Repairs Design Furniture

What are made from epoxy resin. Master class on creating decorations with their own hands from the living colors and epoxy resin. Transparent resin: types and their characteristics

From the transparent epoxy resin, you can make various products: decorations, gender, decor elements, countertops or tables. From this material make earrings, rings, pendants, original surfaces with 3D effect, beautiful figurines or other decoration items.

Preparation of resin for products

The floors from epoxy resin have a lot of layers, on one of them there is a drawing, usually this color print. The final coating is a transparent epoxy resin through which the drawing is clearly visible.
To make products, it is necessary to use an epoxy resin, and a hardener. During the process, it should be borne in mind that if you prepare a large amount of material, it will highlight heat.
There are such types of resin that frozen immediately after the hardener is added. When performing work, it is necessary to observe the correct technology, otherwise the resin can boil, and to smoke, which will lead to the impossibility of manufacturing the product. After the frozen, the transparent solid material is obtained.
To make bulk products, a plasticizer is added to the resin, but at the beginning the material must be heated. In this case, the viscosity of the resin decreases to heat the resin, use a water bath. This method of heating helps to increase the time of setting the material. It is impossible to make boiling resin, otherwise it will become muddy, and make a transparent product will not work out.
The main condition is the absence of moisture drops on the resin or hardener, otherwise the material will deteriorate, and becomes muddy. Plasticizer add to the resin, and heating gradually perform. After the plasticizer is thoroughly mixed with a resin, a hardener is added, the mixture is pre-complied to 30 degrees. The hardener is introduced very slowly, and thoroughly stir the composition, the excessive amount of the material will be resin into disrepair.

Manufacturing Countertops from Epoxy Resin

You can decorate a countertop using coins and epoxy resin. To do this, prepare pliers, ticks, glue, autogen, water-based lacquer, coins, and epoxy resin with hardener.
When working with a wooden surface, it must be carefully flushed, dry, primed, and paint in the selected color. To restore the old worktop, the old coating is removed, and stained the surface.
The most complex action is bending coins, and their pruning, it can be done with ticks, and pliers. If there is no opportunity to cope with such work, it is better not to perform the finishing of the end sites, and only the whole coins are located.
At the beginning, the coins are laundered so that they glisten, then the surface of the table top will be bright, and the original, for this coin it is necessary to boil in the cola. You can use another way, putting a container with water to the fire, adding coins to it, lay vinegar, and soda. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that the foam will rise, so water should not be too much. Instead of a folk agent, special compositions can be used to purify metal products.

When all coins are cleaned, they are thoroughly washed with conventional water, and dried on the tissue. The process-top manufacturing process is the laying of coins on the surface, and the fill of the elements of the epoxy resin. All work is performed sequentially not to make mistakes.

  1. Polyethylene is plated under the manufactured surface so as not to emulate the floor or other interior items. Then poured a resin, but after adding a hardener, the mixture is left for a while so that it thickens is a bit, and did not spill through the edges.
  2. The resin will flock down a bit, so it must be periodically selected with a spatula, and impose in those places where the material is least. You can not do this, and after the final frost, it is easy to throw away polyethylene.
  3. Initially, the surface of the wooden material is edged with the surface, then the coins are beautifully stacked, and the resin is poured.
  4. If bubbles from air ingress appeared on the surface, they can be removed using autogen. And then the product is left to complete drying, it will take about two days. The dust should not be seen on the surface, and the other garbage.
  5. When the tabletop is dry, it is covered with water-based lacquer, dried again, and only then the product is considered completely ready.

Instead of coins, you can use any original decoration, such as dried wheels or color printing with a beautiful pattern. The countertop can be made original, it all depends on ideas, and fantasy.

Manufacturing bracelet.

To make an unusual epoxy resin bracelet, it is necessary to stock material: resin with hardener, toothpick, a glass of plastic, drunks, scissors, a wand from ice cream or a skewer, a disposable syringe, and a form for a silicone bracelet.

