Repair Design Furniture

Do-it-yourself imitation of a brick wall - step-by-step instructions from preparatory to finishing work (120 photos). Imitation of a real brick wall with your own hands from different materials How to make a brick wall yourself

Idea to recreate in the house brick wall not new, but in recent times she gained particular popularity due to modern trend free and custom design of living quarters. If earlier brick was used to decorate fireplace walls and was more associated with country style, now it is confidently used in the design of rooms for different purposes.

In the case when the walls are lined with bricks and such decoration is provided for in the project, it is enough to align the seams and treat them with a special putty, then cover the surface with specialized wax or varnish.

You can also clean the brick wall from plaster using a grinder, but the necessary aesthetics of the opened masonry will not be guaranteed.

Obviously, it is not always advisable to make additional natural masonry, especially in a city apartment. In this case, simple imitation technologies will come to the rescue, having familiarized yourself with which you can decorate the walls with your own hands.

Solution design with brick decor

A brick wall is an indispensable attribute of loft-style apartments. When making an imitation in this style, you need to ensure maximum natural look, while the drawing should be as rough and careless as possible, leaving the impression of an unfinished part of the production area.

A variety of brick décor is used to create distinct areas in the kitchen, living rooms and bedrooms.

Panels or solid brick walls highlight the working and dining areas, the location of the home theater screen. The options for imitating a brick wall proposed in the photo will allow you to understand the nuances of combining it in various styles.

A brick wall can also become part of the theme of a child's room. A brick background with a natural color is also perfect for decorating an eco-zone in a house with indoor plants placed in stylish flower pots. It combines well with canned moss and artificial grass on the walls.

Accentuation doorways and ledges - another field for decorating a brick.

Decorative plaster for imitation of bricks

Imitation textured plaster allows you to avoid careful alignment of the wall before work, moreover, the final result does not require perfect smoothness.

The step-by-step execution of the work is as follows:

Wall preparation: removal of trim, patching of holes, dusting and priming. Then you need to wait for the wall to dry.

Mixing plaster mortar. The decoration will take place in stages, on each square meter of the surface, so the batch is done in small portions, verified by eye.

The required proportions of water and powder are determined according to the instructions on the package, and the dye is added when mixing. During testing, the finished mixture should not slide off the wall or collect in clots.

Application of the base layer. Using a trowel and a spatula, with typical movements when finishing with plaster, the mixture is evenly applied to the wall, the excess mortar is removed.

Application of a pattern. This crucial stage must be started before the plaster layer has hardened. Having made a preliminary note on the size of the brick, lines are drawn with a wooden stick of the required diameter, imitating masonry.

In this case, the excess solution that comes out during operation is removed with a rag. Further, according to the same scheme, the following sections of the wall are covered.

After the mixture is completely dry and hardened, the pattern is cleaned up and corrected with sandpaper.

There is another option for obtaining a decorative seam. After applying the base coat plaster mix without dye, a portion is mixed with the addition of dye, with which the lines of the masonry are drawn, then a deepening is made along them. After trimming the edges, the painted layer remains only in the grooves.

Imitation of brick decor using foam

Making brick decor from sheets of ceiling foam is a simple and creative process. You can use carving tools or a soldering iron to get chaotic roughness and chips on cut workpieces.

At the painting stage, to make the decor more natural, you can experiment with different color tones.

The easiest way to fix foam bricks is to glue them onto a previously cleaned and leveled wall surface. The workpieces are placed at a distance of 2 mm from each other.

Brick wallpaper

Advantages of textured wallpaper for brick imitation: affordable price, lightweight and fast process installation and hygienic care.

The choice of wall appearance will be limited by the design and quality offered by the manufacturer. Wallpaper with a layer of foamed polymer looks the most natural.

Imitation panels

Such a ready-made decor is made from plastics and glued directly to the wall. In this case, it is important preparatory stage for a perfectly flat and smooth wall surface.

This can be achieved with plaster or plasterboard cladding, which at the same time creates a heat-insulating layer.

You can also apply the method of lathing with wood indoors, metal - for external walls of terraces, open balconies or facade. Catalogs of slabs with a variety of sizes, colors and textures for brick wall decoration will allow you to make a choice for every taste.

Stencil and drawing of bricks on plaster

Ready-made lattice stencils made of rubber or plastic are tightly applied to the uncured plaster, making indentations that simulate brickwork.

The same effect can be achieved by hand by gradually applying plaster on the wall with a random relief and tracing the lines of bricks.

Corrugated cardboard and napkin decor

The cut cardboard blanks are fixed on the walls with PVC glue, while the glue is applied so that the edges remain free.

Then the surface of the blanks is glued with dense white paper napkins with a pattern corresponding to the texture. When gluing, you can add additional chips by squeezing the napkins in a random order.

At the next stage, characteristic bends are made at the edges of the blanks, which are fixed glue gun... After drying, the decor is covered with a layer of varnish. This simplest way to imitate brick in the interior is suitable for accent decor in small areas.

