Repairs Design Furniture

Glowing things in the dark with their own hands. How to make a luminous liquid and other tricks. The composition of the luminous paint, the principle of operation

Paint is a source of inspiration for many people and a way to make the room of a modern and unique decor. A luminous composition made on the basis of phosphor is pleasantly glowing in the dark, thereby turning the interior into a fabulous and exciting place. The tool based on phosphors gives an unusual view of the subject or surface, so today luminescent paints enjoy considerable success.

How to make luminous paint at home? The means is not difficult, as it may seem at first glance, the main thing to comply with all the requirements that will make the luminous composition unusual and amazing.

What is a luminescent paint and what the principle of its work

Glowing paints are prepared on the basis of phosphor or neon, which have the ability to glow in the dark. Luminescence is the ability to glow, which arises as a result of accumulation for the day of solar energy. As part of luminous liquids, there is a cluster of phosphors, which accumulate light during the day, and when dark, give their light energy by the room. As a result, artificial lighting, giving a pleasant shade, is created in the room. The surface treated surface will be lit for a long time, while the brightness of artificial lighting depends on the amount of fluorescent fluid.

Do not confuse luminescent paint with fluorescent means. Fluorescent paints illuminate the room only if there is an ultraviolet glow. Therefore, fluorescent paint will illuminate the room only if there is a special lamp in it.

Description of "work" of phosphor paint

The creation of luminescent compositions with their own hands at home does not require special efforts to work and buy a large number of paint preparation. Therefore, to prepare the composition with your own hands will be able to every person who will decide to independently decorate his room.

None decade will be lit like a decade, since the luminescent composition is a steady chemically and physically substance that serves for 30 years. Such a dye for a full and long glow must absorb bright sun rays for 15-20 minutes to work 8 hours without interruptions. Independently made paint glows in the dark as vividly as much as a lot of fluorescent means. Therefore, it depends on how much the room will be covered in the evening.

Fluorescent composition can be done from the primary means, but it has a phosphorus harmful to health. Therefore, the creation of fluorescent funds is not common today, as it is better to apply a phosphor to create paints. Often, phosphorus-based agents are used only to find the outside of the building, while luminescent paints adorn internal decoration.

How to create paint with your own hands

Preparation of luminous paint - light, but at the same time, the responsible process you want to perform strictly according to the instructions. To prepare a luminous composition, fluorescent liquid is made, powder for which it is not difficult to buy in a household store.

  1. Recipe 1.

For the preparation of luminous compositions that are created by subwoofers, you can use the usual luminous marker. To do this, check it on paper, where you need to read 2-3 lines, and after assessing their luminous abilities. If such are available, pull out the rod and rinse it well in the water. Upon completion, the rod is required to press well. Now the fluid with phosphors is mixed with any paint, which will be purchased to dye the external or inner part of the building.

  1. Recipe 2.

Give the paint, the luminous properties will be obtained using coniferous concentrate and boric acid. We take 50 ml of water and pour into aluminum containers. Dissolve 3 grams of concentrate in it. In another container, we pour a pinch of boric acid into another container, and then slowly pour concentrated water into it (half will take it). Then bring fluid to a boil, and then waiting for its complete cooling. Now add the residues of the concentrate concentrate into the liquid and boil the composition again. As a result, a yellow liquid should appear in the container, which is called phosphor. Now it can be mixed with paint and proceed to decorating the room. For weak glow, it is enough to use half of the liquid.

  1. Recipe 3.

Neon paint can be done with peroxide. Such colors are easy to paint any surfaces and objects, so today they are popular.

Make neon paints from peroxide is not difficult, but before cooking you need to protect your arms and face. In the jar pour 300 ml of water, and then mix it with 2 spoons of peroxide. Add the rest of the remedies that are considered a spoon of vinegar and a pinch of salt. Carefully close the jar and begin to shake it until the luminous liquid is formed. After that, you can proceed to the preparation of neon paint.

Undoubtedly, all new attractive and mouncing. Today it becomes increasingly becoming the use of elements of light-absorbing energy, so-called phosphors. Such elements are actively used on the symbols in settlements, on, etc., more and more often they began to apply in the interiors, highlighting certain items or entire expositions. Naturally, many people have the question of what a phosphor is.

