Repairs Design Furniture

Bashed plastic windows in a wooden house. Installing windows in a wooden house. Incorrect size of the windows

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How to fix the window: Overview of fixing hardware and photo report on the installed

Hello. In this article, I will talk about how to mount plastic windows in a residential building with your own hands using an affordable tool. I hope that this topic will be interesting to you, as the mounting skills allow you to save money.

Despite the fact that many manufacturers have the price of windows, there is a lot of companies, there are many companies where the double-glazed glass will be cheaper than self-editing. Saving money is obvious!

Basic installation of windows

Installation of glazing in the opening differs depending on the type of profile used and depending on the type of walls. For example, mounting into a stone, concrete or brick wall is carried out directly without any structures compensating for the mechanical load on the window.

At the same time, the installation in a wooden house is performed with a mandatory casing device, which compensates for the load due to shrinkage processes.

Two basic requirements are presented to the installation of plastic glass windows:

  • Strength and reliability of installed glazing;
  • The correct location in terms of the vertical and horizontal plane;
  • Properly performed sealed gaps around the perimeter of the opening to ensure the optimal energy efficiency of glazing.

Fasteners for installing double-glazed windows in PVC profile

Universally used fasteners for plastic windows: a - frame dowel with a metal seal; B - frame dowel with a plastic seal; B is a plastic dubel universal; G - Screw (Selfness); d - anchor plate

Before moving to the installation description, I propose to find out what fasteners for PVC windows can be purchased in construction stores. Much fasteners and such a variety is not accidental, since each type is intended for a particular type of walls.

Window fasteners in accordance with the type of walls are divided into the following categories:

  • for concrete walls;
  • for mounting brick walls;
  • for mounting in a wall of aerated concrete;
  • for fastening to wood.

By the way, the protective grid can be installed using the fastener listed fastener.

Fasteners for installation in concrete pasumes

Plastic double-glazed windows in concrete openings are installed by anchors or as they are also called frame dowels.

For reliable fixation of a heavy window in a concrete opening, it is customary to use an anchor with a diameter of 8 or 10 mm and from 72 to 202 mm long. The length and diameter of hardware are selected taking into account the density of the wall - the porous concrete, the longer the thicker of the anchor.

Regardless of how long and thick anchor, the strength of the finished result will depend on how neatly the hole will be drilled. If the walls of the hole as a result of non-professional drilling are divided, even the most reliable fasteners of hardware will not provide the necessary installation strength.

Installation by anchors is performed in two ways:

  1. The hole in the profile is drilled and the anchor profile is included in the concrete;
  2. Anchor plate is attached to the profile and the window design to the impell is fixed through the plate.

The first way is relevant in the event that the technological gap between the profile and the gap is small. If the distance between the profile and the opening is greater than 1 cm, the anchor plate can be used, since the fasteners can be covered with the finishing finish if plastic slopes are used.

Anchor plates are metal strips of a simple or complex configuration. Simple plates are the usual stripes with perforation. Along with such devices, there are "crabs" - plates that are crashed into the profile at the expense of something simplifies the finish of the slopes.

Fastener for installation in brick walls

The fastening of plastic windows in a brick loop is approximately as well as in. But there is one problem: if for mounting into a concrete, the holes for the anchor in the profile can be chopped in advance, then in the case of brick walls, the holes are drilled at the place, as you need to get into the center of the brick, and not in the seam laying.

For mounting in the brick, the same frame dowel is used as for concrete walls, but with a length of at least 10 cm. The length of 10 cm is the minimum approach to the brick at which you can confident that the mount does not break and will not weaken when operation.

If you are sure that the brick is not hollow, and today this is used extremely rare, you can use a dowel 6-8 cm long.

Fasteners for installation in wooden openings

The optimal option for mounting windows in a wooden opening without a casing is a self-tapping screw in combination with anchor plates. This type of fastening is equally good for log, bars and frame buildings.

If a casing is installed in the opening, the installation can be screwed directly through the profile. To set the glazing into a wooden opening, I recommend using a self-tapping screw with a length of at least 10 cm with a diameter of 8 mm. Self-tapping screws in 30 cm increments.

Fixing for installation in the openings from aerated concrete

The fetal blocks are distinguished by low density, and therefore for the installation they choose special dowels and perform installation with a small step between screws.

Installation of glazing in aerated concrete walls requires detailed consideration, since an increasing number of houses are built using such blocks. That is why it is offering a small photo report on the installation work to familiarize yourself with the installation technology.

Installation of a plastic window into a wall of aerated concrete blocks

To perform mounting work, you will need:

  • Perforated anchor plates (160 × 40 mm and 2 mm thick);
  • Plastic dowels (50 × 10 mm) for fastening in aerated concrete;
  • Metallic universal screws (60 × 6 mm);
  • Electric drill and drills in accordance with the diameter of the dowel;
  • Screwdriver with a bit of bit;
  • Water level;
  • Roulette and pencil.

