Repairs Design Furniture

Painting of wooden windows: Technology performing work with your own hands. Case for Pope Carlo: how to process and paint wooden windows which paint paint paint wooden frames

When installing new wooden windows or in the case of existing old, the need arises in their painting. Paint protects wood from dampness and, as a result, from damage to the material fungi and mold, as well as from external aggressive effects (winds, elevated or reduced temperature, ultraviolet exposure).

Moreover, the finishing of window frames with paints and varnish materials will give the exterior and interior finished, aesthetic appearance.

Than paint window Rama. outside and inside which types finishing materials Choose and which of them are the most practical and economical.

How to fulfill all the work on the transformation of the window design with your own hands and what needs to be done for this, you will learn from our article.

Choose the necessary materials and tools

In order for the finishing coating of the window frame outside and inside the inside served quite a long time, it is necessary to choose the appropriate materials to perform work.

Required tools

From the tools you will need a minimum set, including:

  1. Grinding machine with nozzles;
  2. Construction hairdryer;
  3. Nails for mounting the strokes;
  4. A small hammer;
  5. Set emery paper with different graininess;
  6. Scotch puller, newspaper, small brush and cuvette for painting.

Choose paint

Acrylic paint is quite suitable for the work of the wooden frame of the window.

And for you can use materials on an alkyd basis, although it is possible to use acrylic paints both outside and indoors.

For antiseptic processing, any materials are suitable, the main thing is that they are intended to protect the wooden materials.

Tip: Choosing finishing materials, pay attention to the brands of domestic manufacturers. As a rule, our manufacturers offer more economy options Unlike overseas analogues.

Not suitable for updating the wooden frame, for example, the electrically conductive paint Zinga or other brands, such as fire retardant paints of metal polystyl, as they are used to protect metal structures, technical, etc.

Preparing the surface of the frame of a wooden window

All the work on updating the window can be significantly simplified if window sash Do not remove with loops. However, in order to get the highest possible result from the proceeded finishing work, the best option It will be removed individual elements Window design.

Painting of old window frames includes the following preparatory activities:

  • Removing the sash and dismantling the handles;

The hinge sash must be removed carefully, especially from old windows, as there is a risk of damage to the frame design and glass. If the handles are painted, then they can be left in their places or if it is not possible to remove, push the painting paper scotch.

  • Removal of old paint coating With the help of special tools (metal scrapers, grinding machines with appropriate nozzles, construction phenomena and solvents;

Tip: Delete old paint from the ground more convenient and faster construction phenomenon and a metal rigid scraper. For this purpose, the surface of the selected section is a bit heated, after which the paint layer will become a pliable and easily removes the scraper. This operation must be repeated until the old paint and varnish layer is completely removed.

  • The grinding of a wooden frame structure first coarse emery paper is then shallow to obtain a smooth and smooth surface;

Dust from the surface after grinding is cleaned with a rag or vacuum cleaner.

  • Sealing all irregularities, chosel and cracks;

Putty is applied by problem places With the help of a metal spatula, well smoothed and dried, after which grinding shallow sandpaper.

Close up of all deepening and irregularities - put off

  • Final stage - processing of frame design by antiseptic solutions blocking the appearance of fungi, mold and various pest insects.

The heads that lock the glass are best replaced by new, pre-prepared.

On this whole process preparatory work Ends and one can safely move directly to the painting of the frame.

Painting Rama

Important! Performing work on painting the window, you, one way or another, can be swap clothing and hands, so do not forget to purchase protective rubber gloves, special rob, glasses and a headdress.

Update old wooden window Somewhat more complicated, since the new frame does not require special training in contrast to the old. But if you do work according to the rules and comply with all the nuances, the events do not take away from you much time and effort.

Prayes a new frame of a wooden window

  • The paint is best to strain through the metal sieve so that the mass is homogeneous without lumps. However, it is possible to do without this procedure, but in this case the comks on the painted surface may be possible, which can be somewhat ruined the appearance of the design.

  • It is advisable to carry out work in the maddle, not hot weather. Best time For such work, early autumn and late spring.
  • The paint should be applied along the wood fibers with a small flat brush with a thin layer. To do this, the brush is a bit dip in the paint and remove the surplus about the edge of the plastic tray.

  • The first layer is usually priming it to apply it, thoroughly rubbed to the base, filling the entire wood structure.
  • The second layer of paint is fixing, it is applied over the first pre-dried layer thin, without inclination and ugly film divorces.

Tip: Do not carry out events on painting in crude rainy weather, since the likelihood of bubbles under the layer of finishing coating is large.

We update the old frame design yourself

Similarly, the old wooden window is updated above. If the old frame is carefully prepared, then there should be no special problems with the finish. Perhaps it will need to be painted in three layers to get rid of all irregularities.

