Repairs Design Furniture

How much will weigh 1 square meter of Professional C8. Profile and its weight: what depends on and how to calculate. Professional flooring - the weight of the sheet and the benefits associated with it

Arrangement of the house begins with properly selected materials. An excellent solution will be professional flooring. This material has such qualities as durability, reliability, strength and has an attractive price. Also, not the last factor is a pretty light weight of the professional flooring. In this article, the weight of 1 m2 of the proflist will be described in more detail.

Features of the professional sheet

Professional sheet is made from a special press on it extrude profiles of trapezoids, waves or ridge. To increase anti-corrosion qualities, it is treated with a layer of polymer or paint coating.

Basically, the professional flooring is intended for but also professional security has been widely used for the installation of fences, canopies and other premises. It is also used as a material for coating walls.

Advantages of the professionalist

Professor has a wide range of advantages. The main advantages of the professional flooring:

  • Small weight. On average, the weight of 1 m2 of the proflift varies within 7-9 kg. This greatly facilitates both transportation and construction work.
  • Durability of the professionalist. The material perfectly transfers the temperature of the temperature, is not amenable to rotting and fungus, resistant to corrosion.
  • The strength of the material. It can withstand pretty loads due to its high carrier properties.
  • Easily use. Installation can be performed without specialized equipment, and the standard sheet size allows it to economically overlap the roof of any area.
  • A variety of colors. It has many color solutions, which allows you to pick up a color for every taste.

Varieties of the professional leaf and its weight

The profiled sheet is used for various types of construction. Therefore, each of them has a number of features, thanks to which you can easily choose the necessary professional flooring for any area of \u200b\u200buse.

Distinguish bearing, wall and universal professional knots. They differ in both their dimensions and weighing. Data on the size of the professional flooring can be found from its labeling:

  • The first letter denotes the scope. Under the letter "H" imply carrying, under the letter "C" - wall, and under the lettering "NA" - universal.
  • The first digit is the height of the corrugations in mm.
  • The second digit is the width of the proflist in mm.
  • The third digit is the thickness of the corrugated line in mm.

Depending on the brand, the steel profiled sheet has a different mass of 1 square meter. The smallest weight of one m2 of the proflist begins from 4 kg. The highest mass usually has a universal professional - up to 21 kg per 1 m2.

Wall professional flooring: description of popular brands

Professional sheet with marking "C" is used mainly for cladding walls, but also applies to build fences, partitions, fences and other similar objects. A profiled sheet made of steel layer of metal with a thickness of 0.50-0.70 mm thick, while the profile height is in the range of 8.0-44.0 mm. The weight of 1 m2 of the professional leaf fluctuates in the range of 3.87-8.40 kg.

Professional sheet with marking C8 It is used for decorative wall cladding, as well as to build light structures, partitions and other fragile objects. Has the height of the "wave" of the profile of 8 mm. For the manufacture of corrugated C8, using a profiled galvanized steel corrugation, which is coated with polymeric materials. The weight of 1 m2 of the C8 proflist is within 3.86-7.3 kg.

Professional sheet with marking C21 Used for lining walls, also for the construction of fence and roofing work. It is made of galvanized metal. The professionalist has increased rigidity due to profile stamping. The "wave" of the profile is made in the form of a trapezium and has a height of 21 mm. Weight 1 m2 of the proflist from 21 - from 4.44 to 8.45 kg.

Carrying professional flooring

The profiled sheet with marking "H" is called carrier or roofing. It is used, respectively, for roofing works, as well as for the construction of hangars, fences, trading platforms and other designs with a long service life. Such a professional official has increased carriers. It uses steel corrugals with a thickness of 0.70-1.0 mm with a thickness of 0.70-1.0 mm, and the profile height ranges in the range of 57-114 mm. The mass of 1 meter square corrugated will be from 8 to 17 kg, depending on its thickness.

Professional sheet brand N60 It is most often used for roofing. But it is also used for a non-removable formwork device and some other construction objects. The weight of 1 m2 of the N60 profleeter varies within 8.17-11.1 kg, depending on its thickness.