Brick wall imitation photo

An expensive option for wall decor is not within the power of everyone, and if you have to work with your own hands, then decorative plaster can become the most affordable option. You cannot do without pre-leveling the walls, but at the same time you will save usable space in the room.

First, as expected, remove the layer from the wall. old plaster, or wallpaper - in a word, the same finish. If during the inspection you find cracks, potholes, they need to be hammered cement mortar... Corner alignment is carried out if necessary.

The entire surface is treated with a deep penetration primer. This is necessary for good adhesion and surface disinfection. Masters advise adding a little PVA glue to the primer to improve the quality of the primer.

From tools and materials you will need:

  • Mixture container;
  • Spatulas;
  • Masking tape;
  • Master OK;
  • Level or rule;
  • Painting net;
  • Drill for mixing the solution;
  • Cord or thread for beacons;
  • Plaster mesh.

And cover the floor with oilcloth before work, do not forget to protect your hands with gloves.

Preparing walls for plastering (video)

DIY brick wall from plaster: technology

The process, of course, is laborious, but, what pleases, it is creative. If you do it yourself, and even for the first time, clearly follow the sequence of stages.

Brick plastering technology:

  • Wall markings are needed if you make such an imitation of brickwork only on a fragment of the wall, and not on the entire surface. Draw the outlines of the bricks with a simple pencil. And masking tape is needed in order to limit the space for work.
  • Prime the wall, preferably with an acrylic primer. It is easier to do this with a foam roller. V hard-to-reach places it is better to prime with a brush.
  • In order to make the finishing mass, you need to prepare water and gypsum plaster. The mixture should be thick so that it does not drip down the wall. If you want, add dye to the solution to make the future "brick" look more realistic.
  • Only plaster the area that can only be covered at a time. Carry out the next step until the solution has dried.
  • Wet plaster surfaces are ideal for making bricks. Take any sharp object, such as a knitting needle, and use it to push through stripes that look like gaps separating one brick from another.

You can even make an imitation of texture on the wall surface with your own hands. To do this, brush with a dry hard brush over an almost dried imitation of masonry.

Finishes the work of grouting the wall with fine sandpaper. Decorative plaster is painted with a roller, choose shades in color that resemble natural brick as much as possible.

Brick plastering technology (video)

Imitation of brickwork with putty

Alternative way brick imitation consists in the use of putty and special narrow construction tape.

DIY brickwork imitation:

  • On a plastered dry wall, mark the seams so that the rectangles of each subsequent row are displaced to the rectangles of the previous one.
  • Carefully paint over the marked seams the right paint, wait until dry.
  • On top of this layer along the lines of the horizontal seams, glue strips of construction tape, and on top of them glue short vertical stripes of tape.
  • On top of this tape, apply a thin enough putty layer to the wall, smooth the surface of this layer, and leave the irregularities so that there are enough of them to create the desired texture.
  • After the putty hardens, remove the tape. To do this, you can simply remove the horizontal stripes, and the vertical ones will be removed along with them.
  • Wait until the putty has completely hardened.

Brickwork: ways of imitation

If you are not satisfied with the option where only one plaster works, the brick can be made in another way. For example, corrugated cardboard is often used, which is cut in the required quantity according to the size of the sides of the sides of the brick. You must smear each such cardboard brick with PVA glue with your own hands. Paper napkins can complete the image of imitation of masonry, upper layer which will perform the function of decoupage - if you need a decorative finish on a fragment of the wall, this is a very good option.

What else if not just plaster? Brick can also be made by stencil embossing. This work is carried out on fresh plaster. How to do it - you use a polymer or rubber flat stencil with a relief pattern of brickwork applied on it. Moisten the stencil with water and press it against the plastered wall. And then he is taken away from the wall, and in front of you is brick by brick.

This option is easier than scratching out each brick, but more costly. After all, not only plaster is required, but also the stencil itself. However, the surface will be like after the work of a team of craftsmen - everything is accurate and even. This cycle must be repeated as long as you get the entire surface with an imitation of brickwork.

DIY decorative brick plaster (video)

A brick wall is always beautiful, stylish and modern. And imitation of such a wall is not the worst option, and not the most expensive, which is very important. Choose the method you like and do everything step by step.

Happy renovation!

The rough texture of the brick creates a very unusual contrast between the artificial stone and modern furniture and equipment. They can decorate walls or one of the walls, niches, arches, false fireplaces, etc. In the absence of natural brick, it can be easily replaced with products made of foam, gypsum or Portland cement (a mixture of gypsum and cement), painted in warm red, light yellow or beige colors ...

Styrofoam bricks

For work you will need:
the base on which the bricks will be glued (you can choose plywood or drywall as it);
cutting knife;
PVA glue;
structure simulation soldering iron artificial stone;
spray paint (car can be used).

Polyurethane foam

1. To imitate bricks, it is better to take polystyrene made of polyurethane foam having small grains. Products made from it will be more durable and will not crumble when touched.

