Repairs Design Furniture

Painting lining inside the house - photo interiors, best ideas, technology. Painting lining. Decorative and antiseptic impregnations, bleach, oil and acrylic paints, alkyd enamel. Preparatory work and painting How to paint the old lining

Natural tree - what could be better? In addition, most of the most enjoyed plastic and wallpaper, they decided to switch to an environmentally friendly material. Moreover, naturalness came into fashion. How to paint the lining- The question of many. To buy faithful paint you need to approach very carefully, because the wrong option will be able to spoil all the work. Therefore, it is not entirely strange that at prices it takes a leading place, but as not strange almost everyone dreams of such a material. Yes I. the cost directly depends on the type of wood. If you decide to sneak the walls with lining or they have already from this material, then the question of how to paint the lining will be by itself. The walls of the walls from this material can pass both outside and inside the house. But many builders and designers prefer the second option.

Wooden facade - This is definitely very beautiful, and it looks rich, but do not forget that wood as nobody is influenced by the environment and different precipitation. And this elevated humidity is very bad for it. From here there is a completely logical question, for which the painting of the lining indoors is needed. There, there is no snow, no rain, no other weather precipitation. Of course, there are cases when wood do not paint, but leave in her natural appearance. Undoubtedly, the tree has its own definite pattern, the color, the pattern, in addition to this it looks always and everywhere is immaculate, but painting is still needed.

Why does the lining need painting?

1. This material is a leafAnd it is very quickly flamped. Naturally, not even the most expensive coating will give a hundred percent warranty from fire, but there are special protective formulations, or as they are also called antipyrenes. They increase the protection of the material to a greater degree.

2. Any natural material after a certain time starts to deteriorate, that is, rot. Antiseptics help this process prevent or slow it. Forever get rid of the rotting of the tree is impossible. The lining can not be painted, but it is simply necessary to apply an antiseptic.

3. Coverage data serve to protect against any damage. Stayed with a thick layer on wood, it takes the entire blow to itself and does not allow the intruder to get to the material itself.

4. Under the influence of the Sun, wood darkensand not brighten up as it would be assumed. That is why protective coatings repel the rays of the sun and thus retain the natural shade of the tree.

5. Attraction of lining. Colorless varnishes give wood not only shine, but also a little shadow it. In addition, there are paints that drastically change the color of the material if you need it.

What are the materials for painting lining?

To the wood after painting had a beautiful color, in front of the procedure itself, the paint should be thoroughly stirred. To the question - what is the best for painting? There is no unequivocal answer. After all, the choice of suitable entirely depends on what exactly you want to achieve. If your goal is to protect the lining from different pests, it's enough simple antiseptic. In case of desire to add shine, then you need to apply varnish. If you create a lining of a certain shade, then the coating for the decoration will fit just right. Today in the construction programgations there is a fairly large selection of funds for different coatings and impregnations. Purely theoretically actually divide two groups: tools for protection and for decoration.

Protective means.

As already mentioned, the most popular - antipyrenes, they retain a tree from the fire. But the highest quality option is factory processing, because it is done under huge pressure. Processing personally will not create due results. Before painting wood, it needs to be worked out with an antiseptic to protect against insects and rotting. The antiseptic is a drug that destroys various bacteria, and also prevents their active reproduction. Many use only them. When purchasing these funds, pay attention to the type of substance. The packaging should be indicated for internal work. If you want to protect wood without changing her shade, then this is the perfect option.

Another way is acrylic varnish. It is made to protect and decorate simultaneously. It can be written. There is an option - first apply a transparent varnish, and after the remedy with the desired tint, with this scenario, the pattern and texture of the tree will not change. If the building material in the house is in such a room, where residents are not always located, for example, a balcony. You can always use synthetic varnish. True, its composition includes chemicals that, as research prove, bring harm to man. But such a means to fall very smoothly and gives the luster lining. Excellent competing make up waxing. They give a very beautiful shade of matte, and at the same time protect wood from pests. But they are inherent the main minus is very difficult to apply..

Coatings for decoration. Oil-based paint is perfectly absorbed into the lining. Does not let water, but after a small amount of time loses its color. With this coating, it means that the natural color of the tree will not be visible. They are suitable for further coatings, because originally natural shade is not worth the hide. Over time, the lining darkens. Yes, and most just want to change something in their home, so they resort to such paintings. Designers advise not to paint wood in a dark color, as the relief is completely lost, but paint in bedtime will be an excellent option.

