Repair Design Furniture

Coloring (tinting) of epoxy resin and the advantages of special colors. Ways to paint epoxy at home How to tint epoxy brown

Ryabov 10-10-2014 12:41

Tell me how to paint the epoxy? or maybe they are selling a multi-colored one somewhere.
need black and ivory.

ASDER_K 10-10-2014 12:45

chenny - toner powder from a laser printer or ink from a rod from a black gel pen

veterok-iug 10-10-2014 04:16

There are some kind of special toners. I can't tell you exactly, they took it in Germany. But I didn’t see ivory among them.
And before toners, they used oil paint, in tubes, for artists. Maybe whitewash from there can be used in a mixture with something for the desired shade. It is impossible to overdo it only with the amount of "oil", it also works as a plasticizer.

PLATYAN 10-10-2014 04:23

acrylic paints added

KSV75 10-10-2014 04:26

liquid toners for printers, but with white I will not tell you.

val58 10-10-2014 05:16

ivory-titanium white

Advisor_666 10-10-2014 07:25

talcum powder or baby powder

yuriikjl 10-10-2014 08:43

Black is available in auto parts stores. American in syringes.

Max_CM 10-10-2014 09:11

Pigments are sold in art salons, and there is mail delivery.

Produced somewhere in Novosibirsk.
I met almost everywhere I went.
Any colors, the price is visible.

if you don't have what you need, well, Lord! colors mix!

I do not recommend using paints (everything that is already liquid and pasty), the paint consists of a pigment and a binder (acrylic oil or something else) why do you need it in epoxy?

For "ivory" I would just mix these two.

Crouching in the shadows 10-10-2014 09:16

color scheme for paints in any hardware store

po_pespredelu 10-10-2014 09:50

Mazak 10-10-2014 10:09

quote: Crushed activated carbon, available in black color. Mows well for carbon, checked

In a pancake, in zhist I would not have guessed))))!
Live and learn.

dast 10-10-2014 10:54

Quote: Originally posted by po_pespredelu:

Crushed activated carbon, available in black color. Mows well for carbon, checked

I also used coal dust from the usual barbecue for the "amba" and "huaba". with an elephant is a little more difficult because resin already with yellowness. with ordinary paints or with concrete where white titanium white is needed can be used on their basis to try to mix?

Dr. Watson 10-10-2014 13:24

The white dye for epoxies is titanium dioxide. But it's snow white. But if you shift the excess, the result turns gray.

Sharman 10-10-2014 15:47

Baby crayons will go?

masterVAN73 10-10-2014 16:42

No. Baby crayons will not fit tested.
Max CM is right. Pigment from any artist store

vityuxa 10-10-2014 17:03

vityuxa 10-10-2014 17:03

Epoxy turns white if water gets in, I think it will not be difficult to add yellowness, the usual lead of children's pencils, a little yellow, even less brown, grease with water, and a couple of drops when kneading ... not a plowed cornfield at all for vivid creativity.

planetaplan 10-10-2014 17:23

Shlif 10-10-2014 23:52

Just artistic oil paints in small tubes. add literally a pea. Including black.
I have been using and watching for 3 years. The flight is normal.
Of the features. Due to the hardener, the red color turns to dark crimson, orange to incomprehensible red. the rest is the norm. There is no stratification yet.
It is very convenient to close up holes in trees. With a toothpick, the desired color is induced, a stained toothpick is moistened in a drop of epoxy, stirred, and as a result it is more than worthy.

Today I have absolutely small material... I continue to collect materials on epoxy resins in one place and it's time to talk about their coloring. There are several ways. The simplest and most logical is, of course, the purchase of special dyes.

I occasionally buy bubbles of various colors. I can suggest a couple of places: and And dyes can be purchased very different: transparent, pearlescent, metallic, neon, etc. Usually a small amount of dye is added to the resin and mixed. Then add the hardener and finally mix all the components.

The maximum amount of dye to add is sometimes negotiable and sometimes not. As a rule, such a dye is a concentrated pigment diluted in component "A" epoxy resin... So when you add it to a resin, you are essentially mixing one resin with another, and the proportions are not that important. Everything is determined by the shade you want to get. The proportions are important when adding component "B" (hardener).

And one more thing: if you are buying dyes, then do not forget about the basics of color mixing. The point is that if you decide to buy red and yellow dyes, then there is no point in buying orange. It is enough to drop a drop or two of red into yellow and you have orange. Blue and yellow give green, blue and red give purple, etc.

