls, partitions in the house. Modular white brick dimensions - 250x120x65 and 250x120x88 millimeters.

Silicate building blocks produce two types:

  • full-time;
  • hollow.

Volumes of emptiness of the silicate block, as well as overall dimensions, are adjustable

state standards. Hollow silicate blocks are separated based on the share of volume, diameter and the number of non-correctic voids having a cylindrical shape.

The following types of hollow one-time silicates are distinguished:

  • three empty - the proportion of voids is 15% of the product volume, the diameter of non-separation holes is 52 mm;
  • eleven empty - the proportion of voids in a total volume of 25%, diameter - from 27 to 32 mm;
  • fourteen empty - the proportion of voids varies in the range from 28 to 31%, the diameter can be from 27 to 32 mm.

Facing brick

For facing facades, the facial brick is used the standard size, which corresponds to the traditional analogue.

The construction market offers several types of facing products:

  • clinker;
  • ceramic;
  • hyperpressed;
  • silicate.

Clinker building blocks are used to finish the facades, for the construction of decorative pillars, decorating window openings, with the use of this type of material arched window windows. The material is characterized by a dense smooth structure, excellent soundproofing and frost-resistant qualities, resistant to moisture, is well preserved heat. Clinker is colored and glazed, glossy and matte. The windows and walls of the facade, cladding with clinker blocks for a long time retain an attractive appearance.

Clinker facing

Ceramic facing products are able to withstand up to a hundred shifts of natural seasons, the material is not terrible sharp temperature differences. Brick for a long time of operation retains its original qualities and appearance.

Ceramic facing

The hyperpress material is made from a lime-cement mixture, by semi-dry hyperpress, followed by steam treatment. The material is used for the decorative finish of the facades, it is highlighted with windows and doors. There are several types of facing material:

  • smooth;
  • spoonful;
  • figured;
  • angular.

The standard dimensions of the smooth and figured hyperpressed brick are 250x120x65 mm. Brick spanner standard has parameters 250x85x65 mm, angular and spoonful narrow - 250x60x56 mm.

Hyperpressed facing

Silicate facing brick - ecologically safe frost-resistant material. The facial silicate brick amazes the variety of color solutions, differs from its ceramic fellow uniform tone coloring throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe product. Silicate facade material is not used for cladding areas in contact with the soil.

Non-standard dimensions

However, in the segment of facing materials, you can find products of non-standard dimensions. The products of non-standard size are made by non-industrial, organic series. Ultipical building material is used to carry out restoration work, the introduction of original design ideas, for underlining the opening of the window. The dimensions of the non-standard single material for finishing facades can be (in millimeters):

  • 210x100x50;
  • 210x100x60;
  • 240x115x52.


On the territory of the European Union there are other standards that are not relevant to the GOST 530-2007. Thus, the most running series in the countries of the European Union are the following series of building material:

  • DF - geometric parameters of the product 240x115x52;
  • 2DF - 240x115x113;
  • WDF - 210x100x65;
  • Rf - 240x115x61;
  • NF - 240x115x71;
  • WF - 210x100x50.

Many decades for building buildings people use red bricks. This building material has a number of advantages, thanks to which it has fallen such popularity. During construction, you need to adhere to the rules and check all materials for compliance with standards.

This is done to avoid mistakes in the construction and for the purchase of the right materials, tools and technology. Red brick size standard is described in "Interstate Standard" (GOST 530-2012)And below will be considered the main points that need to be considered before construction.


An ordinary red brick is popular thanks to the properties that it acquires in the manufacture and adapts to materials taken as a basis. The source material, of course, has its influence, but the basic properties are the same for all bricks:

  1. Frost resistance - This property, which includes several functions at once.
  2. Bricks must withstand low temperatures and high humidity. Falling into extreme conditions, can start changing its density that leads to its destruction.

    A short designation for frost resistance - MPZ, and this value is calculated during special tests when the brick is cyclically exposed to changes in humidity and temperature.

    If the MPZ value is below 35 points, the use of such brick is not recommended on the territory of the Russian Federation.

  3. Strength - Another characteristic showing what pressure can withstand 1 square centimeter of bricks.
  4. So for the construction of a small house there will be enough use of the brick of the M100 brand, and during the construction of a multi-storey building, the M150 brand is selected and higher.

