Repairs Design Furniture

The size of the ventilation grid for the attic. How to equip ventilation in the attic: schemes, norms. What is the valley of the attic

The attic, despite the fact that it is rare enough, it is still an important part of the house. Accordingly, it must be insulated, as it will allow you to maintain heat indoors especially in winter. This is remembered by every home owner. However, most do not pay due attention to ventilation in the attic. In fact, it allows not only to maintain air temperature, but also maintain it in an optimal state.

But the main advantage of properly designed ventilation is expressed in the fact that it does not allow the condensate to accumulate, significantly reducing the strength, and, consequently, the life of the structure.

Why do you need a valley attic

Ventilation system The attic in a private house is one of the main parts of the whole structure, thanks to which heat exchange is carried out. In the summer, under the rays of the Sun, the metal roof is able to heat up to the marks of over 150 degrees Celsius. Hot air falls into the house, which leads to a stuff.

However, this is not the only minus the lack of the described system. In winter, when the temperature difference on the street and indoors is quite high, condensate appears in the ventilation of the private house. Only a competently designed system will be able to provide good ventilation.

Ventilation of a cold attic

The ventilation of the Cold attic is a pretty lightweight design that can be done without any problems independently. To design and create a system, you need to know the basic aspects of the theory and have basic skills.

Creating a ventilation system on a cold attic in a private house is an easy task. It works at the expense of a large volume of air and the absence of any obstacles to its normal circulation. The described ventilation method can be created due to ensuring the inspection of the attic with the help of several structures: neutral sinks, frontal windows, grids, horse and roof ridge, etc.

For premises from the roof of a duct type, the most optimal option will be the selection of frontal windows or cornice skes. They are best suited for designing an insurgent system of an attic with the roof of this type.

If the stocks of your cash are sufficiently scarce, then as a budget alternative, you can use the option using conventional lattices. Usually, they are installed in the amount of two pieces, where one can be adjusted, and the second is static, but at the same time facing the downwards. As an additional accessory, a mosquito net can be attached to them, which will close the access of insect.

Walm type roof design does not have frontones. Therefore, to create a ventilation system, they can be installed exceptionally cornice skes. In this case, the air output is carried out through the roof of the roof.

The most difficult situation arises in working with UNDOVA. Due to their specific design, when working with them is quite difficult to ensure that ventilation. However, this can be done with the help of point cornice aerators.

Through auditory windows

Make ventilation attic in many ways. One of the most frequently used is the design technique using a system of hearing windows. This design allows you to abandon additional holes, products and cracks, etc.

Many specialists note that the use of special hearing windows is not effective enough to ensure a complete circulation of air in the attic, but they are enough to combat condensate.

If you wish to create a tight ventilation with your own hands using auditory windows, then you need to follow the following rules:

  • the minimum sizes of each window should be 60 to 80 cm;
  • installation of auditory windows should be carried out strictly on opposite frontones;
  • regarding the cornice and edges of the attic room, they should be located in the middle;
  • the minimum distance between the two holes should be at least one meter;
  • each window is installed directly into the grille itself.

The method described above is most common in the construction of suburban cottages. However, it has a significant drawback. In the case of using low-quality building materials, air will accumulate under and over the auditory window, which in turn will interfere with ventilating. Installing auditory windows can be independently. It is enough to study the theory and have basic construction skills.


Roofing in the roof is special holes that can be used to create ventilation both in the attic of thermal type and cold. There are two varieties of product: skate and eaves.

Ventilation The attic house made by the first type is small slots, up to 5-cm wide. They are located around the perimeter at a distance of at least eight meters from each other.

The adhesive device of the attic with the help of purges under the eaves is gaps located between the roof and the wall. Their width is approximately 2 cm. The alternative is a point location.

The size of the opening depends on the slope of the slope, but the diameter cannot be greater than the mark of 2.5 cm. Designing of ventilation attic with the help of purges is the only technique, the execution of which is possible without using auditory windows.

Ventilation aerators

Roofing aerator - relative to other devices, this is a fairly new kind of blood. Externally, it is a pipe whose top is covered with a special "hat".

Ventilation system The attic of a private house based on them perfectly copes with the removal of steam, moisture and stagnant air, ensure high-quality ventilation of the attic of a cold type.

Aerators are installed on roofs, as in these places, air movement occurs due to the difference between the temperature and pressure. Thus, they replace the skate products. Aerators are divided into point and continuous. Special fans are installed in the design of the first.

A continuous type is a plate with holes located along the skate. Due to the fact that it is covered on top of the roof roofs of the attic, it is practically not visible, but the air ventilation is carried out qualitatively.

Depending on the material from which the roof of the attic roof is made, you must use different aerators. There are four types in total, each of which is designed for a particular roof:

  • from bituminous tiles;
  • from metal ceramics;
  • from ceramics;
  • as well as for a flat roof.

Installing aerators are needed in those places where the location of the cornisic production is provided. In addition, when they are installed, several conditions must be followed:

  • the roof bias should be in the range of values \u200b\u200bfrom 15 to 45 degrees;
  • aerators must be installed at a distance of at least 30 cm from chimney and walls;
  • they must write out of a 25 cm skate slot;
  • the point-type patterns are installed further than half the meter from the skate.

Ventilation of warm attic

In modern heating systems, a natural circulation system is very rarely used. Consequently, when redeveloping the attic room in the attic, it is necessary to provide absolute ventilation.

For the roof created from the sheet metal and the tiles of a flexible type, it is necessary to launch counterbours, rafters and crates. Ventilation of a warm attic, the roof of which is created only from the metal, is carried out at the expense of specialized windproof films - geosynthetic.

For the roofs covered with slate, the use of counterbits is not mandatory, since the insidiousness will be carried out in the same way as in other rooms.

Mansard Ventilation

The attitudes of the attic is a more complex design, rather than the cooling attic system. The layers should be located between the rafters, and the space between the lower and the upper surface of the insulation and material that maintains heat should be at least 2-3 cm.

Making the fate of the attic with their own hands is difficult, but possessing the necessary theoretical knowledge and skills you can. One of the common difficulties is the situation where the depth of the rafter used is not enough to provide the desired gap between the materials. In this case, additional space is created at the expense of boards and rails.

It is easy to make a simple form on the roofs. However, if your attic is not standard, then the best way out of the situation will be the use of special diffusion membranes. Their advantage is that they will provide high-quality air ventilation even if they are located directly on the heat insulation layer.

You can add spaces in the ventilation system in the attic. This can be done with the help of a special crate. Its thickness should be at least 5 cm. In this case, air for ventilation will be closed through special sophimes, and leave the room with a standard path - through the end of the roof.

How to insulate

The pipe system must be insulated, this is especially true for the design of the valuation of the attic of a bath or sauna. This is necessary to prevent the condensate accumulation on the inner walls. Due to the fact that pipe connections are not hermetic, it is necessary to produce additional insulation of ventilation in the attic.

The fact is that the appearance of condensate in ventilation channels is inevitable. People exhale air, use hot water, wash, etc. - All this leads to the allocation of plenty of moisture. In particular cases, the level of relative humidity can reach one hundred percent, which naturally affects the integrity as a ventilation system, so the attic as a whole.

In order to avoid this, you need to warm the pipes with the help of special materials. To do this, you can use foam, mineral wool, a variety of geosynthetics, etc.

Calculation of Chertak ventilation

Those who decided to make the ventilation system in the attic of a private house independently, before starting the installation procedures, it is necessary to get acquainted with the method of calculation and execute it. To guarantee the maximum level of quality of the created project can only professional. However, there are several rules whose observance will allow you to ensure good insurgent of the attic.

Per 1000 meters in the square, there must be two square meters of ventilation holes. In particular cases, a ratio of 1 to 300 can be used. It is important to understand that in the process of calculations it is necessary to use values, without taking into account the width of the lattices and the length of the ribs, even though they violate the natural movement of air flows.

Naturally, the excess of the size of the produced phrases will also negatively affect the quality of the ventilation system, as well as their disadvantage. Snow, water, etc. can fall into large holes.

Common delusion

There is a sufficiently large amounts of stereotypical delusions about the design and installation of indoor ventilation systems. Oddly enough, most people really consider these myths of truth. The main of them look like this.

