Repairs Design Furniture

How to launch the outer angle of the wall. Plastering angles: Tools and materials, surface preparation for finishing, installation of guides, alignment of the joint, processing of an internal and outer angle, finishing finish. Corner alignment technology

During the repair, some problems constantly arise. Especially if all work is done with their own hands. One of the complex tasks is considered to perform plaster angles of all walls. This also applies to internal and to external joints. After all, if irregularities will be allowed in the process of plaster corners, it will definitely create problems when finishing materials are applied.

For the leveling process, a metal or plastic corner is used. It must be attached in the place where the walls are joined, and then put a shock on top. As can be seen in the photo, the corner must be carefully covered with plaster, because it is not considered a decorative element, but only the wall amplifier. In this way, it is not allowed to crumble in the future. If this technique is not used, then the angle will be worried even from a small physical impact. Please note that the corner for plaster needs to be set up.

The processing of the inner angle is always easier than the outdoor. But in all cases it is better to follow the advice of those professionals who made their own repairs in many homes.

The video presented shows how the masters are properly carried out the plaster corners of the wall.

If you plan to wipe wall walls, it is better to use the level for aligning the angles. If you want to make painting of walls or decorate them with decorative plaster, the corners are better to align on the plane.

Finishing inner corner

It is carried out in two ways:

  • Two adjacent walls can be placed together.
  • One of the walls is already plastered, and the second is not yet processed.

But in both cases, the process of work is the same: we applied primer and rub the rule. Then we form an angle and scratch the surface. When the primer dried, we apply the finish and smoothed it.

Finishing of outdoor corner

This work can also be carried out in two versions. For the first method, a steel corner profile is used to finish the combined walls. It helps to obtain an even, neat angle. In the second method, use the beacon. Conduct plaster one, and then the second part of the angle.

For better familiarization with the stages of processing internal and external angles, consider the photo.

If you independently align the angles of the wall, be sure to use proven quality materials. Specialists advise the use of gypsum plaster. It is better if the primer, and the mixture for plaster released one manufacturer. Before starting work, check the presence of your necessary tools - drills, buckets, rules, graters, spacing, sandpaper.

New technique - plastering with a contrag. This is a peculiar thin corner to which bars with reinforcement grid are attached on both sides. It makes it possible to get a very high quality base for the angle.

Align the angles of the wall can be used with drywall. If the curvature of the walls is small, use the frameless method. For rooms in which the curvature of the walls is more than twenty millimeters, only the use of the frame method is suitable. For the construction of the frame use profiles.

Plastering angles, their diagnosis and methods of alignment, preparation for the work and technology of processing various types of wall docking.

The content of the article:

The plaster of angles is the stage of preparation of walls to an even state for their further design. It is quite complicated, because it involves working with surfaces located in different planes. Nevertheless, this procedure is mandatory, since the angles curves may cause external finishing defects and cause complications when installing furniture or equipment. Having skills in building business, aligning the angles of walls by plaster can be performed independently.

Measuring the angles of walls and methods for their leveling

In order to measure the deviations of the angle from the vertical and horizontal, they need a square, a plumb or construction level, a smooth piece of aluminum profile at least 2 meters long and a ruler.

To determine the depressions and protrusions, you need to attach a piece of profile to the corner. Then you need to install it in a vertical position that is checked by a building level. After performing these actions, you should measure the maximum deviation of the angular line from the vertical range of the installed profile - this will be the desired skew.

The horizontal deviation of the angle from the value of 90 degrees can be measured by a large coal. It should have long sides - almost from one wall to another. You can make such a tool using the property of an Egyptian triangle and two long rules.

In the Egyptian triangle, the presence of a straight angle is determined automatically aspect ratio - 3: 4: 5. Therefore, such a figure can be drawn on the floor, and then on its parties to align two rules and bore them with each other in the form of a direct angle. This tool can be useful for further work: on one wall of beacons under the plaster are installed in the usual method, and on the adjacent plane - by the coal.

