Repairs Design Furniture

Wooden furniture with epoxy resin. Epoxy resin: We make a beautiful countertop with your own hands. Single-color tree

Furniture developers please us increasingly interesting innovations, original ideas in the field of interior design. Recently, the popularity has gained epoxy furniture, which, due to the unique appearance of the material, transforms the home furnishings.

The working surface of the head of epoxy has many advantages, positive moments are as follows:

  • excellent performance properties. The material is high strength and is not exposed to deformation, its surface is not afraid of mechanical damage, during operation, cracks or chips are not formed on it;
  • available cost - due to the fact that the price of primary raw materials is significantly lower than other analogs, it becomes possible to reduce the cost of the final product;
  • moisture resistance is one of the main advantages over a wooden surface, which is especially relevant in the kitchen, where the wet environment is present;
  • convenient care - the furniture is not subject to the negative impact of most cleaning products, the care of it is convenient and does not require additional costs;
  • wear resistance - Epoxy furniture with such a surface does not destroy due to the effects of ultraviolet, it retains its impeccable appearance for a long time;
  • mature of design solutions. The masters create real masterpieces using this material. In combination with wood, unique landscape compositions, imitation of aquatic spaces and other interesting designs are obtained. Melted material is very fuel, so it can be given any form. Well, and the frozen resin is easily processed by a grinding or polishing machine, if necessary, the grooves are easily pulled out or holes are flick;
  • visual expansion of space. Thanks to the glossy coating, the impression is that space increases. Optical illusions, an incredible game of light, the feeling of volume is that it guarantees products from epoxy resin.

Despite the availability of the feedstock, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the cost of designer objects is considerable. Therefore, purchasing furniture from the Master, you need to be ready to give a considerable amount for it.

The following can be attributed to the disadvantages of such a material for furniture:

  • defects - Incorrect manufacturing technology and non-compliance with proportions can lead to the fact that white precipitate is formed inside the filling of furniture. This nuance needs to be considered by the masters who wish to independently make a tabletop or other furniture;
  • the ability to spoil the furniture material when processing abrasive compositions or powders;
  • selection of toxins - they, as a rule, evaporate under the influence of high temperatures.

It is categorically prohibited to put hot objects on this furniture. However, in normal conditions, harmful substances are not allocated, and there is no risk to human health.


As already mentioned, the manufacture of epoxy resin furniture is, first of all, the execution of countertops. They are a few species:

  • from epoxy resin - they usually do not have a reference surface, they represent a transparent or multi-colored cube or another geometric shape. Inside the beautiful ornament of dry colors or other materials is laid out. Such furniture accessories are used, as a rule, as a coffee, coffee table or another subject, which is not supposed to be exposed to excessive load;
  • a tree or chipboard, coated with a layer of resin - in this case, epoxy resin performs a protective function, as it protects the main material from damage. For basic material, designers prefer to choose scribbled surfaces, wooden arrays, multiplexes and even old countertops;
  • combined is fragments of wood, alternating with elements of resin. The basis is the materials of any form: round, rectangular, with sharp corners - they are located in a certain or chaotic order. The natural structure of the wood array looks perfectly, although many masters use wood carving, milling, marquetry for decoration. To create a countertop, a container with sides of the required height is used, the blanks are laid out into it, then it is completely poured by the resinometer. After the frozen, a smooth surface with smooth sides is obtained.

Interesting design solutions

For the manufacture of furniture, skillful masters use matte and transparent types of glue, and each of them can give various color shades. Transparent mixes are perfectly combined with wood or other included objects. They emphasize all the details of the decor: the fibers of an array, inscriptions or badges on metal elements. Even the smallest elements will be clearly visible even through a thick layer of fill. Colored dyes slightly reduce transparency, but the fill acquires a saturated color. And those and other species of resin mixtures are used to make exclusive worktops and other furniture. With interesting ideas you can find further:

  • the coating of the composition with a luminescent dye - it looks implicitly furnished with the use of epoxy glue and a luminescent dye. Experienced masters fill out all the formed cavities, emptiness on the bitch sections with this epoxy grout, poured after that the main mixture. When highlighted, such a masterpiece will glow. Well, in modern interiors such furniture will emphasize the style and impeccable taste of hosts;
  • wooden trimming or shield framed by a layer of fillings - many masters creating designer furniture are successfully used. Wood is used as a basic element. It is covered on all sides with a small layer of prepared composition;
  • water splashes - an interesting effect is obtained with a combination of adhesive composition with water drops. In the painted mixture, such divorces resemble cosmic nebulae or dairy divorces. Often the masters create a multicolor coating, poured by its portions of the composition painted by various collers. It should be noted that the mixtures are perfectly painted with gouache, ink, oil paints, that is, these components are not harmful to human health. For partitions, thin plastic barriers are used. Usually the top of the entire composition is filled with a thin transparent layer;
  • imitation of marble is an unusual solution that allows you to get a coating resembling marble. To do this, the LDSP is used, which is covered with colorful patterns, as well as other compositions, but the last layer must necessarily be epoxy. This technique opens up new horizons to furniture designers, allowing them to experiment and receive new interesting surfaces;
  • a table with a surface in the form of a picture - such furniture looks perfectly in the interiors of the living rooms. Tea drinking at this table will undoubtedly be pleasant. It is important that this furniture attribute fit into the overall interior of the room and harmonized with other objects. The drawing stretches, as a rule, along the entire length of the countertops - the manufacturer offers a great many pleasant outline of still lifes or other images. The legs are made of wood and should be a concise form - rectangular or square;
  • stump with moss - bay epoxy prepared stump with moss, you can get an absolutely unique chair. Numerous cracks, other "defects" will only give an accessory of sophistication. Such furniture is absolutely safe, so it will organically look at the eco-interior, and the product can be made personally;
  • tabletop from travertine and gradient color resin - used compositions, painted in the gradient technique from light blue to saturated dark blue colors, combined with a limestone durable material, are used by some designers to create unique structures. The layers of epoxy resin are superimposed alternately in a certain order. The composition imitates the lagoon with its coastal blond zones and water spaces painted in a dark color.