Instructions for fixing work: Next:

  • If the perforation in the anchor plates does not correspond to the diameter of the dowels, drill holes if the diameter initially corresponds, we skip this stage and go to the next one;

  • On the perimeter of the profile on the self-tapping screws, we screw the anchor plates with the calculation so that the holes replete under the dowel are located outside;

In order for the frame in the opening to be securely, the anchor plates mounted on 2 screws, which will exclude their turning. In addition, the installation step should not exceed 30-40 cm.

  • We set the frame in the opening on plastic liners and position in terms of the horizontal and vertical plane;

  • After the design is aligned in the opening, drill holes in aerated concrete blocks in accordance with the perforation in the anchor plates;

For drilling of aerated concrete blocks, it is not necessary to apply the car with a winwood surfacing. Since the aerated concrete is soft, it is quite possible to use the drill that was previously used for the resulting anchor plates. By the way, when drilling, we try not to pull the drill from the side to the side, as it is easier to break the hole in aerated concrete, and as a result of the dowel will not hold onto the wall.

  • In the drilled holes, screw the dowels;

  • In screwed dowels screw the screws;

At the end of the installation work, we do not remove inserts from under the windows, as they will provide additional stability of the design.

  • From the pulverizer, we abundantly moisturize the technological gap between the opening and the profile;
  • Fill out the technological gap throughout the perimeter of the mounting foam, with the calculation so that the exterior of the applied foam came out from the outside and the slot was completely filled;
  • After drying the foam, the excess is trimmed with a mounting knife on both sides of the profile.

By the way, how to attach a thermometer on the window and at the same time not to breathe a profile?

It turns out that there is nothing complicated, it is enough to buy a special thermometer with velcro on the glass. Thermometers with ears and mounting holes need to be attached not to plastic, but on wooden frames. But if there is a thermometer with screw holes in the premises, secure this device on a profile short self-drawing - there will be no harm to the profile.

In conclusion, I note that if you do not know how to fix the handle on the profile, you can also use small screws that will be held through PVC and will be held in a metal.


Now you know how to install the PVC window block in the opening of different walls. I hope that the proposed instructions were helpful to you. If questions remained, as usual, ask them in the comments text. Also, do not forget to watch the video in this article.

September 24, 2016.

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Nowadays, with constantly increasing prices for "life", our head is attended by all thoughts on the conservation of heat in your home. Everyone knows - metal-plastic windows retain about 25% of heat, and therefore they will help you save us a lot of money with the onset of cold weather.

Installation of a plastic window in a wooden house is not cunning. Almost every person can do it, having in its assortment the usual tools located in every garage. Installation with your own hands will help keep money and nerves, as workers in the house - not always to good. Consider the process in more detail.

Choose a plastic window for a wooden house

First of all, you will need to carry out accurate measurements of the window niche. Moreover, accuracy must be up to a centimeter, without "approximately". If measurements are less - you have to beat the wall, if more - close the space between the window frame and the wall. When installing PVC windows in a wooden house, the clearance should be as small as possible. But it should be borne in mind that the tree has a property expanding, absorbing moisture. Subsequently, the window opening can be deformed. After all the measurements are made and recorded in your leaves - go to a specialized firm for the manufacture of plastic windows.

When choosing a new window, it is worth emphasizing your attention to 4 components:

Double glass. Glass is the most important component of the modern window. About 65% heat loss passes through it. The most popular double-glazed windows are two-chamber, in the chambers of which there is gas having a minimum thermal conductivity. Now popular windows with an additional film. The assortment has a transparent and prechange film. It additionally reduces the return of heat through the glass. The windows with a darkened film is better installed on the sunny side.

Profile. An important role, in the structure of the plastic window, playing profile. Profile characteristic is determined by the number of aircases that serve to reduce thermal conductivity. Their number is significantly reflected on the thermal conductivity of the window. If your wooden house is in a place, with an elevated noise level (for example, near the highway), then the six-chamber profile with double double glazing will provide elegant sound insulation in the house.

Furnitura. It must be made of high-quality metal. Furnitura takes considerable overload, especially when the mechanism of the rotary window with ventilation is applied. Furnitura, made of poor-quality metal, serves you a small amount of time. With further long-term operation, such troubles are possible as sash sowing, poor closing and not tightness.

Sealers. Also, it is worth paying attention to the seals. They must be made of a special material, which remains elastic under any conditions, be it frost or heat. Ordinary rubber loses its elastic properties with a decrease in temperature, and during prolonged exposure - cracks and crumbles.

It is all necessary to consider before installing a plastic window in a wooden house. If you correctly pick up all these elements, then your eurowindow will not let you down, and will store homemade warmth. And remember that expensive is not always good. It is always necessary to select the golden interlaced.

Removing the old window and preparatory work

It is better to do without hurry, but first-class. Specialized workers make everything quickly, but they do not bother over the quality of the implementation of dismantling. Very often, they leave broken walls, broken old frames and glasses.

Performing all the work on the installation of windows in a wooden house, you do not need to rush. You can make everything much careful, leaving all the elements in the preservation and suitability for recycling. They will come in handy for giving or garage.

Extraction of the old window is carried out in the following sequence:

1) Remove the sash.
2) pull out the frame.
3) Remove the windowsill and sings.

