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Than soundproofing the ceiling: tips and recommendations. Noise Isolation Ceiling in Apartment - Modern Materials Noise Isolation Ceiling with Stretch Ceiling

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IN urban homes are difficult to achieve high-quality sound insulation. Especially strongly foreign sounds are bought by residents of panel houses, in which sound insulation requirements for definition below. In order to make your apartment comfortable and secure silence, the owners have to independently take care of the soundproofing device. Noise insulation The ceiling in the apartment under the stretch ceiling is mounted easier, since additional strength requirements are not presented to the insulating layer.

Stretch ceilings room

Types of noise insulation under the stretch ceiling

Modern construction technology involves the use of metal-reinforced structures. Steel perfectly spends any sounds, the vibration is passed throughout the construction. In apartment buildings, the main conductors of the noise are overlapping panels. Stretch ceilings are a design that involves the location of the canvas at some distance from the slab of the overlap, and the gap is formed sufficient width for the high-quality sound insulation device.

The noise insulation of the ceiling in the apartment under the stretch ceiling is performed the easiest way, since no other type of ceilings gives such freedom of selection of insulation materials.

Mats of their mineral materials

For insulation works, porous materials are suitable, which are also excellent insulation. The slab insulation, which are widely used in construction work, can serve as excellent soundproofers, as their fibers absorb sound waves. Soundproofing the ceiling in an apartment under the stretch ceiling is most often performed using this type of materials.

Mineral materials based on fiberglass or basalt has a number of positive qualities:

  • resistant to burning, it does not melt, does not empty dangerous gases;
  • has a high absorption coefficient of sound waves;
  • it scares insects, it does not develop fungi and mold even in case of moisture.


Polyfoam is a lightweight and convenient in the work of a porous material, with which you can save tenants from foreign sounds and significantly insulate the room. Polyfoam is convenient in operation, it has a small weight, easily and quickly fastened on the surface.

Since foam plates have a rigid shape, the mount can be carried out without the help of glue, only with the help of a dowel. Due to the stiffness, the surface of the foam can be plastered or pasted by additional layers of materials, which improves the quality of sound insulation. With all the advantages of insulation, the ceiling in apartments under the stretch ceiling of foams are rarely made, as it has a significant drawback - flammable. When exposed to fire, it instantly flammifies, burns with the allocation of a huge amount of heat and poisonous gases.

Fastening foam to ceiling with glue

The acoustic foam is mats with a special shape of the surface. The cone-shaped protrusions and recesses by themselves serve as effective sound absorbers, and in combination with a porous material, what is the foam rubber, the effect of such mats becomes very noticeable. Profile height ranges from 2.5 to 10 centimeters, the picture resembles a cassette for eggs.

Installation is carried out using a special adhesive composition, and the work does not require special preparation or physical force. The only disadvantage of material is combustible, the foam rubber flashes instantly and when combustion melts and drops the hot rates of the polymer, which is why the use of foam rubber is limited as an insulator.

Rolled noise insulation

Thin, durable and elastic polymer, which is often already inflicted in the factory defects the glue layer. Installation of such a sound insulation occurs quickly, additional fixation of the dowels is performed with a big step, which speeds up the process. The thickness of the roll material is not large, so noise insulation can be performed even in a limited space. Soundproofing the ceiling made of roll materials in the apartment under the stretch ceiling is made on a mineral basis, and a polymer was used as a binder, so the insulator is not ignited, it burns very slowly, does not forms droplets and caustic smoke, which makes it ideal from the point of view of fire safety.

Stages of mounting noise insulation

Depending on the type of sound insulation material, the installation method is selected. Hard panels, such as foam, fasten with special dowels, soft mats - basalt plates - mounted using wooden guides, and for attaching rolled insulators is most often used glue. Despite general recommendations in each case, it is necessary to develop an individual work method.

