Repair Design Furniture

Do-it-yourself shed roof: drawing and step-by-step installation instructions. Shed roofs of one-story houses: the advantages of original solutions Project of a house from foam blocks with a shed roof

A pitched roof is one of the simplest and most affordable options, construction and installation, which can be carried out in the shortest possible time. In order for the roof to be able to cope with the functional tasks and loads assigned to it, it is necessary to carefully approach the development of the project of the truss system. Special attention must be paid to the roofing and the material to be used.

Advantages and disadvantages of a single slope roof

This type of roof is considered one of the simplest in its design and implementation. In some cases, a pitched roof is constructed using reinforced concrete slabs, but in most cases, a rafter system is used.

Advantages of a pitched roof:

  • Economic benefit. This type of roof is considered one of the cheapest due to the minimal use of building and roofing materials.
  • Ease of installation - you can install the roof yourself.
  • "Modest" weight. Compared to other types of roofs, a pitched roof has a low weight, which means that you do not need to build a too strong foundation.
  • Versatility. A pitched roof is suitable for absolutely any buildings, regardless of their functionality and size.
  • The amount of wood used is reduced by 2-3 times in comparison with other types of roofs, which is especially important in regions where there are no forests and wood is very expensive.
  • It is most convenient to place an attic floor under a pitched roof, the height of which will be almost the same along the entire perimeter (provided that the angle of inclination is small).

The advantages of a pitched roof are enough, but as for the disadvantages, they are distinguished by the following:

  • Strongly influenced by snow loads.
  • Stronger waterproofing must be used.
  • The pitched roof is not very attractive in appearance, it is not original.

The design of a pitched roof, its rafter system, as well as the angle of inclination, directly depend on the region where the house is located. Thus, in the northern regions, the slope angle must be 45 degrees or more, otherwise snow will accumulate on the house all the time. It should be borne in mind that large snow loads will be imposed on the roof, which means that the rafter system must have an increased cross-section. In southern areas with strong winds, the slope angle should be minimal.

Preparing a project

When developing a drawing of a shed roof, it is necessary to take into account the following parameters:

  • The width of the house, the length of its span.
  • Roofing type.
  • Slope angle and length, which are preferred.
  • The height of the load-bearing walls.

The length of the span, as well as the angle of inclination are parameters that affect whether it is necessary to use additional supports for the rafter legs. The height of the load-bearing walls affects whether you need to erect a pediment, but the height of the pediment will be determined by the angle of inclination of the roof. The length of the rafter legs is calculated by paying attention to the size of the span and the angle of the ramp. However, these are not the only parameters, because in original private houses it can protrude beyond the pediment, or at the same time be a roof not only for the house, but also for the terrace or veranda.
The number of rafter legs directly depends on the width of a private house. In addition, the cross-section of the material used and its length will affect the rafters, their location and the distance between them. To prevent the rafters from sagging, you can use racks, crossbars and struts.

If the width of the house is less than 5 meters, then you do not need to use additional supports, but if more, then struts are used. In houses with a width of more than 6 meters, it is necessary to build whole support systems, using all the necessary elements and techniques. The pitch of the rafters depends on their length, thus, rafters up to 3 meters long should be located at a distance of 1.1 meters to 2.1 meters, but rafters with a length of more than 6 meters should have a larger section, located at a distance of no more, than 1.4 meters.

We calculate the optimal angle of inclination of the slope

This parameter is influenced by many nuances, so it is difficult to rely solely on mathematical calculations. When calculating the angle of inclination of the slope, it is necessary to take into account the atmospheric load in the form of wind, rain and snow, as well as what kind of roofing material will be used. If the pitched roof is to be built independently, then you need to be extremely careful about this so that no mistakes are made.

  • Decking - 8 degrees or more.
  • Slate - 20-30 degrees.
  • Metal tiles - 30 degrees.
  • Roofing material and other roll materials - 5 degrees.

For northern regions with heavy snowfall, it is recommended to use a pitched roof, which will be located at an angle of 45 degrees. If the roof has a minimum angle of inclination and a large area, then it will have to be regularly cleaned from snow debris. The roof covering must easily support a person and his weight, while not deforming under the generated pressure.

A single-pitched roof in section looks like a right-angled triangle:

  • A - rafter leg (hypotenuse).
  • B - width (lower leg).
  • C - the length of the wall from the rafters to the ridge.
  • a - the angle of inclination of the slope.