The cost of painting window frames in case of execution independent work It may be insignificant, and mostly costs will only be required to purchase finishing materials and girlfriend. On the other hand, if you hire the wizards of the finishers, the price of work can be quite serious, as such services are valued by experts high.


As you can see, everything is much easier than it could seem and if you figure out all the work on updating window structures, the entire process of painting will be only a joy. We hope our instruction on self-transformation of the window frame, you will certainly come in handy.

For a complete picture of the process independent finish We offer watch a video in this article. Good repair!

The appearance of the windows for any building is of great importance, and for a residential building - especially. Clean, carefully painted frames and properly selected color even the most simple facade make attractive. So that the windows always looked as new, you need not only to comply with the technology of application, but competently choose the composition. Among the huge range of LKM, it is better to deal, which paint for windows is better, it is very difficult, and therefore we consider in more detail the main types of paints, their characteristics and the most popular brands.

Choosing painting composition For wooden windows, not only the properties of the tree should be taken into account, but also the conditions of operation of the material. Exterior Rama round year We are subjected to atmospheric influence, carry sharp fluctuations in temperature, can be exposed to sunlight. Dirt and dust on them are harder, which means that it is more common to wash, as a result, the paint layer is gradually erased and loses the original smoothness and shine.

The wooden surface is prone to deformation and cracking, which affects the integrity of the coating. Based on this, you can highlight the main criteria for choosing paint:

  • high water resistance;
  • frost resistance;
  • coating strength;
  • resistance to microorganisms (especially fungi);
  • resistance to erasure and burnout.

As for toxicity, it is not too strict here: since the paint is used outside, harmful evaporations quickly disappear and do not harm human. Additionally, the coating must be in the measure plastic so that the framework of the frame was not formed at the temperature expansion of the frame.

Note - Do not necessarily paint both sash in one hue.

Types of paints for outdoor work

On the this moment Alkyd, acrylic, and oil compositions are used to dye windows outside.

Alkyd paints

These are universal compositions on a pentaphthalic and glyphthali basis containing natural oils. They will not dry for a long time (about a day), they have elasticity, perfectly carry frosts and temperature differences - from -50 ° C to + 60 ° C. After drying, a very durable smooth coating with water-repellent properties is formed. The color palette is very wide, in the sale of paints come already aligned and completely ready for applying. The solvent is used solvent and White spirit. The average paint consumption is 100-180 g / m2.

Due to the presence of resins and oils, alkyd paint very effectively protects the tree from burnout, swelling and temperature deformations. Insect pests also bypass such surfaces by side, which extends the operation of the windows. In compliance with the staining technology, the service life is about 5 years. Disadvantages - the presence of toxic and combustible substances.

Acrylic paints

Water soluble paints with polymers. Do not contain harmful fonders, as a result of which they do not have a sharp smell and are considered the most environmentally friendly. Due to the high content of polymers, they are resistant to burnout and atmospheric influence. Acrylic paint Well withstands multiple frosting, it can be wet cleaning, has long term Services - up to 7 years and more, subject to staining technology. It is easy to apply, very quickly dries, the painted surfaces can be updated without pre-stripping the coating. The average consumption is 120-150 g / m2.

Oil paints

Present suspensions of pigments on the olife. Such paint forms a solid waterproof film, resistant to negative temperatures and atmospheric influences on the surface. It is also resistant to chemically aggressive substances, erasing, long does not fade in the sun, has a high shelterness. The color palette includes more than 100 options.

Consumption, on average, is 100-150 g per square meter, and if the base material is too porous, then about 200 g / m2. For breeding, olifa, as well as turpentine and white spirit, but not more than 5% of the total paint. Despite the mass of positive properties, oil paint is less in demand than alkyd and acrylic, and the reason for this is short term operation - from 1 to 3 years, as well as a long drying period - from 24 to 48 hours. In addition, this composition contains fire hazardous substances and has a sharp unpleasant odor.

Popular brands of Krasok

Paints, impregnations and varnishes are products that use stable demand, and the market is simply filled with paint and varnish materials for every taste and in different price categories. Unfortunately, the quality is not for all manufacturers is a priority, and therefore many paints do not withstand no criticism. In order not to make a mistake when choosing, it is worth preferred only to a reliable, tested brand time from well-known manufacturers.

Ticcurila (Finland)

The trading mark "Tikkurila" has deserved consumer recognition for a long time: the company produces its products of the Bole of the Century and is included in the list of paint industry leaders. The paints of this brand are distinguished by unsurpassed quality and are suitable for operation in the most unfavorable conditions. As is known, the Finnish climate is rather severe, and therefore the development of protective coatings for wood is made taking into account the impact negative temperatures and very high humidity. As part of the paints there are anti-grab additives, thanks to which mold and fungi does not develop on the painted frames.

