Repair Design Furniture

How to properly prepare a putty. Methods for diluting the putty, depending on the type of mixture. From dry plaster mix

This construction material used for different types finishing works... Unfortunately, many people often do not understand its true purpose and believe that it is possible to get by with a banal leveling of surfaces either by lighthouses, or "by eye". However, without putty (it is also called "putty"), it is impossible to achieve smooth walls and ceilings.

If only because the solution for the leveling layer contains sand granules, which, when applied, for example, paint, in some places will still be noticeable on the surface. From this it becomes clear that the putty is intended for "fine" leveling (removes the slightest roughness and makes the surface completely smooth). In addition, it makes no sense to plaster the entire wall (or ceiling) if it has only individual, "local" defects.

Before proceeding to consider the question of how to dilute the putty, it is worthwhile to understand what is being processed with it. various surfaces, and not only inside buildings. Some products are also used when carrying out facade works... Consequently, the composition of putties can differ both in components and in their proportions, and this depends on the specifics of the application.

These products are marketed in the form of a paste or dry mixture (powder). In the first case, it is already ready for use, but in the second case, you will have to dilute the putty. It is clear that since there is a difference in the compositions, then it is necessary to be guided by the attached Manufacturer's instructions, which are placed on the packaging. But we will not “discover America” if we recall that any work will only be done with high quality when it is done consciously.

Features of putty mixtures

1. All putties are subdivided into starting and finishing. It depends on the specifics of the work and implies some nuances when preparing a mixture from a powder.

  • Starting

Designed for "rough" finishing, which is carried out with significant surface defects. Therefore, the composition must be thick enough not to "spread". Sometimes it is applied in several layers, one on top of the other, with a break for drying. This means that you need to make sure that during this time it does not begin to harden. For this, when diluting the putty for the walls, sand is added to the mixture at the rate of 1: 1. Best of all - river (naturally, washed and sifted), since it contains a minimum of salts and other impurities.

  • Finishing

It is sold in a ready-to-use plastic container (buckets), so there is no need to dilute it. The exception is gypsum compounds, which are diluted with water twice.

2. There is one rule for all formulations - first powder, then water.

Mixing must be thorough. As a result, the solution should not contain any fractions (lumps). You need to understand that the larger the container for the "kneading", the lower its quality. That is why it is necessary to select a container corresponding to the required volume of solution.

The remaining fractions during the subsequent smoothing of the layer will cling to the "rule" and leave furrows on the surface. Therefore, the masters are advised to mechanize the process of preparing the solution. It is good to do "kneading" with an electric / drill switched to low speed (the principle household mixer). A thick wire is inserted into the cartridge, the end of which is given a certain configuration (loop, "butterfly").

Video - Correct preparation of putty for walls and ceilings

When diluting the wall putty, do not pour the entire recommended amount of water into the container at once. This is done in portions, and mixing should not stop. This technique is a guarantee of a minimum of lumps in the finished product, since it is more difficult to get rid of solid fractions in a liquid substance. A little water must be left and added when the mass acquires a uniform shade. After that, there is another stage of high-quality mixing.

3. Within 5 - 15 minutes (depending on the components) the mixture should "stand".

4. After that - one more (control) batch.

Only then can you start finishing work.

Useful Tips

  • Finishing putty can be interior (for internal works) and facade (contains toxic substances). When buying at this point you need to pay attention.
  • Adding water to dilute putty, which has thickened, significantly degrades its quality. This is not recommended. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare so much solution that it is enough for a single use.
  • If there is a desire to give the putty additional qualities or to strengthen the existing ones (moisture resistance, frost resistance, etc.), then one should not forget about such a factor as the compatibility of substances.
  • Artificial acceleration of drying of the laid layer by means of thermal action (for example, a hair dryer) is not allowed, as it leads to the appearance of cracks.
  • Excess putty collected from the surface during leveling should no longer be used. The composition has already dried up, and if it is sent back to the container, to the total mass, then subsequently the presence of lumps in it cannot be avoided. As a last resort - put it separately, mix again and use to seal potholes and eliminate other significant surface defects.
  • It is necessary to wash containers and tools before the next "batch". Otherwise, dried fractions of the "old" solution will get into the new mixture.

And finally, about the importance of mixing quality. If the surface is painted, for example, with glossy latex paint, then under certain lighting and a suitable angle, even the slightest scratch on the wall will simply catch the eye.

