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Why metal-plastic windows sweat inside the room. Why plastic windows sweat, what to do: useful tips and recommendations, photos and video lessons. Povered windows in wooden houses

Factors affecting the fogging of PVC windows from the inside

Increasingly, you can notice in homes and apartments a new-fashioned trend of installation or replacement of traditional wooden Ram. on the plastic windowswho rapidly come to replace them, gradually pushing them out of everybody. You can understand the choice of consumers in favor of plastic windows: it is fairly argued by the presence of a number of advantages providing excellent sound and thermal insulation. However, sometimes the owners of the PVC windows are typical of panic, when they face the problem of fogging. Absolutely incomprehensible ,? What to do in this case, how to be? Maybe this production marriage is either the unscrupulous attitude of installers in relation to the consumer and the quality of work performed? After all, the wooden predecessors of plastic windows did not have previously observed similar incidents ... oh-her-ё! Was all the efforts are spent in vain, and the money is simply thrown into the wind? And can plastic windows sweat? Do not despair! Problems need to be solved as they arrive! Initially, it is necessary to find out the possible causes of moisture appearance on plastic windows. So, what lies the reason for the fogging of plastic windows inside?

Let's start with the fact that there are two types of fogging windows on the windows:

  1. Condensation of moisture inside the glass unit;
  2. The appearance of moisture on the inner window glass.

Water pairs from the air condenses on a double-glazing as a result of high humidity in the room or as a main reason, an excessively low temperature of the glass surface can be. If the moisture appears inside the glass package, then this fact speaks about poor-quality production or installation of the window. If you consider yourself to the number of victims of a similar incident, then you will be 100% to contact the company that has installed the window and require the replacement of the glass package (it should be not forgotten that the warranty period after the installation is equal to five years).

Situations contributing to the fogging of plastic windows

Most often there are situations where the windows fading occurs on the inside of the room. The causes of their occurrence are quite banal. According to the disclosure of the meaning of the concept of "dew point", meeting in the course of physics, you can remember that this concept It serves to designate a suitable temperature level at which the moisture contained in the air falls in the form of condensate. Influencing factors on the "dew point" are the temperature and relative humidity.

When we sorted out in a situation, why plastic windows sweat inside, and sometimes condensation is quite strong, you can easily find ways to adjust the situation. After all, the main aspect in the problem described above is the timely establishment of the reason, so that it can be possible to be painlessly correct all the flaws.

First of all, you should not allow depression to win over your emotions, when you notice that moisture appeared on the new windows inside. It is best to keep in service that the moment that is very easy to get rid of condensate on the glass - for this it is enough to increase the level of air temperature in the room or lower the humidity.

To increase levels temperature modeEspecially with such a question, people are most often faced in winter, the priority factor will be the concern for the insulation of the room. By the solution of this barrier, there may be ways of insulation of external walls or installing a "warm floor" system.

With a comprehensive desire to cool, change the situation on the final elimination of condensate, it is worth thinking about the possible installation of a narrow window sill, which will not serve as a barrier to blow up the brake air-rising warm air. If there is no such possibility, then you should think about creating additional devices For glass heating.

Cause of condensation on plastic windows

The most common victims of condensate are relatively cheap (budget) options for single-chamber glass windows. Why does such an uniceceptible event happen? This is exactly the most common case when consumers in their most chases a relatively low price, and not for high quality. But as you know, "the miser pays twice," and even in much large quantity time. IN budget structures Distribution The distance between the glazers does not exceed 30 m, which leads to a decrease in thermal insulation capabilities and a significant decrease in the temperature level of the inner wall.

To maintain a higher temperature of the inner glass, it is recommended to install two-chamber double-glazed windows. The most relevant and useful will be a similar installation of double-glazed windows in the room or in the cooking zone (i.e. in the kitchen) or in other internal residential spaces with elevated levels of humidity.

Air humidity is the second determining factor that has a huge effect on fading glass. The dominant advantage of plastic windows is their excellent tightness, but it is worth considering the reverse side of the coin. It is the tightness in a particular case that can serve poor service and appear the main reason for the appearance of condensate. The gradual deterioration of the ventilation level leads to an increase in the level of humidity. The method of its decrease will be to clean the ventilation grids or in more frequent air ventilation. It will be useful to open the windows daily at least 10-15 minutes. Such short-term periods of ventilation will not be a significant factor in reducing the temperature of the temperature regime in winter, but they will be contributing to the criterion for reducing relative humidity.

