Repairs Design Furniture

Than to treat the OSB plate before sticking wallpaper. Wallpapering Wallpaper on OSB Plate Which Wallpaper glued on OSB

When working with the OSB, there are nuances that should be taken into account that the shook wallpaper is high-quality. It is important that such products are 90 ° and even more consist of wood. How to stick wallpaper on OSB, you can quickly master if you take note of the Tips for Masters. For finishing high Quality It is necessary to apply the appropriate materials that are intended for solid wooden surfaces.

Wallpaper on OSB will be able to hold only if they are pasted on a paper base.

If you wish for such plates, you can use almost any finish.

They are painted, shit, covered with varnish and, of course, stick on such surfaces wallpaper.

Tools and materials

Planning to beat the wallpaper on the OSB, you should prepare the usual set of tools used in this form of construction work:

  • putty knife;
  • brushes;
  • sandpaper;
  • primer;
  • dry rag;
  • ladder;
  • wallpaper;
  • scotch, painting tape;
  • work clothes.

When sticking to the Watch OSB, traditional approaches are not the best. The slab itself has a high absorbent ability. This means that sticking the wallpaper, simply using glue, it is impossible. The adhesive contains water, the stove will swell, and the glued walls will eventually fall, spoiling all the work. Therefore, so that this does not happen, and the wallpaper was perfectly held, a number of preparatory measures are required.

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How to prepare the surface of the OSB

This stage of repair should be paid to special attention. The fact is that wallpaper on OSB can be kept perfect only if it is pasted on a paper base. Therefore, you have to start with the slate to stick a paper layer. The stove itself often has various defects in the form of slots, which are formed at the interface of sheets. You can get rid of them by applying a putty on a tree. Give it to dry, after which you can primer. When the primed surface is ready for further processing, you can move to paper sticking.

For sizing joints, you can apply an ordinary leucoplasty. Although some use even scotch, which largely repeats the relief, it is subject to mechanical damage. In addition, if the gaps are deep, you can apply acrylic to fill it. The plasticity is preserved, no obstacles are created. Next, on top of acrylic, construction tape is superimposed. A lot of option, so choose the most available way Will not work.

What paper should be taken to provide smoothness and excellent surface quality? As with the option with plaster, you can use almost any. The main thing is that it is not washed, too thick and that its structure does not have bugs. Sticking paper, use a wallpaper spatula, you can take a clean rag, but necessarily dry. Paper is allowed to glue a mustache.

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Features of shoveling wallpaper

Experts argue that the process of sticking wallpapers on OSB, despite the fact that he implies special attention and observance of caution from a person who will carry out work, special knowledge in this business does not require. Even a novice master is able to cope with such work. After the putty dried, it is necessary to make grinding very carefully, as it is necessary to eliminate the grooves left by the spatula. What to produce such grinding? If you apply a grinding machine, you will get an excellent result in a shorter time. If there is no such typewriter at hand, you can carry out work manually using a special grater on which sandpaper is fixed.

In this case, treatment on such panels is carried out with a slight pressure, semicircular movements. Thus, almost all defects arising during the shtatlevia are eliminated. Next, the ground surface is additionally treated with a brush, the process is considered complete. Now the wallpaper will be perfectly sitting on the surface, there will be no random grade sands that appear through the canvas. In addition, you can use liquid wallpapers that are applied to the OSB on the same technology as on other walls.

The oriented chipboard is used when aligning the floor, ceiling and walls. The problem is that the surface of the sheets does not differ in perfect smoothness. Therefore, such finishing decorative material How wallpapers can not be glued without prior preparation.

Some information about OSB

Oriented Standard Board or oriented-chipboard (OSP, OSB) is a construction and finishing material that consists almost 90% from the wood waste industry and the binder. The raw material uses a thin chip (thickness - no more than 4 mm) up to 25 cm long and up to 5 cm wide.

At the plant, the chips are mixed with thermosetting polymeric resins and is laid out on a special conveyor sheet with multidirectional layers. Due to this, the products are obtained sufficiently strong, elastic, withstands significant deformation loads, including a break, break, twisting, etc.