Mounting with polymer adhesives

For each type of material, special adhesive compositions have been developed, which provide high-quality clutch, but do not destroy the noise insulation itself. Mineral plates and glass gamble - amorphous materials, the only ones that are not destroyed by the action of aggressive chemical compounds, so the composition of the adhesive is not particularly important. Polyfoam and foam rubber corrosive, which can be contained in some compositions. Rolled materials also plant only on glue recommended by manufacturers.

Mounting with a dowel

For sound insulation and insulation, a special fastening method is used - with the help of a mushroom dowels.

With this attachment method, the main thing is to correctly calculate the step. If the insulating material has a low weight and a rigid form, then the dowels can be positioned not more than every 60 cm. Soft mineral plates better fasten more securely, shorting step up to 30 - 40 cm. Usually such dowels are used in conjunction with glue, such a fastener will be especially reliable.

Plan a large-scale repair work or an apartment decoration in a new building? Agree that inputly equipped the ceiling noise insulation in an apartment under a stretch ceiling, which is able to provide a permissible noise level for a comfortable life, will help keep calm and good relationships with the upper neighbors.

You thought about the sound insulation, but do not know what option to stay? We will help you deal with this issue - the article considers the best ways of noise insulation of the ceiling space.

And also contains the main stages of the installation with step-by-step photos, recommendations and video advice of experienced builders to fulfill work on their own.

Have you long dream of installing stretch ceilings in the apartment and heard about the need for noise insulation? Or think that these are extra expenses to which unscrupulous managers are "hit", seeking to make money as much as possible on the client?

Let's figure it out with the expediency of performing sound insulation under the construction of the stretch ceiling.

It is definitely needed in such situations:

  1. You constantly hear how a neighbor swears or speaks by telephone with comrades / relatives.
  2. At night we wake up from the fact that the neighbor coughed or turned over on the other side.
  3. You have too high ceilings in the apartment you want to "omit," pulling the PVC cloth on the frame, fixed by 20-25 cm below the ceiling plate.
  4. After installing stretch ceilings, you have become good to hear what is happening at the upper neighbors.

Such problems will help to solve the competent soundproofing structure (ZEK) or as installers and simple users are called it - Shumkov.

Initially, it is necessary to understand that the sound insulation of the ceiling space is not able to cut off all the noise and sounds entering the apartment. It can muffle them, prevent reflection from surfaces, which will provide a comfortable noise level for the human body.

There is a division of noise by 2 main types:

  • air;
  • shock.

The first is the sounds published by animals, as well as crying and cries of children and adult voices. And to the second type - sounds from the impact of furniture, heels, perforator and others.

The main task of the ZEK mounted under the stretch ceiling is to reduce the level of air noise to comfortable.

If you have problem neighbors, constantly dropping or moving furniture worn on heels at 6 am, then such a sound insulation will not help.

It will also be ineffective if there is extremely low ceilings in the room and there is no place for installation of a good noise absorbing interlayer from several types of materials.

Even the newest and expensive material with a thickness of 5-10 mm, alone attached under the stretch ceiling, will not be able to solve the task to eliminate excessive audibility of extraneous sounds in the apartment.

Options for arranging noise insulation

Perhaps you have heard that stretch ceilings are perfectly coping with the problem of insulation - after tensioning you will no longer listen to the news on your neighbors TV? This is a myth - by itself a tensioning design with a PVC film or a fabric cannut is not able to cut off sounds.

For a comfortable life, the noise level is not too high. And in the usual urban apartment there are many sources of loud sounds. Often they are coming from the neighbors from above. This is noise from repair, working television or radio, and often - even the trap and knock moving furniture. To combat such troubles with noise insulation. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the method of finishing finish. In this article, we will tell about sound insulation under tension ceilings. Consider what materials are effective in this case, as well as on existing ready-made solutions, including special acoustic canvases.

Does the stretch ceiling affect the noise insulation

PVC film or tissue muffle the sound of approximately 5 dB. This is a rather low indicator that will not be enough with noisy neighbors.

Moreover, the stretch ceiling in some cases enhances sound waves!

This happens for two reasons. First, the noises formed in the same room are reflected from the stretched canvas, and the echo effect occurs. Secondly, the airspace between the basic overlap and the stretch ceiling is able to strengthen some sounds that are coming from above. Uncomfortable will be the owners and neighbors.