Oil paint occupies a leading position. For a long time is in the arena of building materials. It perfectly falls into the top layer of the lining, retains it well from the water. At the same time, the whole shade will not fade. The disadvantage of this, the means can be attributed: long drying and very saturated resistant smell. It is impossible to apply it in the cold season, because there is no possibility to ventilate the territory. If a lining painted Oil paint, then it is no longer able to breathe normally. All these minuses were taken into account by manufacturers, and they released another model - acrylate. It dries very quickly and it is not peculiar to such a resistant chemical smell. Paint saves its color and gloss for a very long time, very elastic and steamproof. This suggests that even when exposed to severe frosts or a large influence of the Sun, the surface will not crap. Color and gloss do not change even when exposed to harmful rays. Chief of her Minus - the price is much more oily. Acrylic lacquerit was made precisely for internal treatments, because it is not toxic, does not harm people, suitable for children's premises. If you dream only to change the shade of wood, then the veil will be a good option.

TOaki Insare driven for painting lining?

You will need: gloves, stepladers, bucket, small and medium sandpaper, paintopult, work clothes, brushes of the desired size, metal brush, small capacity, primer, wood bleach (possibly and not useful), painting stuff.

Initial wood preparation

Before the tree is painted, it needs to be processed from any dirt if it is not done, the paint will be lazy. Of course, on what materials and funds you have chosen, the entire process of cooking before painting depends. Preparatory processes can be divided into 2 types: painting new wood and re-staining. If you purchase lining, choose the one that is already processed by an antiseptic. As already mentioned the factory method much better than home. In the absence of an antiseptics on the lining, first of all, clean it from excess garbage. Only after that apply a layer of funds.

The most suitable option is deep penetration agent. After you need to wait the necessary time specified in the instructions and you can paint the surface. If the lining recently acquired, it is better to be processed before installation, since in this case it will be protected full. If the wood is old, and has already been painted before, then you need to remove the layer of paint using a metal brush. Just do it need it carefully so that the lining is not damaged. If cracks occur, you will have to process the upper layer. There are moments when after removing the previous paint, a tree darkening was found, bleaching agents are used to remove it. If they do not cope with the forces, you should use a brightening veil. After completing these works, you must apply groundovka-antiseptic. It is applied to the surface with a lined tint if the wood was made lighter, then it is possible to cover the lining of the primer only after its complete drying. But before it is applied, the surface must be pulled by small emery paper. And only after its complete drying, you need to start applying the paint itself.

1. Each type of staining agent needs a certain amount of layers, it is often 1-2. But this information needs to be specified in the store.

2. Do not use a thick layer. It is a hundred percent vague, and the period of this coverage is non-dust. It is better to paint with several thin layers than one large.

3. When applying various means, the brush should move along the surface without breaking away from it. It should not be crushed with a lot of power on it, it is enough so that only the tips of the Village in contact with the clapboard.

4. Immediately prepare thin brushes for hard-to-reach places.

5. In addition to the brush, you can use the painting roller, there will be no vain from it on the clapboard.

Environmentally friendly lining is used to cover the walls and ceiling. It is the main element of the interior in ethno and eco styles. You wish to keep the unique drawing of natural lines or make the walls inside the smooth, original color, you will need impregnation and painting of the lining. Transparent varnish will emphasize the solar shade of pine and create a unique mood of the south of France - the style of Provence. Braching will make wood and make a convex pattern.

Lining in the interior of eco and ethno styles

My friend became interested in wooden lining wall. He came to know what paint for the lining will fit. How to separate the bedroom and the nursery. At the same time, Vadik wanted to build a bath and clarify me which tree to order and harmless materials to protect it from moisture.

The sheltered room gives the feeling of comfort and restores the strength. This ability of wood is used in many modern styles. Painting of the clan in Scandinavian style is made in white matte varnish, does not require complex works. Bright furniture objects and decor are distinguished on a light background. Country topics prefers to leave the wood pattern natural, painted preferably with varnishes.