Thus, based on the available parameters, you can calculate the required:

  • The length of the rafter leg is A = C / sin (a).
  • The length of the wall from the rafters to the ridge - C = B * tg (a).


A pitched roof is the best option for those who want to save money on roof construction, but you need to be prepared for the fact that it will not stand out with special originality. You can install the roof, rafter system and carry out the roof yourself, the main thing is to create a correct and carefully thought out project, which must subsequently be implemented. You can also calculate the optimal slope angle of the slope yourself, the main thing is to take into account all the nuances and factors so that the roof can serve for a long period.

Living in an urban environment, most people dream of relaxation, silence and unity with nature. There is such an opportunity, because you can build a small country house where you can always enjoy nature, gather with your family at the same table and invite guests to barbecue. In order for the country house to be not only attractive in appearance, but also reliable inside, it is necessary to take care of the quality of its structure, in particular the roof.

A country house with a pitched roof can have a different layout, color performance and style direction, the main task is to fit it into the surrounding landscape so that it looks natural and appropriate. The dacha can be of both guest and main importance, it can be operated throughout the year, or only in the summer season.

The most classic option for organizing a roof is the construction of a gable structure. However, not everyone can afford large financial costs, so you need to look for ways to reduce the cost of a house, doing it in such a way that the reliability of the structure does not suffer.

In this case, most developers recommend using a shed roof structure, because it has an optimal balance of strength, convenience and design. A roof of a simple shape can be erected quickly and easily, and it will not be difficult to calculate it. Ready-made projects can be found on the Internet or you can contact specialists who can make a turnkey summer cottage. In order for the project of a summer house with a lean-to roof structure to be successful, you need to follow certain rules and conditions.

In order for a cottage with a pitched roof to meet aesthetic and technical requirements, it is necessary:

  • The correct combination of the roof and the facade of the house, they must complement each other,

creating a single composition.

  • The use of a simple roof should not affect the strength of the cottage. This issue is especially important in areas where there is a lot of precipitation.

Important! If the country house has large dimensions, and the area of ​​the pitched roof is large, then you need to make the roof more durable. To do this, increase the cross-section of the lathing and rafters, use additional supports. In this case, you need to pay attention to the angle of inclination of the slope, which should facilitate the outflow of water and melted snow masses from the roof surface.

Advantages and disadvantages of a cottage with a pitched roof

In most cases, the owners of country houses and summer cottages prefer a gable roof structure, considering it more beneficial from an aesthetic and economic point of view. However, they are not entirely right, because a pitched roof is cheaper, and outwardly it may turn out to be no worse, and in some cases even better. Projects of country houses with a pitched roof are not common, but they are not inferior to other structures, because they have an original look.

Due to modern technologies and high-quality roofing, you can build a reliable country house with a pitched roof, while it will meet the expectations of the owner, and please him with coziness and comfort. Such constructions are most popular in America and some European countries; in the territory of the Russian Federation, such houses are especially popular in regions with cold climates.

Advantages of a cottage with a pitched roof:

  • Economic benefit. You can save on roofing and all other materials that are used to build the roof and rafter system.
  • Simple and quick installation, which can be done by hand.
  • A pitched roof structure is an optimal solution for regions with strong winds, since such a roof has a small windage.
  • The simplicity of the design makes it less difficult for precipitation to fall in comparison with complex structures.
  • Ease of repair work.
  • Looks original on large houses.
  • Having correctly planned the attic space, you can convert it into an attic with windows and actively use it, creating an additional recreation area.

Key points for arranging a gable roof of a country house

For the construction of a reliable building, you need to know the structure of the roof, which contains the following points:

