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Turnkey in Ufa. Glued timber and houses from it in Ufa: Price overview, manufacturers, construction companies and typical projects single-storey houses from glued timber

Prices for glue bar for 1 m3 (adhesive Akzo Nobel)

Types of profiled glued timberSection in × shBar glued profiled with cutting cups under the project, humidity 10-12%, up to 12 m long (rub / m3)

"Finnish" Profile Type 1
sh185 * B160 / 202/24227000

"Finnish" Profile Type 2
sh185 * B160 / 202/24227000

"German" profile
sh185 * B160 / 202/24227000

s240 * B202 / 240
sh285 * b202 / 240

Additional services are:
Production of cups for connecting walls not at right angles - "Outdoor Erker", "Closed Erker" - 180 rubles / element

Connection of walls "Lastochkin Tail" - 180 rubles / element

Connection of walls of different thickness - 150 rubles / element
Processing of the ends by the protective composition - 300 rubles / m3
Processing with antiseptic composition - 400 rubles / m3

Houses made of glued timber - this is the maximum concentration of modern technologies in the construction of natural wood - wall material of the 21st century. Since this type of material is fairly technologically, it is necessary to approach the choice of the supplier with special care. .

The main advantages of houses from the glued bar "turnkey"

  • Dry material. Stable shape, geometric dimensions, no natural deformations
  • The ability to maintain heat. Thermal conductivity comparable to a pine array
  • Does not need additional insulation. Profile works like a wind castle, rainwater does not fall into the inter-walled groove, dry insulation
  • Signed deadlines for construction. Accuracy assembly, smooth walls. High bearing ability. From one material beam overlaps, reference pillars
  • Length of whole bars up to 12 meters
  • Windows, doors, stairs are installed immediately.
  • The convenience of hiding engineering communications. The possibility is laid at the design stage
  • Appearance. Almost ready-made facade material. Smooth, beautiful, textured surface. No need for additional wall decoration

Does the price of the house from the glued timber please?

The price of glued bar at first glance is quite high and for the most part varies in the range of 23,000-30000 rubles. But there are some nuances that should be considered. The cabbage from the glued bar 240 mm in comparison with the log 280 mm will be about 30% less in volume, because the inner partitions are made from a cluster of 120 or 160 mm wide. It will also reduce the cost of construction and delivery. No other material for the walls does not compare with the glued bar in the trim cost. The final value of houses from the glued bar with finishing remains among the most profitable on the modern market, much cheaper not only of brick houses, but also from the woods of the tree.

By ordering houses from the glued bar in Nodex, you are guaranteed to receive the highest quality of services we offer and materials.

  • Experienced and highly qualified specialists.
  • Help at all stages of construction.
  • The highest quality of the work performed and the shortest time of the construction of the "turnkey" houses.
  • Warranty on wooden houses from glued timber up to 15 years.

Technical requirements

Glued profiled timber.
1. Wood - Pine ordinary, spruce (as agreed).
2. Limit deviations:
- in width of ± 1.0 mm; height ± 1.0 mm; in length ± 3.0 mm.
3. Deviation from perpendicularity is not allowed.
4. Wood humidity 8-12%.
5. Splicing in length on the minisha open length L \u003d 12 - 16 mm.
6. The minimum length of the spliced \u200b\u200blamellas is 450 mm, the maximum 1500 mm.
7. Bonding on the adhesive EPI System Clay / hardener 1989/1993 Group D4 according to EN 204 AKZO NOBEL.
8. The thickness of the layers of 40.5 ... 42 mm.
9. Indicators of the strength of the bending of the bending-thickening compounds during loading on the plastic ≥ 20 MPa (200 kgf / cm2), the average value of ≥ 25 MPa (250 kgf / cm2).
10. BROUSES: Length 600 ... 12000mm, width 240,202,160,120 mm, Height Overall 285,240,185,140 mm, Altitude Mounting 274, 229, 174,130 mm *.