Unique characteristics and impeccable type of material inspire craftsmen to create exclusive furniture. Materials are found with a reddish, brown, yellowish or blessing color, and the color is saved across the depth of the consistency. There are also absolutely transparent compositions that are also used to decorate furniture. By adding various components to the composition, experts achieve improved material properties, preserving an absolutely smooth surface, which is why the resin is very popular in creating furniture decorative elements.

The form of furniture attributes with epoxy resin may be the most different. The resin fill repeats the bends of the objects, covering them with a thin transparent layer without convexities and other flaws. This allows you to create unique furniture of any configuration.

Fill layer can cover surfaces on which interesting drawings are applied, ornaments. The coating perfectly fixes other decorative elements: shells, pebbles, cones, dried flowers, coins and even buttons. At the same time, the surface looks at volume.

Lovers of all wonderful will definitely appreciate the furniture made using dilapidated wood-made pieces of wood chips or branches with natural flaws. Unreal special effects are obtained if large sand is placed in the composition of the composition with sawdust. Original furniture is created using a wide variety of attachments: trimming boards, circular sleeps of various diameters, split chumbachkov, old wood or beautiful chips. Immersed in the pouring, they are forgotten into an incredibly beautiful "robe", which, besides, can glow. As investments use marble crumb, foil, glitter, beads, semi-precious stones. Creating such a masterpiece with your own hands, you can use even memorable souvenirs as a decor.

No interior designer misses such a decorating and functional element of furniture like legs. They are important in the design of furniture items. From their shape, type and material depends on the affiliation to one or another style, the combination of furniture with other interior items. So, the legs can be wooden, stone or carved stone. They are decorated with threads or forged elements, their quantity varies: there are interesting specimens from one, two, three, four legs.

Furniture, for the scenery of which is used epoxy resin, perfectly fit into the interior of residential premises and office. It will complement the Loft style, which is characterized by the predominance of coarse textures, metal, glass and wood. Beautiful looks such products in the design of restaurants, hotels and hotels.



Epoxy resin table

The epoxy resin table is the crown of the modern furniture industry. Already that year, similar tables are a subject of luxury capable of truly to decorate any interior. The editorial office of 365News has worked in this direction by collecting detailed information on what is the table from epoxy, which species happens, and how you can make it yourself from the girlfriend.

Sea depths in miniature

All over and against epoxy resin tables

Looking at this or that construction material, always asked how good it is, and whether his advantages are really outweigh all the disadvantages. Positive qualities of epoxy resin are as follows:

  • increased strength to mechanical damage and moisture resistance;
  • long service life;
  • ease of care;
  • the possibility of incarnation of various design solutions;
  • availability for independent work - only a bit of snacks and knowledge of a certain technology are required;
  • low cost - epoxy resin for pouring table tops relatively inexpensive, if we consider it in one row with concrete, solid wood or stone. And according to quality characteristics, they do not infer at least.

Epoxy resin is not ideal in all sense material. Products from it have disadvantages:

  • sensitivity to the processing by any abrasive compositions - there are unpleasant scratches;
  • incorrectly cooked resin may subsequently disrupt the quality of the final product;
  • some types of epoxy resins are not a rack to ultraviolet and eventually begin to give yellow;
  • selection of toxins. They begin to stand out into the atmosphere only with long-term contact with high temperatures, so they are afraid to put a hot dish or a cup of coffee onto the epoxy table. But to solder on such countertops or burn them is extremely recommended.

Note! Epoxy resin is not ignited and does not melt even when opening with open fire. But it poison the air is pretty.

Types of epoxy resin tables and their features

Looking close to the purchase of a table of epoxy resin and considering prices, you come to the conclusion: in fact, they are all alike. And it is possible to divide such products into several groups.

Table tops from epoxy resin without reference surface

An epoxy countertop is a separately manufactured element, which can be both part of the table and the working surface in the kitchen headset.

You can just just buy a tabletop from epoxy resin and install it on your reference basis. It remains only to choose the right size and favorable design.

Countertops from epoxy resin, wood and other supporting elements

Epoxy resin countertops are also made on any reference structures. Most often it is the base of timber, metal, plastic or solid wood. Someone manages to adapt the foundations from old stools and chairs as a support for tabletops.

As a rule, the masters for greater reliability make support elements and a tabletop in a single whole, pouring epoxy directly to them in the pre-installed formwork.

Wooden table with additional filling and epoxy resin

Tables made of wooden elements and epoxy today are incredible popular. At the same time, in many design models there is nothing extraordinary - just beautiful (sometimes the ugly beautiful) rusties, whole wooden arrays, poured by a resin. For example, like tables made of wood and epoxy resin in the photo below.

Other decoration elements can be added to such interesting tables: phosphorus for night glow, marine pebbles, glass, sparkles, seashells - only fantasy creators will be restricted here.

Note! Easy items must be adopted to base, otherwise they will pop up when pouring!

Table of Sleba and Epoxy Resin - Style and Incredible Beauty

Production of tables from wood, or rather from the slab and epoxy resin - the trend of the season. First of all, because Slab is a drink of wood - has a unique texture, shape and drawing. It's like fingerprints: there are no identical sleep, each in its own way is unique. Therefore, products from them are very highly appreciated as aesthetes and manufacturers.

Make an independently such a table or countertop is not so difficult. It is only necessary to choose the right SLEB and pour into a transparent or painted epoxy resin.

River-river based on epoxy resin

Special attention deserves a table of liquid glass and wood, the so-called "river". In fact, it is two slabs, between which the epoxide of a blue color is flooded, perfectly imitating the water of a clean river. Some models also have a glass that completely covers the entire surface. Here, as they say, taste and color.