  5. Soundproofing - Important characteristic for urban premises.
  6. In the conditions of turbulent urban life is very important create basic sound insulation with the minimum thickness of the building walls. Bricks are perfectly coping with this task.

These characteristics determine the capabilities of the building material and give a primary representation. Knowing these opportunities will protect the novice builder from unforeseen expenses. Next, several classifications will be given, and the most importantly, the dimensions of bricks are considered in detail.


Brick can be made of different materials, but those options that provide us with the market is 90% made of clay and clay mixtures. After burning clay takes orange, red and yellowish color, hence the name - red brick.

By type of material

Here are the main options by type of material:

There are many configurations of bricks dimensions. Any brick has a parallelepiped form and three pairs of faces. The main line is the bed, is located in parallel the foundation of the masonry, from which it is often called the workforce.

The second face - spoons, located perpendicularly bed and has an average area of \u200b\u200ball three faces. The last line is a stitch, the smallest area. Changing the lengths of the sides of the facet, you can get different dimensions:

For facing buildings, all sizes above are used.

Standard single bricks Until now, remains the most popular option. This standard has been used for a long time in many countries of the world.

In form

This classification compares density of bricks. There are two types of bricks in density: full and hollow. Hollow bricks are visually distinguished by a certain amount of holes, and full-scale are monolithic products.

Full brick (he "loaf") is characterized by high thermal conductivity and rather low moisture absorption. It is used in the construction of basement rooms, ground floors and when erecting various bearing elements. Standard overall dimensions of its 250x120x65 mm (see photo above), and an average of 2.4 kg.

Hollow brick can not be used in the construction of basement rooms, carrying structures and other objects for which a full brick is used.

This is due to the fact that the hollow brick has a lot of holes where water can get freezing in winter and the destroying structure of the building material. This option has Increased sound insulation, increased thermal insulation and sold at a lesser price, because during production is used less source material.

The dimensions of the hollow brick are the same as the full-time - 250x120x65 mm.

For use

Private brick - This is a universal, "rough version" used for internal, and for external work. May have insignificant chips, therefore has a nondescript appearance.

Facing brick - Perfect, expensive brick, made at extremely high quality standards. Divided into two categories:

  1. Shaped option.
  2. The market presents in the form of a huge spectrum of variations of forms. The shaped version is used when you need to build a masonry of an unusual shape (with a whisk, a wavy shape, or an angular version).

  3. Factory option.
  4. Used in facing works on the facade of buildings.

Where are different types of bricks?

All listed moments form many functions and configurations, which is significantly expands the proposal variability In the building materials market.

And the experience of builders has formed a number of "rules", which everyone is trying to follow, so as not to hit the face. For specific types of buildings, it is customary to use specific types of bricks. Therefore, it should be highlighted at the main points:

  1. For the construction of the furnace, it is customary to use ceramic, full-length brick.
  2. For the construction of a foundation, basement or base, it is customary to use ceramic, full brick. Bricks vary depending on the foundation configuration: 250x120x65 mm, 138x288x165 mm, 250x120x88 mm.
  3. For the construction of walls and it is customary to use silicate or ceramic, hollow brick.

"Rules" should be used by to avoid destruction.

Absolutely all about red brick in this video:

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Often, land owners are faced with the problem of construction. And a big role in this business plays the right choice of building material. The most common in this sense is the red brick, which is suitable for the construction of most different structures. What do you need to know for the correct calculation of the number of building materials? Of course, this is the dimensions of the red brick, as well as the appointment of various types of its species. It is in this now we will deal with. And for a start it is necessary to clarify the general information on such material.

An ordinary full-length red brick - on such pallets it is fusing

There are several species of this building material, depending on the area of \u200b\u200bits application. He can be:

  • Ordinary full-scale;
  • Facing;
  • Furnace;
  • For foundation.

If we talk about the methods and materials used in its manufacture, they are fundamentally different. But still there are similarities. For example, a red full-length brick, like all others, is ceramic, while white is silicate. Standard sizes of ordinary brick - 250 × 120 × 65 mm. As for the rest of the varieties, we'll talk about them just below.

Someone can say that information about the size is superfluous, but it will be great delusion. After all, during construction, these data is necessary for the exact calculation of the consumption of material to this or that construction.