Luminofoof is a special chemical composition with a light-absorbing memory. The light is absorbed from the environment and is released in the form of light energy under dimming conditions. Luminofors in the finished form exist in nature. According to classification, they are organic and inorganic origin. In the presence of necessary substances, you can cook the phosphor with your own hands.

Photoluminophoras are often used in production and everyday life. They do not dissolve in water, perfectly tolerate ultraviolet, do not allocate evaporation and radiation harmful to health. Luminofors of this type of fireproof, easy to use and operate. The luminescence released by such drugs is held during the day. Of course, interested users are asked about where to buy phosphor. You can purchase phosphors of the necessary color from the suppliers of various industrial goods or in specialized online stores.

They have an unlimited application, ranging from the art of body art and ending with interiors and tuniting cars. Following fashion, definitely, many will try to decorate the surrounding items with interesting glows, trying to make a phosphor with their own hands. Theoritically it is possible. The main thing is to correctly select the proportion of consumables and create optimal conditions for the chemical reaction.

In order to make the phosphor with their own hands, it is necessary to have a coniferous concentrate.

In order for the result, all items must be taken in its pure form without impurities. They can be purchased in the desired quantity in pharmacies. The concentrate is dissolved in pure water in a ratio of 1 g per 50 ml. It is enough to determine that the coniferous concentrate is enough, it is possible in color - it should be bright yellow. Separately, we must weigh the same boric acid norms, about 2 grams. This can be done using weights or teaspoons.

A portion of boric acid is applied to the pre-prepared plate of aluminum, mixed with a coniferous solution (10 cap.), Aligned over the surface (approximately, the layer of the mixture should be about 2-3 mm). The plate is placed on the warming tile. It is important that the fully formed bubbles must be accurately calculated using the needle. Thus, the phosphor made in this way after complete solidification will glow in the dark.

Here is one way of making phosphor. In fact, there are about a dozen recipes, some of them are a complex technological process requiring special equipment and conditions.

Luminous paint in the dark looks simply incredible, giving a huge scope of fantasy when used. Consider in this article the principle of action of such paint, its characteristics and give advice on the choice. Let's voice the manufacturing technology of glowing paints at home.

Composition and principle of luminous paint

Luminescence - the ability of materials to glow with the onset of darkness or when the artificial light source is disconnected. This effect can be given to any subject by treating its special glowing paint, which is also called a luminophore, luminescent, fluorescent or self-driving.

Enamel accumulates the energy of light during the day, and then continuously gives it in the dark. The duration of "work" of such a paint without an extraneous illumination is about 8-12 hours. The process of accumulative glow is a continuous cycle, and it can be used for several years.

The glow of paint occurs due to the presence of a special component - phosphor (luminescent pigment). A luminous powder adapts well to the environment, frost and heat-resistant, has stable chemical, physical properties and a long service life - more than 30 years. It is used for exterior and internal work.

Luminofoof is combined with a transparent carrier, usually varnish on acrylic, alkyd or polyurethane based. Standard proportion of components 1: 3. The type of varnish does not affect the brightness of the luminescence, but this criterion largely determines the scope of application of paint and the durability of the coating.

Scope of reflective paints

Glowing paints have a wide scope of application.

1. The material is in demand when creating a luminous effect in the interior, for the decorative decoration of ceilings, walls, drawing art painting, in the design of the interiors of cafes and nightclubs.

2. Original design of furniture, paintings, interior items.

3. For body art and creating a luminous makeup and manicure.

4. Decoration of artificial or live flower compositions.

6. For wooden fences, arbors and window frames.

7. Application in silkotrafare printing - promotional stickers, posters, notepads, etc.

8. Velo- and auto: Glowing discs, caps, caliper, cycling spokes and frames, protective helmets, spectacular drawings on a car body.

9. Creating warning signs and overalls.

Varieties of luminous paints and features of their use

Glowing paints can be classified according to the main parameters.