Some masters are added to phosphorus epoxy, which turns such a table in a kind of night light. Parties with the so-called multistage slab, giving mysteriousness and depths, are particularly interesting. You can also buy tables with fish, reefs and whole marine colonies inside the epoxy filler. But such products are rare. It's easier to make such beauty.

If it is decided to buy a table from a tree and epoxy resin: focus on price review and basic quality criteria

Eh, love - so the queen, steal - so Million, buy a table - so from epoxy! If you are a supporter of such views, then pay attention to the small nuances when choosing such furniture, then not to complain about leaving masters.

"River" for every taste

Immediately it should be noted that any epoxy furniture is handmade. Therefore, a great risk of marriage. Still, the human factor in the manufacture of such furniture plays a crucial role. What should be a high-quality app of epoxy resin:

  • no chips, cracks, scuffs and other defects are even the smallest. Do not hesitate and look under the worktop;
  • we look at the thickness of the table top - it should be the same on all sides. No slopes and distortions;
  • carefully look at the epoxy - no bubbles, as if the seller nor explained that it is all so necessary for greater decorativeness. Air bubbles in frozen epoxy resin - a sign of incorrect technology of working with it, this sharply reduces the quality of the final product;
  • you need glass on the surface or not - to solve you. Keep in mind that the glass on the table top is the most short-lived element, in contrast to epoxy resin and wood.

As already noted, epoxy resin tables are handmade. So it will cost such an exclusive a lot. For example, small coffee tables can be purchased in the price range from 11,000 to 30,000 rubles - or more expensive. Dining and office tables stand from 50,000 rubles - it all depends on the model and rates of the wizard. Present prices are relevant for September 2018.

Epoxy Table Production Technology

For those who have hands to make their own to independently make a table from epoxy resin, tell me how to do it correctly and inexpensive.

Revising a bunch of video about how easy and easy to work with epoxy resin, so I want to make a tabletop with your own hands. That's just what? A beginner in this area the choice of epoxy can put in a dead end. What kinds and marks do not exist!

"ED-20" - One of the popular and inexpensive resins used both for filling furniture and for decorations. Popularity has deserved its low cost. This plus is equalized by minus - yellow products. Of course, the yellowness is not immediately acquired, but over time, and only if the flooded resin fell by direct sunlight. It is also characterized by increased drig, which is not good when working with a resin, especially for beginners. To solve such problems, you can purchase a plasticizer for epoxy resin - for example, DBF EPOXYMAX.

"Art Eco" - crystal clear and transparent resin, designed to work with small thickness products, including with countertops. When working, it is recommended to use hardeners. Of the negative points, there is a yellowness on transparent products under direct sunlight. This disadvantage is eliminated by the use of dyes, which can also be purchased from this manufacturer.

«QTP-1130» - the ideal option for pouring tables and countertops, provided that the thickness of the epoxy layer will not be more than 3 mm. It is easy to work with it - no additional plasticizers and hardeners do not need. It has self-leveling, which is very convenient for beginners.

"EP-SM-PRO" - inexpensive composite epoxy resin. It is good for work with a tree. It is uniformly mixed, the bubbles practically does not appear, the transparency is good, freezes to the end and relatively quickly. It has a liquid consistency, which must be taken into account when forming formwork - can leak even through small slots.

"PEO-610KE", "EPOXIASTER 2.0", "EPOXACAST 690". Products from these resins are not afraid of ultraviolet and possess crystal transparency. Working with similar compositions is nice - not viscous, quickly and fully frozen, have a small tendency to self-leveling.

"ArtLine Crystal Epoxy" - Suitable for working with jewelry, and for fills there is a small thickness. Liquid, transparent, well aligned with a spatula. Products are obtained transparent and without distortion. Bubbles are practically not formed and easily removed. It has a not very good reaction with some types of dried flowers. If you work with such a filling, determine in advance whether there is a conflict between epoxy and herbarium. Feedback on the use of similar epoxy resin is lower.

"MG-EPOX-STRONG" - Epoxy resin universal destination, more recommended for filling precisely countertops and tables. It has excellent quality and operational characteristics. It is nice to work with it. A large thickness is suitable for filling with various fillers - from weightless phosphorus to heavy pebbles and coins. In this case, no yellowness, high mechanical strength and inconsistency with the effects of high temperatures.

  1. A drawing is done, according to which the supporting structure, formwork and fillers are being worked out in detail, if any.
  2. Depending on the type of epoxy resin, a consistency is selected and the corresponding breeding proportions for further work.

Note! Some formulations are not bred, you can work almost immediately - and this leads to the rise in the cost of the final product.

Production of supporting design

In our small master class, consider how you can make a simple coffee table from accessible to each material, having received designer furniture as a result.

Preparation of formwork and filling

We make the first fitting - lay out the filler around the perimeter of the table top to understand what thickness to glue the furniture tape.

Illustration Description of action

It all depends on the thickness of the decor, it is necessary that it can be drifting in an epoxy at least half.

Gently glue the tape on the worktop, as it is not just a formwork, but part of our table.

We post the decor on the table top just as it will look in the final edition. I remember the location and remove everything.

We take glue and apply on the back side of the lid.

We glue all the covers to the tabletop. We do it carefully, as each subtext of the adhesive will be visible on the transparent surface.

Preparation of epoxy

How to prepare an epoxy resin - prompts the instruction on the package. In our case, we used Epoxy Master 2.0. This is a two-component composition. If you need to add colors, add the kel only to the "A" component before getting the desired shade. Mix thoroughly.

Note! So that the pigment is better dissolved, put it for some time to the battery or on a water bath, the temperature of which will not be more than 40 ° C, but not less than 30 ° C. If the resin is overheated, it can be thrown out.

Add a component "b" - hardener, in a 100: 35 ratio, as indicated in the instructions. Mix thoroughly. If suddenly bubbles were formed, then the resin can be heated with a hairdryer, while stirring until they disappear. The shelf life of the resulting solution is approximately 7 hours.