The rectangular shape of the room can be checked in another way. To do this, measure the diagonal of the room. They must be the same.

If it turned out that after checking the walls, there are significant irregularities, forming inappropriate corners, they can be aligned with plasterboard sheets that are attached to a frame that can fix any curvature, at least half a meter. However, such a technology will take a certain part of the residential space to which the owners are usually very tremendous.

With small flaws of the walls, the alignment of their corners is made by plaster, while the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room is preserved as much as possible. This method is more time-consuming and implies a sufficiently dirty process, but is distinguished by high reliability, creating a monolithic coating.

Preparation of wall corners in front of plaster

To qualitatively perform leveling plasters of angles, you should have the necessary tools, prepare the surface of the walls and know certain rules of work. Now about all this in order.

The ideal material for aligning the corners and walls is the plaster made on a plaster basis. It allows you to increase the coating thickness gradually by applying thin layers of the mixture on the surface. Due to the rapid polymerization of the material, the process of plastering is not delayed for a long time.

To work with such a mixture you need to select and appropriate tools:

  • Rule. It serves an aluminum rigid rack 10-12 cm wide and a length of at least one and a half meters. It allows you to accurately estimate the condition of the layer of plaster: its invoice, bugs and depressions.
  • Halfury. It is a wooden, steel or polyurethane board with a length of 500-700 mm with a handle attached perpendicular to its non-working surface. The tool is used to apply and align the plastering solution.
  • Grater. This is also a cloth equipped with a handle, its length is 20 cm. The tool serves for grinding and grouting the surface. On the graters used for the finishing finish, the working surface of the canvas is covered with felt, rubber or foam rubber.
  • Corner. A fixture having a straight triangle shape. It is used as a measuring instrument, template when applying plastering and sinking, performing the rules function. To capture the maximum area of \u200b\u200bangular walls, the size of the tool must be quite large.
  • Trowel, spatula. These are varieties of a metal blade equipped with a handle. The trowel is needed to attach plaster plaster on the walls. This process involves the use of a triangular blade as the most convenient. With a small amount of work, the trowel can be replaced with a spatula.
In addition to the above tools, it will take a container and an electric drill with a nozzle mixer for mixing the solution to prepare the plaster mixture.

Before making the plaster, a smooth angle of the wall, its surface should be cleaned from the old peeling coating, paint, cladding, wallpaper and other finishes. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the presence of fatty, bitumen or salt spots. If they are available, they also need to be removed by the available means.

After that, it is necessary to measure the deviation of the angle in two planes in the one described above and check the surface of its adjacent walls using the rule or an even metal profile with a length of at least 2 m. The greater the length of the tool, the more accurate the measurement result. The detected bugs should be knocked down with chisels, and large recesses should be seal with a solution and wait for it to complete drying. Then the surface of the walls adjacent to the corner is required to be treated with a primer composition to reduce its hygroscopicity and dust removal.

Basic rules of plaster angles of walls

Before the start of this work, you should familiarize yourself with some rules, the knowledge of which will allow it to successfully finish:
  1. Plaster can be applied to concrete, cement-sand, brick and plaster surface of the walls. The clutch of the solution with a wooden base will not work without the use of crates from the rail or mounting grid.
  2. The thickness of the layer of plaster on the walls is allowed to be equal to no more than 50 mm, for individual recesses - 70 mm.
  3. The preparation of the mixture is performed according to the manufacturer's instructions. It indicates the ratio of water and dry powder, which must be observed when mixing the solution. A small amount of added fluid will entail insufficient plasticity of the mixture, it makes it difficult to work with it and can cause cracks on the surface of plaster after drying it. Too much water in the solution will not allow it to dial the desired strength and high qualityly fill out the filings on the walls. It is not recommended to use technical water: it should not contain foreign impurities.
  4. After the kneading solution, it is necessary to work out for half an hour. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare it in small portions. Dropping the mixture is not worth trying to "revive" with water, besides the deterioration of the quality of the plaster, this will not lead to anything.
  5. The deviation of the corner line during its plastering should not be more than 1 mm, it will spoil the appearance of the future finish.
  6. The angle between adjacent walls should be straight and composed strictly 90 degrees. Violation of this rule will entail the problems in the laying of rotary elements of the pipes, docking plinths and installation of furniture.
After the preparation of the walls, you can proceed to the leveling plaster of their external and internal angles.