  • Before starting construction, it is necessary to determine the angle of inclination of the roof, while taking into account the weather characteristics of the region, snow and wind loads. After that, the roof area is calculated and a roof covering is purchased, you need to make a margin of about 15%.
  • The slope of the roof is created due to the difference in heights of two opposite walls, the back side of the house should be lower than the front. As a roof can be used: metal, corrugated board, seam roofing, slate, roofing felt or ondulin. What kind of roofing material is decided by the owner of the house, taking into account the service life of the material, climate features and their own financial capabilities.
  • It is important to pay special attention to the construction of the roof frame. To create a structure, lumber is used, which has been pre-treated with antiseptics and dried. The amount of materials directly depends on the dimensions of the roof.
  • To begin with, a Mauerlat is installed on the top of the walls using anchor fasteners, after which beams are laid on it, the distance between which should be 70-80 centimeters. The end of each beam is moved out of the bounds by about half a meter.
  • Vertical rafters are attached to the beams - supports for the high point of the roof, which form an angle of 90 degrees with the base.
  • Installation of rafters to which the lathing will be attached. One side rests on a beam, the other on vertical rafters. In this case, it is important that all elements have the same angle of inclination and height.
  • Manufacturing and installation of lathing, the step of which depends on the used roofing material. With the help of the lathing, the rafters are combined into one system, thereby increasing the rigidity of the structure. Thermal insulation is placed between the rafters, and one should not forget about high-quality waterproofing. After that, you can proceed with the installation of the roofing.

However, this design is also not devoid of disadvantages:

  • It is necessary to pay special attention to the calculations of the cross-sections of all elements of the rafter system so that they can cope with the imposed mechanical load.
  • In order for the roof to be a reliable protection of the cottage, you need to use more expensive and reinforced options for thermal insulation and waterproofing.
  • A boring appearance that can be corrected with expensive roofing materials and original design solutions.

Shed roofs are considered the simplest design. Many have heard about their shortcomings, so they decide to build more complex models. Projects of houses with a pitched roof will surely inspire with their extraordinary appearance. The main thing is to do everything with high quality and taste.

Minimalist cottage with a pitched roof

To understand whether such a roof is suitable, it is worth weighing its advantages and disadvantages.

Main advantages:

  • due to the simple design, less material will be spent on it and the craftsmen will be able to quickly assemble it;

The roof is flat, but it is also pitched
  • this type of roof is beneficial for regions where strong winds often blow;
  • just take care of her. And it is easier to repair it, especially if the slope of the slope is not very large;

Frame house with a pitched roof - country design
  • precipitation will go in one direction, so there is no need to equip stormwater systems around the perimeter of the building. However, due to the increased load, you will have to buy parts for the drain;
  • such roofs are in demand because they can be installed in energy efficient smart homes;
  • you can design an attic with large windows (see the link for examples).

Attic under a pitched roof - very little space remains in the lower part of the slope

There are few disadvantages:

  1. It is not always possible to give a suitable slope for the descent of precipitation, which is why water is retained on the roofing material. To prevent it from getting wet, they organize reinforced waterproofing;
  2. Not quite the correct shape, which is especially noticeable in buildings with an attic. Due to the falling slope, it is not possible to equally use the entire area of ​​the one and a half floor;
  3. The rafters are very long. It is necessary to accurately calculate the snow loads and select a material with sufficient reliability.

There are no critical flaws. With the correct design and compliance with construction standards, a building with such a roof will serve no worse than others.

Specificity of operation of a pitched roof

Attention! Designing should be done by specialists who know about all its intricacies.

Many of us are not designers, but everyone who thinks about construction should know about the specifics of drafting projects and operating such a roof.

House from a bar with a pitched roof
  • When there is no attic in the project, and the rafter system will be the basis of the ceiling of the upper rooms, it is necessary to choose high-quality materials for roofing, waterproofing, and finishing. Otherwise, after the first leak, you will have to spend money on repairs.
  • It is necessary to make good thermal insulation, since the roof without a technical floor can freeze evenly over the entire area (read in the article).
  • If the project has a roof with a small slope angle, you will need to regularly monitor its condition and repair it in time. Provision should be made for access routes to the top so that snow can be manually cleared from the surface.

The more the slope, the better
  • The attic floor is becoming an ambiguous space. The lower part of the room should be given for the installation of furniture (for example, structures with retractable storage spaces), and the rest of the walls are made at the discretion of the owners.

If the roof has a large slope, the entire front wall is exposed to winds and rain, so protection should be provided.

Houses with a pitched roof - projects, photos

Using the example of specific projects, projects can be considered construction technology and find successful solutions.

Projects of two-story houses with a pitched roof

The roof from the first example is very similar to the gable roof. However, the roof slopes are not connected into one whole, therefore, the structure is considered to be single-pitched. See the photo below.

Frame house with a pitched roof - house projects with a terrace and a carport

This is a winning solution for creating an unusual look. For this, the slopes are made at different heights. All this looks modern - convenience and beauty without unnecessary details.