Eco styles are distinguished by natural materials painted in natural colors. Internal works use water-based paints. Each ethno style has its own characteristics and before painting the lining, it is necessary to decide on the subject:

  • rustic - Russian;
  • cottage;
  • colonial;
  • scandinavian;
  • provence;
  • country;
  • natural.

The most popular interiors in the style of Provence. They are collected warm and uniqueness of the village south of France. The room radiates the golden colors of the Sun and Sea Beach. To create an atmosphere of the style of Provence, you need to make a number of works, bringing a tree to a gentle state to paint it:

  • clear surface;
  • make aging;
  • impregnate protective compositions;
  • covered varnish in several layers.

For external work, water-repellent materials are resistant to solar radiation. Wear-resistant paint and alkyd varnishes are selected for the floor. For work indoors, natural impregnation and paints without smell are preferable.

Why soep and paint lining

The fibrous texture of the tree is well holding heat, absorbs the noise and breathes. It loves to shave insects and rodents. Natural material absorbs moisture, creating conditions for the development of fungal pores. When wetting he swells, changing his sizes.

Dry wood is not afraid of temperature drops. But it burns out and darkens from sunlight. The most important enemy of the tree is a fire. Inside the placement of the furnace and fireplaces are planted by a stone without giving them to concern the tree.

To preserve all the qualities of wood and protection against the effects of destructive factors, impregnation and painting of the lining are made. To do this, created:

  • antipirens - increase fire resistance;
  • antiseptics are distilled off insects and do not develop fungus;
  • wax, oils, varnishes, paints do not let moisture.

Formulations can be mixed and combine several functions. Antipirens and antistics are applied on all surfaces of the board before working on the walls of the walls and the ceiling. They can be used in turn and be in paint.

The lesing compositions emphasize the texture of the selected wood lining

Solving the question than to paint the lining, it is necessary to take into account the features of various materials. The lesing compositions of translucent with a matte surface emphasize the beauty and uniqueness of natural pattern. They make dark loose areas, giving a certain shade of wood. In the style of Provence, yellow and white paints are used. To simulate cherries, light deciduous boards are covered with a pink tone. Oak floors are created by chocolate lesing impregnations.

Wax and oils create a glossy surface and retain the natural colors of wood. They protect from moisture. Apply for internal work. Paint the lining by them when creating inside the style of the style:

  • provence;
  • cottage;
  • rustic.

The surfaces of the walls pre-make artificial aging with the help of fire, brash and bleaching.

Oil and acrylate paints used for internal works on wood hide drawing. They create a smooth surface of any selected color. The texture of them can be glossy and matte. The floor for strength is painted on top of alkyd varnishes.

Preparation of the surface of lining under painting

I arrived at Vadik to tell him how to paint the lining and at the same time help prepare the surface of the walls and the ceiling. He wanted to make a room in the style of Provence of the early period. This is a light tree, aged and burnt in the sun, covered with boards ceiling and natural floor.

Most of the Provence Province is covered with vineyards. Farmers are located among the fields and the sea. Sun, rains and salty with sand wind give the walls of houses the corresponding look.

Together with Vadik, we started the preparation of walls in the style of Provence:

  1. Removed all dirt and old coating. Bold stains were washed away, the dust was removed by a vacuum cleaner after everything dried.
  2. Slide the whole surface with fine sandpaper.
  3. Metal brush on the Bulgarian passed through each board, making brash. Soft sections were removed, the solid created the protruding drawing of a drying tree.
  4. Tassel rolled into the antipire tree.
  5. Using the sprayer was covered with antistatic boards.

Now we have left after complete drying to make the wax with a white tint and paint everything from above with a transparent aqualak. Paint for the wallboard will hob the natural color of wood. After the coating in several layers, the texture created by artificial aging will remain. Colors for painting is better to choose bright, natural. Then the style of Provence will look natural.

Finishing lining in bedrooms and residential rooms

Vadik was interested in how to paint boards in the bedroom and what materials are used in the nursery. Various compositions are used for internal work:

  • oil;
  • acrylic;
  • silicone;
  • acrylate;
  • water-emulsion;
  • alkyd.

Oil enamels are the cheapest, have a variety of colors. It is impossible to use them in children's and bedrooms. They create a solid film that repels water. At the same time they do not let the air, have a strong poisoning smell and burn out in the sun.