Therefore, with the arrangement of tension ceilings, in most cases additional noise insulation is recommended. There are no problems with the placement of materials, because there is enough space between the slabs of the overlap and the web.

Basic principles and sound insulation requirements

Household noises are divided into two main types:

  1. Acoustic. Apply through air: loud conversations and bark, tv noise, vacuum cleaner or radio, etc. As a rule, the source is in the next room.
  2. Vibration. They are divided into two subtypes. The structural noises include the sounds of elevator mechanisms, ventilation, water in pipes, etc. to shock - for example, working perforator, knocks or steps. They apply to overlappings, so it can be heard not only in the next room.

The ceiling is fixed with noise insulation, which dispels acoustic waves. This reduces the level of sound noise (first type). With respect to the drums, ordinary materials are not as effective, since the waves pass not only through the ceiling. Special vibration layers help them. But to complete the elimination of noises, it is not enough, the insulation of the walls will also be needed.

It is desirable that the selected materials can be able to extinguish both types of sounds. For versatility, combinations from different layers are often used:

  • massive sound refrigerant;
  • soft fibrous material absorbing and scattering acoustic waves (located between the previous layer and the ceiling or wall);
  • vibration and mercy are also desirable.

As the latter, suspensions are used: vibration-insulated (with a rubber washer that reduces the transmission of the wave on the design) and quenching (unwanted fixation through the gasket). For isolation from overlapping, as well as a layer of each other take damping tape. It cuts off the structural noise passing through the bearing structures).

Important! Before arranging isolation, all cracks in the ceiling and seams between the plates are sealing. It is better to purchase special acoustic agents. This measure cuts off part of the air noise.

All materials that are used to create noise insulation in the apartment under the stretch ceiling must also have such properties:

  1. Ecology (do not emit harmful substances), as they are installed in residential premises. Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards is confirmed by certificates of quality.
  2. Resistant to the appearance of mold. This is especially important, since the wet microclimate is often formed behind the stretch ceiling. The fungus harms health and destroys building materials.
  3. Fire safety. Isolation should not support combustion or highlight harmful substances when heated.
  4. Durability. The qualitative stretch ceiling serves from 10 years and longer. It would be undesirable to remove it to replace sound insulation. Therefore, properties should be maintained at least for the same time.

Types of insulating materials

In the market you can find many types. Consider the most effective precisely in combination with stretch ceilings.

Produced in rolls with a thickness of 100 to 150 mm. Soundproof properties are pretty good (sound absorption coefficient up to 0.95), but it is inconvenient to mounted on the ceiling. To protect against noise, a dense fit to the stove and a distance of about 20 mm to the stretched canvase is required. Often cotton fasten with plate dowels. But they conduct sounds and thus reduce protective properties. And the more fasteners, the stronger the effect. Therefore, it is better to equip the frame design for sound insulation.

50 mm thick panels are made of stone or fiberglass. They are more dense compared to the usual cotton, therefore it is more convenient in laying, it is better to hold the shape and cut the noise.

Soundproofing properties depend on the density: how it is higher, the better, on average, the coefficient is 0.8-0.92. High quality differ brands "Shumane", "Maxfort" and "Rockwool Acoustic" (the last cheaper). More available at a price due to the less density of Urs, Tekhnonikol, the "Eau" and "Acoustiknauf".

Soft wood fiber plates

It is made of crushed, operated and dried under the press of natural fiber. MDWP is more dense and well suited to protect against low-frequency noise (such as bass in loud music). They differ in a small thickness (10-20 mm) and a good sound absorption coefficient - 0.8. Popular brands: "Softboard" and "Isoplat".

It consists of three layers that are firmly sewn. In the middle there is a fiberglass canvas. The material protects well from extraneous noise and temperature fluctuations, but its small particles, falling on the skin or mucous membrane, cause irritation. Therefore, the central layer is reliably closed on both sides with propylene fiber. In this case, the total thickness of the material is only 14 mm, and the sound absorption coefficient is 0.87.