H75 has gained the greatest popularity among other brands due to its higher mechanical characteristics. Sheets with this marking withstand heavy loads both in a vertical position and horizontal. Most often, such professional sheets are used for manufacturing steel sheets coated with zinc, thickness from 0.66 to 0.90 mm and has a 1 square meter weight in the borders of 9.2-12.5 kg.

Universal Profile: description of popular brands

The universal professionalist has labeling "NS" and has average technical characteristics. Due to this, professional flooring can be used with any type of work, but most often it is used for roof. Gofrolists are produced with a thickness of 0.56-0.81 mm and a corrugation height, which may be no more than 44 mm, and the mass varies from 6.30 to 9.40 kg.

Professional flooring brand NS35 It is used to overlap the roofs having a small bias, structures of fences, fences, various prefabricated objects. It is made of sheet material coated from zinc or galvanized material from a polymer layer. The trapezoid profile gives increased strength. Professional owl has a thickness of 0.40 mm and up to 0.80 mm. The weight of 1 m2 of the corrugated line also depends on the thickness and fluctuates in the range of 4.46-8.41 kg.

Professional flooring brand H44 is used to build various as well as roofing. Because of its high profile (44 mm) has increased rigidity. The thickness of the proflist is 0.7 mm and 0.8 mm. Accordingly, the mass of 1 m2 will be 8.30 kg and 9.40 kg.

Weight table of various brands of the professionalist

Most often in various manufacturers, the same brand has the same characteristics. This is due to the fact that they are made according to GOST 24045-94. The table below marked the brands of the proflists and their size.

Table of parameters of various brands according to GOST 24045-94
Mark.Thickness of professional flooring, mMass 1 p / m, kgMass of 1 m2, g
Wall professional
From 10-8990,006 5,100 5,700
0,007 5,900 6,600
From 10-10000,006 5,600 5,600
0,007 6,500 6,500
From 15-8000,006 5,600 6,000
0,007 6,550 6,900
From 15-10000,006 6,400 6,400
0,007 7,400 7,400
From 18-10000,006 6,400 6,400
0,007 7,400 7,400
0,006 6,400 6,400
0,007 7,400 7,400
From 44-10000,007 7,400 7,400
Carrying professional flooring
H 57-7500,006 5,600 7,500
0,007 6,500 8,700
0,008 7,400 9,800
H 60-8450,007 7,400 8,800
0,008 8,400 9,900
0,009 9,300 11,100
H 75-7500,007 7,400 9,800
0,008 8,400 11,200
0,009 9,300 12,500
N 114-6000,008 8,400 14,000
0,009 9,300 15,600
0,010 10,300 17,200
N 114-7500,008 9,400 12,500
0,009 10,500 14,000
0,010 11,700 15,400
Universal professional flooring
NA 35-10000,006 6,400 6,400
0,007 7,400 7,400
0,008 8,400 8,400
NA 44-10000,007 8,300 8,300
0,008 9,400 9,400

Permissible deviations for such parameters:

  • length - 10 mm
  • corrugation height - 1.5 mm
  • profile width - 0.8 mm
  • weight - 20-100 grams.

The most reliable is the professionalist who has a mass of 1 m2 And the mass of the route is practically coincided.

In general, choosing a profiled sheet, it is necessary to know not only its parameters, but also the mass. So, the difference in 1 mm sheet thickness can be equal to the difference in mass over 15 kg. For example, the weight of 1 m2 of the proflist 0.7 Maybe from 6.5 kg to 9.8 kg.

The weight of the professional leaf is one of the technical characteristics of modern facing material for outdoor work. Roofs, fences, fences and much more can be built "from scratch" or just update.

1 Facts about the profile sheet

Usually, this building material is made of galvanized steel rolled steel, which is molded in a certain way to the appearance of rigidity ribs. Such a unique design in aggregate with the initial fortress of the initial raw material empowers a professionalist by special technical properties, the main of which can be considered corrosion resistance, high strength, and, importantly, during construction, a small weight of the material.

The entire profile sheet is divided into wall (marking C), universal (NA) and roofing (H). According to the type of corrugations, a wave-like, rectangular and trapezoid material is made, which are coated with a protective layer of acrylic, polyester, polyvinyl chloride, polyurethane or not covered at all.