Ticcurila Helmi - Acrylate paint for furniture, doors, windows

The color palette of Finnish paints is very wide and includes about 15 thousand shades. For external I. internal work Color catalogs are designed separately as for of different types surfaces. For example, the catalog "Valtti" is intended for a tinting of lesing antiseptics. Unlike paint, these compounds do not hide the natural texture of the tree, but only emphasize it, giving certain shades and soft shine.

But in the catalog "Winha" presents half-one paints 30 natural shades. They are intended exclusively for wooden surfaces - window frames, facade sheathing, outer railings. These paints are distinguished by high tailoring and excellent protective properties, and are the best solution For surfaces requiring restoration.

A wider selection provides a catalog " Wooden facades" It includes 120 colors, ideally suitable outer surfaces, including wooden windows.

NameBrief characteristics

Alkyd composition on an oil basis. Used to paint wooden bindings and frames, both new and previously painted. Corrences in line with the catalog "Wooden facades", has a semi-shallow shine. One liter of paint is enough on an area of \u200b\u200b8-10 m2, when applied to one layer. At a temperature of + 23 ° C and air humidity, no more than 50% of the paint dries 24 hours. Fees in the cannation of 0.9, 2.7 and 9 liters

Matte paint based on acrylate, with oil content. Used to paint new and previously processed wooden surfaces. 1 liter of paints is enough for 5-9 m2, depending on the density of the base. It can be applied with a brush and spraying method, diluted with water. Full drying is required 2-4 hours. Silends in tanks of 0.9, 2.7, 9 and 18 liters

Hylds paint designed for new and treated wooden bases. Divorce White Spirit and an alkyd solvent, a brush is used for applying. Consumption is about 8-11 m2 / l, depending on the porosity of the base. At temperatures + 23 ° C, drying is required 24 hours. Silends in tanks of 0.9, 2.7, 9 and 18 liters

Water soluble paint on an acrylate basis. It is intended for the outdoor painting of wood, both new and previously processed. It has a semiam degree of gloss, applied with a brush and spraying. 1 liter composition is enough for 6-9 m2 when applied to one layer. Drying is required 2-4 hours. Paint is facility standard in tanks of 0.9, 2.7, 9 and 18 liters

Water-soluble paint-antiseptic, crumbling, with half-one gloss. Contains alkyd components, as well as mold inhibitors and blue. Designed for painting the wooden surfaces of all types, especially old and in need of restoration. Apply with brush and spraying method, consumption is 6-10 m2 / l. Drying is required 2 hours with air humidity of 50% and temperature + 23 ° C. Packing Standard - 0.9, 2.7, 9 and 18 liters

"DUFA" (Germany)

Products of this brand include a variety of paints, primer compositions, lazuries, varnishes and other concomitant goods for finishing and repair work. In terms of quality, paintwork materials "Dufa" are not inferior to the best European brands, which is confirmed by high demand from foreign and Russian consumers. The company specializes in developing paints for individual applications, and universal formulations release in minimal volume. Most of the paints are made on silicone, latex and acrylic basis And are water-soluble.

Water-soluble colored enamels are intended for windows, as well as enamel with elevated whiteness. These compositions are easily applied and distributed over the surface, have good shelterness, after drying form a very durable film. The frames covered with enamel can be washed with soap solutions, they do not develop mold and insects bypass. Due to the presence of special components, colored paints "Dufa" faintly burn into the sun, and white is not yellow.

NameBrief characteristics

Alkyd paint with glossy glitter. It has resistance to the atmospheric influence, erasing and exposure to moisture. When applied, it is easily distributed on the material and does not forms the flows. Divorce White Spirit, dries about 6 hours. Consumption is 10 m2 / l, applied with a brush. Silent in tanks of 0.750 and 2.5 liters

Half-masted paint on an alkyd basis. It has 20 variants of the tinting, forms a silky-matte smooth coating. It is applied by spraying and brush, the flow rate is 10-12 m2 / l. The paint does not have a sharp smell, dries over 8-12 hours. Silends in the capacity of 0.375, 0,750 and 2.5 liters

Glossy paint designed specifically for wooden frames and binding. Forms a solid water repellent coating with a high whiteness. Diluted with water, applied with brush and spraying method. At air temperature of 20 ° C and low humidity, the drying time is 8-10 hours. Consumption is about 13 m2 / l. Silent in tanks of 0.750 and 2.5 liters

Acrylic paint with glossy glitter. It is characterized by high adhesion and water resistance, not yellow, it is easily distributed by material. The flow rate is 10-11 m2 / l, water is divorced - no more than 10% of the total. Dries 4-6 hours. Standard packaging - 0,750 and 2.5 liters

Products of this German brand are characterized by excellent quality and rich assortment. The manufacturer focuses on the manufacture of environmentally friendly products, so most of the paints "Kaparol" does not contain harmful substances and solvents. The most popular are paints for outdoor work, which have increased resistance to burnout and atmospheric influence.

