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The difference between plastic windows. What are the distinguished plastic windows from metal-plastic. Ventation valve ventilation

Today there is a very acute problem of energy saving, and therefore the replacement is replaced or installing new windows, which will reduce the weight loss of your housing, being more sealed compared to traditional wooden. It is desirable that they have beauty, ease of use, practicality and quality. Today, many firms offer windows of different designs, material manufacturing, purpose and price.

A good plastic window should be protected from cold and noise, not only beautiful, but also reliable. And, unambiguous, the window must serve for a long time.

So what differ plastic windows with each other and from other windows?

Difference from each other

Device plastic

The window consists of:

  • frames;
  • double-glazed windows;
  • accessories;
  • windowsill;
  • waterfronts.


In the conditions of the South Coast climate, with sufficiently strong seasonal winds, especially for multi-storey houses, the use of windows with a thickness of less than 60 mm is not recommended.

The frame is 20-30% of the window area and is made of plastic profile reinforced with metal. The profile can be three- and five-chamber with different configuration and patterns of cameras. In this case, its width is either 58 mm, or 70 mm (for the northern regions of the continent may be thicker). The chambers are formed inside the profile by partitions so that air rollers are placed around the perimeter, which helps to achieve high sound and thermal insulation, and affect the strength and rigidity of the frames.

In addition, frame profiles are distinguished by the thickness of their walls, material and reinforcement technology. The profile can be reinforced by all 4 sides of the window or only by 3rd.

In low-cost systems for plastic saving, sometimes reduce the thickness of the chambers of the chambers, which leads to a decrease in strength and frost resistance. The outer surface of the frames can be a glossy or matte.

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Glass windows

Double-glazed windows are a structure with a thickness of 34 mm or 44 mm, consisting of several glass cloth connected along the edge, between which the space is filled with rarefied air or argon (which does not really affect their thermal conductivity). They are single, two- and three-chamber with a thickness of chambers from 6 to 16 mm and are differentiated depending on the severity of the climate. Various the quality and thickness of the glass in the package (from 4 to 7 mm), as well as their properties: conventional glass, energy-saving to-glass or and-glass (with spraying on their surface of silver ions). For the best sound insulation and for a different climatic zone, the thickness of the glass in the package is combined.


The picture shows: handles, lifting blocker, microwing function, lock adjustable pin, built-in retainer, press the bottom hinge of the sash.

Fittings are locks, loops, handles, that is, all those mechanical elements, thanks to which the windows have the opportunity to open and close and on which the convenience of use mainly depends on. They are distinguished by resistance to wear, loads and safety. The window in the direction of opening can be swivel or folded with the possibility of slotted ventilation or without it. And the systems allow you to install: mesh mesh, blinds, ventilation systems, etc. Recently, when making plastic windows began to establish climate control, which smoothly adjusts the flow of fresh air without dirt and dust. The loops of cheap fittings are no possibility of their adjustment, which can entail unregulated gaps, which will lead to an additional loss of thermal energy.

Window sills

The window sills are a segment of a special plastic profile with special plugs. The main requirement for them is their strength, which depends on the thickness of the walls and the number of internal partitions. Their appearance depends on the manufacturing material.


Windows, the frames of which are made of aluminum alloy (and not from pure aluminum, as someone may think), are widely destination windows. Aluminum profile is similar to plastic: It has internal chambers, places for mounting double-glazed windows and seals.

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Differences from plastic

Thermal conductivity of Ram.

Aluminum windows have a higher cost compared to others, but they have durability, high thermal conductivity, easily clean and can have any complex shape.

The ability to transmit heat in aluminum is much larger than that of polyvinyl chloride, therefore, the frames made from aluminum should have more cameras and special insulating fillers. Aluminum profiles are "cold" and "warm." "Cold" are profiles with a small number of cameras (about two), designed for mounting in places where there is no need for thermal insulation (indoors, balconies, technical buildings). The "warm" cameras are a lot and successfully compete with plastic. In addition, in aluminum profiles, in order to avoid the appearance of the heat bridge, the wall contour from the special material of the polyamide is inserted - they are equipped with a thermal survey.