2. Styrofoam sliced by the size of a standard brick - 250 × 120 mm.

Styrofoam cutting

3.Using PVA glue bricks stick on a base primed to increase adhesion (plywood or drywall), which is cut in advance to the required size. To simulate masonry, a gap of 10-15 mm is left between the bricks. In the event that the walls are perfectly flat, you can also glue directly onto the wall covered with a primer.

Bonding tiles

Advice. To make the gaps between the bricks the same, you can use blanks 10-15 mm wide and insert them between the rows.

4. Cracks and potholes are drawn on the bricks to simulate irregularities using a soldering iron. Any sharp object can be used instead of a soldering iron.

Important! When the foam is heated, it becomes toxic, so you should work with a mask.

Cracking the wall with a soldering iron or sharp knife

5. The last, final stage of creating a brick wall is painting it. It should be painted in several layers, each time using different shades of paint. The last layer should be lighter.

A wall imitating artificial stone masonry can be painted not only in the usual red, but also light beige

Brickwork in the interior of the kitchen

Brick imitation gypsum tile

Plastic gypsum allows you to imitate the structure of a brick to the smallest detail. Products made from it are practically indistinguishable from natural ones. They can be purchased ready-made or made by hand.

For work you will need:
mold for making bricks;
dry gypsum mix;
tile adhesive;
notched trowel;
a damp sponge to remove excess glue.

Brick mold

1. Gypsum powder, water and glue are mixed until a creamy mass is formed.

Gypsum mortar

2. The prepared mixture is poured into shape... It hardens very quickly (about 30 minutes), so an excessive amount of the solution should not be done.

Pouring into forms

Advice. To distribute the solution more evenly, shake the mold slightly after pouring.

3. If the bricks will be glued directly to the wall, it should be prepared: align, knock down protruding parts, fill with glue or plaster the largest cracks and potholes. It is much easier, as in the previous case, to glue the bricks on the basis: plywood or drywall.

4. After surface preparation, it twice primed... By using a primer, the adhesion is increased and the bricks will hold more firmly.

5. Markings are made on the wall with a level. Glue is applied to it using a spatula equipped with teeth, and then bricks are laid.

Bonding brick tiles

6. Water Based Acrylic Color can be added directly to the mortar or painted bricks after gluing to the wall. To simulate masonry, the base between the bricks is painted over with a darker color.

An example of a plaster brick finish

Decorative brick from Portland cement

For work you will need:
white portland cement;
foam balls (they are sold in any furniture store);
cement based sealant;
reinforcing mesh.

Styrofoam balls

1. The first step is to make mold for bricks... It can be made of ordinary cardboard. A reinforcing mesh of a suitable size is laid on its bottom and walls.

2. For making solution sand, foam balls and water are mixed in water in a 1: 1: 2 ratio. Next, Portland cement is poured so that the solution acquires the consistency of a very thick sour cream. To increase the viscosity, it must stand for 20 minutes.

3. The mass is placed by hand (it is better to wear rubber gloves) in a cardboard box, leveled and left to solidify for a day.

4. To make the products smooth, they are covered with a more liquid solution consisting of water, sand and Portland cement (3: 1: 1).

5. Bricks should be painted acrylic paint diluted with water. First, they should be tinted with a darker solution, and then covered with a transparent layer of a lighter paint.

Portland cement bricks can be of any color

6. The last step is to cure the paint with a liquid sealant.

Brick-like gypsum plaster

For work you will need:
putty knife;
Master OK.

You can also "draw" bricks on gypsum plaster. To do this, the solution should be applied to the wall in small fragments - no more than 0.5 sq. m.

1. First, a small layer of plaster is applied to the wall. With a spatula on it create irregularities in the manner Venetian plaster... You can also simulate cracks and potholes on the wall using a regular crumpled plastic film or a rubber sponge.

Making bumps on the wall

Cracking with crumpled plastic wrap

Using a regular sponge, you can also simulate irregularities on the wall.

2. To simulate masonry with a small stick stripes are drawn: Draw horizontal lines first, then vertical lines.

3. Wall colored with acrylic paints in two or three layers.

Decorating the walls inside the apartment, as well as the facade of the house, with decorative bricks or material imitating brickwork has never gone out of fashion. However, unfortunately, it is not always possible to use real brick for interior decoration of housing, since it will make the floor slabs of multi-storey buildings heavier. In addition, it is not so easy to make an ideal masonry “for joining”, because this requires at least a minimal experience of a bricklayer.

Much easier to use others interesting ways, allowing you to achieve the desired result. Imitation of bricks for can be made in different ways and, which is typical, is available for installation by anyone, even a novice finisher.

Considering the fact that brickwork has remained popular for decades and is used in the reproduction of various interior styles, manufacturers did not miss this moment and developed several types of material that can replace natural brick.

Such finishes are made in different forms - it can be flexible or rigid tiles, having the size of the end face of a brick, or large Wall panels covering the whole section of the wall at once, made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), MDF or glass fiber cement.