Noise insulating membranes

This is a subtle universal material that is used not only with tension, but also suspended ceilings, as well as other structures (from plasterboard, plywood, etc.). It has a pretty high level of sound insulation (25 dB) with thickness of just 5 mm. The sound absorption coefficient is 0.33. Presented in the brands "Texound" and "Abseks".

Zipse Panel

The only well-working version of frameless sound insulation. But vibrations are not provided, therefore, in reality, a little worse, indicated in the passport of values. Available in equipment that are designed for different noise levels: from domestic to the sounds of a cinema or nightclub.

Note! The panels are placed only during repair. Before and after installation, wet works are required - shuttering surfaces.

For the convenience of comparison, the table contains the main characteristics of materials. The sound insulation index shows the ability to create an obstacle to the spread of noise and reflect them. And the sound absorption coefficient is to absorb and disperse noise, translating them into thermal energy. It can take a value from 0 to 1 (the higher the better).

Attention! Such materials such as foam, polystyrene and polyurethane are not suitable for creating noise insulation under tension ceilings. Due to the characteristics of the structure, they do not quit the sound, and sometimes even enhance. Cork and foam are also useless in such quality. These materials are used in the arrangement of floors, to protect against shock noise.

How to make noise insulation under the stretch ceiling with your own hands

For this there are two main ways: frame or without a frame using special panels. Before starting work, the basic overlap is prepared. It is necessary to carefully inspect the plates and find all the slots and seams (including the walls). The discovered gaps close up by mounting foam or sealant. And with large voids, additionally uses a putty.

Frameless sound insulation of zipse panels

Plates should be laid without cracks between them, which requires an absolutely smooth surface. Therefore, before installing sound insulation, the ceiling is plastered and aligned.

So that the fungus does not appear in the future, the layer is completely drying. As a result, the entire process of installation of sound insulation is delayed. It is usually carried out simultaneously with the main repair.

When the overlapping is ready, the installation of zipse panels starts:

  1. Shakes with walls are sampled by a damper ribbon.
  2. The panels are attached to the ceiling through the vibrations using self-tapping and tapered washers. The head is removed no more than 1-2 mm.
  3. Connect panels through puzzle joints, be sure to fit. Fixed with self-drawers every 15 cm.
  4. After completion of the work, close all the cracks with an acoustic sealant.

It is important to comply with the installation technology. Otherwise, the ceiling sound insulation will be insufficient.

The manufacturer recommends to sew the panels with plasterboard sheets with a thickness of 12.5 mm. Pricing places are paved by a damping ribbon. And it is necessary to mount the HCL in such a way that the screws do not fall into the vibration and disrupt their integrity.

After that, you can pull the canvas. Installation is performed according to standard technology.

Multilayer frame noise insulation basalt plates

This method requires first to mount the frame of metal profiles. To reduce the transmission of oscillations from the overlap, choose one of several options for fastening the elements between themselves and to the supporting structures:

  • vibropodves with washers (relatively inexpensive way);
  • standard components that are fixed through damping tape (cheaper);
  • vibrating suspensions (expensive, but also effective method).

Directly installation of the frame occurs as follows:

  1. The guides are fixed around the perimeter.
  2. Collect mounted construction from ceiling profiles.
  3. If massive ceiling insulation is used, the enhanced frame (in the form of a mesh) is mounted.

The next step is to lay soundproofing materials. Basalt wool plates are best suited for this. They do not need to hardly fix, for example, glue or dowels. But the gaps between the plates should not be.

Then the case of insulating materials begins. To do this, use (separately or in combination):

  • plates of gypsum fiber;
  • acoustic triplex (more massive, but at the same time effective option).

After that, stretch ceilings are installed. Baguettes can be placed not only on the wall, but also on the vibration-insulating frame. This solution has two advantages: the level of impact noise is additionally reduced and the ceiling is less lowered.