Manufacture of window clusades in a wooden srub

This step can be missed, but in the future there may be serious problems. The placade will prevent the window opening of the window opening. The material must be dry and durable, the thickness of the board - more than 4 cm. Otherwise they will be deformed with the opening. The width of the placade must correspond to the thickness of the wall.
Methods for performing a clusade:

  • Schip-monolith.
  • Lining timber.
  • In a deck.

The most difficult and reliable is the first type of placade. But newcomers who do not have special skills to install windows, prefer to make a cock with a lining bar. This requires in the middle of the window opening to make furrows.

You will need a circular saw, an ax, chainsaw or a chisel. The optimal size of the furrow 5x5 cm. On the bar, the same size, the edged board is stacked and attached by self-drawing or bolts. If the ship-groove is used, the T-shaped timber is cut into advance, and inserted into the furrow. The final stage is the laying of the mounting foam gap between the casing and the wall. Since foam has a property to collapse under the influence of sunlight, it is necessary to close the foam of the windproof membrane, inside - vapor insulation.

Installing a window frame in the house

Before the final fastening of the frame, first of all, it is necessary to make a fitting of the base in the window opening. If you are inconvenient to use the construction level - you can use a plumb. Then, with the help of wedge-shaped stations, fix the frame in the window box. This will help to avoid moving the frame horizontally, and facilitates the further final fastening.

To properly install windows in a wooden house, you should install fasteners. The gaps between the frame and the opening should be within 1 cm. Most often, anchor plates are used. They are fixed to the box with self-draws, a length of about 3 - 5 cm. At the end of all installation works, the gap between the frame and the window box should be filled with the mounting foam. If the gap is more than 2 cm, then the gate should be divided into several stages. Foam drying time - 10 - 12 hours.

Installation of window sash in the house

After mounting the frame, we install the sash. The sash is the movable component of eurowindows, thanks to which it is opened or closing it. It is fixed on special hinged-moving elements (loops) frame.

If the frame is exhibited correctly and in terms of the level, the flaps will fit perfectly. Nevertheless, nuances with gaps and locks may occur. They can be adjusted with a cross-hole screwdriver. The main rule of the installation of sash is to do it evenly. If the side should be lifted / omitted, then turn the bolts equal to the number of revolutions. After each manipulation, you need to open / close the sash, try changing the changes.

Installation of fittings, slopes, window sills in a wooden house

The frame was put, the flaps were screwed and gave the mounting materials a little to open. Now we approached the final stages of the window installation instructions in the wooden house with their own hands. It remains to finish some strokes and you can celebrate victory.
First, you need to choose and install the correct window sill. There are several common types of windowsill

  • Plastic. Very light and relatively durable multi-chamber view of the window sills, which are covered with PVC film from above. There are many colors and imitation of various materials. But consumers prefer a standard white or "under the tree".
  • Wooden. Wooden window sills react to moisture drops and as a result of which they can deform. The dignity of wooden window sills - naturalness and appearance. At the same time - coating with a special protective layer.

Consider how to install a wooden window sill in Siruba.

Step 1. Processing Materials. To begin with, it is necessary to cultivate our windowsill with moisture-proof composition, which will protect it from the premature appearance rot and damage the windowsill. The window opening must be cleaned of dust and mud deposits, and, if possible, to process the composition as the windowsill.

Step 2. Mounting of the window sill. Wooden window sill is attached to the nails, which must first be scored in the lower bar of the box. After placing the window sill in terms of the level, with the help of wedge strokes, tighten the screws, with the front side of the window sill, until it stops. All empties that remained should be seen by foam. After drying - cut over.

Choose a tree carefully for the manufacture of the window sill. It should not be overpowered and have chips and cracks. Wooden window sills fit well under any log house. As well as serve as a good shelf for various plants or small things.

After complete installation of the window sill - go to the installation of wooden slopes. The process of mounting the slopes of windows from the inside is fully identical to the installation of slopes from the outside, and will not be any problems during the work.

This is the final chord in the installation of windows in an old wooden house. Consider all the processes step by step.

Step 1. Side panels. For starters, secure the side panels using self-tapping screws. It is desirable to arrange the attachment points of the panels where the decorative corner will be installed, which will close all the screws. So we will retain the aesthetic type of panels at the maximum. Then, along the same analogy, we perform the finishing of the upper open window.

Step 2. Sealing seams.All seams and joints of the panels are wicked by a sealant, to prevent moisture penetration. Additionally, it can be treated with moisture equipment.

Step 3. Installation of corners. After all the seams and joints were dried - we produce the installation of decorative corners. They can be attached with the help of "liquid" nails, a construction stapler or foam. All work on the installation of windowsill and slopes should be carried out after a complete drying of the structure. And this means that you need to wait at least 12 hours after mounting the window.

If you perform the installation for the first time, the process may seem quite complicated. It is better to immediately watch the video how to install plastic windows in a wooden house. The main feature of wooden structures is their environmental friendliness. Wooden timber has the "breathe" property, grow old and sit down. This is the main reason that makes it difficult to install windows and doors in a wooden srub.