There are 4 types of OSB on sale:

  • OSB-1 - sheets thick up to 12 mm. Used as a packaging material, as well as for cutting various layouts, blanks and other temporary design designs.
  • OSB-2 - medium density plates and without any additives. Thickness varies from 6 to 25 mm, the scope of application is limited operational characteristics: Temperature - from +5 to +45 ° C, average air humidity - no more than 60%. Because of this, the OSP can only be used for internal work In dry rooms.
  • OSB-3 - sheets with elevated moisture resistance due to the introduction of paraffin and other additives into the product. Areas of use: external and internal construction and repair work.
  • OSB-4 - High density plates, the main purpose of which - power structurescarrying considerable loads.

Advantages of OSP:

  • high strength;
  • relatively low weight;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • ease of processing and installation;
  • low level of changes in geometric dimensions at atmospheric drops.

OSB consists of wood, respectively, has the same minuses:

  1. Water absorption. Plate swelling with direct contact with water reaches 25% of the total volume.
  2. Instability to bioprovilations (mold, fungi, wood).
  3. Fire hazard. The material refers to category G1 (dangerous combustible) and B1 (quickly flammable), D1 (chimney).
  4. High price. Qualitative OSB class E0-E1 will cost at least 30% more expensive than GLC, chipboard, etc.

With all the shortcomings, the fact that the oriented chipboard is very convenient in operation and ergonomic material.

You can or can not kill wallpaper on osb?

Wallpapers are different: glass, paper, vinyl, phlizelin, under painting and even liquid. It combines this class of materials one - very stringent requirements for the base - it should be dry, solid, even and necessarily smooth.

OSP The last two criteria is not responsible for the simple reason that the surface is originally rough, with a variety of different defects - chips, pits, feed, tubercles, etc. In addition, when the walls alignment between the sheets there is a small gap. Tightly glue the wallpaper cloth with all the desire it will not work, air bubbles will remain, irregularities. And in the end, the wallpaper will still dug.

You can spend 1-2 weeks to eliminate these drawbacks with point Applications repair makers I. grinding machine. Then covered with several types of primers - bioprotective, locking pore and amplifying adhesion. It is also necessary to take into account the cost of all these materials and construction chemistry.

OSB grinding - the process of long and time-consuming

Obviously, it is long and expensive. Therefore, it is better to use the old proven method - to put the surface completely, and only after that you can break the wallpaper on Osb slab. This applies to all types of wallpaper, including liquid - they are especially capricious to defects of the foundation, as they are applied by the type of decorative relief stucco layer in 1-2 mm.

Tools and materials for work

For proper work The following set of tools is required:

  1. Rubber spatulas and rollers for smoothing;
  2. Brushes;
  3. Capacity for mixing the solution;
  4. Drill with a meal-nozzle;
  5. Roulette and construction pencil;
  6. Level.

In addition, we will list those materials that will be needed by the master:

  • wallpaper;
  • ready putty composition dry for walls or putty on a tree;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • primer adhesion or firming white or colorless.

    Colored formulations cannot be used for walls, as the pigment can take part on the wallpaper.

  • glue wallpaper of the same class as wallpaper;
  • serpentine for reinforcing joints;
  • sandpaper;
  • dry cuts of soft tissue to remove excess glue.

How to beat wallpaper on osb

The walls of the walls from OSB can be carried out both with a pretty with a partial putty surface and complete. Consider both options.

The first is the sealing of joints and small irregularities to put on a tree on an acrylic or silicone basis. Last preferably, since the composition is sufficiently elastic and does not crack over time. How it's done:

  • the finished composition is put off the joint;
  • the cut of the sickle is imposed on top and blend into a liquid mixture;
  • the spatula surface is aligned, if necessary, a little more compound is added and pepped again;
  • after drying, the seal area is treated with fine-grained emery paper for smoothing roughness.

The finished base must be covered with white primer in several layers. This is done in order to:

  1. the whole surface had a single coefficient of water absorption;
  2. in order for the color of the coating is one, without dark areas, the base under the wallpaper should be light.

The primer composition dries in about a day. After that, you already need to act according to the instructions: glue dilute, apply on the base or cut of the canvas, wait for the technological break, attach wallpaper to the wall and smooth out.

Now let's touch the question of how to glue a coating on an OSB, fully treated with a layer of putty.

Preparation of walls

Before putting the surface, it must be checked. This will help identify the differences and the thickness of the application.

Since OSP plates have enough high levels Water absorption, first of all it is necessary to cover the surface of the combined primer, which simultaneously improves adhesion, and locks the pores. The color of the composition at this stage is not important.