I think it won't be difficult to find information on color mixing. In the end, you only need three primary colors (blue, red and yellow), from which you can get many derived colors.

The use of the described dyes has, perhaps, only a couple of disadvantages: price and availability. Even if the first one is not very scary (the bubbles are small, but they last for a long time), then the issue of accessibility remains. Not all the colors you need can be found in finished form, i.e. either they have to be mixed or replaced with something else.

This is what we'll talk about. On the Internet, you can find a lot of tips on how to paint epoxy resins. Alcohol ink, ink for ballpoint and gel pens, oil paints, toners for laser printers, dry pigment dyes, powders, alcohol-based stains. There is even green stuff from the pharmacy on this list. The main condition is that the paint should not contain water, because resin is not friendly with water.

I'm going to experiment today on what is easiest to get hold of. On the way home from work, I visit a stationery store, I'm interested in gel pens. Rummaging through the shelves, I settled on two colors I liked: green and purple metallic.

By the way, while digging through the shelves with writing and painting, I read on one of the packages with gel pens that they use oil-based ink (I immediately remembered the oil paints from the list).

Arriving home, he began to disassemble the pens. This is done very simply: it is enough to remove the writing unit using scissors or pliers and hold the rod over the glass in which you will knead the resin. The gel ink flows out of the refill very easily by itself. I remembered how I tried to blow ink out of a ballpoint pen, then my cheeks almost burst. For accuracy, I decided to weigh everything: I dropped about half a gram of ink of both colors into two cups.

Then he added component "A" of epoxy to 10 grams.

And then he mixed the ink with the component "A". The ink color has faded slightly. But this is quite understandable: after all, they have become less concentrated.

Now it's the turn of component "B" (hardener). Fortunately, the scales with the "TARE" button allow you to reset the indicator readings. It is very convenient, because we have a glass, ink, resin and a stick, which all interfered with.

I pour 5 grams of hardener each (my hand trembled a little, poured an extra gram, it's not scary).

It remains to mix everything completely and let it settle a little so that excess air bubbles come out to the surface. In the meantime, I prepared a couple of molds. Since this is an experiment, I chose both matte (roses and button center) molds and glossy (button rim and squares).

In a day, we take out the wonderfully frozen gizmos and evaluate the result. Personally, he quite suited me: affordable, budgetary and quite nice. Well, it's true, the button in this form just resembles a plastic one, but that's another song.

Next time I'll try to knead something else ...

If you have questions about this part, feel free to ask them in the comments to the material.

Slide show:

Epoxy resin is used everywhere - in construction, repair, for the manufacture of adhesives, self-leveling floors, in different areas industry. V last years more and more popular is the manufacture of jewelry based on epoxy - bracelets, beads, brooches.

In general, this wonderful material is suitable for the embodiment of the most daring ideas, moreover, it can be painted in a variety of colors. The dye for epoxy resin is purchased in a store or made with your own hands on the basis of improvised means.

The need for resin staining

Color for epoxy, or pigment concentrate - special tool for dyeing resins, changing its main color. Tinting is performed for the so-called jewelry resins- epoxies intended for creativity.

Usually, such materials have absolute, crystal transparency, which allows painting in the most original colors. You can also add shine to the product, make color transitions, overflows.

Specialized paints

In order not to worry about the result of coloring, it is better to use products specially designed for this. They are sold in handicraft stores, for artists, most often they are acrylic. Epoxy paint can be of this type:

  • one-color - almost all known paint colors are on sale (blue, yellow, gray and many others, even black and white);
  • fluorescent (with a phosphor) - it can glow in the dark due to special components, it can be colored and colorless;
  • tinted matte - gives the epoxy a noble matte finish, which allows you to create stylish jewelry and other products;
  • pearlescent or metallic - the finished thing will shimmer beautifully;
  • with sequins - designed to give sparkling, festive look products.

Depending on the amount of paint, absolutely different kind finished thing. So, if you tint the resin with a drop of dye, the shade of the epoxy resin will be translucent. More dark color can be done by introducing more pigment. In order for the color to become saturated, deep, transparent resin must first be painted in White color, then - to the desired master.

How to tint the material, what paint to choose? Perfect option- buy a product from the same manufacturer that released the epoxy itself. For example, excellent tinting pastes and powders are produced by Poly Max Dream, MG-Epox-Color. Colors are usually produced in small packages (5-10 g each), their price is 50-200 rubles. An example of paint is "Glitter" with glitters, here are the main colors:

  • red;
  • green;
  • black;
  • white;
  • brown;
  • blue;
  • golden;
  • purple;
  • orange.