  1. There is an opinion that in the winter time of the year, with negative air temperatures through the ventilation system channels, heat leaves. In fact, heat will go out of the house through the channels only if the system is improper or poorly related. A real source of this problem is a bad thermal insulation material that misses wet air flows into the attic room. Consequently, this leads to the formation of condensate, which in turn affects the integrity of the roof.
  2. Some people are confident that the ventilation system is relevant only in hot weather. In fact, it works at any time of the year. With heat, the system contributes to the circulation of air, which does not give to form a stuff. In winter, with high relative humidity, it prevents the formation of fungus and icicles.
  3. Very often, in the process of designing an attic ventilation system, people do not pay due attention to the size of the ventilation holes. As already mentioned, it is possible to create a high-quality high-quality project only when carrying out the right calculations. With a chaotic selection of the size and location of the holes, most likely, the efficiency of the ventilation will be zero. The average ratio of production to overlaps should be 1 to 500.

Ventilation attic in a private house designed independently is a sufficient risk. So, as soon as the highly qualified professional can create a system that is guaranteed to ensure good ventilation.

However, if you still decided to make it creating it yourself, it is strongly recommended to follow the following advice from specialists.

  1. It is necessary to pay thorough attention to the ventilation holes located around the perimeter of the roof ridge attic. In most cases, the standard method is used, which implies their location as close as possible to the ridge.
  2. The ventilation system should be designed in such a way as to withstand any possible temperatures and weather conditions of your climate. It will be a guarantee of a long service as the most ventilation, and the whole roof in general.
  3. An important condition, without complying with the project of ventilation, providing high-quality air ventilation, is that inside the attic room between the rafters should be produced. They must be placed in such a way as to completely eliminate the chances of clogging or blocking air flows.
  4. In case of installation of continuous softenes under the eaves, it is also necessary to additionally install a specialized shielding grid. It is made of aluminum or plastic. And the one and the other material is absolutely resistant to corrosion.
  5. If you plan to install the ventilation system of the supply type, then it must be placed in the clean area of \u200b\u200bthe room.
  6. The pipes of the system must be brought to diffusers or lattices.

Thus, possessing minimal theoretical knowledge and basic skills of work, following the above-described advice, you can create a high-quality ventilation system without any particular problems that will ensure good ventilation. When developing a project, it is necessary to carefully calculate the number of holes, to comply with their ideal ratio with an area.

Open attic roofs

In the design of the open attic roof - the attic overlap is thermally insulated, and the outer air through the holes of 700 × 300 mm, located around the perimeter of the attic with a step in 1 m, falls into it. This air is removed through exhaust. The principle of operation of the open attic is that the mass of dry outdoor air falls into the attic space and puts moisture out of the premises. The feature of the open attic is the combination of systems of warm and cold attics.

Advantages of the roofs with an open attic:

 A significantly small amount of roof intersection with protruding elements, ensures the reliability of the roof;

 maintaining a normal operational regime in residential premises;

 relative simplicity and relief of the coating design, which is performed from thin-walled panels without heat insulation;

 the possibility of using any insulation, with free laying by attic overlap;

But the roof with an open attic, unfortunately, has a number of significant drawbacks, such as:

 Weak exhaust ventilation of the upper floors of the house due to insufficient pressure in the ventilation system at a low height of the gloves;

 lack of thermal efficiency in winter;

 The possibility of getting into the attic space of atmospheric precipitation.

The roofs with an open attic better apply in the southern regions.

A separate type of roof can be distinguished by a busless W / B roof - this design has an indispensable, semi-pass or passing attic and a coating of special railway elements. The construction of the busy overlap does not have a attic, it replaces the coating of the elements that performs the enclosing and heat insulating functions, protects the rooms from atmospheric influences. In the busy roofs, the waterproofing compositions only protect the concrete surface of the coating from premature destruction of the atmosphere, and the waterproof of the joints of the roofing panels and the conjugation of them with the enclosing structures are solved with structural methods. The busless W / B coating consists of supporting elements - farms, frames, pitched beams, etc. and railway plates under the apparatus hydraulic protection insulation. Busless w / b roofs divide:

According to the method of drainage - with a central water-type tray of individual habitual panels, from three-bit panels and a funnel with a drainage drone; with waterborne trays located in parapert walls; With outdoor inorganized drainage.

By type of pairing roofing plates- with sides, located above the shelves of the roofing panel; With gutters around the edges of roofing panels.

By the method of adjacent roofing plates to the frieze panels - with the use of good elements; With the removal at the edges of the building on the frieze panels.

On the design of roofing panels- single-layer of heavy or lightweight concrete; multi-layered or with thermal insulation liners; With ordinary reinforcement.

The attic rooms formed between the overlapping of the upper floor and the roof are used to accommodate various equipment: chimneys and pipes of central heating, ventilation boxes and mines, machine branches of elevators. For the entrance to the attic in multi-storey buildings, ordinary stairs and doors make, and in low-rise inlets and the inlet hatches and the palm stairs. For lighting and ventilation of the attic room, attic (auditory) windows used to exit the roof. The supporting structures of the attic pitched roofs are the rolling rafters or rafting farms. The enclosing roof design consists of a roof suitable for solid (flooring) or a rarefied (drybreaker) base. Slot rafters are made in the presence of intermediate supports (walls, pillars, runs) and at a relatively short distance (span) between them. Over non-stroke buildings, the withdrawal rafters of single-table roofs can be arranged in the absence of intermediate supports. The beams form the bias of the roof, and the remaining elements serve as supports for rafting beams and create the overall stability of the design. The rafters are made of coniferous wood in the form of boards, bars, and sometimes logs. The most economical use of sawn forest. Attic overlaps in the presence of farms make suspended by attaching them to the lower nodes of the farms. The gap between the roofing plate and the inner joint is complemented by the seal. On the inner joint, you can mount the stack of the inner joint. It is fixed with screws on top of the profile wave with a step of 300-500 mm. The bar is not compacted. Until the end of the fastening of the roof, make sure that all the roof plates are installed and fixed, and the sealing tape is nailed under the skate planks. It is important to ensure that the sealing tape and the first row of fastening screws were covered with a skate plate. The skating bar is fixed by screws through one profile wave.

23. Wooden rafters and w / b

The roof of the building has a carrier and enclosing parts. The carrier part consists of wooden or reinforced concrete rafters, wooden, steel construction farms or reinforced concrete panels.

Wooden rafters. The cross section of the rafter is chosen in accordance with the project, it all depends on the length of the span and the design of a particular roof, but in any case the width is usually not less than 150 mm., Thickness from 50 mm. Like all wood, wooden rafters before installation it is necessary to antisept. The general principle of installation of rafters of wooden is that the washed and prepared rafters are stacked by several points. The bottom point is Mauerlat, the upper one is based on the level, at the desired height of the skiing bar, the middle point can be done already on the desired level of the chair or installed at the desired level. If Maurylalat and the chair are constant items that will remain in the roof design, the ski bar, as well as temporary supports can be removed after mounting and securing rafters. The roof rustle can be mounted and without a skate bar, immediately joking the rafted wooden with opposite roof rods, but this should allow the design of a particular roof. In many designs, the roofs there are diogonal rafters of wooden, which usually go from the skate to the angle of the building and should be placed immediately in two planes of the neighboring rods. In turn, the diogonal rafters are attached at an angle, shorter rafters from two slopes roofs.

The lower part of the rafter, then-there from Mauerlat and below, where there will be a roof box, usually produced a little longer than necessary. And when all the rafters are exhibited and fixed, they scream exactly in a flat line. All mounting rafters must be made high quality and reliably. The guilt must be accurate, with dense adjacent. It is not allowed to use various linings, substrates and other elements that can fly over time, deform and so on. Mounting rafted with each other, to Mauerlat, to chairs, chairs, disconse and stretching are performed using metal plates, corners, special brackets, bolts or threaded spills. For bolts and nuts necessarily use washers or metal plates that prevent the nuts drowning in the wood. As lining, instead of metal plates, plywood segments can be used. Fastening only on nails or screws are allowed only as temporary, in the process of mounting rafters. And must be replaced with mounts with the help of corners, plates and bolts. If the wood rafters increase in length, the compound is made by the bracket (rafters on the rafter) at least 1 meter and twisted with at least two bolts.