For staining the lining into a certain color, it is better to use acrylate dyes for internal work. They are odorless, have an average resistance to fire. Under them, the walls breathe.

The most expensive aqualak is environmentally friendly and durable. It consists of natural plant and animal materials. On-based:

  • water;
  • polymeric resins.

Aqualak is environmentally friendly, does not secrete harmful substances and retains the tree well. Its lack of rapid erasure and low strength. This is the perfect option for finishing a wooden ceiling. On acrylic basis, it is suitable for wood processing indoors. It is transparent, when you need to obtain a color to add pigments.

Attention! All paints and varnishes for wood during finishing work should be constantly mixed.

Alkyd varnishes are the most durable for the floor

Wooden floors made of massive board and lining paint composition with elevated erasing resistance. After drying, they form a solid film that repulsive water. These are mostly paints:

  • water-emulsion;
  • oil;
  • polyurethane;
  • epoxy;
  • alkyd;
  • rubber.

Oil enamel has a strong smell and requires long-term ventilation. It is cheaper than other materials, but quickly wear out. Color You can choose any, but it will unbashes over time. After three years, shine disappears. Extend its service and keep color can coating alkyd varnish.

Durable and well protect the floor epoxy two-component paints. They are used in places with high intensity of movement of people: offices and public premises.

A friend was interested in how to paint the floor on the floor to keep the beauty of the board, emphasize the interior in the style of Provence, and can be used in the nursery.

Rubber paint is based on latex. It is plastic, wear-resistant and durable with a matte surface resembling rubber.

For floors, it is important to keep the drawing of high-quality wood. The optimal option is an alkyd composition. It is applied on top of colored boards and creates a solid solid film that is resistant to impacts and erasure. The term of his service is 5 - 10 years.

Wood preservation materials in the bath

In the apartment located in the high-rise building, I built a sauna. The handling of the wallboard did such as in the bath at the cottage. Now I helped my friend.

For the bath it is selected wood hardwood. It does not contain a resin and has a low thermal conductivity. The boards must be soaked with antistatic to the walls of the walls. Special attention is paid to the ends. Vadik and I made marking and cutting clap. Iptire everything with a special composition containing the flame retardant and antiseptic.

When the trim was completed, walked by Morilka. It will further protect the wood. Completed painting with three thin layers of aquulak.

All who in the trim in their home or bath used wooden material, for example, the lining, had to decide on the feasibility of her painting in different colors or coatings with a certain composition.

If the decision was made that the coating on the tramp must be, the following difficulty causes the definition of a specific means for painting. Therefore, it should be familiar with the proposed materials and subtleties of their applications.

What is it painting?

It is paramount that it comes to mind, who had a question about the need to cast the lining indoors - is it worth doing this at all? All the events available for and against such an event will help clarify the situation.

Wood coated:

Without cover:

  • If the material for the plating was not too expensive, then it can be periodically conduct it to replaceAfter all, wood processing agents are not cheap.
  • Those who like the color of the old tree may not resort to the use of wood coating.

Tools for processing

As for the funds themselves, which are used to handle lining indoors, then they have Separation Depending on the functions performed and available properties:

  1. Protective action
  2. The compositions necessary to preserve the integrity of the wood structure, which insects, fungi, rotting processes are disturbed, and also prevent drying. This is usually a primer or impregnation.

Features that should be paid attention to by choosing decorative coating:

  • Color.
  • Such a feature of paint or varnish is selected depending on the interior of the room. Interior design can be chosen by photo on the Internet.

    Using pigmentation tools, you can make the zoning of the room or visually expand the space by applying light colors in painting.

    And you can choose the composition without a pigment, which stress the wooden texture.

  • Structure.
  • For many, components are very important. composition of chemicals, namely the absence of those that are harmful to the body.

    All paints or varnishes, on which there is a prefix "Bio" do not bear dangers for a person. They are used to cover indoors.

  • Manufacturer.
  • At such a criterion, it is worth paying attention to not to overpay "for the brand." There are many options for paints and varnishes produced in the Russian Federation, which in quality is not inferior to European.

How to handle the lining?

Another nuance that can not be circumvented by defining in the area for staining lining indoors - this is a painting place. In order not to be mistaken in the parameters of the selected processing agent, you should know the characteristics of the choice for the premises of different types.