Type of active substance (luminescent pigment)

Fluorescent paint, luminous in the rays of ultraviolet: Such paint will not shine in itself, the fluorescent effect disappears after turning off the UV lamp. The paint of this type is very often used in the design of exterior, clubrooms and tuning cars.

As the basis, the acrylic varnish is most often used, which makes coating safe for health. Pigment can have a different color, the most effectively looks at red, green, pink and yellow color.

Luminous (luminescent) paint Based on the phosphor: the painted product glows in the dark, giving the accumulated energy of the Sun. For "recharging" such paint is enough of 10-15 minutes of bright day or artificial lighting.

Reflective paint Begins to glow when the rays of light is hit. It is mainly used in the designation of the territory, road marking, reflective elements and signs. Such enamel significantly increases the level of security at industrial enterprises and roads.

Phosphorescent paint Contains an active pigment - phosphorus, dangerous to human health. Phosphoric paint is used for car decor and room exterior. In the interior, it is trying not to apply it, and replace paint with phosphor.

The degree of transparency

Colorless (translucent) With conventional light, almost not noticeable, have a slight whitening shade. In the dark, the paint glows blue or yellow-green.

Colored paints Available in daylight and emit light in the dark. Often, color enamel contains phosphor and fluorescent pigment, which allows it to show its properties under UV rays and in complete darkness.

The composition of the paints and the presence of special components is determined by the target appointment of enamel:

  • paint for PVC surfaces and plastic - contains polyurethane and mineral resins that improve the adhesion of materials;
  • color paints are made on the basis of water-acrylic dispersion, which does not harm plants;
  • the heat-resistant paint for processing metal and glass surfaces - contains polyphenyl resins (the maximum allowable effect of temperature +500 ° C);
  • paints for the aquatic environment - a resistant water-repellent polyurethane varnish is used.

Comparative characteristics of luminous paints of different manufacturers

The manufacturing technology of glowing paints is quite simple, does not require expensive equipment. Therefore, today the production of luminescent and fluorescent enamels is engaged in a large number of large and small enterprises. Compare products of some of them:

Noxton. Lumovator. Luminofor
luminescent paint fluorescent paint luminescent paint fluorescent paint luminescent paint
Scope of application metal painting, tree, glass, plastics, colors, textiles, for body art decorative work on paper, fabric, plaster, natural stone and primed metal metal painting, tree, textile, PVC
Basic colors green, Blue, Yellow, Red, Blue, Orange, Pink white, Yellow, Red, Blue, Orange, Green, Pink blue, Green, Yellow, Red, White light Salad, Red, Yellow, Blue, Purple
The foundation depends on the purpose of paint water soluble acrylic basis waterproof base acrylic
Packing 0.5 / 1 / 3.5 / 10 l 50/100 ml 100 ml 250 ml
Consumption 12-14 l / m 2 (one layer) 100 g per 1-1.5 m 2 250 g / m 2 10 l / m 2
Storage conditions metal paint: -30 ° С ... + 40 ° С; For glass: -10 ° С ... + 40 ° С; from +5 ° C to +30 ° С in the sun-protected place no more than 30 ° С

How to make luminous paint do it yourself

You can prepare the color mixture yourself. The following components and tools will be needed for work:

  • phosphor;
  • varnish suitable under the type of coating;
  • solvent for varnish;
  • glass or ceramic container.

Sequence of cooking glowing paint:

  1. Put in the prepared container.
  2. Add a luminescent pigment. The amount of phosphor will determine the brightness of the paint and the saturation of the glow, the indicator fluctuates in the range of 15-50%. The optimal proportion of pigment is 30%.
  3. In order for the phosphor to quickly distribute, it is necessary to add a little solvent. The amount of solvent should not exceed 1% of the total mass.
  4. Stir the paint to a homogeneous consistency.

According to this technology, there is a transparent enamel. If desired, you can add a koler to the composition, which will give the desired shade of the surface.