The lower fastening, where the wooden rafters lie on Mauerlat, is performed by driving in the rafting of the so-called "saddle", which should closely go to Mauerlat. I washed usually not deeper than 1/4 of the rafal width. The mounting of the rafters on the Mauerlat should hold from the lifting of the roof with the gusts of the wind and from the load on the Mauerlat of the severity of the roof and is performed using special metal corners.

Ventilation system in high-rise buildings

By the same principle, a node is performed, where the rafters are leaning on the vertical chair. Fastening rafted with each other, on the skate is made and fastened with metal plates. Stretch marks - elements that work on stretching and usually protect the walls of the building from an interimal pressure of the roof, which may even squeeze capital walls building. Mix stretch marks to the rafters of the bracket, be sure to use bolts.

The disclosures usually prevent the flexing of the rafters and give the rigidity of the entire roof design, they are attached to the jack using the plates of the lining.

R / B rafal. Prefabricated railway rafters have a number of positive qualities - they are non-pharmacy, durable, relatively unemployed in the installation process. However, such rafters of mass use do not have, primarily due to the high weight, multi-volume and complex combination of w / w and wooden elements. The main element of the prefabricated railway rafters is used by the beams of a rectangular or brand section with a narrow wooden bar on top, to which special brackets and nails fasten the crate. The beams are laid on the longitudinal walls and the ski run, which in turn relies on w / b or brick poles. Prefabricated railway rafters are connected by welding mortgage parts. In the event that the distance between the supports (outer or internal) is more than 7.5 m, the rafting farms are in civil buildings of the roof. The rafting farms are a flat, geometrically immutable lattice system consisting of separately related elements (rods). In civil buildings, predominantly triangular farms are used. The rafting farms can be wooden, metal-wooden, steel and w / b. Wooden farms are called hanging rafters. Metal dressing are called farms in which compressed elements are made of wood, and stretched - from steel. Steel farms are performed from paired corners of the usual sorting, fastened in the nodes with welds, with a shaped steel shape. Overlap such farms usually spans 7.5; nine; 12 and 15; 18 and 21 m. Put hanging rafters and farms at a distance of 3-6 m from each other. For the device, the crates are installed, and the rafter legs from the boards. For the formation of the ceiling, the attic overlap is satisfied, which is performed suspended, it consists of runs suspended to the bottom belts of hanging rafters or farms, beams based on them, and interbal filling. For the insulation, it should be used light material - mineral wool, porous plates, etc., most often metallic and railway rafters are used in the construction of a stone or railway houses.

R / w Sroply legs of the sprinkled rafters are stacked with one end to the outer wall of the structure, and the other is a row to the prefab string, supported by brick columns. Speakers behind the wall. The lower ends of the rafter feet can carry the pannies of the roof. When choosing a material for the manufacture of rafters, many factors should be taken into account: the length of the rafter leg, the distance between the rafters, the weight of the roof, etc.

Cold attic roof device

Most of the pitched roofs in our country have a cold attic in their design. This name is due to the temperature of the air in the attic, which should not be very different from the air temperature outside the house. With such an attic room, a large buffer air zone is formed, which makes it possible to effectively adjust the temperature in the attic with its correct arrangement.

Cold attraction design

During the construction of the roof of the house, many wonder to make a cold attic or attic under it? The easiest way to organize a roof with a cold attic room. Mansard construction will cost several times more expensive and will require more labor costs.. Although it is indisputable that the attic will significantly expand the living area.

The roofs with a cold attic have the following main components in their cake:

  1. roofing;
  2. attic outer walls (applicable for bartal roofs with frontones);
  3. insulated overlap between residential premises and attic.

Ventilation is ensured by cornisic and skate thinking. The air passing through the cornese holes is called the supply, and extending through the horse - exhaust. Additionally, you can make ventilation through the hearing windows on the front alone or roof rods. The windows are equipped with louvre lattices for the possibility of adjusting the intensity of the ventilation.

Hearing windows are located on opposite roof rods so that there are no unrecoverable areas.

Hearing windows can be rectangular, triangular and semicircular shapes. Their lower part should be at a height of no more than 0.8-1.0 m from the floor of overlapping in the attic, and the upper part is not lower than 1.75 m from the floor in the attic. They can also serve as a roof of the house for inspecting the roof, ventilation and chimney elements.

Paro- and thermal insulation of a cold attic

For the roof with a cold attic room, most importantly reduced heat loss through the attic overlap. As for wooden and reinforced concrete floors, vaporizolation is mandatory. It stacked on the overlap itself and ensures the protection of the insulation from vapors that can be condensed in the heat insulator, passing through the ceiling of the residential premises. Boil and bulk materials can be used as insulation. The cake of the ceiling consists of vapor barrier, beams of overlapping and insulation.

In the ceiling ceiling, the following types of thermal insulators often use:

  • polystyrene and foam plates;
  • mineral wool slabs or mats;
  • clay granules;
  • slag fuel or granulated;
  • sawdust with lime or clay;
  • pumice.

The thickness of the desired layer of the insulation is chosen depending on the calculated winter temperature using the table below.

Winter temperatures are calculated by SNiP 2.01.01-82 (building climatology and geophysics) or choose from the regions of the Russian Federation from the respective climatic maps.

The insulation is laid between lags or ceiling beams, and on top they make a boardwalk for attic moves. Lags, usually, have a thickness of 50 mm, and the planks for the flooring 25-35 mm thick.

For ventilated attic rooms, soft or semi-solid heat insulating materials are considered the most optimal.

Device waterproofing attic

Waterproofing roofs with a cold attic, according to many specialists, a controversial issue. Some say that waterproofing must necessarily be present under the roofing material, and someone categorically recommends refusing from it. Here a lot depends on the type of roofing material and the angle of inclination of the roof of the roof.

Metal roofs are most susceptible to corrosion arising from possible small leaks or from condensate. Therefore, again we draw your attention to the fact that ventilation plays one of the main roles in the fight against the condensate formed.

For gentle metal roofs, experts are recommended to install superdiffusion membranes. It will prevent moisture from getting outside the roof when staining snow or rain. No matter how well the roof was laid, there is always the likelihood of minimal leaks. That is why, a little overpaying, you will receive additional protection against moisture in the insulation in the ceiling of a cold attic.

Possible leaks or condensate when entering hydrophobic insulation significantly reduce their heat insulating properties.

If, for example, slate is used as roofing material, then you can refuse from waterproofing. The market also presents professional flooring with an anti-condensate coating, which can hold up to 1 liter of water at 1 m 2. For our part, we recommend that we always recommend using waterproofing membranes, because it is the most cheapest and simple additional way to protect your roof from possible leaks.

When installing waterproofing membranes, use a counterclaim. It performs the function of the fixing rail and, due to its height, provides the necessary clearance to ventilating the underpants. The device of the creened attic shaft is no different from the insulated roofs. The sizes of the crate and its step determines the form installed roofing.

Cold Industrial Temperature

So that the roof is not formed to be formed and icicles, it is necessary to maintain the correct temperature and humidity regime in the attic. With an insufficient thickness of the heat-insulating material, significant thermal losses occur through the overlap. Warm air, heating roofing, causes snow tapping and frame formation. Correctly selecting the insulation layer of this can be avoided.

It is possible to estimate the effectiveness of the thermal insulator using the temperature measurement of the upper layer of the insulation. The electronic thermometer is immersed in a 10-20 mm insulation. Discharged temperature readings must match the values \u200b\u200bin the table below.

As you can see, the Creek Cake Device does not differ in particular structural complexity. The main task is to ensure the necessary intensity of the ventilation and the thickness of the heat insulating layer in the ceiling ceiling.

Features of the ventilation of the attic in apartment buildings

The design features of apartment buildings require special attention to the ventilation system. For high-quality air exchange in residential premises, it is required not only to rationally design the ventilation system of the house, but also take care that the attic and the basement are in proper condition.

Often, the attic premises do not give values, however, they are extremely important, especially if we consider that ventilation attic of an apartment building answers not only for the comfort of residents of the upper floors, but also for the safety of the whole design.