On the finished project, you can see a small and covered area for a car, which can be discarded. The roof of the building consists of three parts at different levels.

Project specifications:

  • total area - 111.1 m 2;
  • living area - 54.63 m 2;
  • the foundation is made of external walls can be built of bricks or aerated concrete at the request of the customer. The slabs are also monolithic reinforced concrete. Roofing material - natural and bituminous tiles;
  • insulation with mineral wool;
  • the external finish is made of decorative plaster and wooden or WPC lining.

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Houses built using EKOPAN technology

Internal organization

The layout is as follows:

  1. The size of the building box is 9x11.95 meters. The width is taken taking into account the parking space.
  2. The entrance to the house is through an open porch-terrace with an area of ​​5.22 square meters.
  3. A large wardrobe is provided in the lobby. Further there is a staircase and entrances to the bathroom and the kitchen-living room (drawings of the stairs are presented in the article).
  4. The cooking and eating area is combined with a spacious living room. Those who do not like this approach can install a partition here and put doors. The smell of cooking food and the heat from the stove will spread throughout the house, which is not to everyone's liking.
  5. The bathroom is L-shaped. There is a shower cubicle in the niche.
  6. Next, there is a passage to the technical room, where the heating boiler is installed. Here is the back door from the house.

Of the features, it is worth noting a fireplace (see the link) in the living room. A large panoramic window immediately provides natural light.

Layout of the first floor of a house up to 150 m2 with a pitched roof

Layout of the second floor:

  1. The staircase to the second floor leads to a small corridor, from which 4 doors lead to the sides.
  2. The first is in the main bathroom. It is almost twice the size of the one on the first floor. There is enough space to install a full-fledged corner bath. There is a window in the room, which is located exactly above the canopy above the entrance.
  3. The rest of the doors lead to the bedrooms, although the rooms can be allotted for other needs, for example, to make a study in one of them. One of the rooms has a modest area of ​​8.39 square meters. It is enough for one person, for example, a nursery can be made.
  4. The largest bedroom is almost 18 square meters in size and is also connected to a wardrobe. Definitely, this room will be used by the parents.
  5. The third living room is also small - 11.82 m 2, but even here there is enough space for a double bed.

Houses with a pitched roof photo with layouts

Such a house is perfect for a family of 4-5 people. There is not much space, there is a narrow corridor, but the convenient location of the bathrooms makes up for this moment.

Someone may not like that the ceilings of all living quarters will be sloped, but this is a feature of houses with an attic.

25 photos of houses with a pitched roof in different styles

One-story frame house project

The second project is a one-story house with a pitched roof. The structure is universal, since it can be erected from different materials (SIP panels, in the form of a frame sheathed with boards, various blocks, for example, aerated concrete).

Such a house can be used both for temporary residence, for example, a summer residence, and for permanent residence, if the construction budget is small. This is a mini-cottage of a simple design, which is not difficult to build.

Read on our website:

Project of a one-story house with a pitched roof view

Technical characteristics of the building:

  • the total area, excluding the covered terrace, is 60 squares. Residential - 58. The house has only the most necessary things, so there is minimal difference between the areas;
  • dimensions of the building box - 12 * 5 meters. With this length, the interior space can be divided into more rooms;
  • the structure is elongated and narrow. This will allow it to fit in the same area. It is also worth considering that all rooms will be adjacent;
  • the construction technology used is modular or frame, although cellular blocks are perfect.

Internal layout

The entrance to the building is located in the center, but not exactly, but with a slight offset, so that you can make the master bedroom larger. Thanks to this position of the door, one central room has appeared, from which you can go to different parts of the house without making them completely adjacent.

After the entrance, there is a kitchen-living room with an area of ​​21.78 m 2. The main part of this room is reserved for the dining area, although the furniture can be arranged differently.

Two passes are made in the side walls. Leaving to the right, you can get into the bedroom and the sanitary unit. There is a passage from the living room to a fairly spacious dressing room.

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Construction of a garden house on the site

On the left side, the rooms have a mirrored arrangement. The difference is that instead of a bathroom, there is a pantry. Since the total area is small, a wall-mounted boiler is sufficient for efficient heating, which will be located directly in the kitchen area, on the wall.