Plaster inner angles of walls

With significant flaws of surfaces, plastering angles of walls of beacons are performed, and their small irregularities at the joints are corrected by using a special angular profile equipped with a reinforcing mesh - countercouche.

Stucco Corners of walls by lighthouses

This method of plastering angles is used when aligning walls throughout the perimeter of the room. To work, you will need a big square, the manufacture of which was mentioned above.

First of all, it is necessary to choose the supporting wall, perform on it the markup of the location of the lighthouses and according to it to fasten the screws. The basis of their caps on the same level is formed by the basic plane. This procedure is performed using a plumb.

In the next step, you need to put the lower and upper screws that are removed from the supporting wall. In fact, to obtain a direct angle to establish the lower nearest screw. It should be pre-screwed into a dowel with a gap for a lighthouse at least 6 mm.

After that, you need to apply the coal to the pair of the lower screws of the supporting wall and the distant screw on the adjacent plane. It should be determined how to do with the closest to the corner of the screw. If the rule of the square does not concern its cap, it is necessary to unscrew the screw to the touch. If the rule rests on to the near shock, but does not concern the long-range light, the distant shock should be unscrewed. As a result, the hts of four lower screws located on different walls should create a straight angle.

The upper screws are exhibited by the level, focusing on the height of the winding from the wall of the lower screws. After installing the lower and upper screws on both walls, you need to check the thickness of the layer layer under the beacons. After the lighthouses are frozen, their location can be checked again with the coal. The step between the beacons should not be less than the length of the rule.

The application of the solution is performed first on one side of the angle. The cavity between beacons is filled with a mixture, and then distributed to the rule. After drying, one wall of the angle can be moved to the adjacent wall.

To smoke the joint of the walls, a special corner spatula is used, significantly facilitating the work. Hand moves should be directed from the corner. In the process of operation, the tool must be periodically enabled in water.

Stucco Corners of walls using countercouche

Such a method is good if the walls are already aligned, and only the corners are required. To perform this work, you need to cut off with scissors for metal a piece of angle with a reinforced grid. Its length should be equal to the height of the angle. Aluminum Counsels - rather mild, for this reason the special efforts to it should not be applied to not disturb it.

Then the walls of the walls should be applied a little plaster mixture with a spatula and distribute it at an angle height. The cut box should be applied to the corner and with the help of a long rule slightly press it. The work should be done carefully, as the metal of the corner is quite thin and easily deformed.

Surplus the plaster mixture will be squeezed through the profile perforation. This solution needs to be transferred to the spatula on the mesh of the countercouche, smoothing it down.

When the mixture is driving, the surface of the angle should be pulled out a finely abrasive mesh. If the surface is preparing under the painting, you need to apply a thin layer of fine-grained plaster plaster on it, align it and sweep it after drying.

Stucco Corners of walls with reinforcing ribbon

With the help of plaster, a smooth angle of walls can be obtained using a wide reinforcing sulfyan tape. This method is applied only to form the joint of the surfaces at an angle of 90 degrees and does not provide them with complete alignment.

A gypsum plaster, a wooden bar of a strictly rectangular cross section and a length of 40-60 cm, as well as a reinforcing tape can be required.

A small number of plaster should be applied to the joint of the walls with a grip of 10 cm with each surface adjacent to it. Then the edge of the sickle must be attached to the top of the angle and holding it at this point, spread the roll to the bottom, as far as the width of the coverage of the hands. When performing this procedure, it is important that the serpenta does not deviate from the specified direction and uniformly overlap the junction.