The effects of irregular ventilation

Failure to comply with the valve of the attic in an apartment building leads to the following consequences:

  • Ventilation violation in summer. Under the bright sun, the roof overheats, due to the air in the attic heats. If the air exchange is incorrectly organized, the accommodation in the apartments of the upper floors in the summer period becomes uncomfortable, because of which the tenants are forced to supply rooms with additional air conditioning systems.
  • Awarding apartments of the upper floors in winter. Due to the temperature difference in the apartment rises humidity, condensate is formed. Especially familiar to such a situation to the owners of plastic windows. Condensate spoils wallpaper, equipment and furniture, is the reason for the appearance of mold, fungi and harmful to the health of microorganisms. Unfortunately, in this situation, the organization of additional heating of the premises does not save the situation.

At the very attic of an apartment house, high humidity is:

  • Condensate is the reason for the slow destruction of the building, the help for the development of corrosion inside the reinforced concrete elements and rotting wooden structures.
  • The development of mold and fungi, which on ventilation mines fall into apartments and are the cause of various diseases.
  • Disruption of the natural ventilation system of the entire building.
  • Fast wear of heat-insulating materials, overheating or supercooling of apartments.

Ventilation of the attic rooms in new buildings and in the houses of the Fund of the Secondary Housing

Considering the question of how to make ventilation in the attic of an apartment building, not only the need to design qualitatively working natural ventilation, but also those costs that are required to organize and maintain an artificial ventilation system (supply, exhaust or combined).
The modern rhythm of life is very different from what was at Soviet power, when the majority of apartment buildings were built. These buildings were calculated on a different level of noise and air pollution, other materials and technologies were used for the construction. It affected the creation of ventilation systems.
As for new structures, in some cases additional artificial ventilation immediately laid, it becomes a condition for comfortable stay in the room and the guarantor of the preservation of dwellings in the future.

The most inexpensive way to solve the problem of valve of attic in apartment buildings

Maintenance of standard mechanical ventilation is an additional burden on the energy session, the growth of electricity payment required for generalic needs.

Of course, modern technologies are able to provide an effective alternative. Solar energy has allowed to create solar collector models that become indispensable assistants in the organization of ventilation both in houses under construction and in the existing residential foundation.

Due to the compact sizes, the collector will not take a lot of space. Simplicity and aesthetics of the design allows minimizing maintenance costs. The use of renewable resource - the energy of the Sun is:

  • the ability to improve the quality of life;
  • contribution to the environment and city ecology;
  • significant electricity savings spent on public needs.

The presence of properly organized ventilation in the attic will avoid installing additional climate control systems in the apartments, will help reduce the need for the heating of premises in winter, minimizes the load on the electrical outlet and boiler rooms, will allow the use of attic rooms for the needs of the administration (for example, renting) and tenants.

Cold Creek Ventilation: Important Quality Nuances

Modeling the attic in a private house, you need to create good ventilation. Competently installed ventilation of the Cold attic is important to ensure a healthy microclimate under the roof of the dwelling. With insufficient aeration, the construction of the structure is significantly reduced.

Do I need ventilation of a cold attic

No sealing of the house can completely isolate the admission of steam from the dwelling on the attic. By the law of thermodynamics, warm air rises upstairs, and the steam finds an output anyway. Overlapping mainly consist of wood. On wooden surfaces, the natural medium for the development of various destructive microorganisms, mold is formed during the accumulation of moisture. There are unpleasant shaft smells, a feeling of dampness. An unhealthy microclimate of the room as a whole is created.

The temperature differences contribute to the constant condensate and, if there is no ventilation of a cold attic, rapid wear of the structure occurs.

Causes of condensate:

  • lack of good ventilation;
  • impairment of the thermal insulation of the roof;
  • insufficient waterproofing;
  • lack of ventilation channels;
  • marriage in building materials.

Ventilation made according to the technical rules, protects the structure from damage.

Cold attic is a non-residential room under the roof of the structure without decorative decoration. The ventilation issue is important to decide during the period of creating a project of the house, when planning the features of the roof configuration.

Functioning of ventilation - dependence on the selected materials

The main task of venting the cold attic is a permanent air exchange. In order for the setting goal to be implemented optimally, it is necessary to estimate the quality and type of roofing used. Each of them has features.

If slate or ondulin is chosen to lay the roof, the air is easily moved between the wavy bends into the attic territory and also freely comes out.

When creating ventilation of a cold attic of metal tile, it is important to select a vapor barrier film, as condensate is formed. Metal tile is ventured through the skate seal. For a bartal roof, ventilation channels are placed on the front. High-quality ventilation is carried out with a uniform distribution of gaps.

There are nuances and when installing a holm roof. In this case, the inlet should be placed in the submissive, and the output is near the skate. Such a kind of roofing four-page and no frontoths.

When working with flexible tile, you need to install a ventilated horse, for classical "ceramics" - roofing valve.

Using in the hem of the skes of the timber bars, the interval of several millimeters should be observed. When firing, plastic makes holes in the elements. Stitching called Sofit.

Can I remove the ventilation - a cold attic

The right air exchange is necessary to:

  • avoid clusters of vapors that come from home;
  • protect wooden frame attic from moisture effects;
  • counteract the formation of fungus;
  • support the constancy of temperature.

Provided that the attic ventilation is created - a cold attic
from the house, the accumulation of moisture is not to power. A thick layer of condensate is quickly formed on the lavety roofs. Even if the roof was insulated, the condensate cannot be avoided, but in this case the wet would become the walls of the house.

Often the question is: can the ventilation be laundered to a cold attic?

It is possible to derive, but this type of ventilation is an incorrect solution and leads to a violation of the microclimate of the attic space, damage to the wooden structure, gradually rotting, inevitable wear.

  1. Install the necessary ventilation elements to protect products from trash, leaves of branches and insects - ice skating, cornices, ridges, endowes.
  2. Protect ventilation gaps from dust.
  3. Regardless of the features of the roof area of \u200b\u200bventilation channels make 400-500 cm2 / m.
  4. Check did not be narrowed by ventilated channels to avoid condensate due to insufficient air circulation.
  5. Enter auxiliary ventilation structures if the length of the roofing coating is more than 10 meters.
  6. Avoid significant expansion of the gap, since the air exchange under the roof is reduced due to the emerging turbulence.
  7. Ensure the insulation of ventilation in the attic so that the pipelines of the ventilation system are not subjected to temperature differences and could continue to function.

warming cold attic apartment building

There is a task of warming a cold attic of an apartment building

The house of the large-scale, seventies buildings, the attic cold with natural ventilation. Distribution of heat from below. In addition to pigeons in the attic nothing.

According to the project the ceiling (overlapping) ZHB buckets, the thickness of the center of everything

5 cm + on top of a fusion clamzite (according to the project, really xs) - that's all the insulation of residential, the 9th floor, on the cold attic. The apartment on the 9th floor is cold in winter + condensate (very humid). The roof itself does not flow, made the roof covering.

How to warm up well and well? on the side of the attic. Foam or cotton, film (vaporizolation, it is necessary or not), how much is what and in what sequence to put?

Reinforced concrete plates skip a small amount of water vapor, but it is completely insignificant. Therefore, I would not communicate with the films at all. Further, the strongest materials (foams) in the "publicly accessible" premises, I would not be laid.
Therefore, the best choice of insulation - minvat or glass gamble layer 10-15 cm.
But then you need to calculate that you are more profitable:

  • or expensive mining of hard-type, covered with plywood sheets for walking;
  • or cheap minvat / rolled glass cooker (Isover KT37, KT40), but it will be necessary to build any lags from bars and cover the same plywood or at least the unedged board.

Nobody goes there at all, the height of the attic is 60 cm, only if Clear, so that at this moment you can not stop. There is no access to the attic tenants.

I am confused by moisture in the apartment, obviously because of the temperature difference in the apartment and in the attic, apparently because of the problems that have lost their properties (before there were leaks)

Walls, seams, window - everything is ok, it is above the problem looks like

Only a minilate or other glass gamble. Foam of mice and pigeons will be acted. And on fire safety, too, it is also impossible. I need to eliminate on the roof. Although it had to see the attic - those floors where the film was stretched at the leak place and the stock of gathering water was organized.

A, well, if 60 cm is generally everything is perfect. That moisture that you now have - this is condensate from within an apartment that is going on cold overlap. As soon as you are warming up - everything will dry.
Since no one will walk - I would lay 3 layers of Minvati 50 mm of soft type and covered 12 mm plywood sheets to, if that, it was possible to spit.

evgenygrig wrote:
That moisture that you have now - this is condensate from the inside of the apartment

evgenygrig wrote:
That moisture that you now have - this is condensate from within an apartment that is going on cold overlap. As soon as you are warming up - everything will dry.

it seemed to me that moisture in the apartment, this is due to the fact that the overlap "Living warm apartment is a cold attic" badly insulated and the dew point is located inside the apartment or in concrete close to the apartment. And condensate is formed and wet. Or is it the same? Moisture still from the inside? If you warm up this overlap, then where is the moisture, if it is from the inside?