How to fill with an epoxy resin countertop

The most important stage of work is pouring resin. The most important thing here is to accurately follow the instructions. The diluted composition gently poured from the middle. Under the weight of his gravity, he will start align. If the table top is large, then expand the fill radius. When the entire volume to the edges of the formwork will be filled, as accurately smash the epoxy resin smoking. If the surface has not been lifted with a formwork thickness - most accurately add missing grams and align again. Leave to stick our worktop to the end.

Ready table

In principle, we received the final product that can be used in your pleasure. Using "Epoxy Master 2.0" does not imply the final grinding of the product. But if she is still needed, we recommend to take a look at the video, how do the epoxy resin table do it yourself.

Epoxy resin, though harmless in the frozen state, but the working can cause skin irritation and mucous membranes. Therefore, we work with it only in good quality rubber gloves - without the risk of sudden shash. Such gloves will need to be thrown immediately after a single fill session.

We also do not forget about glasses, respirator. The latter can not wear - everything depends on the type of epoxy used. Carefully read the instructions before buying. We also close all parts of the body of clothing - no open skin. We definitely work with epoxy only in well-ventilated premises, where you and your households do not sleep and are not in a row more than 5 hours. If the time of frozen resin is more than 3 days, it is necessary to acquire dust and organic filters.

Note! Epoxy resin in liquid state is easily removed from any surface with warm water. Not a wet rag, but directly water.

As we have managed to make sure, it is really quite simple to work with epoxy resin. It is only necessary to choose the proper composition, both according to the characteristics and in terms of the difficulty of working with it. And there - forward, to the creation of masterpieces!

One of the most simple, but spectacular ways to issue an interior of the house is creative and bright - it makes the table from epoxy resin with their own hands. The unique properties of this material make it possible to realize the most insane design idea and make both a simple table and a real masterpiece of an unusual form. And the ability to use different fillers provides an opportunity to make a real work of art from a regular table.

Epoxy - dignity and nuances of work

The use of epoxy for the manufacture of furniture (tables, bar stand tables) at home has a number of advantages, among which you can allocate:

  • This material does not change in the amount during drying. If other similar compositions give shrinkage due to fluid volatilization in the process of frost, then epoxy resin solidifies due to certain chemical reactions and retains its original volume.
  • The epoxide surface is not deformed and is not afraid of damage, it does not appear chips and cracks when used.
  • For a beginner master it is important that it is very simple to work in epoxy resin. For this, it is not necessary to possess some special skills - it is enough to just follow the instructions.
  • Another important advantage is the availability of this material.

Important! All work is recommended to be carried out in a special painting suit, some headdress and rubber gloves. These precautions must be observed because dust or hair particles that can get from the human body in the resin will be very difficult to eliminate.

Preparation of epoxide and working conditions

As a rule, epoxy resins for decorative work are supplied in sets that include a resin and a special hardener needed to start the chemical rejection of the product.

Using this material, you need to know the following:

  • Since this process is irreversible, epoxide is necessary to prepare strictly according to the attached instruction, observing the proportions of the ingredients specified by the manufacturer.

Important! It is worth remembering that the proportions of the epoxy resin and the hardener in different manufacturers can differ significantly.

  • To mix the components, 2 dimensional tanks of suitable size and a wand for thorough mixing are needed. First you need to measure the resin, and then pour into it the desired amount of the hardener, after which mix the mixture well until the formation of a homogeneous mass.

Important! If it is not easy to mix, then the finished mass can be bad.

  • The preparation of the epoxy resin table should be located strictly horizontally, otherwise - the tabletop will be uneven and with influx.
  • The form for fill must be completely dry before carrying out work. In addition, it is impossible to allow water to enter the solution and on the working surface.
  • The manufacture of the design should be made at temperatures above +22 degrees and low humidity.

Important! The higher the air temperature, the faster the mixture will stick.

  • Some masters, wanting to accelerate the hardening process of epoxy, use a construction hairdryer or other heating appliances. However, this can contribute to the "boost" of the mixture, followed by the formation of air bubbles.

Important! If in the process of fillings, bubbles still formed, then they should be carefully removed. This can be done with a syringe or a cocktail tube.

  • In order for the frozen resin, the trash or dust particles are preferably used, it is desirable to use special racks with a tarpaulter or film material stretched on them, which will protect the table from the ingress of foreign particles. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the protective coating does not come into contact with the surface of the table top.
  • Since the frozen epoxy is very difficult to remove from the surface, it is necessary to prevent it from entering the floor. To do this, you need to close the floor around the table with a polyethylene film, which, after completing the work, you can simply be thrown away.

Important! If it still has the need to remove the frozen epoxide, then this can be done with a mechanical way or with the help of special solvents.

General principles of manufacture

In order for the epoxy resin table, exactly what you planned it, the pouring of its shape must be carried out at a suitable stage of solidification of the mixture:

  • In the liquid stage, the mixture flows freely with stirring sticks. Such material is perfect for filling the shapes and filling the corners, depression.
  • When epoxide acquires a consistency of honey, it can be used as an adhesive composition.
  • The mixture at the rubber stage - from it you can sculpt different elements.
  • When the resin reaches a solid stage - the product is ready for use for its intended purpose.

The table top can be made monochrome, with different intersions, with combination of colors and materials or completely from epoxide. In the latter case, you should make a template (formwork) from aluminum corners and a glass foundation. Glass must be carefully flushed, wipe and process with a degreasing agent. Aluminum bertors must be attached to the glass with the help of window dressing and grate with wax mastics.

Transparent or monochrome table top:

  • The manufacture of a one-color countertop from epoxy resin begins with the cleaning and degreasing of the workpiece.

Important! If the material is used as a basis, which can absorb liquid (for example, wood), then it must be pre-primed by resin. It will make it possible to avoid the occurrence of bubbles when working.