Sketch drawing of a small private house

This house is enough to accommodate 3-4 people, but no more. If more space is required, it is better to consider other options. Among other things, you can find projects for two-storey buildings 5x5, 6x7 and 8x8 meters.

Technologies for the construction of houses with a pitched roof

Such houses can be installed from different materials using appropriate installation technologies. However, frame structures stand apart.

You can hardly find them in Russia, since our people love everything solid, but in Europe there is a real boom for such buildings. Surprisingly, they are used mainly in the northern regions of this part of the world.

Houses with a pitched roof projects - photo, layout

Gradually, such houses find their fans in our country. The main reason is the low cost of construction, although it is not that much different from the same block structures.

But if we compare in terms of the speed of construction and finishing, then the frame makers have no equal in this. An experienced team will deliver the house in 1-2 months, and maybe even faster if modern technologies are used.

Presented in the article.

Timber brick frame house is assembled incredibly quickly

Types of frame structures

There are two types of frame structures (frame-panel structures are not taken into account, since this technology is used mainly for the construction of high-rise buildings):

Frame sheathing

It assumes a separate installation of the "skeleton" of the structure, after which it is sheathed with finishing materials from the outside and inside.

Insulation is put into the structure from the inside. Thanks to this procedure, you can freely change the size and shape of the facade.

The main difficulty is proper insulation without cold bridges (read about in the article).

Country houses with a pitched roof - projects

Frame-panel board

Such a house is assembled, like a constructor, from large panels, which are multi-layer panels. SIP panels are used for residential buildings.

This material has three layers - on the sides it is covered with OSB panels, and inside it is glued polystyrene foam of a certain thickness.

SIP panels have positive qualities - the construction of them is quick, the structures are very warm.

One-story houses with a pitched roof: projects, photos - both walls and ceilings are made of self-supporting insulated wire panels

In both cases, the basis for the wall material is a frame, which is assembled mainly from hard wood. There are options for steel I-beams, but this material is much more expensive, and installation requires the use of special equipment, so they are extremely rare.

Such houses are considered wooden, but they have a significant advantage - the structure does not shrink too much. Finishing can be done immediately, without waiting for six months or more.

The appearance of a frame house can be anything - a variety of materials are used for decoration. Examples in the photo gallery.

Realized projects of houses with pitched roofs or roofs with several pitches at different levels are becoming popular. Modern technologies open up the most daring and original solutions for designers and architects.

Advantages of houses with pitched roofs

A flat roof for private houses looks unusual in our country. More often we see them in foreign films with actions taking place in the southern countries of the New World. Or in southern Europe, such as the Balkans, where flat red tiled roofs are popular. For us, the reason for the low popularity lies in the harsher climate. A strong snow cover requires a solid roof and conditions for the snow crust to slide down, which has not reached a large mass.

For these reasons, a pitched roof is not used as often as a traditional gable or hipped roof.

However, the benefit from the use of pitched roofs is undeniable, and therefore the number of customers is gradually increasing. The list of advantages of this solution is convincing:

The disadvantages of a pitched roof are obvious only with poor design, construction and relate to the appearance, the danger of overloading from the snow cover and the need for high-quality waterproofing.

Design options for houses with a pitched roof

Currently, design and construction companies offer different options for the use of pitched roofs or roofs with multiple pitches located at different levels and in different planes. It is safe to say that in this variety you can always find a solution that will suit the most demanding customer.

When designing houses of this type, some technical and regulatory aspects should be analyzed. Unlike houses with a gable roof, the wind resistance of the gable version is higher. However, if the designers propose an extension of the roof in the form of a canopy over a veranda or over a parking lot, then such a solution requires careful calculations. The additional open roof area dramatically increases windage and can cause collapse. Therefore, it is important to provide additional fasteners in the form of reinforced racks or additional beams.

Shed roof house project

Homes with one pitched roof are usually of medium size and small in size. When designing them, attention should be paid to the rational use of useful space. Due to the uneven height of the ceilings, the highest rooms should be reserved for common rooms and living rooms. Rooms with lower ceilings can be allocated for bedrooms and auxiliary rooms.

For example, we will give a project of a country house, originally inscribed in the surrounding landscape. This house is a harmonious and practical solution. A single roof made of wood over the entire interior space of the dwelling gives it a natural, natural look.