Or are we about different?
Wet and condensate in the apartment, and not in the attic.

On one, but differently.
You described the condensation process completely correctly. Only 1 refinement Request: condensed on the cold moisture surface, which is contained in the air inside the warm room - it falls on the surface like dew. This is not a moisture that allegedly leaked through the overlap. It is important to understand this difference to decide - waterproofing of the surface is required, or not. In your case - no. It is enough to achieve insulation so that the ceiling tempo does not fall below the dew point - and the moisture will cease to condense on it (it is "condensed on it", and not "flow through it"). Air humidity in the apartment will remain unchanged.
If it seems to you that in the apartment is excessively wet, then you need to fight ventilation. At the same time, it is also possible to stop the condensate falling on the ceiling, even without its insulation, but due to dryness of air, which is not always comfortable; And to establish good and comfortable ventilation can be more difficult than warming overlap.

Thanks for the answer,

it is still confused that the condensate is not formed on the ceiling, but preferably on the wall, which is external (comes out) throughout its height and on windows (double-glazed windows). So in all rooms (i.e., it is possible to delete the option hole in any place of the facade wall).

In addition to high humidity, the apartment is cold.

The attic is a non-residential room under the roof in a private house. In old wooden houses there are often stored old clothes and unnecessary trash. Many household owners make redevelopment of the attic under the residential room. In both cases, it is necessary to make ventilation - a cold and warm attic. Tell me in this article how to make ventilation in a private house with your own hands, and show the video instruction on its device in a double and holm roof of the house.

Make ventilation The attic in the house is needed to eliminate the appearance of mold and fungus indoors. The most important goal of these activities is the elimination of moisturizing structures and weathering of excess moisture penetrating the room through the floors of the residential floor and condensate from the metal roof.

High-quality ventilation improves the attic microclimate. In summer, the metal roof is strongly heated and is located on the attic to become impossible because of the heat. In the autumn-spring period, metal tile or professional flooring forms condensate, moisturizing the rafter system of the house. To weathering moisture from thermal insulation and cooling of a preheated attic, it is necessary to ventilate this space.

Does the ventilation of a cold attic need in a private house

However, in winter it is necessary to limit the intake of cold air into the attic to reduce the heat loss at home. Therefore, the ventilation of the Cold attic must be adjustable (for the winter it is necessary to close the product). If you have done, the ventilation in the attic of a private house with your own hands will help get rid of excess moisture from the underpants space.

Ventilation of a cold attic in a private house

On a cold attic of the metal tile of rafters, it is better to leave open, without covering them with vapor barrier. The crate should be attached to the interval, and not online - it will reduce costs and provide free access to wooden structures. If the roof of the house is made of slate, then the special costs from you will not need. Since condensate on slate and ondulline in winter is not formed.

Condensate is often formed on the metal roof, so the processing of the tree by an antiseptic is necessary to protect against moisture.

In addition, fresh air under the roof will penetrate between the slate waves and below the tail. Cold attic ventilation will be in the device of the ventilation holes on the front. The space under the methollocherpics and professional flooring is also ventilated, but due to condensate on metal it is better to lay rolled waterproofing under the roof.

If a private house has a duct roof, then you can position the ventilation openings in the front. The easiest way out is a loose fit of the plating of the fronton. If the frontones are lined with bricks, then this should be made. Holes in the masonry on opposite sides of the frontones. From this calculation that the area of \u200b\u200bthe holes should be at least 0.2% of the attic area.

For the ventilation of a cold attic of the metal tile, you can close the product with ventilation grids, with rotated blinds down so that it rains and snow does not fall into the room. Inside the attic you can install adjustable lattices or ventilation valves that will close and remove the attic of a wooden house from unnecessary heat losses in the winter.

Ventilation of warm attic in a private house

In the case of or warm, then ventilation must be done in the underpants space. To do this, there should be a gap between the insulation and metal roof using the counterclaim. Air flows should fall under the roof through Sofit (label), climb up, taking out the excess moisture, and go through a cold triangle.

The ventilation of the warm attic must necessarily include a cold triangle device and holes in Sofit (stitching) of the roof, as shown in the photo. If the attic is planned to be insulated for living in winter, then the roof should be done immediately. Under the metal roof, moisture and windproof films should be placed on the crate.

The lack of ventilation of a warm attic will lead to the fact that the moisture from the surface of the vapor barrier film will be poorly weathered. The air under the entire surface of the roof (between the corrugated floor and the layer of thermal insulation) should circulate from below - up. When building a house, it is better to immediately decide on the attitude of the attic to establish the necessary items in the construction process.

Regardless of the work done, the warm attic it is necessary to ventilate if the ventilation system is not provided. Aerators that are installed on the roof of the house will help remove excess moisture from the heated room. Do not forget to insulate the mansard windows for the winter. Consider further how the hospital roof of a cold attic is performed on their own.

Ventilation attic of a hip roof

Ventilation The attic with a holm roof is much more complicated, since this type of roofing four-tie and does not have frontones. Therefore, the air inlet for it should be located below in the stitch, and the output at the top of the roof skate. If SOFIT (stitching) is made of boards or PVC panels, then they can be knocked off with a gap for better blow out of the entire underground space.

If the liner is already mounted and made without gaps, the lattices should be installed after 1 meter throughout the perimeter of the holmic roof. The upper holes for air output are closer to the roofing. If the roof has a double house, you can make ventilation holes from the opposite sides of the frontones at the top of the cold triangle.

For flexible tiles on the hollow roof, you can install a turtle (ventilated horse). For ceramic tiles, a roofing valve is installed - watch the video at the end of the article. Slate and its counterparts can be aircraft through the usual horse due to the roofing waves. Metal tile and professional flooring is ventilated through the skate seal.

To ensure cozy accommodation in a private house, it is required to make it warm. Therefore, when planning a building, the air exchange and maintenance of the desired indoor temperature is paying close attention.

In order to avoid the emergence of many troubles (the appearance of condensate, the deformation of the house), it is necessary to competently consider the device for ventilation of the attic room

Causes of condensation

The sign of the appearance of condensate is the characteristic fascinated smell of dampness. The formation of condensate and all associated problems is influenced by such installation errors:

  • no good ventilation;
  • the roof does not have high quality heat insulation;
  • incorrect vaporizolation, waterproofing;
  • marriage in building materials.

The accumulation of condensate under the roof leads to the fact that insulated overlaps begin to rot, the mold is starting, fungus. The reason for this may also be the insufficient number of ventilation holes.

Normally, it is necessary to have 1 square meter of ventilation holes for every 500 square meters of an indifference space. In order for moisture to begin to evaporate, you need to create the conditions for mixing internal and external air.

The system is extremely necessary in summer heat when the roof is heated more than 100 degrees. Very often, people neglect ventilation, assuming that heat leakage in the cold season occurs through it.

Heat losses are explained by poor thermal insulation. The cold air entering the undercase space, the crude air serves as a condition for the inevitable formation of mold. Therefore, it is necessary to ventilate the attic not only in summer, but also in winter.

Ventilation methods

The most rational way to ensure a uniform air exchange is the location of the production along the perimeter of the building, as well as along the entire length of the roof ridge.

The separation of the ventilated volume on the zone of positive and negative pressures is formed. In the first zone there are supply holes, and in the second - exhaust. To protect production from birds, they are closed with grids, they are sled.

You can ventilate the underpowering space in several ways:

  • doing auditory windows in the attic;
  • creating ventilation of the ridge of a double roof, which is also good for the attic;
  • anarchy type of ventilation;
  • skates of special form;
  • the use of individual elements with ventilation holes;
  • roof fans;
  • the presence of ventilation gaps that are originally or made during the reconstruction of the roof.

One of the ventilation options are auditory windows.

The competent ventilation of the attic space will retain a cold attic from destructive processes.

The type of organization of the ventilation system of a cold attic depends on the type of roof, its area, the concentration of the humidity of the inner air, the state of insulation from the pair of roofing structures. But also affects the choice of the method and the material from which the roof is made.