After gluing the tape, the plaster should take a bar, and then the clamping movements along the joint line and its planes give the corner direct shape. The wild ribbon on the walls can be aligned with a spatula, and the excess solution is transferred to the rest, distributing it from the corner line. It is necessary to work with the spatula to be careful not to disturb the position of the tape at the junction. After drying the mixture, the reinforced coating of the angle should be pulled by the abrasive mesh or sandpaper.

Plastering of external angles of walls

Beautiful external angles of perfect form can be obtained using a perforated metal profile or without it. In the first case, the strength of the angle will be higher.

Plastering of the outer corner of the wall without reinforcement

Before starting work, this method from the surfaces adjacent to the corner of the walls should be knocked down all the protrusions and close the large slots with a solution. The process begins with the installation on the side of the angle of a smooth board or a wide rail, which will serve as a kind of formwork. The mount is made to the floor and ceiling, but if you choose the optimal length of the board, you can install the Mrosport.

The board must be wrapped in scotch and perform outside from the corner at a distance equal to the thickness of the plaster layer. Scotch is designed to prevent adhesion of the solution to the surface of the formwork.

Then the plaster is applied to the adjacent surface to the corner and is distributed over the entire height of the joint using the rule. Movements are made towards the corner with a slight tilt down.

No less than two days you need to carefully dismantle the board and apply it in the same way to the already plastered side of the angle. Then you should repeat the above procedure with another wall.

The finished angle is polished with emery paper or a grater equipped with an abrasive fine grid.

Plastering of the outer corner of the wall with a profile

The metal profile forms a flat corner line and protects it from random mechanical damage. The calculation of the amount of aluminum corners is easy to measure: you need to measure and sum up the values \u200b\u200bof the lengths of all outer wall joints and add 10% to the resulting digital, given the waste of the material when mounting. The standard corner length is 3 m, and the height of the premises is from 2.5 to 2.8 m. Thus, 20-50 cm of the profile in the form of cropping for each angle will go into waste. They can come in handy for the formation of short angles on the protrusions of walls or ceilings.

To form a straight line in the plaster of the walls on its adjacent surfaces, it is first necessary to apply the prepared gypsum mixture.

The corner of the required length is attached by adding movements to the area treated over the entire height. It is desirable to fulfill this job, which will prevent the deformation of the corner from the careless hand.

Excess the mixture, extruded through the profile perforation, is transferred to the spatula from its metal part to the grid. Immediately after mounting the corner, its position on the wall should be checked by the construction level. While the mixture is not frozen, any adjustment is possible.

After drying the plaster, the angle of the wall should be pulled by abrasive material. The finish finish of the angle is carried out in the complex with walls.

Stuccoing of rounded angles of walls

The rounded corners of the walls are not difficult to stucked. Initially, the adjacent surfaces of the joint of the enclosing structures should be aligned with a plaster mixture according to standard technology. When creating roundings in the role of beacons, the planes of adjacent walls are the planes, and the rules are a special template.

It can be made like this: a durable plastic wire must be pressed into a rounded angle, the form acquired by it will give the outline of the future template. Then the sample must be applied to thick plywood and break it with a pencil. For the resulting line, it is necessary to crop out the excess material. The template is ready.

Then, at all its height, it should be sketched a plaster solution and remove its excess pattern. Ellipses of small sizes do not require reinforcement. But when performing roundings with a diameter of more than 100 mm, it is required to strengthen them with wire or reinforcing mesh. You can do the use of screws. They are screwed into the rounding in a step of at least 200 mm.

After drying the plaster corners, you need to apply the last finishing layer with the addition of small sand into the solution. This coating is maintained by felt to create the maximum smooth surface of the rounded corner. The grout should be performed only by horizontal movements.