Decorative flowers grown on the windowsill can also play a significant role to form an increased condensate level. It should be noted that the flowers standing on the windowsill contribute not only to the creation of the atmosphere of comfort and comfort, but also serve as a stabilizer of windowing windows, as they fulfill the role of a kind of barrier for free circulation of warm air in glass.

Great benefit for regular ventilation of windows in winter Will install plastic windows with micheology function. A similar design will create only a small slot around the perimeter of the window, through which air will be carried out directly. In such a case, the windows may not be fear of precipitation or strong wind.

What to do when fogging windows PVC

So, let's briefly list the main methods and methods of combating fissile plastic windows:

  1. Replacement of single-chamber glass windows on two-chamber;
  2. Installing a narrow window sill or special girlfriend for the possibility of driving warm air to the glass;
  3. Creation of reliable and durable insulation of the room;
  4. Regular ventilation;
  5. Timely repair of the ventilation system in case of acute necessity;
  6. Inadmissibility of decorative plants on the windowsill.
  7. Installing a micro-tier design.

Ways to combat fungal mold on PVC windows

It is impossible to leave the fact that since the appearance in our life of metal-plastic windows, in addition to a number of advantages has appeared substantially, sometimes even out of the row positive momentsdisadvantage - lack natural Fashion Air exchange indoor. As a result, dark points begin to appear on the walls and in the corners of the docking with windows, which are growing over time in their sizes and turn into huge dark spots. Plastic windows are mold over time. A mold fungus itself has a high degree of lifestability and is a greater danger to the body. For him are not a hindrance minus temperatures air, because It is in the "hibernation". Spore fungus even withstand the effects of high temperatures, because they require a long-term and costly thermal processing process. Related factors for the appearance of mold is a high level of humidity in a residential room, low-efficient ventilation, poor quality installed windowscharacterized by disgusting sealing. Home plants, perfectly felt in a wet earthen environment, serve as an excellent seafood of fungal dispute. In turn, it is worth noting that water, the conductor of which is a special sprayer, is required that there are particularly whimsical plants. And water sprayers, in turn, perform the role of a catalyst with a large content of water vapor in the air, which also creates favorable conditions To spread mold. Spores fungus are able to settle on different areas of the room, tolerated for the company with air and dust. As the favorable climatic conditions find favorable conditions for their further functioning, the disputes lightning up and germinate. Fungal disputes have an extremely negative impact on the human body, leading to the development of heavy respiratory diseases, allergies, smoothly flowing into asthma, and children's diathesis.

Fighting with mold is difficult, but necessary and possibly. To do this, you need to take note effective techniques and methods of combating fungal mold, namely:

  1. To air the room after washing, bath procedures, cooking, wet cleaningdrying wet linen, water spraying of plants;
  2. The presence of natural or artificial ventilation (air conditioners, preferably with the filter);
  3. An important factor is good and uninterrupted heating in the room;
  4. Removal of fungal disputes with biocides, during the use of which should be extremely careful, since most of them are poisons. Establishing assistance in the fight against fungus can be provided by such chlorine-containing funds such as whiteness, domain, copper sulfate, etc. FEED, that at present the range of antifungal agents is replete with the counters with its diversity. Now finding an antifungal agent will not be not the slightest work and will not cause any problems.

The initial stage of the struggle against mold is to determine the reasons for its occurrence and the choice effective methods Fight. And only after this stage it will be possible to eliminate negative consequences.

Video: Why are plastic windows fogged?

If plastic windows are covered with moisture, then this problem should not be ignored. Ignoring dampness can lead to the formation of mold and fungus indoors. Dew loss on the windows is associated with high levels humidity. In this case, the repair of the glass package or its replacement may not bring the result. The reason may wage in the window itself. You can get rid of the water, but you need to find the cause.

Causes of fogging plastic windows

Moisture covering the surface is condensate. It occurs in the case when water moves from the gaseous to the liquid state. This process is carried out at the moment of cooling the substance. The colder side of the plastic window, directed into the room, the greater the likelihood of condensate formation.