Flexible brick-like tiles

Flexible tiles imitating brickwork are great for interior and exterior wall decoration. This modern material is not only decorative, but also a protective coating for surfaces and has a number of positive qualities - this includes resistance to external weathering, impact resistance, vapor permeability, inertness to microorganisms, as well as ultraviolet radiation, and, of course, aesthetic appearance and a fairly simple process of processing and installation.

"Flexible brick" is easy to install not only on straight lines flat surfaces, but also perfectly bends around external and inner corners premises.

A similar material is used for wall decoration inside apartments and houses, in particular, premises such as hallways, corridors, kitchens, living rooms, loggias. It is also suitable for external ones, facade walls... It is very convenient to use such tiles for facing columns, fireplaces, small architectural forms, as well as in any areas where such a design is intended. Regardless of the complexity of the surface configuration.

The tile can be used to finish the entire wall completely or be fixed to its individual sections. Since the material has many colors, it is possible to make the finish uniform or use tiles of different shades, harmoniously combining them with each other.

Installation of "flexible brick"

Installation of flexible tiles does not require complex electrical tools. It will only be necessary to prepare:

- even trowel 120 ÷ 150 mm wide - for mixing and applying glue;

- a notched trowel with a comb 4 mm high and 150 ÷ ​​200 mm wide;

- building level 1000 ÷ 1500 mm long;

- a ruler with a length of 1000 ÷ 1500 mm;

- marking colored cord for striking lines;

- a simple pencil;

- powerful scissors;

- a brush 12 mm wide for leveling the mortar in the tile joints.

Materials other than tiles will require a wall primer and a special

For installation, a dry building mixture can be used - ordinary tile adhesive, but it is more convenient to use a ready-to-use composition packaged in plastic buckets. In any case, when purchasing a tile, you should immediately consult with the seller about the glue suitable for a particular material.

In order for the masonry to be even and neat, the wall must be tidied up before starting installation by cleaning and leveling its surface. After the leveling solution has dried, the wall must be primed with an antiseptic compound, which will give the materials more high adhesion and will not allow mold to appear under the cladding in the future. When the primer is dry, you can proceed to the installation of the tiles.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that installation work it must be carried out at a temperature not lower than +5 degrees, otherwise the adhesion between the materials will be insufficient, and the tile may subsequently begin to peel off the wall surface.

Imitation brick prices

imitation brick

  • The first step is to draw the surface of the wall into flat areas, along which glue will be applied and the tiles will be fixed. If the entire wall is completely revetted, then it is imperative to beat off the upper and lower bounding lines.
  • The glue is not applied to the entire surface, but to separate lined areas of about 1000 × 500 mm. The layer of adhesive mass should be approximately 2 ÷ 3 mm - it is applied using an even trowel, and then distributed over the entire area to be veneered notched trowel so that the furrows are of the same height.

  • The tile is glued in order, and if the first of the rows starts with a whole tile, then the second - from half or one third of the "brick", depending on the desired location of the masonry seams.

It is quite simple to divide the "flexible brick" into parts at any angle, without using any power tools: it is marked and cut along the line with ordinary scissors.

  • The seams between the rows can have different thicknesses - this parameter will depend on the preference of the master, but usually the gap is left at 10 ÷ 12 mm. The selected size of the joints is taken into account immediately when marking the wall into zones for installation.

  • "Flexible brick" easily bends around ledges formed at any angle, as well as internal corners or rounded walls, if they are on the surface to be finished.

  • When the intended surface area is decorated with tiles, you need to immediately level the solution in the horizontal and vertical seams, otherwise the glue will set, and it will not work out neatly. Smoothing the mortar is carried out using a relatively thin brush of medium hardness, slightly moistened with water.

The fact that flexible tiles do not need to additionally purchase grout for joints can also be safely called an advantage of the material, since you do not have to make extra costs.

Video: flexible cladding tiles with excellent clinker imitation

Rigid brick-like facing tiles

Clinker tiles

Clinker tiles are not used for interior wall cladding as often as other types of material that imitate brick, since they have a fairly high price. It is more often purchased for facades, given its highest performance characteristics... Nevertheless, it can be used for interior decoration and it, especially if a stove or fireplace is to be faced.

It is made from natural highly plastic clays, without the use of artificial colors and plasticizers. Raw materials are pressed and fired at high temperatures, reaching + 1150 ÷ ​​1200 degrees. Thanks to this, clinker tiles are an environmentally friendly material with unsurpassed natural qualities of durability and reliability, which are multiplied during the production process.

Like finishing material great for both indoor and facade cladding... It has a very low moisture absorption coefficient, high frost resistance and wear resistance, inertness to temperature extremes and to almost any chemical attack.

The decorativeness of clinker tiles is not inferior to its physical and technical characteristics, since the variety of design options allows you to choose a material for every taste and style of the interior of the premises or the facade of the building. The finish can have a rough, glazed or natural, untreated surface. Tiles on sale different sizes and forms, and this factor also allows you to bring to life the most daring design ideas.

Installation of brick-like facing tiles

As mentioned above, all tiles with a certain stiffness are mounted on the wall in about the same way. The work will require the same tools as for the "flexible brick", and in addition, to cut this material, you will need to prepare a manual circular saw or grinder with a disc on a stone.