Large overhangs of the roof do not pose a risk of destruction, since the surrounding trees reliably protect the house from the wind

The practicality of using different room heights is almost perfect here. The staircase, terrace and large slope-side windows provide additional visibility and also leave space for the hallway and utility compartments under the roof top. The reliability of the roof attachment is provided by additional reactive supports. Warmth, coziness and a realized dream emanate from such a house.

Shed roof log house project

The design of this log house in nature is unpretentious, but very harmonious. An impeccable place for family holidays, fishing and hunting. And not only in the summer, since a log house can be quickly heated in winter, turning it into a warm and cozy place for leisure. A pitched roof provides the ability to arrange additional camping berths. The terrace and summer terrace can become a comfortable place for relatives and friends without special expenses. A canopy or tent will quickly turn it into a comfortable overnight camp.

A pitched roof successfully crowns an elegant house on the shore of a reservoir, which can be used for living when fishing or hunting.

Houses from ordinary logs are traditionally built with a gable roof. However, now it is not uncommon for cases when the version of a pitched roof is also used.

Photo gallery: options for log cabins with a pitched roof

A log house with two single-pitched roofs is quite suitable for year-round living

Projects of houses with a pitched roof and a garage

A pitched roof with its inherent lack of incompleteness is radically transformed in a solution with several slopes at different levels. Individual blocks of the house, garage or terrace perfectly balance the appearance, giving it a complete and harmonious look. At the same time, all the practical advantages of a pitched roof are retained.

  1. A room for a garage fits well into such a composition. This is especially true when there is a separate passage from the house to it. For dynamic people who value every minute, this advantage is undeniable.

    The auxiliary garage roof with an oppositely oriented slope successfully compensates for the height of the main house

  2. Similar associations are evoked by a site with a house and a full complex of buildings made of pitched roofs. The uniform style of all buildings creates a harmonious ensemble.

    If all buildings on the site have the same roofs, it looks stylish and rather peculiar.

  3. Interesting and original is the project of a two-storey spacious house with a built-in garage. A flat roof, a large area of ​​the house on a small plot of land solves the issue of using the usable space with maximum efficiency.

    Large single-pitched roof with a minimum slope angle allows you to make the most of the space on the second floor

  4. An original result in the design of houses based on pitched roofs is achieved if the dwelling is divided into separate blocks. Each such block can have its own pitched roof, but their direction can be very different. Architects develop original versions of such structures, each of which carries its own individuality. For the northern regions, the slope of the roof should provide guaranteed snow cover without accumulation of large mass on the surface.

    The originality of such a project is achieved due to the multidirectional planes of pitched roofs

Country house with a pitched roof

It is convenient to build a country house with a pitched roof on an inclined site. At the same time, the natural slope can be practically used to reduce costs by fitting part of the living space into the existing relief. Such a "dugout" for utility rooms is practically useful: it is cool in summer, warm in winter. The large glass-walled terrace provides an excellent view of the open landscape.

In the part of the house, located on the slope, utility rooms are well placed, in which a comfortable climate is always created

Sloped roofs on non-residential buildings and structures

The sloping roof is gradually becoming common for buildings of various purposes, from summer country houses for seasonal living to all sorts of outbuildings. This roof structure is well suited for the installation and maintenance of solar cells. The high cost of energy and its shortage makes any alternative energy supply solutions a priority. This is one of the reasons that many cannot afford to live in green areas due to the high cost of heating.

Greenhouse project with a shed roof made of polycarbonate

A sloped shed roof for a greenhouse is a good solution to minimize the money spent on its construction. Since such structures are often made on their own, it is recommended to correctly design them in terms of strength and efficiency. Excessive strength requirements can lead to an unjustified rise in the cost of the object. At the same time, insufficient strength can cause destruction from the wind or from the load of the snow cover.

With the correct calculation of the height and slope of the greenhouse roof, snow can be easily removed from it.

Shed roof shed projects (3x6, 4x6)

The most common use of pitched roofs in the construction of various economic structures, sheds, poultry houses. When using a log for the construction of a barn, the construction of a strong foundation is not required, given the low weight of the tree. The issue of ensuring tightness in order to exclude the penetration of rodents is a topical issue. For this, the joints of the walls and the roof must be connected with minimal gaps, and buried masonry made of special bricks can be used as a foundation.