Metal-roll with colored coating looks aesthetically and does not violate the overall harmony of the surrounding landscape.

Professional official meets the requirements of modern architecture and design to the construction site and resistant to external influences and natural phenomena.

This building material is still different:

  • sheet width, which is divided into full (overall) and useful (working);
  • metal rolled metal thickness, which is possible in the range of 0.4-1.5 mm;
  • the height of the corrugation, where for the brand C is the height of the edges of 8-21 mm, for ns - over 44 mm, for H - 57 mm and more.

2 Weight - one of the most important characteristics of the material

This technical characteristic gives profile material with several unique properties:

  • a small weight of 1 m² of building material makes it possible to significantly reduce the load on the carrier supports, which increases the life of the object;
  • mounted greatly installation;
  • allows construction or repair work without attracting special equipment.

The weight is influenced by several parameters of the professional leaf: the thickness of the galvanized steel sheet, the height of the corrugation wave and sometimes the quality of the alloy. There are already industrial technologies that allow you to produce this building material from more durable steel grades with a smaller weight than before. But the basic production is also conducted on the state regulatory document GOST 24045-94, which regulates the main characteristics and parameters.

For the most sought-after brands of professional flooring, there is a specific table in which it is designed for how much it will weigh. The weight is defined both for the route meter of material and for useful 1 m²:

  1. Wall braking brands C8, C10, C15, C17 and C21, where the height of the ribs varies from 8 to 21 mm, respectively, and having a sheet thickness from 0.4 to 0.8 mm, can weigh from 4.45 to 8.37 kg for 1 Ramating meter and 3,87-8.37 kg for useful.
  2. The universal MODE material of NS35 and NS44 weighs as a wall - 4,45-8.37 kg for a galvanized sheet thickness of 0.4-0.8 mm. NC44 brand sheets are heavier, as they have a greater height of the ribs. With a sheet thickness of 0.7-0.8 mm, its weight will be 8.3 and 9.4 kg for the working and power meter, respectively.
  3. The profile sheet of stamps H57, H60, H75 is made of a thicker galvanized steel rolled steel, so more weighs. For a sheet thickness of 0.6-0.9 mm with a rib height of the proflist 57, 60 and 75 mm Weight 1 of the routine meter will be 5.62-9.3 kg (with 1 m² will weigh from 7.5 to 12.5 kg).
  4. Professional flooring of the brand H114, which has a height of the edge 114 mm, is significantly ahead of the remaining brands in terms of weight, because with a sheet thickness of 0.7 mm, weight 1 of the route will be 7.39 kg. With an increase in the thickness of the steel sheet to 1 mm, this indicator will increase to 10.3 kg. The maximum weight of 1 m² (useful) will be 17.2 kg with a thickness of 1 mm.
  5. H153 is one of the most severe brands of the professional flooring, with a rib height of 153 mm. The sheet from which this brand is manufactured may have a thickness in the range from 0.7 to 1.5 mm, so the weight of 1 m of the shaft varies in the range of 8.66-18.08 kg, and 1 useful kV. M weighs from 10.3 to 21.52 kg.

In the manufacture of a profile material for special standards, where copper or aluminum is taken as the basis instead of steel, to determine the weight of the finished product there are calculators of the calculation.

To calculate the complete, it is necessary to know the weight of the weight of 1 of the route meter and multiply it on the full length of the material. This indicator is taken into account not only when installing building structures, but also during the transport of building materials. It is a small weight indicator that greatly simplifies its delivery to the construction sites, provided another advantage over other materials to the construction site.

Professional flooring C8-1150 is one of the most versatile profiles, widely used in modern construction. Professional flooring C8 is the most economical professional sheet, it is used as a wall facing material, as well as for the construction of fences and installation of suspended ceilings. Despite the fact that his bearing ability is relatively small, often galvanized C8 professional flooring is used to install the roofing coatings of the pitched roofs with an inclination angle greater than 30-40 °.