Spike wall

The fine dry mixture (can be on a plaster or plaster-cement basis) is divorced by water in accordance with the instructions and is applied with a spatula by recurrent movements from the angle. The layer thickness depends on the base differential - from 2 to 5 mm.

The joints need to be placed using the serpanka. To strengthen the entire surface, a reinforcing grid can be used, which is temporarily attached to the wall with brackets. Before glued wallpaper, they need to be removed.


The covered surface is treated with a roller or brush with a colorless primer, which improves adhesion.


The adhesive composition is divorced by instructions on the package and applied to the base or canvas. Upon expiration of the technological break, it is possible to glue - the cut is neatly applied at the interface of the ceiling and the wall and smoothes with a spatula or roller from top to bottom and a lift for dense adjustment and removing air bubbles.

Application liquid wallpaper OSB is also made on the shasphawned wall of OSB, as well as on any other level

We will summarize: On the slab, the wallpaper can be glued, but only under the condition proper training Basis. Without this stage, the coating will turn out to be short-lived, unreliable and not too presentable.

Cost of OSB plates can be low, so they are in great demand in construction work. They are used with internal and external work, for alignment of walls, gender and ceiling, used for partitions. Many wonder: Is it possible to glue the wallpaper on the OSB plate? In this article, consider in detail this question.

What is this material?

The oriented chipboard consists of wood sawdust, located in several layers. They are saturated with resin, wax and paraffin. These layers are pressed after processing. Due to the presence of resin and impregnation, the material is protected from the effects of adverse external factors.

OSB stove (click to enlarge)

Plates are very durable and deformation is not terrible. They also hold fasteners well.

Cons of this material still have:

  • it is exposed to fungi, tree beetles;
  • quickly flammable;
  • the price of high-quality plates is high.

You can purchase one of the four types of plates:

  • OSB-1. The thickness of the sheets is 12 mm. They are used to create layouts, blanks, are used as packaging material.
  • OSB-2. The density of plates is average, thickness - 6-25 mm. Do not tolerate high humidity. Can only be used for interior decoration.
  • OSB-3. Very moisture resistant. Apply for external and internal works.
  • OSB-4. Possess high density. Can be used as power structures.

If the material is needed for the interior decoration of the room, the class E1 or E0 should be purchased. Mandatory marking "Eco". Materials without such labeling contain a poisonous resin and are suitable only for external work.

From the video you will learn more:

OSB perfectly tolerate painting, wake-up, tiled finish, but you need to follow certain rules.

Surface preparation

Almost all know about how to glue wallpaper. Only on OSB without a certain preparation, glued them undesirable. Thus, you can not only spoil the wallpaper, but also the plates, as they swell from glue.

You need to follow the following steps:

  • first of all, the seams between the plates are strengthened with sickle grid. For this, the mesh is neatly pressed into the putty and on top again put sand. It helps to protect against the appearance of seams on the wallpaper, prevent the occurrence of cracks, and also contributes to a good adhesion of the base with glue and putty, since the surface becomes smooth;
  • then the primer of the walls is required. It will protect the OSB plate from damage, reduce the absorption of moisture and will contribute to the best adhesion of glue with the wall;

Look at the video How to prepare:

Important! The primer will prevent the appearance of spots on the walls from the resin contained in the stoves.

  • do not forget about putty. So how to beat the wallpaper on the OSB plate, skipping this step, it is impossible, you need to choose a quality composition used to handle wood surface.

You can take a dispersion mixture. It contains a synthetic resin. To miss the solution better resort to help building Mixer or drill. With the help of them you can achieve a homogeneous mass, without making great efforts.

Very often there are strips from the edges of the spatula on the wall. They are watched. For this applies sander or ordinary sandpaper. The remaining sands are believed to brush.
After that, you need to brand the walls again. Dry they must day.

So that the pasted wallpaper has been well held, you need to glue a loose paper for the walls. In the process you need rag and spatula.

What glue to choose?

Before moving to a conversation about how to glue wallpaper, you need to decide on glue. It must be with a professional composition. For a good clutch of the material, water-repellent primer is selected. As for putty, add glue into it.

For thin paper, you can apply "CCM-1 chips". Excellent quality has a "moment of classic". The color of glue white, pigmentation will not be.

Glue moment for wallpaper (click to enlarge)

In order to glue vinyl or acrylic, glue with another composition. For example, "Lacra" or "Methilan Vinyl Premium".