  • At the next step, epoxy resin is prepared, after which it is poured into the form.

Important! If the table is performed in one color, then a color pigment is added to the resin, while it is desirable that the paint be from the same manufacturer as epoxide. If the combined coloring of the table is planned, then in the fill process you need to use a resin with dyes of several shades.

  • After the fill, the countertop is left for about 15 minutes, and then remove bubbles (if any).
  • After two days, there are grinding and polishing of the finished product.
  • After another week, the table is fully prepared for use.

Making Countertops with Filler

The most original embodiment of epoxy resin furniture is a tabletop with a filler, which can use various stones, small figures, coins, bottles and other items:

  • In the manufacture of such a table, it is necessary to thoroughly clean and degrease the workpiece (if necessary - to paint), and also equip it with small sideboards.
  • After that, a filler is laid on the bottom of the base.

Important! Attachments should be carefully cleaned and completely dried, since the use of a wet filler may cause blessing. If the filler has low weight, then it must be glued to the base, otherwise it can pop up.

  • If the filler is characterized by a small height (up to 5 mm) and a simple form, then the resin is poured by one layer. If the attachments are large and have texture, the fill is made in several stages with interruptions duration to a couple of days.
  • For the penetration of epoxide in the deepening of the figure filler, it may be necessary to 3 hours, so experienced specialists advise to pre-immerse the textural details in the resin, only after that lay out them in the form.

The epoxy resin table is the crown of the modern furniture industry. Already that year, similar tables are the subject of luxury capable of truly to decorate. The editorial board has worked in this direction by collecting detailed information about what is the table from epoxy, which species happens, and how you can make it yourself from the girlfriend.

Looking at this or that construction material, always asked how good it is, and whether his advantages are really outweigh all the disadvantages. Positive qualities of epoxy resin are as follows:

  • increased strength to mechanical damage and moisture resistance;
  • long service life;
  • ease of care;
  • the possibility of incarnation of various design solutions;
  • availability for independent work - only a bit of snacks and knowledge of a certain technology are required;
  • low cost - epoxy resin for pouring table tops relatively inexpensive, if we consider it in one row with, solid wood or. And according to quality characteristics, they do not infer at least.

Epoxy resin is not ideal in all sense material. Products from it have disadvantages:

  • sensitivity to processing by any abrasive compositions - remain unpleasant;
  • incorrectly cooked resin may subsequently disrupt the quality of the final product;
  • some types of epoxy resins are not a rack to ultraviolet and eventually begin to give yellow;
  • selection of toxins. They begin to stand out in the atmosphere only with long-term contact with high temperatures, so they are afraid to put a hot dish or a cup on the epoxy table. But to solder on such countertops or burn them is extremely recommended.

Note! Epoxy resin is not ignited and does not melt even when opening with open fire. But it poison the air is pretty.

Types of epoxy resin tables and their features

Looking close to the purchase of a table of epoxy resin and considering prices, you come to the conclusion: in fact, they are all alike. And it is possible to divide such products into several groups.

Table tops from epoxy resin without reference surface

An epoxy countertop is a separately manufactured element that can be both part of the table and in.

You can just just buy a tabletop from epoxy resin and install it on your reference basis. It remains only to choose the right size and favorable design.

Countertops from epoxy resin, wood and other supporting elements

Epoxy resin countertops are also made on any reference structures. Most often it is the basis of, metal, plastic or solid wood. Someone manages to adapt the foundations from old stools and as a support for tabletops.

As a rule, the masters for greater reliability make support elements and a tabletop in a single whole, pouring epoxy directly to them in the pre-installed formwork.

Wooden table with additional filling and epoxy resin

Tables made of wooden elements and epoxy today are incredible popular. At the same time, in many design models there is nothing extraordinary - just beautiful (sometimes the ugly beautiful) rusties, whole wooden arrays, poured by a resin. For example, like tables made of wood and epoxy resin in the photo below.

Other decoration elements can be added to such interesting tables: phosphorus for night glow, marine pebbles, glass, sparkles, seashells - only fantasy creators will be restricted here.

Note! Easy items must be adopted to base, otherwise they will pop up when pouring!

Table of Sleba and Epoxy Resin - Style and Incredible Beauty

Production of tables from wood, or rather from the slab and epoxy resin - the trend of the season. First of all, because Slab is a drink of wood - has a unique texture, shape and drawing. It's like fingerprints: there are no identical sleep, each in its own way is unique. Therefore, products from them are very highly appreciated as aesthetes and manufacturers.

1 of 5.

Make an independently such a table or countertop is not so difficult. It is only necessary to choose the right SLEB and pour into a transparent or painted epoxy resin.

River-river based on epoxy resin

Special attention deserves a table of liquid glass and wood, the so-called "river". In fact, it is two slabs, between which the epoxide of a blue color is flooded, perfectly imitating the water of a clean river. Some models have also completely covering the entire surface. Here, as they say, taste and color.

Some masters are added to phosphorus epoxy, which turns such a table in a kind of night light. Parties with the so-called multistage slab, giving mysteriousness and depths, are particularly interesting. You can also buy tables with fish, reefs and whole marine colonies inside the epoxy filler. But such products are rare. It's easier to make such beauty.

Article on the topic:

: properties, composition, characteristics, selection of the right components and options for using different solvents and plasticizers, instructions for use and overview of relevant prices - read in publication.

If it is decided to buy a table from a tree and epoxy resin: focus on price review and basic quality criteria

Eh, love - so the queen, steal - so Million, buy a table - so from epoxy! If you are a supporter of such views, then pay attention to the small nuances when choosing such furniture, then not to complain about leaving masters.