Wood vices allowed in the manufacture of glued timber

The name of the vices of wood standards of restrictions in layers for bars of house-building
facial lamellaes
- allowed on healthy light bright collapsed single up to 60 mm
group up to ½ width
- Dark healthy swirls allowed
- Black bitches allow D to 10 mm
- on the plate partially agrees allowed
- nonsense healthy allowed
- Riby healthy strokes are allowed to 1/3 width
- edge healthy struck, incl. Finding on the edge are allowed to 2/3 edges in the entire edge, incl. Partially proceeded
- drop-down, rotten, rotten and tobacco on the plates, the rib and edges are not allowed
Ingrown bark and its remnants around partially surfacing bitch is not allowed
Wood structure vices:
- the slope of the fibers is not allowed more than 15%
- Small smolny pockets allowed
- Thermal tube is not allowed
- the proportion is not allowed
Mushroom lesions:
- Crooked coloring are not allowed
- rotted not allowed
- blue is not allowed
Biological damage:
Worvechina is not allowed
Foreign inclusions, mechanical damage and processing defects:
- Review is not allowed

The houses from the glued bar appeared in Russia for a long time and deserved a good reputation.

The construction of houses from such a material has its own characteristics, and the glued bar itself is relatively different from other types of timber and has several advantages. It is manufactured by gluing several layers of dried and treated board (lamella). Thanks to such technology, the timber, while maintaining all the positive characteristics of the tree, acquires additional unique properties inherent in only such construction material.

Prices for glued timber from the Northern and Mining Ural Forest: from 22,900 rubles / m3.


Our coniferous forest from pine and spruce grows in the mountainous regions of the Urals. We also use the Altai Forest, Northern Siberian Pine, Angar cedar and larch. The advantage of the forest growing in the mountainous area is the absence of various diseases peculiar for the flat and Western and librid wetlands.

A 30% discount on the installation of a house-kit!

From 40m3 supply passing transport and a good discount to all regions of Russia! Delivery in Ufa and suburbs when ordering a house-set from 80m3 free!

  • So the glued timber has increased thermal insulation. Due to the presence of grooves and perfectly smooth surface, the bars are tightly adjacent to each other, so such a house will not need additional insulation and lining. This will preserve the appearance of the house, such as it is scheduled.
  • After painting, such a timber is resistant to adverse environmental factors, such as water, frost, pests, and more fire-resistant than ordinary tree.
  • The glued bar has a good texture and you can do without interior decoration, everything will look beautiful. But if the finish is provided, then it can be performed immediately after the construction of a church. The glue bar is made only from dry wood and does not give a shrinkage. From the glued timber, the window frames are made, which, by strength and reliability, are not inferior to plastic windows.
  • Another not an important advantage is very small construction terms, compared with other options for wooden houses.

Profile and sizes

  • Width 195, 245mm.
  • Height 145, 185mm.

Price on glued bar with cutting bowls


Making a glued bar The process is high-tech and requires no low cost and time. This, of course, affects the ultimate product price, but the quality compensates for this little disadvantage.

At home from glued timber, you can still see in the suburb of Ufa, because a high-quality bar will always find its buyer.

We cooperate and work with various companies by producing products for the manufacture of timber, as well as the forest-industrial complexes supplying the northern coniferous forest. We will share the glued bar and prepare the house sets in Ufa.

Construction of houses and cottages

The construction of cottages from glued bar, this is a segment of a premium and elite class in a wooden house-building. Such houses are more expensive than houses from blocks, a conventional planed and profiled timber. Therefore, to afford such a cottage can only true connoisseurs of wooden, natural and environmentally friendly houses.

In our company, building houses from glued timber is held in several stages.


The first stage is a foundation, it can be completely different. We offer our customers economical options like screw piles, as well as reinforced concrete piles, piles + woodlock, tape base and base foundation with basement floor.


The second stage or parallel first, is the order of the finished set of glued timber. The production time is approximately equal to the construction of the foundation. That is, while the foundation is done, we are preparing a house-set for your future at home. Next, we bring all the necessary materials and assemble them on the spot from the initial crown to the Bruce Frontons of the attic.


We carry roofing work for different homes on two technologies. This is a cold attic and a warmed roof. The rafters are used from 200 to 250mm, which allows you to put enough insulation in them. The roof (attic) with insulation will be residential and very warm.

Learn about all types of timber and its cost
by phone: +7 (347) 299-33-66

By purchasing a land plot, people begin to think about the construction of their own home. Many of them still give preference to wooden structures. One of the most optimal options in this case is considered glued bar.

As a rule, it is the tree that corresponds to the main criteria that the most suitable material must be responsible for construction - affordable cost, aesthetic appeal, environmental purity and safety, reliability and practicality.