Professional flooring C8 wall - appearance

Manufacture of Profile C8: Main Dimensions and Requirements for Ready Product Quality

Professional flooring C8 for the fence and roofs is made by the method of cold rolled products according to GOST 24045-94 and TU 1122-079-02494680-01 from thin-sheet steel, a thickness of 0.5 to 0.7 mm. As raw materials are used:

  1. Rolled cold rolled steel Stamps 01 and 220-350 according to GOST R 52246-2004 with zinc protective coating according to GOST 14918.
  2. Galvanized steel with polymer coating According to GOST R 52146-2003 and steel with paint and varnish coating according to GOST 30246.

The line of the line on which the galvanized C-8 was produced is made, the following equipment includes:

  • the sputcher on which the roll of sheet steel is installed;
  • molding machine (often called rolling mill);
  • guillotine scissors;
  • receiving device;
  • maslostania;
  • remote control with automatic control system.

The entire production process is fully automated, the function of interchangeable personnel is to control the production process and observation of the equipment.

Profile C-8 - profile size

Professional sheet C-8 has a surface with corrugations in the form of a trapezium height of 8 mm, the width of the base is 62.5 mm and the distance between the corrugations is 52.5 mm. On modern rolling mills manufactured by Professor C8, the size of the sheet of finished products can be from 0.5 to 12 m.

The standard regulates the following requirements for the characteristics of the metallic profiled sheet C8:

  1. Profiled roofing C8 on the front side may have minor scuffs and damage that do not affect the integrity of the protective coating.
  2. Professional sheet C-8 can have the following deviations: in the height of the profile ± 1.0 mm, by the width of the sheet ± 8.0 mm and the length of the leaf ± 10.0 mm.
  3. Professional flooring for the fence of C-8 should not have a sickleness more than 1.0 mm per 1.0 m length of the profile at a sheet length of up to 6.0 m and no more than 1.5 mm with a length of a sheet of more than 6.0 m.
  4. Professional flooring 8 mm should not have a lifestyle of a sheet on flat areas more than 1.5 mm and 3.0 mm on the folds of the sheet edge.

Galvanized Professional Sheet C-8 is marked in accordance with the requirements of GOST 24045-94. So, the designation "Professionalist C-8-1150-0.5" is decrypted as follows:

  • C - wall;
  • 8 - Height of the trapezoid profile, mm;
  • 1150 - useful (working) profile width;
  • 0.5 - metal thickness of the original billet from rolled steel;

Application of professional flooring C8.

Professional sheet C8 is not used in supporting structures, since the ability of the profiled sheet to withstand the load depends on the wave height, and 8 mm is the smallest value. Therefore, such a professional flooring is mainly used for the following tasks:

  • finishing facades of buildings;
  • manufacture of sandwich panels;
  • production of auxiliary buildings on sites by private developers: warehouse, barn, hozblock, soul, toilet and others;
  • the construction of fences in the area for which the strong gusty winds are uncharacteristic.

To solve these problems, a specialist C8 with a polymer coating is particularly relevant. It is aesthetic and has a long service life than the galvanized version. So, the Polyester was applied to the C8 corrugated flooring prolongs its operation from 10-15 years to 20-30, that is, by about twice. If you use a poural as a coverage, the service life of the profiled sheet can easily reach 50 years and more.

In addition to the increased service life, the C8 professional flooring with a plastisole polymer coating is resistant to mechanical damage, since the protective coating is applied with a layer of 200 microns. Such a profiled sheet is well used in areas, for which hands are characterized, frequent dust storms and other atmospheric phenomena, which can damage the surface of the material.

Professional sheet C-8 with polymer coating from PVDF is not so protected from mechanical damage, but it has chemical resistance to acids, alkalis and other active substances. Therefore, such a professional flooring is used in industrial regions, especially if the production is chemical, next to the lively tracks and on the shores of salty reservoirs.

In addition, the C-8 professional flooring can be bilateral, thanks to which the fence will look equally well both outside and from the inside. In addition, the bilateral coating extends the service life.

Professional flooring C-8 - specifications and sizes

Professional sheet C8, thanks to a small weight, very convenient in the installation. For example, during the construction of a fence from the proflist C8-1150-0.6, the weight of one square meter of the fence will be only 5.57 kg. The same applies to the roof, and the smaller the weight of the roofing coating, the cheaper the rafter system.