There is an approximate division of material on hard and soft. Clay and metal tile refers to rigid materials, but each of them has its own characteristics. The first is a very fragile material, and the second one refers to the sheet type, is subject to corrosion in the destroying places of the protective coating.

Ventilation facility

To create a normal air exchange, prevent condensate accumulation, heat loss, you need to design the necessary items. The structural features of different types of roofs of houses, various materials have their own characteristics in the organization of ventilation.

Ventilation of the undercase cold attic

To ensure the adjustment of the cold attic ventilation system, it is impossible to close the rafters and the crate. Air exchange can be ensured thanks to the firmware with gaps.

The functional system of the air exchange is based on the creation of gaps of about 4-5 cm. Free circulation of air in the space under the roof can be provided by the shells of the crate. So you can create ventilation of the roof of the corrugated floor, ondulin, metal tile.

A slate-covered or onduline roof allows you to do without ventilation holes. Circulation of air flow occurs between the roofing waves. However, metal tile is able to accumulate condensate, so it is necessary to use a vapor barrier film.

This perforated membrane helps to eliminate moisture from entering the rafter system, as well as the insulation is able to skip the marsard couple. Until condensate was formed, the air makes them out. On the roofs of this type, skate products are made to provide regular traction for ventilation.

For a single-sided roof, it is necessary to make a gap between the rafter system and the roof. If it is made correctly, you can achieve spontaneous thrust due to a height difference. The arrangement of the double roof begins with the placement of ventilation channels in the front.

In the aggregate, the area of \u200b\u200bthe holes should be 0.2 percent of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe roof. You can use a loose firmware of the skos. For uniform ventilation, the attic of the pitched roof of the gap should be small.

Hearing windows - a common method of organizing the inspection of an attic room

  • the size of the windows - from 60x80;
  • place - opposite frontones;
  • compliance with equal distance from the sides of the structure, skate, eaves;
  • the gap between the nearest windows is from 1 m;
  • you can mount the window to the ventilation grille.

Cold Tent Roof ventilation

Ventilation of a cold attic of a holm roof, four-page, is made on another method. Houses with a holm and tent roof do not have frontones. The gaps for air inlet must be done throughout the perimeter. Each of the skates must be ventilated. You need to do two types of holes.

Entrance are made in the submissions, weekends - at the top, the skate. Wooden bars can be made with gaps of several millimeters. If the mounting of the installation was performed without gaps, you can use plastic panels with holes that are so-called sofits.

With a tightly assembled binder, lattices with a grid cells are 5 cm. They are located along the length of the wind sink at a distance of 90 cm. In accordance with the type of roofing, a step may be different. The upper output is set out.

Ventilation of a cold attic of metal tile

A cold attic, coated with metal tile, requires the processing of wooden structural elements by an antiseptic. Parosolation is not used for rafters, they are left open.

To organize free access of the air flow to the structures of the tree, the crate must be attached to the interval. The space under metal tile is quite well blowing with air, but the formation of condensate occurs. Therefore, it is recommended to use rolled waterproofing under the roof.

When coating from metal tile or slate, you can set a classic horse, which is a universal method that allows you to get ventilation very quickly and inexpensively.

To do this, use a skating board, separating two roof slide. The area of \u200b\u200bthe skate products should be equal to the area of \u200b\u200bthe ventilation slots in the eaves.

Ventilation of a cold attic of a rapid roof from a professional flooring

The air exchange organization with such a coating is carried out by the natural method. In the field of the cornese swell, the air flow into space under the flooring occurs. Next, the air goes up, up to the skate, and it is assigned.

The coating in the form of steel professional flooring has an advantage at a lower cost, but has a significant disadvantage - corrosion exposure due to condensate education.

Waterproofing should not reach the roof skate so that the pairs are empty. This type of roof must be equipped with elements in the form of blood, ventilated skate, aerators or deflectors. The horse is compacted by the Top Roll system in order to avoid waterfront from the outside.

Other types of coatings

Turtle, the valve can be made at a flexible type of roof. Bituminous tile is a soft material. Trying to give her strength, the coating is placed on a concrete base, or a solid crate is installed under it. But then loses the ventilation system.

Excess the incoming moisture lead to a stratification of the material, its detachment from the base. Such depressurization of the roof becomes the cause of the roof. Therefore, the clamp needs to make gaps. A special valve will suit the ceramic roof.

Modern methods of ventilation

Roofing aerator is ventilation nozzles, a new way of freeing space under the roof from extra moisture. They help to create the right air exchange in the cold attic room, if natural ventilation is not enough.

The device looks like a pipe, in which the low pressure region is created due to the outdoor movement of the wind. The technology of action is based on the use of the difference in pressures of outer air and the underpants space.

Dot aerators are used to ventilate local roof sections. To create general ventilation, continuous-type aerators are used throughout the roof length. The point type of aerators, depending on the installation site, is divided into the pitched and skate.

The ventilation of the Cold attic in a private house is necessary to protect its design from premature destruction. Therefore, you need to decide in advance with the typical floor type. It is necessary to take care of the ventilation roofing elements directly during the construction process.

So that the service of the rafting system continues as long as possible, and the microclimate in the house was normal, it is recommended to do a device for good ventilation.

Cold Creek Ventilation: Important Quality Nuances

Modeling the attic in a private house, you need to create good ventilation. Competently installed ventilation of the Cold attic is important to ensure a healthy microclimate under the roof of the dwelling. With insufficient aeration, the construction of the structure is significantly reduced.

Do I need ventilation of a cold attic

No sealing of the house can completely isolate the admission of steam from the dwelling on the attic. By the law of thermodynamics, warm air rises upstairs, and the steam finds an output anyway. Overlapping mainly consist of wood. On wooden surfaces, the natural medium for the development of various destructive microorganisms, mold is formed during the accumulation of moisture. There are unpleasant shaft smells, a feeling of dampness. An unhealthy microclimate of the room as a whole is created.

The temperature differences contribute to the constant condensate and, if there is no ventilation of a cold attic, rapid wear of the structure occurs.

Causes of condensate:

  • lack of good ventilation;
  • impairment of the thermal insulation of the roof;
  • insufficient waterproofing;
  • lack of ventilation channels;
  • marriage in building materials.

Ventilation made according to the technical rules, protects the structure from damage.

Cold attic is a non-residential room under the roof of the structure without decorative decoration. The ventilation issue is important to decide during the period of creating a project of the house, when planning the features of the roof configuration.

Functioning of ventilation - dependence on the selected materials

The main task of venting the cold attic is a permanent air exchange. In order for the setting goal to be implemented optimally, it is necessary to estimate the quality and type of roofing used. Each of them has features.

If slate or ondulin is chosen to lay the roof, the air is easily moved between the wavy bends into the attic territory and also freely comes out.

When creating ventilation of a cold attic of metal tile, it is important to select a vapor barrier film, as condensate is formed. Metal tile is ventured through the skate seal. For a bartal roof, ventilation channels are placed on the front. High-quality ventilation is carried out with a uniform distribution of gaps.

There are nuances and when installing a holm roof. In this case, the inlet should be placed in the submissive, and the output is near the skate. Such a kind of roofing four-page and no frontoths.

When working with flexible tile, you need to install a ventilated horse, for classical "ceramics" - roofing valve.

Using in the hem of the skes of the timber bars, the interval of several millimeters should be observed. When firing, plastic makes holes in the elements. Stitching called Sofit.

Can I remove the ventilation - a cold attic

The right air exchange is necessary to:

  • avoid clusters of vapors that come from home;
  • protect wooden frame attic from moisture effects;
  • counteract the formation of fungus;
  • support the constancy of temperature.

Provided that the attic ventilation is created - a cold attic
from the house, the accumulation of moisture is not to power. A thick layer of condensate is quickly formed on the lavety roofs. Even if the roof was insulated, the condensate cannot be avoided, but in this case the wet would become the walls of the house.

Often the question is: can the ventilation be laundered to a cold attic?

It is possible to derive, but this type of ventilation is an incorrect solution and leads to a violation of the microclimate of the attic space, damage to the wooden structure, gradually rotting, inevitable wear.