Relness Ram.

Plastic is softer aluminum, and to increase the rigidity and strength of the frames of them they are reinforced by metal, eliminating this difference.


It is clear that the metal saves a neat appearance longer. Aluminum windows profiles remain attractive almost twice as long as the plastic. In addition, with damage to aluminum frames, the profile can be restored or replaced, which cannot be done with PVC frames. But the scratches on the metal are visible more clearly, and it is almost impossible to eliminate or disguise them.

When fire, an aluminum window is resistant to high temperatures, and plastic is not.

Only from aluminum you can make windows of very large sizes. In addition, aluminum is absolutely fireproof.


Due to greater strength of aluminum windows, compared with plastic, they have thin frames, which increases the area of \u200b\u200bthe glass package, so there will be more light in the room.


Plastic profiles contain chlorine derived from oil, which when burning the exhaust windows is converted into dioxins, and aluminum alloys are easily recycled.

Modern windows manufacturers offer customers a large range of translucent structures with different characteristics, operating parameters and appearance features. Buyers are often lost in a variety of options, not knowing what criteria to compare the models, assess their advantages and disadvantages. The most popular today are windows from, but not all customers know that there are two categories of these structures, each of which has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

What is the difference in plastic and metal-plastic windows

Conventional plastic windows are structures, frames and sash which are made of PVC profile without adding additional reinforcing elements. This type of windows has average strength and durability, but profitable for the budget due to the simplicity of manufacture and relatively low cost of the finished product.

Metal-plastic windows are not different from simple PVC products, however, if you see such a profile in the context, the eyes will open the presence of an important additional part - the internal metal liner. The inner metal frame increases the strength and reliability of the structure. It is made of steel with an anti-corrosion coating, placed inside the chambers of the frame and sash around the perimeter. The enhancing frame is closed - with a cross section form in the form of a quadrilateral or unlocked - with a cross section, resembling the outline of letters r or P. The thickness of the steel plate, as a rule, is 1.2-1.5 mm and depends on which load should withstand the design . The main requirements for the quality of the material and the method of installation of the framework are set forth in Guest 30674-99, which is valid throughout the Russian Federation.

Advantages and disadvantages of plastic and metal-plastic windows

Plastic windows

The advantages of plastic windows include their low cost (compared to reinforced counterparts) and low weight. These window systems are available to most consumers and perform their functions well during a certain period. The small weight of the windows from the unarmed profile allows them to be installed on the balconies, producing minimal amplification of the parapet.

However, as mentioned above, plastic windows without a reinforcing metal frame are less durable. Most manufacturers are guaranteed 20-30 years of workability of such structures when using them under normal conditions. The profile constantly turns out to be a large load: in addition to its own weight, it holds heavy glass, which can weigh up to 80 kg.

It is worth noting that even the highest quality plastic can be deformed from sharp temperature fluctuations and long exposure to its sunlight. For this reason, the service life of plastic windows in the regions with an unstable or hot climate will be less.

Metal-plastic windows

Reinforcement gives PVC windows additional strength, extending their lives and increasing the ability to withstand diverse loads. Metal-plastic windows are not afraid of a strong wind, tests of temperature drops, their sash rarely sag in the weight of the glass and work even in super-intensive mode. The average service life of metal-plastic windows is 40-50 years. Metallic gain profile allows manufacturers to create structures of various shapes and not worry about their possible deformation.

There are metal-plastic windows and individual deficiencies that should be considered when purchasing:

  1. The appearance of "cold bridges". Metal elements compared to plastic have greater thermal conductivity and reduce the thermal insulation characteristics of the entire structure. To minimize the influence of this factor, the manufacturers have come up with the following: Reduce the area of \u200b\u200bcontact of the carcass with plastic, installing inside vertical ribs that hold the metal in the desired position.