A piece of thickener is poured into a glass of plastic, and two resins. To the amount of hardener, and the resin was accurate, use a disposable syringe. Components need to be slow and thoroughly stir so that air bubbles formed. If they appear, then the composition must be left for a few minutes so that the air is completely out, but the mixture should not be thicken much.
Then the viscous composition is filled with the prepared shape for the bracelet, drunks are placed in the resin, using toothpicks, it is possible to calculate bubbles with air. Then the bracelet is left to frozen for about a day, after which they are taken out of the form, and are applied by destination. Instead of dried flowers, you can take beautiful buttons, rhinestones or beads.

How to make a brooch yourself?

Brooch can be made in the shape of a butterfly, for this it is necessary to take the following materials: a dry butterfly, which is acquired in the store, two toothpicks, a resin with hardener, gloves, scissors, aqua varnish, a special clasp for brooches.
The butterfly must be divided into several parts, for this cut off the wings from the body, and on both sides they are covered with aqua varnish. Then all parts are placed on the working surface, which is pre-covered with polyethylene. Initially, the opposite side of the wings is missing, put them on the surface, and then process the front part. While lacquer dries out, it is necessary to make an epoxy composition, gradually adding a hardener into the resin.
The composition must be determined in a dark place for thickening so that it does not glare from the edges of the product during operation. Then all parts are covered with a small layer of resin, while thoroughly smear it on the surface with the help of toothpicks.
Then leave all parts for complete drying, and they are covered with epoxy composition from the reverse side, and the frozen is waiting again. After that, with the help of a plastic solution, all separate parts are glued to the body, creating the desired angle. The metal fastener is fixed on the resin on the back of the brooches, and expect complete drying. After that, the product is ready to operate.

Production of Coulomb, Option number 1

From epoxy resin, you can independently make a pendant, for this you need to take: a form of metal, mandarin, scissors, stained glass paint, fastening for a cooler, compound from silicone, sandpaper, glass of plastic, and spoon, and immediately epoxy itself.
Mandarine must be cleaned, and choose the most accurate slice, with the help of scissors, the skin is removed from one side. And on the other hand, it is possible to fix the pin to the workpiece, so it turns out the brooch or from the top to attach an eye for a chain to make a pendant.
Salts are placed in a form of metal, and poured cooked silicone compound, leave for frozen. After that, the slices need to be removed, and throw away, and rinse the shape thoroughly with cold water. The edges can be carefully aligned with scissors.
A few days later, silicone material can be used as an epoxy resin fill. After complete drying of the workpiece, it is necessary to handle the sandpaper qualitatively. Then they attach the necessary fastener or ear for the coil, paint the product of the stained glass type into two layers, and varnish are covered.

Production of round coulon, option number 2

You can make a round pendant, for this you need to prepare: dried flowers, thickener, sandpaper, paste for polishing, scissors, special moldes, which serve as a form for fill. Then the resin, a glass of plastic, tweezers, nozzle from felt, and an eyelet for suspension.

In the absence of moldes, you can use a plastic ball, which is cut into two parts, lubricate with a vaseline from the inside, and after filling the resin, the incision is riveted with plasticine.
Gems can be made independently, from thin twigs, dry flowers from bouquets or small leaves. At the same time, the workpieces must be highly dried so that in the future it does not rotten the elements inside the product. So that the drywater does not change the painting, use the resin, which is resistant to ultraviolet rays.

You can make a small composition of thin twigs, and flowers, to build a neat bunch, all elements can be connected using epoxy composition. After the frozen, it is placed in round-shaped, and pour the cooked solution. After cooking, the mixture is left for several minutes to exit air so that bubbles are not formed on the product. After that, leave the product for pouring.
When the ball hardens, it may not have too smooth shape, all defects can be removed using a coarse eye skirt. And then grinding the skin of small grain. Usually such work is performed in water, it makes it possible to do everything quickly, and without dust.