  1. Install the necessary ventilation elements to protect products from trash, leaves of branches and insects - ice skating, cornices, ridges, endowes.
  2. Protect ventilation gaps from dust.
  3. Regardless of the features of the roof area of \u200b\u200bventilation channels make 400-500 cm2 / m.
  4. Check did not be narrowed by ventilated channels to avoid condensate due to insufficient air circulation.
  5. Enter auxiliary ventilation structures if the length of the roofing coating is more than 10 meters.
  6. Avoid significant expansion of the gap, since the air exchange under the roof is reduced due to the emerging turbulence.
  7. Ensure the insulation of ventilation in the attic so that the pipelines of the ventilation system are not subjected to temperature differences and could continue to function.

Ventilation of a cold attic of the pitched roof of a private house with their own hands: windows or output through the frontones + photo

No one is surprised by the need for mandatory insulation of the attic space to create a comfortable microclimate in the dwelling. Many do not even think about the device of the proper ventilation system in this room. But the quality ventilation is tytracking for microclimate there, prevents the occurrence of mushrooms, rot and mold, increases the service life of the roofing structure. Properly calculated and thoughtful ventilation is not less important than competent steam and thermal insulation.

Attic space: the need for ventilation

The ventilation system is an essential part of the design. Ventilation participates in the process of heat exchange of the entire residential structure.

In the hot season, the roof is capable of cracking over one hundred degrees, and the heated hot air falls into the house, exacerbating the heat in it. In the cold time it is possible to appear other problems. The cooled air forms condensate drops on insulated floors: this moisture has a negative effect on wooden elements.

Even elementary ventilation is able to prevent the premature damage of the rafter.

Attic room: ventilation

In different buildings there are different types of attic: They have a different purpose, accordingly their arrangement and finishing. By the main sign, the attic is divided into two main types - warm and cold. The last type is more traditional. In such a case, the system of roofing structures is not protected, since the overlap is insulated. Another type has only one important goal - to protect the engineering communications properly.

Cold attic: ventilation device

In the cold room, the attic must be attended by adjustable ventilation. To equip it, leave the rafters not closed and clamps. A good alternative can serve as a special firmware with gaps, allowing air to circulate freely. If slate or ondulin is used as roofing coating, and there are no vapor and wind insulation films there, in which case you can not worry about the special device in the attic of ventilation.

Device for ventilation under the roof

Between the individual waves of the roofing air without interference penetrates the space under the roof and comes out.

Metal tile is also able to ventilate independently, but it can cause condensate appearance, so the use of insulating film in this case is necessary.

The double-screw roof the ventilation channels are located in the front. A loosely located firmware of the soles may be a rather effective way to solve the problem.

Narrow slits are evenly distributed, will favorable with high-quality ventilating of the entire attic room.

But if the sewing is adjacent too tight, or in the case when the frontones are made of stone, it will have to make holes in the walls. It will be rationally located on opposite sides, thereby ensuring the elimination of stagnation. The total S (area) of ventilation channels should be 0, 2% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe entire floor.

Ventilation grille for the roof of the house

Another option is possible, which allows you to save. It involves the installation of typical ventilation grids, one of which is adjustable, the other is directed by its holes down. Mosquito net protects them from insect penetration.

If we are dealing with a holm roof, the ventilation device will be performed differently. Below, in the binder, the inlet is done, and from above, at the skate, there is a way out. In the case when the skes are made of wood, the bars do not have to be placed tightly, between them can remain a period of several millimeters. If the sewing was carried out by means of plastic, then in all components there must be holes. Such panels are called sofits.

A situation is possible when the stitch is collected quite tight. How to be in this case? For this, special lattices are available equipped with a mesh. They have a diameter of five centimeters: they are placed every 0, 8 meters, throughout the length of the wind sink. To do the holes, use a drill with a suitable (round) drill. From above the upper output is made.

How is the ventilated horse on the roof of the house

In general, the types of ventilation are largely dependent on the type of roof. For example, a classic horse is suitable for slate and eurosherifer. The elastic flexible roof successfully uses a ventilation bug or a bug. Also, a special valve is used for ceramic tiles.

Metal tile is perfectly ventilated using standard skate. It must be said that Konk is not just advantageous in the economic plan for the valve. It is also an excellent way to get a ventilation system in the minimum time.

Sometimes special auditory windows are used, with lattices or glazed, but their device is quite difficult task, to perform theoretical knowledge and practical skill.

Warm attic: ventilation

In modern heating systems, natural circulation is actually not applicable. In other words, if it is planned to turn the attic room into the attic, the roof must be made entirely ventilated. For the roof of a flexible tile or sheet material, you will have to equip a special ventilated zone: the treads are swaying.

For the roofs with a metal coating, it is desirable to apply a windproof film. A slate roof can do without counterproken, as the air is free to pass from the bottom up. In the binder, the entrance is satisfied, the output occurs through the horse.

The attic should be ventilated as well as other rooms. The air falls inside through the windows (possibly the VTK valve device), and the house leaves the ventilation holes. If they are absent in the walls, then the hood is on the roof, fungi (aerators) are made.

Ventilation attic in the house: True and fiction

Questions relating to high-quality ventilation of the attic room covered with rumors and speculation. What facts about proper ventilation are fair, and which no?

Does it go warm through the attic of a private house

  • Is it true that in the winter through the ventilation channels from the house there is warm air? It is believed that the work of ventilation during the cold season only prevents the heating of the dwelling. In fact, it is unlikely that the cause of this is the holes. In the case when the dwelling is heated for a long time, and then quickly cools, it is not a ventilation, but isolation. It must be said that not too high-quality isolation is capable of passing the wet air into the attic. The consequence of this phenomenon is often the formation of condensate droplets, which, in turn, damage and rotting wood of overlaps.
  • Is it true that ventilation is required only during the hot weather? There is a conviction that the work of ventilation is necessary only in the summer, with a strong increase in temperature. In fact, it is not. If you do not conduct ventilation events in winter, it is fraught with the formation of icicles, the development of mushrooms and mold.
  • Is it true that the size of the holes for ventilation does not play roles? It is also misconception. It is not necessary to equip the channels "on the eye", as it is likely that the efficiency of such a system will strive for zero. Production should be related to overlaps as one to five st.

Holes located on the roof range should be paid special attention. Traditionally, they are located if possible closer to the ridge.

  • The ventilation system should have sufficient stability, and withstand any climatic conditions.
  • An important condition for high-quality ventilation is inside the attic, between the rafters, the production must be installed. Holes must be made to eliminate the possibility of clogging air or blocking.
  • Continuous soffits can be installed under the most eaves. Screen grid should be mounted on them. Preferred aluminum or plastic holes that cannot be corrosive processes.
  • It is good to use a fan mounted on the roof, from the outside to pull the air. There should be a distance from eight meters between the fan and the supply system.
  • To install the supply ventilation, you need to select the cleaner area of \u200b\u200bthe room.
  • The special recuperator is installed for cooling and heating the air.
  • Ventilation pipes must be closed with diffusers or lattices.
  • Special auditory windows have not only important functional importance, but serve to decorate the structure.
  • Ventilation attic in a private house: do the right

    The ventilation of the underpants is necessary to create a balanced microclimate under the roof. It is also vital for the right and long-term use of the entire subcarrous design. Today there are many solutions on the market to ensure ventilation. The most effective and common ways to do it here and consider it.

    What is necessary to ventilate the attic

    Competently equipped with your own hands Ventilation The attic allows to eliminate the appearing condensate on the elements of the roofing cake. When ventilating, the air flow is ensured, which is just eliminating the residual moisture. Thanks to the removal of this moisture, an increase in the duration of the service life of all wooden structures, which is very rich in roofing pie.

    In addition, there are two more seasonal features when conducting:

    1. In winter, properly organized ventilation makes it possible to effectively deal with farements, especially on the cornese skes. Taste may appear due to poor ventilation, as a result, excessive heat will turn into condensate, and it, in turn, in ice growths.
    2. In the summer, the moving air flow will contribute to some cooling of roofing materials, which is particularly important for bitumenting materials.

    Methods for creating attic ventilation

    First provide air flow, as a rule, in the cornice part of the roof. To make the adhesive ventilation with their own hands, in most cases, use sophoras with perforation. They are installed in the lower part of the roof cornice, and perforation allows you to freely penetrate the air flows, but it delays the possible hitting of various insects.

    Sofa combine proper decorativeness and functionality, which made them the most popular solution for the inflow of air to the attic room.