Shrinkage occurs due to the loss of moisture of wood. It is especially noticeable to the first 4 years. Mounting foam and need to compensate for the minimum shrinkage. Making a cock, we make the window opening independent of the walls. The obosyachka limits the movement of the log of vertically, thereby ensures a normal, uniform shrinkage and does not interfere with the breathing of the log.

So we figured out how to set the window in a wooden house. Nothing is difficult in this. Everything is elementary simply and understandable if you perform all installation work on proven technologies and by simple step-by-step instructions.

It is known that wooden windows in the houses raised from the timber, are rightfully considered the safest and practical solution that is favorable affecting the microclimate in the housing room.

The fundamental in the submitted case is that when it is dried, the window system and walls behave monotonously. The decisive role here is played by their installation according to technology.

Features installation of windows in a wooden house

Assembling windows in the structure of timber has certain features. As you know, wood gives a density. In the houses of chopped logs or during the first 5 years, the dewushka is about 10-13% of the height of the structure, while gives a shrink no more than 2%.

If there is a warping of window structures, the formation of interventic gaps in the walls or cracking of the glass package is observed, this indicates a violation of technology in the installation process.

  1. In houses of chopped wood, rounded log, planed or profiled bar window support is advisable to install after shrinkage of the house (no earlier than 1.5 years after the construction).
  2. The installation of windows, after the construction of a cut, is not rationally due to the absence of the possibility of calculating the shrinkage of the walls. This indicator depends on the humidity of the timber.
  3. In houses from glued timber, installation of windows is allowed immediately after The construction of the walls and installation of the roof of the house.
  4. The installation of windows must be carried out solely by sliding compounds - support bars and tissue. The blockage of window blocks and the designs of the sinks to logs or bruster is categorically prohibited. Dense fastening during the drying leads to a violation of the integrity of the window modules and the walls of the structure. In fact, the window system should be balanced separately to the wall.
  5. In the upper part above the window boxes it is necessary to provide a shrink stock - slots at 6-7 cm. Opports of spare gaps can lead to poor closure of windows or interventional gaps in the walls.

Wooden windows mounting scheme

Preparation of window opening

Before mounting the box, prepare a window hole. The opening should be a rectangular shape without cracks, recesses, distillations and other flares. From all its surfaces it is necessary to remove the construction trash, dirt, dust and layers.

To further avoid the distortion, the accurate measurements of the external, internal and side sides of the opening are required.

In the case when the disklooke is substantial, and it is not possible to correct it, it is recommended to expand the windows parameters in such a way that the highest level of the outer opening exceeded the width by 2.5-4 cm, and the height is 1-2 cm.

Expansion makes it possible to install an additional profile on the window. This will warn the appearance of slots between the box and the hole in the zones of maximum skew.

In addition to the option of expanding the size of the opening to correct the skew, there is such an option as an increase in the parameters of the window frame.


Special design, which is a wooden box without a lower crossbar, the purpose of which is a reliable mounting of the window and the preservation of the shape of the window frame, regardless of the degree of shrinkage of the house is called a casing or a soup.

Distinguish several types of this design:

  1. Whole. It is made of specially treated solid material.
  2. Glue. Separate components are performed from the set of boards connected by micro hydroeners and glue. All burrs and small bitches are removed.
  3. Mixed. Part of the placade is made whole, and the other with the use of glue. Upon completion of the installation, the souls are covered with varnish. This species is suitable for the use of large sizes.

The chassis is made in size of each window. At the same time, if the inner cladding is planned, the sample can be done under it. When cladding on both sides, the sample is not performed.

An assembly of the cluster can be started after the preparation of the window opening.

Its manufacture is performed as follows:

  1. Based on which adjoins the window hole, the grooves are pulled out. They insert a bar of the same size that performs the role of the side of the cluscle.
  2. First placed the timber at the bottom of the openingthat warns the shift of the side elements.
  3. Under the ram fit the seal From linen pacles.
  4. In the recess placed sealing material And mount the side boards.
  5. The final stage is Fastening the top of the design board.
  6. Over the stacks leave space for drying wood and fill it with a seal. So in the process of drying, the logs on the window hole will not affect the load.

Installation of windows

Installing the window is carried out in such a sequence:

  1. On the bottom of the opening laid waterproofing and sealing material.
  2. Install the window frame and fix Its with the help of linings or wedges of wood.
  3. Using a construction level or plumb, control horizontal and vertical. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the actual horizontal and vertical, and not on the side of the window opening.
  4. On each side of the opening, with a 50 cm increments, drill holes.
  5. By self-tapping screws Fix box.
  6. Perform insulation space between the box and the wall sealing material.
  7. Next mounted frame. It is installed in the grooves of the box and attach to it by screwing.
  8. The blocks of windows are installed using loops (disconnecting and non-united). The difference between them is the ability to remove the hinge. The detachable is convenient in areas where there is no possibility of raising the window framuga. Smooth fastening of loops contributes to even hanging the window framug. Their mount is carried out with the help of screws.
  9. Locking the sash is performed by means of a shut-off or spiing. After checking the opening and closing of the fraumuga, the frame should be consolidated using nails.
  10. Next, go to the installation of window sills. They are mounted from the inside so that the side edges enter the walls by 4.5-5 cm on both sides.
  11. Immediately before installation using a lime-gypsum mixtureAlign the lower part of the window opening.
  12. The windowsill fixed through wedges. After laying the heat-insulating material, it is finally fixed.
  13. Installation of sings is performed from the outside of the opening - on the entire width of the layout of the frame in the base.
  14. The gaps between the base of the base and the box, as well as the upper and side sides of the windows are covered with a platband. It is desirable as a platband to use the same type of wood from which the house was built.
  15. All parts of the platband are connected to each other. For this use spikes, nails or glue solution.
  16. Pre-mark placement Fasteners (step is 10-12 cm).
  17. So that in the process of fastening the platbands they did not shiftThe design can be placed on glue.
  18. The final stage is the fixation of concubizians with nails or self-tapping screws, and closing the slots between the base and platbands of the sealing material.