The next step is polishing the product, for this you can use a special means for plastic, that is, polyrolol. The tool is applied to the nozzle from the felt, after which they start processing the finished ball.
Then the eye is glued to the ball, in which the chain will be made, usually such a blank at the end has an extension, epoxy resin is applied to it. After that, the ear is tightly applied to the ball with an expansion end.
A lot of products are made of wood, and epoxy resin, and it is also necessary to comply with some technology. When complying with the sequence in the work, you can avoid errors, and independently make original decorations for yourself, and your home. From epoxy resin, you can make many items, it all depends on fantasy.

This article will be a find for those who want to make incredible creations from epoxy resin. Here we will look at the products, for the creation of which the tree is taken, epoxy resin, photoluminescent powder. Of this simple combination of a variety of materials, amazing elements for the decor are obtained. If you want to know how the luminous furniture is done with your own hands - look next. This one will help you enjoy the unique products that you create your own hands.

Getting a resin from which decorations are made

To make an epoxy composition with your own hands, you need to prepare such components as a resin and hardener. It is necessary to monitor the material to be too much. In such cases, the resin will distinguish quite a lot of heat that occurs during the polymerization process. Resin some species can quickly stick if you add a hardener into it. If you do not comply with special rules, the composition can boil and it will begin to stand out by smoke. The resin will begin to deteriorate, it is possible even its ignition.

When you buy a resin, learn its properties and specifications, for which it can be used. After the reaction occurs, the composition will turn into a transparent, solid product.

To get the material at home, the resin is heated - this is done before adding a hardener. As a result, from epoxy resin, it is possible to make different types of elements of a fairly large size, but here it is necessary to take into account that the viscosity of the composition can decrease. Water bath is used for heating. The resin is immersed in a prepared tank with water, and is cooled to + 50 ° C.

How to make a luminous shelf

For the manufacture of a luminous shelf, materials were used in the form of chestnut boards, epoxy resin, and photoluminescent powder. Chestnut often suffers from wood mushroom, which is why holes appear in this wood. In these areas, the tree is easily cleaned by a hand tool and compressed air, as a result, empties are obtained.

Now you need to mix the resin and photoluminescent powder, choose your favorite color, and achieve a comfortable brightness of the glow by choosing the optimal proportion of resin and powder. From the reverse side, it is stuck so that the resin does not flow.

Such a piece of furniture will be different in the original appearance, identity, and even extravagant. When combining epoxy resin and high-quality wood, we can in an easy way to get the subject of the interior with your unique design that will be organically looked in any room.

Apron in the kitchen made of wood and epoxy resin

The place between the worktop and mounted cabinets will be constantly polluted, so the apron will be very relevant here. Thanks to him, we will protect the plot of the wall, which is located next to the stove and washing, from splashes of hot oil, hot steam and moisture.

In addition to his practical purpose, the apron will perform another no less useful feature - namely decorate the kitchen interior.

Epoxy resin and wood - a very successful combination of materials, simple and efficient - as a result we get a perfectly smooth surface. At the same time, the fill requires a small consumption of resin. The main material is a tree, which from all sides is covered with a thin layer of polymer resin.

You get an infinite number of color surface color options, simply by selecting your favorite combination of shades for the epoxy resin staining.

We manufacture epoxy resin bracelet

Epoxy resin is convenient for its versatility - it is suitable not only for the manufacture of furniture, it is possible to get sophisticated decorations from it - for example, a bracelet.

To make it, first wash and dry the silicone form (Mold). Mix the resin and hardener using in our case the proportion of 1 to 3. It is necessary to take into account that each manufacturer of components for epoxy resin can provide for another ratio. We thoroughly stir until a homogeneous consistency is turned out, and lay the air bubbles to be retired.

We prepare dry leaves, take the scissors and cut up too much so that they are not sticking out of silicone shape.