Immediately it should be noted that any epoxy furniture is handmade. Therefore, a great risk of marriage. Still, the human factor in the manufacture of such furniture plays a crucial role. What should be a high-quality app of epoxy resin:

  • no chips, cracks, scuffs and other defects are even the smallest. Do not hesitate and look under the worktop;
  • we look at the thickness of the countertop - it should be the same on all sides. No slopes and distortions;
  • carefully look at the epoxy - no bubbles, as if the seller nor explained that it is all so necessary for greater decorativeness. Air bubbles in frozen epoxy resin - a sign of incorrect technology of working with it, this sharply reduces the quality of the final product;
  • you need glass on the surface or not - to solve you. Keep in mind that the glass on the table top is the most short-lived element, in contrast to epoxy resin and wood.

As already noted, epoxy resin tables are handmade. So it will cost such an exclusive a lot. For example, small coffee tables can be purchased in the price range from 11,000 to 30,000 rubles - or more expensive. Dining and office tables stand from 50,000 rubles - it all depends on the model and rates of the wizard. Present prices are relevant for September 2018.

Epoxy Table Production Technology

For those who have hands to make their own to independently make a table from epoxy resin, tell me how to do it correctly and inexpensive.

How to choose an epoxy resin for the table - reviews and recommendations

Revising a bunch of video about how easy and easy to work with epoxy resin, so I want to make a tabletop with your own hands. That's just what? A beginner in this area the choice of epoxy can put in a dead end. What kinds and marks do not exist!

"ED-20" - One of the popular and inexpensive resins used both for filling furniture and for decorations. Popularity has deserved its low cost. This plus is equalized by minus - yellow products. Of course, the yellowness is not immediately acquired, but over time, and only if the flooded resin fell by direct sunlight. It is also characterized by increased drig, which is not good when working with a resin, especially for beginners. To solve such problems, you can purchase a plasticizer for epoxy resin - for example, DBF EPOXYMAX.

Review of the plasticizer for epoxy resin DBF EPOXYMAX:

Read more for Otzovik:

"Art Eco" - crystal clear and transparent resin, designed to work with small thickness products, including with countertops. When working, it is recommended to use hardeners. Of the negative points, there is a yellowness on transparent products under direct sunlight. This disadvantage is eliminated by the use of dyes, which can also be purchased from this manufacturer.

«QTP-1130» - the ideal option for pouring tables and countertops, provided that the thickness of the epoxy layer will not be more than 3 mm. It is easy to work with it - no additional plasticizers and hardeners do not need. It has self-leveling, which is very convenient for beginners.

"EP-SM-PRO" - inexpensive composite epoxy resin. It is good for work with a tree. It is uniformly mixed, the bubbles practically does not appear, the transparency is good, freezes to the end and relatively quickly. It has a liquid consistency, which must be taken into account when forming formwork - can leak even through small slots.

Feedback on working with epoxy resin Composite project EP-SM-PRO:

Read more for Otzovik:

"PEO-610KE", "EPOXIASTER 2.0", "EPOXACAST 690". Products from these resins are not afraid and possess crystal transparency. Working with similar compositions is nice - not viscous, quickly and fully frozen, have a small tendency to self-leveling.

"ArtLine Crystal Epoxy" - Suitable for working with jewelry, and for fills there is a small thickness. Liquid, transparent, well aligned with a spatula. Products are obtained transparent and without distortion. Bubbles are practically not formed and easily removed. It has a not very good reaction with some types of dried flowers. If you work with such a filling, determine in advance whether there is a conflict between epoxy and herbarium. Feedback on the use of similar epoxy resin is lower.

Feedback on the use of the ARTLINE Crystal Epoxy Empoxy resin:

Read more for Ozzovik:

"MG-EPOX-STRONG" - Epoxy resin universal destination, more recommended for filling precisely countertops and tables. It has excellent quality and operational characteristics. It is nice to work with it. A large thickness is suitable for filling with various fillers - from weightless phosphorus to heavy pebbles and coins. In this case, no yellowness, high mechanical strength and inconsistency with the effects of high temperatures.

  1. A drawing is done, according to which the supporting structure, formwork and fillers are being worked out in detail, if any.
  2. Depending on the type of epoxy resin, a consistency is selected and the corresponding breeding proportions for further work.

Note! Some formulations are not bred, you can work almost immediately - and this leads to the rise in the cost of the final product.

Production of supporting design

In our small master class, consider how you can make a simple one of the most affordable materials, having received designer furniture as a result.

Illustration Description of action

It will take: two circles of wood, which will perform the role of rack, glue, better on epoxy based, thick furniture border, epoxy resin itself and filler - beer covers. In our workshop used purchased design.

We collect the reference design. Carefully degrease the surface and soil.

Preparation of formwork and filling

We make the first fitting - lay out the filler around the perimeter of the table top to understand what thickness to glue the furniture tape.

Illustration Description of action

It all depends on the thickness of the decor, it is necessary that it can be drifting in an epoxy at least half.

Gently glue the tape on the worktop, as it is not just a formwork, but part of our table.

We post the decor on the table top just as it will look in the final edition. I remember the location and remove everything.

We take glue and apply on the back side of the lid.

We glue all the covers to the tabletop. We do it carefully, as each subtext of the adhesive will be visible on the transparent surface.

Preparation of epoxy

How to prepare an epoxy resin - prompts the instruction on the package. In our case, we used Epoxy Master 2.0. This is a two-component composition. If you need to add colors, add the kel only to the "A" component before getting the desired shade. Mix thoroughly.

Note! So that the pigment is better dissolved, put it for some time to the battery or on a water bath, the temperature of which will not be more than 40 ° C, but not less than 30 ° C. If the resin is overheated, it can be thrown out.

Add a component "b" - hardener, in a 100: 35 ratio, as indicated in the instructions. Mix thoroughly. If suddenly bubbles were formed, then the resin can be heated with a hairdryer, while stirring until they disappear. The shelf life of the resulting solution is approximately 7 hours.