Sheds made of blocks with a pitched roof are equipped with strong beams to prevent destruction from the wind. Fastening to such beams allows you to evenly distribute the load on the walls.

For outbuildings, the use of pitched roofs is the most common option.

Features of the design of pitched roofs

The design of houses with a pitched roof has a number of technical and architectural features. If you take them into account correctly, the result will be of high quality. It is also important to follow all the necessary rules for the operation of the roof. Here are some of these features and rules:

  1. It is necessary to carefully design the exterior of the house. The participation of an experienced designer and architect will certainly be needed here. A flat roof eliminates many of the finishes that would be acceptable for a gable roof.
  2. When designing a roof, it is necessary to provide high-quality waterproofing, since the vulnerability and tendency to leakage of a flat roof is much higher. For example, the need to periodically remove snow from the roof mechanically can easily damage the outer protective layer of the roof, and therefore durable materials should be used.
  3. During the construction of the roof, the participation of professional roofers is also necessary in order to exclude defects or deviations from building standards.
  4. It is necessary to regularly monitor the condition of the roof, since the timely elimination of defects will significantly reduce the cost of maintaining the house.

When designing shed roofs, the initial data for calculations are the following information:

  1. Terms of reference for design. It can be a traditional regulatory document or a design project, sketch, drawing.
  2. Maximum snow load data.
  3. Planned angle of inclination of the roof.
  4. Bearing wall material.
  5. Ultimate wall loads.
  6. Data on the prevailing wind direction.
  7. The layout of the premises.
  8. Foundation design.
  9. The total budget of the object.

The most important point in the design of a pitched roof is the choice of the version of the rafter system. The type of trusses and the number of spacers are determined by the distance between the walls of the house.

The design of the rafter system is determined by the length of the building span

Any roofing material can be used as covering for a pitched roof. Appropriate changes are made to the roof structure depending on the planned coverage. This applies to the lathing scheme, dimensions and strength of the materials used.

Video: designing a roof slope

Shed roofs, roofs with several sloping slopes at different levels, awnings open up many rational options when designing a home. Modern durable materials allow you to implement the most original design solutions. These and other factors make it possible to increase the number of developers opting for pitched roofs.

Nadezhda is a beautiful female name and we decided to give it to this particular house, a very modest size of 8x4 meters. The idea of ​​this small Finnish house has been ripening with us for a long time. We created it for loving couples, young families, single people who are just going to start a family.

Despite the fact that this is a small and therefore inexpensive house, the most important principles of Finnish architecture are embodied in it: environmental friendliness, simplicity, style, quality, reliability.

Nadezhda is a Finnish house with a pitched roof and a veranda

It takes inspiration to create a beautiful home. Or luck. In this case, it was the second - we saw the project of a beautiful country house made of laminated veneer lumber on one of the professional design sites.

We really liked the veranda and the style of the house, and we transferred the idea to frame technology. Due to this, the house has become twice as warm and more suitable for permanent residence in the conditions of the Middle Urals. However, thanks to a well-thought-out design, the "Nadezhda" is suitable for any other regions of Russia - except for the Arctic regions. The proven "Rowan" is more suitable there.

Hope Concept

The first point that distinguishes Nadezhda from most of our projects is a pitched roof.

The advantages of a pitched roof are simplicity of design, low cost, and stylistic brevity. It is not for nothing that among the Scandinavian peoples, houses with pitched roofs are quite common.

The second idea of ​​the house is a spacious veranda, which significantly increases the usable area of ​​the house during the warm season.

The third idea is versatility: the project of a country house easily becomes a project of a house for permanent residence. Let's look at the layout.

Layout of a one-story country house Nadezhda measuring 8x4 plus a veranda

Veranda - 16 square meters in area. If desired, it can be increased, made open and, for example, partially glazed.

Entrance hall - 4 square meters, such an area will optimally equip this space.

From the hallway doors into three rooms. A bathroom, I won't get tired of repeating - a bathroom is necessary in a country house.

Kitchen, living room to the left - 11 square meters. The optimal size for such premises. A large window will fill the room with light and visually add additional volume.

The bedroom in our country house is also 11 meters in area. The standard size of a bedroom, which will fit a large bed, wardrobe and chest of drawers. In the bedroom, in our opinion, there should be no unnecessary cluttering furniture. Ideally, you can ditch the closet by placing items from it in a closet or another room.