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Victorian style in architecture: features, architectural masterpieces. Victorian era. Victorian style in the interior: History of the Victorian style in the interior of the living room

The interior of the home of the heart is the embodiment of tastes, fantasies, character, as well as the demonstration of the status and welfare of the owners. All qualities of all qualities will reflect the interior in the Victorian style, which involves rigor, restraint, representativeness and, at the same time, luxury, harmony and comfort. The direction is fully consistent with the exemplary style of the life of a well-handed person, its obscures and views.

The true Victorian style in the interior is the naturalness of finishing, furnishing, fabrics and decorations, as well as the presence of genuine antiques and accessories from distant exotic countries. Therefore, the design of modern housing in a pure Victorian spirit - the idea is almost fantastic, but it is still possible to introduce its main features, and this will help you with the "dream house" with ideas and advice.

The history of the origin of a secular style

Victorian style in the interior was formed in England, in the second half of the nineteenth century, during the respondents of Queen Victoria. During its reign, the economy raped rapidly, science and social sphere flourished. Success, enrichment and, at the same time, the high moral values \u200b\u200bof the English aristocracy encouraged the wish to surround themselves with royal apartments with chic interiors.

Traveling and getting acquainted with various cultures of other countries, the British drew ideas for creating their original style, which would be an indicator of their morality, desecration and wealth. Therefore, the Victorian style has always been not every permissive and expensive pleasure.

Distinctive features of an impressive Victorian interior

For interior style, the times of Queen Victoria is characteristic:

  • naturalness, high cost and high quality finishes and interior items, as well as the true origin of jewelry;
  • union in one interior of elements of various styles: classics, oriental exotic, gothic and baroque;
  • the presence of a fireplace, a huge chandelier with candles, heavy porter, rich, paintings, family relics, antique things and exotic accessories;
  • the abundance of houseplants, as well as artificial flower compositions.

A special kind of dear interior gives gilding, silvering, lush patterned decoration, inlay mosaic, pearl, or natural stone.

Note that the stylistic elements of other directions should be present only as accents against the background of the common Victorian interior.

Design and decoration in Victorian spirit


When creating a Victorian interior, great attention is paid to the design of windows. Both their appearance, and the inner decoration should be the same luxurious as the whole interior.

The features of the style emphasize large and high, for the decoration of which is often used stained art.

The inner side of the windows of Halls and living rooms is usually decorated with multi-layer wooden and volumetric double-layer curtains (heavy datamas, silk or velvet, silk or velvet combination). In the bedrooms, the windows cover the curtains of lighter fabrics, cotton, sither or muslin.

Curtains can be elegant, strict, slightly magnificent, sometimes with original lambrequins, as well as pleated or assembly. Their ordinary position is sent on both sides of decorative.

In huge arched windows, as well as in the finishing of ceiling structures, the elements of gothic are viewed.


The ceilings in the Victorian style are quite high, sometimes a dome-shaped form, most often decorated with a figured stucco or frieze. Also natural methods of their design are the usual painting, painting or decoration of dark wood beams.


For walls in the Victorian image, a three-level finish is used. The bottom third of the walls are trimmed with wood, for the middle, paper or tissue wallpapers are selected in a strip or with an ornament, as well as with the image of vegetation or animal world.

The top of the walls decorate the panels from the valuable tree, which connect it with the ceiling.

Rooms where guests usually take and in which the whole family is collected in the evenings, they are made in saturated shades of red, blue, brown palette. In white color, as well as in soft pastel colors that are inherent in a classic style, wallpapers are selected for sleeping rooms and canteens.


Floor color should be combined with the color of walls and furniture. In the front and living rooms, it is preferable to retain the parquet of natural wood species. For sex in the hallway, the kitchen and bathroom almost always applies artistic ceramic tiles.

The presence of carpets with bizarre ornaments give elements.

Furnishing for chic interiors in Victorian style

Distinctive features of the furniture in the Victorian style are massiveness and some rudeness of the outlines, a strong upholstery, curved legs and a variety of carved and wrought decorations. Such furniture is perfectly harmonized in combination with decoration and color palette of rooms organized in this style.

For its manufacture, expensive breeds of red wood, wenge, oak are used. Furniture color varies from light brown to dark cherry brown shades. But the furniture upholstery is already distinguished by many options, including the paint palette. The upholstery is velvet and silk, as well as fabrics in a cage, with ornaments and floral motifs. No less popular furniture upholstery material is genuine leather.