The consumption of colors is small, they are very economical. To receive transparent resin add no more than 0.01–0.05% paint (percentage of the total mass of epoxy). For painting in an opaque color, 5% of the color is introduced into the mixture, this amount is the maximum allowable. Different paints can be mixed for unique shades.

Tinting with improvised means

You can paint the epoxy resin in another way. Pigment substances are not always at hand, sometimes the desired color not in the store. Home remedies will come to the rescue. It is important that they do not contain water.

You can paint the epoxy with the following means:

  • gel pen ink in any color - you just need to squeeze a little ink into the resin, the shade will be bright, saturated;
  • simple pen ink;
  • conventional oil or stained glass paints for painting, as well as with nitro paint, alkyd paint, stain (it is important to introduce a hardener after such means);
  • inks for painting polymer clay;
  • ink for the printer, activated carbon (will give a deep black color);
  • talcum powder, powder, crushed chalk, kaolin, tooth powder (will provide a white color);
  • pharmacy brilliant green.

In order for the painting to be successful, you must strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations for the use of colors. But what technique to use if instead of purchased components, homemade, improvised means are added? Here are the rules for using dyes:

  • the amount of oil, alkyd paints, nitro paints is less than 10%, otherwise the epoxy after curing will resemble rubber;
  • the rest of the substances are added in a volume of no more than 5–7%;
  • some expensive resins do not react to water penetration, but, for the most part, epoxy does not tolerate even accidental moisture ingress and deteriorates immediately;
  • it is necessary to work at a temperature of about 22-23 degrees, in this case, the painting and curing of the material will take place without problems.

During tinting, safety precautions should be followed. Gloves are put on the hands, the respiratory tract must be protected with a respirator. If the resin comes into contact with the skin, wash it with soap.

Some resins contain solvents and should only be handled in a well-ventilated area. For mixing substances, use disposable dishes, so that they can be thrown away immediately.

For work you need to prepare:

  • small disposable spoon;
  • a glass;
  • several syringes;
  • dyes;
  • bases for filling (forms).

First add a hardener to the epoxy. It is sold separately or complete with epoxy, but the instructions always indicate the exact proportions of the connection of the components. It is recommended to knead in small portions, large volumes are very hot, the resin can deteriorate. Next, the product is poured into cups, depending on how many shades you want to get.

Pigment, pearlescent or glowing paint... Mix the material thoroughly with a spoon for 5-7 minutes, until the mass becomes completely homogeneous. Leave the mixture for 15 minutes at room temperature for the release of liquid bubbles, then poured into a mold. It needs to be held for the required time for complete curing, usually a day.

To achieve transparency, it is best to dilute the epoxy with paint in a glass jar. Then you can immediately see how much pigment needs to be added and the result will be perfect.

Today we are going to talk about tinting (coloring) transparent epoxy resin.

Transparent epoxy resin (MG-EPOX-GLASS) and dyes, offer us an unlimited number of options colors(it all depends only on your imagination).

The use of these two materials in pair, results in rich colors as well as smooth shades.

To obtain semi-transparent colors, a small drop of dye is enough, then you can mix several translucent shades in the casting, the effect is amazing and very similar to precious stones.

To obtain the maximum number of shades, first the epoxy must be converted to white (dyed), and then a colored dye must be added, so we get a smooth transition of the color from pale to saturated.

Coloring the epoxy white does not mean that the transparent effect will disappear, we add a minimum amount of dye to the epoxy.

How to check the transparency of a painted resin?

Very simply, mix the epoxy resin and the dye in a transparent container, a gap will be visible on the walls and at the bottom of the container, if the product is 5 mm (thickness), then the container should also be 5 mm (thickness), this is the only way you will achieve an ideal result in end product.

There is a very interesting technique for staining epoxy resin and subsequent application:

  1. The workpiece of the future product must be exposed in a horizontal position
  2. We pour base layer epoxy resin (colored or transparent),
  3. We take epoxy of a different color, add solvent 646 or acetone, mix thoroughly until a homogeneous liquid (closer to water) mass is obtained.
  4. Then, using various improvised tools, we spray drops onto the workpiece.

The effect will be as follows: we dilute the epoxy with solvents and when drops fall on the base layer, it begins to stretch, creating chaotic patterns and craters.

(watch this video to the end and understand what in question.)

MG-EPOX-COLOR dyes are compatible with each other, so you can get maximum shades!