Textile and velor wallpaper require OSCAR dispersion glue. It is immediately ready for use.

For glass windows, you can take the "methyl fiberglass premium" or "Methilan Granulat Premium". These mixtures are very popular in construction.

Methilan glue for wallpaper (click to enlarge)

The process of sticking wallpaper

If preliminary work is carried out correctly, then stick wallpaper on OSB will not be difficult. The process is the same as during gluing to a conventional wall.

First you need to decide on the wallpaper and pick up special glue. Wallpapers are the following types:

  • paper;
  • vinyl or acrylic;
  • textile or velor;
  • fliseline;
  • fiberglass.

They should be cut on the canvas, the size of the ceiling to the floor. If they are with a pattern that requires its alignment, then the canvas need to be carefully measured.

The diedy piece is smeared with glue, and then fold from the edges to the center and leave to be soaked. Then lubricated with glue wall.

It is better to start glue from the door or window opening.

The process is well shown in the video:

When sticking wallpaper, you should not forget that they need to be smoothed with a cloth or roller to remove air bubbles.

If the joints of the OSB plates remain, then you need to follow that the cored wallpapers do not come under them.

A day later, the walls are dry, you can glue corners, frieze and other decorations.

Important! Be sure to make sure that the windows and doors are closed in the room until the walls are completely dry. Drafts lead to dialing wallpaper.

Liquid wallpaper

You can stop your choice on this material. It takes great popularity. This material is similar to the plaster.

The composition of such wallpapers will not hurt allergies, as they are manufactured from natural components. You can purchase them in the form of powder or in liquid form.

Liquid wallpapers on the OSB plate are applied by a sprayer or textured rollerBut first the powder must be divorced in water and leave for 12 hours. Application rules are the same as on the usual wall.

Mass should be distributed in small portions. Thickness can be 3-7 mm. Apply and equal wallpaper continuously, otherwise the mixture will freeze. So that the shade was homogeneous and the thickness did not differ in different places, It is necessary to distribute the mass at a time, without leaving it for later.

Check the video to learn more:

In order not to appear in the races, align the liquid mass strictly in one direction. When the alignment is completed, leave the mixture to dry.

To predict wallpaper, wallpaper should be aligned using a spatula, and then tumble a roller.

Wallpaper can be 1-3 days. After that, you can proceed to the decor of the walls.

So, as you already understood, putting the wallpaper on the OSB plate - this is a process of long and time-consuming. The main thing, stick to the rules, then the wallpaper will last for a long time.

When it comes to the basis for shook wallpaper, it is important to say about her proper processing. But the Option is S. standard species Coatings are simple and understood. And what if you need to stick the wallpaper on the OSB plate? Whether this option is possible and then the coating will not look like not quite high-quality work with swollen places and the retardable parts of the bands. In general, it is possible to glue the wallpaper on the OSB as on the other wood materialBut it is very important to prepare it correctly. Therefore, first consider the main features of the plates, their preparation, and then let's go to the selection of wallpaper.


There is no special OSB to wallpaper. it sheet Materialconsisting of wood large chips, which is impregnated with a special polymer composition, after which is pressed. As a result, a sufficiently durable coating is obtained. In order to punish the wallpaper on the OMB plate, it is important to proces them correctly. For this you can allocate several step by step actionthat will help perform the work consistently and efficiently.