To begin, it should be understood that this building material, like any other product, must be checked when purchasing. After all, not only the beauty and aesthetics of the structure depends on its quality, but also the safety of those living in it or they use. In addition, both the convenience of the work and the quality of the work and the quality of the final result depends on the choice of the size and shape of the product. That's about the types of these materials we will talk now.

Red brick - dimensions and marking of this building material

In this section, we will consider in detail the size of certain species, as well as try to understand which one is for what is applicable and possible is the interchangeability of one type of other. We have already mentioned about the size of ordinary red bricks, but only superficially. Based on its popularity, it makes sense to dwell on this issue in more detail.

There are two methods of manufacturing such products - this is a method of semi-dry and plastic formation. Let's try to consider each of them.

Plastic formation method is as follows. Clay is prepared, stones are removed from it, after which it is packed to the state of plasticine. Next, with the help of a special machine, it is cut on the blanks, which in size slightly exceed the dimensions of the red brick, because In the drying process, the material gives a small shrinkage. After this workpiece is dried. It is important to comply with technology, otherwise the product cracks and will be unsuitable for construction. At the last stage, firing at high temperatures.

With semi-drying The moisture clay is overwhelmed into the powder and tram in the forms that are immediately sent to the firing furnace. Thus, the drying process is excluded.

Important information! When purchasing such a building material, pay attention to the absence or presence of cracks. If there are quite a lot of them, then the manufacturing technology has not been observed. Also important and color. If it is too light - the product did not fit, and if it has a black shade - then he was torn. Both are unacceptable and not worth acquiring such a building material.

There is still a huge marking, which is indicated as M-100, M-125, M-150, M-200, M-250 or M-500. To be clearer, you need to clarify. The digit after the letter "M" denotes the maximum pressure in kg / cm 2, which can withstand building materials. This means that M-250, for example, withstands the pressure of 250 kg / cm 2.

Dimensions of standard red brick and difference in dimensions

It should be noted that the manufacturer offers three subspecies of such a material, both full and hollow. It:

  • Single, with a size of 250 × 120 × 65 mm;
  • Overhead A little wider than the previous option. Its dimensions 250 × 120 × 88 mm;
  • Double - The width of this brick is even more, and is 250 × 120 × 138 mm.

There are other varieties, but in our country they are less in demand. This does not apply to curious facing products that may not have a certain form at all. The height of the red brick is always unchanged. This is done for the convenience of combining its species during construction, as well as cladding.

Important advice! Despite the similar dimensions of full-scale red brick and its hollow form, from the second in no case can the bearing walls cannot be erected on which the load will be carried out, because It has less strength and is not designed for this.

Red facing brick - sizes, varieties and features

Here you should pay attention to smoother, sometimes even glazed walls (face). In this case, such a material will not necessarily have a form of a rectangle - it can be curly. Although there is a kind of facing brick and with "broken", as if torn faces.

The peculiarity of such a material is more resistant to temperature drops and weather phenomena.But it should be noted that this stability is inherent only by external colors. Working its surface (The on which the solution is applied) from this is not protected. That is why it is of great importance to refrigerate and put the seams with a solution at the end of work.

Important information! If you sell and purchase a facing material of low quality, the probability of its dawn appears in the second year of operation. That is why you should be particularly attentive when it is selected.

The dimensions of facing bricks differ from full-scale. They can be both single and half. Also in the building materials market there are products and widths in ¾. The remaining sizes of bricks of facing single or other species are the same with a full-scale option.

The dimensions of the red brick and its features

A feature of this building material is its resistance to high temperatures. It also differs in low thermal conductivity, which causes its characteristics that are ideal for furnaces and fireplaces.

As for the price of the chimney red brick, its range is wide enough and ranges from 20 to 1000 rubles. For 1 pc. But we will talk a little later about comparing the cost of this or that kind. It is important now to understand which material it is best to choose for a home furnace or fireplace. Special attention should be paid to the brand - it must be indicated as M-250 or even M-500.

Important! Although the cost of the product increases with an increase in the brand, the cost is not worth saving. After all, if you buy a rather cheap material of lower brands, you can face the situation at which it will have to shift the furnace in a few years, and this process is quite complicated than the installation of a new one.

Sizes of chimney bricks can be two types:

  • 250 × 120 × 65 - Standard, the same with full-scale;
  • 250 × 85 × 65 - Several already standard.