The sizes of the cutting of the sheet of the C8 professional flooring can be from 0.5 to 12.0 m, which allows to a minimum to reduce the number of mounting joints when using this material for the roofing coatings of residential buildings. How many weighs professional flooring C8 can be seen in the table below.

The working width of the C8 proflist is defined as the difference between the full width and the magnitude of the mounting longitudinal adhesion with adjacent sheets.

When calculating the volume of purchases of Professional flooring C8, the weight of the party is determined as follows: the mass of the C-8 professional leaf is multiplied by the length (area) of the sheet and on the total number of sheets.

The table below shows the data necessary for calculating the strength of the structural structures C8.

Initial data on Professional flooring C8 to calculate
Weight 1 pm
Reference values
1 m wide
Mass of 1 m²,
C8-1160-0.50 0,50 6.25 5.42 0.47 0.86 4.68 1250
C8-1160-0,55 0,55 6.875 5.91 0.51 0.93 5.10
C8-1160-0.60 0,60 7.50 6.41 0.54 1.01 5.52
C8-1160-0.63 0,63 7.875 6.70 0.56 1.05 5.78
C8-1160-0.70 0,70 8.75 7.39 0.61 1.15 6.37

Professional flooring C8 - price, purchase, calculations

Buy Professionalist C-8 can be in any store of a network of construction hypermarkets or directly from one of many manufacturers by placing an order by phone or email.

Professional flooring C8 - the price of galvanized and painted straightfish C8 depending on the size
Professional owl C-21,
weight pm,
Professional flooring C8-1150,
Price with VAT,
up to 3 t 3-10 T. from 21 T.
slave full bim.m. bim.m. bim.m.
Galvanized Professional Sheet C-8
C8-1150 0,4 4,4 1150 1187 187 179 175
0,5 5,4 209 200 195
0,55 5,9 237 225 220
Galvanized sheet profiled with polymer coating C-8
C8-1150 0,4 4,4 1150 1187 249 238 232
0,5 5,4 278 265 259


  1. The table shows the cost of the professional leaf made from the rental of the brand 01 according to GOST R 52246-2004 (it is steel according to GOST 14918-80).
  2. On the painted professionalist C-8, the price is indicated for a polymer polyester coating profile.
  3. When calculating the cost of professional flooring C8, the price per sheet is determined by the multiplication of the price of one route for the length of the sheet of professional flooring.

In the table below, the cost of the C8's professional sheet is indicated, based on the average markets. You can buy a professional flooring of C8 in pre-clarifying its cost at the time of purchase from the seller or regional representative of the manufacturer of the professional flooring.

Professional flooring C-8 with a polymer coating costs more than galvanized, and the price may differ in both 20% and 200% - it all depends on the type of polymer used. So, the most expensive Pural is worth 500-550 rubles per 1 m² with a thickness of metal-rapid 0.5mm, which is more than twice the price just a galvanized version. On the other hand, the price of a C8 strawt with a polyester coating is given in the table, and the difference is only 30%.

Buying a C8 professional, the price of which is significantly different from the average market at a smaller side, be sure to require the certificate to check the origin of the goods by the party number.

Sometimes manufacturers of professional flooring at discounted prices are implemented by substandard products. Such a material can be used to install the fence on the internal boundaries of the site or construction of canopies and various economic buildings. However, do not take care of a polymer C8 professional, if there is damage to its surface - in this case it will very quickly subjected to corrosion and serves very long.

Combining professional flooring C8 of various colors and shades, you will make the house attractive and elegant, and the fence of the household plot from this material will be quite strong and reliable.

Profile is a light roofing coating, as 1 m2 of the sheet on average weighs about 5 kg. This positive characteristic gave a solid material with a strong material. The exact weight of the professional leaf for each brand is determined individually. Let's deal with what this indicator depends on, and make an overview of popular stamps of this material.

Influencing factors

Many determine the weight of the sheet of professional flooring on its size. This is not entirely true, since 2 products are identical dimensions, but different brands have a different mass. This magnitude is determined by the thickness of the material, form and size of the wave, as well as the mass of the steel alloy from which it is manufactured.