The work on laying cladding from this type of material is more complicated, since the finish already has a significant weight, and after installation it requires careful sealing of the joints between the tiles.

The cladding process is carried out in the following order:

  • Laying should be done on a prepared, primed and relatively flat wall.
  • The marking of the wall surface is carried out in the same way as for the installation of any piece of facing material: straight lines are beaten off along the upper and lower levels of the masonry, then, it is recommended that the entire distance between them is calculated and divided horizontally so that the intended number of rows can be accommodated in this area masonry, with the obligatory consideration of the thickness of the seams between them. It is especially important to carry out this process if there is not enough experience in wall cladding - the markings will help to make the masonry perfectly even.

When marking, for each of the seams between the rows, 10 ÷ 12 mm must be taken away.

  • Further, an adhesive mass is prepared, which is selected in accordance with the type of material on the basis of which the finishing tiles are made.

  • The laying begins from the bottom row, which is carefully verified by the building level, since the accuracy of the entire wall cladding will depend on its horizontalness. If the first row starts with an integer, then the second and all subsequent even rows with ½ or ⅓ tiles.
  • Further, glue is applied to the wall with a spatula in a layer of 3 ÷ 4 mm. After that, the mass is spread with a notched trowel, which leaves grooves of equal height, ensuring the most uniform distribution of the adhesive when pressing the tile. When laying some heavy types of tiles (the same clinker), it is additionally recommended to apply glue to the back side of the facing material. Therefore, before starting work, you should definitely study the instructions attached to the package, in which the nuances of installing a particular material are clarified.

  • During the installation process, it is necessary to control the evenness of each of the rows to be laid.

  • In order for the width of the joints between the tiles to be the same on the entire surface to be tiled, some craftsmen use special calibrating tabs of the same size. They are temporarily installed between the rows, and after the glue mass has set, they are removed and installed again, but already on the upper rows. As such calibrators, you can use a wooden glazing bead or silicone posts.

  • For facing the outer corners, special curly elements are used that are able to mask existing chips and make the corners neat and protected.

  • At the end of the masonry and after the glue has completely dried, the joints between the tiles must be securely and accurately repaired using grouts specially designed for this purpose. You can fill the seams in different ways:

- Use ready-made formulations in tubes, using a special pistol.

- Place the mixed grout in a plastic bag, then cut obliquely one of its corners to the width of the joint and gently squeeze the grout into the gaps between the rows.

Unlike PVC panels, MDF finish is not recommended for use in rooms with high humidity, but it is perfect for leveling the walls of hallways, corridors, insulated balconies, and living rooms.

Manufacturers also thought over the design of the corners, making special curly elements for this.

Fiberglass panels

Special mention should be made of glass fiber reinforced concrete panels. This facing material is made on the basis of ordinary cement with the addition of glass fiber fibers, which increases the strength of the slabs tenfold. For external finishing, the panels can be additionally reinforced with metal elements that increase the weight of the structure, but make it resistant to mechanical stress.

Reinforced only with fiberglass, the panels are not particularly frightening in weight, the dimensions are still compact in thickness. The solution for their manufacture is colored in bulk, so small chips and abrasion are not terrible for the slabs. Some manufacturers in the production of molding sand add colored fiberglass to it, which is slightly darker or lighter than the main tone, but perfectly harmonizes with it - this gives a very interesting effect. In addition, additional paint application on the surface of finished and assembled products is allowed.

Well suited for interior decoration, but still more often it is used to transform the facade of the walls of a building.

Environmentally friendly slabs do not weigh down the walls, as they are lightweight. They perfectly protect surfaces from moisture and mechanical stress, as well as from the penetration of radio emissions into the house, and have a number of other attractive advantages. However, the cost of such facing materials is quite high, so not every owner can afford such a finish.

Installation of brick-like panels on the wall

If the surface of the wall is sufficiently flat, then the panels can be fixed to it without installing the frame structure. Lightweight PVC boards are glued to the cleaned and primed surface using one of the polymer adhesives. For example, liquid nails are good for this.

Finishing panels based on MDF have a significant more weight, therefore, in addition to the glue, it is fixed on the wall with dowels in four to five places.

GRC panels can be fixed on flat wall using cement-based tile adhesive.

In the event that the wall surfaces have significant distortions, they are corrected by fixing frame structure consisting of metal guides or wooden beam, exposed exactly in the desired plane at the building level. Some manufacturers make special subsystems for their products, mounted on the wall or on installed frame... In this case, the panels are hung on special elements of the subsystems.

Subsystems can have different designs, therefore, when purchasing cladding boards and systems of fastening to them, it is necessary to check the compatibility and the presence of the attached instructions for performing installation work.

It is clear that if it is planned to install panels on a subsystem, the frame elements must be located in accordance with the peculiarity of this model.