Bath or steam room

Due to the fact that the temperature regime in this room is always increased, it should be abandoned to paint its walls.

It is only necessary to handle the walls with a composition that will provide lining protection. These are believed to wax estate varnishes. It is also worth knowing that the substance applying in the saoo itself should be carried out one-layer, in the pre-tribades can be treated in two or three layers.


Considering that the open space of a balcony or veranda is exposed to various environmental factors, it should be initially applied to the lining soil, then paint or varnish.

Inside the house

The first requirement for the selected means for processing in such a place is the degree of environmental friendliness, the maximum environmentally friendly means should be selected.

The processing process itself depends on the selected tool, but it is advisable to conduct in several layersEspecially if it is paint or pigmented varnish.

Examples of interior design with stained clapboard:

Stages of staining:

  1. The application of any paintwork is carried out under the conditions of temperature regime within 5-30 degrees above zero.
  2. This parameter can be changed by the manufacturer, which will be indicated on the package. If the temperature is below the indicated, it throws the freezing of the composition, and if it is too high, then dry the coating can be dried by uneven fragments.

  3. Movement when painting should be top down.
  4. Paint before applying is desirable to dilute to a more liquid consistency, like milk.
  5. This will allow to apply thin layers Paints will significantly save time, strength and consumption of paint, and also accelerate drying.

  6. That part of the lining, which is not necessary to paint, is recommended to be saved with the help of painting tape.
  7. Those places that are located near Scotch better painted using small brushUsing the minimum amount of means. So you can be sure that the composition does not fall under the tape and the stainable surface will be flat on the edges.

    Painting Wasch and Oil Waste - Watch Videos:

If the paint bored and the wallpaper in the wall decoration and it is necessary to come up with new and fresh solutions, it is worth paying attention to the natural and practical trend in the interior - wooden panels. The most popular option is the lining - it can have a smooth, rough or wavy surface and is perfect for decoration of walls in a country house or bath.


The lining can be applied when creating a modern interior in the panel apartment, as well as during decorating balconies, loggias and open terraces.

Wooden lining has a lot of advantages:

  • environmentally friendly material;
  • adjustment of visual geometry of the room;
  • simple and quick installation;

  • strength and resistance to mechanical damage;
  • it is not necessary to additionally prepare walls and overlaps before mounting the lining;
  • durability and practicality;
  • perfectly combined with other natural and artificial materials: stone, tiles, textiles, leather, wallpaper;

  • hides the flaws of walls and overlaps;
  • allows you to hide wiring and other communications;
  • is an excellent heat and soundproofing material;
  • it is possible to change the color and design of the walls not once.

The material also has its drawbacks. The main minus is the high cost and a decent load on the wall. It should also be borne in mind that the tree is although it is an environmentally friendly material, but it is subject to rotting, so the lining requires proper care and operation. First of all, the boards must be treated with paints and other special compositions for wood, as they have protective properties and allow you to prevent mechanical defects and other damage.

Types of colors

It often happens that household owners get tired of natural wood shades in the interior and want to update the color of the walls by painting cladding. All means for wood are divided into two types: decorative and protective. Some are intended for interior design, the second - to increase the service life.

All means for wood can be conditionally divided into several categories, each of which solves certain tasks.

  • Protective means.Used both with outdoor and interior decoration. From the name of such funds it is clear that they must be used to protect the surface from different types of influences: mold, moisture and ultraviolet. Such formulations have several degrees of protection and slow down the process of aging material. For example, ultraviolet protective equipment retain natural wood pattern and struggle with color change and darkening. Such compositions must be used to protect the lining on the balcony, terrace or any other areas subject to direct sunlight. When processing a wooden surface, it is necessary to apply a small means of means - for this you can use a wet brush.

  • Tinting agents and verses.These substances form a thin layer on the surface and give it a darker shade. Such formulations do not have protective properties. They are chosen when it is necessary that the tree "breathe". The structure of the toning agent itself can be weakly or strong: the weaker composition, the annual drawing remains expressed. Thus, you can adjust the degree of surface painting. The processed surface surface must be covered with varnish, otherwise the boards will seem dirty.