For windows, enamels based on alkyd resins and water-soluble lesing compositions are produced. They slightly burn out in the sun, with competent care, retain the initial view of several years. Due to high shelterness and economical flow rate, Kaparol paints make it possible to significantly reduce repair costs. Kaparol owned the Alpina trademark, which has identical characteristics.

NameBrief characteristics

Water soluble semi-masted paint for new and previously painted wooden bases. Contains fungicides, has resistant to negative impact. It is applied with a brush, consumption is 150 ml / m2 with a single-layer application. Fully dries in 12 hours

Water soluble lesing composition, preserving wood texture. Forms a solid high-elastic film with water-repellent properties. It is applied with a brush, consumption is 100-250 ml / m2

Water soluble paint with increased resistance to moisture and atmospheric influence. It is applied with a thin layer, saves wood texture. Consumption is about 120 g / m2. Drying time - from 6 to 8 hours

Sniezka (Poland)

The Polish brand "Sniezka" is the optimal ratio of quality and price. Its products are very diverse, rich color palette, a wide selection of related products. The paints for wood are made on an oil, alkyd and acrylic basis, while all compounds additionally contain anti-grain substances and have reinforceable burning resistance. When complying with the paint coloring technology "Sniezka" during the entire period of operation, do not lose external attractiveness and ensure stable protection against moisture.

Tex (Russia)

Among domestic manufacturers, the products of the "Tex" trademark enjoy the greatest customer confidence. paints and varnishes This firm is maximally adapted to local operating conditions, while the compositions are constantly improved. Excellent specifications and comparative low price Allow paints tex successfully compete with foreign production LCMs. With a literate application, their operation is at least 7 years.

Enamel for windows and doors "Tex Profi"

The list of reliable brands also includes ISAVAL (Spain), German brand Reesa, Canadian Forester, VivaColor (Estonia). From domestic producers, you can especially allocate the brand "Yaroslavl paints", "StroyKompleks", "Oliviest".

Yaroslavl paints, enamel

Basic rules for using paints

Tool for coloring

For applying paint there are three options - brush, roller and paintopult. When painting bindings and frames, the roller is not very convenient, so it remains to choose between the spray and brush. As a rule, on the paint packaging, the manufacturer indicates the method of application, since for some compositions, the spraying method is not suitable. If you can use both tools, when choosing, consider the following factors:

Surrounding conditions

To paint firmly and evenly fixed on the frame surface, it is necessary to apply it at a temperature of +5 to +30 degrees. This condition is mandatory for almost all types of paints, the exception is only special heat-resistant compositions. But the most optimal is the temperature in the range of 18-23 degrees above zero.

Air humidity also matters. As a rule, staining is produced in dry weather, with a relative humidity of 50-60%. For water-dispersion paints, this indicator may increase to 80%, but not more. In addition, air humidity should remain such all the time until the surface dries. The higher its value, the longer the paint will dry, and the higher the possibility of the appearance of various defects.

It is undesirable that during painting on the surface fell straight sun rays. If there is no possibility to shake the windows with something from the sun, you need to paint on a cloudy day or closer to the evening when the surface will be heated less. Well, of course, it is impossible to start painting into windy weather, otherwise everything will turn into dust and small pieces of garbage.

The number and thickness of the layers

If you only need to refresh the window, and the color of the paint coincides with the color of the previous coating, just one layer. Especially if the paint has a high passing ability. If you need to repaint in another color, you will need a minimum of 2 layers, otherwise the basis will be shifted. 2-3 layers are necessary for unprocessed new wood or material in need of serious restoration.

It is impossible to apply paint with a thick layer in the hope of achieving deep color. It provokes the formation of flutters, influx and other defects that are perfectly awake after drying. In addition, it will dry up such a coating longer, and its strength leaves much to be desired. Therefore, the paint is applied in a very thin layer and rub in the base well.

Painting Instructions for Wooden Window

Consider how to paint normal windowwithout removing the frames.

Step 1. Remove platbands, lattices, decorative elements - All that prevents work. If the window in good condition, the frame and the binders are simply processed by sandpaper medium grain, if the old coating cracked and detached, it is necessary to remove it to the base.

Council. Three ways are applicable here - to consider everything with a metal scraper or brush, warm the hair dryer and remove the old paint with a spatula, treat the surface with a chemical wash. The choice depends on how firmly the coating is kept.

Step 2. Check the integrity of the structure, damaged areas are cleaned with a knife and close with a putty on a tree. After drying, the covered areas are grinding sandpaper.