Since several directions are visible in the Victorian style, then furniture items can be diverse. If in the halls, cabinets and living rooms, it is customary to post only solid and presentable furniture of saturated shades, then in bedrooms, dining room and bathroom, furniture, and the whole setting can be organized in bright colors, which manifests style.

Combination of light in the Victorian interior

Competent Lightsign will emphasize the originality and dignity of the Victorian interior, as well as the cozy and warm atmosphere of any room.

Lighting rooms decorated in the Victorian spirit should be built in several levels and have many light sources with smoothly flowing lights.

The central element of each room and the source of the upper light is decorated with candles or elements of artistic forged, for example, reliefs, geometric shapes and floral motifs. Its foundation can be white, brown or black, as well as decorated with gilding or silver.

The top and brightest light applies less frequently. As an additional, slightly muted lighting, light from, wall scaves and table lamps are used, which illuminate a separate zone as needed.

To illuminate the bookcases, the wine bar, portraits and paintings in the Victorian interior fits soft and dim light, which perfectly harmonizes with the palette of rooms and the main lighting.

Victorian decorations

Here are some ideas for the successful design and decor of the Victorian-style rooms:

  1. The dominant element of the Victorian-style residential premises is a fireplace made of granite stone with a beautiful metal hedge.
  2. Floral greenhouses should also be essential components of residential premises in such an interior. Live colors decorate tables, window sills, floor. Artificial floral compositions are placed on the walls and book racks.
  3. The walls have huge mirrors, a variety of paintings and photos within the framework of gilding, wrought lamps, hunting trophies.
  4. The living room is embarrassed by outdoor hours, art objects, antiques, various collectible assemblies.
  5. For decorating bedrooms, you can use manual crafts, ornamental pads and blanks.
  6. For the kitchen in the Victorian style, the dishes are characterized by crystal, porcelain products, many vases, boxes and candlesticks.
  7. With the help of various baubles and accessories of Eastern origin, which the British were like that, you can make an interesting highlight to any of the rooms.

Modern world is a shot of a multitude of interior styles and a person, sometimes it is difficult to decide what style he likes more. In one style, it attracted his classic color palette, in the other - elements of exotic, in the third - the items of the "long-lasting days". And in such a situation, the interior in the Victorian style will help him combine all his whims. However, there is one "but": a person who wants to fulfill the interior of his apartment in the Victorian style must have quite large funds, because Flat in Victorian style - expensive pleasure. What is this original Victorian style?

The history of the emergence of the Victorian style in the interior

The second half of the XIX century is considered the beginning of the formation of a Victorian style. The name "Victorian" style received in honor of the period of the Board of the British Queen Victoria, which during this period reign. His appearance is explained by the fact that it was during this period that the English bourgeoisie, thanks to the rapid development of industry in the country, became an accelerated pace to rich. Wealth gave birth to a natural need for luxurious apartments, an expensive interior. The opportunity to travel during this period, provided the British a chance to get acquainted with various cultures, life, life and art of other peoples. Lost ingenic styles of the interior of houses, the British gladly introduced in themselves, which was a sign of a good tone of the owner, his solidity and prosperity. As a result, the Victorian style of the interior arose.

Interior in Victorian style and its characteristic features

  1. high quality, reliability and high-cost interior items
  2. presence in the interior of vintage classic items
  3. combination in the interior of elements of several styles - classic, exotic (Chinese, Indian), Gothic and Rococo
  4. respectability, sense of measure in all details of the interior
  5. the interior of each room is made in a separate style, but most often - this is the execution of interior items at the same time in several styles.
  6. furniture of red-brown and light brown tones is made of wood of valuable breeds.
  7. the presence of flowers, plants, not necessarily alive
  8. having a rich library
  9. heavy curtains made of the best curtain fabrics, be sure to harmonize with tulle lace curtains

The rules of interior design in Victorian style

To properly arrange an apartment in Victorian style, its owner should have at least an idea of \u200b\u200bthe elements of those interior styles that he would like to see in this apartment. Using elements of exotic styles, not to make them predominant, otherwise it will already be an apartment not a Victorian style.

How to arrange the walls in the Victorian style

Victorian style in terms of wall design is different from the rest of the interior styles. It provides for the decoration of walls only with tissues or wallpaper. At the same time, they must have a certain drawing: stripes, realistic depicted flowers, birds, animals. Much less often use bulk ornaments in the form of a bas-relief.