The most simple form fasteners have plastic panels made on the principle of siding construction. They have a special perforated mounting plate in the upper part, through the holes of which the plate is fixed on the wall or frame. In this case, horizontal elements of the lathing are fixed to the wall surface, at a distance of the visible part of the slab.

Facing brick prices

facing brick

Installation of any cladding panels starts at the bottom of the wall, usually at the corner pieces.

Homemade options for decorating walls for brickwork

If you want to save money by making an imitation of brickwork on one of the walls of an apartment or house with your own hand, you can use the original techniques developed by folk craftsmen.

Several options are widespread that do not require special costs for the purchase of facing plates or panels, and also do not create any particular difficulties in installation:

  • Independent production of tiles from expanded polystyrene with a thickness of 10 ÷ 12 mm. For this purpose, it is recommended to use an extruded material with a higher performance than regular white foam.
  • Creation of a relief of brickwork using a stencil.
  • Reproduction of the desired pattern on the wall using masking tape.

Brick-like tiles made of expanded polystyrene

If it is planned to use the process of melting the edges of the foam plastic in the manufacture of tiles, then the work should be carried out in the open air, protecting the respiratory tract with a respirator, since this material is flammable, and releases toxic substances during combustion and melting.

  • The first step on the prepared, leveled and primed wall surface, using a ruler, plumb line, building level and simple pencil marking of "brickwork" is made. The wall is drawn into horizontal stripes and vertical partitions that determine the size of the brick and the joints between them and the masonry rows.
  • The second step is to mark the expanded polystyrene sheet into tiles of the selected size.

  • Then the material is cut into individual elements with a clerical knife. The number of such blocks should correspond to the number of bricks required to decorate a specific section of the wall on which the markings were made.

  • Further, in order to achieve the most reliable effect of imitation of a brick, you need to work on the resulting tile - this can be done in different ways. Its surface is treated sandpaper in different or one direction, with a knife or other sharp instrument, notches and grooves are made on it. You can also use a heated soldering iron for these purposes.

Another option is to melt the edges and outside tiles using ordinary lighter or burners. In this case, the front surface takes on a soft smooth shape.

  • After painting the tiles in the selected color, its relief will be more pronounced. The paint can be applied before the installation of the tiles or after the wall cladding is completely finished.

Staining can be done with a brush or by spraying the dye composition from a balloon. The main thing is that the paint does not cause dissolution or softening of expanded polystyrene - it is better not to experiment with compositions on an organic basis, preferring water-soluble ones.

  • Laying of foam tiles is carried out according to wall markings using liquid nails glue, which is applied to the back surface with three points 3 ÷ 4 mm thick.
  • The final stage will be the design of the joints between the bricks and rows.
  • It should be noted that if the design does not provide for the highlighting of the tile joints in a different color, then the lining can be painted after the grout solution has dried.

Imitation of brickwork using a stencil

In order to make an imitation of brickwork using a stencil, you will need a cement-based mortar. It is best to purchase it as a ready-made dry building mixture for plastering works, since it already has all the necessary additives that make it plastic and easy to work with.

The solution can be made independently from two materials - this is a plaster and adhesive cement mixture, which are taken in proportions of 1: 1. To increase the plasticity of the solution, add a tablespoon of liquid detergent per 5 kg of the finished mixture.

  • The wall must be well cleaned, primed and dried.
  • The solution can be applied to its surface with a wide spatula or simply by hand with a rubber glove. The thickness of the applied layer should be equal to the thickness of the stencil strips. This moment will depend on what kind of surface the brick should have - smooth or rough.
  • Further, so that the stencil does not have "stickiness" with the layer of the applied solution and is easily separated from it, it should be moistened with water - this can be done with a sponge or damp cloth. If the stencil is made of rubber, then you can simply dip it into a basin of water, but in this case you need to wait for its excess to drain, otherwise excess moisture can ruin the whole work.
  • After that, the stencil is pressed against the applied fresh plaster and gently pressed, so that the relief of the brickwork remains on it.
  • Further, the stencil is removed and applied further, next to the newly squeezed relief. Here you need to try and apply it so that the masonry is even, and the skew of its horizontal seams does not work.
  • When the relief is applied to the entire surface, it is left to dry completely.
  • After drying, the wall should be completely covered with one color - usually light shades are chosen for this, since it will be easiest to apply any color on them, and also highlight with a dark shade or leave all the masonry seams light.

Painting imitation brickwork is already a creative process, so you can indulge in various fantasies. In this case, of course, it must be borne in mind that the chosen color will set the mood for the entire interior of the room.

Relief of brickwork using plaster and masking tape

For this technology of reproducing imitation of brickwork on the wall, the above-mentioned composition of cement plaster and masking tape will be required. Some craftsmen even use electrical tape, however, it sticks to the wall worse, and high-quality masking tape has excellent adhesion to any surface.

The width of the tape should be no more than 14 mm, and if it was not possible to find an adhesive tape of this width, then you will have to buy a wider one and carefully cut it in half right in the skein. If its edges are not perfectly even, this is not at all scary, since this factor will not affect the accuracy of the relief, but rather even play into the hands.