Step 3. Purified from dust frame is covered with antiseptic primer. If the surface strongly absorbs, it is preferably primed in two layers.

Step 4. Scotch tape or painting ribbon jammed accessories on sash, closed around the perimeter of glass. Carefully stirrate the paint, if necessary, bred by a solvent.

Step 5.. Take an unintentious brush, dip up to half the length of the pile in the paint and gently apply on the frame, starting on top. Movements are performed along the jumpers: horizontal elements paint from side to the side, vertical from top to bottom. The paint is well rubbed into the tree so that there are no flops.

Restoration of wooden windows - Photo

Step 6. After applying the first layer, it is necessary to wait for paint drying (time is indicated in the instructions on the package), and then repeat everything in the same sequence.

After completing painting, you need to immediately remove the scotch strips from the glasses. It should be done very carefully so as not to get dirty and not to leave traces on the frame. While driving a window, you can paint the platbands.

Video - Paints for windows

Windows with wooden frames is a wonderful choice for those who appreciate the classics and cares about keeping a cozy climate in their home. Over time, the tree loses presentable view, so you need to restore it on time.

With new windows high Quality There is no problem - paint them is not a problem. But the restoration of old wood frames with battered appearance sometimes causes difficulties. So how to paint the old wooden window?

Preparation before painting

So, there is a elderly, a little spoiled wooden window. Immediately begin to paint it with raw paint from the bank, as many do it, in no case can it. This can be done only in one case - if the frame just purchased and has excellent quality. But even here without a primer can not do.

The old window before painting is required to be thoroughly prepared, and for this it is necessary to estimate its condition:

  • conduct detailed diagnostics of all sides of the window frame;
  • estimate glass adjustment density to strokes;
  • check for the presence and condition of the old paint layer.

Prepare the window to paint must necessarily. I ignoring this moment, you can only spoil the product, and in vain to spend time. After careful diagnosis, the frame should be rid of all defects that were discovered. If there were fallen places, they need to scrape the sharp metal subject, For example, a knife. Old paint, if she does hard or bubble, also needs to be removed. For better windows update with your own hands, the frame is better to completely clean from the old paint using a special solvent and knife.

After removing the spoiled areas of wood on the window frame, irregularities and pits often appear. Fix the problem will help grinding with large sandpaper with subsequent applying putty. At the same time, you can fill the cracks that appear as a result of drying wood. On this, the preparation of the window to paint does not end. As soon as the layer of putty dry, it can be polished with shallow emery paper. It will only be covered with a layer of soil enamel. Without it, it is not necessary, since the paint, applied immediately to the tree, does not rest well, swells and pecks ahead of time.

If the preparatory work is completed, and the window frame has a flat smooth surface, you can move to painting an old wooden window.

Application of paintwork on the frame

To apply paint it was easier, it should be diluted with solvent. The choice of fluid for dilution depends on the composition protective coating. It is easily clarified by the seller who purchased paint. But if any recommendations could not be obtained about this, you can apply the universal diluent "White Spirit". It suits almost all types of alkyd paints. How to calculate the optimal amount of solvent? Here everything is chosen on the eye. The main thing is that the finished mixture does not have a thick and not watery consistency.

To paint the frame, not staining the glasses, you need to use the painting scotch. It will help update the window, avoiding the loss of its transparency. Scotch is glued along the perimeter of glass close to the strokes. When working, the tassel is created at least splashes, so the narrow strips of painting adhesive tape will be enough. To paint the frame of the window easily, quickly and efficiently, it is worth sticking to several rules:

  • during operation, it is necessary to accumulate accuracy, to ensure that the paint lay down exactly and does not fall into unnecessary places;
  • it is not recommended to immerse all the brush in the container with the coloring matter. It is enough to suck the brush half and walk by it on the edge of the jars to get rid of the surplus of paint;
  • staining must be produced in the direction from top to bottom. So it will be possible to prevent the appearance of influx and sublishes;
  • you do not need to try to apply as thick as possible as possible paint in one right. This can lead to the formation of irregularities.

Proper to paint windows from the tree will help one simple rule: it is better to apply 2-3 layers, the first of which should be done thin. Moreover, the next occasion of staining is carried out only after complete drying of the previous layer. Thus, the whole process can stretch for several days, depending on the speed of drying the coating. Such technology helps to get rid of non-crushed plots and provides reliable protection Wooden frame from natural precipitation and sunlight.