  2. High price. Any windows of the reinforced profile (naturally, we are talking about quality products) cost more than similar models from ordinary plastic. Galvanized steel is quite expensive material, and therefore the price of structures increases in proportion to the amount of metal used.
When choosing windows with reinforcement, it is necessary to take into account that together with the increase in the strength of the window system, the internal metal framework significantly increases its mass. Accordingly, metal-plastic windows are noticeably heavier than conventional plastic analogs. Due to gravity, such windows are hardly suitable for installation in buildings with dilapidated walls, and before) Parapet must be reinforced.

Scope of application

After studying the main characteristics, as well as weak and strengths of plastic and metal-plastic windows, you can start the choice of the most suitable option for your room. Each case is individual, however, there are a number of general recommendations of specialists to whom it is worth listening to:
  • For premises on the upper floors of "height", as well as for installation in homes located in the open space (with the maximum probability of regular exposure to strong winds), it is worth choosing metal-plastic windows.
  • Apartments in standard multi-storey buildings of large cities located in the middle lane of Russia (and other regions with temperate climates) can be equipped with simple plastic windows.
  • Conventional plastic windows - a decent option for buyers with a limited budget.
  • For installation in buildings with large window openings or it is recommended to use exclusively metal-plastic windows.
  • The windows designed by individual projects, the design of non-standard form, original models for design interiors are made mainly from the PVC profile with reinforcement.
  • The glazing of structures that are not able to withstand a significant load, such as balconies with a fragile fence, should be performed by products from a plastic profile without steel liner - they have a smaller weight and minimize the likelihood of its damage or destruction.

The desire to save often pushes buyers to the selection of cheap windows, which at first glance do not differ from expensive. This is not surprising: the big temptation is to buy the same thing, but at a lesser price. As they say, if there is no difference, why pay more? But is there really no difference? Unfortunately, unfair manufacturers often reduce the price due to the quality of their products. And then today's savings can turn into double trips to repair or replace windows.

What kind of savings use unscrupulous manufacturers and how does it affect the quality of the product? Consider in the article.

  • Profile. The manufacturer can seriously save, reducing the cost of the plastic profile. This is achieved in three ways. First, cheaper components and recycling are added to the plastic. This can lead to a change in the profile color and the appearance of poor smell. Secondly, manufacturers can save on modifiers and stabilizers that provide durability, strength and stability of the product to adverse conditions. How will a profile behave with defective analogs of these components, you can imagine. Some manufacturers are saved by reducing the thickness of the profile walls, which also reduces the strength and durability of the product.
  • Reinforcement. PVC does not have high rigidity, so in the manufacture of windows use reinforcing liners from galvanized steel. Unscrupulous manufacturers reduce the thickness of the liner, use poor-quality coating or change the galvanized metal "black", which is not able to withstand corrosion. All this adversely affects the strength and durability of the design.
  • Glass windows. The use of low-brand cheaper glass allows to significantly reduce. However, together with savings, the buyer receives such problems as muddy glass with air bubbles.
  • Seals. In order to save the manufacturers choose seals from poor-quality material. This may affect the functionality of the window immediately or after a couple of years - the service life and operational characteristics of the structure are reduced, over time its appearance may change.
  • Furnitura. Cheap components will quickly fail, as a result the window will be bad and closed or will lose this ability at all, drafts and dampness will appear in the house.
  • Equipment. Buying and modifying high-quality equipment requires a serious investment of funds. But not all manufacturers are ready for it. Some arrange handicraft production in their garage. where the windows make up the windows using undergrades. It is easy to imagine the quality of the product obtained.
  • Work force. Qualified specialists are also expensive pleasure. The result of saving in this area is various errors in production: low-quality welding of angular compounds, incorrect installation of fittings and seals, etc.
  • Installation. You should not assume that you can install the windows yourself or with the help of friends. The service life largely depends on the quality of the installation of the placial window, it is not worth saving on it. Otherwise, drafts may appear, the windows will begin to fog, the flaps will be badly closed, and the accessories can fail.
  • Mandatory certification. The lack of certificates for the manufacturer's products immediately should be alert. This means that the products did not undergo check, and their quality is no confirmed.