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This article is about how to dilute the putty for walls and ceilings, as well as the rules for applying it. From it you will learn about the method of self-preparation of cement mortar for filling, choosing a tool, reinforcing joints and sanding surfaces after filling.

Areas of use

  1. Which putty to choose for finishing mineral substrates - cement, gypsum or acrylic?

I would formulate my advice as follows:

  • For dry rooms perfect choice there will be gypsum putty - inexpensive and easy to sand;

  • Portland cement-based material is appropriate for outdoor decoration, as well as in the bathroom, toilet, combined bathroom and in the kitchen. Their characteristic high humidity cement tolerates much better than gypsum;

This recommendation is not a dogma. Gypsum can also be used in the decoration of baths and kitchens, but only in those cases when a material impervious to water is used as a final coating - waterproofing paint, dense vinyl wallpapers, tiles, etc.

  • Acrylic putty is sold completely ready-to-use and thanks to minimum size fraction of filler gives a perfectly smooth surface. Its main drawback is high against the background of plaster and cement mixtures price. In my opinion, it is appropriate for minor surface repairs - sealing cracks, potholes and chips.

How to cook

Of sand and cement

  1. What proportions for walls to use when preparing a cement-sand mixture ?

Portland cement grade M400 is mixed with sifted sand in a ratio of 1: 3 - 1: 4. The ratio 1: 3 is used for rooms with high traffic and for exterior decoration, 1: 4 - where there are no strict requirements for the strength of the finish.

Self-preparation of cement putty has a number of subtleties:

  • Quarry sand can only be used for starting putty: a fraction of 0.5-0.8 mm or more will give a rather rough surface. For finishing filling, you will have to use ready-made mixtures with a filler fraction of no more than 0.2 mm;
  • Do not add to the mixture a large number of plasticizer or liquid soap(about a tablespoon per bucket). They will increase the mobility of the solution with a limited amount of water in it;

  • initially sand-cement mixture it is thoroughly mixed, and only then water is added to it at the rate of about 1 liter per 2 liters of the mixture;
  • A small amount of the solution (within a couple of kilograms) can be mixed with your own hands - with a spatula in a wide bowl. For servings of 5 kg or more, use construction mixer or, in his absence, a drill whisk.

For mixing, it is better to use not a low-power drill - a screwdriver, but a hammer drill with a disabled impact mode. The instruction is related to the greater power of the tool motor: cement mortar provides significant resistance to the whisk, and an inexpensive drill can burn out due to overheating of the motor winding.

From dry cement mixture

  1. How to dilute dry cement mortar wall putty?

This case is the simplest: the amount of water indicated by the manufacturer (usually about a liter per two kilograms of the mixture) is poured into a container with a dry putty poured into it, after which the contents are thoroughly mixed until there are no lumps.

Wash both the dishes and the kneading whisk before preparing each new batch of putty. Lumps of set mortar can leave untidy furrows in the finish when they get under the trowel.

From dry plaster mix

  1. How to properly dissolve plaster for walls from a gypsum mixture ?

There are much more subtleties and nuances here:

  • The dishes in which you add the mixture must be absolutely clean. I mentioned the reason in the paragraph above: otherwise, lumps of set gypsum will appear in the putty;
  • For mixing, choose the widest possible container. I use an 11 liter paint bucket;
  • First, water is poured into the dishes, and only then the dry mixture is poured. If you do the opposite, dry dense lumps will necessarily remain at the bottom, which will be almost impossible to break when kneading;

  • When filling the gypsum mixture, distribute it as evenly as possible over the water mirror and leave to swell for 5 minutes. During this time, most of the mixture should be moistened and change color to a darker one;
  • Then mix the putty by hand or with a mixer until an even consistency is obtained.

The lifespan of the gypsum putty does not exceed 40-45 minutes. Consider this feature when choosing the size of a single serving. I cook no more than 3 liters of mixture at a time; if you putty, screw caps or individual defects in the walls and ceiling, the amount of the mixture should be reduced to a liter altogether.

How to apply

GKL seams

  1. How to putty the seams between drywall sheets ?

For this you will need:

In the photo - spatulas and a container for working with gypsum mixtures.

To reinforce the seam, serpyanka is used - a self-adhesive fiberglass mesh in rolls with a width of 50 mm.