Widespread houses from glued timber

The buildings of glued bars have long been greatly popular in Western countries. The fact is that with the help of this material, you can build a beautiful and good home in extremely short time. Processed on special machines The surface of the bar in the future does not require any re-processing. You can use the material at once both for the construction of the structure and for its finishing. In addition, due to the fact that in the production of timber, experts only use the most dried wood, the construction of a bar in the future will not be deleted or shrink during operation.

It is also important that only the highest quality glue is applied to the material. According to manufacturers, it is capable if necessary, even withstand seismological loads. Thanks to this property, by the way, the glued bar copes with the supporting loads, if the house is erected in two or three floors. Such a technology ensures that the construction of the bar not only will not expose deformation, but also will be extremely reliably protected from moisture and cracking. Attracts Western homeowners and the fact that the houses from the bar are easily fit into the surrounding landscape, and in their high ecology do not have to doubt. Thanks to all these positive characteristics, the glued bar and acquired so widespread in modern construction.

Manufacture of glued bar

As the main basis for the production of such material, like glued bar, wood coniferous wood is used. As a rule, it is pine. It is believed that it is the pine wood that has an increased density that is so necessary in the manufacture of a bar. Also quite often used for works and fir. Several less often used for the production of a cedar bar and larch.

As for the very technology of production itself, it has its own specifics. Creating a glued timber is carried out only through the modern and high-tech equipment. There is a process in several stages. In particular, primarily selection of wood suitable for work and its processing. Each element is thoroughly examined for any defects. Embossed wood is immediately removed. After such sorting logs are sent to drying. It produces in special chambers.

Wood is placed in them to achieve the necessary level of humidity, which is by the rules of 12%. Then dried logs are cut into separate boards, called lamellas. These lamellae manufacturers glue together. It is done with the use of a special press and high pressure. It is worth noting that when gluing, several types of glue are used immediately, but each of them is distinguished by reliability, environmental and safety. Lamed at the same time, it is customary to be located in different directions. If wood fibers are directed in opposite sides, the material will not be subject to shrinkage and at the same time will increase its soundproof properties. When all the lamellas are fastened with each other, the glued bar is obtained. In one bar, it can be from two to five lamellaes, and its maximum thickness is 250 mm.

In the table below characteristics of glued bar (operational)

Name of the indicator The value of the indicator Regulatory document
The tensile strength along the fibers, MPa, not less 6.0 - average GOST 20850.
4.5 - minimum GOST 15613.1.
The strength of the toothed adhesive compounds during static bending, MPa, not less 35.0 - average GOST 20850.
20.0 - Minimum GOST 15613.4.
Heat resistance and frost resistance, heat resistance group, frost resistance group normal GOST 18446.
The indicator of the general bundle of adhesive seams in section,% no more than 10 - after a single test cycle according to the C mode and not more than 5 after two cycles according to the J2 mode GOST 27812.
Resistance to cyclic temperature-humidifies, resistance group average GOST 17580.
Water resistance, resistance group middle B. GOST 17005.

Technical characteristics of glued timber

The technical characteristics of the glued bar, in particular, are beneficial to allocate it among other materials. For example, he possesses low flammable. In the process of production, experts are treated with a glued timber with special substances that are called antipyrins. Moreover, the processing of them is carried out and during sawing, and during the gluing of the material. It is believed that antipyrena make it possible to almost completely eliminate the likelihood of random ignition at home. Additionally, by the way, these substances also protect the wooden house from the appearance of fungus and mold.

One of the most important technical characteristics of the glued bar is also its maximum strength. It seems that it is almost the most perfect material for construction work. The glued bar is not subject to any deformations that sooner or later happen to other materials. In addition, he does not absorb moisture, which protects him from early destruction.

It is worth noting also such a feature of the glued timber like him economy. He does not need to handle the finishing materials. Even during production, the timber is subjected to all necessary processing, and therefore, if desired, it can be simply treated with varnish if it wanted to morely show a beautiful wood texture. In this case, the glued bar is combined well with other materials. So, with an external trim, the facade is easy to cover siding.

Appreciated when using glued timber and speed Perform all works. Building a house from this material will require a minimum of time. Each element is so thoroughly processed that it is simply not necessary to customize it under the required dimensions. In addition, the glued bar is not distinguished by a large mass, with the result that it will not be necessary to rent a large-tonnant technique or hire a large brigade of builders. Perform all work will be able and small group of man. In addition, construction can be started at any time of the year. It will not affect the quality of the house.