  • Varnish.This substance is used when processing wood inside the house. It can make the surface of matte, semi-wax or glossy, and also to give a pigmented color. If you mix the lacquer with a copper, then the composition will get a uniform shade, which can be applied into one layer. But experts recommend to apply transparent layer, and then add coloring pigments. Varnishes on a water basis form a thin film, but the dirt and dust are not absorbed. Acrylic varnishes are considered the most harmless and perform two functions at once: protective and decorative. Also in some varnishes, manufacturers add protective components from ultraviolet. Similar funds are recommended to use on the summer cottage or in the bath.

  • Paint.This composition has a more dense texture through which a natural wood pattern is not visible. The material protects the surface from mechanical factors, fungi, insects, sun rays, chemicals, moisture and fire. The paint is divided into many groups and happens latex, oil and acrylic. Before painting, experts advise the use of primer or colorless wood lacquer, which will allow you to get a smooth and smooth shade. Just like with the water-level paint, when applied, it retains a factory figure and does not paint it with a dense layer, because at the same time some sites may seem unclaimed or there will be stains. This is a completely natural wood reaction, since the porous surface does not always absorb the paint evenly.

  • Butter.This transparent or pigmented substance is quickly absorbed into the structure of the tree and does not form a film on the surface. Wood acquires a matte or a little brilliant coating. At the same time, oil protects against absorption of dirt, moisture, dust and lesions with fungus. Pigmented compositions help emphasize the natural wood pattern and texture.
  • Wax-based means.They are a traditional and effective way to protect wood, and moreover, excellent varnish replacement. Manufacturers offer wax in three versions: solid, liquid and water. The last two are ready to apply, and solid wax before use must be heated according to the instructions before the liquid state. But before this, it is necessary to prepare and primed in advance, otherwise the wax may lie unevenly.

  • OlifeThis composition has recently lost its popularity. Initially, the Olife gives the tree a pleasant golden shade, but after 2-3 years, the surface darkens and begins to stick. Modern manufacturers offer mixed formulations for finishing wooden surfaces both outside and inside the house. You can select impregnation with a tinting effect and paint with protective characteristics and oils that have waxes in their composition.


Many household owners prefer not to paint the lining and maintain a natural natural drawing. But in order to extend the initial appearance, the tree still should be processed, otherwise the walls can darken or purchase a blue shade. To get rid of the gray shade on the tree, first will have to grind the upper layer, and then process the surface to protect against sunlight.

Blue shade will be harder - for this it is necessary to use biological agents. Chlorine and active oxygen will cope with the task. After processing, the surface must be impregnated with a protective composition, and then paint with dense or translucent paint.

Natural woody shade harmoniously complement not all interiors, so the walls can be painted. A large selection of coloring methods allows you to create an exclusive coating. To do this, it is important to choose the color of the paint. Do not forget about ordinary rules: bright shades visually expand the space, and the dark, on the contrary, make the room less.

  • In the kitchen interior, warm and calm shades are perfect: yellow, orange, pink and peach.

  • The living room has a perfectly honey-golden shade in combination with a natural wood pattern. The interior can be diluted with light shades or bright and catchy colors.
  • For the office you can choose natural woody colors. In this case, Oaks look great, but the lighting should be well thought out in the room. Also tune in to the worker will help cold tones.

  • In the bedroom it is better to use wood shades or bright and neutral colors. It also looks great in white color when finishing walls in the bedroom.
  • In the nursery, you can use any colors, but psychologists advise to abandon bright and saturated tones - it is better to choose quiet and measure bright shades. They will not only create a special playful mood, but will help the child to relax and tune in to sleep and rest.
  • Painted in gray and blue color lining will create a feeling of damp and cold, so similar shades are wiser to use in sun rooms.

Walking can be mounted in various ways.

  • Vertically.Allows you to visually lift the ceiling. This technique is particularly well used in combination with light shades.
  • Horizontally.Helps visually pull out the wall and create an extended space effect.
  • Diagonal.Create a special dynamics in the interior and will allow you to make a spectacular focus on the wall or ceiling.
  • Alternating.Allows you to create a special charm with a simple reception. For example, you can depict various figures on the wall: a Christmas tree, steps and other combinations that will create a fantasy of the owner of the housing.


When choosing a coating for lining, it is important, first of all, focus on the style and the overall idea of \u200b\u200bthe design you want to create. Impregnation and varnishes are suitable if you need to maintain a natural wood pattern. The wooded shade under the antique is perfect for the style of country or Provence.