Wooden panels from valuable breeds, decorated with all sorts of ornaments. There must be no more than a third of the height of the wall. Often used this element of the Gothic style as multicolor stained glass windows in the form of arches. Stained glass windows are the brightest and easily recognizable element of gothic in Victorian style.

The classic style provides for respect for family relics and values. This is manifested in paintings, portraits. Portraits, paintings with painting suspended on special rails.

The color palette of the walls is not high. Basically, preference is given to dark red-brown tones and light brown color. The light gray wall color is used partially and rarely.

Often in the interior of the same room you can meet several styles at the same time. So in the style of Rococo, large mirrors are welcome. Preference is given to the mirrors at all growth, but it is rare. Gothic style can be represented as a stained glass window with a carved framing

Floor decoration in Victorian style

Victorian style does not provide a wide variety in the design of the floor. Most often preferred parquet floor made of natural trees. Currently applied linoleum with parquet pattern. The color of the floor must be combined with the color of walls, furniture.

As an outdoor coating, the use and artistic ceramic tiles are possible

However, the launder was popular with laminate flooring. In this case, the floor can be covered inserts of another drawing and color, naturally combined with the surrounding color background.

Undoubted interest for Victorian style fans will present the flooring of the floor to carpet. The red carpet is well combined with the classic color of this style - light brown.

Features of the interior design of the Victorian-style rooms

The Victorian style at the first stages of its development represented a rather bulky interior with a lot of bizarre patterns and ornaments. The furniture also had a rather massive view and a variety of carved jewelry. But over time, this style has become a sense of measure, although the echoes of the former motives can still be found.

The mandatory attribute of the interior is the fireplace. His presence is necessarily in the living room. Perfectly fit rococo style elements. They are presented in the form of furniture made of mahogany. Furniture legs are bent curved, the furniture itself has carved decorations.

Furniture is made from a natural tree of valuable breeds: Walnut, Red Tree, Bearing Oak. Often, the furniture has carved jewelry, sometimes inlaid from precious stones and metals.

Victorian style is unthinkable without a library, while its contents should not leave indifferent any no-indulgent to human literature.

Since the interior in the Victorian style has absorbed elements several styles, then there is a certain dependence of these styles from the destination of the room. Gothic style elements can be found in figure stucco, huge windows, high ceiling, in a mandatory attribute for Gothic - fireplace. The presence of a carpet with bizarre drawings speaks of the presence of an Indian style.

Victorian style is perfectly combined with rococo elements, which are characterized by pastel colors, furniture with curved, carved backs. Here you can find a gothic in the form of a massive metal chandelier, a metal cabinet pens.

Pastel tones, presence in the room of flowers and plants, massive candelabra over the table give out indian style elements.

The design of the Victorian style is also built on the combination of walls, the ceiling of pastel colors (cream, pale yellow, light green, etc.) with warm tones of parquet, furniture characteristic of classical style.

The interior of the kitchen in the Victorian style predetermines, first of all, the presence of a massive table in the center of the room. Cuisine lighting provide a massive chandelier and several additional lamps. And of course, the walls, furniture must be soft, calm tones. On the windows of the minimum of textiles.

Since the Living Room, the British was mostly intended only for meetings with family members for a modest dinner (the British do not like the presence of foreign people in their apartment), then this room and looked accordingly. Table - round shape. Around him placed chairs or soft sofas. And, of course, massive candelabr in the center of the table. English apartment without candelabra is not conceivable. After all, without it, it is impossible to create in the room comfort and warmth of the atmosphere, feel the breath of past centuries.

Victorian style is an exemplary style for homemade lovers, for lovers to gather in the end of the fireplace in the living room on a family tradition. If you enter their number, if you are a well-enough person, then this style is for sure for you.

Victorian-style houses and apartments are reminded of the luxurious English castles of the ancient era. The Victorian style in the interior of modern premises is slightly different from the family palaces of the past, but it remains the same magnificent and delight.

The sophistication in the design of space became a fashion during the reign in England Queen Victoria. This woman possessed an excellent taste, and in all her life spheres he was always felt.

The bourgeoisie in the second half of the 19th century is rich at the expense of colonization, which made it possible to acquire expensive items with these layers of society. The formation of the Victorian style was influenced by the elements of other cultures, since the British, loved to travel around the world, often brought out-of-house bought from their trips from their trips.