A significant characteristic of the bar is also insulation. This material has a very low thermal conductivity. Compared, for example, with a brick, this indicator at the bar will be five times lower. As a result, the houses built from the glued bar do not require significant heating during the cold season. Moreover, in the summer, a comfortable optimum temperature is preserved in them in the heat. Accordingly, it should not be spent on the installation of expensive air conditioner too. Yes, and the walls in the construction can be done thinner than in their houses of their brick or monolith.

Separately worth saying about moisture resistant. In the course of the construction of the house, the glued timber used, the specialists are usually fixed according to a special technology, which is called "Comb-Paz". Thus, each detail is securely fixed, by this ensuring the moisture resistance of the material.

Makes it make a choice in favor of glued timber and such a factor as prestige. With this material it turns out to build a unique, ecological clean and aesthetically attractive home. Here you can show your fantasy and implement all architectural ideas.

Wood qualityWhen making a glued timber, must comply with the following requirements:

The name of wood vices according to GOST 2140 Norms limit defects in mm or in part of the parties for quality groups
Swirls: tobacco, rotten, dropping, nonsense 1/3 1/2 Do not limit without exit facial surface
Healthy knots, threw: 1/2 2/3 Do not limit
Rot, through a proportion Do not allow
Mushroom lesions, chemical color Do not limit Do not limit
Cracks through Do not allow Do not limit up to 1 m long
Cracks are not through:
- end - plastic shallow Up to 50 mm long do not limit without exit to the facial surface Up to 100 mm long not limited to the output to the front surface up to 1.0 m Do not limit
Worm-hole Do not allow with access to the facial surface Do not allow a depth of more than 2 mm and width more than 10 mm Do not limit
Karmushki Do not limit without exiting the facial surface Do not limit the output to the facial surface size of no more than 7 × 80 mm Do not limit
Core Do not limit the output to the front surface of no more than 20% of the length of the bar Do not limit the output to the front surface up to 2.0 m Do not limit
Stupid oblave Do not allow 10 mm Do not limit
Mechanical damage (chip, scope, disconse, etc.) Up to 2 mm long up to 50 mm long Up to 5 mm deep to 100 mm long Do not limit
Swindlery, curl, rint Do not limit
Width of annual rings No more than 5 mm Do not limit
Slope fiber,% 15 Do not limit
Total number of accounted defects on 1 m length 3 6 Do not limit

Construction of the house

The construction of houses from glued timber belongs to the category of pre-factor. Building construction from this material will require a small amount of time. You can order an individual structure of the structure. It will be created on the basis of all the wishes of the customer. Also, when designing the house, such factors as a specific location of the object, proximity to the reservoirs and the surrounding landscape as a whole are taken into account. However, usually houses from the bar are erected at a typical project on the ready-made foundation. At the same time, the base under the house may be different. However, most often the structure from the glued timber is erected on the monolithic plate. The surface under construction in this case is ideal, which is required when the structure of the structure of the structure. Otherwise, the shrinkage is most likely to be uneven. It will appear in the form of a failure of the angles, the occurrence of slots and skew walls. It should be emphasized that about four weeks will leave for the creation of such a foundation. After a couple of weeks after it, it is possible to start building a house.

As a rule, the frame of the future house is manufactured and is built quickly at the construction site. His construction begins with the installation of a semobrus, on which the assembly and other crowns are carried out at home. At the same time, each subsequent crown is attached with the previous one with special hardware. Inside, they are complemented by Mineral Wat. This material acts as a heater, and also performs the function of noise insulation. After the frame will be ready, the walls and ends are stitched. Some experts also close the glued bar from the inside and the outer side by the cement-chipboard. She is very resistant to fire, designed to remove wood from possible fires.

Special attention in the construction of the house from the glued timber will have to give the roof. Better, if all connections and nodes are made of glued material, or rather from the rafal beam. Usually after the first years of operation, ceiling materials can start slightly. As a result, they will need to remove and drag. If you use rafal beams that are inserted into special milled grooves, the power construction of the roof will be better. As for the roofing material, the cement-sand tile is quite suitable for the house of glued bar. It possesses aesthetic attractiveness and additionally puts pressure on the wall bars, forcing them more densely pressing each other.

In general, the installation process takes only about three to five days. As a result, the house surrenders almost ready - there is a roof, but, however, without roofing, the walls with mounted windows, window sills, inlet and balcony doors. It remains only to complete finishing work and carry out the necessary communications.