Classic English style cannot be imagined without the use of wood.To recreate a unique and exquisite style, you can use the lining that you need to install from below to a third or middle of the wall, and the upper part can be issued with wallpaper or paint.

The lining can harmoniously fit into the modern and fashionable style of High-tech, but for this it is necessary to carry out work on covering wall paints with metal particles or pearl.

Bright shades of wood can be perfectly combined with an attractive eco style. The cleanliness and preservation of the natural pattern in combination with bright greens look appropriate and harmoniously both in the city apartment and in a country cottage.

For the Scandinavian style you can also use the liningBut in this case, all the boards must be painted in white.

In some cases, it is appropriate to a combination of several colors when painting one wall. For example, the lower part can be covered with a dark tint, and the upper - light, and you can alternate two different colors to highlight horizontal or vertical strips. It is worth taking care that the paint does not merge on the border of different colors. To do this, it is necessary to use greasy tape and thin brushes - then you can turn a simple wall into a real art object.

How to paint?

You can paint the lining inside the house in any color. To do this, you can use any type of paint - in this case it all depends on the decorative requirements and features of the room.

Below is a step-by-step instruction on painting lining with your own hands.

  • Each plate is checked and sorted. An uneven, cracked or curved lining is sent to the processing, and the parts are unsuitable for finishing the parts are used to test color or varnish.
  • After sorting the board, they are reproached from pollution and polluted with a special typewriter. If there is no such tool at hand, then you can use under your hand: wooden bars with sandpaper.
  • The primer and protective agents are applied with a spray or roller.

  • In a wet and unheated room, experts recommend using the wood extremely processed from all sides so that the material does not lose the original appearance. After complete drying, you can move to decorative finish: paint or varnish coating.
  • To obtain the best effect in the room, designers strongly recommend to process each item in turn. To do this, polish, paint and dry all the planks and only after that move to the installation.
  • The coating must be applied with a brush or roller along the central part of the lining for the entire length. The paint is thoroughly rubbed and grows up to obtain a smooth homogeneous shade. For this, you will need two brushes: medium thickness and narrow format. The painted surface must be completely dry, so after that boards are set aside for several minutes.

  • After complete drying, you can additionally repeat the surface grinding. Then another or more paint layers are applied - it all depends on the effect that needs to be obtained. The paint applied by thin layers is kept longer than one thick layer, but the latter should be as thin as possible. Then the lining again goes back to dry.
  • If you paint the finished surface, then untreated areas will remain between the boards, so it will not be able to scroll well. Such a method of finishing is permissible only if color is updated.
  • Staining the old lining is a time-consuming process that requires proper preparation. If in some places on the walls of the paint soldered, then it needs to get rid of it. To do this, with the help of a construction dryer, you should heat the wall surface and remove the upper lacquered or the painted layer. After that, the lining must be grinding and rejected again.

Over time, any protective coating loses its properties.Therefore, periodically, the boards must be reused with antipirens and bactericidal agents, and also additionally cover the surface with various varnishes. Antipers is used to protect wood from fire, the service life of the coating is up to 5 years, so during this period it is necessary to additionally treat the surface to the tool.

With primary application, experts are advised additionally for example, to use a small part of the same wood. The composition is applied to the surface with two layers with a brush or spacing. After a complete drying, the processed part of the plate used for the sample, you need to set fire to the surface should not be lit and smolden, and after 30 seconds it should be black and charred. Bactericidal compositions will help avoid infection with fungus and fight with an existing mold.

Finishing with lining inside the house does not lose popularity for many years. Wooden facing material looks expensive and elegant, fits almost any interior. But sometimes that the covering is better combined with the situation, she needs to give a certain shade. Look at the photo of the interiors - painting the lining inside the house to get an idea, what result you expect. If you find such a designer solution attractive and suitable for your home, you can proceed directly to painting. But before you need to decide what to paint the lining inside the house.

What is the casting lining

Some owners initially mount the lining to paint it into their favorite color. But the rest prefer naturalness and generally refuse to cover. What threatens it? As you know, wood is natural, so sensitive material. Established outside or inside the house, over time, it agrees, loses its original look, and also suffers from negative effects - humidity, temperature. If you do not protect the tree with a coating, after 5 years it will darken, and because of the moisture can be deformed and even crack.