A wooden window is easy to paint. Armed with patience and tools, an old product with an unsightly appearance can be turned into beautiful thingWhat is proved by the example of the window frame. With the above councils do not have to break the head, thinking how to paint wooden windows by old paint. The main thing to remember: "Not so much hard to achieve the professional quality of staining of old windows, how much to save this quality for long times."\u003dCnner994xzi. Video CAN "T BE LOODED: Tips on the color of old wooden windows (\u003dcnner994xzi)

Despite growing popularity plastic structuresMany owners of houses and apartments prefer wooden windows. In terms of quantity of advantages, they are not inferior to polymer products. Constructions from natural wood High rates of strength and sound insulation, low thermal conductivity, attractive appearance. Thanks to its natural origin, they do not represent health hazards. About how to care and paint wooden windows will tell in this article.

Wooden frames under the influence of various factors lose their aesthetic appearance and periodically need staining. From the outside, they are subjected to such atmospheric influences as ultraviolet rays, rain and snow. And from the side of the room, the paint layer comes into disrepair as a result of contact with condensate, dry air and a higher temperature level. Besides, wood material Amazed by fungus, mold and various pests. A to avoid such consequences will help painting wooden windows in accordance with certain rules.

The result of work depends on several factors:

  1. One of them is weather conditions. For painting you need to pick up a suitable day without hot sun, snow and rain.
  2. In order for windows from wood well dried, the temperature should be not lower than 5 ° C, and the level of humidity is not higher than 80%.
  3. If you paint the wet frame, it is subsequently formed bubbles and paint will have to be applied again.

The thermal insulation properties of wooden windows as a result of the influence of external factors may decrease. In the process of preparation for staining, you can solve this problem. If the windows fumbled, it will take sealing. This procedure is performed in several ways.

One of these is the preliminary applying of the sealing agent, and installing glass on it. But for this, the glass must be removed from the frame, which can be a certain inconvenience.

There is a simpler method - sealing with window dressing. In this case, it will not be necessary to remove the glass, but the thermal insulation of the window will be worse. Consider the features of the process in more detail:

  1. For this purpose, you can use melted paraffin. This material must first warm up to a temperature of 60 ° C, then dial it into the syringe and fill the slots.
  2. After soaring the paraffin, its surplus is removed.
  3. Before painting wooden windows, make sure that the frame is well closed.
  4. If difficulties arose with this, the drill will help to correct the situation, equipped with special nozzle or grinding machine.

Wooden windows. Photo:

Cleaning from the old coating

The necessary stage of preparatory work is to remove the old painting layer. You can do this in two methods:

  • chemical;
  • thermal.

The first option involves the use of a special fluid, which is not difficult to find in a car shop. The use of this product significantly accelerates the preparation of frames to staining.

To remove the previous layer of paint thermally needed an industrial hairdryer. The installed temperature should not exceed 250 ° C, otherwise wood will lose its operational properties. Do not try to use household hair dryer for this purpose, because It is not able to give the desired temperature.

Deleting paint is performed as follows:

  1. Using the hair dryer, areas are processed 30CC until the color layer starts to be bubble.
  2. Further paint is considered a spatula.
  3. Also for this purpose also use sandpaper with large grain and scraper.

Folding and accessories are desirable to remove. This will give the opportunity to save their appearance after the end of the work. If it is problematic then they need to be saved by painting scotch, to protect paint from accidental entering. Glass needed in such protection. They are also necessary on the sides to dry the scotch at a distance of 2 mm from the edge. Former headquarters can be changed on new elements, painting that follows separately from the frame.

Antiseptic processing

Before painting wooden windows need to be processed antiseptic. This is one of the most important stages of preparation. Raw frames may be subjected to rotting, forming fungus and insect appearance. Then you need to scream all the slots and potholes. The processing process has its own characteristics:

  1. This work is performed in several approaches, because if you apply a thick layer of a mixture for putty, then it can disappear with the paint.
  2. Processing the frame should be a special acrylic putty on the tree.
  3. When staining, the mixture is simply applied to the surface.
  4. If the window is assumed to be coated with a veil, the putty must first be painted using a coller in the color of wood, otherwise the shaded slots will be noticeable.

Putty and priming

The composition for climbing chosel and slots can be made independently. To do this, mix very small wood sawdust, which are still called wood flour with epoxy resin or glue. The putty is applied in several stages:

  1. After the first processing, the surface must be cleaned with sandpaper, pollute and clean from dust using a wet veto.
  2. Next, you should wait 1-2 hours to the composition of the back.
  3. Then using fine-grained sandpaper, the surface must be aligned and removed dust.
  4. If necessary, the following layer of the mixture is applied.
  5. The procedure is repeated until absolutely smooth base is formed.

The next phase of preparation is the deposition of a soil composition. Modern primers form a protective transparent film, which allows you to preserve the natural pattern of the tree and simultaneously performs the task of the antiseptic. It is important to use precisely in a tree, since this mixture contributes to the preservation of the wood structure. The primer manufactures with resins, oils, pigments and glue.

Important! Before applying the composition, the surface must be carefully cleaned and defaked. To work with the primer it is better to use a brush. The printed layer must dry well.