Victorian style can be called a harmonious combination of several interior solutions - classics, rococo and elements of some exotic styles used in China and India.

The main feature of the interior in the Victorian style is the special separation of space - each room is drawn up in a single style, which is clearly withstanding, but in other rooms another orientation prevails. For example, the bedroom is drawn up in, the cabinet - in the style of Rococo.

Materials and interior items must emphasize the high level of owner's weight, so designers prefer furniture from the valuable wood, luxurious textiles, antique accessories. The main thing is high cost and high quality.

People with a small and middle task often there is often no financial ability to create a real Victorian interior in their home or apartment, so such chic and luxury can most often be seen only in the dwelling of businessmen, politicians, movie stars and show business.

Little spaces simply do not allow to create a Victorian atmosphere in the room, since only large apartments and country houses may emphasize the true luxury. The owners of small apartments are better to look at, classic or style design.

Key elements of the design of premises in the spirit of the Victorian era include:

  • Harmonious combination of high-quality materials and traditions of antiquity
  • Careful attention to each of the numerous details
  • Opening windows or made in the style of "Gothic"
  • Rectangular doors
  • Massive furniture from expensive wood breeds
  • Ceiling stucco with vesitic patterns
  • Pattern Patterns on Carnishes
  • Predominance in the interior of elements of an elongated or vertical form
  • Dear artistic canvas in massive expensive frames
  • Vintage clock on the walls
  • Fireplace, located in the center of the living room
  • Presence in the interior of bookshelves and racks
  • Large number of indoor plants
  • Numerous vases, massive ashtray and stationery sets in the office, vintage boxes, puffs, wide, large mirrors in full growth in the frame of luxurious frames
  • Curtains, bedspreads and cavity from expensive porter fabrics
  • Lace Curtains from Tulle, hanging on the windows under heavy curtains

Victorian style, in contrast, for example, from, puts forward clear requirements for the color range of the room. The main rule - the colors must be rich, but the absolute harmony must be observed, the total balance and complete symmetry.

Furniture for such an interior is usually selected brown shades: either dark reddish or bright. Other decor elements should be combined with furniture: if it is bright, then interior items are selected in gentle pink, lavender, pale-almond tones, and if dark is in red-brown.

Special chic gives the premises a luxurious inlay of precious stones, gold, silver or bronze. It also looks great in the interior of the drapery of emerald and ruby \u200b\u200bcolor.

When creating a Victorian interior, wallpapers or cloth with the following drawings are used to decorate walls:

  • Gentle floral patterns
  • Strip
  • Image of birds and animals
  • Bar-relieve volume ornaments

You can arrange the walls in the modern room with the help of popular British wallpapers, imitating fabric with deciduous, floral and berry ornaments.

Another characteristic feature of the design of walls in the houses of the Victorian era is special wooden panels with ornaments, which are fixed on top of the wallpaper on a third or half the height of the wall. In no case should not be covered with glossy varnish.

An excellent solution is the combination of traditional Scottish cell with floral ornaments.

Only high-quality and natural materials are used in the Victorian style, so the best decisions for finishing the floor are:

  • Parquet from natural wood
  • Ornamental or patterned tile

Dear floor is a sign of good owner's sleep, so designers never use cheap materials and simple tiles to design it. Patterns on the tile must necessarily be fade, expensive, so you can use gold stamping.

The Victorian style uses only two versions of the ceiling. The first is painting with ordinary white paint, without any patterns and elements. The second is an ornamental stucco in English style.

Victorian style in the interior appeared in the UK early XIX century. He combined the brightest historical and exotic styles. Mass production made it affordable for a large number of people.

The history of the origin and spread of the style

Queen Victoria's era became the golden age for the UK.

The development of industry and numerous colonies made it one of the richest powers of the world. The bourgeoisie flourished and wanted to get closer to the aristocratic circle. Puritan strict style of the Queen Anna's era went to the past.

Early Victorian Style In the Interior

Historical and exotic styles entered the fashion.

Neoetics, Neurokko and neorokokoko showed prosperity and exquisite taste of the host of the house. Moorish, Indian and Chinese hinted on the fact that this man did the light and brought from there. Dicky things.