    Ventilation The attic in a private house also needs in an outflow of air. For this there are the following elements:

    • ventilated horse;
    • inertia turbines;
    • electrical fans;
    • roofing aerators.

    The roof throughout the perimeter should have a ventilation gap of at least 40-50 mm. This distance often ensures the width of the crates of the crate, which makes it possible to freely circulate air under the roof. This method, for example, is suitable for roofs of metal tile, professional flooring or ondulin. The shape of these roofing materials makes it possible to easily pass the air under them and provide ventilation.

    The ventilation channel area should be 0.2% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe ventilated room.

    When using soft materials for the roof, the counterclaim is made not solid, but with ruptures. This allows them to bypass the air the most problematic and complex sections of the cushion.

    In the most problematic places of the roof, for example, for endanda or hips, it is required to make point ventilation, which provide aerators or turbines.

    Venting a cold attic

    Cold attic ventilation can be easily done with their own hands. This will require knowledge of a small theory and some practical skills. Make sufficient ventilation on a cold attic will not cause special difficulties due to the large air volume and the absence of obstacles for normal air circulation. The air exchange can be carried out through the side sink, the ridge and the lip of the roof, as well as the frontal windows and lattices.

    For dual-bone roofs, the ventilation of cold attic is made either through the frontones, or through a loosely adjacent wooden binder of the cornese swells. If the frontones are made of stone, then they can do holes for auditory windows with ventilation grids.

    Hearing windows should be installed in opposite sides to ensure proper induction of the attic.

    There is an alternative, more economical option. For this, standard ventilation grids are installed (frontal outstands), and one of them is adjustable, and the other rotated down. To protect against insects, such a grill is equipped with a protective mosquito net.

    Walm roofs do not have frontones due to the features of the form of their design, so there is another option to ensure ventilation in the attic - with the help of cornese soles. The air flow will be carried out through the cover of the roof, and its outlet will be on top of the skate. If the lover is made of wood with their own hands, then small gaps for the passage of air are left between the bars. When covering the cornice of plastic sofits, such a procedure is optional, due to the presence of predetermined holes on elements - perforations.

    The air outlet is produced from above, through the roof rustle. Its structural features depend on the type of roofing material used. As a rule, any manufacturer of roofing materials have their ready-made and practical solutions.!

    Radovy (Speeding) Some of the problematic and complex roof sections. To make the normal ventilation of the attic space along the passage of the end of the end of the end of the end. However, this method is acceptable for roofs with an angle of inclination of the slopes from 45 ° and more. On the gentle roofs there is a high probability of snow accumulation in the Endaist area and therefore such ventilation becomes ineffective in winter. You can fight this by installing forced ventilation - inertial turbines, roofing electrical fans or use high nozzles that will not fall down in snow.

    Warm attic ventilation

    More complex is the ventilation of a warm attic (attic). Ventilation layers pass between rafters. The space for ventilation between the lower surface of waterproofing and thermal insulation material should be at least 20-30 mm.

    If a mineral wool plate is used as a heat insulator, then it is necessary to consider its future increase in volume by 10-30% of the initial state.

    If the depths of the rafters are not enough to provide the required gap between the heat insulator and waterproofing, then their height is increased with boards or rails. But, as you understand, this method of ventilation is quite difficult to perform for roofs with complex forms. Therefore, recently, experts prefer diffusion (vapor-permeable) membranes that can be mounted directly on the insulation and skip moisture only in one direction.

    The space for ventilation is created by installing the crate, the thickness of which should be at least 40-50 mm. Air for ventilation is closed through sofa or other elements on the roof cornily, and its natural output occurs through the roof rustle.

    Recommendations of modern roofers for ventilation attic

    To properly make ventilation in the attic with your own hands, follow the following advice of experienced roofers:

    In conclusion, we note that the ventilation of the attic space is one of the most important and key factors. With its arrangement, you should take it with all seriousness to avoid typical errors and misses.

    Many are confident that ventilation is needed only on heated, residential attic, the cold room does not need a similar system. In fact, competently equipped ventilation is the attic - it is not only fresh air, but also the pledge of longevity of all elements of any rafting roof.

    Let's describe the types of such designs together, and the home masters will receive tips on the installation with their own hands.

    Do I need ventilation in the attic - common myths

    Professionals know well that natural ventilation is important both for warm and unwanted attic.

    We kindlings and rumors spread amateurs, who, not possessing knowledge, are taken for the construction of complex designs with their own hands.

    The people have 3 erroneous dignity myth:

    MYTH What really
    In winter, most of the heat from the house goes through the attic ventilation! · A residential premises with a cold attic is not directly related, so the presence of ventilation holes at the top level does not affect the temperature in the house.

    · The root of the problem must be sought in the heat insulation of the overlap, and not in the ventilation of the roof.

    To avoine the attic you only need in the summer! Interestingly, just in the summer the lack of fresh air causes a smaller damage than in winter.

    · In the cold season, plus temperature under the roof and minus from the outside leads to the formation of condensate.

    · Dampness entails mold, fungus and icicles hanging from rafters.

    The dimensions and location of the ventilation holes do not matter, the main thing that they were! To determine the sizes there are specific norms prescribed in SNiP 31-01-2003.

    How to make ventilation in the attic

    The ventilating system of the attic room in a private house can be equipped in several ways.

    The choice of one design depends on 3 factors:

    1. presence or absence of heating;
    2. view and configuration of the roof;
    3. view of the roofing material.

    Air exchange on an unheated attic

    The easiest way to improve the ventilation in the cold room is an auditory window and frontal ventilation grilles. Hearing windows are located on the roof rods or on the front, to protect against the birds, lattices are installed on them.

    So that the system worked, the windows are mounted in distant corners of the room, opposite each other.

    Much further depends on the presence of a vapor barrier membrane under roofing material. If such a membrane is stretched, then in addition to ventilation at the indoors, it is necessary to take care of air access under the roofing material.

    It is this type of ventilation that helps to get rid of condensate in the attic.

    Under the roof of the corrugated floor or wave slate, the air comes from below, you only need to provide its exit from above, it is especially relevant for the tent and holm roof that are often made without hearing windows, plus there are no frontones there.

    Here you have 2 options:

    1. install ventilated Konk - At the stage of the roof assembly, a special design is made by providing air output and simultaneously protecting the underpants space from precipitation and insects.

    1. deflectors or aerators are cut,if the roof is already assembled, so as not to redo the entire horse in the roofing rates, the second option is slightly more expensive, but the aerators are not terrible snowfall, since they are raised above the roof.

    These devices provide a complex air output at once from several levels.

    If the roof is covered with smooth roofing iron or soft bituminous tiled question of accessing the air into the attic and in the underfloor space is solved a little differently.

    • In this case, the sinks of the roof below are sofam, they are also called cornisic products, sofita are perforated siding and are made specifically for ventilation arrangement.
    • Passing through the sofa, part of the air on special channels enters the attic room, and the part goes to the underpants space.

    Another problem of cold attic is insulation of pipes passing through the room. Previously, the communications were wrapped in glass gambler and wrapped in foil, now for these purposes use overhead cocoons from mineral wool or foamed polyethylene.

    Ventilation on heated attic

    In the warm attic you need to provide air exchange in 3 sectors at the same time. The natural system is small here, so forced adjustable ventilation is additionally mounted.

    For insulation of the attic room, vapor-permeable mats of mineral wool are used. From above, the insulation is covered with windproof, and from the inside the vapor barrier membrane is mounted.

    The air out of the room passes through the insulation, wrapped in 2 membranes and goes into the underpants space, from where through the deflectors and skate products are removed to the street.

    In addition to ventilation in the underfloor space, it is necessary to ensure the movement of air in the insulation, otherwise it will be poisoned and will become useless.

    An aerator is mounted here as a reinforcing element, it provides air output from all 3 zones - the room, insulation, underground space.

    Air flow inside the room is provided forced. In this case, the supply fans or air conditioning are used. For a natural tributary, special valves are installed on the windows.


    We disassembled the general principle of ventilation arrangement for cold and heated systems, but the adhesive ventilation depends largely on the individual characteristics of a particular roof, the video is devoted to this issue in this article.

    Although such work refers to simple, yet before installation, it is better to consult a professional in a professional. I advise you to watch the video in the article.