Red brick size for foundation - main differences

The dimensions of the ordinary red brick are the same with full and essentially identical. The only thing that can be said about their differences is that a complete brick can be like a furnace and facing, while the ordinary applies only for bases, foundations and internal partitions in the premises. Also, its main difference in strength and non-native appearance. That is why such a laying is closed in subsequent plaster, facing materials, etc.

The sizes of the grains red brick rarely matter, but there is an approximity to standards. The fact is that it can be rather uneven, which determines its low cost.

And yet, with any work, it is necessary to preliminarily calculate the number of necessary material. In this case, you can calculate this parameter yourself and use the program.

Online brickwork calculator - a simpler planning method

Brick Masonry Calculator Online

0.5 bricks - 120 mm, 1 brick - 250 mm, 1.5 bricks - 380 mm, 2 bricks - 510 mm, 2.5 bricks - 640 mm, 3 bricks - 770 mm

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Article on the topic:

How much is the red brick depending on the destination

The weight of red brick depends on many parameters. That is why it is worth systematizing data by combining them into a small table for a more convenient concept. For example, we take the brick weight of the red full-scale 250 × 120 × 65 and compare it with other species having the same size.

Table 1. Types of bricks

Thus, it is possible to conclude, the facing brick weighs much less than the rest. Although, in comparison, this parameter is not very different, yet when the wall is built, the load on the lower rows will be substantially different. After all, if you consider how much a red full-length brick weighs and multiply this value to the amount used in the construction, for example, partitions, you can approximately estimate the pressure on the lower row.

Important! When purchasing this material it is worth paying special attention to the mass. After all, if a full-length red brick 250 × 120 × 65 weighs less than 3.3 kg, then its strength will be lower, which is unacceptable for the carrier parts of the structure.

Separately, it is worth paying attention to how much the chimney brick weighs. The fact is that this material is the hardest precisely due to special additives and the method of its manufacture. The middle mass of the standard product is 4.2 kg. It also deserves its choice.

Specialist recommendations! When purchasing a material for the furnace, you should have a small hammer with you. With a sharp impact on the product there must be a ringing sound. If he is deaf, it does not deserve such a chimney brick. Also, there is always a fight of products. It is necessary to look at a spill. The composition should be homogeneous without extraneous enclosures and spots.

How many bricks in the pallet - the red brick of facing, full-fledged and furnace

It is clear that the total mass of the pallet depends on the weight of one red brick. But, as it turned out, the number of units that are stacked on the pallet are dependent on the type of product. Let us try to summarize the information available on this topic, and then disassemble it in more detail.

Table 2. Types of red brick

View of brickPictureNumber of units in the palletTotal pallet weight, kg
Ordinary full-length200-400 660-1440
Normal hollow352-444 810-1100
Hollow facing480 634-662
The oven thermal resistant330-360 1386-1512

So, having understood how many red bricks in the pallet, you can calculate how many pallets will need to be purchased for one or another structure. All this can help in calculations in order not to overpay for extra material. But there is another parameter you need to know. This is how many red bricks in 1 m 3. The average data is as follows.

Table 3. Number of red bricks in 1 m 3

Thus, knowing all these data can accurately calculate not only how many red brick pallet weighs, but also calculate the required amount for the construction.

Important! Do not underestimate the weight ratio and the number of products in the pallet. After all, this is a direct indication of the quality of products of a manufacturer. It should also be understood that, for example, facing material has resistance to weather events only from the end sides. That is why there is a surplus of him who have laid at least one winter outdoors will be unsuitable for use. Such a product will begin to quickly collapse, minimize all efforts.

As for the value of various species and brands, we also provide a similar review.

Different red brick: price per piece of one or another brand and type

As for the cost of red bricks, it also depends on the brand, type and quality of the product.

Table 4. Middle Cost of Brick

Size and viewPictureM-150, rub.M-200, rub.M-250, rub.
Ordinary single15 16 18
Ordinary one-time16 17 19
Private double17 18 21
Facing single16 21 43
Facing half9 13 25
Stove standard59 67 107
Looking reduced40 51 72

Approximately this is distributed by the cost of such products. Of course, the price of a red full-fledged brick may differ from those presented in the table, depending on the manufacturer and manufacturing technologies. However, it should be remembered that too low cost may be the consequence of the violation of the production process. This entails a decrease in the indicators of frost resistance, strength and other parameters. And therefore, looking at how much red brick is, you can roughly define its quality. But it makes sense to clarify that you still need to check the product.