The temperature is near the window when steam is converted into a drop on the glass, called the "dew point".

Moving windows talks about problems with the microclimate indoors.

These include:

  • high humidity;
  • weak heating;
  • weak ventilation.

If everything is in order in the apartment with the air exchange, it is well attacked, then even the cheapest glass winds should not be fed.

It happens that in one part of the room the glass sweat is stronger than in others, or in the morning the condensate on the glasses appears more often. The identification of these patterns will help determine the cause of moisture.

More often glass fogged in winter. In addition, moisture on the window can be combined with the formation of a land. There is a big difference between euro windows and indoor air temperatures. This may be due to:

If the plastic windows are fisted in the morning, the reason may be a stronger heating of the room at night. It turns out that the house is high in the house, and on the street reaches minimal indicators. Therefore, the air temperature near the window comes to the "dew point", forming a drop.

If eurokna is wet only in the same room, then in it increased humidity or disturbed air exchange. The kitchen is the territory of high humidity. If the extractor works badly, couples from the stove will settle on the windows.

The following factors affect fogging:

Options solving the problem

Scroll possible causes and ways to eliminate them.

It often arises the question of why double-glazed windows in an apartment or private house. Factors that contribute to this process, quite a few. To resolve the problem, first of all, it should be understood which of the reasons led to the formation of condensate. Otherwise moisture on the glasses and plastic profile The apartment will not disappear. And the result will be the formation of fungus, mold.

Why do windows sweat?

Cause this phenomenon - condensate, which falls on the cooled surface of the subject. So that it happens, the fulfillment of two conditions is necessary: \u200b\u200bchange in temperature and humidity in the room. The boundary in which the moisture from the state of the pair passes into the liquid is called a dew point.

For each temperature value and humidity level in the room there is a certain limit for cooling the surface of the subject. For example, if the air in the apartment is heated up to 20 degrees, and the humidity is 40%, the dew on the glass will appear when it is cooling to a temperature of 6 degrees.

Increased humidity level contributes to the acceleration of the condensate dropping process. If the climate of the terrain is characterized by high humidity, completely remove the cause of the appearance of moisture on the glasses will not work. It is only necessary to promote artificially dying air in the apartment, for which special devices are created today.

Causes of fogging windows

The condensate falling on the glasses can occur under different conditions:

  • in the morning, when the air temperature outside the window is reduced;
  • during cooking, in this case, the glass is fisted in the cold season (winter, autumn, spring);
  • the problem makes himself felt throughout the heating season;
  • the house sweat the windows only on one of the windows.

If there are similar manifestations, it is easy to take care of the question, why this happens. Manufacturers negotiate that small, but most importantly - irregular and short fogging glass falls under the norm.

Excessive tightness

What if the windows practically do not let the air outside the room? Plastic window blocks are known for their tightness, which guarantees a decrease in heat loss from the room. However, U. this advantage There is I. back side - the window will not miss the air and inside the house, which means ineffective natural circulation air and subsequent fading of double-glazed windows.

For solutions this issue Manufacturers have provided the ability to adjust the sash by means of such elements as pin. With their help, you can translate the design to summer or winter mode of operation. Decisive in this case will be the force of the clamping.

Excessive humidity

Another reason why double-glazed windows are sweating, lies in the increased values \u200b\u200bof the microclimate parameters. In particular, we are talking About relative humidity in the apartment. Regulations Determine the maximum level of this parameter not more than 40%. All indicators that are higher specified value, They talk about the increased moisture content in the air.

Installation of exhaust valves

Control of the level of humidity can be carried out independently, for which hygrometers are used. But what if there is a similar problem? You should use air dryers.

Production Marriage, Low Product Quality

Typically, the designs offered at low cost are distinguished by low quality. IN different cases This may mean the installation of cheap fittings, which serves for a short time and repair is not subject to, or flaws in the product device: the errors of the drainage system or when assembling the window block.

What to do in such situations? It depends very much on what deficiencies take place. In some cases, it is necessary to change the window completely, it is enough to replace the glass windows. And it is better not to save when buying a new design.