Ready-made systems of noise insulation under the stretch ceiling

Such combinations combine modern noise-repeating material and everything you need for mounting to the ceiling. Such proposals are convenient because the required quantity is calculated per square meter. There are different options, consider ready-made solutions from Techno Sonus.

Basic soundproofing system

The main material uses thermaboism. The kit also includes additional components:

  • wooden rails for the frame (thickness 24 mm);
  • tarbed dowel-nails ("fungi") for fastening the noise-canceling layer;
  • a sticky ribbon reinforced by a polyester grid (for sizing joints and seams).

The thickness of the entire system is 44 mm, a mass of 3.4 kg / m², and an air noise insulation index is 55 dB.

Standard M.

This option is chosen for cases when it is necessary to organize protection against noise with minimal loss of height. The main sound-absorbing material is Texound (2ft 80). This is a combined membrane with a felt layer. Its thickness is only 24 mm.

Additionally, the package includes:

  • universal contact glue "Butger";
  • reinforced tape;
  • plastic "fungus" (dowel-nail plate).

The total thickness of the system is only 24 mm, the mass of 8 kg / m², the insulation index - 57 dB.

This is the most popular system for mounting under the tensioning web. Due to the small thickness, the design practically does not reduce the ceiling level.

Standard P.

This option is used when you need to achieve increased sound insulation. For example, in apartments next to the cinema hall, a nightclub or in high comfort houses. In addition to domestic air noise, the system partially reduces the vibrating noise from the falling objects, the topot of the legs, etc.

The main noise-sensing material is sonoplate, a fibrous leaf with quartz sand. To enhance the effect, plates based on polyester fiber (stack eco-slim) are added.

Wooden rails and vibration bags are used as consumables. This is a layer for cutting off the frame from structural noise. Added between metal or wooden elements.

System thickness 37 mm, weight 19.3 kg / m², insulation index - 59 dB.

Special sound insulation stretch ceilings

An ordinary fabric or PVC film practically does not absorb noise. To achieve such an effect, apply special technology. A variety of microzers are applied to the canvas. Perforation absorbs oscillations of sound waves and transform them into thermal energy. Therefore, there are no echo in the rooms where acoustic ceilings are installed.

Between acoustic tension and rough ceilings, you can place other soundproofing materials. The effect of them is summed up, and noise protection is enhanced.

Perforated canvases make both fabric (relevant offers there are well-known manufacturers of CLIPSO, Descor and Cerutti) and film (for example, "Perf Acustik"). PVC-canvases are possible such perforation options:

  1. Small diameter: 0.1 mm holes are at a distance of 2 mm from each other. Installed in residential rooms.
  2. Average: 1.3 mm with an interval of 9-15 mm. Used for premises with high ceilings (offices, concert or sports halls).
  3. Large: 1.8 mm in 8 mm. Such perforation is chosen for places where there are a large number of people.

Acoustic ceiling gives additional opportunities to create expressive design. Lighting devices are placed behind the stretch web. Rays pass through holes, creating an interesting effect. RGB-tape is often chosen for highlighting, then it will be color (with the ability to change the shade or setting the automatic transition between them). For a more uniform radiance, the translucent film is tensioning above.

Thus, stretch ceilings are not able to fully protect against extraneous noise. To soundly insulated apartment, various specialized materials are used. They can be installed independently or invite professionals.

Tsugunov Anton Valerevich

Reading time: 5 minutes

For apartment buildings one of the most acute problems is a good audibility between adjacent apartments. Peacefully disturbing too noisy or active neighbors, and the owners of the apartment must control their behavior all the time to avoid scandals and complaints. The best sound is distributed through inter-storey floors. Solve this problem will help the noise insulation of the ceiling in the apartment under the stretch ceiling.

The device itself of this element provides for a certain level of noise repayment. For example, a lack of a suspended structure is that the sound is well carried out by frame elements. The soft canvas of the stretch ceiling and the air layer between it and the slab of the ceiling will be able to muffle the sound from the neighbors of about 5 dB. If you use a special perforated film that appeared not so long ago in the arsenal of installers of such coatings, the effect will be more tangible. True, the price of finishing is significantly increasing. You can save if you add to the film available noise absorbing elements. Especially since such modernization of the ceiling in the apartment under the stretch ceiling can be done without any problems.