Thus, the main criterion for selecting the window should be not the price, but the quality confirmed by certificates and the manufacturer's guarantee.

Today there is a very acute problem of energy saving, and therefore the replacement is replaced or installing new windows, which will reduce the weight loss of your housing, being more sealed compared to traditional wooden. It is desirable that they have beauty, ease of use, practicality and quality. Today, many firms offer windows of different designs, material manufacturing, purpose and price.

A good plastic window should be protected from cold and noise, not only beautiful, but also reliable. And, unambiguous, the window must serve for a long time.

So what differ plastic windows with each other and from other windows?

Device plastic

The window consists of:

  • frames;
  • double-glazed windows;
  • accessories;
  • windowsill;
  • waterfronts.


In the conditions of the South Coast climate, with sufficiently strong seasonal winds, especially for multi-storey houses, the use of windows with a thickness of less than 60 mm is not recommended.

The frame is 20-30% of the window area and is made of plastic profile reinforced with metal. The profile can be three- and five-chamber with different configuration and patterns of cameras. In this case, its width is either 58 mm, or 70 mm (for the northern regions of the continent may be thicker). The chambers are formed inside the profile by partitions so that air rollers are placed around the perimeter, which helps to achieve high sound and thermal insulation, and affect the strength and rigidity of the frames.

In addition, frame profiles are distinguished by the thickness of their walls, material and reinforcement technology. The profile can be reinforced by all 4 sides of the window or only by 3rd.

In low-cost systems for plastic saving, sometimes reduce the thickness of the chambers of the chambers, which leads to a decrease in strength and frost resistance. The outer surface of the frames can be a glossy or matte.

Glass windows

Double-glazed windows are a structure with a thickness of 34 mm or 44 mm, consisting of several glass cloth connected along the edge, between which the space is filled with rarefied air or argon (which does not really affect their thermal conductivity). They are single, two- and three-chamber with a thickness of chambers from 6 to 16 mm and are differentiated depending on the severity of the climate. Various the quality and thickness of the glass in the package (from 4 to 7 mm), as well as their properties: conventional glass, energy-saving to-glass or and-glass (with spraying on their surface of silver ions). For the best sound insulation and for a different climatic zone, the thickness of the glass in the package is combined.


The picture shows: handles, lifting blocker, microwing function, lock adjustable pin, built-in retainer, press the bottom hinge of the sash.

Fittings are locks, loops, handles, that is, all those mechanical elements, thanks to which the windows have the opportunity to open and close and on which the convenience of use mainly depends on. They are distinguished by resistance to wear, loads and safety. The window in the direction of opening can be swivel or folded with the possibility of slotted ventilation or without it. And the systems allow you to install: mesh mesh, blinds, ventilation systems, etc. Recently, when making plastic windows began to establish climate control, which smoothly adjusts the flow of fresh air without dirt and dust. The loops of cheap fittings are no possibility of their adjustment, which can entail unregulated gaps, which will lead to an additional loss of thermal energy.

Window sills

The window sills are a segment of a special plastic profile with special plugs. The main requirement for them is their strength, which depends on the thickness of the walls and the number of internal partitions. Their appearance depends on the manufacturing material.


Windows, the frames of which are made of aluminum alloy (and not from pure aluminum, as someone may think), are widely destination windows. Aluminum profile is similar to plastic: It has internal chambers, places for mounting double-glazed windows and seals.

Differences from plastic

Thermal conductivity of Ram.

Aluminum windows have a higher cost compared to others, but they have durability, high thermal conductivity, easily clean and can have any complex shape.

The ability to transmit heat in aluminum is much larger than that of polyvinyl chloride, therefore, the frames made from aluminum should have more cameras and special insulating fillers. Aluminum profiles are "cold" and "warm." "Cold" are profiles with a small number of cameras (about two), designed for mounting in places where there is no need for thermal insulation (indoors, balconies, technical buildings). The "warm" cameras are a lot and successfully compete with plastic. In addition, in aluminum profiles, in order to avoid the appearance of the heat bridge, the wall contour from the special material of the polyamide is inserted - they are equipped with a thermal survey.