Low efficiency of the housing heating system

If windows sweat, and along with this trouble there is a coolness in the house, it is possible to consider the likelihood that the cause of condensate falling is not sufficiently warm heating pipes. To resolve the problem, you need to determine the condition heating system: In the old house to improve the microclimate, it may be necessary to replace communications and equipment.

Optimal and permissible temperature standards, relative humidity

In new buildings, it is enough to adjust the heating level of the radiator (with local heating control) or to fill the losses of the already missing heat with the electrical heater.

If one of the windows is moving or everything is immediately due to the protruding window sill, then in this case the problem is solved different ways: You can install the electrical heater next to the window, change the dimensions of the windowsill or make the battery slightly further.

Condensate B. incorrect size Window sill

The first two ways do not require large costs. But the radiator transfer will entail significant costs.

Ill-conceived ventilation

Natural air circulation in the apartment is often worsen after installing plastic windows. Therefore, this consequence is eliminated by mounting support and exhaust ventilation. One of the errors at the same time is the wrong performance level calculations. ventilation system On the outflow and air flow. This leads to too intense heat loss from the room or, on the contrary, is unnecessarily slow air circulation.

To resolve the problem, it is necessary to choose the right equipment or customize the existing ventilation taking into account the size of the room and the number of people regularly staying in the room. Strengthen air injection in the apartment can be installed patch valve Right in the design of the plastic window. In this case, it is necessary to set up its work as accurately as possible.

It is important to bottom door canvas At the entrance to the problem room was a gap. If necessary, mounted exhaust ventilationHowever, this solution is easier to implement in private housing.

The most difficult situations are those related to the production marriage of the product or its low quality. In the worst case you will have to replace window block. This choice should be done not at the price, but according to the characteristics and, guided by the reputation of the manufacturer.

Often you can hear complaints of the owners of even high-quality plastic windows on the incomprehensible appearance of water on the surface of the glass package.

As a rule, it is described by the term " windows sweating". The effect is expressed by the appearance of a certain amount of moisture on the surface of the glass, and sometimes on the plastic itself. In fact, we are talking about a simple condensate. Let's try to explain what condensate on the windows And how to deal with this phenomenon.

The most common cases of fogging windows and their manifestation:

  • The windows sweat only in the morning. As a rule, from 8 to 10 am.
  • The window sweats only in the winter cold time.
  • In all rooms, everything is in order, but one constantly stifles the window.
  • On the windowsill water.

In this article we will try to explain to you why plastic windows sweat.

What looks like a window

As a rule, the window sweats from the bottom up with a slight emphasis on the edges. The fog is a huge number of small droplets, which, connecting, form large. Large drops are often rolled along the surface of the glass window down, sometimes getting on the windowsill, as a result of which a small puddle of water appears on it.

The first question that occurs when fogging windows - what to do? Most first things call with a complaint to the company in which they bought, trying to blame her in poor-quality windows or installation of windows. The most common phrase is at the same time: "Your window fogging, and with old windows we did not have this! ". At the same time, any attempts of the company explain the nature of what is happening the phenomenon is perceived by the customer as an excuse for their guilt. But in fact, the company is to blame only 2-5% of cases. In other cases, the perpetrators are certain factors, both separately and in aggregate.

The origin of condensation

As mentioned above, water forming on the surface of the glass package (windows) is called condensate. - Transition of water from a vapor state into liquid. The colder glass side of the glass package, the greater the probability of condensate falling on it. Also, the likelihood of fading windows affects the humidity in the room.

If you explain this from the point of view of physics, then there is such a thing as dew point. The dew on the grass appears from the fact that in the morning the air temperature rises faster than the temperature of the grass, and at that moment, when the temperature of the grass reaches the "dew point", steam in the air settles on its surface, forming a drop. In fogging windows the same nature.

With this table, you can determine the temperature of the glass surface package, at which condensate will fall on it. As mentioned above, this value depends on two factors: the air temperature in the room and the humidity indoors. Use the humidity in the room can be a hygrometer.