Rules for the preparation of colorful composition

Paint for wooden windows should have such properties as: elasticity, moisture resistance, the ability to resist the effects of ultraviolet rays. Contact with moisture is extremely undesirable for fraud frames. It can provoke the formation of rot and mold. The paint possessing moisture resistant qualities creates a protective layer and prevents the penetration of water into the material.

Wooden frame is prone to swelling and shrinkage. Elastic colorful composition will allow preserving the integrity of the design during the processes data. All the necessary qualities have alkyd and water-cellular enamels. Such products produced foreign and domestic producers, the main difference is in the cost of paint.

Important! Cannot be painted wooden Rama Bitumen vinyl and bitumen-epoxy enamels, bituminous varnishes and facade perchlorvinyl paints.

Carefully approach and choose color. Here you need to proceed from the location of the window. The process has such features:

  1. If the window most of the time is in the shade, you can choose any color in accordance with your own preferences.
  2. For windows located on the sunny side, only bright shades will be suitable, which will reflect the sun's rays and thereby prevent the ray of the frame.
  3. It should also be taken into account the climatic conditions and the type of wood, from which the window is manufactured.
  4. Choosing color is important to remember and about sleep. Their coloring allows you to improve the entry of light into the room. To get intensive lighting you need to use light tones.
  5. Internal slopes are painted with enamel paints that reflect the light well. And the surface covered with them is easily cleaned by contamination.
  6. For external slopes, it is recommended to apply oil paintswhich includes Olph.
  7. Before use, paint is recommended to dilute. Often, the feasibility of this procedure is questionable. This necessity is due to the fact that paint in most cases has a thick consistency, and when applied to the surface it will not lie smoothly.
  8. To achieve a qualitative result, the colorful composition must be diluted with solvent. But it is not necessary to immediately breed all the paint in the bank. In order to prevent errors, you should first pour a small amount of the composition and dissolve it with a solvent. This will help determine the correct consistency.
  9. The paint is also recommended to be filtered through a sieve, it will allow separating small lumps.

Painting wooden windows with their own hands

For work it will be necessary:

  • malyary Scotch;
  • painting brush;
  • rag;
  • sandpaper with small and large grains;
  • putty;
  • sub-seven;
  • white Spirit;
  • paint.

The first layer should be watery than the following to impregnate all the pores and irregularities. Therefore, a certain amount of paint needs to be diluted separately. For applying the composition, a brush or roller is used. After the first staining, the layer should dry and only after that you can continue to work. Three layers are usually applied, but if the preparatory actions were fulfilled in compliance with all rules, it can be limited to two.
In order for the paint flux for the subsequent layers should be curly than for the first. If it was not possible to avoid the data of defects, it is necessary to immediately remove them immediately with a rubber moistened in the solvent. If the drips do not fix all the work will have to be repeated first. In the process of work, the brush in the paint is placed only by half.

Important! It is recommended to prepare several pieces of brushes: large applied to paint on smooth surfacesAnd small will use for processing hard-to-reach places. It is better to give preference to a flat brush with a width of up to 5 cm.

First paint outer side window. It is necessary to paint in the direction of the tree fibers. You can process the angles by making short brush strokes. Scotch must be removed immediately at the end of work. Because if this is done after the paint dries can damage the finish. And to install back accessories, you need to wait for a complete drying.

Do not close the window immediately after staining, you need to wait some time. In the reverse case, the paint can stick. You can prevent this with aluminum foil, which is placed between the sash.

Finishing windows in a wooden house by Morilka

Morida represents liquid impregnation For wood. It allows you to emphasize the texture of the tree and change its tone. For example, a pine that has passed such processing is difficult to distinguish from oak. In addition to increasing the aesthetic indicators of wood, the use of the simulator has other advantages. The composition deeply penetrates into the material, increasing its resistance to ultraviolet and preventing rotting. With modern verses, wood can be painted in any color. Production data on oil alcohol and water-based compositions are manufactured. The most convenient in work due to the ability to evenly apply is the oil fluid.

Alcohol and water formulations have some drawbacks. The impregnations on the alcohol solution dries very quickly, the result of which is the appearance of spots. In addition, they will need a pneumatic or manual paintopult.

When using water impregnations, wood fibers rise, which makes the material more susceptible to moisture. Before applying such a vertices, the surface of the wooden frame must be wetted and after speaking some time. Weeping impregnations in powdered form (such compositions need to be breeded with water), as well as in the ready-to-use state.


Features of painting wooden windows. Video:


Despite the fact that at present most of the houses are equipped with more modern designs of plastic and aluminum, which won the general love, many in the apartments are wooden windows. Painting windows - the procedure that sometimes has to hold wooden windows. This is done in order for the frames to retain an attractive appearance and performed their appointment as long as possible.