Most often it is made of galvanized metal, but alloys can be used. Each raw material has its severity and plays one of the main roles in the formation of the mass of the finished product. Modern technologies make it possible to use alloys of different metals in the manufacture of the professionalist. Due to this, the manufacturer tries to reduce the cost of material, but not to the detriment of its strength.

Another important factor is the thickness. There is a standard GOST 24045-94, according to which manufacturers manufacture products 0.6-1 mm. Sometimes there are products 0.45-1.18 mm in the outlets.

Products of any brand has a wave. The greater its height, the harder it will be the product. So why the weight of the square meter of the professional flooring is the same thickness, but with a different wave height is so different? It all depends on the amount of metal falling on 1 m2 of the product. The manufacture of a high wave goes more steel or alloy than a low profile, therefore, the overall result will be different.

In addition to height, the wave varies with its shape. Profile of professional flooring is made rectangular, trapezium or traditional wave. If you take, for example, an instance with a profile in the form of a trapezium, then its weight 1 m2 will exceed a mass of similar size of the wave-like product.

And the last factor requiring attention is width. There are two concepts such as working area and complete. These two definitions of the oversta width differ. The product made according to GOST has a full width range of 646-1060 mm. The same wave height indicator affects the width. The higher the wave, the more product, but the weight of 1m2 turns out more.

Overview of popular marks

To find out how much a professional property weighs, let's consider several popular brands that are often used in the construction of roofs and fences.

Brand C21.

Professional sheet C21 made of galvanized sheet metal. The rigidity gives the waves made in the form of a trapezium. Most often, this brand is used in the construction of fences and partitions. The increased rigidity of the profile does not allow to fake, which reduces the consumption of material to the additional manufacture of the fasteners of the frame. You can find out the weight of the C21 professional sheet with different fatty metal on the table. For example, the mass of 1 p / m thick 0.6 and 1250 width 1250 is equal to 6.4 kg. If you take the weight of 1 m2 of the product with the same parameters, then it will also be equal to 6.4 kg.

Mark H114

Let's define the weight of the professional flooring of H114, often used for the construction of roofs. It is used in the regions where bad climatic conditions are dominated. The material is able to withstand the big snow load, strong wind gusts. The high weight of the H114 professional flooring determines its high strength, which allows it to be used in the construction of a non-separable formwork for monolithic structures. Calculate the mass of professional flooring H114 will be the thickness of the steel with a range of 0.7-1.2 mm. If you look at the table, you can see that the sheets of this brand are much harder, for example, compared with the brand C21.

Take, for example, a sheet thick 0.7. On the table, the weight of the professional flooring H114-750 is 8.3 kg / 1 p / m. Now let's find out the severity of 1 m2 of the product. We return to the same table, where we see that the mass of Professional flooring H114 in size 1 m2 exceeds the indicator 1 p / m and is 11.10 kg. If you take a thickness of 1, then his mass will be even more impressive. For example, the weight of Professional flooring H114-750-1.0 is 15.6 kg / m2.

The H114 brand is produced with a working area of \u200b\u200b600 and 750 mm. Strength provide trapezoid form profiles. Due to smaller dimensions on a sheet of 600 mm wide, there is less load, so the upper colabal of the wave consists of 1 rigid ribs.

Mark C8.

The appearance of the waves of the C8 of the C8 resemble the form of a trapezium. The profile has a height of 8 mm. The table below indicates the weight of the C8 professional flooring, depending on its thickness. Take, for example, professionalist C8-1150 thick 0.4. From the table you can see that 1 m / n is 4.45 kg, and 1 m2 - 3.87 kg.

The professionalist C8 is applied in the construction of light structures. It may be partitions, fences of private sites and other fragile buildings. Using the C8 proflift as roofing is unnecessarily. It is durable, but not so much to withstand large snow loads. Popularity Professional owl C8 acquired among dachas due to low cost not to the detriment of good characteristics.