If you have any questions, write to e-mail, leave comments or just call:

»What is EPOXICON, or how to paint epoxy resin



Hello everyone! My name is Yulianna Volkova, I am a designer and jewelry maker.
In this master class, I want to tell you how amazing this material is - epoxy resin, and how many different styles and shapes of jewelry can be made from it! But first, we will consider what this outlandish substance is and how to manage it.

Firstly, when working with epoxy, I recommend that you follow some safety measures:

1. Work in a well-ventilated area

2. Wear gloves

3. Use only disposable containers for mixing the components, which must be thrown away after use.

4. If you intend to frequently work with epoxy, it is worth using a respirator.

After curing, epoxy is completely non-toxic if not eaten, of course.

By itself, epoxy consists of two components that must be mixed in the strict proportions indicated on the package. Mixing instructions are always included, please follow them carefully.

For mixing, I use a disposable transparent cup, a disposable coffee spoon (you can use wooden stick from ice cream) and a couple of syringes of various sizes. Each syringe should only be used for the same component. I do not throw them away, but store them in a zip bag in a box along with epoxy resin.

Now let's get down to the fun part - the process of creating the jewelry itself!


We will need the following materials:

    Pictures, suitable in size for our blanks and printed on a laser printer or on professional photo paper (this is important, I'll explain why later).


First, we mix component A and B in the proportions indicated on the package, typing the required amount of component A and B into each syringe. I mixed in a double volume. That is, not 4: 1, but 8: 2.


It is better not to mix in too large portions at once, otherwise it will be difficult to bring it to a homogeneous state, and it is important for us that both components mix very well with each other.

To do this, I heat a little water (up to 70 degrees approximately), I do not boil it!

Then I take a deep dish and pour this water into it. There, very carefully, I immerse a glass with already mixed components and in this water bath I heat the epoxy for 5-7 minutes, stirring occasionally. As a result of this procedure, bubbles come out that we do not need in the process of work, and the mass becomes more homogeneous. Make sure that no water gets into the epoxy glass, otherwise the mixture can be thrown away - it will lose its transparency!


Then I pour the resulting amount of the mixture into three glasses (a transparent mixture should remain, and we will add epoxicon to the other two glasses. For the master class, I chose Epoxicon yellow and sparkling blue shimmery.


To give the necessary color, a concentrate of organic dyes (fluorescent or pearlescent pigments) of EPOXICON is added to component A of the glue-compound so that the ratio of the total mass of the colored mixture to the mass of component B remains 80:20.


Stir the pearlescent dye before adding it to the bulk. This can be done with a knitting needle or a wooden stick.

Now the epoxy cups should be set aside for 2-3 hours. I also set it to 5 (at a temperature of 24-25 degrees). Then the liquid becomes more viscous and a tall lens can be formed from it.

ADVICE: For filling rings, earrings and pendants, do not use epoxy immediately after dilution - it is still too liquid! We need a slightly convex coating, so we wait until it thickens to the state of viscous honey. If you pour epoxy into a silicone mold, you can safely use it right away.


While our epoxy acquires the desired consistency, we prepare the molds for pouring, cut out the pictures and - most importantly - we will make a retainer for rings and earrings.

Everything is clear with pictures: it is better to print them on a laser printer, because the ink lays down in a dense layer on the paper, and does not penetrate the paper fibers, like ink in an inkjet printer. Because we will need to cover the picture with acrylic varnish, this required condition... After all, epoxy applied to an unprotected picture will leave a greasy stain on it. When protected with varnish, a dense film is formed. It is better to apply the varnish in 2-3 layers and dry thoroughly.

Cut out the picture in shape, then glue it into the base (you can use PVA glue, you can use the same varnish), then we cover it with varnish. It is better to follow such an algorithm. We also carefully coat the junction of the picture and the base. For this I use a soft brush.


Now we will make a holder for rings and earrings. It is needed so that our molds are well fixed. We take a piece of polystyrene, it should be even on all edges. With a clerical knife, we cut out rectangular grooves into which our earring rings will subsequently be fixed.

These are the rings I got after about 2 days. This is how long it will take for the resin to cure. We'll have to be patient!

But such earrings, similar to lollipops, turned out when poured into molds.

And some more works for inspiration

You can experiment with fillers, shapes and applications ready-made elements costume jewelry. You can add various dry glitters, gold leaf, colored foil, which is sold in nail art stores, dry pigments, dried blades of grass, flowers, leaves to the resin, and even tint it with old unnecessary eyeshadows, pouring them a little into the finished mixture.