Mechanical machines made accessible things that were used to be a lot of aristocracy. In the houses there was a thread made of papier-mache in the style of Baroque, stucco from a rococo style. Ceramic sets at first glance were difficult to distinguish from porcelain.

Middle Victorian Style In the Interior

In the 50s, the British began to tire from mass imitation and fakes.

The first interior companies appeared. One of them belonged to William Morris.

His goal was to find the balance between high art and everyday life. He set up manual production of furniture, stained glass and medieval style products.

Fabrics, wallpapers and tiles are especially popular with Morris drawings.

In his ornaments, he tried to unite gothic with naturalism and believed that nature is the best source of inspiration. At the first wallpaper, Morris depicted pink bushes from her garden.

In the mansion, the Whitewick-Manor preserved curtains and finishing of the fireplace on the sketches of the designer.

Late Victorian Style: Deconstructivism

Deconstructivism is a decomposition on the elements: in the Victorian House the room was drawn up in different styles. Imagine that your bedroom in the stylish styled, the office is in neootheic, and the living room is in the colonial. Various styles were combined even in furniture. The classic back of the chair was supplemented by baroque legs. The combination of different historical and exotic styles is the brightest feature of the interior of the Victorian era.

Characteristic style features

"Fear of empty space": decorations, furniture and plants completely filled rooms

Abundance of ornaments on the walls, ceiling and upholstery of furniture

Paintings in massive carved frames and tapestries

Rich drape: dense, dark curtains from velvet and velvet

Collections of ashtons, photos, porcelain statuettes and busts

Color spectrum

Different color palettes were popular in the Victorian Epoch. In the early period, the interior was drawn up in saturated colors of precious stones. Saturated burgundy, ruby, golden:

In the middle period, the interior became more restrained. Preference was given to more elegant colors: from pale sand and beige to the shades of the dark wood.

In the late period, bright colors were published. In this living room, a azure fireplace is highlighted against sand furniture.

Registration of walls

For the design of walls during the Queen Victoria came with a scope. Factory wallpapers were practical, inexpensive and beautiful solutions. Preference was given to bright colors, with patterns and ornaments. Through the contrasting paintings in massive wooden frames or tapestries.

At the end of the century, English engineer Walton invented a linker. This is a wallpaper consisting of three layers:

  • paper base;
  • thick solution from natural components from which the pattern is painted;
  • layer of paint

It is these wallpaper with an interior in the Buckingham Palace.

Like such wallpaper looks truly luxuriously, they are used to this day.

Floor design

Paul in the era of Queen Victoria covered parquet.

Or tile, if you wanted to embody in the mansion the colonial exotica of East India. Tile is usually kept in the corridors, bathrooms and in the kitchen.

Lightly popularity used carpets of light shades with floral patterns.

Fireplace as a mandatory element of English decor

The heart of the Victorian house is a fireplace. Decorated with natural stone and wood, decorated with carvings, under the color of furniture and upholstery.

And he could stand out by an unusual color solution or catchy. Such fireplaces attracted views to themselves.

Tree - the main element in the room decoration

The interior in the Victorian style is filled with a tree, certainly matte. Varnish in the XIX century did not use.

On top of the wallpaper, the British often put the wooden panels on a third or half of the wall. The panels did from expensive wood varieties and decorated with ornaments.

Victorian light solutions

In the era of Queen Victoria in England from France, lamps and table lamps came from France.

The bases of the desktop lamps were paid out of bronze, giving it a planned form. Then they were hand-made manually and made inserts from semi-precious stones, stained glass and ceramics. A real work of art was obtained.

Luxury lampshades made manually from silk, satin and velvet. Decorated with embroidery, fringe and glass.

Victorian Decorations and Accessories

Each Englishman considered his duty to collect a collection. Most often not one. Collection items that exhibited on a fireplace shelf and special racks. It could be: caskets, tobacker, porcelain figures or fireplace watches

Victorian style in modern interior

If you decide to embody in your apartment a dream about the old-kind Victorian England, do not forget some important points:

  • Dark tones in the interior decoration are asked for large windows and natural lighting
  • Volumetric Victorian chandeliers and stucco mete high ceilings
  • A large number of accessories looks harmoniously on a large area

Remember, the atmosphere is in detail: in outdoor large watches, chests and baffies, plants in floor pots, sculptures and vases. Choose any style, popular in England of the XIX century and boldly pick accessories for it. Convenient, right?

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