It should be noted that the construction of a house from the glued bar requires a greater brigade of builders. This can be done even on your own, possessing minimal skills. However, it is still better if the process will be engaged in experienced professionals. They not only know all the nuances of construction, but they can give the necessary guarantees that the house is made qualitatively.

Interior decoration at home

At home, built by their glued bar, do not need interior decoration in fact. Due to the special technology of manufacturing the surface and so it turns out very smooth and smooth. True, experts are still recommended to take additional measures to serve as longer as possible. Special varnishes will help in this processing. They are applied in several layers on the surface of the glued bar until the tone is reached, which is best harmonized with a common design of one or another room. Such easy processing does not take much time.


With the right operation, the house of the glued bar may even 70-100-100 years old. The main thing is to pay attention to the emerging defects in time, which are gradually manifested in any construction, and do not hesitate to eliminate them. With constant care, the house of glued bar will delight not one generation.

Glued bar - Construction material, which is obtained from the most environmentally friendly raw materials - wood. Bruus is widely used to build bearing structures, and this directly indicates the reliability and endurance of this material, so it is popular in almost all climatic zones. Decided quickly, profitable and cheap to build a house? You chose an excellent material!

Projects of houses from glued timber

Our company has been building, cottages and cottages from the glued turssas for over 15 years. Cooperating with us, you do not have to spend your time on the coordination and development of the project, the procurement of materials or their manufacture. All work, starting with the project and ending with the finish interior, our organization takes on themselves. Call!

Construction of houses from glued timber Ufa

Everyone knows that cottages from glued timber For those who dream of a comfortable and at the same time prestigious accommodation. Bruce walls have an incomparable "breathe" and passes through themselves vapor and moisture, contributing to the optimal microclimate indoors. Regardless of which season it is planned to build, the house of glued bar is always profitable - and for winter accommodation, and for summer. Take the first step towards your own dream! Call right now!

One-storey houses from glued timber

It does not matter what you are solaring to build. Little cottage, big cottage, private one-storey house - Always choose quality! Our company takes care of its customers, so we offer customers exclusively the best proven materials and cooperate with brands manufacturers who managed to establish only from the positive side. We will not only build a box of the house, but also completed the construction of a turnkey finish. You will only stay and put furniture. Call now!

Wooden houses from glued bars for permanent residence

This material is good and it's good that out of it are excellent not only summer or country houses, but also serious large cottages, where people live all year round. Our specialists know about the construction of houses from this raw material all the features, and we guarantee that we will build you a cottage at a high quality level, without cracks, without laying insulation and without shrinkage. Our warranty confirm the projects performed before you. Looking for a reliable artist? You have already found us! Call!

Lamaning Bar Houselock Ufa

For 15 years of our construction, we have incarnated about 95 country houses, of which more than 50% are elite. We try to work for you to conscience, so they did not receive a single complaint. Narrow specialization Our company- Your key to obtain an incomparable high-quality result.

Winter houses turnkey from glued timber

Many of you know that only in the house from the tree you can get all the heat, comfort and unique aura, so with solid confidence they take the most rational solution - a winter house from glued timber. The glue used in the production is absolutely safe and does not cause allergies. The timber is considered high strength, reliable and wear-resistant material, it has good thermoregulation and thermal insulation, so in the summer season in this house is cool, and in winter it is warm enough. Order a service today!

Buy house glued bar Price

As we have already said earlier, for you we have prepared many projects at a variety of prices. You can easily pick up the optimal option that matches your wishes and financial capabilities. Not depending on whether you decided to buy a finished house or build according to the individual plan, we will work in the best professional image!

Houses from glued bar Price ufa

Our builders work in Ufa, as well as in the nearby regions. Works are manufactured under the guidance of an experienced pro. If you have no permanent opportunity to be on the object, we ship daily video or photo report. You do not need to worry about what is happening on the facility. Cooperating with us, you always have the whole building process as on your palm. Check!

Houses from glued bar turnkey price

Despite the fact that the price depends on the house you chose, more precisely, its project, we strive for advantageous bilateral cooperation and do not wind prices. The cost of work in our company is adequate and corresponds to quality. Call right now and ask us all the questions you are interested in, get a free consultation, we will deal together with those moments that you are not clear.

We will help you build a new future! Call!