  1. For the manufacture of placades, the wood is used by the moisture content of at least 10%Otherwise, within the design, cracks are formed inside the design.
  2. In the manufacture of the stacks categorically prohibited Apply metal fasteners.
  3. As a sealing material, an construction foam cannot be used when assembling. In this case, wood fastenings, which prevents its natural drying.
  4. In the process of installing windows, it is important to correctly perform holes for them. The optimal distance from the window sill to the floor is 85-90 cm.
  5. Specialists do not recommend installing windows without mounting the souls, even if the house was built many years ago, and the log house completely dry. This is due to the fact that throughout the entire period of operation, the tree has a tendency to dry.
  6. To ensure greater efficiency and retention of heat wooden windows It should be set closer to the outside of the window hole.
  7. As a material for the windowsill, you need to choose solid wood. The longest operational period has a glass side of a glued tree, the smallest service life has a windowsill, made of a solid array (as a rule, the product is carried out).
  8. The windows of the window hole must be 90 degrees, and the diagonals should be varied more than 10 mm. If the hole at base exceeds the allowable value, a larger amount of sealing material will be required. If you do not ensure the evenness of the angles, the box is possible.
  9. It is important to correctly calculate the depth of the landing of the window in the opening so that the dew point is an isolate, equal to 10 degrees, took place in its inner part. Then the formation of condensate on the inside of the window will not be.

Plastic windows can be installed in any kind of design: stone, concrete, wood. But the installation in the design of the tree requires more attention, as the tree is prone to shrinkage due to drying. Wood that dries out, turns into a strongest press capable of deforming the window block. As a result, the window design ceases to function correctly, can break. Consider how to avoid the occurrence of such a situation and install windows without errors. Let us dwell on the specifics of the window design from polyvinyl chloride, its strengths and weaknesses.

The advantages of PVC windows

PVC windows are window structures from polyvinyl chloride. This material is a chemical synthetics, which is based on petroleum ethylene, chlorine. This polymer is resistant to different effects and serves for a long time. Window structures from the specified material are resistant to:

  • sun rays;
  • high humidity;
  • influence of insects;
  • the effects of invisible to the eye of organisms.

PVC for window structures is hard and durable material. The strength of the polymer is several times the strength of wooden structures and can withstand the differences in a hundred degrees - from fifty degrees below zero to fifty degrees above zero.

Polyvinyl chloride consists of such compounds:

  • stabilizers;
  • modifiers;
  • dyes;
  • fillers;
  • lubricants.

The material serves for a very long time, manufacturers give a twenty-year warranty, but to make sure that it is still impossible. The service life of the first installed windows has not yet passed. The statements that even in fifty years the windows will not lose their properties possible. But seals for windows go out much faster. As practice shows, they must be changed every eight - ten years. In general, the service life of the seal depends on the temperature of each particular area.

Among the advantages of plastic structures, you can allocate such:

  • high quality material and resistance to various kinds of influences;
  • the tightness of the design is in the room, the person is reliably protected from noise, dust, gases and harmful substances;
  • high sound insulation ability - windows are capable of sensibly extinguishing foreign sounds;
  • reliable heat protection - full protection against drafts and reliable maintenance of heat;
  • economy - the saving of heat resources;
  • the attractiveness of structures - you can apply not only standard windows, but also to embody design ideas.

The main properties of window structures from polyvinyl chloride

Supporters and opponents of plastic windows argue about the safety of these health structures. Those who argue about the insecurity of human health structures, argue this by the presence of lead-based lead. But lead in the windows is fully safe, and most of the manufacturers replaced this material to others. The fact that the window facilities from PVC are quite economical and environmentally friendly, confirmed by certificates:

  • thanks to PVC windows, the heat is stored in the room and it saves resources and money;
  • plastic structures allow you to save wooden resources and this prevents the cutting of forests.

In some countries, the Government pays money to residents who have established plastic structures for personal contribution and non-equilibration to economies of natural resources.

Opponents of plastic structures argue that with time plastic acquires an inesthetical look, since yellowing and burns. But at present, technology for the production of plastic windows has been improved and the color is not lost under the influence of natural forces.

In the case of ignition indoors, the window structures of this type "will finish" the fire, since the plastic structure has high thermal insulation abilities.