Here is a typical filling procedure:

  • Sew the seam between the additional (cut in place) sheets - remove the chamfer from both edges at an angle of about 45 degrees by half the thickness of the sheet;

  • Stick a serpentine along the seam;
  • Fill in the seam plaster putty crosswise movements. The filling should be as dense as possible, without cavities;
  • After the putty has set, cover the joint with a second layer using a wide trowel. The putty is applied to it with a narrower tool and then applied with a sliding motion along the seam. The second pass should completely hide the texture of the reinforcing fiberglass mesh.

If you use gypsum board with PLUK edges (semicircular with thinning towards the edge), the second layer of putty should level the surface of the sheet, filling the cavity along the seam.

After the putty has set, the area along the joint is sanded. For sanding, I find it convenient to use a vibratory sander with # 80 mesh for the first pass and # 120 for the second pass. You need to sand in bright oblique lighting: the light will highlight all the irregularities with shadows.

The last stage is for painting or wallpaper. The penetrating primer on gypsum plasterboard and fine-pored substrates is applied with a roller with a long bristle or a wide soft brush.

GKL fasteners

  1. How to hide the caps of self-tapping screws holding drywall ?

Each self-tapping screw is covered with putty using a spatula about 10 cm wide in two crosswise movements:

  • The first, sliding, fills the hole;
  • The second, "on the sdir", removes the excess gypsum.

You will have to putty the caps at least twice: the gypsum putty gives a slight shrinkage.

Plane filling

  1. How to putty the surface of a wall or ceiling?

The tool is a wide spatula. The base must be previously cleaned of old coatings and treated with a penetrating acrylic primer. An exception is the use of cement putty on cement plaster: in this case, it is enough to moisten the base with a sprayer.

The putty is applied to a wider trowel with a narrower one and is applied with sliding movements. The final coating thickness should not exceed 3 millimeters.

After application and drying, the gypsum putty is sanded and primed as described above. Cement rubbed hand grater- wooden or polyurethane.

For cement finishing, one more stage of processing is often added - ironing: the surface is impregnated with cement milk. Why is this needed?

  • Iron plating reduces the finish's ability to absorb water by clogging the finest pores on the surface. Hygroscopicity is very harmful for outdoor decoration: the water remaining in the pores turns into ice during freezing and, expanding, causes the putty to crack or flake off;

  • In addition, ironing increases the strength and wear resistance of the surface, which is important in rooms with high traffic (hallways, receptions, corridors, etc.).


  1. How to repair minor defects in ceilings and walls with acrylic filler ?

The defect is primed with an acrylic primer and filled with a putty according to the same algorithm as the caps of self-tapping screws on the gypsum board: first, the putty is applied with a sliding motion (smearing), then the movement "on the sdir" removes the excess.

Cracks require preliminary jointing (deepening and expansion up to at least 0.5-1 cm). The crack is filled with putty and reinforced with a strip of rolled fiberglass, which is then covered with another thinnest layer.


So now we know how to properly close building mixtures for pre-finishing and how to use them on different stages works. You can see more clearly how to dilute putty from a dry mixture by watching the video in this article. I would appreciate your comments. Good luck, comrades!

November 20, 2016

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How to make the putty yourself? An obligatory stage in the renovation of the premises is the filling of the walls. In this case, it will absolutely not matter what form is taken topcoat: wallpapering or painting the walls. How to prepare the putty correctly, the article will tell you.

The putty in appearance is a creamy mass of white or grayish color, which is the finishing layer applied to the wall in front of final finishing premises, to give the surface a perfect smoothness. With its help, you can hide small defects on a porous surface of concrete or cracks, the finishing putty of the walls is done with a very thin layer of up to two millimeters. But if there are deep grooves on the surface, holes, seams from brickwork or unevenness due to pieces of plaster that have fallen off, the putty on the wall simply will not stick.

To prevent such a phenomenon, you will need to first apply plaster - the surface for puttying should be very even, the main task of the coating is not to level the wall, but to make it smooth. The main advantage of the putty is the ability to apply a minimum thin layer of coating. With other dry mixes, it is very difficult to apply it with a thickness of less than one millimeter.

Tip: When purchasing material, you need to make the right choice. There are two types of putty: usual - KR; special - VH, for use in wet rooms.

Types of material for putty

According to the degree of readiness, such coatings are:

  • Dry... The most popular option for leveling walls comes in bags or sachets. Material advantages:
  1. just getting ready;
  2. you can get a mixture of any viscosity;
  3. convenient to store and transport;
  4. low price;
  5. long storage period, regardless of temperature.