  1. Fastening plates. In order for the plates to keep high-quality, naturally, it is best to make a crate. But there are situations where the plates are screwed directly to the walls. In this case, it is necessary to leave special slots between sheets. This is important for the material not swept. Any wood product has a property with temperature drops expand and narrow. If the OMB plate is attached to the jack without any gap, there will be no place for expansion and the material simply swells in the seams. For wallpaper it is very important, since the plates will sweep, and the wallpaper will definitely.
  2. Chuck close up. Clauses, as well as possible cracks, need to be carefully eliminated. In this case, use a special putty or mastic on wood. Everything is simple here. If for seams to take a putty under tile tile, It turns out an unpleasant outcome. Putclone under the tile is not intended to be the material can significantly expand and narrow. Therefore, if used for OSB plates, as a result, after drying and the temperature drop, the material cracks and sprinkles. And if this happens under the wallpaper, they, to great regret, will break. Therefore, used special composition Maskings, which has sufficient elasticity. Due to this, even with an increase in the width of the seam due to the expansion of the plates, nothing serious will happen.
  3. Lock the surface. If this is not done, the likelihood that the soil layer does not take and roll, as a result, the wallpaper will not hold high quality on the surface. Sheets can be pulled using finely abrasive skins. Previously special processing plates is not required, except for seaming of seams, as well as processing them with putty. However, for better binding, you can slightly clean the surface of the plate, as well as to compose seams, deleting an extra possible layer of putty.
  4. Primer. Be sure to use deep ground. It is best absorbed and will greatly connect the layers, making a thin uniform film under the shocking of the wallpaper. However, it is quite possible that the soil rolled down. It is mostly possible if the plates are not processed by plaster. And, nevertheless, so that the primer does not roll, it can be mixed with glue. In this case, catching glue, the surface will be automatically drunk.
  5. Using light wallpaper. Of course, you can take dense and heavy canvases, such as flieslinic or vinyl, however, it is best to use paper wallpapers. In this case, the adhesive layer is easier to connect with the wood parts of the plate, and the ease of canvas will allow him to hold reliably. So we switched to the choice of wallpaper. As for the upper decorative layer, it may be the most diverse. Therefore, it is not necessary to get upset if you need to choose the paper options.

Of course, you can pick up and vinyl wallpapers. But in this case, it is desirable that they are not too dense. In the case of phliseline wallpaper, it is also best that glue with the primer is applied to the plates themselves.

There are also several useful recommendationsthat will allow you to easily approach the matter. Firstly, it is very important to calculate the wallpaper bands so that their joints do not take place on the stove butt. Then the wallpaper can be glued at the OSB completely calmly.

If the joint comes across the joint, you can use special paper stripes that will close it. But it is best to prevent such at all. To do this, it is necessary to estimate the "front of work", see how the stripes fall.

Punching on the OSB is possible

So, on the most basic questions that are to glue the wallpaper on the OSB, how can I glue the wallpaper on the OSB, we answered. The technology of how to glue the wallpaper on the OSB plate, also considered with the recommendations. Now summarize. It is possible to glue the wallpaper on an OSB, for this it is important to properly prepare the material and consistently perform actions.

In order for the wallpaper when the wallpapers did not arise extra difficulties, and the canvas themselves were secluded to the surface of the OSB plates, a number of requirements must be observed when finishing work.

First of all, you should answer main question: "Is it possible to glue the wallpaper on the OSB slab without putty?". Non-professionals in the field of construction, often glue the canvas straight to the plates, but it is incorrect. The OSB surface is not perfectly smooth - some kind of chips discovers, the other on the contrary is pressed deeper than others. These irregularities will negatively affect the quality of the surface gluing with wallpaper (especially in the corners and joints). In addition, on thin paper Wallpaper, irregularities will be very noticeable. Therefore, at first, the plates will have to polish, primitive and only then go to wallpaper. But when there is a need to cross the wallpaper, it will be very problematic from the slabs.

In order not to create an extra difficulty, it is recommended to follow the spent algorithm for finishing the OSB plates.

Preparation of OSP to pasting

Putclone is a universal base for any finishing finish. Of course, the putty will take a lot more time, but it will remain a qualitative basis for decades and in the case of, for example, to cross the wallpaper, they can be easily removed and apply any other coating, without additional repair work.

  1. Primer. To reduce moisture absorption plate OSB. and improving adhesion, it is necessary to cover the surface of the primer at least 2-3 times.
  2. Mazing joints. To do this, it is better to use special polymer mixes With fibrovolok, developed for OSB, but their cost is quite high. In order to save it, you can do the starting putty. Tightly smeared all the joints, you can immediately move to the next step.
  3. Fastening the sickle. The grid is fixed on the entire wall of the walls. Intensiveness I. exterior anglesThe grid must firmly wrap. Fixing the sickle can be a construction stapler, with an interval of 100-150 mm. After the corners of the brackets are attached plaster corners.
  4. Shpalian. Here everything is standard - the layer is first applied starting wipeshiding the sickle, and after its drying, the finish putty. You can read more about this stage in the article ".
  5. After complete drying of the putty, the wall must be braced again.

Everything, preparatory stage It is over, you can proceed directly to finishing with wallpaper.


As preparatory work allowed us to get ordinary universal walls, the process of salary wallpaper will be standard.