How to plaster the angle of the wall - look at the video:

Plaster and alignment of corners is considered the most difficult occupation, especially for newcomers. It requires enough high professionalism. However, with a conscientious and leisure approach to this case, to create in the room smooth angles can be quite independently. The difference in performing work by professionals is only in time that will be spent on it.

Ways to align inner and external corners. Applying material and tools. Calculation of an even angle, methods for determining an angle of 90 degrees.

How to align the angle of the wall

A flat surface is a sign of high-quality work of plasterers and places.

You can glue various wallpapers on it, covering paint, lining with panels or ceramics. If there are no workers, how to align the angle of the wall, make the surface smooth, smooth?

To summarize the corners at 90 degrees, materials, tools and certain skills are needed.

Why need to align the corner of the wall

Smooth shots of walls indoors - tidy appearance. If the wall curves can be hidden behind the wallpaper and paintings, the corners will make the indoor room.

Another disadvantage of the curvature of the masters consider the complexity of the installation of tiles, sticking wallpaper, another finish coating. To align the joints of the walls, you need to work hard, however, subsequently will reflect on appearance and tidy.

How to align the inner corners of the walls in the room do it yourself

For alignment of the internal junctions, preparatory work should be carried out.

  1. The purified surface from tiles or wallpaper is checked for emptiness under the plaster. It is necessary to catch up adjacent walls from the ceiling to bottom. In case of changing sound (empty), the plaster is better to collapse. Otherwise, she might disappeat together with the finish coating. Another sign of emptiness is small cracks that are horizontally semi.
  2. After the collapsed coating, remove all the garbage. This is dusty, but it will not interfere in subsequent work.
  3. Everything is cleaned with dust and small pebbles with a dry brush. To reduce dust, it can be sprinkled with water from the sprayer.
  4. Next, the surface is covered with primer, preferably 2 times.
  5. From the ceiling to the floor, we lower the plumb to clarify the curvature. When detecting large deviations, the best option is plasterboard. Otherwise, the plaster layer will have to impose several times, each dried layer is so ground.

The inner angle can be aligned with several methods. In addition to drywall, the usual plaster or cement plaster, lighthouses, angular spatulas are applicable.

Than in the apartment to align the plastered walls

If the wall is a curve, then the junction will be in vain work. Curves plastered walls should be revealed to the percentage of curvature. This can be made with a plumb, a rule. Walls are aligned in a circle.

Materials apply for alignment of the walls:

  1. Plasterboard. For large drops, a frame metal base is used. If the walls have a small curvature, then GLC glue to the surface.
  2. Chipboard. Applicable plates for aligning not very curves surfaces.
  3. Panels. Aligning walls, apply a frame base.

Depending on the room, moisture and temperature drops, choose the desired material.

How to bring an angle of 90 degrees on the walls

With independent shocking of walls and alignment of joints, a plaster corner profile is used. It can be metallic and plastic. On the sides of the corner there is a reinforced grid. The profile is superimposed on the crude plaster and exhibit it using the level. The reinforced grid is covered with a plastering mixture.

And also the docking surface can be made smooth with the help of an angular spatula. It has perfectly smooth shape. Without making effort, with it, create a joint of the walls by 90 degrees.

Self remove 90 degrees is difficult. This is possible only with small drops, where the spatle is applicable.


The wooden surface also needs to be preprocessing with subsequent alignment. You can align the wooden surface using materials:

  1. Plasterboard. To install, you must first measure the degree of curvature, after which it is measured and the calculation of materials. The frame base is created from wooden rails or metal profiles. For a solid framework make transverse ribs. The fastening of HCLs in the corners are produced by several technologies. The joints of the walls are obtained even at 90 degrees.
  2. Chipboard. Also attached to the frame base created from the tree. All elements are treated with olifa or antiseptic means.
  3. Plywood 6-9 mm. It should be processed. Mainly use material for alignment of surfaces in the garage, pantry, summer house. For attachment also create a wood frame.

After, the created surface with smooth corners is putty, ground covered with finish material - wallpaper, paint, tile.