We will wait 10 minutes so that the resin stand out, overflow it into the form. You should pour the resin as careful as possible so that then the finished product does not need to be grinding for a long time.

We take toothpick and put the leaves in the resin, gently spread them. To remove bubble residues from the resin, and so that the resin froze faster, the form with the bracelet should be placed in the oven for 10-15 minutes, which we are preheating to + 80 ° C, and turn off. Then remove the outdoor outdoor and leave it for a day. After the bracelet is completely frozen, carefully remove it from the Molda.

If sharp edges turned on the bracelet, we take sandpaper and grind them. After that, we cover our decoration with a thin layer of any acrylic varnish. Bracelet ready!

Flowers, seashells and insects in transparent capsules are treated in independence from whether such bracelets, rings, pendants and souvenirs fall to taste. But little to which it comes to mind that it is possible to make such a miracle with your own hands, paying a certain time to master the technology of phased manufacturing of epoxy resin decorations.

This liquid synthetic polymer is observed by a certain temperature regime for thickening and hardening successfully imitates glass, providing almost unlimited freedom in choosing forms and filling.

How to choose an epoxy for fill

The assortment of epoxy resin is quite wide, so the first advice for beginners is to read the product description to pick it up according to the appointment.

The optimal choice is a special resin in a pair with a hardener for molding and glazing. As a rule, such a product has additional properties of increased transparency, resistance to ultraviolet, etc.

The second criterion of choice is the authority of the manufacturer, which is reflected primarily at the price. To begin with a small volume, therefore it is not worth noticeing and even will be logically acquired several different epoxy sets to test the master class on decorations.

Workplace and safety rules

Before making the first attempt to create an epoxy decoration, you need to choose the workplace and get acquainted with the instructions of the safe handling of polymers:

  • It is necessary to work with the polymer composition in a well-ventilated room, preferably in the workshop, fenced from the residential part of the house.
  • It is necessary to avoid resin in the skin and mucous membrane, so gloves, medical mask and safety glasses should be used.
  • Grinding of the finished product is made in the respirator.
  • If the resin is hit on the skin, you need to immediately rinse it under running water. If the solution gets to the items, it is necessary to immediately remove the dry cloth.

It is also necessary to take into account that in the manufacturing process and during the use of finished products you need to avoid contact with food products.

The decoration made of epoxy resin can be made both by the method of fill and glazing, but in both cases it is important to have a perfectly smooth working surface.

Capacities and tools

To mix the solution, you need heat-resistant plastic container and wand, which are usually attached to the kit. For neat operation with the polymer, disposable syringes are used, for correction of fillers (colors, insects, stones, etc.) - you will need tweezers.

For pouring you need to stock silicone molds. Alternative method - applying a thickened mixture directly to the dried filler. It makes two layers from the front side, and one with the rear.

The filler is located on a tray with a glossy surface that prevents adhesion. More time is needed for such a procedure: to dry out each layer you need to wait 24 hours.

Right edges and roughness are removed by sandpaper or with a grinding machine.

In the process of mastering the process of working with epoxy resin, it is also possible to master the technique of creating interesting silicone forms with their own hands for original decorations and souvenirs.

Preparation of fillers

Before making your own model, you should become familiar with the photo of similar decorations from epoxy with various fillers. For plant theme, it is necessary to dry the fillers in advance, 3-4 weeks before the start of work.

The leaves can be placed under the press in the book, as for school herbarium. Volumetric plant fillers, such as buds or berries, are riveted on the thread and dried in air.

Virtually any detail, having decorative value - shells, tree bark, rhinestones can be used as a filler. In the epoxy capsule, you can place images printed on matte photographic paper. For an additional effect, special dyes are used.


Stages of work

Preparation of the mixture. At this stage, it is important to carefully comply with the proportions recommended by the manufacturer. Mixing with a hardener is performed for 10 minutes, uniform and smooth circular motions.