Types of plastic windows

The construction segment presents a huge variety of plastic windows. They are different in many respects: shape, size, number of sash, option of their opening, types of double-glazed windows, profile varieties. Currently, manufacturers are represented by windows with a different kind of decoration, varying degrees of transparency.

By the number of windows, the windows are divided into one, two and three-rissed. The selected option depends on the location of the localization, the size of the structures and the individual features of the dwelling. For a small window, it will be convenient for one sash. For typical apartments, it is recommended to install windows into a couple of sash.

Regarding the opening of the windows, such options are distinguished:

  • deaf design - the most ill-impaired window relative to its functional tasks;
  • swivel elements;
  • folding elements;
  • combined elements.

The features of the profile depends on its operational abilities. The polychlorvinyl itself has a low thermal conductivity, but the camera with air inside the design helps to save warmly a few times better. The thermal conductivity of the window and the temperature of the air in the dwelling depends on the number of chambers. The cameras are from three to seven.

Three-chamber windows are installed in rooms that do not require heating: hozpostroy, sheds.

As for six and seven-chamber windows, they do not fulfill their functions better than four or five-chamber, so there is no point in overpaying for the design.

As for the labeling profiles letters, there are types: A, B and C. Type "A" is used in housing. "B" and "C" is recommended for use in factory or warehouses.

The glazing itself can be performed using two, three or four sheets of glass. They are fixed at the required distance one from the other and form cameras.

Double-glazed windows can be one, two and three-chamber. This moment can be confused when buying a window. It should be clarified which cameras are in mind, in the frames themselves or double-glazed windows.

Plastic structures for a wooden house

With the installation of plastic windows in the wooden walls will have to learn the theory of the issue to do everything right. Some people think that in old buildings of a wooden type, plastic windows cannot be installed. Nowadays, no, it is possible in any type of premises. Install the windows can also independently, provided that there are minimal knowledge of the building bases. The main thing is to take into account the peculiarities of the tree, as a material and take into account the fact that both the wooden core can give drawdown.

After windows are selected for a wooden house, you need to get acquainted with the technology "Okosyachki". This technique is aimed at preventing the deformation of window structures, regardless of the material selected.

As statistics shows, the wooden house gives shrink to thirty five centimeters. Depending on the basis of the structure, after twelve months after the construction of the house, it deals in any case, this is a natural process. The maximum error will be provided that the house is erected from the rounded timber, the minimum is made of glued. An ordinary timber can live for thirty - forty centimeters. This is taken into account as a factor capable of deforming window structures. The deformation can appear in the inability or difficulty in opening and closing the window.

Builders advise not to put plastic structures in new homes, until it gave shrinkage. But as experience shows, the old structures can also deform the windows. But what to do, is it impossible to install plastic metal structures in wooden houses? In fact, experienced builders have developed the installation technology that will allow the use of windows from PVC to full force.

Installation instructions for plastic windows

To successfully carry out installation work, it is important to plan and implement competent preparatory work, they consist of such actions:

  • it is necessary to dismantle the old window design;
  • clean deepening from building waste and dust;
  • correctly extinct window opening, record calculations;
  • if the window opening does not coincide with the size of the new window frame, you should be adjusted under dimensions using special solutions to work with wooden surfaces.

At the preparatory stage, a decision on the form of the window, the number of sash, in which color scheme it will be and how many packages is.

When all decisions are accepted, the glazing is carried out in accordance with the requirements.

The opposite is the next stage in the installation of metal-plastic design.

You can finally install the window design in a wooden structure after preparation of the souls. This construction of a wooden bar, aimed at keeping the weight of bearing walls and does not allow the window to deform. The required size of the bar is ten to fifteen centimeters. With the use of the chisels, connective grooves on these bars are made, about five centimeters width. Propulatures produced longitudinally with the help of chainsaws. All manipulations are controlled by the construction level.

Plastic structures are inserted into the harvested stupor system and are fixed with fasteners. The order of installation works is:

  • using fasteners bonded into a single frame.
  • below with the help of a wooden wedge leave a small distance;
  • the window frame is inserted into the system of the manufactured chamber and fastened with fixing structures;
  • pre-removed window sash are installed;
  • all gaps need to fill in the mounting foam;
  • wooden wedge is removed pre-found.

The obosyachka installed specifically in the wall of the wooden material performs several important tasks:

  • does not allow the design of the tree to shift vertically;
  • does not prevent the shrink shrink on the vertical;
  • strengthens the wall at the location of the window opening.

Experienced builders insist on setting the souls even when setting plastic windows in an old wooden house. They argue that this measure is simply necessary. The structure of the tree all the time in one way or another changes its sizes - during the rain swells, with heat - dries away.

Tool for mounting plastic structures

The most important process is the process of installing plastic structures to the place intended for them. To do this, it is advisable to prepare the entire tool in advance, which will be needed in the process of mounting the structure:

  • drill for wood work;
  • screwdriver;
  • fastening: Anchor bolts and plates;
  • mounting foam;
  • water sprayer.

Naturally, other tools will be needed while working. Ideally, such work must be carried out with a partner who can submit a tool, holds the design at the same time.