Vl. / T 0 2,5 5 7,5 10 12,5 15 17,5 20 22,5 25
20 -20 -18 -16 -14 12 -9,8 -7,7 -5,6 -3,6 -1,5 -0,5
30 -15 -13 -11 -8,9 -6,7 -4,5 -2,4 -0,2 1,9 4,1 6,2
40 -12 -9,7 -7,4 -5,2 -2,9 -0,7 1,5 3,8 6,0 8,2 10,5
50 -9,1 -6,8 -4,5 -2,2 0,1 2,4 4,7 7,0 9,3 11,6 13,9
60 -6,8 -4,4 -2,1 0,3 2,6 5,0 7,3 9,7 12,0 14,4 16,7
70 -4,8 -2,4 0,0 2,4 4,8 7,2 9,6 12,0 14,4 16,8 19,1
80 -3,0 -0,6 1,9 4,3 6,7 9,2 11,6 14,0 16,4 18,9 21,3
90 -1,4 1,0 3,5 6,0 8,4 10,9 13,4 15,8 18,3 20,8 23,2
100 0,0 2,5 5,0 7,5 10,0 12,5 15,0 17,5 20,0 22,5 25,0
Left - the percentage of humidity in the room. From above - the temperature in the room.

Quite often ask the question why old windows did not sweat, and new windows sweat? The fact is that Soviet carpentry windows have large distance between glasses in the frames, for this reason, the glass that is located in the room has large temperaturethan the same glass in a single-chamber windshop. But this does not mean at all that old carpent windows are warmer.

Single-chamber glass

When buying the window should not save on the double-glazing. A single-chamber ordinary glass window (not energy-saving) is likely to introduce you to such a phenomenon as "fogging windows".

What to do: Replace the glass pack (not a window, namely the glass).

Battery blocked by a windowsill

The window must be blown in warm air. The battery is blocked by the windowsill does not allow the warm air to circulate properly, thereby, without heating the window.

What to do: reduce the depth of the window sill or make the battery, sometimes come up alternative source Heating glass.

Bad ventilation indoors

Ventilation grates Craveled dust and poorly absorbed wet air, leaving it in the room.

What to do: Clean or replace lattices if it's not about them, then make sure that the ventilation is fine and the humidity is normally derived from the room.

Flowers on the windowsill

Flowers are plenty of moisture. It settles on the glass, as a result of which condensate is formed on the glass.

What to do: Remove flowers from the window sill.

Unsecured windows

Windows translated on summer modehave less heat insulation compared to winter regimeAs a result, the inner side of the glass package is cooled stronger.

The room is ventilated less than 10 minutes a day.

Regardless, what are your windows, they need to open and ventilate the room. Ideal for this suitable microworous mode.

What to do: To ventilate the room 10-15 minutes a day.

Mounting errors

Rarely, but it happens that the company installing the windows does not highlight windows, or the installation of slopes. As a result - purging, which cause the reduced glass temperature, as a result of which the windows sweat.

Master of Architecture, graduated from Samara State Architectural University. 11 years of experience in the field of design and construction.

Plastic windows perfectly perform their function: they perfectly retain heat, isolate the street noise and retain the temperature indoors. But frequent phenomenon is the appearance of condensate on the glasses in the cold season. Why are plastic windows in winter and how to eliminate such a problem?

Causes and consequences of fogging windows

The reason for fogging windows is hidden in physical properties water. Being in a gaseous state, it is invisible, but when the temperature decreases, the so-called dew point is achieved, that is, water vapor goes into a liquid. It is in this case that condensate is formed, which settles on plastic windows.

Cause of moisture sediment on glass - increased humidity

If the windows began to fog from the inside, the reason can only be one - this is a defective double-glazed. This element of the entire system should be sealed, and in case of violation of such a condition, water vapor falls inside, where it sends on the inner glass when cooling. Such a problem with the replacement of the glass package is eliminated, the frame can be left.

However, the condensate is most often formed on the outer surface of the window. Why are plastic windows sweating in winter and how to eliminate such a factor? There may be several answers to this question:

Subsequently, fogging leads not only to the violation of the review through the glass. Often such a process provokes the occurrence of worst phenomena:

  • Waste windows and education on them.
  • Increased humidity is the cause of mold, rot and fungus.
  • Water I. low temperatures Gradually destroy foam in the gap and disturb the tightness of the entire system and at home.

Permanent fogging of windows can lead to the appearance of mold

What to do with such negative influence And how to eliminate the causes of windowing windows?