How to fill with an epoxy resin countertop

The most important stage of work is pouring resin. The most important thing here is to accurately follow the instructions. The diluted composition gently poured from the middle. Under the weight of his gravity, he will start align. If the table top is large, then expand the fill radius. When the entire volume to the edges of the formwork will be filled, as accurately smash the epoxy resin smoking. If the surface has not been lifted with a formwork thickness - most accurately add missing grams and align again. Leave to stick our worktop to the end.

In principle, we received the final product that can be used in your pleasure. Using "Epoxy Master 2.0" does not imply the final grinding of the product. But if she is still needed, we recommend to take a look at the video, how do the epoxy resin table do it yourself.

Epoxy resin, though harmless in the frozen state, but the working can cause skin irritation and mucous membranes. Therefore, we work with it only in good quality rubber gloves - without the risk of sudden shash. Such gloves will need to be thrown immediately after a single fill session.

We also do not forget about glasses, respirator. The latter can not wear - everything depends on the type of epoxy used. Carefully read the instructions before buying. We also close all parts of the body of clothing - no open skin. We definitely work with epoxy only in well-ventilated premises, where you and your households do not sleep and are not in a row more than 5 hours. If the time of frozen resin is more than 3 days, it is necessary to acquire dust and organic filters.

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There are various options for kitchen tables - classic and original, wood, MDF, glass and other materials. You can make such furniture and your own hands. It is incredibly beautiful that the epoxy resin table looks, because this material allows you to create unique structures, real art objects.

Features of the material

Epoxy resin is often used in master classes for the manufacture of jewelry, crafts, sculptures and interior items. A transparent epoxide, having a huge scope for fantasy, uses extremely popular. The composition of the fill epoxy includes synthetic compounds of oligomers, alcohols, a number of other components. To obtain the desired properties to the tool, it is necessary to pour the hardener - only after this resin can harden.

Depending on the amount of hardener, the introduction of other substances, resin for products can gain different characteristics. It is capable of becoming solid or turn into glue, be super-duty or similar rubber. For the bay of dining tables, it is necessary to use solid resins, both to create new furniture and the restoration of the old. It is such a coating that will be resistant to abrasion and durable.

Advantages and disadvantages of camegrounds from epoxy

A huge advantage of products is their unique design. The tabletop can have any kind of wishes the user. To decorate chairs, coffee tables, kitchen and even writing tables, various materials are used - pieces of wood and glass, spis stumps, stones, foil and glitter, sawdust and sand. Seashells, marble crumb, pebbles, souvenirs and money, dry flowers and leaves are used. The resin can be painted in any color up to the most saturated tone, achieve the effect of the landscape, the sea, rivers, etc.

Other advantages of products are:

  • full waterproofability, the possibility of washing;
  • tolerance of many household funds;
  • lack of shrinkage during operation, preservation of shape, primary color;
  • the absence of deformations and reactions to moderate mechanical impact.

When choosing this technology, it is necessary to take into account its disadvantages. The cost of the table in the kitchen, in the living room, the table tops in the bathroom will be high. Consumption per 1m2 epoxy is large, can leave 10-20 liters of resin and more. If the sequence of actions is disrupted, air bubbles will appear inside inside, to get rid of which is difficult.

Types and constructive table features

Usually, there are precisely countertops using epoxies. The legs of the table are better made of a different material, although they can also be poured. There are different options for tables:

  • transparent without base;
  • with the basis of sleep, boards, other parts of wood;
  • combined;
  • with different filling.

Designs without reference surface

If we make a massive or miniature transparent worktop without support, you need to make a form for it. The view of it is any, right up to the bizarre. It is in such tables that the LED backlight is often used, glowing neon elements, "lightning". The bay table with the addition of water is originally - there will be real space objects on the surface. The minus of undoubted tables can be called the need for careful operation.

Table tops of wood and epoxy resin

The combination of oak, Karagach (Elm), pine and other wood with epoxy very popular. The resin can be used in a transparent form or paint at will. Matte bases look worse, as wooden inserts are visible bad. You can handle the paint wood sleep, make it brighter or luminous.

Another option, how to make the table - pour the wooden base resin, boxes are suitable, old boards. Over the base for the table, you can take the painted paint plywood surface, LDSP under marble. You can even base the picture, still life, drawing.

Wooden epoxy wooden tables

Such products imply the manufacture of a full-fledged wooden table - round, square, original. Decor (color pebbles, seashells, plants, cones, painted bolts and nuts, coffee beans, buttons) are scattered on it. Beautifully looks sleeping hemp with moss, choped pieces of logs. Further, the table is poured with an epoxy mixture with a thick layer, over the edges of imposing flights.

Salla and Epoxy Tables

Slab (blind) is called a solid massive plate of wood, stone. The stone table flooded with epoxy resin is too heavy, but from a wooden slab product will be successful. It is required to prepare SLEB with such characteristics:

  • tree thickness - 5-15 cm;
  • spiel - longitudinal, without treated edge;
  • the array is solid, there are no bonding sites;
  • the drawing is beautiful, rich, with bitch, interesting texture.

Ready Slab can be bought, order in a woodworking company. How much it will cost, depends on the size, type of wood, material quality.


The river on the table is an interesting version of the decor, often it is adjacent to the volcanic lava. In the center of the table top there is an insert, resembling a river that flows through a mountain gorge. Insert has a blue, blue-green color, the base is usually performed from the wood array. At the bottom of the "reservoir" you can put pebbles, sinks. The shape of the table make any - rectangular, oval, round or square.

Selection of a resin for the manufacture of a table

What to choose a resin for creativity? The epoxy grades are diverse, the best that has a long period to frozen and is absolutely transparent. If the properties of the material are different, the time for the layer-by-layer fill will increase, the resin itself can boil - overheat and spoil. The basic resins of the ED-20 type are not suitable due to the denotoms. After hardening on the table there will be replacement air bubbles. Transparency of cheap basic resins leaves much to be desired, and their strength is not always on top.