The disadvantages of the material are:

  1. need to fulfill additional work to prepare the mixture;
  2. the solution must be prepared strictly according to the manufacturer's recommendations;
  3. limited time of application after preparation of the mixture.
  • Ready to use... The basis for the putty is made up of dispersions or latexes. They go on sale in buckets or tanks. Material advantages:
  1. can be used for a long time by closing the lid tightly after the end of work;
  2. no additional time is required to prepare the solution and purchase a tool;
  3. the material is environmentally friendly.

Composition of putties can be:

  • Oil and glue based on drying oil. Their advantages:
  1. low cost;
  2. ease of use.


  1. unsafe from the point of view of environmental friendliness;
  2. short-lived;
  3. low mechanical strength;
  4. poor compatibility with many materials, the exception is oil paints and drying oils.
  • Dry based on gypsum (see Plaster putty: its advantages and problems of use) or cement.
  • Acrylic. These are the most waterproof and durable materials.
  • Based on PVA, the most cheap option which can replace acrylic materials... Lack of putty - afraid of water.

By appointment, the composition is:

  • Leveling- for leveling surfaces. Differs in good adhesion to the base, which allows you to evenly fill all its defects, smooth out irregularities, while maintaining high strength.
  • Finish(see Finishing putty: how to apply it with high quality) - to prepare surfaces for decorative finishing.
  • Specialized- used for a specific task:
  1. sealing joints between panels;
  2. urgent repairs.
  • Universal, combining the properties of the two types listed above and used on almost any basis.

Tip: When choosing and purchasing a putty, you should carefully study the recommendations that the instructions for its operation offer.

How to properly prepare the putty yourself

How to prepare a putty? There are a large number of recipes for the preparation of compounds.

Usually it is added:

  • Gypsum, pre-sieved.
  • Pure chalk.
  • Laundry soap.
  • Drying oil.
  • Animal or carpentry glue.

Before making a plaster putty, you will need to purchase:

  • Chalk - from 2 to 3 kilograms.
  • Gypsum - one kilogram.
  • A solution of wood glue from 2 to 5%.

In this case, the glue solution is used until the mixture gains the required consistency. In addition, you will need the tools shown in the photo:

  • Solution container.
  • Electric drill with stirring attachment. For small volumes, this can be done manually with a conventional spatula.
  • Gauze bandage to protect the respiratory tract from fine gypsum dust.

The procedure for preparing gypsum putty:

  • Gypsum and chalk mix well.
  • The resulting powder is gradually poured into the container where the glue solution was placed.
  • The mixture is mixed again until a homogeneous texture is formed.

Tip: The putty prepared in this way hardens quickly. For processing small defects it should be done in small quantities in order to use it all at once.

Gypsum composition is suitable for finishing:

  • Concrete surfaces.
  • Completions plasterboard joints(see Putty drywall seams - how to do it).
  • For other surfaces located in dry rooms.

When painting a surface oil paints, a universal oil composition is used.

To prepare it you will need:

  • Drying oil - one kilogram.
  • Desiccant - 100 grams, serves to accelerate drying.
  • Chalk powder - 2 kilograms.

Such a composition is good for surfaces that are often exposed to negative effects of moisture and temperature fluctuations, for example, for wooden windows. When painting a surface adhesives or ceilings and walls after plastering, glue putty is used.

For its preparation are taken:

  • Drying oil - 25 grams.
  • 10% glue solution - one kilogram.
  • Sifted chalk - 2 kilograms.

The procedure for preparing the composition:

  • The glue is warming up.
  • The glue is mixed with drying oil until a homogeneous mass of solution is obtained.
  • Chalk is added to the desired consistency.
  • You can add chopped laundry soap, which will allow the putty to spread easily over the surface.

How to properly prepare a solution using dry semi-finished products

To obtain a high-quality composition of the putty, strict adherence to the manufacturer's instructions, which is available on the package of the mixture, is necessary.

Before preparing the material, you must:

  • Purchase a clean, wide container of the required volume. A regular plastic bucket or from facade paint, which should be pre-cleaned from the remnants of the content.
  • Electric mixer, in order to obtain a high-quality solution, it must be thoroughly mixed during preparation.