Relness Ram.

Plastic is softer aluminum, and to increase the rigidity and strength of the frames of them they are reinforced by metal, eliminating this difference.


It is clear that the metal saves a neat appearance longer. Aluminum windows profiles remain attractive almost twice as long as the plastic. In addition, with damage to aluminum frames, the profile can be restored or replaced, which cannot be done with PVC frames. But the scratches on the metal are visible more clearly, and it is almost impossible to eliminate or disguise them.

When fire, an aluminum window is resistant to high temperatures, and plastic is not.

Only from aluminum you can make windows of very large sizes. In addition, aluminum is absolutely fireproof.


Due to greater strength of aluminum windows, compared with plastic, they have thin frames, which increases the area of \u200b\u200bthe glass package, so there will be more light in the room.


Plastic profiles contain chlorine derived from oil, which when burning the exhaust windows is converted into dioxins, and aluminum alloys are easily recycled.


Of course, plastic window systems have resistance to penetration of sound more than aluminum.


Plastic profiles are much cheaper than aluminum, which attracts the average buyer and there is a pledge of their popularity.

Every day the construction service market is filled with various innovative developments. Starting with professional tools and ending with structures and fittings. For example, a couple of dozen years ago, each of us has installed standard wooden windows, then the era of plastic windows came, and now it's already the bullshit of the past. Currently, the technology of frameless glazing is a great success, pusing the classical technology for mounting frames and vertical racks. Plastic windows replaced with metal-plastic, which are distinguished by increased wear resistance and reliability.

Differences of metal-plastic windows from plastic

At first glance, not everyone can distinguish metal-plastic windows from plastic, externally, they are identical, since plastic is used in those and those outside. But their design features are essentially modified. In the process of producing metal-plastic windows, reinforcement of a metal frame for PVC profile is used. As a result, even under the scorching sunny rays, the frame and fittings are not deformed.

If you analyze and compare metal plastic windows with plastic, then general functional properties can be distinguished - it is excellent sound and noise insulation, as well as anti-svliness. But, there is an indisputable advantage at the metal-plastic profile, if you wished to glazing the balcony with the windows in the form of an arch or some other shape, then the plastic windows do not fit you, as they are produced only in a simple rectangular form.

Choosing metal-plastic windows

It is important to consider that the metal-plastic profile is much more expensive than plastic, but the quality is never cheap. Among the leaders in the field of windows manufactured, European Rehau and VEKA companies can be distinguished, they are not functioning in the construction market and have positive reviews among potential consumers.

The first where to start it is to pay special attention to the choice of the thickness and material of the reinforced frame. After all, the level of corrosion exposure depends on it. The most acceptable thickness of 1.5 mm, the material is galvanized steel. Also on the construction services market there is a cheaper option of the frame, which is made of black metal. It has an indisputable minus - it can quickly start rust, caused traces in the area of \u200b\u200bdrainage holes.

Choosing a metal-plastic window, no matter what does not differ from the usual plastic, here everyone chooses what he wants, the number of cameras, double-glazed, accessories, the thickness of the profile, etc. But it is important to consider that the classic plastic profile is preferably selected for installation in apartments, cottages, country houses. Metal-plastic windows are installed mainly, indoors where high dynamic loads are common, sharp climate drops, squall winds, and the like.

How manufacturers reduce the cost of the profile of metal-plastic windows

Of course, not all manufacturers firms seek to reduce the cost of the profile due to poor-quality fittings and reduce the thickness of the profile, but there are such. In connection with which consider both the market value when ordering the installation of metal-plastic windows, because the decrease in the wall thickness leads to a decrease in strength and durability. Also choose a profile with a closed metal reinforcement, it perfectly withstands the sharp drops of dynamic loads.

Video optional window

Do not forget that even the best and expensive windows can be spoiled, unprofessional installation. Choose only verified firms on the installation of windows, because their durability directly depends on the masters.