As well as walls and their joints of a wooden house align with materials:

  • putty - layer of the applied mixture of 2 mm. Before applying putty, you need to handle the walls;
  • cement solutions - applied to the rough surface or pre-stuffed dranco or large grid;
  • application of corners. If the walls are smooth or have small drops on the spacinal solution fasten metal or plastic corners. At the same time, after the re-layer of the putty, the angle is equal to 90 degrees.

Cement mortar gives shrinkage. When overlapping a thick layer, you should ensure that the created plane does not flow down.

How to make smooth outdoor angles of walls

Curves Outdoor corners are the result of a rush work of builders. To align them, you must first determine the degree of curvature. Another cause of alignment is frequent blows with sharp and heavy objects.

For alignment, apply materials and tools. Also required level.

What you need

To work, you will need a perforated corner, a putty or plaster mixture based on plaster, primer, ordinary and angular spatulas.

Work is easy to carry out if "at hand" has everything you need. Even the very curve docking surface is created at 90 degrees, without making a lot of effort and time.

How to align the angles of walls at 90 degrees with a corner

The outer angle is lighter than the inner. For this, a perforated metal corner is used.

  1. First, the surface is cleaned and covered with primer.
  2. After the degree of curvature is revealed.
  3. An angle on both sides impose a plaster or spacion gypsum solution.
  4. It is pressed and aligned with the level of the corner.
  5. Give time to froze the solution. All extra weight is cleaned. Parts are aligned with a spatula.
  6. After drying out the sandpaper, it is necessary to remove the surplus and the thin layer to impose a solution again. At the same time, the work is performed carefully so that there are no tubercles.

The final step is sandpaper sandpaper and primer coating for finishing finish.

Perforated corner not only lines an angle of 90 degrees, but also protects the surface from shocks.

How to set an angle of 90 degrees in plaster walls

If the angle has a large percentage of curvature, then a different method is used. On the wall of the junction in the opposite side, a lighthouse is exhibited. From him to the side is equal. Thus, equal to the adjacent wall. Smooth walls form an angle of 90 degrees. Finally, alignment is made by an angular spatula.

Methods how to check the angle of 90 degrees between the walls inside and outside

There are several ways to check how smooth angle. So:

  1. The coal is the easiest way.
  2. The second way is to create a corner from the profile. From the angle along the same wall, measure 30.60.90 cm. The length of one side of the profile will be 90. During the other side, it will be 30.60,90,120 cm. The length of the second side of the profile corner will be 120 cm. From one point where Delayed 90 to another point 120 should be a distance of 150 cm. The profile side is connected by screws under 90 degrees. The edges are connected by another piece of profile equal to 150 cm. This corner is measured in the inner corner in the room in several places.
  3. The outer angle is measured by the same scheme, only all marks are noted on the floor. I.e. From the outer angle on the floor it is necessary to retreat the length of the multiple 4. Suppose 1.6 meters. It is laid along one wall. Further, along another wall it is necessary to postpone 1.2 meters. There should be a distance of 2 meters between endpoints. If so, then the angle has 90 degrees. If not, then the alignment should be applied.

Before you start aligning the joints of the walls, it is necessary to find out how much they have deviations, curvature. For alignments, both plasterboard, phaneer and ordinary putty, and perforated corners are used. To remove an accurate beautiful angle, you need to stock materials, tools and some mathematical knowledge - Pythagoreo theorem.

Useful video

The technique of plastering the outer and internal corners of the premises has its own characteristics and requires careful preparation of the wall surfaces adjacent to them. The main focus is on the quality of the corner joint in compliance with all the indicators provided by the standards.

Nowadays, two methods of alignment of angles in the joints of the walls are practiced, the order of the use of which is determined by the subsequent decoration of the walls of the room. In the case when the walls in the room are supposed to be accumulated by wallpaper with the selection of the pattern - align the angles by level. When their finishing is planned with the help of decorative plaster, they usually resort to alignment along the plane.