To obtain a uniform and rich glow of items during the color, you must follow the following rules:

  1. The surface of the product must be clean and dry.
  2. Paint before use must be thoroughly mixed, since the particles of the phosphor are precipitate with time.
  3. The second layer of paint should be applied after drying the first. The interval between paintings should be at least 1-1.5 hours.
  4. The most vivid glow will be on a monophonic white surface, the dark base absorbs the radiated energy more, so when painting some products, the surface is pre-recommended to be treated with white soil.
  5. When working with phosphorous paints, you need to take care of personal protective equipment: glasses with side screens, gloves and respirator. Painting must be performed in a well ventilated room.

Thanks to the unique properties, glowing paints have been used in a variety of areas, and you can prepare the coloring composition yourself - it is enough to adhere to the specified proportions and simple technology.

Glowing items have become a fashionable part of the modern interior. In the past few years, luminescent jewelry can be seen not only in nightclubs, but also at home in many ordinary people. Glowing toys and decorations will make bright and memorable holidays, family feast and children's games. It is difficult to imagine a child who does not loving glowing things.

The basis for the manufacture of luminous paint is a substance called the phosphor. It can be bought in special chemical goods stores or order via the Internet. This is a yellow powder that creates a blue glow in the dark. It can be combined with colored dyes and eventually get paint of any shade. At the same time, it is important to ensure that the color added does not overpowered the main composition and staining did not affect the quality of the powder glow.

To prepare 1 kilogram of paint, you need to take 250 grams of this substance and mix with 750 grams of transparent varnish. The view of the varnish is selected depending on what you will paint. For furniture, you need a construction lacquer, and using a transparent nail polish, you can make yourself a glowing manicure. The use of phosphor on nails or skin does not harm health.

Light such paint will be less intense than purchased. In order for the glow to be brighter, before the darkness of the darkness, the painted thing should stand as much as possible in the light, absorbing the sun rays.

If everything happened with the paint, try a more complex chemical experiment - the creation of glowing water. Recently, the container with such water was switched to fashion and used to decorate the rooms.

In order to make the luminous water, you will need the following substances: 2 grams of luminol, 80 millilitres of hydrogen peroxide, 100 milliliters of water, 3 grams of copper sulfur, 10 milliliters of sodium sodium solution and fluorescent dyes of different colors.

Pour water and stir in it luminol until complete dissolution, add hydrogen peroxide, then copper and sodium. The mixture will be instantaneous and when the light is turned off, the vessel will start glowing blue. If you want to give fluid to another shade, use additional dyes. At home, you can easily get the luminous liquid of all colors of the rainbow.

If you can not find some kind of ingredient, that is, another recipe option. Mix 0.15 grams of luminol, 35 grams of dry alkali, 30 milliliters of dimexide and 500 milliliters of water. Another way: a compound of 20 milliliters of washing powder, 10 milliliters of hydrogen peroxide, 5 milliliters of luminola, several ganggings graders and 200 milliliters of water.

It turns out, with a certain imagination and a small skill, your interior can change its "appearance" depending on the time of day. For example, in the afternoon everything will be in a classic strict version, and when dark, it will be transformed into a glowing fantastic palace.

Luminescence is the ability of the material to radiate light in the dark or with certain artificial lighting. Such an unusual special effect can be achieved from any subject, it is enough to treat it luminous paint.

Luminescent paint can be processed any plane, which allows you to create a unique design even without the help of specialists.

Glowing paint is pretty expensive pleasure and not everyone by pocket. Therefore, an excellent solution will be paint made at home. In its parameters, it will not differ from the factory. However, it will have to spend time on its manufacture and purchase the necessary components.

Properties of luminous paint

One of the most common varieties of luminous paints is produced with the participation of phosphor - harmless phosphorescent pigment.

The components of the paint elements are completely non-hazardous, but to purchase components for its preparation with their own hands at home is needed from manufacturers who have a quality certificate.

Luminous paint is formed from two main components: varnish and phosphor pigment. The properties of the luminofora predetermines the feature of the release of light. This mixture includes oxides and lanthanoids that act in the IPostasses of activators.

Luminofoor can accumulate light, and then gives this energy as a glow. The charge resource it can be mined from any solar or ultraviolet base. It is enough 15 minutes on day or artificial lighting and this stock is enough for the tireless glow of the painted subject for 7 hours.