Elimination of problems

If you have a window, you need to establish the cause of the phenomenon. It happens that the situation arises as a consequence of a large number of location on the windowsill indoor plantswho evaporate a large number of moisture.

Wind adjustment

Make sure that it is possible, by making a simple inspection of the entire window. The first thing to do is to check the correctness of adjusting the sash and the degree of their locking. This is done as follows:

  • You can feel a strong draft, having spent by hand along the window.
  • To set fire to a match or a candle, if the light fluctuates, then the tightness is broken.
  • In the flap lay paper and lock. You can pull out a sheet without any effort.

If there are deficiencies, proceed to adjust. The shutter is exhibited vertically and horizontally with screws located on the bottom loop.

To adjust the flaps, screw the bolts located on the bottom loop

The degree of pressed is regulated by the eccentrics on the ends of the window, as well as pulling the pressure plates.

Translation in winter or summer mode is carried out using eccentric

Do not forget about the seasonal setup of windows. For this, the regulators turn the marker inside for the summer, and towards the street in winter.

Window sills

Often the windows are crying due to improper air circulation during the cold season. The reason is hidden in wide window sills, which overlap the access of warm air masses to the surface of the glass package.

In this case, to normalize circulation in the windowsill, you need to drill several holes that will provide normal heat access to the glass.

Holes in the windowsill allow warm air to heat the glasses

It is also necessary to pay attention to the lattices that cover the heating radiators may also interfere with the air exchange.

Finishing of slopes

If the window has been established with violations of technology (leakage clearances, the frame has moved), then you should contact the establishment company. Installers are required to eliminate such a problem for free.

An independent attempt to seal the gaps may not to accomplish the situation, since the glass pack was initially incorrectly installed.

Finishing and insulation of slopes prevents fogging windows

Another thing is with the slopes. If the finish was not made, it should be done immediately, otherwise it will lead to complete destruction mounting foam in gaps. In order for the windows not to cry, it is best to insulate them with the use of heat insulating material ( mineral Wat, foam or foam).


Quite often, the windows are crying due to poor-quality or worn out accessories. All mechanisms should function normally and smoothly lock the sash in compliance with normal pressed.

Damaged seal must be replaced

It is necessary to carefully inspect the seal. It must be elastic, without breaks and cracks. If there is damage, and elasticity is lost, proceed to its replacement.


To ventilate the room you need to approach very carefully. This is especially true of rooms with elevated levels of humidity (kitchens, bathrooms), where the glass is most often sweat.

After all, plastic windows fully seal the room and make it difficult to access the air from the street. Solve the problem of the air exchange can be as follows.

Check existing ventilation for clogging. This can be done arson of the candle near the channels of the channels. If the light does not deviate, then the extractor does not work. The lattices are removed and clean up to restore normal functioning.

However, except exhaust systemSupply ventilation must be present. This issue is solved by installing ventilation valves on the windows.

Support ventilation can be ensured using the valve built into the handle

Today there are modern support systemsinstalled in the window handle they do not spoil appearance and provide sufficient amount of fresh air inflow.

With the provision of a normal ventilation level eliminates the problem of high humidity.

Heat insulation

Single-chamber double-glazed windows are used in most non-residential premiseswhere thermal insulation is not so important. If such a glass unit is mounted in the residential room, then it will not provide proper heat saving.

Thermal insulation of glass with the film will not solve the problem of cold

It is possible to eliminate the problem with insulation of slopes and applying an energy-saving film on glass. But these measures do not ensure the preservation of heat in full.

Optimization of humidity level

As mentioned above, such a phenomenon can be eliminated by the provision of normal ventilation of the rooms. However, if it does not help, you can mount moisture-absorbing devices under the windowsill. Such cartridges will cost inexpensively, and their effectiveness is quite high..

Recommend to enhance humidity in the room can recent repairs. The large area of \u200b\u200bplacled surfaces evaporates a huge amount of moisture, which does not cope with ventilation. This is a temporary phenomenon and as the walls dry out the walls, the humidity level is normalized.

As a rule, these are the main reasons for the windows cry in the winter. If they are eliminated, the situation is normalized and there will be no problems with fogging.