How to paint a wooden frame

Take a note several rules that will help you and tell you how to paint correctly. This applies to the stage of preparation for work, much facilitates the coating.

  • Painting of wooden windows is made exclusively at the appropriate season. It is better to do this in the late spring, when the warm and dry weather is installed, precipitation is almost excluded. Suitable time - The end of summer, when the heavy heat falls, but the autumn rains have not yet begun.
  • Before painting the window, it is necessary to eliminate all defects and breakdowns.
  • All surfaces in the surface must be cleaned, remove the previous paint., Salt.
  • Be sure to put paint into several layers, at least twice with the application interval, so you increase its service life.
  • Before the painting frame, it is recommended to cover spacious primer areas. Glasses and it is recommended to take painting with scotch tape or paper stripes, in order to avoid paint.
  • Do not forget to dilute paint from the can with a solvent, as the composition in the container is too thick.
  • When working with paints and solvents, be sure to wear gloves and respirator - take care of your health.

Step-by-step scheme of painting windows

So how to paint with your own hands? Do not forget that the painting of window frames depends not only on the quality of paint and tools, but from the correctness of the preparatory phase.

  1. Prepare required tools. The surface around the window is better to cover with newspapers, stick glass and accessories.
  2. The window must be cleaned from old paint - remove with a spatula and sandpaper or use a special liquid sold in stores.
  3. Remove all dirt and dust.
  4. Decreased frame or rinse with water.
  5. Calculate cracks and chips that are on the frame. After carrying out the windows. Do not forget that before putty and the primer, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface. We preliminarily recommend passing the spacure areas of the primer or paint, so that the paint absorbed and dried it will give uniformity in painting.
  6. Give the Ramam to dry well. Now you can proceed to staining. Paint the frames first from the inside, then outside. Apply the paint from top to bottom, first covering horizontal coatings, then vertical.
  7. Apply paint into one layer, let him dry! Then apply the second and third layers, the smears must go to each other. Come on the surface of the roller, which will smooth irregularities.
  8. Krable with a wide brush, corners and inaccessible places Browse a thin tassel.
  9. In the same way, cover the outdoor side of the window.
  10. Remove the greasy tape and paper before the paint is driving, otherwise they stick and get off together with the new coating.

How to choose paint for staining windows

How to paint - a question, to whose decision it is necessary to approach carefully and responsibly. Choice right material - Not the last thing in the whole process of updating the frames, because good paint Not only will change the view of the window, but will also increase the service life.

Choosing, what paint is better to paint a wooden window, pay your view on moisture-resistant materials - it will protect the frame from the penetration of unnecessary water and will protect the wood from cracking. Kraska must be elastic, in order to protect the frame from deformation and shrinkage.

The best option is alkyd paint or acrylic.As a rule, these paints are good in the fact that they do not turn yellow and do not smell. Don't be afraid that the paint has water base (Diluted with water), after drying it is very resistant and will serve for many years. Creates to the question than to paint the window frames outside - choose light tones that can reflect the sun's rays and to extend the service life of the RAM.

Starting repair and some choose varnish as coating. How to paint the old windows with varnish? The application of varnish is no different from applying paints. It is better to choose an acrylic varnish, which is a moisture-repellent and environmentally friendly (on a wave basis), in addition, it is capable of favorably change the appearance of the windows.

Even if you decide to paint the windows with a ship's expensive varnish, he crashes in a couple of years. Therefore, this is not the best option.

Coating on the old layer

If you think about how to paint wooden windows over old paint, it is better to give up this thought. Not in vain one of the main terms of competent staining of the window is the removal of an old coating. If you apply a new layer on the old one, which has already been cracking from time to time, then risk getting by no means that the result was calculated. The new paint will begin to bubble on top of the old layer, get out of irregularities and roughness - it will not look aesthetically and will not have every effort.

Painting with professionals

If you do not want to think about how to paint the old wooden windows with your own hands, are unsure in their abilities, it is not free to break free time - trust the process of professionals. Experts will work quickly and efficiently, using the most best Materialswhich will long increase the service life of your window. The average cost of work in Moscow, for example, begins from 3,000 thousand rubles, which will not become an inbox.
Painting wooden windows with your own hands will take a lot of time and will require concentration and attention. Sometimes easier at discounted prices.

If you cause a professional, then in a few hours of painstaking work, enjoy the view of fresh windows. In addition, the frames do not need to paint more often in 1-2 years, so the cost of the service does not seem to be transcended.

If you still think how to paint old wooden frames - stop doubting your abilities, because this process is available to everyone. And if you do not want to engage in the restoration yourself - call a specialized firm.

Carefully follow the status of your windows, timely painting of wooden frames - the best thing you can do to keep the original look.