Preparation of materials and tools

Before plastering the angles of the walls, you will need to prepare the appropriate materials by which you can level the angular zones by applying several layers of coatings (without the so-called "detention").

We recommend that you purchase only high-quality finished mixtures manufactured by reliable and proven manufacturers. At the same time, the best option is the plaster prepared on the basis of plaster (it is also called the starting putty).

Corners can be treated with special primer deep penetration, noticeably improving the grip with plaster.

To organize plaster works, you will need to prepare the following accessories and tools:

  • plastic bucket;
  • electrode with a wedding nozzle;
  • rule and set of spatulas;
  • special "grout";
  • set of emery paper of different graininess.

Watching inner corners

To align the angles of this type, check lights are installed directly in the corner itself. For a smooth and inconspicuous "tightening" of the designated angle, the rule should be used as larger (length).

Preliminary preparation of the surface of the corners is reduced to removal (knocking) from it noticeably released bugs and protrusions, which will allow you to save on the volume of putty. After leveling, the surface is grounded with a composition of deep penetration, which additionally strengthens the processed area and increases adhesion with a layer of putty. Priming is performed on the entire width of the rules used in the preparation of the angle, or even a little more.

After drying, the applied soil can be processed to the preparation of an angular beacon, which is performed in the form of a five-axis strip of gypsum plaster. It uses a gypsum mixture for its preparation, which, above all, is thoroughly mixed in order to avoid the formation of lumps.

After that, the finished mixture is applied to the angular sections, and then aligned in the vertical plane using the rule. At the end of the resurrection of the mixture and its complete drying, it will be necessary to prepare another lighthouse, which should be placed on the adjacent wall.

After the beacons are prepared, you can go to "tightening" walls in the area of \u200b\u200bthe corner joint produced by the same rule. When applying plaster on the wall for the entire length of the rule, one of its ends should be based on the lighthouse installed earlier, while the other at the same time leads along the wall with simultaneous cutting of excess material. The remote layer of putty cannot be used with the help of a layer of putty, since the frying fragments of the solution disrupt the plasticity and uniformity of the finished mass. To eliminate ("clogging") visually distinguishable grooves or scratches, one can apply another layer of solution and produce a "pulling" of angular surfaces with the help of the same rule.

Watching outdoor corners

Before placing the angles of walls from the outside, you should knock down all the growths and protrusions. Only after that you can move to priming the surface prepared to shuttering. For high-quality plastering of outer angles, it is recommended to use special profiles, which are perforated metal rains of a certain length, performed in the form of corners.

Being in the essence of their finished beacons, such profiles are fixed on the corners by passing them into the solution already applied on the surface. After that, you can remove the surplus of the plaster mix and check the verticality of the design in both planes.

The final grout of the outer angle, produced by the help of "classic" abrasive tools (construction grid or so-called "skins"), should be performed after a certain time when the layer of the applied plaster will completely dry.


We offer to see the following video about plaster inner angles:

Many people know about how to stucify the walls, the process is simple and after several training, the coating is perfect, but here are the corners - this is the task of a completely different level. Unfortunately, often start a job, homemade masters ignore this moment, leaving it finally, and in vain, since it is the angle of the wall sets the direction of the coverage.

Yes, and the subsequent finish, whether wallpaper or painting, will detect all the errors and spoil all the impression from the new repair.

That is why I decided to consider in detail how to stack the corners.


It is believed that this is the most difficult stage in the plaster, and therefore I decided to start with it. To begin with, you need to prepare all the necessary tools, some of which can be unfamiliar to homemaster without experience:

  • The long rule will need to align the large area between the lighthouses.
  • The rule of medium length is necessary for comparing small areas and removal of excess plastering mixtures.
  • Corner spatula. This tool is made in the form of a straight angle of 90 degrees and is able to level the surface in hard-to-reach places where no other tool will short.
  • Construction level 1.5-2 meters long. It is necessary for leveling lighthouses along the entire length. You can do and a short level, but it will significantly slow down the process and create certain difficulties.
  • The square is 90 degrees. To determine the perpendicularity of beacons.