Grappling process. For a chemical reaction with a hardener, it takes from 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the parameters stated in the product instructions. After mixing in the solution, bubbles are formed, which should disappear during the chemical reaction process.

Fill in the shape or creation of layers on the filler should be performed in accurately according to the timer and, if possible, quickly.

The process of solidification is completed after 24 hours. The billet should be located in a stable and dust protected from dust.


Even the best ideas of epoxy resin decorations may remain in dreams without careful observance of technological subtleties and when using poor-quality material.

Therefore, it will be more correct to first master the process of creating a solid and transparent capsule, and then already start experiments with fillers and combining parts from an epoxy with metal fittings for decorations.

Stock Foto Epoxy resin ornaments


Epoxy resin is a substance known to everyone, someone at least a little familiar with the household. The material appeared on the market in the past century and has long won the sympathy of masters.

Resin is an absolutely universal substance and is used in many areas of construction, repair and household.

Modern science does not stand still and "epoxy" receives new compositions and, accordingly, new opportunities for use. However, one thing remains unchanged - the substance is never used in its pure form, it is combined with a hardener, which makes it very reliable.

There are many variations in the market, manufacturers make everything to make customers to choose the composition and volume of the substance.

Composition of resin

The resin itself is a synthetic production connection, which is efficiently used only in combination with a hardener, which contributes to the completion of the polymerization process of the substance.

Such a process is determining in terms of what properties and characteristics are the material. For this reason, it is possible to say with full confidence that the resin is not used as an independent substance.

In the course of combining different compositions with various hardeners, substances that have a variety of properties can appear.

For example, some may even be hard metal, and some on the contrary soft and consistency can resemble rubber or something like that.

Hardening "Epoxy" can occur in a fairly wide range of temperatures from -10 ° C to 200 ° C. In many respects, it depends on the type of hardener. At the same time, the finished material can be divided into 2 types of solidification - cold and hot.

Epoxy resin (glue) of cold curing is more often used in domestic purposes, or in production, where thermal impact is unacceptable.

Hot curing can be used when creating products for which the loads of various kinds are characterized, including temperature and mechanical.

This is performed in order for the polymerization of the substance a more dense crystal lattice, which will increase the solidness of the substance.

The hardener for the resin is used depending on the required proportions and the substances contained. The process of polymerization under the influence of a hardener is finite and cannot be reversible under the influence of various solvents or water.

It is important to remember that the finished material is a polymer, which determines the need to comply with the loyalty of proportions to obtain it.

In case of violation of the amount of resin or hardener, the finished product will lose properties and may be subject to exposure to the external environment, such as:

  • Moisture;
  • Temperature;
  • Chemical substances.

You should not forget that only the temperature and type of the hardening component itself affect the speed of the curing process.

Opinions that it is possible to achieve the final result due to the number of hardener - erroneously.

The accelerator of the polymerization process is the temperature. It turns out to increase the reaction temperature by only 10 ° C can accelerate solidification several times, depending on the type of substances.

This allows you to develop compounds that can work at a very different temperatures, while the polymerization process can be held in a variety of conditions.

The use of resin

Since the epoxy resin began to be actively used, its scope remained the same.

Only the compositions and properties of components and finished materials have changed. Resin is used in many industrial sectors, such as:

  • Electronics;
  • Electrical engineering;
  • Aviation;
  • Automotive production;
  • Mechanical engineering;
  • Shipbuilding;
  • Fiberglass production.

In these engineering and technical industries, "epoxica" is used as impregnation for fiberglass and glass blocks, as well as for connecting different elements.

Floor coatings - resin can have insulating properties. It is used in the construction of pools or basements.

Production of straight-color products - moisture resistance and strength, allows the use of resin in the finishing materials.

Photo of epoxy resin

Greeting everyone! All who love to work with the resin and who loves the "kitchen" of creating something with their own hands!