Mark H75

It is applied corrugated H75 as roofing. Increased strength Profile is able to withstand heavy loads, both in a vertical and horizontal position. Professional flooring N75 made of galvanized steel sheet. Products produce different sizes. If you take, for example, a product with a thickness of 0.7 mm and width 1250, then 1 m2 will be 9.8 kg. The mass of 1 m2 with a thickness of 0.9 will already be 12.5 kg. For the convenience of determining the weight of the product, the H75 brand is similar to the tables.

Mark NS35

Professor National Assembly 35 from sheet rolled sheet with galvanized coating or galvanized metal with a protective polymer layer. The material for shelting the roofs with a small bias is used, in the construction of prefabricated buildings, fences and other structures. The trapezoidal waves forms give the material with increased strength, with a relatively small mass. If you take the material from the table the most greater thickness of 0.8 mm, then 1 m2 is 8.4 kg. The most subtle professionalist is 0.4 just 4.45 kg / m2.

From the considered examples, it can be concluded that with its high strength, the professional owner has a little weight, and it is necessary to know it to properly perform the calculations of the rafting roof system.

Modern construction is difficult to submit without innovative methods using advanced technologies and materials. Not so long ago, a universal material appeared on the market - a professionalist who immediately became in demand in all spheres of construction. It is used both for reconstruction and for the construction of new buildings and structures. When designing, as well as for repair work, it is important to know the strength characteristics and weight of the proflist.

The main advantages of the profiled sheet

Apply the material both for the construction of private home ownership and for industrial enterprises. Profiled sheet is used for:

  • repair or editing a new roof;
  • manufacture of prefabricated buildings and structures, partitions, pavilions, etc.;
  • structures of frame structures;
  • for cladding wickets and gates;
  • with the reconstruction of the buildings who lost the appearance;
  • fences of private and industrial facilities;
  • ceilheads;
  • manufacture of sandwich panels;
  • erecting light warehouses.

The versatility of the material is due not only to its low cost. Metal turns combines strength properties, ease of material, ease of installation.

The functionality of the building materials is due:

  • durability;
  • good strength characteristics;
  • ease of installation and low weight;
  • attractive design;
  • ecology;
  • affordable, ease of storage and transportation.

The weight of the most popular brands of corrugated

The main parameters of metal products are important both with the reconstruction of buildings and structures and when designing new buildings. One of the main parameters is the weight of the professional flooring.

But for each profile it has its meaning. Mass affects several factors:

  • the thickness of the sheet metal from which the profile is made;
  • brand of professional flooring;
  • painting coating or material.

The main parameter affecting the weight of the sheet of professional flooring is the thickness of the metal. In the directories and the Internet you can find tables where sizes and weight are indicated. This parameter is very important when designing objects..

If this characteristic is insignificant when calculating the fence, then it is impossible to generate a roof without this parameter. It is important for calculating loads on the rafter system.

It should be borne in mind that the weight of the galvanized sheet is heavier painted at the same thickness of the corrugated.

In the painted sheet, the thickness has a structure:

  1. metal base is often manufactured from galvanized steel;
  2. protective coating providing good adhesion of paints to a galvanized surface;
  3. decorative coating.

The painted material is used where an aesthetic appearance is important. The polymer coating can be inexpensive from polyester or expensive - from Purala.

The weight of the galvanized sheet is determined only by metal thickness.

Industry manufactures various types of professional flooring. They are marked depending on the destination:

  • "C" - designed for fences and mounting of walls (wall);
  • "N" - used for structures withsting significant loads (carrier);
  • "NS" - multifunctional material (universal).

They are manufactured on a stream line with a continuous process by cold rolling from standard metal rolling. Employees exhibit the necessary sizes and customize profile forms that have a large range. What caused the variety of types of professional flooring?

Wall professional list

Used for the manufacture of fences, partitions, ceiling liners, buildings facing, like roofing material. However, it should be borne in mind that the lack of stiffness of sheets is compensated by a solid crate and a large angle of inclination of the rapid system.

It is well suited for building buildings. If the building is not warm enough, the insulation is mounted under it. The galvanized profile, or painted in white, is used to cover the ceilings, the manufacture of partitions on industrial facilities to highlight isolated premises.