Installation of plastic elements - a difficult type of construction activity. If you are independently engaged in installing plastic windows, consider all the recommendations of specialists.

Calculation of plastic windows

Calculate the sizes correctly, it is not easy, it is a very difficult process that is best to entrust the professional from the window workshop. Recently, an online calculator of plastic structures appeared, allowing you to find out the exact cost. It is very convenient. On sites presented various filters:

  • you can choose the layout of the future window design;
  • decide configuration;
  • the configuration is made by type, profiles, types of double-glazed windows;
  • after that, just click on the button and the plastic structures will be calculated.

The cost of window structures is influenced by the number of sash, the choice of additional accessories, additional functions of the glass, profile color.

To present how in practice, plastic metal structures are installed in wooden houses, see the video. In fact, it is possible to carry out the installation of windows with its own forces, for this you need to take into account the specifics and features of this method and follow the recommendations of specialists.

If you plan to replace or insert new windows, you need to explore the installation process. It all depends on how you will install windows: either with your own hands, or attracting a third-party company. To make dismantling and installation of construction, it takes about 4 hours if you do not have experience in this matter. The employee of the company, which does this often, such work will take no more than an hour. But the installation of windows with a swivel-folding mechanism independently requires the possession of construction skills.

Complete set of window system

Before mounting, it is necessary to sort out the nuances and details. To begin with, it is worth learn all the names of parts and materials. The main carrier part is a frame. In the variant of plastic windows, its production is carried out from a plastic profile, which can be a single-chamber, two-chamber, etc. In the construction center there is a special insert to provide stiffness. In plastic systems, this insert is made of plastic, metal is used in metal plastic.

The profile system is collected from 2 or more cameras.

In addition, the profile is divided into classes: Premium, Standard and Economy. All profiles, the manufacture of which occurs at the factory, are subject to certain standards. If you want to make a choice in favor of good swivel-folding windows, take the Standard class. The color most often occur on white windows, but other colors can be used: under the wood, brown. Products from color profile will be more expensive than white.

Composite parts of a plastic window

The main element of the window block - frame

The design of the plastic window includes the following details:

  • rama is the main structural part;
  • if you have a big window, most often it is separated by a vertical partition, there may be several of them - it all depends on the choice of design;
  • a part that is fixed is called deaf, and that that opens - sash;
  • double-glazed windows can be with different properties, for example, toned, energy-saving, reinforced, using inert gas. In addition, they are single-layer, two-layer, three-layer or multi-layered - the choice is great;
  • in order for the glass reliably to hold, they are pressed by a stroke, which is a thin plastic bar. For tightness, a rubber seal is used, most often black;
  • fittings are always used - this is a special set of swivel-folding mechanisms that help to open-close the sash and provide various functionality;
  • in addition, seals are needed to ensure the tightness of the entire design;
  • on the inside of the frame, ventilated holes are made for drainage, which are covered with caps. Moisture, which is formed during the temperature of the temperature regime on the street and inside the room, falls out through them;
  • another part of the design is the drop - it is mounted outside, and the windowsill, installed from the inside;
  • parts located on the side of the frame is separated by slopes.

Is it possible to install the window itself

It is believed that setting windows in a house or apartment is a rather complicated procedure. It must be said that it is not. What do you need to know when installing? To fulfill these works, special professional tools and equipment are not needed, tremendous experience. The procedure includes two main points:

  • dismantling the old window block;
  • installing a new window.

The dismantling of the old window takes an average of 1.5 hours

If we talk about the time required to perform work, then for the first stage, approximately one and a half hours will be required. The installation of windows will take less than three hours. It must be said that if you still decide to make a choice in favor of specialist services, then you should require certain guarantees from them.

If you installed swivel-folding windows yourself, it deprives you guarantees. In this case, it is necessary to purchase structures directly from the manufacturer, which has been working on the market for a long time, has good feedback from customers. If you decide to buy single-chamber or two-chamber windows in winter, you can always count on a significant discount.

When a window is purchased from a firm that carries out and installation work, the customer has a guarantee for the fitness of about 5 years. With an independent installation, you can get a guarantee directly from the manufacturer, that is, at the point of purchase.

In order for the installation of windows in a brick house, a slag block, a gas-block or apartment, you must first make an order of a swivel or deaf design from the manufacturer, and for this you need accurate measurements.

Step-by-step instructions for the right measurement

When you make an order, you will need to specify the following dimensions: the width and height of the structure, the width and the length of the slope and the windowsill.

Before ordering the window, you must correctly perform the design measurements.

Before proceeding with the measurement, do not miss an important point - what kind of vote with you: with a quarter or without. Look carefully on the opening of the window: if the outer part already, then, in front of you, we open a quarter. Measurement is performed as follows: It is necessary to measure the narrowest part, it will be necessary to measure in several places, to find the smallest value, add 3 cm to it. The height is indicated since it is. If your opening is smooth, then the measurements are done like this: measuring the width is passed 3 cm; measuring the height, is prevented by 5 cm. Read the detailed article about.

Before measurements, you need to determine the type of window: with a quarter or without

To determine the dimensions of the window sill, you need to add about 10 cm in the window to the width inside the window. The same thing is done only on the outer part of the window. The width for the windowsill each selects for myself on your own: better if it will perform a little bit behind the battery.