What a resin is suitable for the table? A number of funds are suitable for furniture production:

  1. Art array. Based composition based on a modified epoxy resin. Allows you to pour a layer with a thickness of 60 mm.
  2. "Epoxy Master." This resin is easily freezing with a layer of 5 cm, perfectly fills the hard-to-reach areas. The reactivity of the medium is medium, because it can be working on large products with it.
  3. "Art-Eco" from the valve. This material is poured only with thin layers, but it is racks for the formation of cracks, it allows the use of acrylic kokes.
  4. EPOXACAST 690. Transparent jewelry resin, perfectly suitable for pouring small elements on the table.
  5. PEO 610KE. The Russian resin, not yellow, does not turbulent, it does not have a darkening from ultraviolet.

Counting the number of epoxy resin

In order not to be mistaken, you need to carefully calculate the volume of consumable resin. Each manufacturer indicates the exact consumption of the material, but the differences between the brands are small. 1-1.1 kg of mass is consumed per square meter of the surface on a layer of 1 mm thick. You need to multiply this amount on the estimated thickness in millimeters and the quadrature, adding a little material on the error.

Table do it yourself - technology

For the manufacture of a table, you need to familiarize yourself with the instructions and step by step to observe all items. It is important to remember that the epoxy quickly freezes at room temperature, so it should work with it faster. Some are interested, is it possible and why heat the burner resin? It is prohibited to warm the pouring from above, it is immediately deformed. Other rules for work with epoxy:

  • do not forget about security measures, apply a respirator, gloves, glasses to not harm health;
  • work only in a well-ventilated room;
  • do not allow sunlight to frozen resin, it can yellow;
  • do not make squeezed movements when mixing two components (resin and hardener), otherwise not to avoid the appearance of air bubbles;
  • do not freeze the worktop until complete readiness - the material is happening;
  • do not forget about polishing, covering protective varnish.

The composition is badly hardening with high humidity, therefore it must be adjusted in the work room. To increase the curing rate of the solution increase the temperature in the room, but not hearing the product directly.

Necessary materials

Depending on the selected model, various accessories may be required:

  • resin in the right amount;
  • acrylic paints, interior;
  • malyary Scotch;
  • wooden wands for the separation of countertops by sectors;
  • jars (containers) to knead the resins of different colors;
  • spatula for the distribution of resin on the tabletop;
  • small sandpaper for grinding or grinding;
  • construction level, laser;
  • necessary decor;
  • boards;
  • self-tapping screws, screws for wood;
  • morilka;
  • plywood shape;
  • individual protection means;
  • wood hacksaw;
  • cellofan for covering the filled product.

Drawing up sketch

To perform a sketch, it is better to apply to someone who has experience in modeling, if it is decided to prepare a complex product. Newcomers are better to start making tables with simple structures. It is necessary to calculate the size, all sides of the product, draw them on paper, not forgetting to mark the location of the decor.

Production of supporting design

Step-by-step instructions for the construction of the table begins with the creation of support. When the support technology is not provided, this item is passed. Usually the framework makes from plywood, wood, less often from metal. In the latter case, the welding machine will be required, because it is infrequently used by this technique. The form, the size of the structure is chosen taking into account the dimensions of the future table.

Preparation of formwork and filling

The tabletop can be a whole or consist of separate parts. Depending on the needs prepare formwork, the edges of which should be as smooth as possible. All joints are sealed with silicone, so that the resin is not leaked through the holes. The formwork is installed on the base, inside the decorative elements. Next, they are individually neatly lined to the base, without allowing adhesion to perform, otherwise it will be visible in a transparent resin.

Before the fill of the countertops, the form needs to be deguted. How to cover support so that the resin does not stick? For this purpose, special primers or wax formulations are implemented. Also, the inner surface can be coated with transparent polyethylene film.

Preparation of epoxy

Epoxy resin knead strictly on the applied instructions. Any composition is two-component. Keefs are added only in the resin until the hardener is introduced, mix well. Paint should be pre-heat up to + 30-35 degrees so that it is better intervened. It is impossible to heat stronger - it can spoil the resin!

Next to the main component add a hardener. Typically, the ratio is 10: 3.5, but may vary depending on the grade of the resin. Mass are carefully smeared, but without sharp movements so that bubbles do not appear. When they are presented, it is carefully blowing on the epoxy with warm air from the hair dryer, simultaneously stirring. The composition should be poured within 5-7 hours, it has a limited expiration date, therefore it will not be possible to intervene the mass at once in several layers.

Right fill

Start the fill should be started depending on the poverty of the solution and the needs of the master:

  • liquid texture - used to fill multiple depressions, corners, such a mass is easily drained from the sticks;
  • "Liquid Honey" - more damaging epoxy, allows you to create drops, lenses, a small decor, also used for filling round countertops;
  • "Thick honey" - better suitable as glue, for infusion is unsuitable;
  • The "rubber" resin is already half the frozen material, but it is possible to sculpt products from it, like plasticine.

In one layer, epoxy is poured up to 5-6 cm thick. Otherwise, you will have to perform work in several goals, but only after a complete curing of the first layer. They pour the resin with a thin flowing from the center, for which the wooden wand is lowered into the solution. After making a lot to drain on it. From above, the solution is aligned with a spatula.

Grinding and lacquer coating

Some resins do not imply grinding, others need to be subjected to finish-handling. Only the smallest sandpaper is useful for polishing, it is impossible to take a rude material. Work is carried out at a slow pace, so that the surface does not overheat. It is better to pour the water to gradually for a timely heat removal. To complete the operation, the base is covered with protective varnish.

Care attendant

On the table top it is impossible to put hot pots, dishes - it will melt. For care, only a soft cloth is used - wool, flannel. A damp cloth remove severe pollution, then wipe dry. You can not use abrasives, aggressive products, acetone, alcohol. It is harmful to countertops and heavy items - when dropping the product may be spoiled. In compliance with these tips, the table will serve for a long time without complaints!