So, I started with the fact that I chose from my stocks, those flowers that I want to pour, and outlined the desired contours of the progress on paper (plants should be completely dried). You can skip and fill without a stencil, but I wanted to fit the plants \u003d))

I chose the flowers of heather, forget-me-not, and Veronica Dubravnaya.

Now you need to prepare a resin: to miss (according to the instructions!) And leave about 2-3 hours (for a set of viscosity). Immediately after kneading in the resin, there are so many bubbles, they will go away after a while and it can be used. At this stage, it is well pouring into forms. But I'm waiting for it thickening.

While the resin insisters the number of stencils I need and cut out:

An important point is to prepare the surface on which products will be bought. It is longer to be as smooth as possible; Dust If you do not remove before fillings - it will be on future earbrush-earrings. In my case, the surface is glass, and with the help of a construction level, you can put it as soon as possible, putting something under it.

The next step is to put a file or several files on a flat surface. UNDER We will place stencils.

We finite a bit of thickened resin right on the file and distribute the toothpick so that the height was about 2-3 mm. Before You need to cover the lid dome! Experimed by I found out that under the low dome, the probability of dust sticking is smaller than if you cover one common and high. After 15-30 minutes, the resin can crawl away from the contour, then you also need to be restored to the place or drop more resin and distribute.

Now forget about the resin for a day. It is necessary that the new bases have to get completely and then you can separate them from the file (you can separate it before, but not the hardening resin will bend and leave the fingerprints) of the edges of course they will not be perfectly smooth, so emery paper or filling need to be processed. If there are paired elements for example earrings, then you need to make them as symmetrical as possible.

The files themselves are convenient to use when working with a resin! Thereby protect your table from the resin stuck to it.

We are kneading a new portion of the resin, we leave to bend yourself and meanwhile trying the location of dried flowers and if everything suits you to continue!

After the bubbles came out of the resin (30-60 minutes) we drip the base for a couple of drops, distribute them and have flowers. It is necessary in order to fix them in the right place. Cover the lid and leave to dry.

Well, here was another day)) (or half a day). Again, we prepare a new resin, we leave for thickening, but not much! Otherwise, when pouring too thick resin, the formed bubbles on the plants will be difficult to remove and you can break the twig or leaf, which kicks off the toothpick! It is better to use its average consistency, which looks like fresh honey). This fill is needed primarily so that the resin is flushed into all the irregularities of the plant. Let me remind you about a flat working surface, because if at this stage it will not be smooth, then the resin simply strokes and spoil the mood and work. The higher the lens need to be formed, the smaller there should be a surface!

Further according to the famous scheme: cover with a lid, leave to dry). The day you need to dissolve a new resin and wait for her thick consistency (thick honey) and pour again to form a bulk coating. Remove before Full Drying for an anti-type shelter on a flat surface (complete drying in different industries resin is different, but it is better to be restrained and not touching products for several days; if there were no fingerprints of fingertips, of course)

After complete drying, we turn the finished face and we make another fill with thick resin, because There are no plants on it, you can make only one fill so as not to leave a flat back surface and remove the file texture! Thus, the plant turns out to be inside the form. The form at the same time becomes very durable and it will not be broken, just to cut))) This whole job seems simple, but to make everything neatly need to have a certain share of patience and skills!

Decorations made using resin require a careful relationship and do not like the open sun (plants can burn out long, for example on the windowsill)

When all the fillings are completed and dried away, you can make a planned decoration (it is upright to make a hole with the thinnest drill) well, or to use as a soul. I love simple forms and minimum decor, so it turned out such decorations and photos in my new winter:

Suspension with a sprig of heather 20 x 80 mm

Earrings with forget-me-not at Silver Schwenza 28 x 70 mm

Suspension with a twig of Veronica Dubravnaya 30 x 62 mm

Earrings on Silver Schwenza with Veronica Dubber Twin 23 x 64 mm

Thanks for attention! I wish you all the inspiration and implementation of your ideas!