Types of materials used for noise insulation

Noise isolation under the stretch ceiling can be performed using various materials. Before pulling the tension ceiling canvas, you need to finish their installation. Two types of materials can be distinguished:

  1. Reflect the sound wave, as a rule, have a solid mass and a dense surface - soundproofing materials.
  2. Slow the speed of the sound wave and quench it at the expense of a large number of pores - sound-absorbing materials. It acts the rule: the thickness of the coating layer - the better the noise absorbing properties.

The best result gives the combination of two types of materials. In this case, it turns out a kind of sandwich: a layer with sound-absorbing properties on both sides is hollows by reconnecting elements.

Ceiling noise insulation under the stretch ceiling can be carried out using the following materials.

The design elements of the frame in place of fitting to the ceiling is recommended to be saved by a special damper ribbon. It will not allow the sound to spread through profiles or bars of crates.

Mineral wool loses its properties when moisture getting, therefore it is necessary to ensure good waterproofing of the ceiling from above, and at the bottom, it is necessary to preserve a vapor barrier membrane. The solid ceiling layer of mineral wool will force the height of the room at least 10 cm.

If in the first place is the task of providing sound insulation, and not insulation, then you should choose mineral wool with the corresponding properties. You can navigate the name: "Shumane", "Skinny".

Cork, wooden panels

Acoustic membranes

The most modern type of materials. Further feature excellent soundproof properties, low thickness, environmental friendliness and resistance to fire.

There are only two negative points: these materials have a solid weight, so they are preferable to mount them preferably on a hard frame, and quite a high cost.

Acoustic membranes can be mounted on the ceiling with a special glue, there are also self-adhesive varieties of this coating. They can be used both in combination with other materials and as the sole method of protection against noise. It all depends on the characteristics of the room and the tasks being solved.

Preparatory work

The quality and durability of the ceiling noise insulation under the stretch web will directly depend on the preliminary preparation of the base surface.

  • From the ceiling, remove the old coating.
  • Carefully special sealants.
  • Be sure to apply primer with antiseptic properties: after installing the stretch ceiling, it will be problematic to detect and delete the mold or fungus that appeared. The primer will also improve adhesion when gluing soundproofing materials.

Soundproofing subtleties under the stretch ceiling

A variety of sound insulation materials generates many combinations of their combinations and designs of the soundproofing layer. Each design has its own attachment algorithm. But for all, the following general points can be distinguished:

  • Soundproofing should be securely fixed to avoid loss of anyone elements on the tension ceiling web.
  • Before mounting materials, it is necessary to give a minimum of day to be cured in the room where they will be used.
  • The noise absorbing coating should form a single plane that does not protrude for the level of pulling the web.
  • All joints between the elements should be carefully close. When laying in two layers, they need to be shifted relative to each other so that the joints do not coincide.

When installing acoustic membranes, such as, for example, "Texound", adjacent layers are superimposed on each other. Then carefully clipped with a knife, and the resulting smooth jack is searched with a burner or a construction dryer.

  • Gigroscopic materials, such as mineral wool, should be reliably protected both from moisture from the outside and from water vapor from the inside of the room. Therefore, it is necessary to preserve waterproofing on the ceiling and vapor insulation membrane between the material and the tensionable web.
  • When mounting the frame structure, it is necessary to accumulate its elements by self-adhesive sound-absorbing ribbon.
  • Before installing sound insulation, it is necessary to carry out all communications, output the elements of the fastening of the lighting appliances. Wires better remove in special corrugations.

It should be noted that the lamps built into the ceiling are poorly combined with an insulator based on mineral wool. There is a high probability that they will overheat and often fail.

Methods of fastening

Soundproofing can be mounted in three main ways:

  • fit into the framework of the frame;
  • stick to the surface of the ceiling;
  • cold for special dowels in the form of fungi.