Tip! Before starting work, the construction level needs to be checked for the relevance. Make it is quite simple, it is enough to attach a tool to the wall, winning line, and draw a line. After that, the level turns over and applied to the battered line on the other side. If the readings remained the same, the level is working and ready to work, if on the same line to the right and left readings differ, the tool is lying and need to be adjusted or replaced.

Plastelling inner corner

First of all, it is necessary to fix the lighthouses. They are attached to the wall to the plaster, so they are easier to adjust in terms of the level. The step between the attachments should be about 20 cm, this will not allow the beacon to "walk" and be fed under pressure.

An extreme lighthouse is set to about 5 centimeters from an angle with such a calculation so that it is exactly perpendicular to the wall from which the angle is created.

After the beacons are fixed, they need to give dry and reliably grab the surface of the wall, after which you can move to the "progress" of the first layer of plaster. Surplus the mixture is removed by the rule in such a way as not to damage the other wall, so in the corner the irregularities will remain, they are alternating with an angular spatula, and it is necessary to give a slightly to the tool so that the angle is slightly lower than the walls themselves. This is necessary for applying the finishing layer and final alignment.

After removing all the irregularities of the first layer, you can start applying the second. The process is completely different from the above described above, with the only difference that now the corner spatula is unnecessary to indulge.

Now it remains only to handle the walls and an angle of shallow emery paper and everything is ready.


This process is considered less laborious, since the alignment of the corners of the plaster occurs in special corners, which perform the role of the lighthouse, and can also be with a glued reinforcing grid.

Specialists of the "Old School" often consider such innovations in excess and make repairs without them. But it is not worth denying all the advantages of modern materials, since the corners significantly improve the quality of plaster and strengthen the angle.

Here are just a few arguments in favor of plaster in the corners:

  1. The steel lighthouse strengthens the coverage and fastens the plaster to crumble.
  2. An additional reinforcing mesh, reliably connects two walls, making the coating with monolithic.
  3. There is no need to carefully burn corners, as the beacon is already exposed in terms of the level and is a zero mark in the plaster of the whole wall.
  4. The plaster of the corners is much faster, and the process does not take away a lot of strength.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the most convex seat on the wall that cannot be eliminated or aligned. It is it that is the starting point in the installation of beacons. To the wall turns out to be smooth and without drops, all lighthouses, including the corner, should be placed at one level.

It is possible to determine this with the help of a long rule that is applied to the extreme lighthouses, and all that are between them should fit tightly to the tool.

When the beacons are fixed, you can go directly to plastering, and the angle itself will just walk the sandpaper.

Tip! Corners can be of different configurations: with a sharp angle or rounded. Select them follows from the subsequent finish. Under the wallpaper it is better to use a sharp angle, and a rounded room is suitable for decorative plaster or painting.

As can be seen, there is nothing complicated in the trim of corners, the main thing is to just know the technology and pay special attention to the placement of lighthouses.

  • The base under the plaster should always be carefully cleaned and projected.
  • Mesh concrete is poorly engaged in contact with plaster plaster.
  • Between the application of the layers of plaster is unwindy to be big breaks, the finishing layer is applied as soon as the first began to dry.
  • Before plastering the angles, you need to cut the beacons in size, it is advisable to do it with scissors or a jigsaw, as Bulgarian burns a layer of galvanized and at the place of the cut Lighthouse will start rapidly.
  • You can start the wall decoration not earlier than two weeks after plastering.
  • Before Temokak plastering the angles of walls, they need to be carefully primed, and it is best to use a brush here, since the roller will miss, and afterwards in this place, the layer will start falling off.

Using these tips and using high-quality materials, the trim of the corners will cease to seem complex business. As they say, there is nothing impossible, but before the start of work it is still practicing.