The most amazing thing is that this process prevails a non-stop cycle and can work in this mode for about 30 years.

Among other things, the luminous element is perfectly adapted to the outside, it is well tolerate frosty weather, so it can be used both indoors and outside.

Among the shades of luminescent paints, yellow and blue are dominated. But with certain manipulations, you can get other colors. The brightest radiance has a powder of a salad and yellow color, which in the daytime looks like light-salad.

Some designers use this material for the original indoor interior, where there is a tile. They are made of undergraduate agents and used as a grout for seams, which not only glows in a dark room, but also protects against moisture.

The luminous neon paint on the metal is great on the car's wheel drives, is also used in airbrushing and in the design of the front entrances of buildings or on metal signs.

With the help of this unusual material, you can create exotic effects on any texture whether stone, concrete overlap, plastic windows or other surfaces. The main thing is that the plane is clean and dry. Before applying, it is necessary to degrease it, remove dust and dirt from the surface.

This extraordinary paint can be done extraordinary things in Fitodizain. Since the colorful material dries quickly, it can be safely applied to live flowers, indoor plants or on branches of any tree. Manufacturers guarantee security, therefore, for plants, the painting is harmless.

Especially saturated in the dark surface of the glass, which are treated with a fluorescent color. This approach is used in the manufacture of showcases. You can also paint small glassware, such as a tabletop, a cabinet shelf, lampshade or vase.

How to make luminous paint at home?

Prepare a luminophore at home is quite simple. To do this, you need to purchase a coniferous concentrate that can be bought at the pharmacy. We are in bulk or pour (if the substance is in liquid state) in the dishes concentrate. After adding a small amount of water. Thus, we obtain liquid tartrosine.

Tartrazine is a synthetic dye with a characteristic yellow color. It refers to food.

Then all the resulting mass is thoroughly mixed up to uniformity. Cook with a mixture put on fire and heated it. When heated, air bubbles are formed, which need to be calcined with a sharp object. The next step is cooling the mixture, again we pour tartrazine and warmer. After completion of the procedure, a homogeneous substance of the yellow spike is obtained.

To test the result, the resulting mass must be illuminated with a bright photo flash. If everything is done correctly will noticeably glow. The resulting substance of the phosphor can be missed into the powder, grinding it. More information can be found in the process in the thematic video.

Recipe for improved phosphor:

Fluorescent paint do it yourself

Fluorescent paint in the people is called ultraviolet. The main difference with luminescent is that it does not radiate light in the dark. It is possible to show its property only with the help of neon ultraviolet, and in the bright time of the day, the drawing is not different from ordinary.

It includes a transparent base with a fluorescent pigment, thermoplastic resin and powdered dye, but despite the rich chemical composition it is non-toxic.

Among the huge range of colors, ultraviolet paint can be highlighted the most popular, such as red, yellow, pink and green, their prevalence is explained by the fact that even with weak light, they show their effect.

Fluorescent paint is applied by what kind of foundation: metal products, wooden, ceramic. You can also handle live flowers and even use for drawings on the body. Some designers use this wedge material during landscaped work.

Fluorescent kel made of safe substances for a person, so they are used by the Master of Body Art. Dyes are practically not absorbed into the body. For lovers of nightclubs produce whole kits. The only drawback is to wash the substance after graduation.

It is also worth noting the fact that the glowing fluorescent dye is used in the manufacture of wallpaper. With this technologist, you can transform a children's room. In the daylight, wallpapers serve as an ordinary coating with different thematic patterns, and when neon backlight turns on, their volume surprises even adults.

They are glued to a flat surface, as well as the usual wallpaper. But it is worth warning that the desired effect is achieved only with the help of ultraviolet lamps and neon lighting.

There is the easiest way to manufacture fluorescent paint. To obtain it, you will need several components: colorless acrylic varnish and fluorescent powder. But not one hundred percent fluorophore, which is very decent, and its pigment with a polymer base. You can buy it in a special store or on the Internet.

To gain the necessary composition, the acquired pigment is poured into the basis of acrylic and collected scrupulously. If you add a pigment to the emulsion, you also need to mix well.

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