What if you are still a fan of the type of natural wood? It is not necessary to take bright paint for lining for internal work. You can purchase transparent varnishes or special mixtures. Manufacturers offer different types of varnishes that differ in the composition and cost. Each of them has certain properties, on which the region and the effectiveness of their use depends. We will understand which one is suitable for the lining.

Acrylic, alkyd and oil compositions

Acrylic compositions are environmentally friendly and safe, do not have a specific smell, they are very easy to apply. It is used both inside the house and outside. Such a coating will preserve its initial properties for a long time. The main disadvantage is the duration of drying reaches the day. If this is fundamentally for you, it is possible to look at two-component water-based lacas - the coating dry faster, and the surface will acquire additional protection against mechanical effects. Looking at the photo of the interiors of painting lining inside the house, such a composition, you can see that wood retains a natural look. At the same time, it is well protected from negative factors.

Alkyd varnishes are manufactured from alkyd resins and organic components. Apply a substance in any available way. The main properties of the coating - varnish durable and does not miss moisture. Time of complete drying - up to three days. You can speed up the process, mixing the varnish with a special means - hardener.

Oil varnishes are created from components such as resin, vegetable oil oils and organic solvents. They possess good protective qualities. When the lacquer dries (the duration depends on external circumstances), a solid film is formed, which is not afraid of humidity, temperature surges and mechanical damage. Lucky have sample properties - the coating can gain color from yellow to brown. Before painting the lining inside the house of the paint, consider this option - suddenly such a shade approached by natural, you will be suitable.

Polyurethane, epoxy and nitro

Polyurethane compositions may mostly among modern builders. They are cheaper compared to the rest, which does not prevent them from being qualitative. Such coatings are very durable, dry quickly, are not afraid of weather, chemical and mechanical influences. They cover not only lining and furniture, as well as musical instruments and decorative wood products. Minus such a coating is the unpleasant smell and the presence of toxic components.

Epoxy varnishes have high quality, anticipate with atmospheric influences, protect material from mechanical damage. They consist of epoxy resins and organic solvents. They are used for works of various types. The price of varnishes is quite high.

Nitroleki is the most affordable option. They make their sets of components, among which colloxylin, resins, organic elements and plasticizers. They dry very quickly. Apply only for internal work, since the wear resistance of such compositions is very low. Another minus is toxicity.

Types of colors

Basically use paint for lining for internal works of several species: acrylate, oil, water-emulsion.

Acrylate coating well lies on a wooden surface and reliably protects it from adverse effects. It is non-toxic and does not have a sharp smell, which is very important for work in the room. The paint dries quickly, it can be applied at any temperature and humidity - the effect will not be worse. But they will pay for such advantages.

Oil paints are quickly absorbed into the wooden surface, protect it from moisture, dried quite quickly. Of the disadvantages - an unpleasant smell. It is worth considering that such a coating after a few years will lose the primary shine and brightness, and it will have to be abused.

Painting wooden lining with water-level paint is a good solution, as a non-toxic water-free, does not smell, possesses good protective properties and has a varied color palette. It is necessary to take into account that the most effective painting of wooden lining with water-emulsion paint is possible if the room is at the level of +5 degrees.

Watch the photo ideas how to paint the lining inside the house, on the site to create your own original design.

You need to start with cleansing lining and remove old coating layers. So, what to remove the paint from the lining, without damaging it? Safe for wood, but not for human health, a method with the use of special chemical solutions. Applying such toxic means, take care of protection - respirators, gloves, special pieces - and do not forget to spark the room well. After cleaning, the surface must be deguted, for example, White spirit. Machine - removal using a spatula, brush or scraper - you can damage the lining, so you need to be as accurate as possible. For a better effect, dilute the soda in the water (1 to 10 ratio) and wipe the surface.

Another actual problem is how to paint the lining with varnish. First, the lacquer layer must completely dry. Secondly, it is better to take paint on the same basis as varnish, for example, for alkyd varnish alkyd paint. So the paint on the lacquer on the lining will receive the best adhesive qualities.

Do not forget to look at the site of the interior photo - painting the lining inside the house, which will inspire you to create our own unique masterpieces.