  • In the first step, the prepared surface of the wall to be faced is drawn under the brickwork.

  • Further, along all the outlined lines, masking tape is glued to the wall. It should be fixed so that the edges of the horizontal pieces of adhesive tape extend beyond the edges of the surface to be formed, and no mortar should be applied to them, and the vertical pieces should be well glued to the horizontal ones, always on top of them.
  • Then, on the surface of the wall, on top of the glued lattice of adhesive tape, using a wide spatula, a solution is applied, with a layer thickness of 5 ÷ 6 mm - the height of the relief will depend on this parameter. Do not apply too thick a layer, otherwise you will have to cover the seams with grout.
  • After applying the solution completely to the entire wall, you can walk over it with your hand in a damp rubber glove to create the texture of the surface. If you plan to leave the surface of the "bricks" flat, then you should not touch the layer of mortar.

  • The most interesting stage in this method of imitation of brickwork is the removal of masking tape, since after this operation the relief of the wall will be immediately visible. Several strips of scotch tape are picked up from one of the free sides and begin to gently peel off from the wall, and as a result, seams between the "brick tiles" are formed in place of the peeled off tape. Having removed the tape from the entire surface, the wall must be left to dry completely.

  • It is recommended to dry the wall before painting - this operation will make the surface more pliable for the next stage - painting, since the paint will lie flat on the surface and will not be absorbed into the plaster layer. What shades to choose for the wall - it already depends on the preference of the master.

Video: How to imitate brickwork using plaster and masking tape

From all of the above, we can conclude that the construction market has an overabundance various materials perfectly imitating brickwork or other stone surfaces. Sometimes the quality of the imitation is such that for finished finishing it is impossible to distinguish it from real brick in texture and color. Well, if the finished tiles or panels do not fit into the frame in any way family budget, then it is quite possible to use one of the more economical ways, and decorate the wall using affordable materials.

Special home comfort and the brickwork gives warmth to the room. We are not saying that it is necessary to completely forget about plaster and build only brick walls ... Just a fragmentary imitation of brickwork in various areas of the room provides unlimited possibilities for the design flight of your creative imagination.

Using a real wall

If there is a brick wall in the room, you can remove the plaster from it, process it a little and get a masonry of natural brick. Note - this is a real "genuine" brick wall!

The wall is cleaned of plaster residues, grinded with a grinder with a petal emery disc. Inter-brick seams are additionally corrected with a plastering mixture, hiding visible defects. Finally, the wall is covered with acrylic varnish or wax used for textured plaster. Shiny varnished surface(if desired) give a certain dullness by local grinding with fine-grained emery paper.

But! Not always, after removing the plaster, high-quality brickwork will be found under it. Salvation - imitation decoration! And there is less dust ...

Imitation finish options

How to make imitation of brickwork? Consider the options practical ways, which you can implement with your own hands, thanks to the simple technique of their execution.

Textured wallpaper

Wallpaper with imitation of brickwork, until recently, was quite conditional way"Brick" decor. Today modern technologies printing and obtaining a textured surface of wallpaper, make it easy to "deceive" the eyes, but still they are far from a realistic surface.

In this case, the decoration method is paper, non-woven or vinyl wallpaper has its advantages:

  • minimum investment;
  • quick installation (pasting);
  • ease of maintenance - a flat washable surface does not hold dust well on itself.

When using the "wallpaper" option, you should pay attention to the innovative wallpaper made of foamed polymers on a paper basis - they are as realistic as possible.

Here we are talking about ready-made plastic panels whose surface is already repeating. Using such panels and glue, you can quickly "dress" the wall in a brick, both indoors and when decorating facades. Exterior decoration often involves the installation of such panels on a profile crate, which makes it possible to additionally organize wall insulation.

Note! In order to properly glue such panels indoors, it is imperative to prepare the surface of the walls!

Stencil embossing

The work is carried out on fresh plaster. A ready-made rubber or polymer flat stencil with a relief pattern of brickwork applied on it is used. The stencil (working side) is moistened with water by dipping into a bath or spraying from a spray bottle. Then he gently presses himself against the plastered wall. Next, the stencil is taken away from the wall, on the surface of which traces of the contours of the seams between the bricks remain.

The cycle of actions is repeated again. In this case, the stencil moves to a new place with the alignment of the horizontal lines of the "masonry" - otherwise it will turn out to be too "surreal".

The hardened plaster layer is primed or coated with construction wax. Then the bricks and seams are painted. You can avoid painting by using a plastering solution already painted in one or more shades. When using "multicolored" plaster, a solution of a different tone is applied to the wall one by one, and then smoothed out. The result is immediately realistic brick texture. The seams are additionally painted over with acrylic paint of a different shade.

When choosing paint for decoration, remember that after drying it will darken somewhat!

Tile masonry

This option is interesting in that a ready-made tile is used, which is simply glued to the prepared wall surface. It is similar to wall cladding. tiles, only it usually has a large thickness and when laying between individual tiles, leave sufficiently wide (1-1.5 cm) gaps.