Rules for making the solution:

  • The mass prepared at a time of the mixture should be such that it will be consumed in about 40 minutes of work.
  • The fourth part is poured into the container for mixing the composition pure water room temperature.
  • The required amount of dry mixture is gradually poured, according to the requirements of the instructions.
  • The mixture is stirred with a mixer or a nozzle on a drill until a homogeneous composition is obtained, avoiding the appearance of lumps.
  • The solution is allowed to settle for about 10 minutes.
  • Mix thoroughly.
  • The finished solution should correspond in consistency to thick sour cream. If the composition is too thick, it will adhere worse to the treated surface, and when applied to it, it will crumble. Too liquid mass simply flows off the spatula, forming slugs on the wall.

Tip: Unused ready-to-use solution for polymer base should be filled with water, and it can be used next time, carefully draining the water without stirring the solution.

How to apply putty on the wall

When applying the ready-mixed mixture, it is better to use two metal spatulas:

  • Narrow, for filling gaps, filling existing cavities and cracks, finishing joints between walls.
  • Larger widths for applying the leveling and finishing layers over the entire surface.

The efficiency of labor and the quality of the coating will be higher when using a special spray gun for the solution, but to work with it, you will need to purchase special compressor equipment, which is not very rational for small volumes of work.

Coating procedure:

  • A starting putty solution is being prepared, which has a coarser texture and has a coarse fraction of its constituent parts.
  • All damaged parts of the walls, cracks, cracks are putty, joints between the panels are closed.
  • A leveling layer of the mixture is applied and smoothed thoroughly with a wide spatula. During operation, control is carried out geometric parameters walls using a long rule, a plumb line, and a regular building level.
  • After processing the entire surface of the walls, the room is left for 23 hours until the coating is completely dry.
  • One layer of primer is applied (see Types of building primers and their area of ​​application).

  • The room is left to dry for several hours.
  • Finishing putty solution removes the existing irregularities after the starting layer.
  • The entire surface of the walls is evenly covered with a thin layer of the finishing compound.
  • After drying, the walls are treated with emery cloth, which is best fixed on a flat bar. This allows you to permanently remove roughness and small irregularities on surfaces.

Tip: For further wall decoration ceramic tiles, finishing layer putties and sanding of surfaces should not be performed.

The preparation and application of the putty are important operations. This is the process of preparing the base of the walls for applying layers of paint, wallpapering.

Putty, prepared correctly and laid in a timely manner, will not give shrinkage and cracks on the surface of the walls. How to properly prepare a solution, how to make wall putty with your own hands, the video in this article will show in detail.

Aligning the walls and preparing them for decorative finishing is one of the most important work, the quality of which determines not only the aesthetics of the room, but also the reliability and durability of the repair. If you do it yourself, it is important for you to know how to dilute the putty - the proportions of dry mixture and water, mixing methods, optimal consistency depending on the purpose and purpose of use.

The mixture for puttying should be plastic, elastic, smooth well and stick to the surface, not drain from it and not fall off in pieces. Moreover, it should easily lag behind the spatula and have a uniform consistency without lumps and solid inclusions.

Buying a ready-made putty in a hermetically sealed container, you free yourself from the need to think about how to achieve the required quality of the solution - the manufacturer has already taken care of this, you just have to mix it well before applying.

But the price of ready-made mixtures is much higher than dry mixtures that require dilution with water directly at the construction site, so the choice most often falls on the latter.

It would seem that there should not be any problems with their preparation, since the packaging always contains detailed instructions from the manufacturer, which describes the whole process in detail. But, firstly, putty mixtures are sometimes prepared independently from gypsum or cement, and secondly, the consistency of the solution, obtained with strict adherence to the instructions, is not always convenient for performing this or that type of work.


  • If the surface needs serious leveling with filling of significant potholes and cracks with a putty mixture, it will be easier and faster to do this, giving the mortar a thicker consistency. It is also easier to seal up joints between slabs, masonry seams with a thick solution;

  • For finishing putty the mixture should be more liquid, since it is applied in a very thin layer and is intended to give the base a smoothness;

  • For the ceiling (see. Ceiling putty in different versions) and for walls, the proportions of dry mix and water may also need to be changed in order to achieve better adhesion to the surface.

Experienced finishers, by the type of the finished solution and its behavior when typing on the spatula, are able to determine the suitability for a particular purpose. Those who undertake such work for the first time will have to act empirically, taking the proportions from the instructions as a basis and preparing the mixture in small portions.