Multicolored is suitable for the construction of small pavilions, the fencing of the territories. The fence, from the painted proflist, has an attractive appearance on both sides.

Five to six types of wall material are the most common. It is marked depending on the size of the C-8 profile, C-10, C-15, C-18, C-21, C-44. For example, the C-10 professional flooring has a profile height of 10 mm, and C-21 - 21 mm, etc. Thus, the height of the trapezium is indicated in the marking.

The working width of the sheet in various manufacturers of non-etinak and this should be paid attention to it.

The length of the sheet is determined by standards and varies from 0.5 meters to 12 meters.

Carrying professional flooring

Used on objects where elevated strength characteristics are required. Applied to manufacture:

  • Formwork, while it is not removed, which gives additional stiffness of the structure.
  • Inter-storey overlap, which affect constant dynamic and static loads.
  • Roof. Due to the increased strength and thickness of the metal sheet, a lightweight rafter system is erected. This design allows not to arrange a crate at all. Runs in terms of 0.8-1 meters are mounted on the rafters. This makes it possible to significantly reduce the cost of the roof.
  • Warehouse. Common storage facilities, warehouses, manufacturing workshops, workshops are often built.

The material has not only high characteristics of strength, but also has persistence to adverse conditions. The galvanized in combination with the polymer coating increases the life of the product to 25 years, and in the room this material can serve as longer.

Increased resistance to atmospheric precipitation, chemical impact and long-term use, allows you to use it in the construction of industrial premises. In this case, the material has a small mass.

Thus, the h-75-0.6 professional flooring has a height of a trapezoid 75 mm, with a 0.6 mm galvanized thickness, and the weight of 1 m 2 meters is 9.8 kg. Weight with a thickness of 0.8 mm - 11.2 kg.

Additional strength provides rigid rib, rolling on the top of the trapezium. With the reconstruction of the roof of the building covered by asbotic material, recalculation of the beams is not required. Since the mass of 1 m 2 asbetic coating is much larger than the mass of the proflift.

Universal professional flooring

Most in demand and used in private and industrial construction.

It is used as a building material for:

  • Fences of territories of organizations, transshipment bases, cottages and summer cottages. The fence has aesthetic appearance. The strength of sheets allows not to be afraid of the strong gusts of the wind.
  • Installation of formwork, as well as roofing material (with a thickness of 0.6 mm or more). In this case, the appearance and quality is not inferior to the bearing metal.
  • Mounting walls of warehouses and industrial premises. Due to the low mass of the corrugated, the load on the support racks and the base is reduced.
  • Facilities under construction. The color is standardized and corresponds to the RAL catalog. This applies to all brands of professional flooring.

Universality allows you to apply it in all spheres of construction. It has increased strength, which is combined with a small weight of the square meter of the professional flooring.

The table shows the technical characteristics of the dependence of the weight of the square meter and the route meter, from the thickness of the material.

Types of professional flooringThickness, mm.Weight of length, kg / mWeight, kg / m 2
Professional flooring
H57-7500.7 6.5 8.67
H57-7500.8 7.4 9.87
H60-8450.7 7.4 8.76
H60-8450.8 8.4 9.94
H60-8450.9 9.3 11.01
H75-7500.7 7.4 9.87
H75-7500.8 8.4 11.2
H75-7500.9 9.3 12.4
H114-6000.8 8.4 14.0
H114-6000.9 9.3 15.5
H114-6001.0 10.3 17.17
Professional flooring universal
NS35-10000.5 5.4 5.4
NS35-10000.55 5.9 5.9
NS35-10000.7 7.4 7.4
NS44-10000.5 5.4 5.4
NS44-10000.55 5.9 5.9
NS44-10000.7 7.4 7.4
Professional flooring wall
C8-11500.5 5.4 4.70
C8-11500.55 5.9 5.13
C8-11500.7 7.4 6.43
C10-10000.5 4.77 4.77
C10-10000.55 5.21 5.21
C10-10000.7 6.5 6.5
C21-10000.5 5.4 5.4
C21-10000.55 5.9 5.9
C21-10000.7 7.4 7.4

Weight table Professional flooring GOST 24045-94