For finishing work, you need to choose the material based on your preferences. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that how much facing red brick is, it will depend not only on its quality, but also from the form. Such products today are quite varied.

Facial material can be used without black laying. For example, when building a fence around the site, such a brick will look pretty good. Given the lack of a large load on it, its use with small nuances is quite acceptable. As you know, the fences columns first take place, and only after partitions are lined up. It should be understood that during the construction it is necessary to reinforce the metal grid every 2-3 rows.Through the same distances, you need to drive into a column and pieces of fittings, with which the partition to the carrier part will be fastened.


Red brick is a wonderful building material in its characteristics. It is characterized by such properties such as strength and long service life. In the field of construction, it began to be used for 4,000 years ago. In the course of the development of standard brick production will constantly change the appearance of the product, its form, size.

Thanks to such a centuries-old history today, the red brick is presented in a wide range, which has about 15,000 species. Each of them differs in its textures and color. All varieties of red brick are classified as defined conditional categories, which determine the composition, structure, color and purpose.

Description of standard red brick

For the manufacture of the usual presented product, clay is used, mixed with water, which is then subjected to firing. As a result, high temperature indicators affect the sample, which contribute to the formation of irreversible chemical processes.

In the photo - the dimensions of the red brick

During the acquisition of this product, it is necessary to pay attention not only to high-quality characteristics, but also on the type, dimensions of the red brick. Thanks to all these indicators, various properties acquire their influence on operational qualities.

How much is the brick for the basement you can learn from this

In addition to its attractiveness, the product presented has a long utilization and strength. As a result, it is possible to achieve the security of erected buildings. In addition, the repair of facades, during the construction of which red brick was used, is very rarely produced.

What brick is best for the furnace you can learn from this

On video - standard red brick size:

Learn the properties of ceramic bricks can be found from this

Size of ordinary building bricks

Since the red brick has a different classification, then for each species is characterized by their sizes. For an ordinary standard red brick, there remains unchanged length - 250 mm, width - 120 mm, but as for the thickness, it depends on the type of product: single - 65 mm, double - 130 mm and modular - 88 mm. : 250 * 120 * 88.

What kind of white silicate bricks can be here from this

Species and standard according to GOST


The classic dimensions of this product are actively involved in the construction of bearing and reinforced buildings, the construction of the foundation, stoves and fireplaces. For such a product, such marking is characteristic: M-075, M-100, M-125, M-175. The level of frost resistance can reach the F50. What size? The dimensions of the single red block will be 250x120x65 mm. Depending on the size changes and. The cost of these products will be 9.4-16 rubles per piece.

To build a house, it is impossible to do without a brick. It began to use dozens of years ago. During this time, many species of this material appeared, the dimensions of which were standardized. The choice of standard sizes of facing bricks takes into account the construction experience, material production technology.

The dimensions of imported bricks differ from Russian. In our country there is a special GOST, establishing certain parameters.

Varieties and brand

For different construction areas, various bricks are applied. It is divided into several groups, which are characterized by their technological characteristics, as well as manufacturing material.


The basis of the ceramic suction product is an ordinary clay. The processing of the material is performed by semi-hum. This kind of brick received the second name - ordinary. It has high strength and low cost.

Ceramic plug-in products have several positive qualities:

  • strength;
  • fire safety;
  • frost resistance;
  • long period of operation.

These products are distinguished by their shape:

  • full-time;
  • hollow.

There are no emptiness in full-length brick, only 13% of the total volume is descended. The material is characterized by increased thermal conductivity.

With the erection of a residential building from such a brick, special masonry solutions are prepared, additional insulation is carried out.


It has its appearance on which the formation of various defects occurred:

  • rough surface;
  • chips;
  • oblique face.

Thanks to the embossed drawing, "loaf" perfectly hits with concrete.

The main advantage of this type of brick is considered:

  • high density;
  • not afraid of mechanical impacts;
  • meets modern environmental requirements;
  • does not lose its properties during temperature drops.


Among the numerous advantages of such bricks are highlighted:

  • the magnitude of thermal conductivity is much less than a similar full-scale block;
  • creates excellent sound insulation;
  • low density;
  • small mass;
  • efficiency.