The tile gaps are covered with a plaster or tile adhesive mixture. After drying, the seams are primed or immediately varnished. This prevents them from chipping.

If you have an old brick, a grinder with a diamond wheel, or even better a tile sawing machine, you can make a natural facing tile yourself.

Decoration tiles can be made of wood, foam or gypsum, tile glue, extruded polystyrene foam and even ... corrugated board. We will talk about this in detail, but just below ...

Painted on plaster

As in the case of working with a stencil for drawing "bricks" on the wall, we need fresh plastering. The mortar applied to the wall is smoothed with hands to obtain an arbitrary surface relief resembling the texture of a stone or old brick. After a slight hardening of the surface of the plaster, the contours of bricks or stones are drawn on it. This can be done under the ruler, but a more realistic effect can be obtained by drawing outlines by hand.

Along the drawn lines, using a narrow (1-1.5 cm) scraper, remove the plaster, forming the contours of the bricks protruding from the wall. We sweep the resulting grooves with a dry narrow brush - this process will remove sharp edges and crumbs of plaster before its final hardening.

Further finishing of the plaster "bricks" is carried out in the same way as in the case of the stencil.

Putty bricks

This method is convenient when you already have a finished plastered wall. A thin layer of putty painted in the color of brick or stone is applied to it. Then, acting as in the previous method, forming the contours and relief of the brickwork on a slightly hardened putty.

By applying the putty, the relief is easier to create with the use of narrow construction tape. The cycle of actions is as follows:

  1. On a dry plastered wall, we make horizontal and vertical markings of the seams of the future surface. In this case, the rectangles of each subsequent row are displaced in relation to the "bricks" of the previous one.
  2. We paint the marked seams with paint suitable color and wait until it dries completely.
  3. On top of the dried paint we glue strips of narrow construction tape along the lines of the horizontal seams, and on top of them we glue short vertical pieces of tape. This sequence of adhesive tape will make it easy to remove it in the future.
  4. On top of the tape, a thin layer of putty is applied to the wall, the surface of which is smoothed or left uneven, depending on the desired texture.
  5. After light hardening of the putty, remove the tape by tearing off the horizontal stripes. Since the vertical lines were pasted over horizontal stripes, they will easily be removed with them.
  6. Then there is a "technological pause" until the putty has completely hardened.
  7. And then proceed to final finishing the resulting relief surface by the above methods.

Corrugated board

Imitation brickwork with corrugated cardboard is a unique way to perfectly decorate a wall with minimal costs. To complete this design you will need:

  • corrugated cardboard - dense boxes made of thick cardboard are suitable for this;
  • thick paper napkins - preferably high quality;
  • large volume PVA glue and a convenient wide brush;
  • hot melt glue and glue gun;
  • stationery knife;
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • varnish and paint - for finishing.


  1. The surface is cleaned of old wallpaper and primed, and the painted surface is cleaned and degreased;
  2. Corrugated cardboard is cut with a knife into rectangles according to the size of the sides of the brick;
  3. For the convenience of gluing "bricks" on the wall, it is advisable to draw basic horizontal lines;
  4. Each cardboard rectangle is greased with PVA glue, but its corners are left dry. Glue is applied to them from a heat gun. This combination of two glue media allows you to instantly fix the "brick" on the wall due to drops of hot melt glue, and then reliably glue it after the PVA has dried over the entire plane;
  5. Next, the stage of decorating cardboard rectangles by gluing paper napkins on them - they make a kind of decoupage on the wall. Glue is applied with a brush to rectangles, and paper napkins are applied on top, which are again coated with glue on top;
  6. When gluing napkins, you need to mold the seams with a round hot melt glue stick, a brush or just your finger so that they turn out to be recessed into the wall. Napkins smooth out sharp edges rectangular "bricks", creating a realistic effect of a neat "embroidered" wall.
  7. The next stage of such finishing after the glue has dried is decorative painting and applying a protective varnish to the wall. Once completely dry, you get an interesting realistic wall decor.

Note! High-quality napkins for such work are chosen - otherwise they will simply soak and roll in the glue. Before gluing them, it is advisable to crumple them in your hands to form folds, which ultimately will allow you to more realistically simulate the structure of a stone or brick.

Once completely dry, you get an interesting realistic wall decor.

Some design nuances

Imitation of brickwork in the interior of a room can both bring a zest to it and "crush" with its cumbersomeness in the case of an ill-conceived design. It should be understood that masonry does not have to be on all walls of the room. It can appear fragmentarily on certain sections of the walls, it can serve as a decorative frame for a painting, photo wallpaper, fresco or other element of the interior.

Therefore, even at the planning stage, it is important to present a complete image of the renovated room.

Any of the above methods, with high-quality performance, is capable of creating a realistic picture. Your imagination can expand the options for wall decor in a way and make your home unique, cozy and beautiful - the main thing is to understand the basic principles of organizing such works.

By the way, you can also use the technologies discussed to get the effect of masonry on bottles or vases - they will serve you as additional elements"Brick" interior.