In addition, making an order, you need to decide which components will be performed by your design: what options two-, three- or single-sided windows you need, how they will open, from which side is the desert. Do not forget to decide on the type of accessories (handles, locks, ventilation mechanisms).

If you order several designs at the same time, the width of all openings can be different, but the height should be the same, it is necessary to choose the smallest size. Note that window openings can be located on the floor at different distances.. In the apartments from the floor to the window about 80 cm, whereas on the balcony windows can be from the floor. Accommodation in a private house can generally be any at the discretion of the owners.

Features of measurements for glazing balconies

To determine the width of the glass design, it is necessary to measure the length of the balcony to the length of the balcony to which the balcony window will be made, to flicker 7 cm from each side. This distance will be required for mounting the corner profile, to which the structures of the side elements of the balcony are attached. The height is calculated as the distance from the support to the roof on the balcony or on the loggia, while you need to deduct 3 cm tolerance for the gap.

How to make windows measurements in a country house

For the correct measurement of the design sizes in a private house, select some of the slopes on both sides. It often turns out that the window opening is much higher than the window that is installed in it. This means that when dismantling the design will simultaneously remove and part of the materials that the space was filled.

Preparation for installation of a window structure

After you take out the old window, you will need to inspect the resulting opening, remove all parts that can fall off or collapse, if you have discover elements, they should be confused. Then hesitate the opening from garbage of construction origin and dust. If you have large recesses, it is better to smell them with cement. You can also process with soil.

Before installing, it will take a base stripper

Having finished working with the opening, you need to prepare the PVC window, the installation of which is to be. To do this, remove the window sash if it is deaf - double-glazed windows. If your frame has small dimensions, you can install it without removing the double glazing and sash. The outer part of the frame is to free from the film that protects it.

Installation Technology Guide

The finished plastic window is entered into the opening, put on the support pads and is aligned horizontally. After that, with the help of the window, the window is set vertically and is fixed in this position with spacer pads.

Installation of both deaf windows and with opening flaps occurs equally. There are two options for mounting windows: with a design of the design and without. When applying the first variant in the frame, the holes are drilled through which anchor bolts are driven into the wall. This method is of greater complexity and greatest reliability.

When mounting the window, the holes are drilled in the frame and wall, where the anchors are driven down
Fastening places anchors and support pads

If the installation is performed without playing the frame, the window is attached using special, which are attached to the profile and then to the wall. This option is performed faster. However, it should be borne in mind that with significant wind loads, the frame design can skew or it can be saved. If it is decided to mount on the plate, it is worth choosing fat, wide options. Please note that, if the region in which you live is distinguished by a strong wind load or install windows at the height, then it is necessary to apply the option with the frame by flying.

Installation on anchor plates

There are nuances on the placement of the window in the opening. If the walls are made of foam blocks, bricks, slagoblock, gas silicate or concrete, then the frame is placed in a depth of 2/3 of the inner thickness of the opening. If the walls are insulated with foam, then the mount must be produced before the insulation layer. When insulating and facing the brick, the window mounting is mounted in the insulation zone.

It is very important to choose the right installation depth.

It is necessary to follow the installation sequence:

  • inserting the frame, expose it to the level, using support and spacer shoes;
  • next are attached to the wall;
  • after installing the design, you need to build a window;
  • then you need to check the normal operation of the sash and all the mechanisms, for this open and close the window;
  • after everything is checked, the sash must closely close and perform the sealing of the gap around the structure. For this apply.

However, it should be remembered that with direct contact with the solar rays and the outer medium, the material loses its properties and collapses. To protect it, you need to create, it can be a special film that needs to be glued on the outer and inner part of the window. After drying the foam, it is necessary to complete the decoration of the slopes on both sides (outer, internal) design. You can open the window after a day after the foam gap.

To make the right installation both on the windows and, follow the simple rules:

  • mounting from the outside to a special slot in the frame or fastened to her screws;
  • the windowsill is installed as follows: it is necessary to cut it from the edges so that it goes to the width in the opening of the window and overtook the end of the undercut profile;
  • the level is aligned using special linings, after which the space under the window sill is foam or filled with a solution.

According to the principle of description above, installation of windows on the balcony or on loggia, in brick or concrete walls. However, consider that the entire weight of the window design will bear the parapet, so you need to strengthen it.

Errors that can be allowed when installing windows

There are a number of moments to pay attention to the design of the design so that it has a long time to use:

  • it is impossible to perform the installation of the window by the strokes outside, as this reduces the contractions of the structure, because the stroke can be easily pulled out and remove the windows;
  • attentively, you need to refer to the leveling of structures in the level during window installation, otherwise the opening-closing of the sash will be difficult;
  • it is necessary to protect the mounting foam from the direct sunlight falling into order to avoid its destruction;
  • wrong will be the choice of fixation of the frame design only by mounting foam: it is necessary to make a mount to the wall, otherwise it can simply fall out.

Observing all the installation rules, you can successfully mount the window design yourself, and if you consult your services to professionals, you can control their work at any stage.