For reliability, it is recommended to combine these methods. So, if you stick the plates of the material to the ceiling, then it will be easily fixed by their fungi. Five pieces are enough: 4 are attached along the corners, and one in the middle of the plate.

  • Equipping the housing with a decorative durable coating that protects against the flood from above.
  • Ability to hide electrical wiring mounted without cutting channels in concrete. You can also hide additional sound insulation.

Be careful! Isolation of the room from unwanted sound impact is possible only with the help of specialized materials. Any soft inhomogeneous noise insulation material will hold back the sound, but its efficiency will be small. The production of soundproofing panels specialize large domestic and foreign companies.

There is a statement that sound insulation under the stretch ceiling is not possible. As part of the professional solution of the problems of this kind, it is possible to absorb any frequencies and vibrations.

The most efficient sound insulation of the ceiling

It is difficult to name sound insulation panels with maximum efficiency. In Russia, products from the domestic producer of materials for sound insulation are popular. The company specializing in the production of special sound insulation tile and sheet mineral and polymer building materials, as well as on the production of related mounting elements.

Ecoacoustik Soundproofing Ceiling in an apartment under the stretch ceiling

This is an affordable sound-absorbing material for the absorption of aerial noise. It has the following features and features:

  • This material for noise insulation is safe. It does not contain volatile fibers dangerous for allergies. It is a product of polyester origin, which predetermines its safety for human health and life.
  • After mounting the mineral fiber, additional protection against moisture, rot, and insects are provided.
  • Provides soundproofing effect and has good insulating characteristics.
  • Simple installation technology. It is required to use clamping mushroom dowels, most often used sound insulation adhesives and compounds. According to modern technologies, a good option is cutting with a wallpaper knife.
  • The absorption of the sounds based on mineral fibers is very effective.
  • Soundproofing mat cuts with scissors without gloves.
  • Fire safety corresponds to high level.
  • Thanks to modern technologies for the production of special acoustic fibers, a noise insulating product without shrinkage was obtained.


The unique features and properties of the tension ceiling sound insulation in the apartment of the modern material SoundPro allow you to listen to music so that it will not disturb your neighbors. Noise insulating mat has high sound insulation efficiency:

  • This is a composite insulation of the ceiling in an apartment consisting of two polymer sheets and a fibrous filler. This increases the possibilities of mounting and reduces the layer thickness.
  • SoundPro gives a high coefficient of noise absorption when mounting a layer of 2-3 centimeters. It can also be used to finish the walls under the installation of GCC and under the tie.
  • The flexibility of the sliced \u200b\u200bribbons gives it to be used for isolation of noisy pipes.
  • Installation of the sound insulation layer is standard - with the help of compounds and clamping mushroom dowels.

It is important! Indicators before and after installation of sound insulation depend not only on the panels, but also on the qualifications of builders, as well as from the sound insulation properties of the room.

Stretch ceilings with noise insulation prices with installation

Stretch ceiling / soundproofing Width fabric Cloth manufacturer 1 square m. 20 square meters m. 30 square meters. m. 40 sq. M. m. Minimum cost of order
White Matte Film / Eco Acoustic 325 cm Germany 1950 rub 39000 rub 58500 rubles 78000 rub 25000 rubles
White Satin Film / Sound Pro 325 cm Germany 2600 rubles 52,000 rubles 78000 rub 104000 rub 30000 rubles
White Glossy Film / Eco Acoustic 325 cm Germany 1950 rub 39000 rub 58500 rubles 78000 rub 25000 rubles
Color / Sound Film 325 cm Germany 2750 rub 55000 rubles 82500 rubles 110000 rubles 33000 rubles
Photo printing on white matte film / Eco Acoustic 325 cm Germany 4400 rubles 88000 rub 132000 rub 184000 RUB 50,000 rubles

The cost of installing the stretch ceiling with sound insulation in the apartment is formed as:

  • The processed area in square meters.
  • The cost of the material itself.
  • The complexity of the work. The complexity coefficient can be increased with a large number of equipment under the noise insulation of the apartment.