The current GOST does not recommend using a delicated brick during construction, as its heat treatment was made incorrectly. In principle, the burnt material can be called marriage. Such a brick is distinguished by its melted view, a dark tinge, a violation of geometry. The product has high density, perfectly carries out heat.

Since there was a violated technology with its manufacture, the material is performed fragile and with a small service life. It is afraid of moisture, unstable at a minus temperature.


One square centimeter of this material freely withstands the pressure of 100 kg. Brick density is directly dependent on the manufacturing material.

Brick has several subgroups:

  • ceramic;
  • one-time;
  • hyper pressed;
  • single;
  • full-time;
  • hollow.


The block maintains the pressure of 150 kg. The material is used for the construction of any buildings.

Basically, residential and utility rooms are built from it.


The refractory brick, which was designed for the construction of structures where there is a constantly high temperature (for example, a furnace).

For individual construction, they are mainly used by direct SB. It is laying out of the furnace casing, in which the temperature may exceed 1400 degrees.

The technical characteristics of the product comply with the requirements of GOST 390 - 96.


We are talking about a single brick having a standard format. Material is produced different strength. The popular brands of this type include M100 and M200.


The material differs from the analogues with its height. It is more than 13 mm. The difference in dimensions does not affect its application.

This brick has no fundamental differences from others, therefore it is used in different construction purposes, especially when the front wall is erected.


Of this brick, the trim of the facade of walls made from any material is performed. If necessary, they are placed an additional insulation layer.

The benefits of facing finishing bricks can be attributed to:

  • strength;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • durability;
  • various textures.


This product used hundreds of years ago. However, today artificially made clay block did not lose its relevance. Various shape, the mass of all kinds of shades make it possible to create architectural masterpieces. This environmentally friendly material remains the most popular and in demand among the population.

High strength allowed outdoor walls from clay blocks, which are placed, and then lined. To create a beautiful design on the surface, a geometric pattern is placed, which strengthens the coupling.

Low frost resistance is considered a disadvantage of the clay product, as well as the impossibility of working with high humidity.


It differs from analogs in yellow tint. The brick includes:

  • limestone;
  • cement;
  • oxide iron.

The mixture of these elements gives brick yellow shade. The product refers to a silicate group. These blocks are mainly used for the construction of large yellow buildings. For the production of clinker, clay is used, which never melts. It turns out a bright yellow building material. This refractory material was widely used in the construction of country houses, as it is distinguished by high frost resistance. Chamotal brick has a rough surface, yellow and diverse shape.


Russian legislation was established a special standard for technological characteristics and dimensions of blocks of different types.

Single brick

Must have dimensions:

  • length - 250 mm;
  • width - 120 mm;
  • height - 65 mm.

The dimensions of the double ordinary silicate block differ slightly:

  • length - 250 mm;
  • width - 120 mm;
  • height - 138 mm.

One-time thickened brick of different colors

Must have the dimensions specified in Standard:

  • length - 250 mm;
  • width - 120 mm;
  • height - 88 mm.

Special modular block

Overall dimensions differ from the standard (normal):

  • length - 280 mm;
  • width - 130 mm;
  • height - 80 mm.


Today, this original brick with dimensions has become very popular and in demand:

  • length - 250 mm;
  • width - 85 mm;
  • height - 65 mm.

Calculation of building materials

Today there are many special online calculators that very accurately calculate the amount of material required for the construction of the house.

A simple calculation is based on the standard parameters of the conventional ceramic block (250x120x65 mm). One cubic meter includes 512.82 pieces. If you take into account laying seams with a size of about 10 mm, the amount will decrease by 118 bricks.

To determine the number of bricks that fit in 1 square meters. meter, builders use special tables.

Consumption rate

During the construction of any building, it is very important to adhere to the developed norms regarding the consumption of standard bricks with dimensions of 250x120x65 mm. Special tables help accurately calculate the material consumption rate. Intermediate stages are taken into account at the rate of one cubic meter, laying type, as well as a scheme of installing brick units:

  • 2.5 products.

For a more accurate calculation, the thickness of masonry in 1-2 bricks is also taken into account.

A huge variety of brick products allows you to choose the desired type of blocks for individual and industrial construction. Different colors of bricks allow designers to embody their fantasies into life. Eliminates work on calculating the desired amount of material standardized dimensions.

All brick sizes will find in the next video.